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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1964, p. 13

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AMacDuff Ottawa Report1 THREE STRIKES OTTAWA-A cost-of-living bonus for this countrys million odd old age pension- ers has been announced by Health and Welfare Minister Judy LaMarsh. She made the disclosure when she un- veiled the third version of the Canada Pension Plan. The Minister nnted that one of the criticisms made of the earlier Canada Pen- sion Plan legislation was that it failed to provide for Canada's elderiv citizens Who were already in receipt of pensions and who .vill have no opportunit ' v10 con- trîbute to the Canada Pen- sion Plan. She believed that pegging futur-- basic pension payments to the liv ing cnsts index would ansxver tliis criticism. But she stirred up a stormn that resulted in Stanley Knowles, the New Demo- cratie Party rnember fromn Winnipeg North Centre, ]belling thk- Librrals as the ix bit boys". lie was on- censed over the 7.5 cents in- creasr in thrhasir pension which would flot take effect until !968. lie denoiinced the proposai as a 'frai" and a 'crueilihoa\ Miss LaMarsh %vas equall 'v incen- ed at Mr. Knowles' roaction and said ýo. The old age sccurit'. pen- sion of $7.5 a monthih znow payable to those 7n ' ars of age and over in Canada. Under the ne'.'. proposai it is to be linked *10 the cost of living index in this cnuntry. It will provide smali increas- es in thp basic pension conm- mencing in 1968. if the liv- ing costs risr. Miss LaMarsh told the Commons that in addition fo the $10 incrcase in thr old age pension implernentcd a year ago, underr the pro- visions of the revised Canada Pension Plan. "ail future old age seclIrit. pensions will be peggrd to the cost of living index'. Merobers of Parliament applauderl lber aninunce- ment. But wheîî copies ot the new bill were dîstrîhut- ed later in thk, evening it berame apparent in the M.P.s that the nid age pen- Bowmianville Rotary Club present s "SEND ME NO FLOWERS" a comedyý directed by Margot Sarnuel Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. December 3 - 4 - 5 Bowmanville Tow.n Hall 8:30 p.m. Tickets - - - - $1.00 available from RotarY Club Members sioners would riot benefit Iunder this new provision uLntil 1968. And if that \ear the cost or living index had risen by one point in 1967 the oid age pensioner would get an extra 75 cents. If the cost of living index in 1967 had climbed by ttwo points or more the most the pen- sioner would get extra would be $1.50. The new bill provîdes ilhat the maximum amoîînt of an increase in anv- one Year that pensînners ma zet on their basic nId age security pension is $1.50. Consequent- lv if the cost of living tin- dex in 1967 went up b'v th ree or more points the increase in the pensiono ted tn the cost of living would not be more than $1-50. Mr. Knowles rose oiua iquestion of prix ilege in the Commons the nexi da v. He( accused Miss LaMVarsh of misleading the M.P.'s and the 1,000,000 Canadian pen- sioners imb belîeving that they would get an immediale increase in their basic pesons, pegged 10 the cost oflvng ineceases. Miss LaMarsh denîed this. She said that her remarks in the Hotise the previnus day referred to the Canada Penr- siori Plan and that al MP were awvare tihat it xtint scheduied in become operât- ive untîl Jan. 1. 1966. Theý Minister pointvd nui that providing for an increcasc, in the basic old age securitv pension or $75 tied to iher cost of living index ux as the first time such a procrdure had been used ini Canada. She noted ibai the New Demnocratic 'Part'%' memrbers had applaudedi enthiisias- ticallv when she annonîmed it nr the Hotise. The Mînîster aiso emphali- sized that there x'.a; nnih- ing in the proposed tegpisla- tion thRt wouid prevent the Fedieral Governmrrci-t. ~ ti crie iii the biture. incrcas' ngý the basic oid age securitv pension above its prescut $75 level. The hasic otl age scumil uv pension will go on the sl1îdn- ing scale on Jan. 1, 1967. Thli first adjîîstment x iibe made in 1968. If the ç n.; of living has risen hY lcss than one per cent the c-hangýe will be ignored. If the cosýt of living bas gone up hv more than one per cent the pension will be raîsvd hx' the same percentage tup to a maximum increase of txvo per cent in anY one cear. if the cost o! living faIts the pension wil l ot be reduced, but the decline will be 'akren into account bi adjusting for future increases. "This is ont good eiiougb", HAYDON The L',CX'..N ovember necet- ing uwns betd ai the home of Ar ..rthur Rend ou Thuirs- da ' ev coing. President opern- ed' Iliemeeting. The devo- tional xxas gux'en bv MeIs. A. Rend. Ne'.' officers for t1965 are:Pesdui.Mis. J. Polis: Vice Presc'ideiî, Mes. r'. SI(e- mnon; Treas.,Me. C. Garrard: Sec.. Mes. CoxvLing: Kiowxee and Card Comm . Mes. W. Blackbîur-n: Cbristmas Card Comm.. Mî-s. Arthur Trewion Quilî Comm., Mis. Head. Mr,-. C. Garrard, MeIs. Martin; Par- sonage Comm.,. Mrs. Rend, Mes. L. Slemon; Reprez-enta- tive o! Stewards. Mers. A. Trevxxin: Grouup Learlers, Nirq. A. Garrard. Mes. Jones, Me. Cameron, Mesz. Chistensen. Mers. W. Blackburnu'xvs un charge o! the folio' pro- gram: Mes. Joncs gav-e a rend- ing: piano solo. Mrs. Lloyd Siemon. Me'-. Artbîîr Trexx',ýin F had a contest Meetinig ciosed anid lunch wxas sr-ved. U.C.W. Decpnmber meeting vvill ho a Christmas part'.' and xvuhtl be tel4 iin th c cbiîcch. Gi !ls xxul] de sent ho the Golden Phoxv Lodge, (Co- bouîrg, and the collecction xv i be sent 10 Sc'ottMsiun fiavdoîi U.C.W. Bau'aae x be beld on \t'dmesdia'. .Nn',. 25, in the chireli. For parlie- ularis z-ce Crîiîîg Evciulz Siida'.- Sehool ai fu!îeeîî minutes Io 2 o't-lo-k: clitii cýi service at 3 p.nî.. on Suiiiîîav. Miss Patsv Tlînnpsoniim. M. Dou,-, Ilooper, Boxymanvilie. w'ere Moimdav nl!illiîer gunes n of Mes. ThonîpsOn. Me. and Me. NI. Tahh atrd Keî, VMii-s Esteita Blackbuirn, lBoxmaii'.ulic. Me. and Mi-S. Gerald Shackletoin and Ru'.i, Mes. Mabet Cox'.iiîg. Salem, Me. Lawrece 'habb. Ozha xxa. Me. anýIi-Ms. M. FEmhrd. Bai- rv anîd 13h. 'Nie'.. M.Sutcifte, poil. Pemrv. \leýý<ý lreîue 1,a hh. M a ' . '. :îand uiov .'<c 1Mipper gussof Me .and "M!. W. Blauk-bii n aîîad Mis Ci" .iig un hie ncc:izîim uof tle !lit ues hiitlliri'> Mr'. and iMesý B. 'lcDoîîald MIr. and Mi S K. R."ilon.ipson->i and C \îtiîîîxx ru-Saît: dam' caliers at NMe'-. A. luuizoiu MI' anJ M s. Llow'i Ashlton,. Roîuald anîd Ra.\ , and Mc. anîd Mes R Ormu.-ston wxere Sim- dav dllInee Ignîers o! Mesr7 Ireneif Mutrra'., Toronho, and ralled (in Mi,-s Emma Wercv, Toronto Me and Mn Georz-e Ber- trcm and !fam l\ Taunton, '.verc Sinrlav vis:tors o! Mrs. M Berterm and !amîlv. Mi-s. Thompono and Mr. Vicior S-Mitti x eeSiindia diîîîîr guc' 'z -Of M!'. anîd ies. E.. R. TtiOnîpzoiun auni faîîiil', Box'.nianil ilie Mn1'.and 'Is.x'ieReadf and Lyni'ne x'.eî E'-mupe giest O! M"c Anud Mu-s ClavloilRend. Boxvmnvuil!e, oui W'ednesdax' ii îume of ~z Renad'- mati' iýeor) Siida\'NIMe .1. GrAaaîuicelehea'ed bu-m 'oirthi- dia'. %[!tS. iîpn.n~in MIe anrd 'tr'- FiR. Tio'î1prn!i 1o0 (izhauv alid X itr Saturday* v ies Thonuora! A lie friend Mrs. Short o! )u a'.xa caled n)N\It-a"d I W. nole andud Me ,iîd Nlrz- C Vouuîg o! Wbhi*bv MIe and NI: s J, Pottz- , \h1ar'- and B:i xv"-trc Sindiv's-Ippet- -uz ol'f Mr r -,"-1Nies .:',n Trewrin and isaid Me. Knoxxleps. He feit il was misleading the old age pcnsi.nnees. Tbcy bhad tboughî. tbeY xxere goîng 10 gel an immeduate increase, flou.-the 'v learncd the.%-mîgbt gel 75 cents more in 1968. T. C. Douglas. national leader o! the Newx Democrat- le Parîvy urged Miss LaMarsh t0 give consideralion to hav- îng the cost of living bonus for pensioners brought int effeet immediatel'. as an amcndment 10 the Old Age Secuî il'x legisiation. In ibat i xvav ut coîiid bc based on thIe cos;t of liv'ing as, of October. 1963. The cost ni' the increases for the pensioners will be paid out of tbe present old age scu iîvfud. supported bya thrce-per-cenl sales tax. lbrece-pei-cent corpora- tion tax and four-per-cent personali iicome lax. No ncw taxes xill he, needed to payv the cost o! luý' ng bonus. The groxvîh o!thie ecnnomy - s expectecd to make it possible Io make Ihese pav menis oit of the hiund xx hich is ai ready sboxvîng a sîrpuls. T'he cn; o't uîf lu'iîg boîuus xx dciilutconPS i n 1 e ffecî w ill meaiit dat ea(hb nue pcr ccritil cmrea, c iii luiingunî xxii1 rnqiuire aul addituonFil payýment o! abouut $9000,000 a '.iaimnpensions.' 'I'he nex vr'rcsuolu o!thle t'annula Pens.ion Plan i. set noiun a diii 'hiat I- bal! anl irnch tick(Iç Il affects ihe livr's and lix clibood o! 5,000,- 000 Canarlîan. Il i. a co)in- plex pîcce o! hcislatioîi. Il t dile thi rd mator i exisin nt flic pen.sion plan. "lie aiest x ers-inxx as evoilved after negotuations with Que- bec andr other provinces. It x'viii hie sent to a coin- mut tee o!the Commoiis aîud Seîa te fort bornu gh St udv. That vommutie ,xvill haVe before iut bue detailed actiu- anial and ecooic report.s. The conmmttrec xiii prob- ahi v '-uunmn lex pertxxvt - miesses and hrar sihmnissîons from those mx'. operatinZ privale penioun plan,;. If il fin-il fice tegistat ion til' iscbd in tal<c effect ln 1966. If xxiii appi\ evei \.- xvcein (a n a da. Xeipit Qiiebec. That province xx iih ihave ils nxx n plan vich us sîmîhar iri imost respects ho tbc Federat achemu'. gveri by Mrs. Reexe. Mes. Ken A uxiliary Thanked Asbby read a tribute for me- mnorial dav, rc.callung the dark huimes o!f world war ont- and ForM a y on tins t-o, andi the days ofa! e For M ny D natins Ms. Darke rcad a poem 'Wb e bîrds fly narth." To (Vemorial Hospital edrthe y etos. Drn h business sessuan il was decid- cd ta support for ane year a The meeting ,o! the Womnen's a letier o! thanks feom Msacbuld in Hong Kong x'.ha lIoz-ptai .-\uxiiarx' hbeld re- Linda Westheuse for the x'.ould he selected ho receive cenIutlinuîthe Board R.oom ah Bursar ' gix'en bler as a -tri- educaîioîî lbrough a plan .Memoenial [lospital was open- dent of Clarke Hîgh School aponsored hy bbc overseas mis- cr x 'i Ihie ALixiliarys Prav- înteresîed in bos;pital xxork. suonu board. This plan cnsts etr Th.e Prc.zident, Mrs. W. M. Missý Wesiheuser i'- noxv eleven dollars a montb. and Ridell. preesided. stîîdying nursing in King.sîLon. anv o! the money left from Mes. joseph Cuddahee, theine her report Nîrs. Callaii tuition fees and books gocs ho ' nt.ig Secrelary, read a told bhec meeting thai she had the child's family !ae food. lettti f:om James StutI, sent letters taox'.'manviile. 1ht'.vas decided to have air- Ci i.m î ni; i o!n the Hospital Courtîce. and Clarke 1 Ilgu, other table built whicb would Boardi, '.viich again exprcssed Seboals iîîviting the pupils ta be useful at bbe suppers, and appretuatioîi o! the auxiliary's place pictures in the auxil-- S cnatructed that il couîd donatinn of $3,001) last wîn-, iaex"s Art Show' xvhicb xxas be used at Sunday schooî for teeaîm '-rin to the hospital.I held reeenîlv iin the Lionsclsenwakign.Pas Tii..' moe as used to buvî Com.munihx 'Centre. Mesý. Cal- were made for a community s.x -xhee«chair.- for $81.5, an Ian s;aid that sent pot luck supper ta be beld on ox-nlent S,63.5 a stretcher letters Io hobe CobourgPort November 27. At the conclus- oX\geu .Or, ' i on o! tbe business, Miss W. that'dirubles as an emcrgency Hope. Oshaw'.a and Ajax Wo-' Thomas, o! New Jersýex, a nicce op(-e-att.g týable $510, and an men's Hospital Auxliaies :no r.A .1Sclhpe ara(e-the.sia machine $1,060. canneclion with thse Art Showý. so Mrliss. .. Scutore, A\ econud letter fram 1Board Mes. Callan rpporîed tbat a on a recent trip 10 Israel, Chaurrnai Stutt thanked the card a! svmpatbv bad becn Egypt and other countries. Tbe au~ilaryfo usdoatin ! sntto Mrs. R_)ss Dickinson, pîctures were excellent and Vi06.09 tI pa%. for the hosPi- Newcastle, on the deaîb o! the commentarv pleas;og and 'aspatin furiture bher mnother. Flourers were clear. Those pictures taken in NIe .Rove R Callan. tise sent b" the auxîllarv la Mca. Egx-pt wxere especialhv interest- Secretary, read Jacob Uitwlugt and M4r5. R. C. ing as some of the artucles. on some Premiums paîd ir i ier i19631964. Benefiïts Increased - No Increase in Premiums The Extended '%edical Plan and Major Medîcal is $115.00 for a Famîly and $57.50 for a Single Mernher up tn age 65. The Surgical and IMajor Medical Package is $60.00 for a Family and $30.00 for a Single Member. MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE .. . " Ambulance Charges. " Special Drugs. " Laboratory Services. * Appliances and Thcrapy. SLND THIS COUPON TO: DURHAM COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE MNEDICAL SERVICES Orono, Ontario Naine Address You will be under no obligation This is the only county-based organîzation scrving bbe United Counties of Durhamn and Northumberland. R. C6. MOFFAT, Sec.-Mgr., Oronn 163.1 MIRS. DALTON DORRELL. Blackstock 98ii GERALD SHACKLETON Hampton 261-2 MRS. ROBERT CHAT' >r"n"., ' ýM'IJ TSCN - BIDekstock 988-4»S VISIT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE 61 Teniperance St., Bowmanville Phones: 623-2561-2 (orner Wholesale .5 KING ST. E. Opposite Bowmanville Hotel A. Greig, Prop. BIG BRUISER BY :NIINRX - AS SEEN ON TV Batteries Not IncIuded Conip. %19,00 9 TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO DISHWASHER (.anadian Make IVashes 401 1 Year (iutarantce Pieces In 6 Minuites OYs Xmas Deluxe coMP. Si()( 2 5,ýo to 500/oof f 66C ORDER YOUR XMIAS SHOPPING THROUGH OUR CATALOGUE AT WHOLESALE PRICES îmî Hsitalo. Nwatl. whô The Canaclian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Nov. 19, 16 13 Cana ian ribue to JFK werepatients in Mernoriali veflor. aearpr o h Gift Shop for SePtember and Iti!bU~~M on September lst was $1T . 6.8.ReceîPts amountedt*a e $1,049.75, which gives a toair.Rcad, Eio *of $2,119.56, but as expenses M sa e 1hýs Eio were $696.04. the balance on! hand as of October 3lst was MrCLPo rçwtMrxsed r E aLînx'hPoer $l,42. Jse a esChi-and Mr Roy Powers of Scar- is a patient in the Bellev il Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatter. Mrs Jss Vn es, har-borough were Sundav dnneri Hospital. ton, Carol and David, spent man of the Finance Commit-, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mr. and Mrsl Russell sult the weekend wîth Mr. and tee, who was the general con-;'oesadcude oor lfeo ekad'I n i r osBomTrno venor of the auxiliary's Card ýoesadcideCbug lfeo ekrNr n r Ms osBom.Trno Party and Art Show held re- Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Jack Mercer aind chidreru and enjo'ved the Santa Claus cently in the Lions Comrmuni- Bonnue and Nancy of Bramp- x sited Mrs. R. J.Sutelîffe, Parade. ty Cntr, gve er epo t onf, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Port Per on Sunda' MNr. and Mrs Rymn ts uccessful event shaîl Chatterton on Saturday. Mrs. Mathemw Alldred o! Clapp of Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Va Net tankd ~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, Newcastle spent a tex'. davs i Dean Hodgson of Ajax visited who Vad helpdt thne Card o! Bowmanville were supperll ast week xvth hier sîster M,,rs.lMrs. D. G. Hooper. Pary ad At Sow.Shees guests of Mrs. Charles Wood Ivan Farroxv. Mrs. Murray Porter of Bow'. peciallv thanked Mrs. B. D. on Monday. Congratulations to Ms.Ccîil manvilefoeryoNwt- Tillcock. convenocr of the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor Powers xvbo cclebrated ber ville, bas joined the staff at 1 Card Party, for al ber won-i and children of , Scarborougb 84th bîrthdaY on MondaV. Cornish's Red & White StoÎe. derful work. Ispent November 1 lth with Mr. Mr. Wmn. A. Tomlinson is a The Clarke Township Teach. A Pesien Ruelicograu-and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. patient in the Memorial Hos- ers bcld their November meet. lated Mrs. Van Nest and ber Mrs. Jas. Major, Mrs. Gordon putal. Bownianvîl. îng at Antiocb School on Mon- convenors for the splendid job Watson, Mrs. Clif! Cooper and SunidaY visîtors with Mrs. day afternoon. the.v bad done for the Card 1Mrs. Herb Murray, Mr. and Chas. Wood were Mers. George Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitt. Pat n r So.Ms rs avnLnols ekCrowtber. Charles and Jamie. mer and family o! Barrie vi-sït. RudeIl also thanked ail the exvcastlc: Miss Lynda Singer cd Mrs. Wm. Mitchell ont Sat- auxiliary members for the de- from King Tut's tomh are be- o! Oshaw'.a. urdav. Toronto policeman Jim Mol demonstrates the skill lcos odteybddoae ng sbown in Toronto. Pamela. bon on November Mr. W.PryNas lie mplvedto rodce is prtrit f te lte .Sfor the event. Total receepts Mesdames J. Walter. H tb. t1964 ho Mr. and Mrs.1 Oakville, busband of Mrs. 'Jie F.nloKentnpr duce bprtraino t assodte U.St. ori 21.Allan Hancock o! Port Hope, Florence Langworthy Neals, President Jh .Kney undi asodwt odt mut1 27 Reeve, E. Barrowclough, A passed axx'ay on Frudav. Nox- father o! Phyllis (Mrs. J. R. an eleeteic pencil. Started last November 22, when o Mrs. J. O'Neill, Convenor Austin, H. Barrowclough, P. 13th. Ser'vice x'.ith intecrmeni' Hurlv), passed away suddenhy the peesidient was assassinated, the portrait required, te aato Bridge, ce- Srîell and Clarence NichaIs at- was in the fml lti rn nTedy ported thiat she bad turned tended the tea beld at Mor- Cemnetery nSîra te-easriewshl nFt -oe than 125 houes tb complete. Nearly life size, the' over a cheque for $35.20 from rus nWdesa fe'no.nn .7 en Baslid\fe. Long ay asernoice akvilleon. b- Kennedyý portrait is now in the collection of Eldon ibis projeet in the treasurer,. Clarence Nichols, Mesdames'officiated. terment on Saturday morning Industries, Don Mills. Mr. Moi uses an electrie peneil Mrs. R. G. Cowie. She moved .1. Groeneveld, H. Reeve. J. LarrY- Luxton, owan iîn the family plot. Orone wît itechngabl mta tpswhih rouc df-the adoption o! ber report. Walter, and E. Barrowclougb spent the week-end witb bis Cemetery. wit inercangabe mtaltip whchprouiz d f-This was seconded by Mrs. E. attended the stîidy group beld grandparents, Mr-. and Ms Mrs. Wm. P. Neals of Oak- ferent shadings and xvdths of lunes. lie had been V. 'Hoar, Co-Conven'or o the'a e. oeo vdedy ar ere.xille, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hur- xoodburning as a hobby only a few weeks before Mr. Marathon Bridge. night. Mrs. Luther Barî'abalh. Mrs. ly. Paul and Janet o! Scar- Kend-sdeath. High degree of skill is required in ho the absence of Mi-s. AI- There were 57 at Sunday Ron West and Mers. Walter'borougb. Me. and Mrs. Stan xvn(odIbîrinig, since mistakes cannot be erased. The Ian B. Sylvester, the Layettes sebool on Sunday morning Couch are patients iii the Me- Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon convenor, Mrs. Rudeil report- with some absEnt because o! morial Hospital. Bowmanviile. Suggitt o! Toronto, Mr. and mark of the electrie pencil is indelible, requiring that ed that one layette bad beeniillness. A fine new bulletin Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur DavisiMrs. Russell McNeil o! Osha- th(, artist have a steady hand. given oui during tbe îast, board was in use sbowing tbe o! Rochester, N.Y.. bave re- xva were luncheon guests of montb. She said that New- attendance for the previnus turned bome after spcnding a Me. Ncal's aunt Mrs. Wm. Sey- caste an Oroo UntedSunday and for November la. weekend xîth Mis. Cecil L. mour. Cburcb anmerno are . 1This is designed to eliminate Lands andakrengs th reading o! the report and LandS and Forestslayettes, and onie is being Un o h W eekIy Report Cbureh 'Women. d laessons ItCarmadl Nd olTO THE PEOPLE 0F DURHAM COUNTY The Nominating Committeetand much appeeciated by the Tree Plantinz, A'Sound 'vel vessels far larger than he membees. Mes. Rudeil, Mrs. Sunday school. At evening I t netmn g n'lf4coulid imagine wth see Weslev Cawkee, Mes. Josephiclurch service the Rex'. Jas. S E~< jj Diiirg hesprngof194,plates replacingth woodenl Cuddabee. and Mrs.S G.MeCag used as bis themne for S V 'Cvy c y 462,100frne scedlings were planks now pIv the sea lanes.Mre. h imeit astîbhe sermon, "Let Us Begin," graýdrd and packed atinîîr The bouses o! Abbev*s tîme president, were asked to pre-iand read from- the first cbap- of the Orono Num'serx for shipmenî wcre probabhy constructed al- pare a report for the .lanuacy 'tee o! tbe Acts o! the ApostIes.ý to planting siteIs 8 most entîeely o! wood, wbere- meeting o! the auxiliary. ýMembcrs o! the congregationý Of thuns nîîmber 9" were as presenit day home construc- Mes. Lawx-ence C. Mason, aiweie pleased to welcomne Mr. Hasting rne E w rrri pine. wbite pine andý tion incorporates stone, brick, PasI president, n-oved thtCag' father whn is bere en wvhite sprtice. the other 16% imetal, asphali and other ma- the auixiliary'.s January meet- a visit from Hamilton. hring i iii-ture of Scotchiteniais. ing he held on Friday, Janu-' On Sunday a!teenooîî, thir- R gm n piner. jack pîne, wxhite cedar, The iowers and flag staffs ary Rtb, instead of Friday, teen of Mvrs. Carroll Nichols' R gm n silver inaple. carolina pop- he knew were enstriicted o! Januar.v Ist.. This was sec- lunior pupils were at hcr home lar. etcr wooden poles, todav thex are ondcd by M'es. Fred Stevens, *wiib their parents Ia hear a .\hîhoîîgb 6i5% o! thp total almost invariably of steel. and carried. recital o! their work on the T H IITE F N TO A production xas acquired by The importance o! wood, in Mes. Rudel] said thal there ýpiano. Lance Payne and Neit, DEFENSE: go'<ernment and conservation its original !orm, as a con- wouhd ont be a Librarv Caril Groeneveld varied the music atithorities for their speiog struction material is perhaps report due to the unavoidabie bersning solo ss. rso. n R RE O RCNIE plantiiig programs, it is heart- rot as great as it once was,. absence o! Mes. H. C. Anfossi BerniEece wereO guests also, I co ing to realize ibat the other' alibougb advances in wood tbeh nea. s ueliMes. J. Walter and Mes. E. TECLSN 0FAL RM RESI T5% '.a purcbased byv pri-!teebnologx a n d improved asked if any of the mem bers! Barrowclough called on Mrs. OUTLYING AREAS, AND TO ALLOW "C" vate indîvidîîals. manufacturing processes bave bad recently been in charge Wm. McHolm and Miss Min-: COY AREA IN DURHAM COUNTY TO CON- Tbi.s means that 1,666,735 combined in the production o! o! the Litrary Cart. nie Becket ai Morrish on Fri- TINUE FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONý:- tree weee pianted hy peopie laminated structural timbers Mes ila day afiernoon and found Mes.1 xvbo-e nivîdual effort wilI that are eated, for strengtb .saidith i eand Thesburgeîr McHolm feeling snme better,, 1. The Hast. and P.E.R. is one of the lart est benfittbeseles nd hei an duabiiîv ona pr itb at akn Mes. Wayne ialthough stilî confined tb bed.. counities aod se joi'nt strucualimterionasParmerly Purdy hdtknthe Library All o! ber !riends bere s'.ish mltauisi aaaaddepends llpo enmtinti,; ndwhoe jinistucura m'teial frmelyCart'ariond in ail the patients[ýheî. a speedv recovery. the rural arcas for its strcngth. effor-t xiii heo! benefit bo the, considered superior. in tbe bospital on the pre- Aqttwsfnseda r.,.- c xvliote Province. Perbaps now when we plant vious day. She told the meet-,EBrncoubsls wei.Drhm (utl ihamitary sistory W ii is truc a tree ce- a tree we dont plant sbip îng that there is a greai de-1 E. anather anc pult ii,,th . Datirhack ut 8, wbha assupre qur'sfrom 60 ta 100 years to' plank or ro! shingles ori mand for adventure storues!erames a r.W .Ah reach matuirîî', onie need flotitawee materials, but il is none'and dete<-tix'e fiction. Mes.aiMsWm Asb' its militia units. assumne notbing o! value ac-Ahbb less important that weý bebre o epre on Monday, Nov. 16. Several crus a Ie lanerin heconnu taplnt res. that threr is a sortaeo! dladies including Mesdames Ken 3. Transporting troops from Durham County crteseim. epaneri Us oing thepsametpoe logic ap ereak os. taeo!Dinner, Bruce Dinner, A ta Belleville for training, a distance of 100 Duigtegoing process;Abbey used we migbt now PeietRîdl odIeTbarndyke, F. Hoskin, and H. Due rihn g es gre adýa we epat rsdn udl od Darke are iakir.g nigbt courses mriles return, is impractical. affets anv eneicia chn- pantspeigs nd rees nd meeting that dîuring the re- at the higb school, so are busy afec surrou bndfings.hnýlatspig nîe ater reeisand 'cent annual Convention o! people. Roy Austin and DavidNA E- gcs v 10 ils gHerA.1fodcno the Ontario Hospital Auxiliar-!Ashb are alsn taking advan- A E Mari' xearsagoI-Iery . flod ontrl. es Association at the Rovalitage o! automotive and weld- Abbey nndertook to express, Althougb fewer and !ewer York Hotel she bad attendediing classes. ADES . -____ what wva, achieved hy the o! Us use wnod as fuel we can a sesin elngwthHsi- Hntn s Sr o bi : plantiiig o! a tree. in the fol- Plant trees 10 reduceesondanueit osi con-gi oe ortisyi loxing pocm. sumption o! nil, coal or gas, tILibay Crs Tecn frte e ! hsditit Sign and forward to: W\hat, do '.e plant when we thus when we strategiealycnssof opinion there wasEdgar Barrowclougb returned aI that the Libeary Cart is onehome from the Dorset area on "SAVE THE REG1I1ENT COMMITTEE" plant a tree? plant t ree s (windbreaks) o!fthe finesî services a hospi-IFriday afiernoon and Arnold PO O 5 We Plant the ahîp which arotind mie home.,; we are tIu,îirvcP.Op-aid adBOXl Astn6n5ae wxilI cross the sea; ýplanting fuel savings. axla ol rvdýn aodAsi nStr We lal hemas t crr Prpelvloate tee aon for patients in hospital. 'day nigbt fromn another locali- PORT HOPE, ONT. the sails;: a lane cao aller the patb nt Mes. McMueter presented iy. _____________________________ Weplant the pianks tu e a wind in sucb a way ithat in the report o! the Ist Vice Pre- xillmtand the gales, ýstead o! drifting snow in the ident, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, wbo1 'The kecel, ilie keelson, the Jiane the snow is scoured away'1 was unable to be presenit ai heain anîd knee; When we plant iliese trees w e the meeting. The report stat- WeÀ! plant the sbip wben are planting a reduction in cd that Mes. Ayre bad attend-L nne a Iv xve plant the tece. snow removal costs. cd a Gifi Shiop Round Table D r a o n y C - p r t v Wbat do we plant when we And, of course, il goes with- Discussion during the annuall plant a tree? nult aaying that a bouse on a c'ovenltion. The repart told We' plant the bouse for treed lot wilh command a o! stock procedures, and staff you i md me, better price than a com par- arrangements ah different bos- W'e plan' the rafters, the able structure on a barren pitlIguft s;hops. C 1 r A slo,97

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