EDITORIALCOMMENT A Difficuit' lime for Ail Parents 'WPape'- eritors are prone to mvit'îh alarrnl' manv changes that arF' iakine place in our *societv and w~e mnust confcss that at the moment %ve arc' arong those xvho are confused and lîpset hy present day trends. We are (Pspeciallv' ydsi-uh'eaexeav chidirî w ruh eas ehv OUr edutcatlîîs aite CuritinuLallV s;Itressîng t ho uoint. that YOUng pe0pl .e should romain in schooliinstead uf .îoinhng the lahor force. Automation is cornn so irapidlv. theY sav. that within a few * cars the top lobs and the good rrmoxment- opportunities wiil be going In those with higher education. "Get rore rLucatinu)" thox' sav. "don't be- Co~rne just anothor cog in the x'ast lahur mnachine, Su. w ha appeuis. parýticularl 'v bi Ihîs arca? The rmisgtiided Unfortunate %ehool cdrop-ouîs join the thousands ef eruplovees at either General Motor, (;nodyroar or other district plants, prob- hbl v staî'fing at wages uf anywhere from $100 to $125 a veek, plus lime and a h aifnor double lime for' ail the ox'er- tîrne 1thcv want to work. pîlus 50 manv henelits and sLich securit ,, after their period of probation is over that Most or Ihem don'i venr know their value in dollars anid cents. Within a feu, weeks, thry have their' first car. as maîîy îew 1-1Its of clothes as thev like. and more moncv iu their pockets than their par- ents uxvere ovet' abie t( i muster. Those still irn school watcb them dr-ive bv xxhîle t heY are( studying far mbt th'e uiglIit. Who (can blâme ihien for won- drîîîn aiout the 'Stax' ini Sehoul ad- vice tbe y bave beeri recei .îng?. Tlhere h somrthing hasicallv ywrong lu unur systcm. We ieach youitgstcrs to w" Xla rrtstudx' bard, bp amibitinuis Io g" head. have ai) <nquîiig ir, he loapnd tbov \':- oi ~r<'ae rexvards icvr-y respect tiliar tiose wbo go uhrough life with no drive, no0 ambition and with pleasure their main interest. It sounds basically sound until they corne under union jurisdiction in one of the mass employment plants such as General Motors. Then. the theme changes. il seenis to us. to something radicallv different. The new attitude is "do as little as vou can and we'hl get as much as we can for you in wages, protection and security. Be loyal to vour union bosses, flot the cornpany that'em- plo *ys you. Let the inspectors catch your mîstakes and if a boss tries bo push you around just let us know and we'll show them the 'v can't work you any harder than we think you should." 'Ne have just finished reading a suimmarýv of the proposais that Gen- era] MoÎors have made bo their employ- ees for their new contract. It is a fabu- lous document, almost an employee's dreamn, yet union leaders aîready have tossed il aside as far from adequate. So, the fight. goes on until agreement is reached or there is a strike. Either wa '%, if, wilI be rough for those who are Outside of this v'ast organization. Other area emplovei's, including smalî busi- ness people' are already being drained <f their help because they just can't compete with such fantastic financial offers, nor cati they raise their prices lu offset inevitable wage increases that will follow a GM setilement. But, ourt main concern is for the yuuLng folks whose parents are doing their best lu keep tbem interested in furthering their education, while their working pais are having a bail wilh their girls, their cars, their money, their short xvork daY and their freedom. It's a screwvY woridt *1~U* * 4 Honored on 5Ot~h Ann iversary Nobody, but nobod *V, could possib- Iy describe in cold prînt. the gaietv.* ,ri- thusiasm, and camaraderie of the Gold- en Jubilc Reunion dinner of the Nine- teetnth Battalion Association. bin he "posh" Otaro Club. Toronto, on No- vember 6th, when one hundred and forty-five members of this famous World War One unit met. to celebrate Sthe fiftieth anniversarv of the incep- t ion of the Battalion, due to mobiliza- lion for active serv'ice, ini the Exýhibition Park, Toronto. At that tirne (Nov. 61h, 1914), we were cleven hundred strang- ers, mostli'v young, with a fair sprink- ling of British Army roserx'îsts bo tell us how THEY soldicred in Sothl Af- rica. India, and other places, wvhich we heard with cockv disbelief. That night. fifty years ago. we lit- lie dreamlIibat we were destincd tb become a fighting unit thal would com- pare favourabl.v with the best in the world. for mora le, esperit de corps. and achievemnents. and whose members wou Id. when returned to civil ian lifv, exhibil, the sanie qualities mn their res- pect jve.cver.vday, endeavours. It \vas lîsi great lu mingie xith 11)(,s(, ici lows during "Stand To." aticd watc'l t beir idvidual reactions astIle v sputted someone special. and hear ihemi sav *'d'Ya mind Ihat limne-- -- -- Nîe o k now that , 'ou too. 'helotiged." F'or the uninitiated. "Stand l'o."is Ille period of' fraternization from .5 p.i. Iu dînnier' lime, when we greet eaeh otiiet., chat, and share a drink (coloured water, of course). and uncork Some ai- most forgottetu incidents like the time dune u ri Pipe Band spotted members <f a kilied regimient from bis homne dis- rtîtln scotiaiid. repairing a ruŽîd rîrar d Ridrowud in Relgiurn, and lhougbt hi- s W01ild amble uver on the ch anlce uf meet liltg SomVfor'mer acqLiaintan('e. lie -sooîi ret irird, witii a look of disgust, as io ;a id 'tbvenothinue hbita bunch of hi dv (hck ue v's, dressed in thlekit' 01-thie Maru abouit 'Stinv'mimickilig tli h ocmpa iv sergeaîît-major. un lv lt liave the lattrrcatchî binired-handed. &IYoungrnan'sClm Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Elliott celebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversary on thb' evening of Nov'. 111h. The.\ received congratulations from their Excel- ienc'ies The Gox'ertior General and Madame Vanier, Prime Minister, th(, Rt Hon. L. B. Peaison., the Rt.Ilion. .John G. Diefenbaker, the Premier ot On- tario, The lion. John -Robarts. ai-idMRi. tssell Honey M.P. and Mrs. llune,%x Among the guests xvcre Mr. Alex C'a îrîuthers MI.P.P. and Mrs.Carîcr Ma 'vor Ivan Hiobbs and Mrs. Ilobbs and a nurnber of town couticiliors, the Puib lic Utililies Comrmissioniers and friends from Orono, Oshawa arid Keudai and local friends. Floral gîfts were teceived hurm the Town of Bowmaiiiijle. .Jeru- salemn Lodge. The 10.0Y. anid mernbcrs, Count\' of Durham Conservative Asso- ciation. 'lown'u of Bcîwi-ai'lie Conserva tive Association. M iss Palsv Reid, Toi- onto, t he noigh boîirs anid utbers. Refi'eslimptits wvere served h.v iîepihcwýs and wivps, Mr. and Mis. ,Jack Reid, 1%r. auj is W. E. Reid and Mr. aînd Mis. Les Reid. Oroni>. le, .s Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P. AHi re-ideiitq f rDuirham will regret the rremoxal of miiitarvy tradition from eri Coutv xvhieh foilows the an- nouucmeî.last week of the Honour- Rble Paulti 1elver, Minister of National Defence,, Ibiat. "" Compan « of the Irastirtgs anîd Prinîce Edxvard Regiment frorn Port Hlope and Millbrook are be- iîîg i-located at Regimental Headquar- tors iin Belleville. 'h(l t redefi uit iuiîiof the Miliitia's role rresîîlid un bbe sxeepitig changes ac'ross thc honatin. All nuttivîvng companies of bue llastiiîgs atîd Prince Edxxard Regi- mrtiii iîîated, nul util «\1ai Poirt ope and \IHI bî'cuîk, but ai 1'I'1rentoîi, !ladoc, Norxx'od and Pictutu have been relo- <ated xxibb tho paient unîit in Belle- viler. Arrangements wili be nmade tu en- able personnel wlîî wislî to contiîîue in thbe i i t o ca rrv <oit raining xiththe parent unit aI Bellev'ille. 'Jhp re-organizatioiilbas beeri car- ricd nuit oti a noiî-polii-al basis and al parts of Canada have heen affected bhieN the changes. The Stiîcîrîre of reserve forces lias beeni rider close exarninabion for some rnonths as part of the prog- ramme to implement tbe policies an- nouuccd v Mr. 1lelver Ici make the mîlilia more effective and bo gixe it a <'insor oxer-ail u wnrkiiîg relat innsbîp wilh t lie regular a-rn 'v. A Commission oui11the Reorgatuiza- l ionîî f the Mlitia vwas estahiished unidpr 1the Chairmanship of Brigadier E. R. .SuLtlIirand gtven the task of recorn- moîîirlîîîg he hest rmeais <if fulfil liîg thle Mý,ilitiarquienit of Canadian de- foutre polic maid tîie changes which .shouliîd ho nmade i ut -atixatii Ioluper- mît the MilîttaluIocarr v oui il-, rexised rIes more cffi(icintiv ,and realisticallîv. Thr (o rmmiîdat lotus ofthie Sultlie C'omission xveotahird hefore bbe Commons Defence Cummilice and Ille anriountccd decisinîts bave ail been ap- proxved liv that Ccmmînilee. The ('om- mons Dcfeîîce Cornmîitîee is comiîosed oif represenlatix-es of ai i pul it icai par- ties. "lie conmposi t incfihtle Stt ie (Com- nisionii andui ff* lhe com mons Defetice ('onumit tee aie tienti tîiîd lfoithle pur- puose ofif ndical intg t uai Iii lie sweepi ng dccsioilis t akeni xvi' 'elildecisionls of a politiu'al taitire, huit iere made after ex iaîît i eaIiiv anîd cru tîideral ion on a i uuipoli tiraI hasts. Thl' ;ll îiîmntîeed cîîgshave the Sup- port of Lielcenanit-General Jean V. Al- lard, Chief of Operationai Readinesi, in the newîv' inlegrated defense setup and one of the country's nîost distin- grished soidiers who recently told the United Services Institute in Halifax that the key roies of bbc re-organized Mililia are bu be replacement. support foir tbheuegular army and emergenc 'y supportî for NATO forces. lie said that: fn-day there just was not tirne b ohoi- lize the militia as there was in the bwo worîd waî's. "The prioril 110W 15 on forces equipped and able to respoîîd i- siantivy. Some uinils wiIl and must dis- appear. But, carne a lime wheri a <'a- x'alr * yîad tb gel id of a horse," Lieu- femant-Generai Aliard said, adding bhat he x'OLId be among ihose, "shcdding a T'otal saviîîgs as a resull of the î'e- oinganizatiuîî is esîîmated b ' Mr. 1-eul- ver to he $8,700,000. Lasi year ini Dur- ham the Militia spent (nul includirug service salaries> $5,291. at Port H-ope and $3,093. ai Millbrook. At the end of 1963 Port Ilope had three Officers anîd :39 Other' Ranks on strength; Milibrook biad une Offic'er anîd 14 Other Ranks. Saviîîgs for. srb-units at. Trenton, Ma- dnc, Norwý,ocd and Picton are compar- able. The savings wiil be ie-diu'ected to give the Militia improved training equipmenî, better courses, etc. Lietîten- ant-General Allard recentlvy stated. "Lt is oui, intentioni 10instill loto nur Miii- fia new spirit and purpose and bo im- pinove tho effectix'eness of al] tanks hy giving thcm more useful aînd cballeng- ing parts I lu pin bCanada's cdefence,." 1 NOVEMBER -1 ~November. --- \\-hnt hin2gý of cari h are Sleeping. \\'e kiuýo' t it lGud's ahu\e, H is vwaIch stil keeping, The CIa nd t ha t guides thle n ni verse. - lie knows the reasoîl Wiî.v trees and flowers wiIl bloom again, in ail dute season. And su, tîsi nuw, when ail] seens dull and gr-av\. WVe have the etern al promnise of a brîgltuer dmY\. - Niarjuoi'Cinni ngham Zbt ean4bin tt~ Diuhom Coinot ys Great Famu)y Jouinal Establu5hed 110 1'eais ego in 1854 Aiso Incorporatinq The Bowmarnvill. News The Newcastle independent V The Orono Nes Aui"i'id am Second Ct',gn Mii a' i i. l'slOffice tiepi. 0îilwn flYiV< Mt npeuu'enlt irmutneq. in casla Priduced *ver'y Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIiMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 ing St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario loHiN M. IAMFS GEO. W. GRAHAM GO. P. MORRIS EtDITCfBPllf;LISHFR ADv'rC. MANAGLES BuSîw.s8 Mct,. SUESCRIPTION RATES S4.00 ciYear, tictly in advamce SS-50 c a urr ln heUnited States ~ti '? qnciCoumn, e011 the inda st<xrdj'ng 0.a, 44 uWitt et hofabl~h. e IM e' erreur ln Cmivadvurtisém.,t rul.Shed hortbundo.u inléas i o 're'l eç uch cndvertusemnrt s recuresi rI ' WzItineq by theadveris.r and roturned te' The. cynadirin Statesmxa"t buamess OIIIcâ duly .1cynetd Y he lb, dYOYtIsàand with su- erreur ni Cc!'rcerpieifflyPet.d ln writrq theror. rrt 'In ti'ot cist Il 0.V etrr rSmnoted !s ".Mt cnrrctad bý itha e'uSe C:c",me!r I I'eility sha'l 'eut ,rped ,!'h a o',t,'ui eutttsen'u'.u tos cl s*uch a.dvrtiserment«t S 4h. anr.e ôrupud ft h. notad *lier boers teth@ b. hoe. pac. net ,d biv sucbd " ud'ment.und REPlO RT? R<îx t16(ti Novembr 2, Ifih Droar sir: Workshop is ai a noss l iî iuders aiîd \x o ut r noîxs- paper's policrv oait', publicii 'v for xîîswhichi occcinîthAe Tonxor t' on- mauvîlte. YOtîlha ve assu ri ns i tha t 'iiothing s liiws itînt i ta fti it happon-s' - heniuo io free puîblicitxv pîjr ina n vii Silice i ts uîîcept nu. miri Worksliop lias takoîî p;idr ýadvertistugiig m luli îws- paper anid requiestedl tliai vo ph r i init actonitan * îng short pu bliciiu r o 1t(o a s e s:. '1hýz yo- nl IliAvP dlir ievth e'o 1 a h1 ,fi o ir i iu ppeî R t i. Fridax-, Nuvomllbor 6, andi Satin-dlay-, -,, thi . he Ruxxin-anili f)iaryla n'k - .'h np 111iitrt n î e oniil Of th"(-(' e i-I p in iithe Buwfnîlliix-il Towxxn Hlli. The pl tItiiitx -uve -for- Iie hprodutiion. -MisRnhcrt tarY tic'k et S 1()i on rmxf s papoîii xî igx'ii iIo send sntiieCnimo la cnor theo ev Cii. Thtic jkets wc'i -etni iîled w îth a nIiîto rîellng that oi i \\ oie i iîalu Io aitoend Or SoIid a ri'presu'nltive. As 1Ilhad lin) hart anyv col,- llin u tlîtlie pindîciîtîn, e @clito r In the DimI Distant Past From the State',rnan Files 25 1'EARS A(.O (Nov'. 23. 19:39) Re--iv. erri iil' erg uisu oiii ut' Mr. and Mrs. w. (C. Feigiisoii wtoios thoinuilii fUîtIoLgh frniiî Mst A fri-an mission fields.,tias ~ua speaker Sîuudaî- aM 'lruîii Uiied Chur-h iini uainia -y B3. IL. iVout ic-k. forii'î- Associale F.ditor on IlThe Slatesruauu ai,îni fu',îhme hast Tirues-Rot-iex - la. mxx who- couic associa ierl xill h 't Chartier Pî tlust ug UCo au AssociatpE dior nof 'Th ' Brampton oirtiî. aPinî1 a Tip-'rop Taiuir Slinir n Kitrhetirr anud rerpnia ilisilirs Vexr-pt mua Iii gîind lin ttîat Ouiitiiisui g lii t rtu uIand m us Jlili Hart. Hannilfn .au- o uîxxini change orf1hie Saltnuu1uuiu 't my Corps tîcic, Ma îi nd ur Mis. ilillier htitiun hein tuauîsferc-d ticitin ,'timiioui;-ý u'uu raid uof ( 'tt- uti F'ridas uugliui xu thhis pi - euulsiie and thlîî i im xi I ontuto Ottaxwa tI sec tuhe'Ai- gouualu-Outaxxa ritu-gaine oiSauirda Mr anîd Mts. J. Il.Iighi- fid, Kinîg St. rmiimnixiic anouuuce thue euugapgoriui i ii of iheir datightor. Flne lotui- eut-e. Io wiltuai t .caiîu RerrvY soli of Mr. W. .1. Beirt- ai uiilie I;tie Nri ueBenn-v Ihr "niiau acIe lake placr <'hurt l' dii-r, i igihc tiu ' 'tiraý. Hotu i E'li ila:-Il . cx'vetauud. Oliu xro gin-aISu or tht' formru u oi 'tr- L. T. Mc- ta uhim. NIiMu.' Ahîî- EF:keu-uan xx uî i as heenît uavinug xx îîh ConIduc MVrs. Mc-Latiuglihi ui fri, t siplt nifoilifh, iitiimer hte î iu C'tex,-talmrhx-ithierîoîmothin'r and brother. r. E. Prou it. ,n uchii- airds.tJanos. Fvcrit air Johnu Vel.ti roi i rîîci Satb iu- diat frnru a xx ek - - iitîîîîng ai Deor Lake un t ic- Northi- ornu %vi Ide onf I1ias t 1iigs, cor-inux' .ThrY brouupit honteo Iwo deer. bnlh hutrks, txbmii wouid at'cragr ai-omnrh 20 potndis each. Donald aînd Jariifs. Siimi lu Oshawa, xuienu ilie veou wjîh their gratdiparuuu. -.%Ir. and Mrn' . 1AthfrI Mannuing, Mastri' Rillie Lx-ner. n<i Oshawa. -penti Sauurdla- xx'ih his icotusitn. Ma'r iel ton, xvaa gtioîPui of ber auiut, Mirs. T. H-. Knug-ht. 49 VEAIRS .'.(d <Nov. 25, 1915) Mr, P. C. Ti'îoilent-k ias in Poitormtnghi lis v eok. Mi-. li lo \ Pou -. ,Toroin, si)îc i siuida *xai, hnuo. M i-m 't'inlet le O-uhnric if Ti'uiunuî, spei Suidr a A la i! mija ic.ý 1h xooei auMr-. S. r s. rl a iin WhithvI arnt t xîi lisiaeuNMI. fiu' w- riduirM- ii I Cieand Smuiî R, ai ii- fattuers ix't Rohu..(;ucuMfi(.- ilie xrc a riid un 'oi CIinarîd c 1ealeor lie aor1 IIîtor 1uuî Ma-ot i ali. Mn>, WMc.îhîhasie l.an iglîiu andlii)muI at 111( tu t u i E.igillIrur',iil.. 1 L- B ai i lb uîi 'tent w uIl a11 i nI 1 1s\ llýii I h i t ln-: ir- l len (ix ti. uliîa I au-, M 1-tts Ktii>-ri i a' s, 1-o 1i î ix: mu>is E ii ut uai i i îîg lii liii 'utau u-iu , ,;k iOn Mo- (Xi t i ii ili n x u-îd ai tr -ane Ms R W1on. ar xilh r cd Plnix i umiî Moudvair Ot Ciii ig. ndL ie i rs R ow ni(a rik xvu t r 'il o fir v i e f t i mi tim suuîr lie unagoou 'ian aferh uînîîî. tnt a2îi - au tor hiiue, iîît li-i w.enr-o au aticx)o St I ino-w ihi. nd if-, u bi-r-1firni a xii: uIc <u11 i-.Nha n i o wci i NIox K iA.C'~ . lau ckkr il r 1 , - r70 '111-ova Boiîs'v n ii i plnsu' Xz'li - v;.1. W Cl.aîgtiiuuu Aex -ae, liad rotrnr hoiI frn trctii H i<i h 1--ip'nuu 'tln ri i-uand.M V Il.fic l N -'t -iarksofli T iVinir ai, us ituiuu ! ituer c 'ulaici 'Ird Bank, Botlanr a 'Rrad-ie'.Clakc denti of i lie <îk1n;.'i Jtack Datch, in%\-x'iltopa (tI-itiqilie of thr plaY ý. 'lh is 1 cid - arid siibniIcd rivu dap )y, oîeou 9 talerm tiai day Ir1 x dato- phne tait fin-n %ni, t llaik- ing me foi' Ilhole teupandc sIiggestîîîg thai xx o niituie lu have mrnirfs ilip~ iorth el va> o us r 1 lîivi ii î1 ufvnt ihnTarons t- caI i-a t be gondtslu ctiw-e. ni r h godpri ce.1 j% tn nhapi« i, I i îiof Nol- Ihami Il voui papor li1nue- titoferlth ro linlmcii-o tionuo h ioeiit 1,Vr}i aippti I o, unr du,11o ' ailue appea r. i lt h at -t iiik quinîîls priiîlc ýd iioxt wc'ok. fli heTnd xni'kar a it r or ili O ni ta îîd lin hI i r' til eret l i idheii idr'r ahlv dhiiît as tii- ju mn k- usinfnrt.ito ai)lî \oîi fop th ptryhforaîti,, huIn foril tiro'masifurience ws a',, iiid u auaiidi-îî-o x h arele goi iicix'tira.lllellst îi thoatîof o aîî u Rex-nin h- sinal'iil i ur arniî e Rn iIîg- Alte porsorl al]x.vtIo a e 'rVoiîe xWho iiiili111 ho i- 1vrestnd ini ou u-pinodilci îoý. We have lreii ed nu11 nîî ne'wspape-r tb as';s s, ~andr mx e have boojet, el jelt i Mrs. };rtxx s-i-hi E.diici'oi,*ý oivSnirrx *'Il VOlO fsco d sa tipoiliii d iimiii." Bîîî . if it a nit - îfr Yoli xseue uni amuie Soia oihor oxcetloiutîcx snu- x-c're alan hrId (I leuuo i lau-k of apau(-(,.Slnuo0nf thr'ae x.o of faiiuînm 50 Pul- oi-lat1 inlo-ies i thaîî - iu Flura r a Wcii-rk s îp jr, o 1 Wili Col -iuumi j lotihs rt a îou 'lu nmiint îuýfylij- nu hi-our!ii Memnorial Hospital Weekly Report Foru tno.,Nno\ iu~ Admissini t Ri tlus 4 mas o. cf'îîu1 Di.î3hargn-s73 ma ton ope-uîîioulsi VIcis i- im hoii'iar <i>i BASE UNE f tueuded bforI.!il i . Vus. fhai rs -px Pci.- rua uutle àxa arir xxii Mr. atîr li ' ni Vani Ca rupý MVr ('boirord x'i.îuud't RuLC treWilliam * nri -rieni ti, woeckfoîid on a hiiriulin tip il thr Rani remîtarea. Mrndur] MnxKrrtuuueiu Ils tex-. Rh-kv and I t-eU,(,ti!' Siida -v dintuer RLzîests of hie Parent.,;.VMr. alînlMi-. KC 1-hopk ints. Il uxx a a p(liA b r-'aoîas ln-at hem t',,a> uu'le- hnaing igter 'fufh intdi Nt'.r and Mrs iXt lan Sriiiuli Ori aîud, w-oic xx en-keid v ir or Mn. atnd tsA ibr ubîu Mr. and Mrs. Rruix' Van (amp wP're Saturrias'vx ouuu nppe-r of.tsniMI-. anud Mi-S.tintr] ~Metc-atf anrd tauîul '. shaxca Mr. Albet .Jnnu> xx .1 Satturda ' <'alI er witbhluis auni, MVIs. C, Vitsou. Viaand Mi-S.IL (ut'riul and 'sts Riuhx- Soniuurx t o, Oshawava 'ixttod ithin -on Mr acîd Mr- Waltou Lord, Mitthrook, oui ida Mn. ar] Mr> ýDarx Il<'arni- <mii and Barrx-. ('on xa l. liSte herou rer-cnt x wtii~ -ith Mti. au] Mr'. .A\.Banne., Craie atmtir Plph Cn"'nrterauii -Pro- niai-îietr tF-l iiu .î' hinil h,. andi hi, - vufe. Mn. and Mrs, Carlos Cryderunan. parade, a ndY rete' haversark atnnvcd bis horse, causing himn (the horse) to buck aIl over the place, mutch to the rider's embaî'rassment, and the huge delight of bis andience wvbo whooped il up withi "ride him, cow. bo%-." and other derîisi\-p adivire. fot tn polite. Evervthing about Ibis reunion din- ner was absolulclv tops. from the fine iveather. Io tbc superb catering of the Ontario Club; souvenirs of golden mo- tif; sparkling entertainment; good door prizes, and outstanding guest speaker, plus a largie. appreciative audience. Tt is an interesting fact that, althoug4 About twent «v of bhé- fellows answer life's final "Roll (ail" each year, at- tendance at the annual reunion din- ners î'emains constant, due no doubt. to a few of the 'nId sweats", each ytar, developing an aCLItCe case of nostalgia, and decidine tb join the Association hefore it is ho laIe. WXe know that this situat ion xviii. sonie day' . reach the sat- uration point. after which, our nun4er's xviii steadil v docli ne. but weP hope it wori't be soun. \Ve "thililed luIoC'i a loti ý telegram froirin oxernor-Gnîa Georg1,ne Vanier. in wtîhich lie expressed bis gyood wishrs. and admiration for flbc "Gallant Nineoteeth. that he had corne to know so well when he had the honour of serv-ing. with the famouj 'fw\ent.v-Sc'ond Bat talion. There were messages of gond will from many oth, ers. livingo far fî'om Toronto, who, ai- though not able tu be with us in the fiesh. wcre certain]v present in spirit. BLît, there vvere tîthers who did attend, rom far axva v places. vven England, at considerable inconx'eniencc. and cosi, Iu snatch. perbhaps for the last time., a chance Iu he with Ilhe oid cnrnrades who meai so rntch o them. As the even- ing's festivities dr-aw ,tu a close, vou saY goodbx'e. anîd good luck to the'Pm wî'th a pi'etv bî b ulmp in vnut Ihroat, blit fer] bappy bat they cnjoyed, and xxiii alwa ,'s remnember the Golden T.Ju e, and A Spice1 By BIilSmiley SPEAK F~RENCIf ANI) RE S[LAPPED Doi « uuui t ik hî o se paraliss i n Quebec iniehf siîut, up about the whole thiîig if aI Iltef resl <of us learned tu speak Vur'umcli fluently enoîghin lughve lh ein a Quoui crussi ng outI in the j- native lligue?". If iluis us a soilutioni, iet's oel crack- iu.Bu*t I duiî't blink il cati hout'- compi islied tt tdecuti ur piesent sx slem of leariiinzlte ianguage. \Ve aie getr- iîmg a great man' teacheis of' French these davs who cati acluallY speak the faliguagc. Buil bbe s stem prex-ents them frrn passim, il alontî bothers. As a promu-lent educator said the üthe,' da v, "We take kids froni immiii- grant farnilies -wîho speak pool- Eng- Iish. We teach thern Frenchbhadiyv, vn - <'ourîag< thenu <o for-et their native longue, vhatev-eî'il is. and ind lup mî th 1voLngsteî's w~ho are illilerate ini Ilîree langutages." I k mxx' froni cxpMi vne i\ otlier Jîadi li)o t)ia J"-cich-spakiiig sehoul aýs a c-Iild. She ]leartîed ithe arignia,,e vIl i' case all hi idt-rnhaxe iii gu-asp- t uîg a t uriiue. Ail berr lîfe, she coutd rat- OIlIi cîhr Ill lîoP l . I uirî(1 I ,.'l1I irci Vi'euîI- lt- fixe x'neain iph sîlîui-In n ud frîîu t ouî a ii U ii-itt' IoN tue to Etuiilli tu, rîuh ;c-dsiî. Anu iaii n exc l-liiw 1-peak il. Ill'ap. e iorsi featiîre of Ille t<'ac'biig of Frc<h in ibis ('otmtrt . k Ille false c'nfîide<nce il engotîders afler e x lu)OS i n e l a feu - oa rs of il. V o tî (iîf sie I off a c'utî ph'if sen tences wil ho il s(Il1)lll.and you hegiîî Io (hiîik v ou ne a î'egtla r NMatuiie(Che valie'r. i iu ' ui mi ieîu tbi me Ilul i ts i-s lx tlu ui - luit li-' xxas xx- il l u i-. 'I1i tuilxl"'-îîîlie-kicx- xas cli udt. îs(- hoa sîiiff lukr, Bchuije laimi' andc 'xoli nsi îîus rie (u h- Ief lîîdes !lix- ,i l li iiiast.i hlan a Soli u uîîît iniIIg I) b li l sr'hîru rîl itc-h.a îd luadi'e'Im liv-inug îu.îihc cîuitiin itfoîr a ciuiplc (if mnths. s'peakiîîg the l'PMI thiuîg. Srî wvetol Iis -youîrig lady and lher friviid. She was belle, huit her pal was beaucouip. Thtis was mny chance. Ini mY emrpeccahîe (Grado 12 French, [ slcpped utp to te dol] and iîi-foumed lier of ber t'avisiîing beauty, ber ineffa- ble form, and ber distinguished intelli- getnce. Sue listened c'ourbeous]y. lurneri bo ber friend, and shuugged hugely. My brother said, "Corne on, babe", and awaY tbev marclied arm in aîrn. I w lefItit foliow with the fat one. A similar experience caused me le fcrswear French for life. It occurred in Lille, France, soon after the city had heen liberated froni the Germans. If happened ini a nîght club. The luicals xvere v'er hlappy about libera- tion and the lîonps were very happy ahnut thc locais. Ex'etrvone was dancing xvith thie Ftenchi girls. evrin their French boY f rîends were beaming. 1 spnti.ed a lulLi, daî'k, charming, intîelligent enougb bn appreciate the fart Iliat 1. aimnîst alone arnong the invad- Vrs, Spcîke 'fîrîctît Fi-eiicli. As 1 approach- rd tho lubie, hru srrîîleýd a weicome, and ber escoit. a hîaîdsnme French lad, .lîniped up. u-uie.and shook hands. Snu. inî ii v fiuxx'ss French, 1 asked li-r for a danco At leasi l'Il swe-,ar that's w"lat i usked hru Sho lurnrd whîtc andi siaptiod mv*\ face, lirrboy* friend limul- tun1orUSIV tirîu d mdandl lin kick rme iri the grottn. 1 'tili doîî'i know "'liai I said lIo lier, but 've iever takcn a chance siuice. On the rare oc'casions. nnwadays, when 1 have rnough nioncy tb cal in a place xhere the mienu is in French, 1 study ih carefill *v for ten minutes or so, then infornm l]( waibor. ini pure Caladian EnglIish, that l'Il lhae the roast heef. 'llîre"u 11a svs fRosbif. The <uiiix S(Iîiilii is Iotibeach îîîr kuis l"tntîiil tieiltîc'î- ea-nîing 10 !sp(,ik Eiigliîsi. 'l'iat wav, little boys xviii avctid bax'uiîg Ilîcil faces slapped four niio ulhvtosu Anid little " w1l lbun iîari osu x"Nuuii" and "Ouit'arM The Price C a- nf i tel I 1 1 l' 1h i i i(u-c' ( if a; j u b( -r o fui iPic( l' M uni - xx imri a d;at s xxîîtk's, (tue Iiiautu-el uop oronr spot of cxv'? ('ain"îuîae r, e tho prîce of a humble ,Xlîr t'u ' i , utati-r ltd Itt is the ('af oi 'uw n ul icc i i uehlnîim-tof a nru-ao. A ui l-u t iiiîn, a pile tif xhur Cani 7ou gt- un e t hopri e fcir egri an oif xhrat if -'o.- --o uCnrnpbotp'Iu>maturil' tnt Caii 'cli ici -1 n i 1w much iý canE harn'oruc cliord 0 1i a1 c h o iu r a u i i x i b u i c r G oh. llao aprîo ipon Faitbin A nd iho f liIcluît front lling the ('univou telmtluMe îrî ce<of onue word tbub'ski<ind. Andtd bb' jox t lia c<mp;antonshp will vecmfind, 11l use x i le nlnux îî t (.l)e i.'oit tf orrow bard tb hear. F'or us',;here. it's Ihomo, if'.% evei-ywhere! ('an '-n gx' me the enst of a glinipse of Dawri, A place of coniforit. r) kneel uipon? Plasr put a prcr on ore dear'fr-end V'ho'Il stick by you to, the e'nd? Oh. Dear God. now ai, we prav Smulînglv ýmeil, orr ares away! -Marion Ford c7c)