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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1964, p. 11

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Mms Br-uce Tilison, Editor Lions Hear Address on Boatîng Development Giveýn by Wl/f Mci New-astle y Thp New%ýcastle member was etîconragedti 1 Lons Club enjoyed a very in-lat tend as there was an intnc- tcresting talk at their last i,tino planneti for the uiew Lions mereting ini No%,ember,. The joinîng the club. Bowman- Pluest speaker, Mr. Wilfred Mc-,ville Lions xiere oni hanti to Mechan, propiitor of Robsouî help wi th this ceremoui -. Motors, Boxvmanviile, spoke on Four hundreti pounics <of the developmenî <of boatîng 1;Cn rstms ake xvcre sit b% Canada, The address broujglit Ihe Iionls this yx ar, aîîd cor - 10 ligbt bbe part playeti hx thi.; gratuLatiorls x ccgît cîtto etnup ici teve]oping boat tac- Ihose \xi ho hart workcd so îng. boat safety, anti the train- bard. tii9 of people for this type of The Lins Christmas 50t-50t kcisiurc entertainmen't. dcaw xi Il he matie at the 'Eîer firs.t meeting in De- Christmas meeting. DecirnhPr Ir e, agaro a dîriner nî(cet- 19th. Ail stîihs ati mon-., iu.g; helci ti the diniiig room oif ho id he hrotilut rît as sootn trucý ElmbuLrst. Hotel, was a as Dossibie. WIc vcning, anti ex-erY Lions Tue Loiwio liai-eaiias PVecha, bhoughtnf te hl al, Hallo\e'erndatît lime.,liave agaîntu platîteti a Chrislnu Santa tîrl rtix '1 p.m, ouiSaturda v andc sîcigli, anti go Commuit' Hall to 111e (- hîldîcri. Anî ment xtull appear, the detaîls, anîd til, good cinuîd xi l be ir anti ah-o on the frmi The 19th oif Dcci he the la.d Lionîsom 1 ht, ' car, aruti a lîsItv (,d orciithotiom t-if ttiri in liaxeIl Ilie c-orîpletc belorelhei (ouncil Stili Hears Complaints 0f Subu-Division Irregulaite Nexctr-uuule There-gilar monthly coîiriil meetinti i heli on M onditia exeîung in councul dia mbcrs, xiýilth all nembecs prese'ut. -Aftler tlîc rninrites , or i lie lestiietingwece t-eci anti approvd, Counc-iîjr Rîîbm j! xp1c;scd i ts tlînks ,;for, th(e t-lowers atîti vusit - matieI î-m tihile lie tias in hospîtal. Fred Gcaiham ivas prescot ;11-the mccl itug andl t i îe demnieti action on a rtelni~ t Coplant hfnmeahtit\d I 'l'o otir friend3 and nelghboîîrr j S Very M%,erry Xiiiîa5 and ai New 1'ear filleçl S with happinem-, d The John Scots i s lst Ir. caluani ceporirdi that the contractor inir ue t t-liitou haýci ctomnpI crci i r cihggi ilg a ciilch te ltIi haý-k some of the xtater tht u i d otheivci-c frl]1 thc Grahami propcix ýlîke a pool, huit tien e w-ec rio our lets, anti t lic. fouir foot dt--h was; almosh ftill trows. W'hen t s llIlthiater tioulId strîlrîîuîai-roSthle Grahami propcrtp so he, Gralianii, x u St ri lnofiiliraheari thatu uc Iad been in Jupx "ttc G(i-ahainu i crutlinln( ti tîvhat a worirlerft i il- skating- minîk t his iouId ake xibunu the .îaieî feees ox-r. It xîcîuîd lteicse ony child i x-ti, Skates, hit, he also reimiiid coinîcîl tii a c-bld quit ('lt easilY rlrotvn le tard lie las tIarietiSevsc!rai alîcai o Stax' scar <ofuts datuger. M c. Graham alto reniiicet connCIl (bat whp.n lie applieti tn cootcact Itie uldison lue xias gi\en ;a deatilîn, tot lr Id 'omany houises rithle« limelirmit set bx' n'ouii-l. Buit the nets' ontractor sccm.' ho hiave e he uu of things: scem-i cogîx there is no deatiune for1 hîm tn ibave 10nmret, oni,tips1 îvoîîlrl haie beuu ici cdrr ip hefrti P s î mai> nir argung hati gone hb' alcniigte ibeme of NMr. ihat lie tias tefd ip tu cmiig back anti fomii ar-d Gcahauuu have hi buef past fixeor- si'x IlI matie a rurntinui Reevé appoint la t-onut hice a lwv atît xvho is lega lItrespoît towtil, or lite t-otrac gît tllitirug:cleut t i foi, listcniip 1in rîuî. nuarkcd liaI (iris ias hIv-p cx cm <ut ferec ib l'ep i -sil a d dms-et CCrwltni s W!alioîi a! t han ni ivre appoîuuîcî commi l e. noti-oîî-îeti hy Toms ê Itd. bas liveti thrr ou' so. Evecx ta>, cor Mm. Wensvoot, s;omeco 'Iom's anti Sotns hil gaîhage. With small ruî the, famuily, Mcs;. V bas a tvasiîg liait haî-k vx ta imes andc Inn ryuai tnt nîv TH E Zi N EWCASTLE LIONS CLUB IBRINGS SANTA TO TOWN SANTA WILL BE AT THE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL SSaturday, Dec. l9th A T 2:00 P. M. 9R>-PEIÀL LOWPmIcÉS t> ON NATIONAL BRANDS* A t Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. î KLEENEX 200's SPECIAL 16C j jBAN Lotion Deodorant - ugg. 11%t 1399C 4t11 +BROMO SELTZER sugg. list 1'09 speclal 8 7c 111 ------------- -----C---- 100'1 sugg. lst 1.29 9 9 C SBaby Powder---------9 ounces sugg. Iîst 175 99C 41I I M ICRII*I Oral Antisept IC7 ounces sgg ist 7c 63 111' jMODESS Regular ---is - sugg Iîst 5ic 37C 41 1'DRISTAN --.-24's sugg. Iist 1.25 99C 4'11 SShave Cream--- Gillette Foamy -stgg.1îst 79e 67c4 jSOFTIQUE Bath Oil------.-sugg. list 1.69 1.49 î WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK BOWMAlNVILLE NEWCASTLE 41, > JACKSGN'S DEUG STORE JOHNSONS DRUG STORE 4111 I> ALEX NcGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO <' JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PRARMACY .1:1 Il uîîg threer me(mber m atit to lier I iiiou.s Iîuit> con clu siono 7Ic Maîkiexi-icz..inu alkhrug cacr 10 l Coîiicrlo Wallon, sa;d rcr oer<f eniihave applîid1lnhum toc a permit, anut- lien v ast'li nto i su e lue xvild gît cluem onfe if il-ici' bat(-I sppîni , fori, c clitî ,t fec'I th(, hii rdiiîttgs ccburIl xvîth a nuvspcIcato, atitithonîght C)cru-h slîni dspccifv t ome-r (luiniu for atititîooalI buiuhdig. ReeveCurtigan saîti threteè xasnoa thîrd houise on ithe same tiiccl (at alto shoulci he lookec(i îîto. tie [cil that if vec> crlf ue ildiinug utthe uc-tv-s[;,-dii,-si,-,, n o-, b.iji-t I c Phone 987-4213 j I ir, bro ght insoot rom the burnîng garbage,. Mr. Wens- vont spoke to Couincillor Fred Have Couch about tbis, and he in tomn advtised him 10 corne to anid p counicil as hie feit that people, tree r %\iîth a complaint should bring it Io the council*s attention, *it even thongh the complaint did fall on tlîe tandiord. Reeve *Cunningham suggested that T In ote of the counicillors speak k tirat Io Murrav Patterson. and find out if this coulint be drte bolh worked out under a moUtUal Chrstmas agreement: if not. then there ihis -t ca r was a by-law tiat council > las part ' .,cotid ,ork tbrough. oti afte' A letter \was read In counicil b ' horse regardiîîg a questinnaire o loto the 'Lottertes". Are Canadians gr*eet ail for or against them? Giving at birt<s- u own opinion, Conoicillor giviiig ah Waltoîî said ihe xvas agaiosh shoped a the moîîey going out of Cana- il the hall, da, bilt people \wnuld buy it street. ticýketsatya, so wîy tnot oher %viil have lottories in Ca-nada, and îcetîîîg <if kecp the moîîcy rigbt here. ,vas prîlîl- Rreve Cunoinghîam feit that s t le ln ie-i nn ga lly andt gnvertnmeot ni i e bcr- slipcrvîsrd, it wonld lie gond For the px r a r. for Canada, as lie feit Ioo, that Inn the Sc thle niolie 'v shonid stay right husbands licro. The majoritY felt the 1on. s;anie waY, andtihie question- wnndermn alire w as answered ycs. hadlves ha The application sent eariler on t'hern for, a ncew fire truîck lias beei, bv Sehoc oka.\ cd. A leiter with that tbleN have 1report xvasrad Monda.v nit ail. Jr and oni a motion b ' Council- carr ving lor Conch another letter was: pritîtedti "nh ent liack tn reati that 'the town been rece tvaâss t iii îîterestnd in having month. Tý anolher truick, andi to make that mer tx *'\pi s - fîilier applications;. SnbteC-b dollars ai soni-ttliat 0in tnders being called, thîs receivp ai, .Gt ataill, wilas approvetibhy couincil. tars more îîh icl~I-dc Ba rcha rd, secreta ct for L. A. W. 5- lIi(i r Sî-hriolBoard,. approached R.CA. F. oeili n -inui aîd ;asked a Inani OfLabrador, nionths. s 1,4(1(1)1> from tlie colîncît. werks Ch (bal the l'hi- Reeve aid that the Board home' of iiiiitlee 10i ad beeti\v aroed ton make their t-ber, Mr. l l t h cq inu l ig c n o ig h o c a rry G l k e s . s 1)1ct(a Il e xpornses. inic1îti d ing the i-toc, andidiX-on i t. Becautse thev battît-Oî i r fi p. dot)ethis, colincil losi $ 1,400 in Bowm, 'd ctiiîl inithic dist-ounî. T'his xias nont teek are, ;Ili ITil- 111(' init <of the îoiuisait Mrs An (lie nin. tîIic-Ficex c. hit hicfautliof the Gordon Ri iim .i i School Roi-, c, for t hev lici hîedick. 'V înuiliiil ot \cispenut. ('nnî'lltor Couich Alice Sisk 'idi R3otia- îmake iat if tlîc Board d i te ý Jxtcr- odo I(ual exer; t-car, thce-. coîici (ose ;as,;hîgh as Giv e Ilit iig tri,5s2,100per \ car. uarirnment, Mcr. Barch-ard ,;itgcested. I aind Sons çrover the loss, the BoaRrd coul As ( va vPar borrow the mnev\ from enUn-1 mplained cil, andi prit iliat amoltton. mei froi nexi yerar's hbudget, as the C u ru their Schooî Boardti xconld rtcecvp it c brîdreit on grant retrîro's. This was Nt ~ Wten.ývoot acrcpteti. but the Iran will onot meeio gingc Oll he. grantrdci întîl after the first ton Club t ut xt-eck, (if tllie .trctr. of M rs. S; wAhNirîr nus taxes, are stiI) flttnspe Ï1 paici, ieporte-td thp Townî Clerk x thcit F. Piigeon, hbutlie-,liopes these Wti1 wtll soon be locI arter. It I, îtrPr- isrî'îfair. Intîose wlîo pay flîcîr Plans tw taxes toi have lIo>carry the boad'1965 pr'ogi for those i ho) don't, lie saici. anti homeý Nilr. Wi1r)roir, froni [-bnci wul ?fe~2Qe~7f onoith c'ar front cf hîs restaurant. A bx- sh iof y law, li iling he nu -r oerp ofl gtatinti.,;anti garages xd'eretwel i(ine totvn wa.gmatie earliec. crdis rr The decisioii on Ibis re0iiest -" ýi xta lielci ov-er for atiotherwr lo mieMting. xthite hai Th--re. asked thp cleck stars. bare ioti riep a letter of (batiks In behîs anci lÏ ýr. Ca rrir tlers, M.PP winter son f or th e help gît-ciintocouicil Thé- spI t h,-;tear, antitosenc i m a Christmas ~rcopx of the totyn resolitions. specialîx- Onu 5use Rti. M Nr. FOY auî'l Living ro \Tr. Doliroslinsky have bult Christmias builîdings (o the back or tueur rgh col (nt properti- withotit appl 'îvng for door- scîete permîts. T iiese F men have- trees decor heeîî Approat-heti on the mat- A star de tier, buti hat'e made no attemph butîtonîs ha io lîecri, huit rallier ignore aîîy pattern ai t ai iitîg. Coincillor Valtoii Clans c-arc -siuggrsleHti lat a rteisteret bis ret but letter be sont bo both thee liton (rit mnen askitig thrm for their bel 1 anti tise as to tihat the ' lobnent therse dîsp -- doing atîtt(lie marier. ext--baulge n -- - r---- ----------------- jlewcastle )ct-a! ari 9ersona/ wt e of hîîshanisý ;hool Boarri, andi the ; of Ixixes oniitbb Board, îvho max' he i- wh-- their botter tv- been holdtng onIt the amotint reiciveti .o] Board membcrs. e'h been holding otîn n last week's idition hhe report, it was (bat members have eiving ten dollars a bis >eboulcihave re-ac ýmbers rer-eu-e f; t-e nrîliand xtill iiox Il irir-rease of leridol- ca meetinîg. Bevcc,.ley G( i 1 k es Stafion, ç;oo,;e Bav, wîhll pent,,\t hris t mas b ave ai tic ber niotiier andt fa- anti Mr,î. Chiartles cuçtidigandti oigllimnis ianutille Hospitalilîrs. >Master Rickt' Bean, In Rîccs(îr-ker, Mr. rowiî, Mr. Ross Coh- M.r. Jolint Dat-hs, M rs k. Master ,effTan- Buttons ,;Iifts at Meeting if the Pioncer Bui- vas helt i a the linit'(- ;anritieron . Jntre oif the iirucertaîî, it iv\as ivei tentietiï mei(mhbers andti ttc -cseui t. icre mute rcW tie -am oif tispiax cards 's ai ti-ich rîîeetnnîg ep luet. Foc (lis ;Mi nf milrtaîthutc- mdispla> cd andc these rutc a t'armil tin metal huIt tonsxilic polusheti andclarcanz- ictuve tieigos, Thei rpresenhrig , wîotcr t t. Tliese nhuîruied >but Ions, r o<iîin i lis for sitotiba lis, ýtrees, mitteuis. deer, 1fcuit useti uring son. c--ai -acci i a dispiý. Tiîeî e xre arrangeti scenes oom witli aIl1 (lue d tcnrat tons using orre buitton.,,<ut- s sboviig stars aîud iateti xvith. huîttcuns- Icsigî on tvlich ail] id a star, au-i aîgel titi eveu a Santa id siioxi rrr Sata in jto sulit xxith whiute in andtiblack buîhton overshoes. After la>s s, iueexins an if pufrs the gîfî he- o ht- bruIlouis. Each tuvet home lhappy ev muore hî'ttons to ,r c-ollecl-iorr. A rie- t-aus sert d al 11w iof the meucîrîug. .Hilda Perrx, %Mc. Baden roti- clI, Mr. Ens Rinch, Mis Aîde-Sîîuîda> ,SIc. Ertîc-t W'bt , atîtInti i t . los(,nh*'s Hiospitall. Pcemhlorongb, Mcs. 1Bchtt> vLaton. \'oîir edîtor ns pieuseci 1n huitc me-cixetiC h r i s t mn a s gcee'tings (romn the Loi-e Fam- l '.v no in Londoln, Englant, ani the mblev Famnilv, no%, itu (;ermi-i\,-Aloîng x-ihtheirý p.asnsgcetiigs tlctt)lti of lîow lhey al-e î,tiîl mcccix- in-_ The Shahesman, ant ar-e kecpr tî p( xi i' h t hi-Newcas- 1e riexi s; aii of tlieir friencis lîc.Sn, remcnîbei in caîl ni 'iîîrtil i hve a es(ii Someone mies wtisitr estedt 10. uR s i t r HlsGas Pump Starts a Fire .arl iri-rn hi' Carl Sîî'eh or 'lu-nton, cao loto and knotketi or one oif thp gasolune ptlimp.a outrieci by Mcs, Gceorge 'Koziih orf the Star Luinch, RB. 2., Neweast Jel. The pumpr t1hen raii£zht firP anti the Otono Fire flepi. xva <led-Ti. h, firr waî ;con finedin (o tb punr lhbl was destco>-ed. Damage- ton ebIiec- was sçiplIjj Cons- table L, B. Tilson investigat. BROWN'S Tu s npathi of bbc rom- munit 11; extentitint Mr. anti Mrs. Heonr>- Demark ici tbe lo.s of be-r father. Wte arP sort vin to bau thatý Mrs. Datve MeReejîs twill be forîctIi Io cemnaiu rnToronto WcvSbccrIi Ucspital for another fourteks Brown's H. & S. Ciuh helti (lueur mont hii meet iug on 'Fruestai et-inng, Deremhe- 81h tithtIbepresitient Mus Anne Dema;rk ho the chairý 'rhp business ti-as coorticteti andi a few final priparations matie for th.- Christmas con- cert. The 2nti XicePccside-n 'Mrs. Lorra ine Aibin had -areof the meeting. Set'- vrai Christmas carolnir 7 e sting. arcornpanîed lix' MmrsI. Macrdooaldl, Bnmnî'îille o n bier airordion. Mms, P. Meeki; anti Mrs. B. Atiams, also front 'Rowm-atutille, irntieeti \vto vocal duiet,; hat were vers- mucb euuiopeti. Furst Br-ow',; Cîuh Park heIi its furst iuîvestîîre on Tuestia', Decembher 8th, since beîtîg formet i n Octolipi. Cîîh Master Gîten Hcuighmr, anti Assiustantt Cub MaIster Tom SîIMpsotu nves(erd seten Ctibî i uto tlue Orderr of Scouutillîg. (CuItificates orf 't'eit-Ome, (o Ctiubhîng" a n ri Tendet-pat badges uipi-e pi-esentet1in tiie 10ollox"iîg: Hembr Rohutîsuin, Slaniey MeNair, Cameron Wil- son, Chris. Huighesý, Kenu Boyd, Peter Nuklaus anti To mmy artuir. Due (o ilîneissfont ail oi- PackM'as, able ta be in- t esteti buhivîll bje on tîexb m(eteîîîgiighh. A speetit' recover- ta g x rh- rcl for Doniue Martin, tiho ij% surffccîuug frotinm ump Wp ;:are auso gladti hat Siisa. Si-vup'uou t-asable Io uelumn to -i'dr < Ldue - 2 » ud <tem- borît xi-th measles and car iu.n- niulu uif a sutiivhjvsion for long. Dliante 1.atIIgsta f f *27. Alhmi-ected oui. Rotse >75, Grane 'otiîch 275. Th['li ierlubor-s ce plea- Pc-oiier e1-fuisinig it-) tilea fi Ro<eciîa r\ K (ll ' 262- l-J ' a1 e t(l c prst on Stura- t ic r t arIk lafer a Movfat'Kuammer -157, Ioan r ici2:35, etuîgtlueni Mr. Wat k i n ,xil nir iegveut a deadlImue <f 12 P,,th Couic-h 255, Mrumnue Tat-atiibis rmnius jr-i the Seniior' 'hoiirý; (n dol sn, or SOMeotue, ioir 2199, Bel> Niaier 227, El- Boom sauug caînis at the dît appounieci hi- ouil ti- ill indoine _Dost'226, Nini MadilI fereot' homnes. Miich credtt ujt for bhem anti pres:ent (hem 29 Mat-t' Poster 219. ('olicen 1i tire Mc. Watktns for th(- xvutih ;a bill. Pirenng 215, Mia angsiaff nterest he showsý in bis ptîptl,; Bul; '<ccc pu-refrl. huît211 Pegpgv ,Pacet- 211,.1 I uanti thl effortc-lie pots forth thet t'wdue nuot il] anproi'en, Allen 2 0 ' , 1-la 0,e Qua n trîl1 on their behaît. cor bv Coi-incîllot VWalton alt 206, Eleanor Perrtn 205, Cabo- eau;t. A bill. liroiightit -v Mereer 202, Yv'onnc. Peel 202 Couincillor Courb for xieed in-' Men - 22S ant i ver - Geor_-g ,znerior. tii t gel approt-al Kimbaili 540, Huzh Auken 2 Frien dship of Conîncllor UWalton, who fet o woît lHtgh f i Ê 1 H 269. Bnl hi; no onue on ronruncl shoiuld LIake 14P. .Jack B"-(' iu, 43,e rrccen-" c %'extratregatriesg Kien Neal 237, Gar>' Rarchard Ub Enl'y oif xiln aîipouried him or *the 91,EalT a,-r 2.i. Clubr,,, xi crk ant i tme spen!.Hefelt Fr rI Tayý l o 22. G sorinîetîîc nibrr han a memr , Iiînirs - 20(' anti oveîl - Xm S M e tn rif >O!t1îýî ihoîuîd îiî'hpeo ogt25.Ge ou 2 mrî~ e te' l u t uaI as r oneelse tante i ball 2 .1-.Tom Foister *227. Fort,,- mpmbers o0f li ho take, on the ioh. Coiieh di" oh St. Amandi 218, 1Lînri a rtnlipcu fTriy -nPof jbli riile Whîtnex'24, ten oui 'îuuhed Chîîrch brAved the in-- to br cg iru a l'n ill uttf ftîat 213 rIement xieatburr ho attend the the e-t ifor naving thp weecis Th u td-Mixecira' e-Chrîsîmas zmeeting tn Tinnix' cit doit n shotîlti haie beon arn. 20() andi over - Ken WinvChîurh Hall on F'ruduv after- hrgh enorngb ton civ- the rost 262, Mabel Lew-îs L25t. Br't\' tinon, Dec.111h. The rnorn anti of 'beP ci;'ting anti cleanir Tendam 2.5, Ruth Cro" elI table-,ien gav. with Christ- -p. anti he insprtnr'a hing253, Art Dubeauî 2118, Mat-'ms oatosaniaIthe. aI-cio The maîonîv muhL,,eci. and \ÏcGregor 2n7. \Iaril%-n Coeîch ladines xî'nrp a flower to add the, bil]xvas paici 202. a feçt:ve toîîb. Ti e teex e hr'ovg1tto10 he ?'riciav ,Ni:xrdh.r t -210 Mi 'at~1îp.rara couinu 's attrit loti iluai et ePrv'andt titemr Lr~a-Paîbr.on 0rit,îte î-ommhnttep.,welc-omed t car ai tniz iit me a !urket xvas .11 Tra:c-t Emblex 3114. Rint I the gmnîup. Mrs. A G. Brooks gute s-' ' i'ce cierk atithe coih 26Walace couch 265., tvas n charge of the worsbip ae-o,'tivseintolueac if GeoireKimbal' 262. L l17,1 sert-ire nsing ,Christmas hymns th ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~')( ta il oh'onîncc Haeon20Abm Pa-ce anti crtpture Mrs. Brooks sang l tias deui mialithe tur_ 246. Ben Hloogkimp 24F. Etina a so,'lo: 'Tbore's a song et won- ke'~~~ ' iult gnb'nugt Darling '129. Jack Hciîme 213. droîis beautv.' aod rpad a Ted Hoar 212, Stan PowelChristmas story ".Toscph. the '210, Martîvii Couch 208, Rev' forgotten rman at Bethlehiem" Thrrtarp 4F arre,ý oft cm. E C. Wocti:ancî 208, Marge Mrs Ken Surnersford tben led pict-cEeparking lobs at ilie Gen- Patterson .205. Brian Rowe the groiup in sînging Christ-' ieral 'Mot.ors plants in03hawa.12O4. Glen Rowe .104. mas carols, with Mrs. A. Cole - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BURKETON Si mrypatht- is extencieci b tlîe, McKnighî famrly ru the pass- ing of Mrs. Dat-i NlrKiiîglit of Bowimanî'ille. Mastler DonialdiH micilas r-e'iiimned home froni Memorial H-ospital feeling mîich uîîî' prove ci Sot-r- -to rehiori th litJt - . - F. Rîbev s on the sick luat, WMe xtîsh hîrn a speecix recov- erv The U. C.W\V, met iii the church hall oni ctiu:dt - eîîiîg xilh a gond attendiatce.. Deepc,,lst\s.mpath\ ins e it cd Io Mr. W. Shtri-aicdanti iamrl, Olxta.anti Mr. ai. Mrs. àB Hubliard atîtdfanutîx It the stîcden passhng of Mrs. W'. Shîîtgerlanti. Y'n arc inosi c<-ri al> riu- v ite(, d o nur Wlii(e Gîfi et c on Su ndav nirnitg ahiil -45 a In. anti Siiiidav ,Sclîool ai 1(1.4.5 a m , Sonda,>, Dfi ember 20thîl. Mu. andti'<ls. C. Il. Hodgsoii,' IE3 At the piano.mi\r7,. !" rad Thm Canadiari Statrsmn. nowmranville, Irec. 15. 1154 a letter froi m rs T-llpennv. - ______ ______ Secretar\- of the, Sen;nr A-'duit Commiîte i nlToronto. hrînQ- Aax '-ere recent gUPýe O f hoçrssq ()a lmronsir inr P-reetin.cs to oîîr club ant I rs. B. Davev. lier 1,omp on Mvondax- asking about ocîr actîvUitic5 Svm-pathx' - Is C'\f"<ifd d To Smalvis ex\tCludc through the ycar. MNrs. NI.Grav andi familv- <ffan ilv 'anti rclAtves Bîrthdav greetinpcs uc rc <'.- ,anctv11'-, in the passîng Of iaSSîng iIf mr Bill D tendeti to "tirs. A. F. Devx t M iMlton Gra \ . Saria and Msrs. A. G. Brooks \vho On Sunda. v eiîung ai 7 to, Nîr. andi F;rs. B hoth have Decemnber birih- Derenîher 2oth, the CG.I.T. fAmll . Cookstowxn. davs. Mýr. and NIrs . -. H e-xvill prese-nt Thepir Vepepr Mrs. T Ashton, Tom!0 'nens ecî-t con zi attîilai uonj; Sert ce. orndial invita'tion Doîîgzlas Tavior anti on their 59ih xvedng apii- is extendrd in 0ail. nf Ro'nri IMr.. v-rsarv wlîicii the\- celebrate 'tlr. andtIMrs. Jack peeling Ta ,;or andi Nir Stanie Dec. 13th. Our nexi meeting andt girls, Oshawua. s-reSun- were tý,Sidivgui wiîll lie Jan. 29th, 19ti.. daY guests of Mrs. CGrota and IMrS. Leslie, TavI Atter a briet perioci of Baîley. faniîl.garnes, a dainliv hInio A nniber from lbei-e casi servx liv Uniît 6(of Uic VCW their t iîes in F.nniskillen on Grieral i \Tot orv f Mir F. Bae expresOedi a- ýIMonHaY. spenids $.1iillir1lu 'i ireciation To the ldi r if The Cc 1' it Itleeuer-to rki ngdCav f) r Unit fi, andti ail tiiose îaking ch ur ch on Mloîday evenîing. salaries, goodF, sec vît part in our progtam. r A. C. Stephenson wvas taxes. Rev' Mr. W. K. f1ouislaniidr ____________________________ spokP a few \xiods <of g od -hrer aîîd inspîratiori to ailru trne rr** those Prescrit. closing tvi1h a NI ' ti e, I - . à 1j Linenm F&i.,th Reg. pkg 49c--..6-VÊ 4ci White Swan DkCl SERVIETTES 5d445c REYNOLD'S 18-wude 5> H is t7tfr, e.tia i( FRUIT A 54 f COCKT AIL 4 ' 9 7< FINEST QUALITY, NAVEL ORANGES collo bgQJ LARGE SIZI dozen 79C If's the EAT in the MEAT that counts Super-Right Quality - Canada's Finest Redi Brandi Steer Beef STEAKS and ROASTS WING Steak or Roast SIRLOIN STEAK -sut)e'- Quai ty COOKED -- READY TO SERVE MUNCED PORK nb49cSMKDH S Allgrd - Smok- Sre~S d.Riridips M K D SIDE BACON i lb pkg .59c &iANK PORTION B4JTT PORTION A4n" pa)ge r43c 1b49c jeug '!chi(£CENTRE (UTS o« SLICED HAMS 1679, E Grot4t Withi Poultry owr Meat d'6,Ck FF<ji'l Fruts ràNtds Ocean SPr&y, WhoI. or Jelu ed 4 l' <~> -lb -~>CRANBERRY SAUCE infl29c AI l Pre. In This Ad Guaranteed Throuch Sattirday, December 19tk, 1944 NEWCASTLE FIRE DEPT. Community Bowling Ne e ue oini s a tisi <if top bnwcIfrs foi 1hic wcek euding l)eccnihc'u 12 th. SONELES-S POINT SIRLOIN ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST BONELESS ROUND STEAK B07TOM POT ROAST BONIELESS POUND STEAK, FULL SLICE OR MINCED ratir at ed in<h Mr.kev o -]or anti cr Mr ore ancj Decorating Your :hristmas Tree '?? "iSTOP"y Pynu inspected those string of light% for frays pnssible short, circuits? Ail that Rn ev'ergreen needs is one littie electric spark, and "poof" It can burn furiously to charred wond in just 18 seconds. e the advice of the. Fire Department, b. careful, be safe, and enjoy a "Merry Chîristmas."' U 1 1 r la

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