- À 1- 1. . ' ! 1 I v - .. le nhe Canmidlan -,a srnn.iwmanvlll, er. in l1f4 Ijirilis iUards of Thanks> In Memoriam Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Lost Election Real Estatc o aeR a saefrSl Ï1ùND A'iY Margaret (nep 1I wish ta express my derp BAILEY-In loving mcmor.; ICE for Your parties. 147 Lîb- PAIR now tires 7 .flxl4. tube- ONE Beagle hound. lak tn Cardis of Thanks F ~ ak R Hight and Jack are pleasedi to appreciation to friends and of our dea- son and brother ertY South. .51-3 iess. Cail 623-3123. 51-1 and white, one fox hound. " - - John F e inia ennounice the arriva*: of Janet relatives for cards. flowers,, 'vho) passed awav two years WATER for sale and delivered, GIRL'S figure skates, size 6 iý black and tan, three milesý To al] the electors of Dar]- REALORE TR Allison on Decembhe- 14. 1964. fruit and visits during my stay ago on Derember 19th, 1962. 24hu evc.Cal6355.lk nw Poe2323 south and east of Burketon. iflgton Township, 1 say thank 1 A sister for Mark andlin. in Oshawa General Hospital. "Sate in the arms of .Jesuý. hu r evie C 2-tf5 ale ri 6. PCale 623-25487. _j you for ou supot atthe Bowmanville-14FnkS.iln .E.632g ,51 -1 Rae Pascoe. 51-1 -Dearlv Ioved and remvmber- - ___polis. Dec. 7th. As a memnber Phone 6335 omnll ed alwaYs bv Mom, Dad and CEDARpoi and poles. will SCOTCH Pine Christmas trocs. Found of the new Township Arva' 400( Acre farm ihexlen BWANLE. -Soe WR Fr niPli\ .s a,, Wews oetn u Ricke\. cul in order. Phone 623-3447. pruned. 3q HorseY St.. Bow- _ _ - -:School Board I 1xill work ti. butildings. Higha oain rc oe eîrlylctd happy toFred it(-e ii i't if\an s Io h or xi encnigh o .51- ma vil e. 51 - 1 W ALKER hoîind, Oshawa - the besi of m .v abilit for the 'Close to a owu. L r e sr a . T o b t r o s hs i n thaks 0 ur iodueihbo'~BECKETT- ln lovirig memiorv eWATERfr ae n dlvee.ACCORDION. 1418 bassexcel- Bowm,7an\ville area. Telephone good of ahl. Complimentso sig5000 Trs farbs us o'V1,0 ScîtFrdeic. î~ ' o.s* ssstd heFie ep.of a dear wvife and mother, Caîl Cliff Pethick 263-2131. etcnio.PoeOoo 263-2048. 511 the season. Highwav far.na ot ihtrs a brother for Cindyi and Rx-last Wediiesda.v at the fire on . etthdiin.Pon 'soSy orln in br D -mbr131th. It6 npet.Ter fot Edith Ma. xvho passed axva" -f - ____ __ __ atnimoria Decem - u roet\ hprefrs 32-tf:.486 after 6 p.m. 51-i1- -Sd odn Hope, 12,5 acrswt - RN.Eetial et RI'\LnoilHo'ni itaî. ;ý%- -and1 hohiof Fre Deprîmen, ber 18 19a6SPRING rockbng horse, chrome!ALUMINJIM Windows, Doors, __Announcements 1 t îîitis opru Y buildings, large lem ls d ero rc uglx manvi-r îîe larc ratvappreciated Ti mnh one ît a îed: besi offer, Teîcphone!Awnings, Siding Lrn Aliil' 1ureprs oprîi1î o town. scelletcsig~ihatce aae W Mr n n.Ka~regret. esnecy wsh orepesm\siocere ihanks t!$43,000. TermsrHUADD r Engagement \Mreand Mr 51 sbins dKlaasi! ev 623-7147. .51-i Bowmanville, 623-3871. 5 1- frîeds a Merry Christmas'the electors of Darlington , Highwav farPtHoe(,0)DWN En a e etforget: LADYS warm. hMack, fitted TAB3LE turnips. by the bushel. and a Happy, Healthy and'Township for their support ai ra odbic oe W LCKTC.2Soe Deep ini nur hearts \ou %vill coat. si7e 1.3 or 14. $15. Phoni- excellent qualitv. R. Ballard. Prosperous New Year. 1 iu h pls1e. t. 0ru. Coto tw sholbic oeonah: ar o \l' ad M~ rî'ol R. MX Siceesiihiîk to ax~x'ssî\'623-3127ý 51-!' Hampion. Phonef 263-2234. of individiiai greeling card.;, me 10 the Darlinglon gown a 1,b.Bo\xvmnanv-ýlte. \vî-h Il' cer'VO ilc xîho Sent carois. oe an remiernhered -PIONEER seed c'orn. -F. we have forwarded a donation si Area School odt..sigS3 0l Tr' n h ilae e o uo announcr the ofae flowers and r a"Wer, unsilenTlehoe'RDI.AtatrKei.128 frmeiclreeac. iI odavr10sW.. lIrte 5brn0 Akog $50crteHMEs2 Gwn dauhte ,eciVeWini- st- î~ h ospîtal. A ver 'y sadly missed' and lovingix' 2613-2î086.4- pîh.echlcniin Mr. and Mrs. Glen Maryn. payers in the township. 1I wish j51,f))dcown. frto M rîk.ne~î.special thanks tbDr- Miklo, îermemlbvre.d 1w her husband 493ýurgt xeln odto.51-V'1 one and al] Compliments of '100 Acre faretovl dteAnotewfuise Gelson. son (if .\11 and ' r r Gardiner and the niiir 5p5 Oliver and fami1v 1-1 k USED Washer Parts, almakes;I Phone Orono 248(6 affer fi p.rn.the Season. ara omdhm,~-adwneie.Cob u- .,aS011Gei o f V c o i . of the T hird Floor. M\emio ia l r4 h.P. nîntors. P addy's iH l a t dH r y O l r 1 1 e n c n e i n ,C he arra,_r t ae F0sýita. Eowm eMaik 'RC Temric otk opii nranvill . I FRASER InIloving lnicrnurv il -et, Hamtn, 263-2241, BO'"S (CM. bicycle xvýiti plaFcea-. DrotilRed Ioîîr parents,. Harrv and -11-52 Iights' and speedomeli- er- ' elý rpr Wm ate ar ye.5 r oveine.Br. od hsd iatrii .Jnay151h. 196I5. -- lzaeh iser. Mother. whc, C. O. F. CHRISTMAS trees. ýgond condition. Clarre E.Allii. wntî' appd BoCaapedlcre~s17.flt)0 em. aln 1 xvoild like te ihank Dr. pass,;ed axva\ December 16. $1.,50 (ic. taxi Available at 623-50)74. r Gciisha Hotel, Oshawa.- 37-If LARGE room available. meals oly Hop 0 e e. Pie5,0.'sel E S 2- D eaths Syv ester, Dr. Sproull, Dr. 1961, and Dad. xvho passed 9 Fleti St.. Phone 623-5334. HOOVER portable vacuum COOK wanted for ngtwr if desired. Phone Newvcastle'10Ar amwî tem 5 - liubbard. nurses and safo awav Februarv 25. 1957,. -1cleaner. monlhs oid. cahApyJmiaOssRs 8-4314. ý 2 harols: 9 roumdhoeiHg COWLING--At Souith 11axventhe Surgical Floor for their Just' 4thlou'ghî of se- KEYS culato ]lcly.- whilel $50. Telephone Newtonvil]e taurunt. 115 Hîghway. New-lcto.A~k~g5500W rn elEtt Nursing Home. Nexvcastle. ononderfîîl care.-. vould like remnembrance. 'You waiî, tM ule Hard-i 786-2295. 51 -1 ý casth-. s Piano Tuning Terms. Sunday. December 131h. 19634. to thank eveî-vone xvho i-e- IJîsi a nielloiî-v fond and ýware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman- GILviefgr kts GIRL for small office, typing 'PIANC Tuig Arthun OSHAWA. Sroe.nw ~IE Leslie Thomas CoxxIiing. in hîs imembered mie xvith flox vers,. 1t1rue, ville. 3-tfiILSwteigrske,'Ad un.Arthr 62nd year. R.R. 4. Boxvman- gîifts and vards durîug M, stax-1 Jusi a iokeii of affect ion f1size 5; white tube skates. size and hookkeeping. WriteAd Coîlison. Phone 623-3900). brick bungalow ihatce 7 huc tRwaýîl ville, son of the late 'Mr. and] in M1,emionial Hospital, Boxv- And a heantar-he stîli for GOODBRAND Fabrics is aulh- 3; boy's hockey skates. size ..vrtsn578, c/o Canadia 37-tf grae Bathromwthvn Nls ila er oln.navle '1.oîized dealer for Elna - WhiteiPhone 623-5959. 51 -1 StatCsman, P.O. Box 19,i ___ tv. Double lanr tus6239 ilrs. William-_-_enn-_CoxvRenDi.s etcx-îsle. Service w-as held in t'le NMoc- s Le\v Hayes. S1-1_ Ever rei-enebred hv <hein Sexxing Machines. See our i- ED hardwood, 2 cords re-, Bowmanvilie.511R arst.Akng169.Tes.MmrOhwaodDtic risa11Fun-iraaldChapel. Boxa prims.n18-_______ll risece lir ,-.. .., - danpies Sanin ad ,n-siespcia l)iMai 3-Ifsawd ay lngl. $5 aloa. NWCATL PulicSehol R owmnvNEWCASTLEmI RalPstaelBae ill ,, T eda.nucmbri mx' nk-rixv1 n10 - ~ 111gAîîu,î '-n1 i îîî urîur 1511W Q911W.xZl a1-1 . 1 î-.Aii-sanoîtionai J.. -un -_o n ARAsere ho I nnmkes. es. Askinod900 5 ceDar ar,6ro <r k DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p. m. 11 ai2po ntrnthtank aIl those xvho camne tluj-j1,'or appliances, cali Elmer. Ca rscadden. Phone .15 R 9. ,teachier, commencing .January 'nSrieC.Poe17Roe oewt Bted entr\. .11nYbrha atad rultHampton' business 263-2294 -1 Orono. 51-tf 41b, 1965. Apply tb Mn.Ed, Television evc o hn omdhm ihatc-hmhr 0 0,slgn me floxvers and other lox-elv H A WKE. EtiltiLcrt residience 263-2695. 6-f1,950 MATCHED- pairs of skates acrd Newcastle, Onai.16338.___ d aae a]md G RAY.je Milton A - M St. gîfts. 1 also xish 10 ibank mn i11iio-inlg iretrnory- f a deariALUMINUM Doors and Win- and boots, in ail sizes. Seling O-GNITad h-_ - veniences. Nice and en 3.00-Trs - ehu-sadtei ie n ithr u at e e rigeration Asking $14,500. Terrsi0 ceSoc am rc Josephs Hospital. Peterbor- ehv wadterxives n ie a dmo 111 uliHaxx ke. d(ixv. Conltacti\IifVtllerifliard- at cost pnîce Ioci erar. ua RAIT nBhorLaerrdxick bîbroeo n miy 100sraHat ocs ough, on Thursdaý,. December Mr. and M\,rs. Hudson for giv- 'A11 passedava Decerriben ware, 361 King St. E, Bowman-iquantiix' of hockey stikfrS.inrwsUie d e a r ly lf a t e r n i m a v ap p y m e m o' N i. e s f t h î s S h e vou l d lio t fo v. s h o i' ,o xxB E ' a s S 9 9 . 0 0 Fli eun e o fh r o m O dealy lo ed us an of patv I xiî axvas ne Sti fwx oudîo vih o o x'FBAi Y ahr, n w, asSTh 'i s orw stock. Osoruieto commence Jan. 1, 1965.' o m ril -oe, 5 r or- Ln s y ny 5 40 0 Flosra ene in dan Sprocain vas iwa 990, lco!orts andc yc-le. rorner ofiSend applications to E. J,.Commercial and Dmsi Cd ommeroniarl ot.Asin Tns Jams ndKened. rohe oca~oo I-as.Beatty applian-es.Paddy qigad cggusarPwll ilroOt 9 Rfieain-MI oers 57,<)hoeonrge. 0 Seicaceott.fs of Frederick of Bethan.,W\eý- Eihei Ni. Thoropson. But .iustlu hi- reniembei-ed Make. Hmpon s:-221. No and 12,0<cFO RghsMa oer aPo-we3577lbic bugaow it sef-on le v a n d E r n e st o f J a n e t x'î e . 1 . k T li o u g i o t t ' etp an t.i4 9 - 3 1 1 1 - 5 2 H A S S O C a nid M r s . D . Ml c N 1 ut lle ti y e r . SLp c isc-$ 14 0 0o0 h eF O w ig tM a n l r a dPp odnsi e s.Rc t f s t o h\ 111_ htTs -Pne 623-317trs retabicedbnaowmenthaaiet hsac 800-5, by hne grndbilren î bi ties fnend ad nighoî aoddauhtr tîli rut vunr owvu.S)c al aro form and swiv-l rocker-s. Lazytai-t ciistomners. Write Vice'3Goo lianthe ofOsaiasas sr iv I x'.ih1enk in el- va n daiOerdb u-SOC iî hita e-,casional tables, TV irays, plat- Tak- short auto tripst10 coulj- Lne ad aeEcleti baud LanderrHrdwarenExcelent income prpndtfa rdown 73rd ycar. Rested sî-î~~,51 G. kovics, forth of 'l'vr01W. 'BOY -airs, lamps, ,;tnokcr's,'Prcs. Dept. CE. P-0. Boxar7<)O, adLECRCOnfly 500dw.v)~Aresokfn ie ïr er etda i thu 'xvbo0sent me cards, gîfts. fruit th-r-qaranild sELi ida -ECsTcb-srniec. î-- ttinR Trn$.5,0tni.38tfTW 00 erombnglwssuh fPeebrog. eu chape] fMcemotPaî- n pi m her lst dr .04.l m g eîur tMopn. I50-2 (nooroand kitchen su hies, ruStaiItiuodn RsrîTtonroItotiui8 r1, rik8hmeaI baker, Pont Penny, foi, service namstay iin Memorial Ho,,- nei1 fM:o 011~~~~~~~~~~~ Mody eene 4ba ia.Bxmnil.Seiiadean wife. mnoihen and grand- INSULATION. hlcîxvhog rnetb-- ndmatt-resýzcý 1-wtle "sl MARIIRED mani for diyf QokV atd $2.001)down, xith conietmsnwseehao40x 1, pi-icca. Mîîrlîb', \. Fîrnitire, Fe- bus n N.2 1g-m rîaefrbaac. 4' 6. Trnfc s 21 p.md. Inement Yxer t at tl Wanks 10Dr. Mc enzie. r other. Ethel M. Joli xvhr>od, xith rc vn. oF-rnge-t hoe63381 a,e mle o owmanlih.- CRPNTR won and Ne- Bedortgaebfric uglwhetrfr1cantb o Cem-ery.Hallet. nurses and staff. Passe xa'Dt-me 1tianship gîiaî-antced. Fn r e Troeaywee itispic.4,0 Ceedyniear,\ staff. also Union Local 1961.eslirnatcs. Har- -- l1 -*Vhlc-. Must hi- experienced in pains, tiled ceilings, etc. Fr-e îîndercns$ructio.Veyel No Everx ~~day in sortie smiall wv Phone Newtonville ê86-22,56'. EXndliog aIl types of farm 'estimates. Phone 623-2752. EEUIETP U~-Trs mOWAR, inelary.t TornhostllwageandGALOW.v Courternrcesoarea, cbrickur3192 AcresinnearHiNewtonges t 51- on Monday\ Decemben 14111 ngteplubng va v. 38-t erile Iater-mixable sotli- tbr- riht person. le Re!51TJY-1GLW out r Bon ETE niHo ad os Gy or- t.i' a MONJYBcko evce with athached garagepvd1rom U--athme WEATHER Bar iuntla\-d11 aro - COntains 100,000 I.. Farro, Bowmanville. Apply 10 i-Trenches, drains, founda- diveway, finished rec.ro.lrebrsitem ie T96o LigibCoahscnt.e O Cyoli Ga.arei cel- drapes, aiso sec new samples Vitamin A and 10000 D2 Per Phone. 623-3090 or 623-5444. losadspi ak u n ayeta. Pieadtr~ pvd ra rnae 3,o o964. oLgella rCll, lHoa dI harlie Gax. ocar.ackfilled. Cal] 986-4737. arranged. Trs lofi GerofathlitRuT ey Hoxvaosptdl, Sti l mis e. sist!v o reglass me.lsii tee or en pevntainAand b seli, Frank, Edward, Godon manvilte-Many thanks 10 ail -Lovingly rembered bh 2-5re or1. o3hm . ne treaim n d ofV tmn ad SCrkeTA -TowsipSholA h~o ewtonviltl om dbik 20 A rs na lcsok ioving sister of the laIe Rus- To Meoniaul Hoptl oxmylva en.etmt.Goband ahncs IDDefcincis i veskClreTonhp eol Area A.5 , hmcmltlymdrieEclen uligsra ahod oltniteand omyHaroldu aand Exerard. son Bll.6355]adIo lr.Board required for 1965. Plase extna lot. Any offer cni-I elh fre m eit ae Tan oveTanrohntodand 10 htinthere: 10 Dr. A. Syl- diugbten Mai-garet and their OFFICE Equipmeîît .Type-, Phone repîx ho wriîing. givîng cx- î~ ~ et~ ered. $000 Trs oi James Hards and Mns. J.. esten and Rev. J.K. Fnamnp- families. 511 xuicrsiader& cshirstduli-ex Edgecombe. (Barbara Ano> of ton, special lbanks: the med- calons. -heque wrihens, files,' JOE SNO\VDEN peri ioP.qulfiatosNnEi 623n--s7r1brc27ilig 0 Ar salarv expeched. T yp in g in small town with two aatînae.Sipg50ls Etobicoke, and of Hartlev, ical staff and gi-niaI xorkers PHAYRE--bIn]oviog rnernorv ,fi.initune. We buî.î, selI, ni-nI,, our K. V'ET. Representative would be an asset. Direct ali35 Nelson St. Bwavle trso anfo Kcncth. Mary' Lou and El- of whalever kind. concerning of a dean fathen. Pencv Phayne:seivic-c. Lairgest stock, budget' 263-2655 ierplies. marked, to Lawrencel4-fartes pai n thewok a hak vu-ma, .beERNIErenwod ERFECTR 1,opbouse on back of eachsoecmptey odrie,4 (Maisie) Don Milîs, and Mns. thank 5 for hi-au tiful flowers. 17-. 19,58. oeha.lwpie.BlýLvsokFrSl r'eopJnav2d 95,ENEPRET Akn 1,0.Tr j1. Simnonds (,ean) and Rov gifts aod cards and fiiends "'Tbeî-e s nu parlîng frorn ilînse Hamihltoni, Raglan (North- __ iRSTARAN__ CoîxuilI, and Mi-s. .1. Barber xvbo Ma' \VPi xcilve. Osaa> 8 I-f 18 PIGS, $8 each. Doug -51' LMBG&HATN (Mario) of Sarboro ilhe ave n apptrCribtidgand NR-R.dttancenty- dMENd onStwamengeif.R.ot,îocao-MENPhoneme623-3540carlaPoeeExcellentoombusiness. inNo -S' r.1lian vsa40- betten bi-alth and pruspenit.- Fori- oday mnnie garcî-i TV~ TO\VERS 'Pool. 1-1 find 50 gond cîstomens in your lg.Ecletbsn \-car memnber and Pasi Noble in 196i5. We stîýllwalk -ide hv side. '0 1pIWO registered Hlstein heif- cmuit.xewilso yuP.Bo 59cmpeiinssig5000'ilecepres omn Lode o.93.TooGo.andci-RT. how easilY You cao make reg- 78 Ontaro S., Row'manvîlc T n b a d n l x n ra R b k hril Cae 511 ah lnI ing . . eG rsle.\ ,Ne castle,. o m d h m Lva' awa.dd93, DTgoronuMo.anannd Byofoopn. nAiOSHAWaAl $600.00, molithly. Fre 8R bre' u .anohAeadhReka .neeCl.1tFahdwngdaatoîgSAVA987-4655 _ _-1Sfbtro. s1prodhii-îdeals and monthly .---!aceuend was awardd the DTTTfVflT01 r. a'ar-e. and baohroom5,Alneenacre anl -a aso'tkeIbs pprtîitxk0ex-H la- xilh-tce TV SPPYLTD. fONd Polled - Hine" spcilsdoth TNK or more. Asking $7,010 ano odEs Chialy h Ptnarcs .il.Soteod thsoree tyt.x o idlk ex- lans wthnbt uvr hîifbull, serx'iceable agei-,sellîng for, you.Write todav' îom bngalw ors aceslo tant of Ontanlo, ~~~~~361 Gibbon St. Dial 728-81801!106 J 14, Garden Il11]. 1i' o F-"smpe n lt-PUMPINGAfrhosea'an.5100- ,0do. j3 member of the Quîarter cen- pre-ss their sincere thanks to --Sad]lv missed by daughtc'r Day or Nih-BllLak rpl-DoldMuto i tury Clb of Rbert Smpson al] thir frieds andiDonaldeFMoMritn ad -o6233614% Newtonville stratdTcotaotoeey Coi. Lld. Rcsting at the Jen-,for the beautiful gifts. cards 'aid. 51 -1m ~t:sbire hoans, onie registened. 1600 Delonimier. Montreal. B TTM KNS do Vrsa rno69Oeacelt$850-Tm. rctt Funenal Chapel. 1141 St. ndf)owers received on the:BL' itrKCos.,6325._ _4-l Clair Ave. W. (nean Duffeini.î occasion of thi-ir 25th w îdng ILKINS -In lovîog tnmmr SI 5-1 AVON' Phone Newtonville 786-2552Rs Dvso-Behn3r3 rno Ectinlyfn Fnrlo hrca.da rte.Snu GAS&MRO S- BEAUTY IS OUR BUSINESS' _ Cali Collect 41-tf - ac uglw ielcs Interrnent Park, Lawo Cerne- you 10 the "Euchne Club" for!George Wilkins, who passedý esMk l orAcinS tery. Sadly missed by ber son-, delicious refresbments, and a away Decemben 17, 1954. * Mlle and Windou,<ila.'svurcidarbi o A pîcasant profitable' a oUH LTRN rowing husband. ber famîty .X-iry specual lhank you to Docg We ofien sut and thunk of lbon *Fol l rab~Cnita.Phn 2-2849 orPhon 2-66SveDlas avAorce t-aItentonuframeCunySalsNwate prmn Rnd fiends. ,May God outi and Pat. and ahi those ti- eýWbeo xvi-are alone,*FiaPlt lsChita.Poe2384.hne7596SvpDlr!Hveoucet-a heuhmCut oft. iI s the- Lieivy on the thenl rl oak ' 50eaed .jvý-2' SI-I erfield and chairs re-uipholst-' Ar-na. Orono on Decembn2 rc uldn.Lrelt m ul it d ( o H s e n er y o in f o k s w h h lp d ak ,, Fîeý red . F ree estim a tes, sam p le q a n d 3 1. M e r y. C h is tm s 9 5 05 , 0 o n mneîcies grant ber Pe-mail sur-b aav.-onerfiiit day God' That grief cao cal] ils owii.1and Glazing I PEDIGRrEE Sianet-se kîtteni, WELI, eslablisted firm offers 'taken to t-he home. .5-'ieiyo h ihrdok'bouge turaincd. [Phoni- 623-2788.-Ito aggressive dealer splendidi Budget Terms Arranged 1 EatoPrtHp-- ed When other tbings necaY. Phone 623-5187 qljîwopportuinity. Finst qiua ity cur WYEBO.UHLTRY A CIO AE ro bikbnao ni VERBEER -AI Memoîial 1-bs- IKiht lr nce uur Oi ox9 o hr il tlDh-~TivisionSt. S., Bou-manvilllePEDIGREED Siamerse kiltens,i--Ius podcîcls. Cissio 1cre lot.smaPhonaen6239,202 pitl, Bowmanx'ille. on Satun- .sonnow we xish to acknowl,-- green 46-1if iight weeks old, fully trained. 1 37-tf-tine dax, Decemben 121h. 1964. iedgi- with deep appreciation And neyer fade away. .t-umnuure Nash Road - CourticFinee. 3it paî.il M. Verbeek. aged s"-<,n ne kmnd cane given our molb venneem-nedbyin.' U R K E Y 'hoe62-54---- -1 r ingnroes o ik Autom t bdor bnao wt I T Sg.Rusl.Ro.An JITO Dept. 7, 5130 St. Hubert.o acRus-oneens.1200. $00 months. hiloved son of John i-r by Dr. Htîhband, nursesan and eore.vRI. Boy -Ann Coming Evns Mnml 1- us-Api an N-l V-ree. 0 orbu staff at Memonial Hospita].'adfml.5- FRESH KILLEI) rAna Mnra.5- Car \Vash p±a esoxn St., Bowmanville, and dearithe floral tnihuites, cards and AND DîRESSFI> TrRKF:YS An Meeling. Tyroneî- - PENZ'2...2ig ortabl brother of ,ohn, Ricky' and atso knnesof f nsand RM RC Fint CnrDcme A. 0 b 00 are.WteHv V a rd Wnteied ad bvrMoe Betty. Serviexvas held in the:neighbors through the yeai-s E O L for C hristmas and Newvel'ar 18. 710pro Ali ecorne. F ý5. ,- 50-ace-s- r-i-c, anWntizdb Morris Funenal Chape], Bo30u_ and dii ring hi-r illness. To ME O IL 15-1Avrie57,coCnda manxilli-. on Monday, Dr-r-cm- Rev. Grant. tbe Pentecostal I fignified and Distinctive Cail C. BOREK Baidminton Club New Year'-s Statesman. P. Box I,!u' iaPout VSt qer 4h i Twoace Tckt-edroom bungalowi. ý16 ibrt S Bowmanvilhe Cemetery. 5s1-1 Homne for their efficient and lni designs for any need. HAM P T (0 N nhenr canly froro Ede oir Fmil--h__ - o - - __ an -ite- - -kînd considerations in the boss' THREE orObav ~ ~ ~ ii ~ 3 ~ 4-rooi' prmn TC U GS 1050-Tns of oui-heloved roother. Phne 26-27%ith p.rivale bath, immediate! 7NH-iSt Reception The M lgtFam"y 723-1 0 78-627Coneand danc I lu ,poîî5i-550i. C1rstin extras. $171100 F AC McKuigbi -1 Offie, v- .gsNontherri Raroblcrs. Nc-xtonl- no childrerî: total abstainers < CLI %>AmnyEOl M.and Mrs. Canes Gren ANT OfUSicleeHll, 19.nlnrs dýFRIDAY NJGHT Trs ha, air. Gre 'ýi-en- al26-tf SNAC.A.'vleIiI)c 9 î'-yovPhone 623-5875. 511' Pi«IIBINCt RFP AIRSInoeHms Toi- home.t MapeGnv.xii bend ad) ;iio-W i ne-PARADE FI'NJ) wrl-ome,. 75c- admrission .51 'b1I PIIONEIHAMPT1ON 1 n oroosm-eahdhms relatives on Saturday, Dc)ceni-,pre,,s nuir eartfi-It thanks n( antedCHRISTMAS MiIý.-Bno hrdyFiRn 6-11Dc 8a ber 19th froro 2.3() to 4:30 and apprechation to Dr. McKenzio __t;l8o'lc.sosrd O S o enM i drs '7 1 9 pro., on thiola'(n'i' in luthe South Havi-onuNtis-! edt evc E E Sliv Uic Junior Chîarnibrrof Poe(fi48.133BOKS.N in-iCoromercc Rcd RBa 5 1tl1 îi-1)7418.S-I1>P.O.Box 543, Bo-winan'.ihir o'f thein 401h xîedding a*inm-i-g Home (Mn. and Mî-s. Mace 'Highest Cash Prici's for fi-ad Nlay he picked upan ime SfIOS uetsrelnelvn roi.rnth ~'i~ax ~ îTandshwS. A LYCETTISE ai GARDEN i eWHITBY, ONT ihwl-owl rabno nStaff) for the kindnessý and Crippled Farm Stock afr e. iitutRoidac!cîar-cuii stiiTîurnier, New,c xLYCT G RE shwntoA. r, dui, tRETFU FRNl TON AKIG OT) Dsî Next door to Brock Thete ul-nchn aie ndn M. and Mns. WesleyIlîoskin .ber illnr-ss. Wr- especialîx' PhRneTTLoURgFistOW anceNG lOT ilm-inuîi )isiy îck s 11-41 11PI MBIN(Gand IIEATING etui-ncuoadinb- 76767lsHosk ve.iOsaAx'r-.,s totOshaev.Gaogexvilht 6650(nochagettoouthnDivsko Rree v.urGeo19 r-geSM PhoneET MTLong ' DistanceLL' Zenith 6an50rein-charge b ofu on fivimgionfot!eet S:îtiui:m ;iDei-r. oe 1 îian Se rMil-l)ueTAinbol)lxiam- ti-cl- R ShhEIT A ORKI .V'INLVAVR nNCrwo fmae ls receixe their fir-d n d-F'ii i servoice hndDept A gnie. Lic No, '286-C-64 immediately acruuss from îIl itht- hlmmvismle i' Oiîilîîmo--mmhOuntarioill-. TISFI GOOfS TO BESOD0hoinanshos.P- tives at H-armony Unted iaking the funeral srvc 1a l 2îtf Saivation Armv ilau iui etî . îuîîitc i'Phmm-6l-21 I-IOoo(itîi 'hurcb on Sunday, Deceroiber 'll the donons of flowens, the'-- - -- - onavle hns so 9111W HASLT 20 164 fom2to 4:30 (occ Masonîc- Lodge No. 66, A FF. ah -512te onam'li ie auîrh ApI'l'ME'NT.t' wc bedi'ooms, îoîs 'hl 911I l I.BOLTL Olnsae.Ti sa x 2o 94 rm2&Cs nthe Spot Druni Band. 50 1lathi selt-<ontained, l'i-aled; i < oîhirt), EEV opligl cpinlyfn oepie ou the occasion of their 601hi A.M.; the palîbearers and Mor- RSRE-Cmrs weding Anivesar. 50-2!ris Funenal Homefo their for Dead or Cripphed Farm! KINDLING j-Mouistir B i ngo. Twenty castle. Phoneiie123-5274 . 5C EMA1at-1-T:e ndFu ' Trs ow SThe faroîly of flic laie Telephone cohhert 263-2721 1gams-twety dollars; fIIOI)JSE .sotit utr Newcastle;! EXCAVATING Si-ater Air Foam LivingRomtetNrh.3bdombn - 'kid Se nc ok Pedrp)rmpiyW ODlrrcstbry ola:$10rmecvfinîa-iled! hatîrooro, ILOADINC, TRI NCIING. Siuite in Provincial Perid dgao predfm$1.0 1LO\1E-SHOP; Margwill Fur Farm 35c Baz nukopot, and two jar-kpois atl 'imiI.-iblr- ficîr arhuîlf family Sand. C'ravel. 'Top 'ioih and fo~ FO E H PDELORV$250 flor pnîzs. Nexti .îaîiiai x'Modern Dpslgnr ln IFinto!1820 alb Loan TVRO~ UJ-AL OR IREPLACF,; M1,d- y A m..Redrj Bnn. e-mn iz.Tl-F111 deli-ered Dw yet$70wl P;zpt -- L'ere No 333-C-64 n)!. 0.. obotfnline Neimcast1e 987-4-910. 24-Hour WATER SERVICE 'Colkenigs -_ FinfneOccsoaNHA CARNATION ;~n< onscnoc- 11.4B1EVEl Oawa.-4-tf91ui Reaýonabie Rates r-m~~ss min d~~ep aod sio'ere ~~" Ni-o 5'ear" ~Eip 'e Fet1 CAPARTMENT - alaIllable In 6355 OMNIL hisadTbe lhs evcsi FI-NERI R RA.NCEllt' b!ons and relatives for al theun r LUMVDBER ui.dx. lu-oe lt 3< rws djtDfNi~ BA . c fe jioSPITAI, %RNGMNSkitnclnes, floral tributes, coni- Mr. Lloyd Pneçton.- Whoie hîîes diltbiding, eîeet'AR E & oYM1sx Springs B- roon IVEDDING BOUiQlETS funtmug xords. beautiful carci; sale, - Retail Paint and Wall- BOWMANVILLE, Ig'Ïanas'Rtc-ho-i .il ( îS ,s tovo supplied. Phone 623-26011 AE EVC ORDER FLOWFRS FOR dtming the- illness and passing papi-r announces that bis store ars l efsivtd r6358.4-f utITAS NW o a belovcd hishand andiai 99 King East xvi]l1îrot b, !96 King .1"t. E. Phone 623-33188ý $2.510 tcuple. Foi tickets ici(-,- 24-HOUR ; field Suites - Daveno Be1 e okn * 6355 ilorsages and faiher We especiallv wish lui ueadyx li] ilapproximati-Ix'-5() <1-2 pow 62.1-11111 '5î1-1 H.JSE, Iwo b -sioî-eyCouwoebcd-' O C'ut Fowers .,%CIthanlk Dr. Fergîson. Mrs. JanuarY 15. 1965. roCîîivn-romtodrnimler - Srvc imviug-nof he, roodenîml LOilnos ,vcl(,or-Service.l]LathersouheandCai. Je WBoyn 2-31 APiohone c1h X x vilh roiud-re alGIFI Pens;ons uitc-sied in atn~kithtî, bathroom, oh] fttinnae. SEPTI(t TANKS AND Lmp -LayByCir rr entt* 2347 62-14 eDPtBonaniBTEr.RS-M P irîtn i i hm. 3g thf,eiolr Citi7euIS Tloiur lent $70) monthly. Town Line TULE BED S -Ruts In Many Sizes dHwr odr*6535 3 seli, Oshawva: Dr. Burni-ti and Quen St Phone 623-30170. HEADQ A ESO'Bowranville Christmas N., une mile oulside city limits,PHN Afi-r fours b. bis assistants, orderlies. nur-z- i51.1 F O R ...DeIoation.T" sponisoredi by the Oshawva. Telephone 723-4471, APONE 3-28 Colors- Bunk Bcdeiebcoer - 8339 623-2184in staff of the llth Floor. _ - I-- B -1oxvmanvulle Kinsroen Clîîo. Osbawa. 51-11Rtoes m _______________ j*,ng .nd ALL F ectriraî Aiplîances i TYRONE 263-2650 Refrigerators - 51- I. We sendToronto General Hospital; Me- be tohi- i-d on Sindav. Dec-cm- Wir a yw erelir 0t, Faiin al 7 .i.,Washers and Many Items ToLnN E Wtre anyhiq-e Lester Highf id. h t rs BaPer hop ndIi-a:cn ols peeber 20hr1ing 62.1-2451 orr A alal a. i ESTABROOKS - N t eto.N r gon FaiyRey. Houslande-, Bevi ln Rom4 manvîlle wsilis e ]Rlçyi-îq - Trl<'ycheq 162.1-5950, att-r 6 p.ro - so finit Two Newly DecoratdTE Numerous ALLent - -Boomen. palîbearers. Morris' Closed at 6 p.m. Wazon% ,siîitahli- arrange-ments fou- APARIMENTS TR EESERVICE GooON vJEW DYALIe Nrsn PhotographY Fuineral Homp. God biess '-ou: iii%"nognqfasotainrnh' ae FRIDIY FROM 9 A.M nHgwy2 ieu c alPatsnri omnit 15 (). 2 (entrahhy locat-d on Main St. TREES TRIMMED rcomdtoaaibl.Kn 1M/rs.E. Passant and Famil rn- 1 -n- i Transistor Radio% ni-ar shopping REVEDSl I'jXAVFuntr tdcr.Nus 4bs.V"tr I