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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1964, p. 4

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EDITORIAL COMMENT Nice Time of the Year \W l w's pný . ecemnber anid <'lîrîlst mas t îmf for illuitsal reasonls. Mosî Statesmnan !nthscrib'r s renpiv thrir PApers roxx'for anothrrpar, but it is tnt Jusit tIre addiî louailrexenue Ibat niakes uls Iappy' Quite a fexv include lrtI friendîv mnims 10 the Editor and Ilitir Messages renv frieîdsbps and recail carhier davs xx'bcuMost of t hemr Whix eim. Ifis %wrdfil te brifroni t hem anîd especialix' gratifviiig te kri oxv% thrv still look foi xxarrl cacb xxeek W c i'C'iving. t bir Ilernietowx'nipa per xv th ils flcxx of t lus dist îic I'bere are, Aixxax s a fexv Sad notes toi). fiorn nid timers cl-f-uvrfnr man 'v yeacs. wlîo wrýite thai iî's been many years since they left Ibis aiea and tbey know x'erv few uf ftic- names ap- pear-ing in Statesman columnrs acb week. Or. the e enewai îlot ie r mes back witb a notation saying Iliat st anîd se bas dîed and wculd xve pleasc cao- cel the subscr-iptiorî . .. ibie fi(s \ith the past ber-e are brýoken. "l'eal] cui- gccxxing list of* snbsci'ib- vrs both her-e anîd in mrariv centins far rmxd.we, extend ()tb ianks foi' iin- ci ud iîîg brise home' commei t s xcnb \'eiir' renexcals. Keep thrm comicg, vx'e love te Ieair fitn xm W'ear*ipkigft'.xxaiPtt pend- 'Rg afewx'minuLtesý xv ch c11r'Member tif f Pa:i«la.nf7nt Russeil!C. li liex' toc lei.r h n re'îcx't lc c cis tif \ltrdav riglit P!'d ru xv uedax noriîing Ini Parlia- bieltcrarîs se r a vea 'hevil cx- ci' ing cries ibýat lie \xciijio iîi*V1rerwenî- i xebecti used tir!x' a f(,xx' imues Iil ('arada*s lNsIqxxeuz lex 1P tn'ugît1lue x cars bhavxe le t îiat %PnOu2 t o bepi-resetii t) o et, iIn actti No dou b t e exn i oft rpasitx' c xs xuillhoc Frer'! ersinirMI.rIloerem !<Fccllcîitil of h:-, txm as a Pach a- AS x ce mrre' 'riles Axxax' tile Prtnme ?\i isien rad - cv lititle r':":ce î ~1cC~lrrg x re".c cil'oi he v. at i'orrsxi ' v Imi bexonirw'qafiliblis- r" li' l' C'n e. a eoppos ' ln iMrn. fl:Cfelta ker anc'ie iIs sIîtls'lrrpe cc qzDctea:-cd 'c' i)( "'t: tir'n1 . î<ir 'Ic i:to'in "'ei .r eir"r ltrir ccxx t a~. ez ase x c:e x~i r -'Irr ca'si i ze"egî 'ne' son C):!ZF: 1 C I'lx i ' (7 axM it f n- ntcti-!-,P s~î îr.ra t-'" rrt< a'a!L-t a. e ii:a ; o n t. i mWe ~ditn stc"e :' oer ar'r":.e .e o"'t:'ne o'fa c-r." 'dc ::e '. d'ta' e "adi -ne se' ersoa'xx'pitex ra- ecx'e r'-'î'ire i-aca::' in i'i 'r-.:' rie 17pi'og S 'd 'vese a' r- .r, .:1îr:g rai n Ca'.aa'sbet ncxx'r't arof bies o rado n'coxsoti eioIai'e of'raik hl ' e 'c'ca a" q t hua isea et ;'r az'ov r B sa:urg n I p.m. an rrc-Ta, or, Ac-r,"i.cpDa:, rd icar'trlx' '( aa'huaijiessiur ruarc i e hfly intimm:sic about 196,5 Tue xastmaioriilz 'ook for' hig-hcr "Isale ad rm a li '-Unbe: cn! frt'ms ic ri'n; 'îM Acvzermx ribsataîl ?xanv e\pec fucthrie n î- reases inn profits and thrs'tormes afurr par 0ea:'Ciable advaîîces. This is ii conclusion present ir The Firamîtial Panîs e'x'eusrxe ;rrrvcvnrf idusîn>' leaders. Thàisic a group OnIrai inrr arlieic zcashas prcx'ided remaîkabîx"elabi 2ruldepos Thrir ftreasis carrY spe- rial veigbu inecatie bx'are based (ir litedictionîs tif xhau xecti zes explect for- their rîxxîî ccmpaîîîes. Replies tun The PosCs industrv-bv-iodrsti'xsurx'ex ruake ilca i t at thlise cîmtn x"s bsi- neseocoexpert C e cicieiit mxpaniaucm. xxhih icbegari îea i ix'fourz eau s agute iti riritii-Ie ;tr'onîiglv' r'iiil 9fi:. I i sciiic firisorindustrcies. the gairis alread îrax' poi always be as heftv as ihîtîse matie jibis vear. But thte nnderl xirîg huezair- cx' about t Iep ['spE'i'. esperual>'ir Atthoiti.d et Second jOflN M. JAMES EDITCom.PtU1L1SR"~ $4.00 a Year, w litle il iebavxe ler' i snîI orig f opposition threre froro some membeis. xve dobt xci z'mrmebif t bex'v iii lie able st rnister' eriugli st engîli and %viralI arppîtrtfer M r'. Dieferîbaker's po- su t un te îir'exide mre' thaii a show uof force tbat wi Il las oîîl V a com parativeiv brnef h nie.hIrutxv a ppeýar's i la ICanada tniax' xxcli haxeis itx'rrflag hýv ('rist- ilas. . . arr i ablcit tlime. Anmixa('li exeme ris cf tIirs ia mire t. antid tlieihaxe ebenîr nany. baxe beeritt e'sraîtx'd litre îoiîicaI rmiirîerx'e'îofti Irlettopositioni and thfe intelrmîinalie drat t(in iue nexv fiag. i'tcilx îurx'thatil i sdrawiug e oa close, tire riiaîîv cthler imniportantistsues1 in a x' et, ixe thle a ttenrtiin thlry deservr, t xx ;rxs pruix' ded of cirse f liai M r. iiferîihiaker change(s lits attitude coni- sidcrahîlx I is ex erx atthinise far lia, beer i lt bîtrlie it' gutx i'iîmeîît ilcxcix., :'ix'deiiig ,thIis. lie apparentîv feels, îirat icai'.eritivîirg Puciarnewîanîd m's. :ni faut. iiiiil i e Prinie !\iriîste'. liavx' i mriiîce i liese ririrmeii s. xx e sll:: haxe ttr Iaid idlîî ni ridis tif a s" i a<s 'tIlt' of Ilir va<'itst îiiliticai bat- tim o: s oftuc rie \Whîile \xx'e riay qnies- rt:)l iie thirîs aild cxc ils nîctîx-s, . u nu.s pr'tr'ted .r spark anid eX('It- nie"' n. l't iallicilt tirai xxile i s t' atnîq :0 tIre gxirrie n :d its slip- pocc: :eh as uccitaiiîlx' kvpitbeion cii cr 'es.Unilx c! ea gaîlic tif ruttkex'ftlie ' '1ý( c îa i . lie xx'tîî d lie ia ted as 'a t ~ ~ ~ h w 'rrîcitn'x'îrkept trgItoi trthe' a'sccon'i. butii s110îlot ust a1ilolitiral rs mCar ada' s îmi ss iMat n; ne.:'~ ne a id tiraitanit gtr cii 0riierli- 1t: 1' as alî'eadv rcmade Parhiament apra odrur crin ru y zs tif facrtee n'a" z ('nadiaîîs. tl, M'tnirMîIcrid ! i )r',ir it a x tot'liiv rl ail l il- tretruh isti cr".-h"om'old sxx'af s xxlit loork îai r ruin li.-xx'a r.the fi tsi per'sn r'ecllercions shoi ild be thililing andrian cxpen-ieuice Ilhez' xx'il onex'et' firget. 'ihcibiiig back mariu\' meiîtnies to theni. Alubougb itie x'rices anc riot iderîtificd. xxe doi kniwtxv laiBcxxmarr- zile's icie O'NciîlI trok part in the pr- pac-atîcîr as dîd îtf ers. posqsibîz' inclîd- ing Ed Yoenomani. Anî iiine i rterested i ni foti iînxxvgO ic sýectesniax' xwish tfi îeceix'e a rîp>' of lbe desciptixe-br'ochIure cLît1iînîîmîg iliP episirdes revet'cd iirr cdi ebtapte-. l'i' v nia>' be cblaiied fieeofcf rangc sci lcrg as the suIppI"' laStS frrrnu CBC Prîblîra- ticîls, Bex 500. T"i-rcn. Prîssibîx' excellenr t'tg'tsmsîhîrA5' thlise ma ' beip Io offset pLblîc'r'sî- mntîu agatisi the (T 'PCoir sttme îfnt is "fai rttut" pi'esc iiiat îc os. reairifari.nni i rîcrlainie. This in; linoxx'Ie expcçtaitir iýf bmmiiissmiiadd rrp' Sales Ii i i he('aý niAdiaui market Are exper' ti br 111 mcl.' ea rvtri î'Insr tnt RO', tcf al]il tims pcled. Most oftifbc r'mauinimcempatit- tes exp r ridtîas xtelI retvr aM. t be> did tbis \-eau. 'This corimd be a sc Ond x'rbig sales x'ear iiiSuccession scmc 85', cof firms chiaikeri rp tgaîrs ti 1964. Moe than 6,5',tuf* ail f'irros are- liokiiîg fotiti 'glier prrofils iitz-ar. Ilî almost itrue thrnd orît iese'liithe îc xxil I in mtoue fhuair IM"c.,'l'hfis v'eau- pr- tis will be îp in63î' cfut li-nins tanid iii t xxi th iiris cf thtese ithue arîxa iie xx'iii lie tcx'r'u ihe 10', tuai'k."IT'epiocsîet is als foi ur a goitd degiretcf pnict- sia - bliivt ix'fi ilîrme thia r 74', otf tir rus ac exeruitixes (etxpeeýt te inlth( liri ntt thIe prîtes tif'thbe Inrnîd îa'ts thiat tIlit" selI. Ili thle -car nxx' "ridi m ii c lx' v69',c managcd tri dci si. et r-ctgn toucrb F0'. P. MORRIS BlISINESS Mrit. Jnufed States TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE PROCLAMATION Whercasý at a niîeeinz of the ('otncil of the Corporation of the TLown 4i Bowmianville. it xwas resolv'ed that Sot., December 26,1964 BOXING DAY Ire anid the %aine is lies ehY affixed as a CIVIC HOLIDAY Tlhesc arc. thrrcfore, tb make know ui tat in iiî'pliane "'11h the Piforesaid resoltilion 1I(Io hcr-ehy îlrrnçlaîmi Saturday, Decenîlher 26thl, I.964, Boxiuîg 1)«, a ('lvii. ild" IV'AN M. HORBS, Mayo r '.'w fBowmanville ;,sîtîr t'eîîrî'limt. 1't11t, :Il i) is , ct'1 t . ,xct' trie i-, 'c Fi a il ir il ' e, rte"î m'î 1'id peit i s 111o an ild jr 1' stia îa lC efer tilîcw of ris xho ' o n tltiirîipl ,'cuîî' I icda' .. Il exîîc.iliai uic par'- r trpa ts hax c a ft o lxhrgh xx'il,îrg Ioi dexote !r iiti( in' do îîi t i litneoftiftc xxe xxet'e xx itî ît icIt' W e iti Il ti t' lt i irg inde Iofak'e fli-'sui);s Alitr (Decr. ?]'11 9) Dr. aîîd 'r. P. K.icr- lanr d iiseri Johin. x'Ir iiti (;ihuiiiatnd Mttr.Bill Parge. Trcî-riti, xx'en SIitîrdaxi riC- cf Mr. atîd x . RWi \'sia- t"I - - 'W n. \\'rcsofl (i e I)aisx'<itî înriltti 5 iat'k iii lier f-tiîIat';aî'e assit trg i ic Pcu'î (f ficr élaf i bmciîgh lte (luiri..nia 'icrir nl spdr tr cx est xx'ibhi; siîru.MiAsBt'tttr' Fa i t'auwt SI . Joihn' s l'ut lc'i iltric-. 0c t rG t i 1i1i itmi.ihickei. i"rdtec 'T'hot' Geiid. Vt'.S. lr'a1gc Mn-,tJotn ttcasîrîac. Pr-ier? Mcc 'i c ti. iitni'. .'xir Mn aand iNsW' (i Sitticli -ct î,.e Av'ý. Mi. anrd MiIs. Ii,tî Cat- sd ,r t ' trI it- t i glt't . ', ot'c r -'û I . x "t x e'I l I,([l fxiitt i t ,I. t i t" Iti i ii t hii . ',t ieit l it 'xru'aî n;î. i l ' rqn xx lý ni tîl t i'il - xttîlti <Ir ii i r 'tI p i r. iti r' li tr ii bis îî r\i xcdeo giiCn 'nr Dat;,' d xxacii c at d,,i cnt. 1,' îî' u tt i rtuélnitr'r'c f icite ni. te Mr aIndaird is.'T' IL R'khu. M ns F n' I u ii.' 'it'rcrîîc. se,r lic z'.leckî 't iIi c îrcirIIeotIIP, Vin 'tP.i 1.i .golit 'in- ia Mrr. C MeNicir. Mi". A. Col- ýlic. Mike Oxhenie. Et ics' Jtam-be andriG, ('alrîc; e. L. iiouu .Mapte Grtix': W' 'rtheeipeic. .1. Tliet-I ('luli c (am ici'G( sotuctrcir xl r Aicx pFir t' 'cr z i"tliprni lteix r Vnii ci %-xx'antvitc, 'ocit Suîda.-, at home, ai tîx s xIi h il A! r,'t" r r 'rît s iî c ix ' i1tîî lh o sri)î ç c I"î r i o he pi )I i'lrC ,e 'tc '. îe.ri rehf frî'lîrrps o' t-ir ! 'ltl'jx'aîre r'x pr'es ýct'l xcý'a.1,\ hillila lýc ii iiit' ixhet, leilt"\ nce'sqsert forcei:g firm cin rlc- mrn'x'r rît a xcfor iî fr ieg. 'l'lîer whi'h' hoi t' tIli Itix tni ht-o i- iielr'i mor' ax'rirr nVieil rîexd 'tctl crsep zlr l'e,'. xxi il n l.îds"paid crhi c tlt ifdîa flic tt tr i i cxx asuftiti slic ht! eîly i tiirt ilitmit' 49 VIIARS .%('0 i. ' C<'a i r t c h('in i-', R.N., "rtî , t. slîierrriini ('linis as lc!da xlb bier fltil le. 'i is Lt îlti Iimid iii t. ixlît illillinci , d!n mIa-I r xxi ,.as- ot. .. lins ii i t'r r le lier hIrlltu i i idt indl rfî t thi-c broî1lidue-e asci. Iot i. ('Ž tr. . P ' ix n. ,sn tif Mxi. .'lex 'T'rî'tîIl ii tnîx i. ii iut 511g hi,-; tirsi ertu xa Crs ailtleCnt'eti Plartiz t'cînttiti. srtidittt th li iii 1r ueftrsr 'l liner Iîsr cf atinccî;;cas l'tig nc n 't '-lailui iil ui r nriai n ffi(tC, D r W' . i hiciîx ea t- ei rii 'tn Ilu sigirts cf Gfimo t Pctxx'itii i Mi C l iti. 1 i Nl i., i 1lut x , . . iîîii t' trlaný i'l it i ti Ofi. w( 'xi ilî tt i. Rt tij> r'm \i t l i t ia n'- i 1 .1îrr ; in "mVi1 ;4ari xor ii lsie t..RA.c s a x , 1-1 rci rt1t) li" t u r 'c t rS, MI>. aliti xi ilniMîticir, tîttîî" ittitiihrfreint. s t i1M Mrrg 'ItVf Breketl Mr- Rcv Il. Rînkard, %'il- tet î" t iril Tornuto. sl)ccliirltc'ClinamsIrlas at homei NVlii.. > El x t t Ctok, . S t'iîu , Wits Mitdrcdi Cootk NxI rs .t t'(;'td. Oshiaxx a Mi;Van'.'Wrigii itt.1. F- F'tuîeîî!g ccc'. it tuore Ncxx'c'astr t"and onri 'xi Vîi Qurîîk - tune1r .ct .a' " nui 'u'ar tîxr i l, 1r hé.i t A lc f ,ront ia tnt Et,'tlui sk 11 Mrin 1r Mar- tici iâspcnduî'r; Chrinias un ilr eftlllztiitriR of ciir' tettî- tt'îîati x' .'saîtha t if, iru 'rr ecrr îîzr iliv ax' le weirlî Whl e otrrmnic(i pal ai'- l îx'tire"a-te tlot se <'oniptex a'. thai cf Illie tilles, tl 'z coteriiinalix' c'angiri5 and icr'casirig so ihat the elci- rd î'epî'eselatix'cs ni îi ç t kce0 cuniticîr I>tý ostekerp abrrasi offt'ornent happen- t1xx'eîîld likt' tcIo tket' us, ttplprtueui'lu Iocxpr'ess Mx' drsapcunmr ia lichesmatt liirnctit aither"pulls ou cIcr- fini) da.v Wiinl aî'î'ts fer-thir itttifeetrecmapatii'-vt1a in ncr ru' i 'cctaitt or because iluere are v'â'rius rac 1 caîtîtîti djc'îîssil iii rhie Iliner. 1thriitk il irijhi he ripait - ailte ro iraxe perludir' public riectrtrg's treid fer' purposc.s of pLiblie intemest. l'lw- cx or., if flt e cougli people xxouid attend Ithe neetingq il coîrîd pi'cve ro be .lîs't a ict cf 'vasieri finie. Drrilg ftie (omnirrgyear, t shiall edeavour te p.oxide :cmc tiformaticir of ptmbtir inîcresi. xi'th your ro-oper- atroni Mr. Ediior. bv atiow- iuz space for sueh 'items. t was aise oigOîo ico 'r- menctriou aucthcr matter cf Ptthtic' rti'e'st. but yen brlati(mc ro h Mr. Edilor, anîd tnus the 1wsubjert cf ihr «"ucedie.,sdeaili toit arnd "rippting bi' automobiles." l'lie driver Is tlot aiwaY "; t litane. brutxmicen a tife i errided hv' Ile accidenit, xvit differetîre dcile.s iht ni ak e wtice farîl ilrwas, exî'ept muai if he (thIe drixver') Surl- x'ix'es. lie lias tn, ive xxith ihai mentail ur'dee the t'eFt cf lits (cr lier) life. 1 dot hilecparents shetitr takp 11-10,r71 resperIs ri l1 i tVinx i(ýcîiutt5 sa tfeltx' Io îîîir ilur Idren . rdgimig lix'111obser'xartion vhec i1 drive tli cehitriren ro schoot a 2rrt'marci\o"voiîrgsters xxho alrr d nI tougl te know bei- îc'î. r riih .'rtlol tLidrnli intzîdcdî tliterahîx' flit xiti danger. refusiug tIn deean inc unuoti f thle xxay cf oti- C'cmirrc cars. eveti on the Wcx', ;lippvr'Y roadi V iis flie atrswelî"' ilerp tt (.if t s actjxve iter'esi. teferes i ereîli b f ake ac- Iil rIîo.rt revetit soeictr ltappIettitîr1rallier' tîai frel- îî" sîtt"x'a fterxxat'ds. lvit [tin'1geil titamm i- a i r' o r i tj.. Setritîs topir' i îý hîs ler xxith '-t " l ri-1S . p tra vx',el- îth i r () rj. jj tcrri. gralitietira .'tcàdV ttaiid anud wate..lîfttt cxc, 'Thai itcnîc tiira x'hc it tm- wxhrtIi1pas, hx' 'hili avet lire, 1 prax' tic art cf iii t tFmt rake xxax'cmmar rliat ait! cf Thirce Shrieth iose. dPar' Lrir, xvhc heai'mv comparit'. fren i xit cfrire and Att 'a tam if ' 'i'Pac'lîme Ioiiirt e mix' c'ar fer ethei-r' rerd. Nor miss throughlo Ive of Specr ileUicbeautv ofr hiç world: 'Ihaf thîrs itriai-'.vxx lb mcx' atdritri cax'c1 crv m Marx' 1' Ric'îai. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report Foi erk t cDe)r. î-i.1 cmlii". rfi.2 maie. 2 femnale 4 Ntiiuor epeî'atioirs.. t Erîei'crux~Ircatients .32 X'îtîtin& heurs 3-8 ti.m. daily 4 'S'd' L/oui~jiutaii s (~oi'Untl When xve read in the neuwspapers, hear on the radio, or see on televîsion, about mobs of universitv studenis cauis- ing trouble witb their placard-rai'rYig parades of protesl. we xv ondeî' if îlîev would be quite se voluble. individuai- Iy. While rcspccting thidricglît te free- dom of speech, Opinion, and action, we a]so condenin the fart that. tiex\, often practise cowardly mob rîie. Quite iec entlv, besides other stupid acts. the bic- hairv chested heroes raided thie girls' quarters. anîd iater. branidisîîed fenma le underwear that they' haci pui'loined. Some people defend sucb irronke' shines as youtbfui exubei'aîce, \'el those same people would sereair o e carr- thorities if their girl was iix'e-lx'ed. Anti too, there aie maies being senitenced le long prison ternis fer iîîdix'iduaîix' ru- tering female living qular'ter-s xiiîtt invitation. Wbere is ther an.\ differ- enre. No deuibi. thre eaiesonie xx' i t sume that. because cf ithese isoiated acts, ail un nîersit v si udetits a i e at ter--brained tbugs - sncb is nitOie case. Many serious minded N\ cnri mii, and 'young womerî froxxn ton nob rnue, and want neo part of it, but d(t indUlge i0 reasonable fu n, and fli iwxii leap- plying thcii talents 10 acqu iirin, a sttn nd for-mal educatieîî. And ilirse. we tîrmuk, are in the x'asî nîajorîtx'ý A letteî' fr'cnîoui, gî'aidstîî.."la. at Qucen's Unix'ersity, showxs a serse of humour, a dedîrat ion t(' bis cou1t se cf studies, as well as kecping a ealc eye on future shenanieatis. leiellis of lving down, after supper. for a cxx' moments cf shut-ev' e. and waking tire hours later- Se, iot being sieepx'. xvîote bis grandpaî'erts a lpter. Ilic xas aI Courtice 111gb Scboci titr Commnrce- nient, and thus mîssed Kingstoiîr's Sauta Claus parade. Ilie \,as backr in îîg s100, and sornissed uOic xx'ercifleîfrSa ta Claus parade iu Bowmaiviiile srIl - gests tbat. if Gramma anidIcxiiiotx'c ir-:to Bowmanx'il(,. Gîamrira bad bet-. ter lifrme up t Iokeep mnirtioi n adli tri aroud th iow. Ma' Nbr, ie'sgot ome arond the e bl ies gotl somne Iob ofngheeib*cvuse ilviii leda pstage team confr ni> ctivities d te poame sntonp sic pidcc resofud atrfoai- s long.tnthîsn cese oeifrs B v ih lim ne A lian w î'îtes bis Ch rist. mias exaris, liell appreciate the follo\v-- ing fortnigbf's holidays which wiii 1)0 his last until April. 1965 - flot even a long w\eekend. bcauise bcing on a Mathl. and Phvsics course. bie bas Io attend classes on Saturda vs. (mie of the pricesç of bcing an egghead). We Qot a kick eut of this excerpt "Thecyvarc, haN,»î-g a 1) r dance here. in tlle 1ieSidetlc*on file first Fridax nîight aftcr xve rcturn frorn Ilie Christmas bolidays. You have ýo bave a "dat,ç.»se as 1 arn determinred lo< net sit alone i ni vx roon tthat even- ilug. 1, beinug a Young-man, hustled up a "date." The first phone raill -ot an ""d love te. xvbiclb proxes I must bave a litt1e of Grandad Younigmatn's tech- nique in mn*v make-up. 1 hale il wben thev -ixe von the brush-off hvlv ving, an cdxtlio vieîttheroi.' .\laîî aien s iliti'('ii xiit't Banîster tfficiates. Dr. Banister wa.,ý at eue ime itue mnister of Si. PanEls I. iti edChurch iiiiBevaul. AlIlan ai se told uis of bcîng frienci Iv xviih Barry Lio '-d of Lindsay. who is in th li nex rmcm.i in Moiris Hall. l{loBacix' N-attenderi an ergan î'ecita in a K,îingston Cbuî'cb. and 'vas bired, that sanieexen. as assistant orQanist, xvbicb infiuenred bus inclusion in ilie hundi'ed x'oice maie choir's recrnt visit tn thec United States Io take }part in Ite memnoriai t0t the late Presidetit Keni- tied\-. Besides the fcrego ng ar v1 x pects t eQo. ii t hti 1fanions (hOu u.t an ail expense paid tour cf England, to sing ii suiil farous places as St. PanEs Caîhedriai. tiet surmcr. Spacf, xxiilnet prî-mil more cf this cxcellunt letlr tlr uit -x'e have Sbcnwn enougb îIo picxc tiliai. hasicall 'v. niost îniversity id ints a e r ti t' ',- nirl 'f z's Sugarad Spnice By Bill SmîIe"y 1mwv To Lhi'e Iilli Chu'iunra% Tiily cda 's-,lia tIi Septembcr. .'\pri. .Juric aod Clirnîsimas. AI leasi il ,rPem,% tiat xxax. A.hoit Ire miicdle of Nri'i'i ihti ir aidx'eni lisi îîg sxx'iiîs liii <r iigiî gcar. We aie imphimeritl iii' "a Lgîfi tii erurlr hem'-- inke a dainît x'cci rie shuax'e. Oc sonnc hirîg "lit' 'cailv ix'eds"- -like a t astefui>-x'capî i tîe îrf <laiml riff rernoven. Airouin llie saille t joie. thlic'Chi rst- lilas music" begînîls. XVe are(,x'acrrrd Itai Santa Claus is crîing lin fxx'ii \'e are reminded, 18 limes a dax'.tIo listenj tbceugb the th lîidem <if traffir andrithle sîîarî cf a i cra fi. froi- lîîse .1 glbels We aie toid. foîr'-'0 dax's befre Christ - mias. that somebidx'sax marna kissînL, Santa Clamas ast rîigl. Il rnakers \'-tu feel all sor tiof at'darîd xe.. xc. knex. Barýf*.? XVonen sta't cetting that liaras'sed loîok about tire fii'st of Deceniher. TIheîcv spend hiîndî'eds of hourîs ai ilîcir' Chriîst- nias chores: î'uthlessl-v hacking off the lisi of people vv'ho didn't scîrd us a card lasI year: despeî'ately wondering iwhat to gel Uncle Dud, %vho is ini an uiistituL- iton: franticall *y tî'viîg lo gel their lins- hands iiiteresî cd ini I iees a nd tri iili i intlý the turkcv. \Vcl, 1r'h 1)iti ('alla h In excrx'zar. bîri il lasus loi orim )i1 avs'.. Pecbaps sorciîbing Iorr get z m mmd cff bbc xxhîolc t lrî Wiith C(hrcistmas Ini r ilfir rg. i- haps vou'dIbr c uit resîcrut airiexx a ix gamne. An\ iltuui cani lla..Il sgra antecd b n rînese icspicit tof gmncd- felloxx'sbip aîîd rîrîhit>' at aji> ('lînisli ruas part '. C'alIed crI't'tîo mgi i i tiim gil V's"il \x'as iirîxemît d 1lix Beriranid RusselH. Il gîteslI ke ti : tireîuIa>'er is gix'eu an îr'îegtmlam' x'er'b; litw îr~îîi' il. Example: "I ami tiiru' x'îîî tit' tIof- stinat'; f(,ires a iigl('hiie(ltiii et tht' idea'.c lei " -ariOt(rr P,eald..* "I aiii xx'il lx ant id -iu k1Imig. YtcU are irriis[iaIIxl ta\ almxu. ic s Cup of Tca Vvxe rtfienxntrdce x ai catir4 Se v'ial in a î'îîp cfiIa \Aibu eni cxx' s i es.and lttte-'trr' 1 i tic andinuit lte erhe(ui And scîrcîiritiini bai }nîmr-inuicid b r-e xx' Restore(s the s ofi...ilie mcizc Anrd ilicni xhcuî fi cu-jls litrn fat cli nt As 'ru'numd lic tr. tdnhalctr:ý)li apr Theres uîeîhîung like tIresoruud I i iink, Of cups and sauirers' friendx'-v cinnîk And hospitahiy vfiows fren. Amcuod that. coz.v pel t fea. 'Fure îal e .'itri'rî' xx'rcou I cx kcown. Wh/o think ibat 1 arn mîrn'raintri", l'be,,'d bc umiif rvbe'tci IcI<' MIY hooik. ro.' c'ur pfi i e iti n -Mai lre Cunniungham. druitk as a 'rî Otie more. -1 dax' diprn. You aIrl art scapsi.lie(trlîl'totese a Psvcbial- rist . Tiiis socft offhbirrg is crta ini f i gt a dî,lI l at o ff 1f-(l I -n ici Ncxx, lii xx'abinn tsonr (.'hrisi rua.s defi1lit ions. :;e tlialt x't)Ilxx'rrr't bc mis- led hi> a lot of, cliches that have spi'ung up arenundi flic sacn-d and icycus or- ('isti'aslisi mleni acquime a heax 'z'.lisi (e sta'bcraicd fî'îîi îeariig iotri lîir hi p ip(ckets for i-lets SC) fr'ucîIv Worîîcm acquire a Ïiffcrent t>\'pe list: pelvis tirust. out. back tilt. cd badlYIxo e lic i'car fîrînuthe waist up, acqi r ui'eçi fr-on i 'au r' opamiIs pilcd te thîci n rises. C"bristmas puidding ioseiv -aliieni tut C'hristmnas irsi. It ist'ocre noticeable i i)i mcini - a ty' pe cf pamalvsis that cerne.s tm'tim pt.iddiiue thîcîr lîanîd inthvir }îockct se eficri. Ch î istor i ' 'iis girl ebildi-en boîri rrciCiiitulsDaxv and îîamed ('ai-. nqI Fabeltetri (' all theni Mary. Chr-isîmas lmcc ---anv conifelrcus.1 tic mccxx'icli falis o<ici'thlicmoment il is îiiaccnl in a siajni. C'liistnias tonikies --hîceple xxho liirk thlez' a l'e gt'inîg ttî sîîeuîd Iss on Clîsînias than last zcar-, Sometimps lu'ilnunfced "knrrk'." Cbî'jstîîîas Spirit xvîaîbbcthde Iaranaîd yoim deuil ai 6 arn. Dec. 2.ý F'amily Chîristmas --- von rok thue liii kez', and aie stuck witb thbe dishps xx'iîlcibhe rciatix'es secep il off, Chrmitmas punch -- the recipr j5' srimple. Take oe e usbauid arnd wife, dccorating troc 0on Christmias Eve. Mirn crue sel of ligbts xx'bicb doesn'b werkx, Irmx'i n t ii dowritoxx'iifor extrîa set tf liglîts. b>' bnîsband. Sfic inn a few shiort rails or) frierîds (n way home. Ptt Ilisbaind geotîx' inîside dccc ai one a. ('brisîmas mtni'nîgantd yon gel >'our Cli rîsi mas îpunchr. igît tbei.wcen thbe Il t'. Ifs ctnisit'i'ed ttnilx'spor'ticg if z irfI li' r'taljiraiirmg. Iowait rîrîlil .l"iixrg )a. The Mouniains I Love 13v 'LONGBOAT" lii ' nlu)ji li rs xvnu iid utt mc, Se) Tl'nîcweot fo ihem, Th'put beatmtv ornrr b tart b, Like ilac'e dte()n a hem. 'Flr mcrmmrauns staîrd snîpu'cmc WUltb wbiîe siow. on their crrsb. Artd ohb the loveIx' abine of cohors; Wben the' suc sinks in the west. It rna kcr-mti n armair opux,fi nsîzr maris rnlch a J'uniî. Src nîan 'v men arc born. vri' son thiey d ie. Foi- acx' gcod ithe>' vdnd, ,'oL'd sLnrcl.y bave tir hunt. B.\' "Lorîgbear", Peul nanc ierf Ralplti't ev Yitl I IS I D iniii Str-cet, Vancouver, B.C. E xc itrng Events in Parliament The CBC Is Not Ail Bad! In the Dirn andI Distant Past F'roi I lle Sta testlain Files We See Stili Bigger Gains Ute %4n4bian ïato1u Dunhcto oinîy's Gment amily Jctîrnai Esfablished 110 yeors oqo uin 1854 Alsn lncorporating The Bowmanviîle News le The Newcastle Independent The Otano News cînst il ý t,îh.etPost Oflice Ottawti, 'md (r r" Produred every Wedneaîday by THE JAMES PIJBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62.66 King Si. W., Bowmanvitle, Ontario G10. W. GRAHAM G AnvTG. MANAGEM SUBSCRIPTION RATES sîrictly in advanc, $5 50 a Ygar in the Ui inen etac.iuz's <on the uride.%tndin'j thne ilwill rot ho lchi, in, Cnv er'oCitn <'c'y d't p' puibi iasi.d hêjunder unie» n<Irymfn<~ il urh ciirsmit % '~recteil.d 'I wt'ttnq kbY <1' cla r, and etwaned to The Ccyrn nsttopsmcr btan offic& dulY 9147110d >w thercdvertcMe? and ,,th t prTyor or coroTedbon PinInactd in wrtiqthersa", ra'd in tholCmt Ice A acv .roan rfoei3n correctod hy the Crnodtcn ;to-.rnin il% iitnbiiity 3h0ka t m*yr.ednti c c, ",t", 't ts(h.. A'f- '--l of such adv.rtibTui*ft Cs the apec. ccupî.d bY the yoted etmrts t1, the whmi. spaf. ccct', cpc lh'y*ucb tvflisemenft. GOD SANT THE QUEEN li 14 ,ellors /() /l/iC (ýdl*l()I* t/7 C01*11(li (XIS

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