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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 9

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Estimate Over 20,000 'Cars Jammed Int Mospori Park for'Player's 200 R ick Gay Wins Golf ***. Tournameni' Thie aid scribe had planned ta be among the 150 golfers, 'who teed off in the first an- nual Ken'a Men's Wear open' golf tournrment at Erinli* on, Seturd.ay. However, we didnt quite niake it, but thoese who& dt, couldn't have had a better dey for golf. Rick Gay copped first prize1 -100 bucks in merchandise; andi the beautiful Ken's Men'si Wear Trophy, with a net score1 cf 69. Rick recorded a 76 be- fore handicap, te nase out! " three other golfers with 70! net totais. Dave Kerr, Bud Lawson and a Texan named Di Cesaro alî tied with the days low gross....................... of 73. In the playoff, Davel .~*~'" camne out on top with Di Ce-~ . saro second and Lawson thirQ.. *Zdcs69 led the "B" group, i ' VWihie Pat Vinjsh won the class "C" titie with a 128!~ score anid a 65 net. I ~ i Wright, and girls, Enniskiflen. ___________________________ The Thursday afternon r, e . Wrft g he. M. HrbtTi nda taemn omnvle ueS Etigar Wright, Mrs. N. E evon t tegrdutinO R O IC ýWrigh t, accompanied by Mrs r Wm. Axford, attended a teai RON ELLIS AT B.T.S. aýtr McILaughlin Hall. Mr. Edgar Sorry wc were unable to attend the banquet et tia Wrgtasguest of his daugh-.î Boy' Training ScolTusdyngt btw ol ter Doris at a Father and SholTuisaynghbu e oi IDaughter Banquet at the Gen-i to thank John Bain for his invitation. Toronto Maple *j5 osha Hotel, Oshawa, Thursday! Ron Ellis was the guest speaker. evening. Telegrams of con-ý gratulations wvere rcceived' ,from Mr. and Mrs. Glen Spry1 HOLE IN ONE and family, Rochester, N.Y.,' Bobby Hawes scored a hole in anc at Erinl whh and Misses Sheila and Cheryl, playing thei holiday weekend May 24th. He used a 4% Wood Philips, Flonida. Doris also re- to ace the 233 yard third hale. The bail landed on the Iceived mnany beautiful gifts. 1Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spryi green and rolled straight int the cup. Bobby, 14-year.cld, i Rochester, N.Y., arc visiting, was playing with Irvine and John Hamilton at the t1mne.' ;with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. Wright and family. visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph!'tea guests at Mr. and Mmu Miss Ann Gillespie and Miss Virtne's. ýDave Bothweil's, Maple Grqye. Floree Heit, classmates of Miss Mrs en Forsyth, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. John BeIt. Lois Ashton, were weekend 5 en gnests at 0. C. Ashton's. ' onto, was a recent visitor atiand family, Oshawa, were i Mr an Mr. Rss owlndsMr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston's.' Sunday tea guests of Mr. afid and boys, Scarborough, Miss Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hall,'Mrs. R. Griffin. Clana Page, Toronto, were with Oshawa, were Sunday tea Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wottahi, Mrs. E. Page. guests of Mr. and Mrs. FrankOshawa, Mrs. Narval Wotton, Mrs. B. Sharp, Spningside, Dorland. iSauna, were Sunday callers ut Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Vernonl Mrs. A. L. Wearn, visited:R. Gniffin's. Henny and Patsy, Toronto, Mr. Mrs. C. B. Wagg and Mr. andl Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tuth- and Mrs, W. M. Henry, Mark:!Mrs. Russell Acton. Ushridge.Ier, Oshawa, and Master David han,, were Satnrday visitors atý Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett,!Hotston, Picton, were visiter$ A. Sharp's. and Douglas, Scarborough,'with Miss Elsie Oke and Jr Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and were Sunday evening callers at A]bert Oke. Ralph,' Maple Grove, Mr. and R. McGill's. ' Mn. and Mrs. Carl Curtis, Mrs. Archie Virtue. Mrs. R.'1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stain- Baltimore, were with Mr. fd Virtue,_Tyrone, were Sunday'ton and family Nvere Sunday'Mrs. John Slemon.'r JU1'iHA T T INU. 'SIN j 's i. t i. M ewtr hfoe "'SUPER-RIGNI QUALITY" BEEF Y.",, BESI BUY CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED RED BRAND STEER BEEF EXCELLENT FOR BARBECUING BLADE STEAKS l SHORT OR CROSS CUT 1 l RIB ROASIS PEAILD BACK BACON 179c CENTRE (UTS Le89C "SUPEWt±RIGHT QUALiTr SLICED PORK ?IVER Lu29C SX BRAN WIENERS 2.L89C DMONTE, SEASONED Reg. Price tin~ 23c - SAVE 7c nVÎÀX EANS 25z-tin WAX BEAN 25«0-~39c MIESH FRUITS AND VIGITABLIS - ARRIVING DÂILY RLORIDA, LARGE, SWEET, RED, CUTTERS WATERMELONS CALIFORNIAêJEW CROP, UARGE, LUSCIOUS, No. 1 GRADE 'BJING CHERRIES VIRGINIA SPRING CROP, TENDER, STRINGLESS, No. 1 GRADE GREEN BEANS ANN PAGEj DRESSING o a «aCh 89C Sb 49C lb25C qwf a.. . A>f C MCW < ?A lie,r Ail prices i this ad guaranteed through Saturdoy, June 12th, 1M06 World champion Jahn Surtees of England overcame ail obstacles. . . and there were many . . . ta vin the Player's 200 at Mospart on Saturday and re- ceived flot only the trophy and a kiss fromn Miss Player's 200, Amy Cook, but top maney as well. There was an unexpected bonus thrown in by a fan in the form of a half-eaten apple that hit Sur tees on the mouth as he drove around on the victory lap. Texan Jim Hall came second overaîl after wînning the first heat and Ludwig Heimrath was third. Top photo shows a few of the over 20,000 cars that jammed into the park near the wcst gate. The other picture was takeni at the east side of the track just as a speeding car whizzed by. In the background is an entire hili devoid of parked cars, except one. Its driver had driven it into a gulch and the tail end was high in the air. Recreation Reviews <aeal Atorm): Girls Softball, Bantam Series: hIIit ou],l t along triple. Joanne In Atom Series Basebal. In the Girls Bantam Series Therht a single along with gaies at Memorial Park lasti games played on Saturday' Rhonda Kavanough. Saturday morning, Yanks wal-' morning at Central SehoolI Chlldren's Draina: loped the Cardinals il ta 1,' grouinds, Muttons defeated TeCide' rm e while the Mets cdged the Robsons 10 to .5, while Rob- TeCide' rm e Giants 7 ta 1, and the Dodgersisons defea'ted Rntary 13 to 9 monstration was cancelled onj defeated Twins 17 to, 10. lin the second gaine. MnaJnIt.,bti il i be held on Monday, June 14 th. Next Saturday's games are:' Iii thc Robson-Rotary gamne, in the Auditorium of the j 9:00 a.m., Twins vs Giants, Rhonda Kavanough banged Town Hall, starting at 7 p.m.. north diarnond: Mets vs Van-' out a home ruin for the Wifl- Te chdrn av ben kee. suthdimon: 1 ar.,ners, while Pattv Lyle hit a working on a short play and, Cardinals vs Dodgers, florthtriple and Nancy Cowle a have also crcated same skits djamond. single for the lasersý.. on their own. Thev would'ý Lacrsse(Pe WeeSeres) The Muttons-Robýson gamc' like to trv performin tem TheBeas efetedth Cusýsaw Dehbie Sellers hit abefore an audience. The pnb- 'Ple ear dfeaedtheCusýhome r, while Ka'thy Miler lic is welco>me ta corne d P ta2 i a Pe We seiesLa- banged out a double and Diane ' see these littie actors in ac-! crosse game at Franklin Park Cowle a single. For the los-tif last Thursday evening. Aliers Rhonda Kavanough hit!in IAbernethy led the winners her second hnome run orf uic Swimmningr Classes: with six goals, while Dave mrig while JantLi- Ther r tl oi Tabb somed two and Kevin mrnng ne a_ ee resîl sm open_ý Tennnt oe. Td Pu piced!ings in Swimming Classes ate Te the k iceds,ýthe Boys' Training School and'! ,u a nsit.andFor thelsrs, ýCrcam of Barley Pool. Theý Deo H nengandBo 'ur Bownanvjlle Recreation Office is open from' On Monday evening. Pani- 83 050 odytru tfhers defeated the Bears 5 taý a l rv rdy 2, with Mike Cawker and Maple Grove Friday. 'Mark Johnson scorîng two Ail boys rcgistered in the: ngosetted onie DanrCoMlur-us Pee Wee'Series ofthie Base-ý gohntdonlew.ileDark Mur- Boy Scoub allLeague are requested to i and Arc.h Grahamn were cre- he at Memorial Park on Sa't- dited withi an assist each. urday, June l2th, at 1:30 p.m. Randy Beauprie was the re- .1 < Two teamns have beeni organ-' Miget eis:Susdeet ized and there is a possibilitv: fder. : prsdeet- f a third team. ed the Gels 5to 4in aMid- Day Camp. get Series game played at The Recreation Department, Franklin Park last Tue;ýdax vnwacetn ppiain evening. Howie Edmondson 4 fo Summe lca ioys le inners, scoring %%t f- ulv th to Julv Chand;Julv' three goals, while Randy 2 h a Jul 6th GirlsJulv Beauprie and Kelth Mountjoy " '1t.h to July 2_3i'd and July': were credited with an assist ja 2 ta toJulxy 30th. eac*i. For the losers, Greg i Corden two goals and Obbie tu % Registration fee is $3.00 per, Rypsra nd BrysWerezc-camper or $5.00 if you regis- ystra n gorysev.c-' 0 ter for two week.s. !Wnskb ac oal eahor ons- Day Camp hours 9:00 t 1ebacutd o w s 4:30 p.m. Monday through sists. h In a Midget Series gamiel Frida.y. Children will be Playd Wd .nesdy eenig.;transported to and fran, camp tlhe Gaels won over the Yel-, b-.bus. lomr Jacketcs 5 ta 4, Terry De- Please vitt andi Larry Simpsô&n scoredý two goals each and Bon Sirnp- S AVEYLLE Sleep and Francis Contes col- Congratulations to Miss Iected anc assLt each. Mike WASTE PAPER Doris Wright who graduatedý Cooper led the lasers scoring from Oshawa General Hospi-ý with two goals, while Ken for the tai School of Nursing an Junei Tabb srored a goal and one 4th and was awarded the Dr.; assist. Larry Devitt and Bar- BO C U S G. L. Bird Prize for Efficiencyj ry Virtue scored a goal each. BO SC U in Surgical Nursing. A recep-, tion was held at the home Bâton and Tap Revlew: o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs.ý Thle annutal Baton and Tap Edgar Wright, Enniskillen, 'Review will take place at the OLLEC ON Guct heatndd atieoMr. Auditorium of the Town Hal~ lc usswg tegraduationMr. on Wednesday evening, June L. J. Bradfordl, Tucson, Ani- lThis Rview7:30 consst DATEj zona. Mrs. Alice Philips, Flo-1 ThisReviw wli cnsis ofrida, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry,! ail the children %vho took part Rochester, N.Y., Miss Marguer-. ir the Tap andi Baton Cla.sse,_ SATUIRDAY ite Wright, St. Catherines, Mrs.' during the past fal n i.-L M. Keith, Toronto, Mr. and fer. 1 Mrs. P. A. Trcsise and family,' Baton and TpCae:JUNE 12 MNI. and Mrs. James Muller,! Tap<lsss:Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.'i Baton and Tap Classes wil Sanderson. Columbus, Mr. andi hbe heid in the Auditorium, of NEXT COLLECTION -'Mrs. Murray Sanderson, Rag-ý the TwHale ensay, SEP 'an, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wrightiý Twne Ha430lÀ o nenesd . SETEMBER 18, 1965 ;and family. Bowmanvîlle. Saturday morning. June 12th, 8:30 amMr. and Mrs. Wm. Axford, 1900 t o 12:00 noon. and Tues- 'Mr. Murray Axford, Mrs. Raniý June ~t~i 4:30to 9p.m.Clemnens, Hamipton, Mr. mndi PAYS FOR ITSELF IN SAVINGS! No Repair Expenses . Inm'ead cf un eXPensive Painting lob. a qarden hote refreshpsthe bOautY cf Universel Aluminum Siding. You can wash YOur Universel Sidinq as easiiy au yen do your cari A simple insinq makes Universel Sidinq sparklinq 1ik. new. If your present aide- waiis are dirty and the paint la chippinq and peeimnq. Ihen why not cover 'hem up with beauttfut Reynolds Universel Aluminum Siding. Any of thé 10 decorater cieours wiil gîve new lite and a distinctive appearace 1 your hoe Guaranteed 20 Yeurs . Againat Bhimlennq, Peelin;, Flakinq and Cheakingi PER 100 SQ. FT. j UNIVERSAL SIDING4 IlYuproloe,, Yeu can appiy Universal Sidinq ocr sidinq, ciapboard, smmcco cr shoaihin;. YerChoie af 10 calours - white, lgtgreen, yellow. coral. sandai. woed, dark brown. llqht qrey, liiht blue. willow green and trra colla. AsLwA Winterseal (ombination Aluminum Windows Complete, Ready to Instali AUl You need is a scrcw driver. (Openinq Sinos In Standard Duraclati United loches) Aiurnznum White Finish ap la L48" Il se 15.7s 48-1/8" le 60" 13.95 18.82 60-1/8" la 80", 16.88 21.7S 80.1/8" ta 100., 17.88 22.75 BASEMENT $9 STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS Complet* aluminum unit instalitd ln As Low As .. . $1188 UP TO minutes wilh a ~crew driverAs ~ As ~G. STEEL DOORS EXTERIOR 9 One Pece Up 195 White. $ e9 Ove Bcnderized Red or Gree a gal. 810.1, Standagrd 8 CIL INTERIOR LATEX x 7' Sis. Only - lWhite for tint. 5 EXCELITE VINYLGLAIS AWNINGS PANELS Shade withoul darkness witlh 1-1/4" ccrruqaled poilern. Green, perinann?.colcurtul and ranslucenl F ib î la eît r ed lcow or W hite Paenls 26-1/2" Excelile Awnings wide by l' Icngthe. Aluminum Trame and Hardware f colours le chcs font..19@52 7 Cas.I ch os u .t4.7m a panel door iamb aud ahaathiag. 4.77 a panel Your Visit Aiways Welcome BRAVER 96 King St. E., Bowmanviile Phoneo o visit »Ueat1 DEPENDABLE FRIENDLY SERVICE AS LOW AS INSTALLED I Aluminum Combination DOORS The. n.w 11¼" Ultra-Seul aeif-storlnq aluminum dont, .. . -Coao's hest velue[ D&os cornes ccmpl.teIy prebung la predrWed traeme fos asy Instaalion. Ail hardware l. tncluded - puai ttlon pltcher.type lalch met, pnieumnalic doci clamer. safly wind chain and Installation crews - Instal witt eniy a screw driver. Ait standard mssa tlit mut door cpenInqs - only $29.88 - Doliveed. White Ultra-Seal wlth famous Durucron white finish ... only $39.88 New 1-U4" Excel-a-Dor rated exceptional only $42.95 I i i i ' i Il BOATHOUSE OR GARAGE, FRAME ONLY $99 Standar'd 12' x 20'qaage ham package wlth Plan, 8".i raitets. ridge-board. tdès. plainu NEW! fi Yeu heavn'tte- aslvoeduIka aw A&P CIrOICE QUALITY, WHOLE, WHITE SPECIAU z 2-0-49c PflTATOES 3 49cin ANOTHER OFFER! -la 1 1 - Phone 623-3388 fer yeur tr» oc". 1 GARAGE PAINT

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