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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 10

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(P?#he Canadien Statemnan1 Bowmanville, .Tune 9, 1985 Ontario 'Saints' Club Holds Picnic at Courtice Farm BY Ed Younirman 11965, when the Saint Bernard owners gave them every loy- Take a cloudless, sunshîny Club of Ontario held their 'ing care. daY, a cool breeze, a couple f fourth annual picnic, which Although the "handling',! dazen St. Bernard dogs, bath turned out ta be a real suc- judging and other contesti! kInds of refreshment, about 7, " ess. What these folks lack were run off with dlispaftch,. "«Saint" buffs, from ail paints in numbers, they make up in there was a delightful inor between here and Sarnia, plus enthusiasm. malitv about the whole affair.ý Vic nd ae uttig'sbea- ~ ~ tre ~Mr. and Mrs. Cutting, daugh- tiful homne at Courtice, Ontario the Cutting honiestead wasteJoAn adsnJi and there's na reason why a accupied by a big "Saint" at could't o emnug aon th first class picnic wan't develop, sanie time during the after- comforuetsof hum an nd1 dog- Which it did an May 30th, faoon, and their respective geget;thserigthe --- -- ý-- -- - .- gratitude of all nresent. Ontario Junior Farmers at Ontario House Eastern Breeders Holding Open House On Sunday aiternn.n June, the Open House in 1964 and 13th, Eastern Breeders In- 'equally large crowds are ex- corporated will be holding 'pected this year. their annual Open House. At On hand ta welc e the that tiue fanmer members ai many visitons wilI be mbers Eastern Breeders and other j ai the board ai direct and interested persan s visit East- eniplovees ai Eastern -B r enn Breeders beadquartens at Incanporated. Kemptile and Belleville ta Refreshments will be pro- inspect the facilities and sires. vided fan visitars and prizes Over 3,400 people attended will be awanded. Agricultural Calendar Thursday J une 1-ua nttt fPoesoa g Four members were dlown to LearigAocainOrai-rogt tawey scl Chicagoa afortnight previaus,!ational me tioegei> ýýto atten the "NadoviliSaits! tmithfieldinEx- ta attend the "National Saints'Ontaria Farm RadioFrm eietlFn An h w uch Specialty". Although they toOtroFl co pooches of Canadian chamn- land Ontario Leadeshp orhai out JnorFre pianship calibre with theni, un - King Edware oeAna il aBy'Tan EXTRA M ON EY they ino win a prize, but Toronto. igShoBwavle len again, they were com- usaJn.Sh f:3 U Vf i r s t c l a s s s t o c k . A n o t h e r v-A e n i c u l t " 1 ' 2 thing, sanie judges, in thean Hay Daýy, Bil or ulh ST CK MA KE B OM States, prefer the short-haired Tucsdayy N breed af Saint Bernard, which atileuntv4-HoJudoin Never ini the history of the Canadian stock market have niight handicap a long-haired railway crossing).petin June 15 - 17--Pulr - edeauyl4hBp there Lbeen sa many outstonding opportunities for profit. Idog. Bath types were present' dustry Conference, WsenFed Dy nvriy o :at the May 30th picnic, and Pi rudLno.O-Gepsosrdb h n Neyer before have sa many Canadians invested ini were used by the children, in tai.arnB!Imrv etAs comimon stocks and become part owners in Canadion 'the 'handling" cootests. ThisJn 6h .. nul5CWin ntrrue.Thuadsae oa mkn ETA is where a iudge will take a Jue1t,2pt enepie.Tosnsoetca aigETA class of juniors, or senior meeting of Ontario ekeer audyJl 7,h1Jno MONEY over and above their regular incomes-from children, show thern how ta AssociatiMoronPak, eteborugh the profits made on their stock purchases. make their dog stand advan-Gulh tageously, how ta make him ue1, 7 8 Whet about you? Are you stili holding back? Not sure obey (within reason), and; ukyPoucr aktn Coun y Hostei Clu. Twligh wbere ta look for reliable information and for guidance? then, after the lesson, the , PanicOtario Fran tet WdesaA utIlt- Buyngth won socsyoungsters are given an op-1 JuniorDaytuPetrb1raugh Buin te rngstckportunity ta see if their in'o- Launching their nine-week visit ta Britain and lean, 22, R.R. 1, Napanee; Barbara Ann Macra, 2Bo'vmanville. Pollin bot struction has taken effect. it . . 'a2,ýpen 9 - 12 and 1:15- .TI oe-'lwMvn e was surprising how sophisti- 'Northern Irelard with a visit ta Ontario House, Lon- R.R 2, Sarnia; Patricia Knox, 21, R.R. 1, Hamptori, StraJn Oh r.- ce io r via o if >u hd ben clent of cated sanie of the kids were don, are Farmers, flanked by the Ontario Agricultural and James Moore, 23, R.R. 2, Belmont. They are stay-A pm.-Durham C(uî'4HIruh Dran Cut i o a enae!which is a gond thing because Branch Director, E. F. Marritt (left) and G. R. Gear, ing at various farms and will be visitin g agriculture lHomernaking Club Ahiv-Jno Fa es' socto. GRENAD ER SEC RITIES they will be the aduit tosad ugsi hort agricultural representative in Bruce County. The shows. ment Day, Cronk Hal1ai'h uirFneshv R______torsand_________ina ____shortHope United ChurcPr upvo ada h gi G E AIn hepat ea ears - nothing like teachinglgroup, from lef t, comprise: Mr. Marritt, Barton Mac]__-- Hope. clua fie 4FakS. fYu lhe eceivedar cmCda atheni while young. As an ex- -__21-__-n irnediOtaample, a girl was the besti Home, as well as the Orange A like chemicals for pest con-;ing, Canadian Societ Rua by AE IESa 22-and watched it "handier" on parade, but lost (Protestant) Home. Iti on- varn susceptible crops It 18 'Extension, VancouverBC bu RAMNsokdividend. ctbcuesemcetomnal that they visit and nearly impossible to remove quickly rie ta$3.40-IS ~~II tc mistakes more than a boy,1 bring happiness to these insti- TU the last traces af these chem- .Jn 2-2 nvriya *Yo ~uI hvebeen advised to boy GEORGE ýwho, on the whoîe, wasn't as tutonaîized children, regrd- ro U e G reat C aution icals froni such equipmcnt. Guelph, Provincial Grl'CC- eyuwudhV t$70 n ,wt 2.0 fiin.less of race, colaur or religion..' Impropen use of herbicides ference, 4 -H Hoiemk YaaWESON$ochv a u eanmnaîSt u Besides the 'active" meni- A car-drawn trailer cantain- This is the tinie 0f year you are using and how ta use can damage craps. Be sale _Cu ebr.D po misind a elativcor mi ning ,sto k keDOLSAN bers, there are Assoclate Men- Ing St. Bernards, frarniLon- when reports ai dam ag t'!Shtarry e he lbe on E oghe, ortH pe iv iigSok;bers; one ai the latter lives in 'don, Ontario, had this painted susceptible crops are reported,i 2. Plan your weed and brush Don't make yourself abeSrnEliatt ade iI.fDETA TO. prMIsN Spl7cohihen a S.G rTDRUMCaayAbr.0fterr:"uio - Saints due ta onen spraving with control prograni on the basis'through carelessness. Tuesday, June 22ndDr . # /O0 tures and __ta_65C_..__OClualmrebAlrsraDeoegahees-r: "Cautonrharo COMMy Junio MINESclub17c cammenN-Won Tow", which must puzzlea herbicide perhaps on aai location nlsk.haiCutJnor anes t îOhihmltiplied ta 1$he lubis.. . NEW n i Parents Night, 8 p.m lc eaifo ke.pn0,a ecordai it a lot of motorists.i windy day or perhaps usinga1 3. Cansider any ae near a LIETTERS TO EDITOR. - adsekr ab none. ICEL from 11 t 224.Od ayote9 picnics, in the fon a!f pic-' *A comment heard at the pic- materials that just should not1 susceptible crap or any arecan sekr t ea c5ippigs2.n24larg.faicdhendrbblesbut h be used near certain stîscept- iclose ta a high value-per-acre, 19 Kent St., Ajax, i Thursday, June 24,7:0.. lie hi-5iabu. he"Sin" asa oen' crap (resistant or flot> as a May 28, 1965- Quinte Bnanch Otair Whv,îs o ou moaeProfits daitls-' ab mT"aith i osn drool". A six-weeksIil coaraps.cbenhh-iklctin erSi rMdm we es O strang camt h title of obedience course tan be had Tmtetbco enhihrsklcto.Da mo aai _ quikly "mns estfrind"as her fo S6 00plu $200 er ayturnips, caulîflowen and cab- 4. Reduce the danger fromrn On bebaîf af Defence In- are authentic records, of thenIboard for the dag, so a Saint!bage are just a few exaniples spra 'y drift by using high dustnies Re-uinAsca bain sve 250 lve dr des tcae hep tofI a craps that are very sensitive volumes at law pressures, and tian 1 arn writing ta ask if COPER TOC S H VE EW LEA in th pat 20 yars On aita herbicides such as 2, 4-D, spraying anly when a light you would put the date, CO P RS O K A EN W G E 2 i0l easiy On- o :MCP, and brush kill Iust ta breeze will carry the drift time and place ai aur annual ,tes aimiswil aslyco-,mentioan a few. Moreover , away from susceptible craps. picnice in your paper. 63- 3303 For orebigproits n te mnth ahed w ar no ýsue 4ghHpoSdsunefodClub n crops, like fruit trees,,Under windy conditions theý The picnic will take place telling oui'clients through our weekly Market Leterweg maybe susceptible ta these operator has no contraI of the on Sunday, June l3th at fer a6 oud. o asnchemicals at certain stages afilherbicide, and cops at con- , d a,2ApaxmandSoft STOCK MARKET POST about hebilliant prospects fo They are noted for their In development, particularly dur- siderable distance niay be! commenece a ..Sf copp.r stocks, now that the price of copper hos gone up iwanderful disposition, especial- jolsg xi ,ng bud differentiatian and damaged. drink, ice creani, will be taishgetpitsne15.Ti en e ywîth children, plus beingi flowering. 5. If chemicals are applied prvdd ndteewl be te tshihes pin sme 95. Tismens!ann excellent watchdog, andiAt1 ForI Common Sense i use onîy law volatile fans I several pnizes presented. cope eplraio bomacos Cnaa ndgrat loyal to their awner's family.r Weed Spraying :for brush and weed contrai iný With best wishes and profit potentieil for copper exploration situations like iThey were named aiter St.i The second meeting of the 1. Always read the label ndistricts whe-re susceptible many thanks, *Seeley Mining.. Norgold Mines . Copper-Man . . à Bernard, founider ai the fan-i urhani 4-H Swine Club was the container hefore you do crops are grown. Vaur sincenrely, *I a ed hospice in the '"Pass" link- 'bl Wednesday evening, May anvthing else. Then rerend itý 6. Neyer use eqiiipment. that, (Mis.) Bernice Loîjidfaat, Kidd Mining ... and other exciting speculative opportun- ling Switzerland and Itaîy,ld __ Mes. ( In wbich we oct as agents for the underwriter/ :where they achieved renowniLarnier, Blackstock.- optione. and principl) by tracking foot travellers and TerI alsae îea pilgrims lost in fierce Alpine The 1rolelbers rshoen. o. -MITS EASY TO GET IN THE KNOW* a hr-hie breed but were Larmer, club leader, pointed GrexWSecrt s con help you through ou STOCK cross-bred with Newfound- out desirable characteristics 'lands, resulting in the long- ai swine breeding stock. The MARKET POST an<d other servkces-includling reports on hared variety of taday. Con-.inembers were then given! any stocks that now interest you. We are here ta serve trary ta papular belief, they practice in judging and giv- il.itivesting public, stockholders ond non-stockhlders never carried brandy casks îng reasons on a class ai2 ot o nwAbs a aroundc their necks. Sir Edwin Yorkshire baars. like. Let Grenadier be your guide and source of Landseer created the legend The business period was information in the booming 1965 stock market! by including one in a painting. held in the bouse during whirh« Howeven, kegs and harness tbey discussed the answers an '*THERE IS NO OBLIGATION can be bought for the purpose the question sheets and e b y rsw t h d f o - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - qfor a modest fee. ;enlightened an many points. A clown happened along at Keith Allun thanked Mrç. «IENDIE SEURITES IMIED, 1 height manient and soan Lannier for the very enjoyable * 67 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. 1 ,had a faithful retinue of 'lunch she served aiter which o h r mnf c u e s ti 1____othegmanfactrersthisyear Peu,. end me your Stock MarIýet Post, inforaaoe * ggon-eedchidrn in taw. 'the meeting adjourned. 1 Door pnizes were given. Aý * Copper Boom and companies sucli as Seeiey Mining, Norgald r "Saint" was hitched to a two- * Me«. ,Capper-Man Mines, Kidd Mining etc, without abligation. 1 wbeeled cart. There were rac- PO T P L 1 es af all sorts for the variaus O T P L *~~~~~~~ NA,-----...... age groups. Violet Bell and 1 1 'were tempted ta challenge al'I was a great pleasuire for' ADDRESS ...... - - ------------ - -- , corners ta a sack race, but I me ta bave as my guests, Sun- (Am bassador sales up 211% cbickened out. ýday, Sgt. Earl Ricbardson and crTy/TowN... ------- -- -- -- -- - - Three years agni this clubiMrs. Richardson from. Peta- I had three champions, ow 'wawa Camp. Earl was always * SOC ANLYIS.... *there are 11. This club is popular in this village. He - -- ---- -- --- --- -- - j popular with youngsters at the bas been wîth the Canadian ____ Roman Catholic Sacred Heart Army since 1939 wben be saw : Atie Service in Italy, mInany and also did a term rn' in the Korean War. In fîve years' tume he will be pension- ~ '., . FSPÏÔIALIOW PRICÉS 4ihrdosar pnn i rdsons ah re ending bisntY- *ON NATIONAL BRANDS * dened ta hear of the asn aI Mrs. Emmanuel Bruno afte", At Your Local Druggist's -TImurs. -Fri. - Sait. Cii osia i eeroog 4wîth a heart condition. Re- cently she had showed un- C 4j pravenient but passed awav To ersarrowing husband and ,' ~_ENO RUIT S LTS SUGG. LIST 11 4 1 a Hwetu u i EN R I à .9 8 c "i lc ale s<ftb:i l teain plav-~ BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE auctian sale ai Mr, Robent DEUG ~ 4Brown on Saturday. God JALCKSGNSB U T IE 1J HSN'S D U T IE Pie rvie o i o JOHNSONS DEUG __________e__ds __________he___ios mbasaor agêtjor Rmberde STORE 4AUEL erd a cattle and machinery. AL X cGDEGOEs, DIRUGS OP60NO The new owner willI be tak- M JUIRY & LGVELL STT' RDAY 4Colddry weather with someMcQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. __ LALÀwth hay rrps, gardens and paynghan KIN G STR EET EA ST Pho ne6 3 3 5 tobacco crops.

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