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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 11

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. Catharine" was home wtth her The Canadian Statei n omnfl,3n~ 05 i Comm nit Hal Pa ked or ncle Jery's ale t Sh w arents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Commu ily H ll Pa ked fr Unce Jery's T lent how lewcas /e ester for the weelend.NE WN V LL Ilewcastiand Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lang- N E staff, Debbie and Linda. took ~~?S I ~~ini the races at Sutton. Sundav. Cnrtltin c ran isJdihHnoka Socw l U 'ersona ~ ~~~~There were three games Mrs, Earl W alke> eertigM hrlsFrese rn CltI(~~~~~~~ bail played here on the Har- their 25th Weddîn nîe-weeuxe nmaraea i s o l(1 a i .'-àor o a ey Jackson Memorial Park sary I ast weekend,: 4 , ~~this week. Monday eveningl uiPt amilY dinner pry'in Mr. -ak Wade and son interest and help being shown'the Blackstock Pee Wees NrhOh~natnldb M~ ao ek' okn Douglas returned to the vil-lby. the town people. Keep,wOnl by a rather large score. Ihis mother, Mrs. C ak..a ero etuato leige from London, England, watoh in thbia section for bigiKefldal Pee Wees are a new ýdaughter Joan, sonionadHgwy11,adMs id by air on Sunday. They spent news on a special attraction.tam stre hs er afriend, MsDlrs orioftpeon athe oagu an enjoyahie vacation with being planned for their car-' year's Pee Wee teami haveBowmanville. ThEywrthReaun. relatives and visited London t nival. 'been mostly moved up, into reccipients of a silveta ev MranMr.CR.Frw Broniiey, and BirehingtonI Our friends and neighbouisithe Bantams. Wednesday ev- icC n r adMs eo tpe in hospitail this week are: Mr.'Cning the Bantams wvent daown Mrs. Gilmer-Smih n-tnatne h ivrWd Miss Irene AAh. Cobourg,D&n Bernard.3 Mr.rClare aon- te defeat by a teamn from Pet-ianville, and hier getgan.dnj;nvrayceerto was weekend guest of Mr. and ý hrd, R.3.Ms Mruie1 erborough. Saturday af[ter- ý son. Mr. Fred Graham0 e-i oo fM.adMs al Mrs Sa Bereon ndtam Cunigha^ni, Mr. John Dav.tfOona tghtgae was playedIcastie, were dinne ussHle.Lksoe edi ily.On Snda afiernon tes,~ Mrs. Joyce English, R.R.2;with Courtice Juvrniles whenlhere. Tiuesday, withMl adteOdFloshl.Ooo attended the Guide-Scout Pris maHedr fTeKefldal lads got the winning!Mrs. Milton Kimbaî.oSaudy Lodge Nursing Hxome, Mrs. 'marker. Mrs. H. Trim spitafw r.WlrdPe ade in Bowmanville. IoxeHdsn r.Lus Bob Gcacli spent the werk-da' in Oh~als ek e ooe oNaaaFil Again sorte of the local Lempen, Mrs. Patricia Lsat end with his sister, Mrs. Dav'elM,% and Mrs. Chire os nSna.tkn r.Cr Lions have put their greet1M thumb e wor andunder . Brian Parkins, Mi'. ErnestiSutch. Mr'. and Mrs. Sutch of Lndsa.v. were vistr ihPee n aiyo o-. thm ewr nudrthe, Rinch, Mm. Jane Shaw, Mrand Kim bi'ought him home Ms .W oe atwc. mnilwt hm direction of Lion Charlie Me- E.Sihan Ms.FedSunday and stayed for a visit. A meeting of the or i r n r.BhWd n git. the flower bed at the west Visser. Little Dave Suteh is in lins- Stewards was heldinheS-bositMradMs.Ci' end of town is in full bloom. M r. Robert Shearer anîd son pital again for about a month, 'day School hall onthusa o rw eeSna u- To quote from their 1atest bul- liimebr t h îter suffering with asthma. Evnn.Acmîtewsprget tM.Rs rw~ letin, "lIt looks dandy, lions." Flute Band, Oshawa, went hvý Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal and appointed to take cag f M' n r.WIi arw The Artificial Ice Commit- chartered bus to the Memorial family spent the weekend at and Proccd withpln fo 'rvitrs nSudya. ~~~ ~~~., ~~~~tee continues hard at work Service held in Niagara Falîsithe cottage again. 1 inalaoîoftenwM.CancBueysCwn-' thinking up ways and means on Saturday. TPhe band took Mahro. ville. to get ice for the arena. They part in the parade and theMr.AWdErtrndn MrariM.ChreGry aeoverly pleased with the, service,. I"'lDitu emnorial Hospital frfrhxadduttr fBwav1e --ÏR I ~btreatment, Thuilrsd a, vnn.wr una iios «Mr. and Mrs. Ribr a-C.H aes 11,i se ChçaIk AJot Limre B il Sc ed le denberg. Sdr.,oi.w r. Vstr P, r.. iof ora, o udyse- r. .Lkn Newcastle:- 'r'he Newcastl vile, awer. visito uigtcad~rs r.L -ukga Ladies' Softball are well into, Mi'. Mi'JRonon Bue.lwxM'.adMs .Bac ~~~ ~~uring F etdhay P"swing" of things agai nrot'tiLnnxil.Qe qtFieldina Pce WecRirîs'softbal tea team. We ha'ven't hda cours(, spent a few dy e','u lyterfrtgm f account of thcse a s~1 last wvck, wilh hI ohr h cso i rcm i on Saf et y IV easure rdy playcdi, but it is hope r..H ocadoh: odyeeig ue1 Newcastle:- The r e g u 1 a r The minutes of the lazt games tO o ru. Mr. and Mî's. Lr'nri sy Wor' nttuewl od Newcastle Recreation Committee really hit the He almost didn't make it due to an accident on Wd hel onBonard eeingwaiseetng wMr.Ed.rea 1w te Th et girls' P ee We hal lier porntso.wreiitrthrrelrmotymein. jackpot on Friday night when, after much worryîng nesday that wrecked his car. But, everything came the Public School, with aIll tiese were a'pproved. The this Monnday evcning, playing W. Stapletoi. for a cul fgsn erslo ens about late entries, the show opened with a packcd off better than expected. Top winners are shown here memer tesnt principa l,'srep r w a ie herfrtgaeia igtdý house and an excellent show. lit of the show was, with Unle Jerry, including Elva Kinnear, Patsy ,l n, hiprinci pal Mr R ad a a nsbtwoei'oo.the esc 7-ndgirs luhtr atieMrsaW. H as oecag ftre '<)f course, Uncle Jerry whose show appears every Blake, Robbie Scott, Avelyne Lycett. Cindy Kowal ur a ae read. School last month wa, 14. Any others intcrested whoKal Mr.FDonfFu-w'kdwih r.Kth u- Sunr',,mrrning over WBEN television in Buffalo. and Marie Yeo. open for 20 days, days presenti have nlot yet bec'n out areila, AMrs. G. Mriince.Rs-lya h tr otg t were 5,215, days absýent werei vitd tricorme out tr Illehall tiralIli: Mrs. E. Rohinsu.Sak Knii ae 155. Percent attendance was,'park Monday at 6:4,5 p.m. 'v ille; Mrs. M. Kirbî n elnll l 97.11 per cent. Total sc'hooL. With examls bcbng writteýiMrs. C. R. Farrow. attendance is 268, with o n1I OrOnr I nd Newcastif, Miss Diane Gilmer fhn- "rMymeigo h ,m - ~~~tan frrd u .Schools, rie ga mne as already sav spent a few days rc nl e t n il o e' nttt ~ ~~7 4 e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ,~~~ t as aredv isd . bv th e prin- le ' a ] d o f o' fi o s w ith M r. and M rs. D on V n l . w s le d t e e e i g o h tr e eam. Blackstock! Mr. and Mrs. GeorgStp- itatehoefMeil. cipal that he s'hould now ad- aenwm hi xms oîatnc rdain'Tie.wt natnac f Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phione 987-4213 for 65-66. nPe br>ard agreeci te lae thilen canld NwoftfFidvPcin.a te2> rsdntMs .Sms Io this and hie advertisemcîen .t hhv encaldoflomý. of Mr. and Mr!.SdHl oee h etn ihte w i l a p a i n t a .to, for thc tim e. H nw ver, ow e l, ini ho mor o f ir s n I s i u e O e a y S e a t wîll ppearrightawav. the ganie b(eweeîî Kendal and Gerald, an honîrrs graut fCletadleLr' ryr audene nr Il.wngolthirAil buils presented weî'e Ncwc'aslewl be played tiis Torontri University. en ecodthspret chance tn appear on TV, many' authorized tri be paid. Thuî'sday evening hei'e at the Mr. and Mrs. JaredVllcjihaspca ecm o ~~p o n sors f he rtitswere ust a little jThe school field day w i1 eba 11 pa.11 sals i o'dt hi iwhm itenwmme grunshe husdy Jn Leskard, Saturda".Ms T edesn«edte Tesix wînners to appear gonsonTusay uegames of w'hich Newcastle.ý Mr. and Mrs. PhlGimr'inucadfnnilrpir, on a "Newcastle Da'"iin thel 24th. Aftei- hearing of a most. Kendai, Oroîîo, Welcome and îand iliildren spent 1h ek nldn eoto h i- near future, are, from New- notaean painful acci-, lakstock will take part: 'end ait tleir cottage tCe Ex<ce lient 1Talenit Show castie, Master Rribbic Scott, dwhtoneas takin phaarti,, mn who sang "Yellow Bird"; Ave- wo a tkngpatinte'MrBlp ara lvnie Lyceti rit Orono, who did fiefld day only te have anoth cksoc' at rourii t eGgen arw s a51 niesr i lcso a ao-ac otn;Mrechîld toss some of the line 10-Kendal ai Newcastle guest a intue Hughs -Hoe l n rs lgngv. Yo. who recited 'Brother *"marking (lime) substance al I-ecome ai Kendal wedding iii NeasteUie sotrpr o hs hr Wf fjh U n cle Jerry as H ast ý he-rcerutn;Mai , it wa sugested by board 1.5-Blackstock ai Newcastle ~ws arpr Ho adsang "Love Makes "CaMissnBaorbCrawds" the Wokrid Go Round." Marie > mernber Doug Waiton that 17 Welcome at Orono Pr oewshm xe twsdcddtipy$0fr Il ewcstl soul ne usjý19-Newcastle at .SundaoryHpewa h Nc-wea.,tle:- Not iin a great lliî'ee deep ini placrs alorîg fic'ind îdt wasuii'kowiî if h,'d is also from Oroîîo. îot2:00 p.mWelcome, ai Mr. Don Sapeo',uefthcurhfrheds Imanv years lias the Communi- back .A wnderful turiioui of h bc . tri omake ilto, the Ta]- The uexi three williers ar'eflime, but ehalk instead. Mr, M1---aniMrs. Harry WadeMrriatdannuîaHa ty Hall bcen as packed as it children and adui it fIlie di- (eut Sowori-ot. i-lowevcr. a ail fi'cm Bowmanville. Doing Munra gr il e ed.iths2a~ 2-Oi'iioatl et dacks Ilfi frKnsoîo au-' eHn-sm.Ms , was on Friday evrninig, JLinc tin attended Ille Newcastle Irltplione raIl roufirmed that a baton r'outinie was Patsv Mrs. A. M. Foy 'hi ilb sd 2~~5] tBakt day iîorning te visit r îdBon rs ilgnadMs 4fîh. Ev(,ri' srat il, *hliei1 Talent Show, sponsored 1) v The Show Wouldi Go On" 'Biakçe. A soft sloe danceanbs graduated from McGill A storni door wili bie pa-29Wlop ecsl was taker, some siiting twe the local Recrresion Conmnt- with tIl special guest in ai- Kas erf noma n c 'Honvrsiy, Science wih seool ofe thi eax' to revfente ondathevtta annmc r akhldy n.Ms egsr' toeh,,adsnigtoa-dtee, witli sperial guest -Uncle tendrance as plailed. Kwlspromne ovLirr cecwt hlcol theyart rvet tlN--w on Ir)tKeîîal adei me tghraaiidingtwo aidJerry" of lie Uuicle .[eriYClubl Secing Uurle Jerry ini per- Great Thoiu Art" was bea~uidegree of Bachelor of Librarvia'nvdraughts. and sou, Douglas ritiannounced Iht Ihe. JunenmeDt T Show,. son. the rhildrcn bac stage fully suiig bv Elva Kinnear. Science. Mrs. Foy î'eccived lier, There beiiîg no -îîth'l 6--BI.ackstock ai Orni Nwastic, juist reiuriîgfo n vudb ihrhm n e*Like ilot prcdîuctiolis. a anîd ini thi audience were The following winners were B.A., from the University rit business, the meeting Gdjoui'n- I R-Blackstock ai Welronîe a trip to England.Nwctl. fe t hinzcs diin'i s."em i n i)- nuitre d'lightced. but disap-,rhasen tri apprar cri ilie Un- Manitoba and was on the'staff ed, 8-Orono ai Newcastle Mes. Keiih Sieveuiiirl MsM.Jnecvnrfo Swummi ng gouîîg ighm. ai the stani. VerY poiutedtunt to bc able to oh- 'cie Jerry.ý" show ai any time. or the Dr. S. .1. Phillip's Publie 2--looa edlRrý fCako e few wrote iu asking for audi- tain hiS Rautograph. Wit'h D!Thev were Diana Therte1 rif School in Oshawa. She bas 13--Newcastle ai Welie ihMsceaOes tions. Hlowever, soon atter a uanv chlldren there., signing. Bowmanville, doiîîg a bato'î been a member of the staff of . .tJ.-JALgiingaaslenidreprt t te write-up appcaîed. muidiaît'ri:' fo r v ouldn't ]lave! routine, and Douglas Pri h Boys' and Girls' DrP.M.. Fridiay, Jurîe 1.'dsrc anu.MsJns THURSDAY 'the possible cancclling of tlle leftilme for the show. of R.R. 2, Newcastle, who gave menrit fthe McLaughlin Pub-' eaesrytilaot1 19-Welcome ai Kendai h l922oesoe tun-gv h ol,"htaew R H.RiiAY Progwr clethings began tri Just as in e'ery cortest, a pianori errinDn-tle Library, Oshawa, frtre D r r epant- 15t 2-Keîîd a aifl,02oe- progr'm, lc.forthreale.Orno aiBla'ckstoek tîîre was completedbyHrdinfooi'admmbs" and FRIDAY mlove. "Dbcy movcd so well some arc, the Winners and cers wpere enjoyed, the dan-lyears, and wîll return asth M~r. anîd Mrs. Charlie Gay 22-Welcome ai OronriwgCntuto r.L..,oîr.Mlia aeatl that UeeJerry was agaiui some losers, but Ibrise who cers being Kth Vice andlnew 'head ibsf2-ndi iBlacktork i gonur ion Conithsd rttesbetri KthnCn weemade for lits appcaraîîcn. ceaI nerformers and cheered ville; and the MeLean Far whoYIs aiî ie h uisThe new owners, Mr. and Mrs., 27--Newcastle ai Orrino. MeStriet ncmpains9nd oo pins, Once againthie smoolî bit heartilv for those who cdid rot Hampton sang "Amen". r s'fanîvirLirrin echrde ilsla mot beix-brd'gbsa odfaeaeci oi trs hr a 7:30 p.m. tri 9:30 p.m. a rougmh .Ipot when a telegrani wii. 'The âudges were fnot From the Newcastle Public. ndofng soinUcl ~unti Spte.JoSbcuueteiring hs aeod i brccopans but"-cld at Community Hall reached Newcastle announciîig given an easy task ai aIl a1~s. R 'ol nkrigi ihtend e fpre showhimsele senjoy d' OfcII On n n crof thiswith a o t h t U n c l e J e r r y l a d b e c u hi n e e r y r n e li a d s o r n u c h t o ' f -v e-, .îRe ern kT heh t p î y woe: e xdes eî nhîr a s nb a r g a î nsfi c i l h i chq ew e r e f i if l o t L ~~a r accident. Hle'd been hurt !e-. and witlî se many in thositne<f Mes. H. M. Mun- i he evening. He said it 'was ad amily, Toronto, were .1.,r.Th lyn cri aîd î'. . am ly , a t p w ell w orthw hile. dow n to ieir sum m er pla e. co0e o n a i n w t r nfMsM.TnbnarRonnie and Garr~ Moore j e O fce ahrive and I'*Iow the wno~eiybran ial y Uew PostOfraild tewa- "Somee -AIcu rito grade rive arîd six At the close or the everîîîg, ,were wiih Carl Langstaff's for partdlh neii sfn-cagsi yhm ol pupils. trade tmp of .Ienniterjthe-' Recreation COmmittee'the weekend. 4[p1 IIma12 used îî The.m inth ioeak fIhaiiean oe" Gray, Ci'olyl W ood ian d, with their wvives anud husbands Mi. and Mrs. George Chai k, *oeoeuu7i, *uuus.u* VAluai LI~ua (Ameb..hupS Ua~m.a ~Guido Krum'mcmaeher and ('fl.oyed a lalk and lighi ce- 'Scarborough, spent the wee,< Icu n Pový,ring the Ilro'. MsGimrloe afe uvuu I~W wiiuaLi F~>fl~~Wesley Forget, sang "'The 1fieslmeit.s with their guest.jeda hirsme1oc Plan s a idcispecifcirus"eiaTuk"ots.Th ou Ne Co p c Ho eLords Pî'ayrr". anîd puipils rit The date, unknown aRibtisipuitting in plants w~hich teHn~ Member of Parlia disrictpofficedofto he Trîi ru hnsre eiiu thie rade fixe and six chriie t ime. that ihle winnersi's riirand rabbits keep nipping mci frxv aiwiloff d rnni offuicrtt Wol lnh he"uk rp rz 9,1119 "Iow Gr'eat Thou Art." skdtiappear on t i dsmntrtPulcWok it vii roMsf.fln ado tehiradevre r. nwl bpite nI is etIon f. sciate ai the officiai openii g;J. M.Saunders, DistrictAci erin ua irbrha a Thc e hra îd i t artr i il be Nioted ii lîis sein .: C nri a iiî < M i i ie ps fuebuiding in te d , respnîsible for u e leietd y i on d i i g apparrua special show Eirr ot Vai indKathryri Turairisk, woba crate Onaî a 30sori bcw igHppitha b o" IIne.~,- J%>~, r tihan Our own, and the bhanet t ndr eho - o linthn ia'a, bt hepa ange tSeneda theni atpro- FOR SALE, FOR RENT, W NTY EC rsay fo cîepan i lE! i un made il seem eî'en longer!vided by the U.C.W. , r e frm .. uîr" bitfour<'rvuo 5cr -'.t NewcastJe,- Witb Athletir nioved well and without <o'-Sunday School Anniversary Da'r ami parades 'a thing rit plaint, although it was with'Service nexi Suinday f.vening S e od iiu 10 the past, tîhe local Cubs and great relief that the marchers xvhen Mr. AllnrBi eh is ta2eadtoalfrBxN brs rrpisdrcedtth fie Ihpir leaders are nrîw busy iearnpd they would break off le guest speaker. A donation Tir% rictl rrI"e% th~e rr-ptoiri ni u;fT'uNHA nt crn n ui r'r. mr'rugoge nt rue'xtra witb planîs andt erîumes for AI the park, and nat have tri froniî Our tunds was added tIoCMN VNS OICS A D FT A C05t Under NHA coon yrniur morithly paynmprîilI ii e os low as ý8 185 ...ncludiugrig -ihe' Indlian Day crimimg Up the!marrh ahI the long w'ay back thai frrim the Make Believe, O IGE E TN TCS cpl ouj interesu ' last Salurday of June. Head- a in Tea and the M asonie an u t,$15 per i s ri n 5 w ,&bands rif bright colored feath- The Brownies frim New- ta pay $200 off on the kitchen. Over 25 words, 5c a wr P HONE Your New Home WuiI Contoin - ers were displayed by'ihose castie were out lni great rium- Less than $200 more is lefitria 1 - Tom end euséern built kitchm,, cabnets la un A Pack on Monday night toI bers, but disappriinted la, paY. A demoinstratirin on Mogn.give some ideas tri the Cubs learn that their aIder group, jiquid embroidiery was discuss-' BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATH, EN A M NT NW ATE - 874!5 2. I4ardwood fli ot tifeughaut. of B Pack. the Guides, were not taking'&lî. 2 V LA Servicd Lots Avoiloble d. lOO.arp. elaaînieol service. themselves w i tlb rostu mes.,were smaiî in numbc. ça t helchapter in "God and His Pur-, 3.Piastr.g aII, oad dignd esilne. Special meetings have been tw n Packs were conr.. d ti pose" entitled "CGod's Mari -IN M M R A including survey - $2000 ond 6. Vinyl iledd kitchen end bmihroom. caJled Io hav'e moîhers trade make a larger sfingi. The]Jestîs Christ" atter wbich 7. Londscepinq. ideas on similar costumes bu Scouts tort were good in num- . here was a discussion led by $1.511 plus 10c per line fr~es $3,000. 8. Cernant 'wolk end qraval.d divawmy. with dîfferent bcaded design-. ber. Scouimaster Roab er t 1Mr. White oin it. Miss C. W. 9. Double Glorad windews. lnterect among pack and Shearer. a member ait thp Stewart and Mrs. H. Foster, 10. Kt<hen *xhoust fan inst.iledhm ae encete n1Ohawa Ulster FueBadiead the questions and answers The above rates arà o ahsae adb the boys ae p p ci g t ert k bi place wiih the band.1pertamning e t e ttment riof ~ C 0Your New Home Wil Se Completely Finished Ready for Occupency 0 "Indian Yells'* tr the best of'and bis son David added color Faithrit oui' Unitfed Churcli, iu h'.dyo h ek nwihteavrz~8 A ~ ~~~~~~their 'oces. This is zoinp, tri tri is band as he tank is ater whicb Mrs. Foster heldp appears. Otherwise a bo k e pn ch r e f 23 be a big day for the Cubs.1place wearimg bhis Scout uni- an aptitude contes. Lunch ANP SAVE ilbeadd .More information wiil be giv- torin. and a social hall hour were wl eadd L W OD adian Dav. adi i hp that tendance on Sunday, eitber,i, M. and Mrs. Charlie Elsie' Dlead lins for Classifi.d is Tuesday :0pm "ýJWCATLEi mny illcorne down ta Co- but it is hriped that aI another and Dennis rit Toronto spent bourg and sep their local year, more interest will be Sunday with Mr'. and Mra. CLIP THIS FOR RE]EEC packs and ahi tbc packs tak- aroused by the orlmes Who didiGeorge Mereer. linzpr nti. take part thîs year,1 Mis Marie Foster 0 st. l

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