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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 12

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B rownies Participate in 'FIy-Up' Ritual The eenil-Annual meeting of cal, gave a detailed report of. the Peterborough Presbyterial; ail sessions attended. Reports! 7 W-LS. (W.D.) was held inof ail AuXiliar PresidentsI Centevile hurc, Suthwho were present were given, I&onagliaf May 5th, with 80!and several ideas excbanged) present. Tkere Was a'short ex- The closing prayer was given ' ecutive -meeting held before by Mrs. Florence Morgan ofùl the mornimg session. Mrs. W.orodA iiay IL T. Fulton, Port Hope, Presi N.I d uiiay ntof Peterborough Presby-i The ladies of Centreville ' .oil presided at ail sessions,lChurch served lunch, and this ý ftd gave the eall to Worship. was followed by the afternooni Mrs;. A. J. Campbell, Mrs.isession at which devotions; Shaw, and Mrs. Cosens of St.Iwere given by Mrs. Robert! 4ýndrew's Bowmanville Auxil.JHlll of Brighton Auxiliary.', iary, gave the Devotions. Sev- Words of welcome were given eril reports of Organizationaiby Mrs. Clark Darling, of; and Departmental Secretaries 1 Centreville. Rev. A. M. Duncan were given. The Fal 1aiîy of!IB.A., brought greetings from.ý Peterborough Presbyterial wîlý' Presbytery. Mrs. W. H. T. FuI b. held in St. Andrew's Church Iton welcomed all new groups Cobourg, October 6th. Mrs. G.lin our Presbyterial. Mrs. Rab-ý C0. Robb of Lakefield, Mrs. w. ert Greer and Mrs. Ralphl S. Fife of Hastings Auxiliaries Greer, sang a duet "Sun of~ 'who were delegates to Synodi- My Soul," accompanied byi: Mrs. H. Seens, at the organ, who provided the mscfor Your Savings sesos Mrs. Wm. J. hae, dedicated the offering. Mrs. . Earn J. Randaîl, Cobourg, introduc-! Earned our guest speaker, Missý *5 V2?/0a very interesting talk on her! work with the "Koreans in Japan." Mrs. Chas. Smith gave:ý On 5 Year ýthe report for the Courtesies! and Registration Committee. i G UARANTEED 'Mrs. W. H. T. Fulton gave the closing prayer and the ladiesý A Fly-Up Ceremnony for Bowmanville First Pack, Roger! 'r4VESTMENTS aif Centreville Church, served Second Pack and Third Pack Brownies was held I ast Kathy lunch. lweek in the Girls Gymnnasium at Bowmanville High Bi ggs. VICTORIA from BowranvlleSchool. The Brownies taking part are pictured aoeRbr YIUE Saw, r.CeMs A .CmblMrs. w the Toadstool, the emblem of teBrownje Pack, Cattra a d RE frd, Mrs. P. S. Ferguson andand the awl, symbol of wisdomn. Jur andiREY Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. Reading from left to right: first row, Stacie Stutt, Brine m iuu R U TMargie Bell, Linda Brock, HeidiHiggon, Lou___Anne _ T US CrT~ DONALD A. Meet at ClreThowMay., MacCREGOR " Zke o' Sohool Teacher INSURANCE hart's, C.T.S.A 17th. Phone 623-5962 Questions wE 9% ing St. E., Bowmanville1 eerning the Neý FOR SAL CHOICE 0F TWO DIFFERENT MI BEING CONSTRUCTED Ai BEAUTIFUL £kaÀiway Cresc4 SUB-DI VISION Liberty St. S. Bowîi LOW DOWN PAYMENT Balance on convenient N.H.A. mortgagi at only 6Y4% interest. - ENQUIRE TODAY - D. BEERS BUILDER Phone 623-2263 22 Parkway Crescent Bown '65 Stud CA NA DA'SC KING-SIZE comfort il The 1965 Studebaker is a common- engineering. No wasted space in fi * No excess space in the rear, for easy puts ail its attention to COMFOR7 passengers are. Plenty of length fi hats as well as heads. Plenty of wi sit cornfortably on foam padded seat floors are flat for easy getting-ina take a look, take a drive, make a dea 0 su. y'owlocal Stud RAY OUIB'S SALES & SERVICE 181 King St. E. T8lhe Casadian Statesman, Bowmanvifle, .Tune. 9, 1963f SemimAnnuaI Meeting HeId ut Centreville Ti.Mr. and 1Mrs.- Harold Wright, *~fkn tI~a ua~IOshawa, wece cecent guests aOU Lockart~ O t. ~ ire torMrand Mrs Roy Taylor. ITII P- b1 eAliance Hall, OhwTus rs me at Lck-1day, whcn a choir of thirtv LNo. 91 MaT ls Trsesynatpy r con- AI k f coI- music. Mrs. Archer's niece, ?w Aipproach ta U r m l fh illu n u n cMiss Jean Vincent ao' Saskat- About .o.munîty.olligeschewan, rvd hemsc -Several from here atne by Ed Youngman These youngsters are ail of tion, made necessary by the Nostleton Annix'ersarY sec- X'oc rporeris ndetedtopublic school age, boys and;maze ai' changes in aur gen-, vices, Sunday. Your eportr is ndebtd tagirls. Every syllable was per- eral economy which, in turn,' Nexi Sunday, June 6th, i Mr. Cecii Macrison, Sec'y- !fect; tonal quality and bal-Icalled for a much highec stand- i3Blackstock United S u n d a y Treas. of Durham Caunty :ance excellent; volume unhe-!ard of, and much mare coin-'Sehlool Anniversary with Rex'. Trustees and Ratepayers As-I lievably stcong. They campar- plex type ai' formai education, DunLIIcan White, Field Secre- socitia, fr aplesanteve- 'd wth nd ereheter than xvhich the Provincial Dept. of taY for Christian Education. ing at their annual Spring m a n yadul1t, professianal!Education of Ontario is pre-,gtîe-st speaker. Music ini the Banquet, June 1lst, at St. groups. Ed Sullivan is alwaysipaced to pravide through the mnorning b.y children's choir, George's Anglican Church,iflugging somne monster Gîe 'newly proposed Community and in the evening hy Bow- E Necasle.The roast beefIClub onto his show'. If he 'Calleges, designed ta accom- :manville Training S cho ai dinner, catered hy the ladies!wants a grnup of two dozen modate students who may not choir. DLSo f the church, was delicîouts,,kids ta show up same ai' hisIbe able, for somne reason, ta S\,ipatliv 15 cxtendcd Mrs. iODELS from soup tanuts. The ladies 'Fancv Dans" f rom the States, attend university, but who Fred Daye's and ail members *were thanked by Mr. Cecil he should grab this highlylare prepared ta acquire and of the Elford families in the rMarrîsan. Itrained aggrcgation of Canre qualified ta aCquire aldcath of their sister, Mrs. L. Head table guests included'adians and gix'e TV viewers a hge level of education ta Drinkle. Newcastle. Mr. olmsMc.a, REAL treat. 'fit themn for a fast changing. c n r. ilFre ,Mrs. Webster, Mr. A. Merkley,, Sprar.eoo ordanistd M. Wnd M rd oh Mss Vera Johnson, Mc. andi dsieltr.ahough oh Ir.Cecil Marrisan, the guest !and Knox (Dutch) Schaol ' Assuming that only 20 per Griffin and fami]v. Lind-saY', en ipeaker, Mr. N. A. Sisc a, Asst.i were invited ta namre persan- cnt oi high school students an Sundax'. conday Edcatin eltat the Board of Directors, !are first class university pros- Mcn r.BbFic for taof . ,nayEdctinýwe did not notice anyane from pects, Community Colleges anMr. dM Bo b man i, Mc Ifodentrieo uc. lesre iteither school present. .will provide higher education andgMrls, L acc l, r dinrý igsetd erMr.JAt the business meeting,I!for the "midl 50 per cent tic Piper, Caur- inanville dinrbigsaena MrM. Cecil Morrison and Missithat otherwisc, might not be tc,' Mr, and 1Mr.CifB- namewas argaet Sea o Vera Johnson presented theiriable ta campete on equalbeadfai',Oaa.wc Flaetwad Manvae shofp respective reports. This was terms, in the professonal field, gucsts aof Mc. and Mrs. Bob jFletwoo, Mned Tdntgîve followed by election ai' offi- with the more gii'ted 20 per Brc'vans and fani - vec the termsdber bu snd much of a chane cers ai' the association for the cet Map Guess the other wcokend. to cat.ensuing term. President Mr. 130 per cent are out ai' luck. Rex'. and iVrs. C. H. Fergii- Following dinner, we were A. Merkley deplored the fact. The speaker îei't no doubt 'eguson were Sun day dinner treated ta some ai' the finest that sa few offer their serv- that Canada cannot expect ta g ofs i Mrs. Cecil Hill and choal ingng hatthee i e ta the advancement 0f continue ta raid the best ailusited a he Wre cars have listened ta for many A worthwhile project afi' . brains ai' ather countries, in- Fulneral Home, Narwood, la' a day, as the Newcastle Gîe sscitin s he. tsrhis idefinitely, sa must provide hec thie ai'ternoon, where a cousin, Club, under the direction aifaoc uiein spe pn srship an-1wn highly trained tech- Mr Chas. Conlws IMrs. Cronkwright, rendered ai ig wihe-nicians, if she bapes ta hold ein three numbers, i.e., "When h orgsmn il n oser own in the markets aof the,- ýWas a Lad", from H.M.S. Pin- ta be articulate on the public 'world, and these well trained nafore, 'How Great Thau, pafr."I sapt hat persans must have "job entry" nanville "Art", "The Lord's Prayer" mR.t e o ners-.tann NOW. The Corn- piano Mrs. H . Munro at the'c ue, adM. Imuni ty Colleges xili alsa heý piano, ~Merklcy, wha urged bis audi-luseful in re-training aof uni- tPIR -ence ai' some 65 persans, ta vriygauts try, individually, ta abtain. Sta o -mare canverts ta this splendid r r stai projeet. short time, there wili be a Mr. Webster intraduced the college seat available for guest speaker, Mc. N. A. Sisco, everyone desirous ai' attending, wha san covince (his eveni though it may not b1 who sap- passible taiprovide accommo- [e bk e rprecitve auiecethat he possib:ta paricud o Itàb a k e rwas well qualified ta be Pro- dation in saine particular pro- - Iclege tasithasrn. ) WN CARan rdsTann rnl, ject "The New Perspective ofýpaer who was warmly ap- Cont inuing Education", inpaue for a magnificent ad-' ivhich he cmphasized thelfdress, given in ardinary lay- cbanging trend in ur educa- 'man'slanguage. BLACKSTOCK (Intended for last week) imen's Institute Bazaar was oNw * ~Twey-w memnbers ai' the held in the Recreation Centre.IO o U.CW t'ent an interesting Ail attending thoroughly en- BONCW 3 . . . . . .evening in the C.E. Centre .ioyed the excellent musical YU S Tuesday, May 25th. President program presented by the Cow 8 ~M'rs. barold Kyte apened teSetAdelines aof Oshawa, SI meeting with a poen, "Re-! after which President Mrs. flections." Mrs. Stanford Van1rcv Van Camp expressed Camp conducted the worship'i the thanks ai' the gathering tc period and led in prayer. Af- the Sweet Adelines and de- ter the singing aof the hymn clared the bazaar apened. The "In Christ there is no East! mani.\ and x'aried articles of or West," she read a scriptu:re fancv xxork, aprans, homE ppssage and meditatian on baking. candx-, etc., were soan Mssionarv Education. Failaw- purchased. This was fallowed -F"? -PAIRI Cli" ~~ing the ofieratory prayer she by a daintycaeei stl ccad a letter i'rom Rev. Robt.i lunch and social time. Clark, telling "why we are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kellyv. -sense car in styling as well as in India." ýBrooklin, and hec parents, Mc.r Mrs. Richard Van Camp in-, and Mrs. Courtney Graham, ront fo easer oad lewng.troduced the guest speaker,:epent last weckend in Kings- Mr. Ali Khan, a teacher afitan. They attended the gradl- ymaneuverability. Studebaker* Cartwright High Sehool and!uation e xercises at Queen*s a native oi' Trinidad, Who tald! University when Joyce (Mr-;.' T in the middle - where the li' the life and customs nif',Kelly) rcceived hec B.A., St-, Trinidad as compared with'urdaY mo¶-ninig. Thev also saw or lgs. leny ofheiht fr .Ontario. in a very interesting The Hon. Lester B. Pearson c- orles.Plnt o higt orand informative manner. Mcc. ceive his D.L.. and Rev. HarrY- IB idt fo hîs.Sixaduts anCeciu Hill thankcd Mc. Khan Mellow ai' Oshawa bis D.D., fPresident conducted the that ai'ternooni. . Then the'. s - ful sized seats. And the business during which reports finsutlMna" were heard i'rom secretary, ai'ternoon. and getting-out. Corne in treasurer, all units, manseý Congratulations ta M 19s committee. A nice letter ai' Donna MeLaughlin, wh nrot il. appreciation from Mrs. Tonge,an' graduated from P eter-- Hong Kang, was read. Sup- borough Teaeher's Training PI'. committee reportcd the Celiege, but w-as also award- allocation bale gone; a large.ed a scholarship for achieve- j39j~ bale ta Overseas Relief ship- 1 ment as the top student of the ped: another ready to go iyear. She is engaged ta teach OWN CAR Oshawa Simcoe Hall; and one in Cartwright Central School, for Mcs. Tange ta be mailed com.-mencing in September. Wednesdav. Saime final plans Mc. and Mrs. Jno. Kewen for the Spring Tea in June and i'amily, Beaconsville, Que- were made. when Mrs. A. bec. spent the holiday v k AIklj hua- or-t ar 1d wih.e fth r M. v TO CELEBRATE.. * b. e YOU WE YSALESA DURING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WE WILL INTRODUCE A SERIES WITH PICTURES OF. . . A GOOD MAN TO KNOW IS YOUR GLEN RAE Rae -Dairj", Glen 98 RING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE ..,.Atbpcil rant ot 59,825 Atthe meeting of the Board as an apprentice on May 17th. held at the Legion Hall hier* of Directors of Memorial Hos- Mr. Holden stated. on May i 'th. ~ jpîal el inth BordRom Attention xvas drawn by Mr.Mr. Jose, Chairmaj f the recentlv James A. Bell, Chair- Holderi to the fact that the Grounds~ Comm.ttee, ported man of the Finance Comnmit- Physiotherapx' Department is that the sidewalk aroiNd the *~ tee, announced that a special'working to full capacity. lie nexý xx îng of the hospe I has bed grant of $9,825 had been explained that it had become been comnpleýed. and Ai»ea"rs recivd ro te ntrj Hs-necessary recently to put ta be satî'sfactory. He discuss- pitals Services Commission, patients on a waiting list for ed the routine wark being Those at the meeting xver&pyiîeay ramns carried on in the grounds, and Board Chairman Glenholmeý -'This is unfortunate, but de- tated that the construction of Hughes, Harry Jose, New-,mands for treatments are ex- a ncw parking lot on property castie, Mrs. S. G. McMurter,.tremely heavv. and there ks a adjacent ta the hospital will Mr'. Bell, Tom Cowan, Maurice!limit tm the work that can lie bc ndrrakein during the lat. Prout, Mrs. W. Harold Gibson, performed by one Physiothera- ter pa.rt of May. ClakeTowshpRexWate st with one full time and Mr. Cowan. Chaîrman of the James Stutt, A. H. Barr n9pist part tîme assistant," M\r. Equipmcnt Committee. report- Darlington Township, A. M-:Ho1drn said. cd that the spectro-photometer Thompson, R. J. Dilling, the' The Hospitala Secretary-Treasurer, and Ber- leHsia Administrator and the flamne-pooee nar Hode, te H sptal Ad also reported on the successful bc.en rcceived and set up. He >nratHor.-th ositl dAdministrative Clinic, held bv alsO statcd that t whcel- A summary of operating pital Administrators, which hie been received recently as part Yfinancial details covering the"had attended between the lOth of the capital equipment prog- Qfour months ending April 30th an 4h0 ayi oot.rani. was reviewed. The figuresý During April. 221 adult pa- On a motion by Mr. Walters, showed that the hospital is5tients were admitted ta the seconded b%, Mr. Jase, it was operating slightly under theýhospital, also 82 pediatric. and decidcd that the board hold budget regarding allowable ex- ý36 newborn. Mr. Holden told an inspection of the hospital penses in various departments.1the board. He reported that .51 and grounds between seven 4 Accounts amounting to $18,-imajor operations, and 135 min- and cight-thiirt'v 'clock on the 134.09 were passed for pay-!or operations were performed ex'ening of th2 June meeting ment on a motion by Mr'. Bell,lJduring the month, and that of the Hospital Board. This seconded by Mr. Cowan, Mr. 1102 treatments had been gix'en was carried. Jase, seconded by Mr. Walters in the emnergeney department. ~~ moved that a safety deposit Mrs. Gibson moved the adop- ~ ~ box be acquired and this was tion of th,- Hcspital Admini- Gel IGuFr rice rs, Cdy Myles. Second r ,Babar Sturdy. carried. strator's report. This was sec an rw, arraThe Hospital Administrator, onded by Mrs. MeMurter andi For Your Livestock y' Milner, Anne Kent, Linda Caverl 'y, CIîristineMr. Holden reported that there carried. 3Third row, Dianne Kavanaugh, Kim Hannan,lare 141 full time employees Mr. Hughes, the Board througi. ta Spencer, Christine Wight, Barbara Scott, Janel0of the hospital. Miss Nancy Chairman, reportc'd on the suc- S T A T E S Md A N in ane Hrsln, arl Wgh. Bck aw Nae!Osborne, Toranto, a graduate cessfui dinner meeting hield by C L A S S 1 F 8 E D S -an Ja et orsin Ca ol igh . ack row N Yc pharmacist, has jained the the Ontario Institute of Lain- Phone 623-3303 n, Debbie Bate, Cathy Land, Jean Turner, Anne Pharmacy Staff of the hospital dry Managers, Central Relgion, . and Jackie Davis. 'Hospit-l Board Receives PHONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DELIVERY 98 KING ST. W. ROWMANVILLE WE SALUTE

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