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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 13

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ý-TARKVILLEi Mn. LoTne Tdd ent M. an d Mns. Brian Ceswel!,j Leslie and Beverley spent' Sunday in Toronto. Mr. Bill Reid, Orono, and Mr.Llew HallowehI were, ni nnr uest.s with1 Bin Caswell, Wednes- ay ev7e g Iast week. lMr.. Sid Hahlowel, NancY anfi Mrs. Llew Halio- weIl attended the graduatin lexercises at Convocation Hall, Toronto, Fridav ast week, at which time G;erald rpreived his Honour Bachelor of Arts deRree. Misses Nornma and PBeulah }iallowell aiso attended gra-, duation and after the exer-' Icises Gerald and his gues1g were ertertained et rinner hy Dr. 'and Mrs. Frank Walker,i Toron to. Miss Donna Souch, Toronto, SPent the week. Mrs. A. DobL'nn and Mrs.1 Forrester spent Sunday with MiSxs C. W. Stewart, Kendal. Mr. andI Mrs. Harold Souch' end Donna %vere guests at theý Hooper- Hugzhes wedding at Newcastle United Church on Saturda v aftr'rnonn. Service a t Shjloh Suniday rmrning at 9 rn. was wel attended with Mrs. Ross Todd ini charge o01 the music, Rev. White gave a message on the «23rd Psalm The anniversar-v rervjcp %vil be lJune 20th at 2:30ID.Mn. -Mr. Grrald Hallnwell lcft Sundavy to 'spcn)d the sum mer mnnihs. at Banfif. Mr. end Mrs. Sid l-lailowell entertained friendis et an "cf-. te'r-g'radtiation" partv at their home last Friday- evening,1. CORNER ýqHOLESALE 55 King St. W. OPP. BnovmanvîiIp Hntel PORTABLE 9 BAR-B-Q 9 Comp. 91.99 HAMBURG BROILER Chrome PPl ate Comip. $1.69___ 9c BAR-B-Q TONGS Comp. 69c $1.29 *CANDLE 4A BUG LIGHTS #14c Comp. $1.29 Dennisen Superfine TABLE COVER 23c Comnp. 45c RESSc LdVEs 79c IyCmp. $1.98 BOYS BASEBALL GLOVES $1.001 to $4.95 SUNDRIES HAIR SPRAY 1l-oz. Comp. $1.49 HAIR NETS Comp. 15 c 59c c 5c1 -iiair Coloring MISS CLAJROL LOVING CARE II SILK & SilvR1,46. Comp. $1.95 SHAMPOO Egg or Castile 32-oz. Cornp. $2.0>» KLEENEX Reg. 89C 15 C DELSEY 1 TOILET TISSUEL2Ic WAX PAPER 100-f t. Roils 200.ft. Rnlis 25c 49C Fifth Brownie Pack Hokls Mother - »-- Daughter Banquet The Lions Centre was a rollicking place on June Owl M rs. Tom Westover was Master of Ceremanies. lst henié aBowanvlleFift Brwn k hed teirOther leaders included in the photo of the entire pack annual Mother and Daughter banquet. The program are Brown Owl Mrs. E. L. Ewert, Guide Susan Etcher was extensive and varied from a fashion show to sktts and Lynn Grahami. The occasion was alsa utilized to including Beatie numbeî's preseiited in one of the present many badges the girls had won in precedirtg above photos by, from. Icft to right, Janet HOrselin, tests. Barbie Scott, Dianne Bickle and Carol White, Tawny The Canadian Stateirnan, nownianville, June 9, 1965 1 MRS. A. BICKELL Martini Road 1 BOYMNVLL, NT Tn49C (OWonA W)EOT PUREX 2-PLY 4 COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 4 2 RollA Pkgs. $L00 MRS. A. PLLANZER BOWMANVILLE, Ot<T, (Won $11364) MRS. K. LEMON 64 Simpson Ave., BOWMANVILLE Reccived $26.32 tation of the Newcastle Unit- PI____ d Church to exchange serv-1 R.JM SC L I E -- i~~~~~Ces during the months of JulyMR.J ESC L LL Th-e Orono .NewSanugs. ograin 245 Liberty St. N., wihl came ta Orono in JuIy and 130 WMAN VILLE Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor go e Nwatl nAuut Received $26.32 committee has been appoint- ed ta arrange transportation Rev. anîd Mrs. Philip Rom-iMrs. Charles 1llcnry Forbes,itery. rom the church so that those leril of Rlackstock were dinnerlthe former Miss Judith Nor-: Mr. and! Mrx. Ralph Virlue without cars wilI have na guests off Rev. and Mrs. Basil een Hancock, on their marriage: and Judy off Enniskillen visit- problem in attending. E. Long, Sunday, May 3th. at the Newtonville United ed Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail and' Patients tram Orono a ndS E I D Mrs. R. R. Waddell, Miss Church manse on Friday ev- daughter. ditrctiEteOURralH Aima Cuttie with Mr. and coing, June 4th, 1965. Rev. C.' Mr. and Mis. Ray Dicksonipital, Bowmanville, are: Mr.' 'Mrs. Harry Mercer visited Mr. E. White officiated. have purchased the John Arm- Lyall Lowery, Mr. Lloyd Tay- U D O Cobourg at their cottage at borough is spending his two Street. Mr. DksnithLuerBrhaMs.Jms OU D O Curtis Point on Sunday. weeks vacation with his par- malager off the Orono branchIGinn, Mrs. Wrn. MeIIey, Mrs. Conigratu la tions taeiMr. and ents, Rev. and Mrs. Basil E. of the Canadien Imperial Benk:Nellie McCausland, Mrs. Ho w- Mrs. F. B. White an their 60th 'Long, off Commerce. ehl Rowland, Mrs. Robt. Stew- Wedding Anniversary, June Mr. and 1\'rs. Allan Strike Mr. and MIs; Roy Barrabaîl art, Mrs. James E. Richards FURNITURE l4th. They will ho At Homeof Bowrnanville and her moth- visited friends in Toronta on end Miss Alne Alln off R.R. 1, on Sunday June l3th in the er, Mrs. M. H. Steples and son Sunday. Orono. In the Strethavrn 10,0OF. Hall, Orono. ýMr. Donald Staplcs attended Mr. Frank Merchant of Nursing Home is Mrs. Walter IP Y Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hallthe funeral service off their H-eavent, England; Mrs. Wm.,Couch. off Agincourt visited Mrs. CecilIl neighbor, the late Professor: Merchent, Mr, and Mrs. Vic-: Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Charles BruLce Sissons at Vic-1 tor Jordan Orf Oshawa; Mr. and 1T 'TTT r H IRS- LOUNGES Robinson lest week. Cat-tonia College Chapel, Tononto,:Mrs. Wm. Jordan off A.jaX Vis- 1LLI LABET. IVILLEJ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chton Saturday mrnrring, May!ited Mrs. Wm. Mitchell on jA --Q EC terton, Carol and David spent 29th and the interment in the SLîndav. C'hurch services wene held BRBQ -EC the weckend at their cottage Quaer, Friends Cernetery, Mn. and Mrs. Melvine Cul- eat Garden Hill. Therie was aý et CnalLak. Pikenng.vert and baby off Oshawa vis - guest speaker as Rev. Ramnilt Miss Mejorie Hoidge off Once again nany thaîîks for ited Mn. and Mrs. Sterlingwe speaking alt an anniver -________________ Toronto spent a few days last your rcnewals, new subscrip- Mathers and family on Sun- sary service at another charge. week with Mrs. Charles Wood.:tions and news itcms sent 11n day xudvSholwsbl ee Mr. Glen Hodgson and son to mv 1oorm, 128, Memorial Sna colwshl ee :Pau ofBowmnvile; r. ndMiss Bertha MeNaliy, sisten: On S.aturdev the Cubs went Pr. aymof ownCavifTle ne Hospital, Bowrnanx'ille. or Mn. Normen S. McNqaliy oet to Beevermeadow Camp, east RarnonD.Cla.p ofone Mrs. Basil E. Long visited Coibonne passed away in her'of Walkers, and spent the vîsît M. D .Hern M i hM.eîdMs hi ogRst vear, aet the Green Acres' w ekend playing gamnes, etc. Ftgt-omadr n Msand son Todd, Oshawa, whilIR Ntirsin zHomNRket, Bruce Fowier hec! the mnisfor- L. J. Liggctt and thein son Rv ongtene h Byno " re, afewm re, Bilt, whn gr-adua;tred re'cnylngaînedteBa 1 un ]rd fe elntyl tune te be hit with a bat and i from the Royal Militery Col- off Quinite Conference et Kings- ilines.s. Funeral was on Fr1- 1needed stitcheq to close, a cul.' U lege, Kingston, wene gLîests ton, May 27th and 28th. day ai, Port Penny. Interment below bis eye. Rut affter it lest week off Flizht-Cornrnand- Miss Louisc Cowan spent et Cedmus Union Cemetery.i waS fixed up he was able tae er Liggett's cousin, Mrs. Tx' ]plst xx'çek with coutsin Mrs.!Rex'. Phiilip Romeril off Btack- returo to camp. thein home, Cc'dar Date Farrn Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Morton visitedi'. Howard Steaits, Toronto, Flight Commander Ligigett is Mn. Jerk Hoîrnes, the former Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- 'spent the weekend at h-ýr stetioned in Paris. France, Jeanl Clemence off Lakeshore, clough, Wesle'vville. home. Mr. and Mrs. DeKoker, è. where he is a member offthie 0on their 25th Wedding Anni- Mrs. Donald Cheprnan and!Wbitby, were down on Sun- S R staff off NATO. versanv wvhich t hey ceiebrated daughter MandY off Nestietan 3 aking earene and ow- Congratulations ta Mr. and et the 100.OF. Hall, orono, on left by air foi' Eîîgand ta stav, ard beck with them. . AND Satui'diix xith hier parents, Mr.. and The Highi School students ' Mir. Pdul Tanîbl Ix and TVit'. Mr. and Mrs. K. Herron have begun thein exams. friend off Guelph spetît the fo'nelof' Ot-ono. Mr. Chap- Tobacco ptanting is pro- Faue weekend with his parents, Mnr. mani wilffolow later, he is gressing slowely due ta frost Fand li anîd Mrs. Carlos Tamibîvi. stavîn g with his parents Mr, and small plants. o Mn. anid -Mn. Manshafl Chat- and Mrs. Raymnond Chepman Mn. and Mrs. W. Muldrew Hsc tenton spent Si d_.Mev 130 of Kiirh\. and Mrs. L. Muldrew, Oshawa, ~î'table : >with Mn. anîd Mný. Raymond Mn. and Mrs. G. Brackhekke wene eat Sunnyside for the Bruce of etnvhe rorn Holend are visiting their weekend. Miss Mary DeSrnodt was a dauighter, Mrs. H. Vanden' Mr. and Mn.s. t>on Whithired patient ini Memoniat Hospital. Bnink, Mn. Vanden Brink and and girls. Oshawa, were own / .~ Bogrnanihle,. farily. on Siundav. Mn. and MNIs. Clint Brown Mnilr. Lottie Dpeel Me- Miss Gil Quantrill and! off Newtonville and Mrs. .jim Cutcheon off Oshawa, âge 87, ril fripendc. Pptprhornugh,i 'Paît wpnce dinnen guestsoff Mn. native off Clankp Township,,were with Mir. and Mr. ~J .ao! Ms.Konneth Baîl. Susq- wionw off the ];;te Mr. John QUatIhi an and BouIe.lest Thursday. McCutcheon, passed away sud- Mn. and Mrs. Qiaritillvil- y-Mns. Wrn. Mitchcll spent 'd-nl ' vet the Oshawa Generel ed little Michelle, daughter oni the weckend with Mn. and Hospital on Mondav, June 7tîn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Quentniti, on Mns. Albert Mitchell, Manger- Funenal on Thunsde*y fram the Sund'ey. in B3owmanvil.. os et. Banbana and Steven, et Gerrow Funeral Chapel, Osha- Mr. Alex Kelly ie home 11 ~ ~~ their cottage et West Lake \va. Interment in Orone from the hospitai. I ~ neen Picton. Cemetery. Rev. Canon F. G. The Institute met et Mis. roeaeMnr. and Mns. Ross Taylor, Ongley off St. George's Me- Clarence Beat.ty's home coni brokeage Dale. Deane and Debbie off monial Anglican C h u r c h, Wednesday efternoon. Mr,~. )r rtcan be prepaid at aoy Scanbornig spent the week- Oshawa, xiii officiate. Mercer presided. It was de- without notice or penalty end with Mn. and Mns. Chas. The members of Orono cided te withdrew the.Tilv Taylor. Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 3251and AuIguat meetings. Mre. 'R mortgage, write, phone or Mn. and Mrs. Russel Vani will hold e special service lShepperd gave a report on the offie norestyouHorne off Whitby spent Satur- next Sundev June 13 et Orono 1trip to Ottawa. Mrs. White ofic naes yuday wîth her mothen. Mrs. United Church et regular time eind Mirs. Beatty read papens VISION OF Fred worship. The Rex'. H. A. suitable for Agriculture andi __Mrs, Mary Diae (Millier) M etIo w off Nothminster Canadien Industries. It was Z CR D TMilter, ege 62, widow off the Chunch Oshawa, wiii be the Mrs. Beetty's group. Lunch rION LTD. Iate Mir. Chantes Thomas Mill- guest speaker. was senved. en (whio pnedeceased hier on Leskard Spning Anniversany Miss Suzanne Thickson iI; FAWA 725-6541 Mey t9th. 1965), passed awvav Service wilt be hetd June 2Ô, spending a couple of deys with et the Oshaxwa General Hos- 7:.30tpin. Rex'. John Romerfi Mrs, DeKaker. Whitby. ýriday Io 8.00P.m.; pitat. Funenal service was on off Countice xiii be guest Misses Glenda Mercen and y appoinîmeni. lWedriesda 'v in the Morris Fun- speaker. Suzanne Thickson expect bn ou$tosevnet valChape]. Rwavit.Iii- It -as thé' decision fif te spend Wnpsda.v t thtb!r ~S o sr~*~OUtennit ini Onono Cemeterv. atiînîal meeting off Oinno Unit ,ichn'iolr, in Rowmaiîville ini Sundax\, tone 24th is Décora.e- t Church that as a congrega-, %Ih the'v wiUl teach next tien Day at the Orono Cerne- tion we shouid accept the invi- year. SHIRRIFFS LUSHUS JELLY DESSERTS 6 RegSize 5 BISCUIT FEATURE HILLTOP JUMBO Chocolate Mallows Pkg. 9 Fresh Produce Speciali ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 GREEN ONIONS ROSEBUD RADISH,- 3 bunches23 FLORIDA GROWN No. 1 CELERY STALKS 2_Ige. stalks 45C CALIFORNIA GROWN lBING CERE Guaranteed Quality Meats FINESTIJMPORTED NEW ZEALAND LAMB TENDER DELICIOUS CUT AS YOU LIKE THEM LOIN LAMB CHOPS WHOLE OR HALF LAMB LEGS 59Pc ESSEX 2-lb. OfC WIENERS Pkg.O7 )MBINATION IING CART STORAGE RACK this week and next... rols easily effortlessly on 2 in. clear casters. capacity ta store up ta seven tray lsl Sturdily constructed -flexible -the year 'round hostessi 59c lb 'i e il Il * i 4 NEW ZEALAND STE WING LAMB 1Oc 10 lb WHYTE'S FULLY COOKED BONELESS HAÀ&MS 99' No. 1 DOMINION COUPON -:: cý SERVING CART C- ~ WITK THIS ý $2.39 COUPON end 0 $5.00 PURCHASE i COUPON EXPIRES .IUNE 19, 1965 ITHIS COUPON WORTH 400 TOWARD PURCHASE 0F SERVING CART I No.DOMINIONi TRAY TABLE COUPON KCIN aSIZE TfA TBL COUPONand' NOPJ NO. 4 EXPIRES JUNE 19, 1965 . I%~TOWAMI~ PUBC*ASE 0F TRAN TA8I4j to give 100% satisfaction. H W COFDNE! WIFRESFRVE THE RIGHT TO IAMIT wueAFu m M MW ies W Psissd Mw QUANTITIES. o okMFa r omdr SValues Effective in Bowmanvllle Until ETNSCED ~Clsing Timne, Saturday, June 12, 1965 King St. and Simpson Avenue 2.444; .,4X.>.,.. ~.,.. - " Terins Up te 10 years *N " No hidden charges eA/ " No bonuses lm F«e & FREE brochure on SUPERI viit the SUPER/ORc TH4E fEALIY Dl% SUPERIOFR CORPORAT. 17 Simcoe St. OS Daîiy to :30 p.m.: F4 Other Ivenings y 31 SUPERION offle 4MTC-WARPý PUItCi4ASE OF TRAY"IABý No bi Ai/ or AH merchandise %old at Your Dominion OSH . . ....... 1 1

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