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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 14

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- - - *e. 1I4 ] m Trhe Canadian Statesinan, Bownmnvle, .Tune 9, 1983 s DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ___ Births In Memoriam Articles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale For Rent J _ Wanted - eaEstfrSe'Real Estate for SaleReal Estate f r I ~T K I S 0 N - o y m m ory_ ID e a d s to - 1k vS,,i _ ,etkinson (e Yen) are happy of a dear son and brother 623-3513. 23-1 Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131., centrally located, available Lake, 3 bedrooms, on nicei Homes, Newcastle97-25 ý4 nounce the birth of their Keith D. Davey who passed URGTDmno in ________ 32-tf 1IJuly 15. Phone -623-2318. 23-11 Hlghest Cash Prices for Dead shaded lot, 70' lake frontage,______2- '*aughter, Uisa Marie, on June away June 4, 1961. Cail 623-2523. 23-i LLOYD baby carrnage, three FIoom bungalow, fuil 1 and Crlppled Farm Stock sf beach. Asking $5,900. 'ew,1965, at Oshawa General -Ever remembered bv moth- - yeariol Adverti 3 / h1 IIE ~- s p i a l.2 3- e r d d, ist rs n d r o t e r . A T O M T I C w a s e r, a n e r o l ; a is o b a b y 's r e c lin - ; c o n v e n ie n c e s , 1 m ile e a s t o f 'w r t t s r 6 0 c o T e J V n r e i1 7~S . o m a î ;-Hospital. 231 e23-1' heater. 623-7283. ATOMTI wa23-1ane ing chair. Phone 623-7053. Newcastle. Phone 987-4350 BURRETT FUR FARM Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box J a ~MASH-ackandMarori SY bansandbucwhet or XeIri.tra23-7283. 2ater3evn.13--j Phone Long Distance 190, Bowmanville. 23-1 REAL ESTATEDRKR339 Z34ARSHJack ad Marlrie ;S- -0-Ybe-an--an-Zenuith 66550at (norGchargeratoe cou)ltFOR sale seby tendernitf66am0(no1chrte tgySt. -1623-3230 teembder- , --wraman18 Kistri.cE --nee Stewart) are pleased te STRONG-In Inving memory sale. Garnet Rickard, 623-7150. with p]ough and scuffler, good FOUR-room house, bathroom Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 351C-65 school and one-haîf acre lot, Bownianvie rnnounce the birth of their of a dear mother and grand- - 22-2 condition.- Phone- 623-2127._ and garage, No. 2 Highway, RelE4t or 4aughter Sandra Denise, fi Ibs. mother, Effie Vera Strongl W-TER for- sale- and1 del ivered, KEYS cut automatically, while outskirts of Bowmanvilie. 4-tf (New Park), situated nearGeorge Street - 1-om2 4 ozs., on May 29th at Sioux who passed away June 13, 24 hour service. Cali 623-5756. You wait, at McMullen Hard- Available July 1. Abstainers. Cash on the Spo MsPort. For further informa- storey brick; hot wtro v~okn i.Lk '.Lookout, Ont. 23-1*192adaloig epw2-t ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Write Advertiser 631, c/o the Sp tien contact Mrs. Dorothy 1952, and- a ville. ______ 3-tf Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box for Dead or C nppled Farm Bristow, R.R. 2, Janetviîe eat, 2 bathrooms o k fo n, 2 5 ce, e clet su JWMRRAY-Mr. andMr Rona e Jld Strong5. wowskl-RNHR tyle tent, 9 it. -_____- 190, Bowmanville. 2,1-1 Stock. Picked up promptly. Ont. Phone 986-4344. 23-2 aae f iesz o.2soe rc oe ao 0 ili Mura (nceIris Gallant) No one knows how much J x 9 ft., good condition. Phone CREAM separators, new and Tel - - - - - 63-72 1-are- happy te announce the ms o,623-3152. 23-1 used. Repairs to fit rnost BACHELOR apt., furnished TGeerone coleet 23-2721ng8,5 .wt $,0 cs. x 2' 0'x6'.Vn ata msYe,- -makes. Telephone Blackstock- heated, central; free parking Margwill Fur Farm GergeBllevni ,4 S t. Cmeca) giepoet. ot fPr :birth of a son, Michael Scott, No one knows the bitter EIGHT-ft. cedar poles. Tele- 9896-4387. 23-1 and television acrial. One aduit REALTOR oak and tile floors ah-Trs ýlbs. 1&12 ozs., on Sunday, pain phone 786-2439, Polny, R.R. 3 UNEa-e--fbr---a G od-Jne lst. Wre.Adverie i ccnce YRNE --Phone 623-5300 1rooms, bot airlheat 2.0 7 ce,1 ie ot l o s t î Pol , n t _ H o p e . 223 - 1- 1u ,b r a n d F a b i s , 2 8 K i n g S t . W . 6 2 1 , c / o C a n a d i a n S t a t e s m a n , w i t h $ 6 . 0 0 c a s h e a s t o f O s a w a , r i ckio us- .Xlo pitl, B w ma vile. 2 -1 ouD R IED corn, $58per ton, FOB Save $$$ here . . . sec page .1 P.O. Box 190, Bowm anville _ _ nOnfa e bu g lo ,tiat ram on ou llt. Aom pe u h ny 3.0 - - - Life has e y er been th e B o w v iew F a rm . C a l G . fo r fu ll d e t ils. 23 1 9 tR e a r ro o m , full b a se m e n t, 0fonf r f m î y o o e a e e n . T r s E ng ge m nt In m h rt Bn wn 2325 3 2- SLIGHTLY used Ca.e 200 - - -- - acre lot. This nicely decorat- - Scu ih 2,0 Mr..and Mns. John Nimigon lingers, QUANTTY buckwheat. C. power take-off baller. R. Mac- .Koom and Board GUARANTEED teIevision and cd and dlean home for onîy $.0 ih$,0 ah 'offMiîbrok anounekteae-nwetlytenerfon an-VerocheRR.o, Bomanill.RDnald5,ekarwtleponeladi sevicotalIlake. $2.50 wih sbstntil don Cttaedggo- bcCottageod rchrdvalabl gaàgement of their daughter,f etrucede,;on adPhone 623-5335. 23-1tOrono 4R9 after 5. 21-4* \Vanted Tleiio ervice tCo.iPhoe.pa2,50cnt usanilclwroomnc o;fri onriîfotg hgo Edith Ann, ta Mn. Arnold Ev- There is not a day dear mother BICYCLÉE, boy's wvheel,-26", in BtTYING or selling furniture FOR- sing le- busin ess _ gi rl,- close: 6383.5-frat eh,4ot ad o$c7y00cre ihwa fr,3,o0a00 ombus. 6.00 .erett Allen, son of Mn. and and nephew excellent condition. 29 Scu- ni appliances, caîl Elmer, to Goodyear; imediate-lv. i omRftand. bld my 00Ace I 1 l AMrs. Hilbert J. Allen of Ida, That I do not think of you. gog St., Bowmanville. 2-1-1 apo:bsns 6-24-Poe9748.2:l efrigeraLion water, 2-piece bath, garage gsa wecuvtd.ers ~Ont. The marniage to ta!<e -Sadly missed and eerr-- .Hnpo:bses26294-Pne8760.21ad and lake frontage. Askn Owncr retiring. $000wt ce in St. Andrew's United membened by daughter MaryjTBE odn 5" 4" eîec 2329. 6t ~price $1,5w, cash. skg $8,000 cash.Scnc3arewihas urc5, Mil3b3ook, Ju2y-10, son-in-law Howard and grand- forcottage. 987-5313. 23-1 excellent condition; Interna- App- - ceSevc buglw2lingomsad6-36 '$90 -ems Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robin- I hndca e des type; betiDodgar, Ho ereford b, pl Royal forch, 115 H1h Cmeca ad-msi 2 kitchens, 4-piece bath and - ace--il~o gon, Pont Hope, are pleased tniWALTER--n vn e offrhne63553 3I98-83 __ 31 way, 987-4561. 23-1* Refigeration - Miîk Coolers extra stool. Can be used forJakR adanpoexletsihi, aonnounce the engagement of of a dear husband and father, 80x4Frdwel F __ ULL time waitressés. Apply Phone BERT SYER two families; 23/4 acre lot.*bc ed narBackstock. their daughten, Carol Ann, tn Murton Walter, who passed TWO8.x1Fodwel and USED washer parts, 1/4 h.P. Voyageur Restaurant, Wavcr- Days- 623-5774 Close to school. Asking price REALTOR 2,0 $,0 on Brian George Purdy, son o0paway Juné 14, 1964. tires, gond; two farmi trailers motors. Complete line of ley Rd., -Bowmanville. 23-3 Nights- 623-3177 $17,500. Give us an offer. 71 King St. E., Rimnîl~ okn o aHmst Mr. and Mns. George E. Purdv, His memory is as dear today with platforms; 1 Case 4 cyl. Beatty, Thon and Crosley ap- .1-- I Near Highway 11.9 justi 623-2503 1x ceted iue r Pbrt Hope. The wedding will As in the hour he passed away. air-cooled motor, pulley and pliances. P ad d y's Market HOUSEKEEPER, tolive in. S., Lander Hardware forthi of Newcastle, we offer' take place at 2 o'clock, JulyEver remembered and sad- starter. Phone 623-2197. 23-l* Hampton, 26.1-2241. 12-tf Charles Allin, 55 Church St., hsnwwl uit3bdo THIR. T _ymse ywf ainad____ - 1--_ --_ -Bowmanville. Phone 263-25641 and ELECTRIC timn !wl ult3-er o e i Th at cdrosaa Pie osl 10,1,6,1i9St5JoninAngica.IyJishdnyswfAMagonlndcanUATIN, lowng ethNCE 'bloo 63-754.23-: ___ 8-t 'slitlevl hme.Maserbcd hoe homet.ahedgarge.$6,0bleTd-s Church, Port Hope. 2-fduhe ooh. 2- od, with rock wool. Work- CE AR TRlE.LS - -3-1- ----roîn has sliding doors with ýVery attractive. $120.Buligot1'x20, Imranship guaranteed. F n ee FOR HEDGES, ETC. DOMESTIC help required, livc i \Vork \Vanted ba]cony. Panelled living rooin. SUNSET RD. 4Beoo NetnieVlagcset Deaths RIMARj estirnates. Hanry L. Wade, i family home. Exelntus _____ t be seen to be appreciat: ýhome with large kitch( ag toc n col.Batf. lhn ewtonville 786-2256. W/HITE BIRCH working conditions. CleaningIMOUNTJOY Backhoe Service cd. Pniced at $13,900 with Ifinished rec. moort lcrevîw0 aeOnai.$,0 COOLE Minnie-At Toron-to MEIVORIALS ___ _______38-tfAl ie -NeeCuer lady kept. Phone 623-3578.1 -Trenches, drains, founodations1 $3,000 down. haig$1,0- oniue Sa, wife ofthe at.1 ig965,ad isintieUSED FýURNIfU-RE -I-pcel I _____icClstrs22-4 and septie tanks dug and, Newcastle: 4 Bcd ron THIRD ST. 3 Bedombu- Ncate-Eepinl- Bedroom suite, box spring and Rails - Fence PostS'S-PP-LY-teachers-and prîjn- backfilled. Caîl 986-4737. !frame home, garage, on large galow with Hollywodkc-bero,2trybikho. George Coole; dean mother of Monuments - Fiat Markers mattress; 2-pce. Chesterfield, cipal's supply needed for Sep- _______23- o.Ak pie$.0 ien, finished rec. room.Bodionrlt6'x12,dul lsu.Henn JenJak ndesigns for any neeâ - 00 down. loom. A.throughout bedroom, 196-66.liply-Rgarage.500Flown.lyoomahrntedutand qÔ omnil:Manseil of 152 Simeole St. S., Oshawa patclynw .A.KapadP1stmer16-6 pl .E A. B AAR S 1{mltn SrivdbyfuLtd., 37-41 King St. E., Bow- Al Lengths Munno, Principal, Newcastle, 1- jery sceer 1anarestove included at ar giandchildren and nine greatr 723-1002 - 728-6627 manville.- 23-i before June 24th. 23-1[ i ~few with never-failing strcam *500-Terms grandchildren. Restîng atth Office Evenings ATTENTION, Christmas tree, Caîl SMITH EXPERIEN CED clerk- typistlPlumîing .&Jeaiflngj left. CHURCU ST.Aatmn & brthcutt and Smith Funeral______________gwes We have available Newtonville 786-2283 Collect required for Ontario Training 135 Nelson St. Bowmanville 23-1 bldg. on lange lot wit nulNwovle-Lreufn Home. Funeral service 3:301- for immediate deliverv, cither I2-'Shool for Boys, Bowmanville. income of $4,560.Exelnisdhoewtdubegr o'cotockehu23d-yafternooocation.________ Notices da ftrnol----D.D.T. for Sertifer Sawfly or!-____________ fDeasito commence.un * 5,ERNIE PERFECT - John F. DeWith i aTeris. Akig$,2crsan.Golo- St..on'J Anlian'such TAnDRli-can mont Adre fr Pils eevlii Cas or al-fr asi mritmouio wth-LUBIG HETIG RALoRCROKE CEEK 3Bcd Tantn -Brck 3 edoo Interment Bowmanvillc Cerne- cd. Phone Orono 371. 20-3 any quantity. Richardson - possibility of continued cm- ROECE] tery. 23-1 LC M-on -QC. -LwFarm, Pontypool, telephonle '64 RAMBLER coach "Amner- ployment. Apply in person to Phone 623-3540 IBowmanvilllc - 14 Frank St. rooni home on 2acelthoegreot17x60' OffiC Mso, .C. Lw Bethany 59r4. 23-i can 220". Caîl 623-5126. 23-1 ISupnintendient.- 23-1 P o 59Poe6335 Large gardien area. Sho n$450-Tns HENERON-t he odeJune 15th, 1965. 18-6' NEW 2-piece bed-chesterfield, SIX-cyl., '57 Pontiac two-dooI,MEN or women, if .o i$8Otri tBwavil AR AM.10a-e 7,500 - Terms.J 1Nevcastle, on Sunday, June --- ------ - - $149; 3-pce. bedroom suite, standard shift. Phone 623-23 18. 1f ind 50 good customers in 1 ---w ith Gu ernsey milk con tract. ctaeo ag re oba 6 ' 1965, Isabel Laidien, agcd McutsSprCyl& double dresser, $129; kitchen 23-1 ýyour community, we will show j Contract '...arpentry:Barn with steel stanchions, Farms inldd ny$,0 77 years, wife of the late Wm. Toy Shops will be closed Wcd- suite, $49. Trade-in space ---utmat --- you how easily ynu can make REPAIRS - CABINETS lwater bowls. Bulk tank cooler. ce John Henderson, dean mother nesdays until futher notice. saver, cetril, ' grt '3AADAatmtc'aIl CanadantyeJn these nte D N PNCeautiful trolut stream. Price "with larzr 2-storcy hm1ihI nal-7ro rc of Muriel (Mrs. Joseph Cudda- -___________i-tfo, pherotprin1 etri eat-excelent condition. Beaton, ail00 mointhyJn te rgete D NSE C R 1n ersanngd prn.3'x6'br os,2arsln.Ol or, washerancontinentlabcd.f'41 Centre St.3Idrc sligfed.iefr23-3-311n0d terresarm ngorthofApliwt. $R000-$$700 he) onadWlim i fMrs. Isabeli Gould obtained Murphy Furniture, King W, ietsligfed rt oý6331 o cefriot fApeae.$80 13owmanville; Ethel (Mrs. John a Judgment Nisi Decree of lowmanville, 623-3781. 23-1l' A 4-door sedan. details and catalogue. Familex' Oshawa. Good bouse and ;down. Pnyol-7Ro os Shaw), Markham; Irene (Mrs. Divorce on June 2, 1965, at the OFCEEPhone 623-3245 or apply at 116 11600 Delonimier, Montreal.ban sig$00.Ter.1!YRN ,5So Don Hîggins), Sarnia; Mar- 1 sittings at Cobourg of the Su- OFIEEupet-Tp- Qen S., Bwmanvle. 23"nT-1: an22-4'lcrslad O jorie (Mrs. Robent Kent). Ipreme Court of Ontario from witers, adders, cash iers, dup li-' ME SEPT- -- Cr11 .K - 107cre500 - $2,000 it moer Newcastle; Jean (Mrs. Harry brhsad hre cators, cheqiue writens, files,li 965 ïv-(ùYEcnlnsrem aty uhorlii4ne. odbr lirhsad CalsPryluntr.We buy, sell, rent,!ideluxe wîndowed van with Waitress or Vaiteri PUMPING sla. Partl bush00. Rllgeces ý,. oodban Pnd wanile,5(t eah conlîn, lnd.Askng 5,00.$d5000 ONY $,50 DON. beroo3witenzedeotth. Gë h rac ), B u ko and a E lizae- G u d 3 'ser ice. L argest stock, b udget sea S ottave 623d 7about 9,000 N o E perien e N ec ssary W H IT E W A S H IN G S T A B L E S l 17.5 A cre farm w ith tw 'o R N . 5 2 A r s w th 3 $ , 0 $ 0 o n ceased. Service was held i.,i terms. New and used' Low1miles. Sot 2-26 31rf~1E.TT brs oenzdh~m er ome; . .2acicnei 10Arlosa apeGo the Morris Funeral Chapel, Cream of Barley ovenihead, low pnices. Bill I1'57 CHEV. 2-door, 8 automatîc; iO T j i .JL..~N1N Stem 10 Acre lake. Ask- jences. Good locatioforsu-$00-$l00d Bowmanville, on Wednesday at SWaMMlNGnR a gla n (North '5 Pontiac 2-door harditop,1H resRetuat I Phone Newtonvillc 786-2.552 ing $16,500. Ternis. 'dividing. Asking $2350 B 2-o'cIock. Interment Bowman- W MNG P OL:Osaw- .28-tfi6 standard. Both gond cars, ion' etua Call Colictoertto Large former owm12.ancrsvilleHo .Acr vil emetery. 23-I N Ro picks, shovels, "o reasonable offer refuscd.1 Highway 115 -N 2w-1asRAN with A-1 buildings. Excellent iwest of the village, $3.0 a rc oe odda oe tools, new shapcr, jointerIPon __F _____ meALBrh ae-A, O E AL on rtor,20ixe br wat12'erl ivstçFoS FEMALE Tr--h-g$45.000. Terms. generai store with livin ur on the Green Acres Nursingl FOR 195IESN ctri nie r 0'rbe ae iesokFrS1ý rnhn __ST RE_ K2.50 Acre farm with barn. * er,. Ideal for apartmnso uc tre -2Fml Home 5emaSEAS nt.,oIh___ STORE CLERKenionladSEPTIC TANK 9 Rnomed home, modern con- business. One acre.Asigbckhmlt10x20' 7ursday, June 3rd, 1965, Admission this season wiII bec'der, also one 20-ft., several,18 EWES and rams. Tele-iwlth gond appeanance andi INSTALLATION veniences. Ecletthcc 1.0 $5.000 down.Ol 1.0 -$.0 on - 7.6-22.3. 'aiiy rd 0o etr sou* Asking $29.000. Terms.;Len BISSEL, Whltbi 6-10 OelSre eno erly of Blackstock, Ont.) Be- ber of sea,%on',s tickets wilI be 8' star foam insulation. Phone - ---24 Expenience lis an asset Hampton 263-2270 se Ar amwthbikWîfHAKOoo1R rc ugloimclt loved daughten of the late Mr. 'available at $10 a person or 987-830.23.1* FIVE ewes with 10s0o Acruls rceeia~ 4 o e aIl mdem rceni f Ht AK 63-91 Ocuany ndc sigter of Norman S. of Col-i$20 iler family, only until thel TVST*r LTm E-jGodcondition.- Etee EA ,6 l V T W R ..- 2 pan., or ail day 1 N_ -_unc b6rne, n lber lst yean. Rest- end or June. Phone 623-5655.~ 5 , Saturday. 21 Dial 723-3051 CigA2.00RTPE.-Suse oa 3Bdno ed at the chapel of McDenmott- 23-2 O H W ___ -----~ 2:1-1 ýREPAIRS - ALTERATIONS RTHO RA 47 acr-es , P i r rc uglw erd Panabaker, Port Penny, for -S AW ets I_ GR A Y -RON-FOUNDRY B A'DDITIONS mrostly bushland with stream. Peer Kowa'1.5l H tnsa 1% service on Saturday at 2 p.m. Autoials R'Y EURSIJILT-IN CUPBOARDS sig$.0.Trs ELO ndnc tet-3Bd Intermeot Union Cemeteny, TV SU PL TD. POODLE, black miniaturelR GORD. FLAXMAN 'Oshawa Homes :ad Cadmnus. 23-1* Ipis eitrd eehn n GENERAL INSURNEro uglw o 5 7' W E E K ! 26 Gi bon t. f ai 28-8 80 Po t H ope, 885-5025. 23-1 * 6 2 3 -3 2 4 4 .5 R oom ed, brick , alm ost new M em ber of O shaw a &ê i t r c e i h 8 r o r c MILR-tOhw eea IET C A E ;Dyo ih ilLak --- SIDE FLOOR bungalow with attacbed garRalEatBod M I L E - - t O s a w e n r a L I E S O K A L S aTo N g t BALe s kero . iWO m e i c n W a k e o x 1l ka e . V n i y nFao xo m-n l h m iB w a ni-e Hositl o Mndy.lue ta Durhamo County Sales Arena hounds with papens, 1 year HEAVY FLOOR and .000dn ayen bthro. 52 King St. W. 632j Trs 1965. Mary Diana Miller, aged Onono - Eveny Thurs., 7:30 p.m.'Naar radbhmc l dd runningseli very neas- (' i. UPHOLSTERING $.0 onpyet omnil 62years, wife of the late Selling Horses, Cattie, Swine,, A"rDj onable. Phone 668-3971, Whit- Crm kr omdhm i. i charles Thomas Miller, Orono. Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid SPRAY MATERLjÂ.Ij b. 23-2 Fiîlly Expgrienced Save Dollars! Have vour chcst- funnace. Paved street. Pniced Just Iisted! This cz -mo uglwwt ce Service was held in the Mon- & on, Saies Managers. 1-tf - -for -$2.22 - $2.41 per houn ienfield and chairs nc-upholst-!at $7,900. bedroom bungalow withrce ln $100-Trs Ville, Son_____ Ochard - cd3SpraysW anted to Buy 1Slteady oke d. F eesia sam l !ato ro . H sa] erpd Fre esimats, ampls -STORE with living quarters.;air om a hmdmISrieSain- xeln G raino n s lee g eta blesoldt oeI SW orksta k e n to th e h o m e. Z n d c m o c a . M d m a p p o n tm e n ts. R ea l i e g r- l c t o , 5 0 0 g i.t1o e ýille, n e n esday at 3:30 Aufct is alt e o e of H aseold' I TT W R IG T ACREAGE of standing iha.IBrow n B oggs F dry. Budget Terms Arranzed conveniences. Askirg $16500.-den coming along. G r e t o eet b t c ud b n ter . - -23 1 Corey, selling t 28 Prospect H1LR S R H R I o f c 7 3 .& M A CH . CO . 02- 6 3B2 2 rick ungalow . onlv Iw o n d E n y po s si . P ic dR a o p r u it f r 'St., Bowmanville, Saturdayti 23 i_27 Shernman N. -a 10 King M'. Phone 623rs d5ued SMT75Srh - HneAtSt ouh lton k - hn. wi olwood a $250.Terms..igtesn.400-$100 M ITHmri H s a l, Cath n c t evening, June 19, at 6:15 p. . M ii St19uh_8wast BO Y 'S junior sze or sidew alk i LI 9-6594 3 -f kt h n W all te w all broad. Rd n e I'-tr2.c50ow. Memnil ositlBoma- List of articles ncxt webiscy-cl1eh must be in good con-;198' ~7 lonm floor cnvering. Askingi Ral'lce12-SY r ville on Sunday, June 6th, paper. Clifford Pethick, auc- JAhKBnR ESS623-70.165. 23-if: h arae o orlili-n. Phone 623-$16.900. Tcrms1 hn thgreonlgeo!Ca 6339 1965, Sarah Kidd. of R.R. 1, tioneen. 23-1 S P E C 1 A il! Mput~ I h.vachine OIL BURNERS - FURNACES 'Bomanviliq Hoes:'o Horscy Street; 6 goosidI T7yrone, in lier 9th year, be- 1 -- IEputy l eti-- CLEANFD lin oomi plus 2 porches.Ak fe lvdwfofFeG.Sih'i O TIEtik.M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth- j ±ool Fitters 5 Unit apartment building. ing $12,500. ExcellentvleKnHoka * 6308 dean mother of Grace (at ~~~~~~~~Auction sale of househoId any. Phone 7 r 13 collect T PLI'MBINC1 REPAIRS Ceraîload.Gdstt pcu 3hdom un- hbmre) and Fred of Bowman- furniture at Pethick's Auction HOUSE PAINT A,150 aes a 8-tf E ngine .Lathe PHONE HAMPTON lof repain. Asking8700 oao rsetSre.wtJc hîmn6331 ville; gnandmothcr of GloriR Shed, Enniskillen, on Saturday Tem.n 2,0l w reclbit Shr en~d Bob. Resting at the night, June 12: Fridges, stoves,' as low as can ficl, nef h Planer Operators 263-2151 Tens aîum-Howad Foder 65538n Northcutt & Smith Funenal beds, chairs, washing mna- gai.ied, preerrably near Bow- 1 iMail Address: 6 Roomed bungalow. AlI extras such as: fireplace Home. Funeral service, 2:30chines, cuphoards, dressers,.39 avle.Kih,___ox53 Bwavilodmcvnece.Atch11uDs-in n snesc-Jo anok 7620 liinsee acommdatoncormraconaftioineofoode Serl-outoMwerCael7 Rom 630,Deartentof ity.NewNcaesatle omeHomtet:y -streyhoe. an bya cvilse.homit senior citizens, bcd or up farm equipment, household1 Semi-Mount Mower. M-H No,'Public Works, East Block, Prov. - ---- ----- HAMPTON 26.1-2298New 7 oornpd home with new. Beautifuily anagdtege ru."J. rutients, ne ason a ble rates. furniture, including a neanly IParliarnent Buildings, Toronto' 23-1j TYRONE 263-2650 apr.Eenily heated with souihenn exposu ne. od erdt omnll.C jMone Orono 371. 17-8 new chesterfield suite. severaî 16. fi' Semi-Mount Mower; la-"2, Ontario. - -2 haihmnnrnis. Double laundry of closets. Fancy stair riig rlylctdpeerd r 40M 6ïODýGEË' Nuring Hâome pieces of walnut furnitune, the ternational 4-bar Rake, on 1 A $175.00 Bid Bond, a 100% MALE Have Us Check tubs- arelo.Ccramic tiled bath.Stmadvtse63,coCnia cm Highway 2. Lieensed. Ac. pnopenty of Mn. Raymond rubber; Massey-Harris 10' ýs.rj ýPerformance Bond and a 5ý LETTER CARRIERS, and scneens. Only$1.0.taemnP.Bo19,o- commodation available. Kind Chapman, Lot 30. Con. 6, Swather: Case Forage Harv'-!Paymcnt Bond will he requin- 1 Your Car f or Aftcrliours - Caîl: :Winter Works Bonusof$0mail. ce. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitons Clarke Township. on e mile esect or edad;d as specified.$3 0 -$48 Donald Motintjoy- 623136î4 to first iurchaser. c0ùore. Phone Mrs. Wm. west of Kirby, selling withoutesrwt CoaHdan Tenders will flot be consid- $3 0 -$48 Summer Driving!GvLe-i'I2-75iSxbeuiulron Y£em ver, Newcastle 987-4252. *esrve on Satunday, June 19. Pick-up; International 16 For- ered unlcss made on fonms Ps fieEgn ueu doWesa Ooo14 rnhsyebnao 24-tf Furnitune sale to commence age Harvester. with Corun supplied hy the Department. Eni.Tn-pImoWesa-Ooo garage and waîk-out bs-qie i unc etdto promptly at 10:00 am., follow- Head and Cuiter Bar: Dion The lowest or any tender Department Brakes - Exhausi systern Inger Jongensen- 987-4491 ment. Lovely kitchen ihbdombnaoro ef ~~eCIpt1O ysale uchil bean serve ForaeBo ndWgo. not necessariîy acceptcd. O hw ,Onai attery -Ignition Systeni Lame C. flufi 723-2728 hbujt-in breakfast nook 4f n enaeduhe MRs. Ivion__ sl.Lnh l esrdFrg o n ao. J. D. Millar, O h w ,O troTires Phyllis McRobbie -623-7159:1piece tiled bt ibetafrcdo ue aimi Mr. and r.vio Tamblyn throughout sale. For furthen NEW 7-TON WAGONS Deputy Minister, For full particulars concern- toil1 n aeeth ey t b eaoalead etrl *Ml be At Home to thpir panticulars, sec buis, Tcnms w/Tires - $195.00 Alepartment of Public sn -Betany30r3ie i aeret beda, relatives and neighbors cash - Fan sold. Jack Reid, Ontario. Works, igresience, a lcation e- il WorkD Mchn y RoaDvisn 9hy23-1rcveyansad.Ecppoib.WitMn.Ret 46Saturday, June I2th, frorn auctioneen Lawrence Harni2s, COV/AN I_____ ____forma - eeposters on display' j timanille. efere$c13,an0b thme to tive o'clock in thc clcnk. 23-2jFudattePsOfiendNio-IUgtl- afn and trom seven ta j ni i a ithPomnîsrvice a ppNation- Motgages -Properties Ugnt Wane!sple.2 j -. --EOUIPMEM rCo. a - ___nSevie._____1_al od te oclckinth eenngai i"an lni SRAEDoto Lot 9, Con. 6, before JUNE? 22, 1965, te the l* e" MORTGAGES are my bus- thei hom, Cean ale arm.- ____1 Phno 623-58 Danlington, 3 steens; ownen Clvil Service Commission, 25 miess; unlimitcd funds avail-- Evenings.Cnd onrbtost Orono, on the occasion of their PIANC Tuning. Arth ur 134 Kli St. E. Bowmanvlerny have samne by proving Si Clair Avenue East, TORON- 85 King St. W. Bowrnanvi lie table. First and second mort- A. Code - -6324 oeg i ntecretfsa Siive. Wedding Anniversary. Collison. Phone 623-3900. Lerne Perrault, Orono 271 lownership and aynexns- TO., 7, Ontario. Phonencn lle623351-313-4I28 22-3 37-tiL23-1 cs, Phone 203-2075. 23-1 Quai. oempetltioa 63-T-929 Poe 2- 134 gagesat loel. rate. C21-1P*Koa * 62-8 yraeetnatd t$7. Tuesday, 4:30

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