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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 15

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CLASSIFIID ADS* Cardsof ThankLs Cards of Thanks1 Coming Events 5 I ~ ~ I I Xushtathnk myegh Thank you very much" to Rurnmage sale, Salvation bor ad fiedsforcardsiand ail triends and neighbors for Aamy. P'riday, June 11, from j Hed i B wm n le visit.5 wlile in hospital. ýmaking our nine-year stay 10 to 3 23-10' Ii ow avil Dalton English. 23-1*lbei-e so memorable and pleas- Dance, Tyrone Hal-lSatur- ant. Special thanks to ail whO day, lune 12. Clama Nesbitt's June 9, 1965 i Constable Tillson testified te lx rithank a"inmy made Our- farewell party a suc- Musirniakers. Corne and have Lawrence Gi. Tansiey Rd., he came upon a red car with Se rll and finds for re- cess. W iinee ogt ag ie 23-1' Scarborough, was clocked on damage ta the right hand side mxenb gme while in hos- yau. Thanks again and good- ' a e'etnGre Api r,16,iteTo -adienife tledvrasaa crs tsandho 23-1'natmisake" on rtayreng, rin a m965onthr e Town.ead iex- from the r iersnt Iaw %wèr3ý L*o ifts an bye Hertha and George. Party, followed by play, "Just sbip of Darlington, witix op- Mr. Ferguson. Paint particles June wert e. ienouh crneafdune il. 'Admission $1.00 and Oe Of fthe 60 mile per hour to the Aittorney Generai's La- Jeý vidyme. Sio 231 35c. 23-1 limit. Constable Crough cdock- beratory. Mr. E. G. CLair, Ave., Sidey . ichis. 23 1 i wsh ta thank ail those - - __ - ed hi:m at 75 miles per hour. OheTflJst with Attorney Gen- Cons who kindly remembered me Monster Bingo, Thursday Mr. GUI did not appear and erai's Department, said thxe liquc Iwouid like to thank Dr with cards, flowers and visits night at 8 o'clock, sponsored was faund guilty. Magistrate particles were identified as ftilir McKezizie, Rev. R. C. White. while in hespital and recover- by the Junior Chamber Of J D.- Burger canvicted hîm cOrnihg from the two vehicies. addr friends, relatives and neigh- ing at home. Special thanks to Commerce, Red Bai-n, North and fined hîm $10 and $3 M.r. Fergusan's lawyej, asked sura bars for their visits, cards and my neighbors and Dr. Keith Oshawa. - - 45-tf costs. for a dismissal but Magistrate of nc flowers during my stay in hos- Siemon. nurses of the Surgicai Dancing at The Wheel (one Daniel J. Tucker was ch.arg. Burger said there was no istrai pital, aiso the nurses of the Floor and X-ray Department, mile north of Mosport, 1/ mile e<I on June 5tki, in .he Town- doubt Mr. Ferguson's car was guilt ffrst and second floors, W.I. and rny minister. Rev. Boom- east). Western Four Orch- ship afi Manvers, bçy Constiable in collision witix Mrs. Kucerals on t and the U.C.W. of Newtonville. er. cstra, Saturday, lune 19. 75c Malosiey with imipaired driv- and be was found guilty~ as ed tc Mrs. Pearl Farrow. Mary Curi. 23-1 rier persan. 22-3' ing. He pleaded guilty. The cierged. He was given three 231 - The Bowmanviiie Graduate constable testifîed Mi-. Tucker m'OntAis suspension, a fine af ~~~~~~~We wishh b express Ora- Wewa o xrs ur Nurses' Reunion will be heid was co-operative al, ail times. $150, costs $50.20, or 20 deys. Wre ish to expressourhap-ethanks and appreciation to in Peterborough, Thursday, He was found guil.ty and fin- Thomas Ban.nigan faiied ta h peciatoiondta ai wh have neighbours, friends and organ- June 10. Bus leaving Baw- ed $100 and cOsts $3.00. He appear on a speeding charge. T ofde a knMuig h osiations for their acts of kind- manivilleat 10:45 a.m. 23-1 was given twa weeks ta pay. In his absence a plea o!f not Anni, oader mother, Mrs. Olive ness crds of---- -- andJack Albert Ferguson, Tor- guilty was presented. <Opp held Meredith; alsa sincere thanksnecad ofs pth ad Tyrane L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. otped< e ulyt osal tatsae eMary beautifulrsfloral tributes ae-the annual Church Parade wiil be leaving the scene of an acci- ciocked Mi-. Bannigan at 70th tnal Heousesanita ff ow anilMe- tme of oui- recent bereave- hield on Sunday, lune 13 at dent on H>gbway 401, April miles pei- hour in a 60 mile F ardiDHpiaBwmnile ment. in the loss of a ioving 10:45 a.m. Ail brothers and l7th, 1965. Mrs. Francis Ku- zone 1imit and a ticketgiven. S* V Norah and Michael Vetzal. father. Special thanks ta Rev. sisters invitedta attend. 23- 1 crRcmn il os ew3fnd$0tw 0 2-'M. Dougherty and MeDermott- -___ ea ihod111,whs ewsfnd$0and coststha _____ anabaker Funeral Chapel. Guildettes are holding a car was &truck durig a snow- $2.00. "u I wish ta take thi pe- agreMlred and irumniage sale in St. Jahn's stanm that day, testified she James Alex H a 110o w e Iyaur tuiyt icri hank ail cf-cil Milis. 23-1I Parish Hall, Friday morning, felt a hit and shattering Of Clarke Township, was charg- messE lily friends and relatives for Jn 1 :0- 13.Cfe glass, then a red car swerved ed with operating a mt> 1w flowers cardsvisitsand doughnuts will be served. by hier out of contrai and kept vehc.e n outy eno8an -T duwrsg admy sit enquiriesi, We wouid like tb express 23-1 on going. ihe left ra nrea vhein uneceSa8ynis e. Hositl ad lso a hoe.Alpecatin orthe overwhelm- Ebenezer Sunday Schý_Oo der was smashed, also the In bis absence a plea of flot three special thanks te Dr. Sturgisling number of varieus tokens Anniversary, June 13, 2:30 and back ligixt. guilty was presented. He was aflerr and Dr. Maroosis, nurses andai sympathy which we receiv- 7:30. Guest speaker Rev. Ru. convicted as charged and gîv- the staff ai 5F, aise special nurses. ed during aur recent bereave- pert Evans, Parkdale United O T ZJLenfie Coufier10Tnd bpo!t 2 lw Edith Clemens. 23-1 1ment. We are deeply moved hreba r no. G______ 23-1 DaARYr]inegtor, a nshare ithof W wihtexrsausi-by the kindness af aur neîgh- Rbr er. --2- BERTHA JANE McNALLY fariurete produ ce a drier We ishtoexpessou si-ýbours, especially those who Kendai Sunday School Anni- alrtopduea rir' cere thanks and appreciation Itook care of the luncheon aller versary, Sunday, June 13, 7:30. Foliowing peor health for licence on H-ighway 401. He ta aur relatives, friends and the funerai. Aise, a Word af Guest speaker, Allan Beech, several years, Miss Bertha was convicted and fined $5.10 neighbors for the many acts of thanks ta Dr. Ewert and Dr. M.A., B.D., Psychologist, Mimi- McNally passed away at and costs $2.010, or five days. kindness, fierai tributes, and Sylvester for their desperate ce Clinic for Irealment af Green Acres NrigHm Mr. Kingsley Nurse, Camnp- t)emany cards and letters ef lefforts te revive Ailen's lufe drug addicts. Son ai Rev. Newmarket, on Tusa belicraft, was charged in the sympathy, which have helped Jack and Alice Terpstra. Eugene Beech. _ 23-1-- lune 3rd, 1965, in hier 8lst Twsi !C*re iha 9e Much to iighten aur serrow 23.11 A receptien, in honour of lyear. 2. of operating a motar vehi- ith oso u elovedson - I Miss Ruby Bragg, on the oc- 1 Daughter of the late Robert cie with srnpropaer licence an thesso be ve Personal 1 casion af her retirement fi-rn and Elizabeth McNaliy (nee plates. In bis absence a plea Horace and Marjorie Best. 'teacbîng, ta be held at Salein McBrien), she was bei-n at ai n et guil.ty was given. MW. Ron. Anne and Wayne. Wili Mrs. Eiieen Newton,'Schoal. Friday, lune 18, be- Uxbridge but iived about 55Gîmuseplcwsao 23-1' mother of Kenneth Chai-les i tween 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. A years in Blackstock prier ta ch'arged for permitting thel and Ernest George, or anyone special invitation ta formerigeîng ta Taranto, use of bis licence plates.Mi. FINE QUALITY knowing her whereabauts ýpu pus. 23-1 In her younger years Miss Nurse was fined $25.00 aMdr, MONUIMENTS AND ples contact 230 Walton St., WoedviewCommunity-Centre MNally sang in the choir adcse$.0 r1 as MARKERS 'Port Hope, Ontario, or telp- odiw omnTyCnr was active in Epworth League For faiiing to notify the De- phone 885-2421, area code 416.! -Monster B i n g o. Twenty and ail deîngs o! the Metho-1 partmnent ai Transport ai 4 L..k f« phis .a e 22-3 games-twenly dllars; fîve dist Church and later the change ai address, Robert 'g--- _____games-thirty dallai-s; $150 United Church. John Bar-ett, R.R 4, Bow- UF TAFORD HYENI Suples-Rubrjcpo, and two jackpots at' Deceased is survived by one manvilie, was fined $10 and E OF A FFR HGNCSple-(ube 20 orpie. Nxbrether, Norman S., of Cocets $2.010, or 10 days. d ~;BROS. LTD. igoeds) maiied postpaid in'Menday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, bon.Oebrte Cron- For failing te yield et the plain seaied envelepe with Oshawa. 46-tf boredeasedher ern eaiCucanLbet prc1 iI ixsmls2c Decoration Day will be ob-i Funeral service was held in Streets, Reginald LeGresley, dttoriýed 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order1 DeisW Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co. served at Hampton Neithithe McDermott - Panabaker Newcastle, was found guilty p.m. Capt. Herbert Fraser afi day, June th and wias con- by Magistrate Baxter. On Stafford Brothers the Bowmanville Salvatiati 'ducted by Rev. Philip Romeril May 22nd his car was in col-~ LIMITEDI Gel Your Price Army wiil be guest speaker pastor o! Blackstock United, lision with Mr-. B. Murphy. iand the Army Band wiil assist IChurch. William James Cechrance, Non meîs i Fr ou Liesoc wihusc._____-_2,3-11îtire~ wa ~Cdu Township ai Manvers, plead- - ____ __o______ __k " u e Itrmntws nCamuý-dgilyto driving withoul Box 133 Euchre card party, Memerial lUnion Cemeter. . a licence as it had been can- I hiougl Park Club House, Liberty St.,ý Palibearers were ail cous- eldfrpeiu ovc 8119 Dundau St. E. Whltby 8 T A T E S M A N Tuesday, June 15, 8 p.m. Ad- mns: Messrs. Fred H-amiltoneldfo rvau ove Phn Wib. ions. Constable Corneil testi- POhneWhltb355 C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S mission 35c. Proceeds, Ciippled John Hamilton, Perey Hamnibl-iedle tpdCohae Ilhw -52Phone 623-3303 Children Treatment Centre ton, Cecil Hamilton, Harold c' _____-d.School. Note - During Hamilta:î -and Dallen McBrien-.cle ohm ocm u u n e , J u l y a n d A u g u s t a d m i s - --- c f e e h l a c r e o t a i sion does not include lunch.te bu here hie w as r- k ~ u ~ v a ~23-1 For your insurance needs: rete duand laIes-neleased the -sanie day on bail. He was ~F I ~ I I IWatch for Rexali ORANGE feund guilty.* In one and a ýt Y KR TAG SALE Thursday, lune * AUTO * BOAT b 'al years sinoe bis licenc 24th ta Saturday, July 3rd. ihas been under sspension h Tremendous savings on heuse- * FARM LIABILITY has had convictions o! imqxair- held ,,drugs, vitamins andmetadsein.Mg- FO O DM A R ET ed es limer oil- A CID NT nd trate Baxter sentenced hlm 'o tries and summer sundries ati terce months in jail. JURY & LOVELL, Your Rex- SICKNESS Donald MeRae was charged ail Store, Bawmanville. 23-i * iClar-ke Township witb driv tN¶ 1~li~ ii1 1i~ I iF Maple Gi-ove AnniversaryI FIRE (non-farm) iing a 1965 Buick at 75 miles!M ___ Services will be held on Sun-I an hour in a 60 mile an hour j day, lune 201h. Guest speaker u.u oe.Cntb e turt testiu ~ ~ I M I ~ I will be Rev. Basil E. Long aif UU I ied he foilowed hlm aI speeds Oron, and on Wednesday, POve hour He wSt lune 2r hnspe il u guilty and f ined$110 * be served irom 5:00 p.m. Nwas: costs $3.110. We Reserve the Right ta Limit Quantities Aduits $1.511, childi-en under 12 Robert H. Thempson, Bow- 75c. Full particulars next Phone: 987-4797 manvilie, was .charged Wit GOLDEN YELLOW week.- 23-1 driving witb front sent crowd ed on King St. E., and catis MADOC ART CENTRE CIA Co-operatons Insurance jin.g car to swerve. He plead- If you can sing, dance or-Ascito ed guilty and was gîven a fine - play a musical instrument, a 2.1,cse$ 1 r1 B A N N Ayou~ are invited te take part in 1 days. He xvas given two weeks te131h Annual Opening and C -thCemnityreton Festival aI the entr onTrans-Canada 1 0 Ro y Pr2ci 21 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE RDRIPE M RTM O R 'Authorized Rambler Dealer LMÀIT ESRVTIONSR 'I FAILY SZE Folinfomatio MILANO 6 Aug. 1 - Aug. 8. 3 to choose frin, 6 and 9 LAURENTIAN 2.DR. HOMESTYL SAE 7eForinfomaton Pone cyl. with autamatie or HOMESTYL SA E 7cForinfomaton Pone standard transmissions. We fi l.,automatie trais-ah 623-285are offering irai good alan. Real sharP auto! MEAT DEPARTMENTdesontee64s 1959 CHEV. COLER1963 CHEV. IMPALA S e kTRAVELSEVC STATION WAGON 2-DR. HARDTOP - Standard transmission. 9 cyl., standard transmis- b Ideal family holiday trans- l-,eut1 ado0Ra 14HBe lb portation. aarp sporty red wlthm Special 4HBe l 1961 CHEV. matchlng trim. RIBSTAK Blae TEK olds Meeting %-TON PICKUP 1958 VOLKSWAGEN hiesecnd eeingo! he A good truck for farm or Good runnn car. Here's South Durham 4-H Beef Club~ eea s.eooia rnprain c was held on lbursday, June' 69, 1 631bHp afCu, ttefri 3-d, with the members ai the' WEEKLY SPECIALSI ' a af Mr. Gai-net Rickai-d, Bow'ý16 AXAL 16 HV manville. Here, the member; 90VUHLI 16 HV SHOP AND SAVE AT were gîven details an a spe-' 4-DR. SEDAN BEL AIR 4-DR. cial sumrner preject and then.Atmtcwt oe S were given a class of Short-'ý 4 cyl. -------. $225 steering $ . 625 humn cows ta judge. The of-, D Y K STR Aficiai piacing and irasonsý 77 King St. W. Dwer-e given by the assistant! Contact One of Our Caurteous Salesmen: FSD ZE griultralrepreserrtative, MARKT E MaIlRYhewsR. MBib Bud Fogg, Sales Mp, %ger son and the meeting was ad.- il McQueen Jerry Kean, Dan Kearneyj M " journed. ____________________________ THESE NEW AND EXCITING.. - AT OUR COTTAGE COURT, COURTICE HERE IS. a THE "HAWK"F d THE IDEAL FAMILY COTTAGE ... WITH SCREENED-IN SUN PORCHI LARGE 32" x 28' includes: cernent pads and blocks, quality joist, floor, studding, 210 lb. shingles, exterior watts of Kenmore board sheathing, with 8"" white pins bevel siding, 2 exterior dloors, Dominion cottage and picture windows, partition watts cover.d one side with Iauan mahogany plywood. TOTAL PRICE for ail materials delivered on job site, including taxes $1 3490suppîy and erect $2717.02 -$1834e9O including taxes fa - ALSO - THE "SmKYLARK"F AN ECONOMY 20' x 30' COTTAGE Total Price for ail mnaterials delivered ta job site, 1 LI3 including taxes $6 13 To Su'pply and Ercct--- $203 THE "RÀAVI" A MODERN 24' x 30' with attacbrd 8' x 30' Patio Deck. Total Price for aIl materials delivered ta job site, > A fl including taxes ----------- 2 4 o 9 To Supply and Erect$308 Oshawa Woo COURTICE 728-1611 LIMITED I I I g I I I I I I I I I I I I ALLONT LTD. BIG "A" VALUE EXTERIOR WHITE PAINT~ FEW GALLONS LEFT *GALLONS$ * ONLY 3,L5 * Suitable for Barns, Sheds, 1 Fences, Etc. d Products SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 1 - - - -- m-m-M- *ALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ONa PjT TOTAL PRICE to church and iavely weather The Canadian Stateaman, zow=ma~vle, 3um 9, Ion 1 i outside made the day a suc- % Io Kcess. Ou- Sunday School WOiiid the graduates. They also at- Mr-. and Mi-i. Wif ii o u rtlike ta thank ail those wha tended a family gatbering Caesarea, were Sunda helped in any way to make afterwards at the home o! Mr.lo! the E. D. Precota. aour Anniversary Service as and Mrs. Woodcock, Oshawa. Mr., and Mms Rusen Oz&i. successfui. Special tbnnks to Mr-. and Mms Murray Pi-es- iston, MmIs, Situsoamd aour arganist Mrs. G. Bowman cott and girls, St. Catherines, Don Simpson, Enkler4Us -and chair. wr audyget IteBaceWtoOhwu Anniveu-sary dinner guests weDeStra ussa heBaceWtoCm BY. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E is.C . o- Prescott's. mC. Avery, Helen, Lloyd, ~ pva.l of~ o Mep r . a and r-e MiG B-. Mr.and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, ard, Bownianville, ,e7"' J.4 t ovra css r on art-iMrs.anRlsand boys.andHampton, Mr-. and Mrs. Allan1day guests of Mr. andMJ Nt f Tansorton ver Mr. San rils ad bysTaylor and girls, Bowmianville, W. Bowman and familly. mng were adjourrdtaPart Perry and Mr. and Mrs. te 22nd, on request o!1W. Smith and Murr-ay, Osh- vyer Wildmn*n. awa. 'lin B. Taylor, 571 Olive Mr. and Mrs. Len Stephen- LOshawa, was charged by son, Whilby, Mr-. and Mrs. Ken i stable Parker wilh having Cochrane were dînner guests O N >r other than his residence, ai Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane i IITtI R lI rig to notify change ai and Ralph. i USTOM B UI HO E res n op fo! in-1M-. and Mrs. Elmer Harris, H ME me.Inhs benea plea Aimends, attended the Anni- ij1UfIt~ lot guity was given. Mag-1versai-y service and were din-1 y O H N K ate BarIn- lound him'ner guesîs of Mi-. and Mrs.ý 1Y as cbai-ged and finesiElmer Lee and famuly. NtdfrQat rfsasi te three charges amount-! Mr. and Mrs. George Hub-NoefoQultCrtsahi La $85, coets $9.01. bard and Mr. Ceeil Hubbard 3BDOM UGLW i~~were Sunday dînner guests at: ERO UG LW ENFIELD f t Mr. Maio Davey and, on Large Lot 75" x 200 childi-en atlended the Gradua- e Enlield Sunday Seheellion Exercîses ai Nurses fanr 1versa-y Services were 1965 on Friday evenîng where ifro m $1 ,0 -$2 30 d w 1on Sunday wîlh Rev. MýssloyceDavry was one af! i$ 4 0 2 0dw yDougherty introducing- FoA nmntoIpct odloe guest minister, Rev. John RESULTS ForTIppten oIsetMdlHm G. Morris, B.A., B.D., R U T M. Rev. Mai-ris deliveredý CALL veny inspiring messages, ftrnoon message entîtled 623-3393 a utIle spning back int lufe," and the eing ____i LEXCLUSIVE AGENT ag "he wid ha MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ie choir, uîîder the direct- Consuit a Member of the of Mrs. G. Bowman gave Oh w & Dsrc .F A KR A S A ELd iveiy anthems in the!Oh w itit W R N E LE T T tl rioon service and four un17 HR S ET BO MNIL rvenîng. The beautilul! Real Estate BoardCH CH TREBO AN LE er ai-rangements in the ______________________________________________ BE SURE TO SEEW

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