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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 16

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................. -~ . 1?lhe Camiala Statesmnan, Bownianville, -Tune 9, 1969 Iunder 3111 Carey@u directimens There wlll b. a Square! 49u re Lan e %.aie bIl ci mn ulUDi Udt awa Folkc Festival on JulY lst Sunday was United Church' i.J~UOI~ Lai ~.dl~l~ r'..ii v ai r~iI~.U~Iby the district clubs of this Sunday Sohool Anniversary. area with afternoon and even- Two very fine services were ýL?; ing demonstrations of modern held witîh Rev. Duncan White,~ square dancing. M.A., B.D., Field Secretary for '$ Christian Education in the' Bay of Quinte Conference. n ~guest speaker. The theme of ~ Pig~eons Fny bis ilustrated address to the children, but equally fitting for older persons, was "The :ýk F rom Sudbury.Making of a Christian." In te morning about 50 children~ rourh Rae o had been trained by Ms In Fo rth ace thLone Thompson, Mrs. Lloyd, Miss Donna McLaugh- The fourth race of the old lin andl Mr. Richard Holden, bird season was flown on, May 2, 195, aain rein Sud ang three fine numbers. Jun- Mav 9, 965,agan frm Sd-ior organists, Misses Elizabeth bury, Ont., air uine distance of'T o p o n a c orl, 210 miles to EBowmanville. quiteadNac Drel, This was another very goodp-sie aauya h race with the first few birdsý doing over 40 miles p'er hour t tevening service the ~~ The winners were again the choir from the Boys' Training partnership of Alan and Ear'~Sho.Bwavle edr ~ ~" Luke of Hampton, w'ho had ed three numbers, "How Great another good bird to win this Thou Art," "The Lord's Myý p ... rc.Shepherd", and-"In the Gar-'. had four races dn"Rv Iit eiee now and there have been four aohrisirn emno t *different winners w hi c h1"Symbols of Success." Mr.: f ~ ~makes for better competition,!Glenn Larmer, Sunday SchoolI - T nd sortmansip.Superintendent, presided ati The resuits of this rc both services, introduced the' y. p mintes:~ A.& E.speaker, made the announce- ~~ Luke 1225.45 ypm.; 2nd, L. ensexrsdth tank.s. -~Richards 1220,47 yprn.; 3rd, ete In the morning, chairs, Atraso tr u oteco eteBw a Brwkrs 233 were placed in every aal 4th Pier Clrkeîi9.~,b1 crner to accommodate be nfi tieteps opeo eknsadso 4th .:.5pthr & BnIatrke 1the congregation. In th1e1 n ~~~ýn thme 5th, . Botreil& So 11141.85 ypm.; 6th, Mavin Bros îg he reua eat vere. of the summer now the large pool bas been opeerT 1011.56 'ypm.: 7th, Ron Lu,- filled. newcomers who will attract considerable interet c ~ .~ ~999.43 ypm.: 8th. Ralph Luke Among the beautiful flow- who are being well guarded here by their paret.A 921.05 ypm.: 9th, D. & B., ers decorating the church wszo h ibn oky rm Taln h rie A Stanton919.4 ypm fro a bsketfrom he Wlterplavng acrobaties such as most people have neyrse The next race is fo Lawrence family inme por v Folevet, Ont., when we join of his brother Frank wh On litegrmo eSuassoaeadsofd nwith the Lake Shore Com-' asdaa as udy n bigrmvdfom the cage and held bv theyun te bine. n mM. Norman Me--___ ______________ The Bowmanville Racing Nally in memorv of his itr and children. Mr. and MrsiDrelatne h nul 1Pigeon Club flew their third Miss Bertha, who passed awaylFak BieMs rhrTute n aeaesbn 41195, romSudbury, Ont., a' Last Wednesday evening the of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shot-,u~ .............. distance of 210 miles air line lady neighboi-s of Mrs. Elgin ridge and Bill. ate * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t Duigth nua aquto teSini'nBw 'ncdguus nda igtae w 1C ales~This x-as a Gras gathered at her home. Mr. and Mrs. MLirraov Bir- Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dre racewit. th v~'nnîg A umbr ofgams an co- kett, Mr. and Mrs. .JackChp pnWdesatoSudy gquare dance group held recently at Maple Grove1 Carol 'yn and Gico D,îwson who have hccn added to birds doing over 50 miles per. tests were en.ioyed and Lorammn and Linda, Port Perrx' 'at their farm at Charlto. '~ Church Hall, these four people were kept busy calling- take ovrr the other sections of this fast-growing or-,haur. Ralph Luke cYf Hamp-ýwas presented with a pole Mm. and Mrs. Ted Werrýy and' Mr. and Mrs. M. Gta off for the dances that follotved. At left are Jean ganization. Itono this race with a very1lamnp. Though taken coml- family, Enniskillen. Mr. and'Oshawa, were SundaN uss i odbird. This was very pletely liv surprise, she re-i Mrs. Tom Mahaffy and family, of Mrs. G. V. A. Scott and Bill Car-ey ho handietecanfo the ad- ______forthe__ad- gratifying to Ralph after be-soddftigv after whichOsaMran Ms.Gnt r.nd r.J.ERoad ing down at the bottom of the lunch was serve .d and a pleas-iEgrtonw, Mr. and Mrs. Edand Mr. and M rs. StnFor Present iplomasOudshoorn, Elcanior and flan ist in he fimst two races. ant evening fini-shed. Mr. andilHarrîs were Sunday visitors Brown and Ruth, Milbok _____________ s Parker, Faye anai David Reay, Resuls in yards per minute:, Mrs. Grav and famnilv are, ithM.adMs m a eeSna usso Cemmy and Spud Robertson,l lst. Ralpyh Luke 1566.04 ypm.:; moving to Prince Albert 'In!haffy and boys. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston Dona and Cliff Smith, Ann. 2nd, A. & E. Luke 1564.97:the near future.Mman Mr.RgSton_ o Te~~~~a d cdTice, Marjorie andlypm.; 3rd, L. Richards, 1522.74 Ms .A.Sal ClwtrI r.nd wersundag. Suppttmonf[t ~AJ5 Nt1 î1rI A[Walter Tink, Ben and Don vpm.; 4th, Mavin Bi-os. 1517.81 iOnt., adMs eRiDb on, nu.stsereM . ndaMrs FredN m m f vvwaD ~ aaývvhompson, Bella and Les Wat- vpm.; Sth, Ron Luke 1498.25, OFrhawa, were recent guests ni D'es son. vpm.; 6tfi, G. Bottreli & Son!:M'rs. G. V. A. Scott. V-sW.Cbedc O' An evening of Squame Danc-1 1479.35 ypm.: 7th. D. & B.ý Mrs. nd Mrs Jdick OHh E lec N e w S e t f 0 fic rs -1 ISt,intn 1448.07 ,Pm.. 8th , randton, ono, aHd n a Dodge Cty imiaIs denrat- ent eah ladyw:1h aampa-or, îat n Flome ManomVice resOdhtaa,- - -- Jhnunda ed t e w lls and the cen of tin T h re w m a u t . t i ao G o f o rdone t J c and A u m9tVhia f , B r ow n B ros. 1244.98 Ypm . s a . r . o ne T o f ps . an Ther wasa rcogntio of ordo an Audey etcafýM rs. John iamilton t iý Mrs. David Hill has mturn lilacs and tulips was the set- Spated at the head table Perfect i\ttericcs Also di- Sccmeotaryý, Artan Glad.Ns, B S N pnig hswe îhMr. rd tram Richmond Hill to her ' ting forth fouth annual ban- were the Presidents RoBnApomsSeEpmsntdtom Ecer resre-1.i and Mrs. .lerry Warne and summer home in Rlackstock gutSauray My29 hldMailn Bilsky; Secretaries Pinieidge Promenaders w~ho Elcaanar Shultz; House Chair- fml, i tn.1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin« by the Swingin' Boys Square Jack and Flance Mann; Treas- are now S\wingin' Bows. They mai', Spud and Gerry Robe.rt- (lntended for last week) i Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ke1lly,,Fred. Joyce, Nancy, Oshawa,*u Dance Club at Maple Grave uers, Fred and Louila Hell- ivere receivedi by Elizabeth son. We wish them gond lucký On MayN 19th, th' Base Line;!Columbus. and Mr. Johýn1iwere Sunday guests of Mr L uOfl Hall. var; House Commlttee Meni- and Don Aiid:rsoii, Carole and in their new jobs for the nexti Good Neigibauîr Club met at:Payne, Bobcavgeon, were dli-, n r.Hml wi n About 60 couples cnjoyed a bers, Jean and Carl Adamis; Ron Bickle, Ann and Clarence year. 'the home of Mrs, Rex Fowler, ner guests o f Mr. iand Mrs. Hafambly. an roast beef dinner, served by Bruce and Helen Vivian; English, Marg and Bob Farn- This faîl, beginners will and Mrs. M. Fowler Sr. Therei Harold McLaughlin and fam- MrHaodS inadM the Maple Grove Women'siCaller and wife, Bill and Jean dale, Darlene and Gcrald Gray, have an apportunity to leaî.niwere eleven members present.iily and su ppr guests of Mr'- Auxiliary. Carey. Evelyn and Rossa Haw'ke, Mol- to dance w'ith aur new ale,,urn the business peiod it1and Mrs. Courtney Grahaii< le attended three showers House Comnlttce Members Gitts weme presented ta thely and Tonv Homstrnan, Doris Gien Dowsan. We have gmcat was decîded ta make a dona-lSunday.! in honor of Miss Nancy Mar- were present at the door toýCareyrs and Bilsky's fmom the and Leland Milîson, Nancv and confidence mhat Gien can do ato to the Canadian Cancer MseGetîd niytin n ~Ohawa during the îastý welcome the dancers and pre- members as a token of ap- Clayton Morgan, Nina and Jan very good job of t acigSoet. ugsnsfrthe ois Griffin, Toronto, ane ek -anniual pîcome were called forý the xveekend at home,.r.Hrl wi iie but fexv were presented. Mr-.,M' . hiem mother, Mrs. Phena ; E. Price was the winner of.1 Mr. ad Mrs. M e r w i ni Mountioy, aIse oMm. and Mrs..... - tih prie fo guesingthe on'Ieun tjoy, Hampton, w ereB Hallett and family, Osh-1 oets wi e reo r u si teacoby M rs.Russe] M u nstjoy r r.1 wS ea io hs ae tenti of a box. Clues to the' udyget fMm n s w.Wdnesday. WThN WA 00L Fowlem and everyone given ai Mm. and Mrs. Tennyson tended Brooklin Fair on Sat-: For ali outside surIaces-ClapbadSae chance ta guess. Mrs. K. c iSamels. Cadmus, were Sun-! urday. H{opkins was seated iin the' dey guests of Mm. and Mrs.I Sunday guests nf the Neilý m marked chair, Mrs. C. Wilson' Ken neth Samellîs. Malcoînis were Mrs. A. J1. IlreIvfl5f crc posesed hecup tatwasý Ms ucnCoBokiM.adMs mnamked. Ail winnems wemeWhite and farnily, Peterbor- Stanley Malcolm, Caesarea,A-0i presented with prizes by' vtheOugh, were dinneq- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- srfc hostes..s. Mms. Robt. Keys and Rev. and Mms. Romemil and colmi and tamily. Nestîcýton. Mrs. C. Wilson assisted Mrs. Dennis, Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Fowlem in semving a delig'httul Mr. and Mmsq. Norton Vpn Mm. and Mms. Narman Mr- lunch aot sandwiches, relishes,1 Cam"p were weekend guests of Nally, Coîbomne. were Satur-geco cakeand ce reamandtea.' Mm. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp day «dinner guests of Mr. and i ee The ladies enjoyed a chat ta and Miss Aileen. Mrs. Carl Wright. bring a pleasant aftemnoonta Mm. and Mrs. )oEh ýer Snow- Mm. and Mrs. Orm Ve.nning, eYuk 'ih nbn"ta 40a close. dn orîe were Sundav1attended a Watkinis Conter- . Vîsitors at the home ot Mr. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.. ence nt Firc SdeBrcu, eMempsl, bodacetc and Mrs. C. Wilson ths past Relph Larmer and amily. Lindsay, Wednesday. wee inludd M. ad Ms. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Haw-, Mr. and Mrs. Barrv sDnt-y uniformnly brightyasln - ' . IFrank Brighit, Mr. Gordon: kins, Port Perry, were Sunday moor, Kevin and Sherry, "Sets" fast Sa that ramwnth Sagar, Oshawa, Mm. Albert: guestsofM. n Mrs. Ivan! Brampton, w e m e weekend .«.. » James. Bishopton. Quebe. Muto' n ml. gucsts of the Dunismoors. eMd ytemkr ttewr iThe Misses Maion and Jean Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock.: Mm. and Mrs. Rau Litt lel SuPer Kem-Tane and e.Go Dickey. Oshawa, weme Satur- Prince Albert, and Mm. andBbll .Judy and lanice. Loch-1 daY evening callers wth Mm. Mrs. George Skelding were lin ' Mr. and Mrs. Vincent'IY l and Mrs. J. A. Barnes and Sunday dinner guests, and Mr. Archer, Bowmanville, Mm. and Grc.and Mrs. Norman McNally, Mrs. Elmer Archer and Jini, ~~ G~r. and Mrs. K. C. Hopkins Coiborne, weme Fiday over- Whitboy, and Miss Marilyn Ar- ,,BOu'I .- weme present at a recital in guests of Mrs. Ceci] cher, Peterboroughi, were Sun- L W 1 the Barrie district this week- Hbll. day giuests of Mr. and Mrs. W. o& tTS BLACKSTOCK Impala Sport Coupe Chevrolet value is at an ail-time high and Tra de 'N' Tra vel Tim e is the time to ibuy! The '65 Chevrolet is the best-looking, best-handling, smaothest-ridîing Chevrolet ever built. Sa it stands ta reason that right now, Chevrolet value is at an ail-time high. And because Trade 'N' Travel Time is now in high gear at your Chevralet dealer's, he has the biggest selection of Chevrolet models in stock. What's more, he can deliver the madel of yaur choice fast, and he wants your trade-in for the boom in used car sales. Now, if you put ail-time high value and Trade 'N' Travel Time tagether, the anly conclusion you can possibty corne to is that naw is the time to buy! So how about seeing your Chevrolet dealer in persan and proving for yaurself that Chevrolet value/Is at an, all-timne high, and that Trade 'N' Travel Time is the time to buy? That way, you'll1 have the satisfaction of knowing you've done the right thing at the right time - made the best deal of the year en a beautiful new Chevrolet. disco ver the difference! SHUR *CAIN dog food-a super. lor kibbled ration wlth a hlgh meat content-lots of real beef. Here's a unique combination of proper nutrition and good taste.perfected in the largest animai nutrition research facil- ities of its kind, in Canada. Your dog wil love it. Feed.wet or dry. BUY SHUR-GAIN dog food n the big thrifty 25 or 50 lb bagsaVailabie from the n .whose businets is fe eding 'ive-k stock better-your local SHU.> GAIN Feed Service Mill opÎW ator. Akk about home delivery service. SHUR-GAIN DIVISION CANAI& 0 Nrom CHEVPOLFT. CHEVE. CHVY Il. COR VAIR . CORVETTE It' TradesN'Travol Time ... At Your Chewolet-Dldsmobile Dealer's NowI Lt Authorirzed Chevrolet Dealer in Bowinanville: ROY NICHOLS ..MOTORS LTD.' BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 COURTICE 728-6206 Se sure te see BOnaniza On the CBC.TV network each Sunday. Checky~our local listing for channel end Uirne. I. Zo tnville's popular Zoo basl uld be packed for the rest iere are some interesting luding three baby swans the main entrance to the 1early this year are dis- as they swing on the bars. 1of people that she loves rs. BURNING TIME - CAREL ISS ,MO ENT ~S O y dexHouse, nt S Shnges, StUCCrj, Cernent or Brica rhouise shows checks, peeling or blisters, is the answer! Prepare according to instrua. and see how this new gives your home a de- Protection and beauty rhad before. m one surface to another. Mlors, gleaming white, ail [or. Irm it. d*famous interior paints, FNH CONFIDENCE AI %cGREGOR &RDWARE St. W. Phone 623-5211 I now! after years of development in SHUR'GAIN RESEARCH LABORATORIES SHUROGAIN DOG FOODI SHURIUP-niil 6u', M::m7 Newcomers Arrive a't fbe

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