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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 6

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- Reid, sauX scrapers. Mrs. For- Fo rester Conviratiilats p cilG u s blyn and Jamie, Oshawa7 rester, Mrn. C. Fonk. hand lo- AJ! '%izs Myrtie Tmln tion, Mr&. Brenton Farrow tr H ono Fore ter Mrg. Martin florai yni Bob Linda %tsyean- cny r.Sam Boyko; bar-. Bruce Bowman. Guelph, Mr.l It was ithgraegrnsfecet E d o nmnMre.Lloyd Avery, Bowmanville.,that the stucet ee~decuaeetadvn da Mercer. ~~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oristn thrir 1964-6.9edtnsfthI i r th aum col * Tupperware tlower stand, ~~Enniskillen Beautiful giftsiScreech Owl 1atwe ni~rhv enwitno Delores Clements; green vase, ree egularro t bacosciinth h Mrs. Sherwin; card table cov-chdrnbrths d îerC cerianofhe et Imsl aeIerda F o r F in e W o rk ~ ~~~~~~~er, Mrs. Brenton Farow, pop- nf mieyab o:n . .,itr.getda uigt s Moe hn 0 gsts attend- hamn and Ganaraska foreqt perware dish, Miss Marilyn inLbao e:~at on Iî anfcn than raeadta o ed a testimonal dinner in properties had grown ton Falls; dresser scarf, Ruth Gib-' i returning in- ~f rto ~esnili n Ororioarn Wednesday for E.F. large for one foreman. The son; nail polish, Elva Anne~ June as a missionary to Leba-laChieŽveenft and e Youngman, an f'mployee of arra was divided a]ong the Robinson: Tupperware cookie n.MisHeyhodhemuch praised. I ug ahsu ne\u hi osdrm the Department of Lands and lHope Clarke boundarv and a cutter, Mrs. Ross Tadd; Bryl-' n 'in o' til reehOît a.ebe ~Ia1 d Forests for 18 vears. new foreman was placed in creem, Jim Souch. Creme Enfie]d United Chutch on Fr1-'l'iseOP as teuctin i Mr. Youngnian was foreman charge of the cast track. Rinse, Francis Thompsan; ash 'day. May 298th. is a permanent rcr fhsdtint ~ In charge of Durham Coun v Mr. Youngman, who '.vas tray, John McKelvey; fly Mand M rlscaRbough n sta Bworn fpasefrhspovnt aa evnod forest and the west track ofiaiso a member of tic Gana- swatter, Iniez Mercer, GaryM and aMiy cr.Bob mt ty tBwavli ih hughonoccasio theacurord the Ganaraska Authority for- raska advîsory board before Stapleton; Tupperware dish, ap ris RaHr tmanu ntay-lotfide rv vlttcAi k'iydUi atya.S est before he retired in March. the authority '.as foried, has Mrs. Jim Stark; box of pic- piM , d M na gessOntajo meto Studv dw îy e frv H1e came ta Canada from bepn vitallv concerned with lures, Gwen Pawers; lace run- Mr. and -s. A. Taylor andlOntarin mi London, England, in 1904, and 'reforestation and conservation ner, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. family. 'LloydI Clifton placdscn aItmItakyu h lived on a fanm in Sîmeefor more than 20 years. Under Don Stapleton; cake tin, Helen ---the triple iump: Gc dns County until l1912, when he his supervision, thousands of Lee, Marie Terbenche; dish, readrs.for ivig ni tr<ap 2oved ta Toronto. acres of wasteland were re-i Perc Lunn; aven mitts, Anne OBJTUARY I hi<il Marri-i -Duning the First Worid Wrsoe opoutv ad oeot stan diiigs. Jeenlisted ini the Canadian Mr. Youngman is married At theclose of the eiventing, HARRi' R. IVINDSOR On Thiirsda,, annhe f GEeAH O, .,Army, and thon returnied ta and has sr.vrn clilidren and 21 Idorpis were handed out. 'h et fHryRs art students (iniylsad 'RO)APINE farming in Manvers Township. rnrideEaie. B1l0wis alist of the winners: RI); 2's) took an int sigtn hog H1e joined the Departmcnt - Ms. Rth Hbinsn, RiandWindsor occurlred s.udderiy at t eea r ete nTr TTSA of Lands and Forc'sts in 1946.1 Batton, Terry Rypstra and; his horne. R.R. 5, Bo wmaîî- onto. Among hI tp re LSIID Sînce then he has served on STýCarole Anne }lenderson. A ville,0on Sunday. Ma. l6th, the curtiain nîica te the Manvers Townshjp Couricii LflRVIL. delicious lunch was served toi Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngnian and Forester A. F. Walroth 1Son.HPofasnhe lVe r. nd i-Bu"il"ad ieauosg,_______ and wrote a regular coiumn' al bv the members of the, -S onWdorele M.wndas olci n o d rmol for the Canadian Statesman.1 (Intended for last wcc)i<) U.C W. '/ 'ê'T'Jla uslmnsLkB ln- and tilesofCrcnlonx ~tari 1963 lie w a gi for the n . i A Penny Sale w as he d in '- - - - - f ' T h ee E't m ae, and attelded school . hi t at lî Ar G il r o tal yraaadfo O-Starkville School on Saturday!D - '-hbtateA tai Cutr orepodnt.May 29 with many in attend- alinîmne. On December -'. loronito. 1 ha\ benace When he jined the depart- 1ne oiwn s ito f 1iîeddfris ck i941. ho mnaried the former ltlanik Mrs. MMscr o o/N~D rne olwn sals !D r a M .rP.UTT. metheUcaerIIuibeth ines:ir.Mrand Mrs . R.B. Simpsori Ada Doris Dickson who sur-'finle arrauugernent h iad O-PR foenthe rboeaeon ronsible the winnrs: I TI'eS eand farniiv attcndend a Ba-viefor uis trip. inr the areforit oest rgam Pat.Mr.Mnt-ybntO ay2 h1ongpai e ege tismal Service uwhen ScottI The dreased liad resided unt:UfruaevIi ii a.n~rIrIU - By 1949 the combîned r r ga, Mrs. Ross Todd, Mrs. Bat-O Th2inkyorg epl oeLage par't oi thc Mirhael Gordon, ,;on of Mr.' R.R. 5, Bowmanville, for fouirlto be the final o h lI~ --- toMiss Norma Halloweili, CrsinRfr lo Calvanist Federation ai and Mrs. S. Kossatz. w-as bap-iyears anîd hefore moving reportl yar Jean Argue. Juicer, Mrs. Et- th hîta eomed Yin mrchl hi' io.h dV a.Thui wel i..IOn N ar Chtîrchbelonging ta the Sîm-lNorth Aeiah.îheri(li lat area, îa ive a atMplewoulod k a STARK VILLE TwesMrlBieyMisannuai Youth Ra1by. The Mrs. R. B. Sinipý-)-î and Grave, R.R. 3, take thk 111h,0 ~Inenedfo lat ee alon, etty New an, Mr. " gotctn ntedt morning and aiternoon pro-'Kelly attendied SI. Josepii*s Ho was a stockman at Generai wonderful peopiewlinhpd NTJ fnecefo atwr ilyn Martin, Mrs. Wybenga, ofteDi fdrleecinireciory ýgrams wcre held in the Heb-"Cluureil. Bourmaiîvil]e, \VhCfl MNotoî-sOshlawa. and had beehu me during nuy terio fie F ro adir GrnileMrs. C. Fonk, Lois Stapîcton, a run tstr utin1 p orinceii-t 1 __ ___-rnChuri siaw a ne- ed J'iîi st ouonekion.. npoe tb-efr1vas.Asorntismcnite POE wvere Sunday guests; with MrMn.H Mrcr, MrJ cse the likeiihnod of one in , ning program was held in the Mn. anud iVrs. Wni. Cow]c s trac United Chitrelu. studeuits: Gertrude ae ac and Mrs Orme afls. he.nea futur,"MRrseJ. CMC'YJ7DLLING 'auditorium at Knoax Christian rand faîuîily wcre Stinday ca'l-, He is survivcd by his wiftc. Bell , IclIuivoî, ElabtA/rI - Mr. Gerald Hallowveil bas Keîvey, Mabel Haîîowcîî, Jir Hoiucy, M.P. for Durham, tlid Chartved Accountiant Sho in Bowmanville. ersoti Mrs. L. Simpsn anud Ada Doris: a dauigbter, Ja:î Webser, MatirenJan Web been successf'il at U.T.S. andýStark, Bernice Milligan, Mrs. the annual meeting ai the: 93 Chch-t'- Street The theme ai the î-aîîy w-asDn Anne; and a son, David H-arrYlRegaii aînd RickDoa.Wt- wieglreeve grduatonoexreies Ic ub ta, rs . on;Wellington South Liberai As- 63-86 Know Thyself'. Twa speak- Mi. r ms.J. W. BoWman The funeral servicexasout luesitatioîîcn '- la Mrs. John Stark exrcieslsaciation held in Guelph onr crs spoke on this theme. entertairied In a part\ on Sif- hold fronui flicMarris Funeralrtle posters this xeraea Cue4hi orno ep a r ilodde, Mrs. BuhnMStrwk lurdy. iLEONARD JAMES BROOKS JhnFcddema, th Leg r urday in hliaor nIMr. and: Chape]. Bowmauuvilie, on Wed- good as if îuot lerblcua t nerh nCarontUe. epsil oa ses il Mld ' ThuJohn Mrs.Txisoiu Tambhlyti. Omoio. n-'.çriay Mav '19tlî. and wns.otlîers ever rieanda .. ta e ter C ane on niv rst , M s. L es R eid, M rs. L . M ul- M . H oney stated that there , C hartered Arcotuntan Pre ovee Ottawa. n the a tumo tadrew , M ns. Barnoski; doiley, s always the possibility, in a 'Suite 20,5W7 5 99 3 rally but m ast of, the arganiza- wbo ver W rii - nn verate il- m o d ce '- 1e. C u a e t m oi b rl x n -p stu dy for h i M A , degrep m inSilverg vWrdm einosi uativn sametiof Tarodo c.bIuuten-meoput'wason . ahierassista int.bK aassisTaist. mT d y rhe e n y S Ma . e gr 'B e n ice M illig a n ; a p r n s, M . m n n t a v r m n it a i n ' O sh a w a S l o p p i ug C e t ' rre l o ' sh d n y o n e p e G u e sts i îîeu d re d M F. and M - . C ur l i l C O n et cî- . d cserv es m u.c lu p ai e f r l r w as eal wefjirurrstHallowsig hlia ad____n- 'Vleh PennyS ral e l at tark- ýlTed Stark, Mrs. o icmtncsaiI.whc ro saaaîdBwa-rTamblyn, d. and Palibearers w*eMessrs. ptinc o rigînaiuyo..jut*ý'mE A C T ville ~~""'~ Pene Farrow, Mns. McDonald. might require an appeal to WM. J. H. COGGINS ville..Jdy Rouwere------ ,'i- tended and nianv frrnn s'ur-ICOlIeCII Stonk, Mns. Melville the people. 'Barring thisi Arccountant Teinnig u'gam sa-Janand Maî-iivn. OoTai h, ks pr.oCarloe, RuilliamTp i 1avaube silaîetu c - eunding district. Mn. Jolinij,011, Betty Major, Jludith eventulalitY Mr. Pearson*s go'.- Scod lor ng at 10:45 *ciock, consisted Naiucy Sin-lu,oNateWhîE-i coul adclou vudhv eu i Stone, Oron.o, selected ttueîFn Mrs. Bill Mereer, Mrs. ernoîcot will prabali con-J New Library Buildiuig ofag, pein tickets for fthe ruany1îu ey i . slrhild's apron, Mns linue in office for some limnelCor. King & TcmcaneStsr. a m Ln, pnii x- Mr. aid Mrs. CGrant Tanuîbî\n,: Nornmi-iMoiatt. nieasurably mou-re fiutfr articles. Lun".-h '.as senved Rft.Brentcan Farrow: *planter, Mrs. yet," he said.Poue6-31 and a quarlet contcst. After the close af the profitable i cog; mxn o i The speaker statrid that ail WILSON IL BURROWS ýthe morning program wacls leventing, Harvey Falls, Carl Todd, Mis:, poIs indicate that an election Chartered Accountants e with prayer at 11:30, the' Mn adMr. '1w IHali0-Kaezorowski M rs. Rainey. held naw woid result in ail14 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. ýYoung people in'.adcd the.FehBkd Weil i"isited Mr. and Mre. Barbecue set, Lorraine Scoit; return of a Liberal govenn-!Partnens: restaurants in Oshawa. . 45ec! Lawrence Janiieson, Bewdley , mats, Marilyn Falls, Mrs.:ment with a working majnnity. 1 Ronald F. D. WVilsoru, C.A. Thateonprgm tt--lcono E unday. iVinkle; playung cards, joli.n 1Enuîmeraling thnee fact ors 1 G. Edmiond Burrows, C.A.,cdhater00 o' w t ar- l'riono Mn. and Mrs. Ross Farow'Stone; sponge, Brenda Cas- which he said wouid assure. Phone 728-7554 -c-ringand00ocnk ig aexerisSihm -J and son, Bowmanville, wet-elwell; crochetcd dog, Mrs. Gea0. the netunn of a majoritv Lili- ,---:sn ape ,tuests with his parents, Mn.,Mercer; toys, Mrs. Minne Wy-leral goverroment, Mr. Honey HL LPRI lO hmpaer ecnet aper m-èd Mrs. Howa'd arrow. bna r.L ed in said the most significant was' Chartcred Accounitanîs roll cail showed that ail 33- Newcar. .Rid iae1stî scicties ai the league except- Buthon Mn. and Mns. Delbcrt Haio- Wybenga, AnTodd, Michael 1Uthe]ladership ai Lester B. King Street - Nîwa wcre îeprPscnted. Tue well arn- Bill, Tn-ronto, were Bada, Mrs. Jones, Martin boy; iPearson who is providing ai 987-4240 lsocicties are from the follow-6tap. e t their summer home ne-idolîs, Julie Sylvester, Brenda Isteady hauud on the tiller at a 366Kig tt.- oawaig lce:AlitnBrre ~cently. Caswell, Mrs. Brenton Farrow; limne when Canadas unitv is 75659- mnil r a nip o Mr. and Mrs. LoekWaudstorybooks, Beverley Caswell, ncgigalyugte Wiliianui C. hlall, B.Conm .CA. Clarkson, Collingwaod, George- "'Bownîanvilje, anîd Mr. andiHarvey Falls, JilI Martin; shoc 1 'Secondly, in the two vcars DvdG ekuCA.-- "'Hlad~41C Mrs, Fred Todd, Garden HilllIa H etc n Kaczorowski; :'.e have beeuuliii office we- Inda Mrs1- Mai-Viness wiboy; .cosmetic rhav-'ý enactcd more gond legis- r - ----e mreOaneieOi- -cushion, Matin oylia, Oshawa, Peterboroughu, s r. end Mrs Htgh Mrs. C. Fonk, Mrs. Lien- 'latian than was passed duig Pr c ic Scarboro, Sprîngdale, Torontn,. Specially Selecteci Value Lheck'd - Grade "A" 'and Ms. lhinie, Klly no; qtîtBMo. Oga c- liefîv yerstha Mn D.efe -theBwrnn-lobe: cinaEio, Bh Rb-Nake goered itbthelar- G Eand ANN DC WctanandWilaw AbouAbot; ý.viI'1P, visited Mrs. L. Todd'inson Mrs. Il. Reid, Gwen lest majority in Canadiati bis- Ciiropractor p5e0et. 0 on epewr reeti.Powers; china* bird, Mrs. H. r tory," tthei ,Du* ani M.P. said. Office:21/ -1b. ýMurray; floral ornament, Mrs. Tue third ason citcd for 15 Elginî St., cou-. of Illrscy St., The speaker, 11ev. Byker, eggs, Mrs. C. Fonk, Mrs. Stone. a2ginative proqi-ani ai legisla-!Ofie Iours: Byappoiitmieit!forned Church n Weston pre- HICE Jilise ; fsh owl M. Harwig a iheal ict~-y was the mi-r ? oui 62-55 9 - - itiflstr.. the h ni t of tRe- i i g - ~~~3-Tiered plate, Mrs.Mine ion la lie inhjoduced in this __ --___ Astte te iheliohclaioth Wybenga; blankel, Mrs. Ross es s atlined Deiian itroo.Attehoclso Hallowell; devîll]cd cgg dish, Thronc Speech. "Barring the of his speech Rev. Byken point- Alvin Soueh; candy dishes, eventtîality I have already ,DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S.cdotChseGdndhn Helen Couroux, Mrs. Rainey, mentioned, it1 is our dut 75 Kinîg St. E. Bownianville You '.vil know yourself". Thel -O HareyFalsGergeLun;stay in Ottawa and put us ficHus : 1afternoon session in the church UL COKDb If v n ; auH artsv Bi eyrls c ro r .r yp- fe Mr. HOnffsiat d. Ç ose uir a nF Udy un i c o k t er a MU I~~ INCS I F T R M butter dish, Mns. Major- servi- gsato ou the stattite - 9 a.m. to 6 pirn. daily 'a lsdR :0 rm43,m E I NC Ifyu J reVIan stra; relish dish, Marie Trim:' -- --Ofc hue-6359 car caravan whch took tihe magnetic clothespin bag, Mrs. Res._PhoneNewcastle 987-4261 Young people in a round-about Dobsn, errins, Ms. Gorg way ta the auditorium at the APA IM NT M'Dbsnern ings Mn twsGeorge ZON DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Knox ChrisianSchool in Bow I (HI (KEN I N m A an BASKET WOECTU APARTM ENT. Mercer;imainenletea.rtowelsulMiss Tva Williams, Mrs. Rypstra,1 tnlt e ptwe) î igS.E o-avlego uce rmTn' e Il ~~~Mrs, Dobson, Marie Trim, Mrs. r (o1 hlefr a 'nek~7 it SEwninicele god:lnchmens flit tonys Re- ~~~ Foster, Harold Cox, Mrs.1 Zion U.C.W. afternoouu uit9Office os6 fcsmens a Ve shao. Souch;qur sealers, Mrs. Don iluld ils meeting o May 121 'h 9a.t .î.diy Froni 7 tb 8 oacick there was BFST BUI' Save 12c! 2z.Rtn Ti Stapleton; cups and iaucens, 1 n the Suuuday Sciiool rans. Tleoe : Office 623-545 scholadtoim fr utr 4Mrs. L. Todd, Mrs. Peck; flow- 1w-th 14 menibers presenit. _ __ - ffce62-49sh madtruufretr i you W at c e rs and vase, Mrs. George -Mns. Bradley opened flie DR. E. W. SISSON tain nient., u c e n Ma 7 R D C *.dd ukfl thattII 1 ece;onnamental black rat,i meeting witl, a readiuug en-: L.D.S., D.D.S. The evening pu-ogi-an corrl- PM Trapic Beaut 3 7 ~*special Homeowners-typO l Launie Little: Tupperware pinI titled "Ye have nuvt - beeaus!"!r Office in his home menced at 8 o'clock and was1Tr jbliy esgndjut oryoI holder-, Brenda Caswell: bnwl Worship period was un charge!loti Liberty St. N.. Bowniauîville opened by a hymn sing, prave ETBY ' 6 ,rhcta eua bPgs. of plastic fruit, Anuu Todd lof Mrs. Herny Fisher, a ss isted.1 Phonei 623-5604 anid a wclconic. The resultsli '19pecially adapted for pcrsong r ishcoh eeîKcoosîby Mrs. Will Hasiuk and Mrs. !Office Hourls oaithbe ara torical cant est ai-dIG A âf ~',ho rent, it makes available. 'lMrs. Dobsout. Marilyn Falls., Alec MuMaster. Futhrstudv 9 a. ta 6i P. m. da iy quaret cntest were 4.adMe O - d dA fA i arcepterd atitinvitation h -st lies. 623-5553 A 12e MFF PAail theù- sumnmer home near RICARD LL.B. N (ntendd fr last week) ~FC A.~T Mn. B.A.,ns. Ar Shaintan at E.RICHARD LOVEhe Bracebridge, soine lime iný Barîster - Solicihor Cadlftia .C.W met at bc M 4> ' September. King st. W. Newcastle home of Mrs. Lewis Stinsan, or beeforuingocahu.trePhe98-63nWdnayvnigayINT T school girls favred us with i Hurs : 9_5:30 _ We., Sat., 9_1 12th. Mr-. Gay opened- the' 14erl ocl1umelu() &-5 ai TRKE IRISH STEW to sevra voalnumerswhc- mieeti ng with fi th-nuglt. lFVMn ax 0 more U.C.W. meetings uintil Barnisters, Solicitors 'lîce" was sung. Mrs. m ay 6o.jrSv 1c wf' September.- Notaries Public led in pu-ayen. Devotional per - ____________________________ HEDBC YO a 9.ia :nW. R. Strike, Q.C. r iod was taken by Mrs. Theinia ---________________________ On Ma 29îh at :30 in., A. A. Il. Stnike, B.A. Plye( n e dHm L D BOFFIACBY Exop oer las, alngdfowihB.dAd. Hdman, e eadand approvêd. RMI ROZEN FOODS OF QUAL1TY' Ro.val harger Lge tie .mt LACKCF FNANCNGgrls, arnnged or wa 40 King St. W. -Bwanil ea]l was answered wit-h the 'Save 10ü! Apple or Raisin GN E L o 9 peabnenntetaiied ih eepoe63571 eo f ragavorvinter ' IfWlIa -alr! sore 9o Jr MM rwn aainbùeu eufn oeln, super in the Sunday s o Mrig a g es .G i5onrtalk. meetingur! sore bufldiffl, zhchinerY M eq fll nnce their expan. ronu. tbl e - - - -- ut-en and fruit and flawer S p e e P e buildings, machineThe toabequipmert îost ;, -.SADIE HAMILTON - ORONi. ndtee report-, wene given. ontED.S ihsPr Jms3 r6c ' - ion programmes through IDB. [t May b. uneful for you tnactively decnratpd and thie, Phone 1 r 16 The business part was mak- Szipreme2-. a lucFfsalpe oaog irst Mortgage Ftînds iuîg plans for the Garden IA Regular 79c! Marked 9i4oJr to cscus th fin eialnee s of3rou bu nS w th u . h rnReeliideuicerllstFaed ris RPartye ans Putyen.JuaIloll cal] orfor E . S ith wihasoteBuesrvn si nePrprties _r June is to be answered with 'IIE£~ MINDUS TRIAL piano ,solo Iane y 0 - p fIom e 1 r y_ tofAes,, flwitî îy ' oan Arr..t i e ne pton d:~.U an-d a reading by JoAnn den KEITH A. BILLETT. O.D. 111e Mi zpah eReDîc&iWnITE Ouden, preceded the preaen-î Optounetni3t Prograin consist.ed ai nead- DEUVIII6PAf N T A NKtation nf stars and pins. Thel]43 Kmn St. E. - Bowmnaxville. ings bv M:-s. Milton, Mrs. 21RANCHl OFFICES ACROSS CAAb happy faces of the recipients1 Office lours: By appointînent! Sweet, 'Mus. Jean Stinson. A!R I H E H T r n 3showed how they enjoyed thls; Telephone 623-3252 contest was couiducted by Mra. O N 4H E H T tOROTO, ON4T.! 250 tinvesmtY Avenue - Tlophn: 3f8-114 reward and found their tea- MIon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1, l Mary McKee.- A vote of thankaf cher's taining warth whl. 9 a.un.. tn 5 p m. - vas offered Mrs. Stinson.ý P C' E H T ___________________________ iNaines o&these girls will beli Weda vningsW iLunch was sevedby roP EC'iE H T e tn il mauuint aerWd.adt ..9 2 two and a£ Bociai tne6lt

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