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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 7

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ner held on Saturday nlght f .-~, at the Kinsmen Communityi O ( f i:Centre, Oshawa, 10 members, lof 1940 graduation class of theý rs o 1 a schooi of nursing, were pre- sýented with life membershipsi ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ __ hosto receive this honor IL M J. F. Goodfellow of tion at Portland. Maine, and Cummiskey Page, Bethany, Toront a a weekend guestiBoston, Mass. and Mrs. Gladys McFarland Mi th N and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Mr. and MNrs. Gordon Phil-;McKenzie of Orono. N ing East. lips. Montreal. Que.. wrre' On Thursday evening, Junel NLe«red Ellis of Torontoig . s f Mrs. R. M. Cale,13rd, following regular practice Is a guest of her sister and Curch St.. on Saturday, fol-lof St. Paul's choir, refresh- brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.1,iowing the graduation from merkts were served. During C. E. Rehder, Beech Avenue. the Universitv of Toronto ofi!this social period Miss Doris Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hobff- their son. Patrýick. Welsh, President, and Mr. iman. Ellwood City, Pa., spent Mr. Ben Thompson, son ofMaurice Stephens on behaîf of the weekend with Mrs. Hoff- Mr. and Mrs, Francis Thomp- the senior choir and congrega- mnan*s mother. Mrs. Gea. W s'on, has completed his third tion presented Mr. and Mrs. MI. .James, Horsey St. year at the Faculty of Phay- L. Beaton with a beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashton, macy, University of Toronto, mirror and electrie carving Sharon and David Newton: and resumced a position with knife. Mr. and Mrs. Beaton Toronto, were dinner guest.s Fullerton Drugs. Cornwall. will he leaving the end o! June on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. Gary Houslander, so for Tampa, Florida, where Mr. H. J. Babcock, Ontarie Street. of Rcv. W. K. and Mrs.- Hou3- Beaton will commence new Mr. nd rs.E. . Fleylander. has successfully pas,- duties atter four and a half and Mrs. Bert Colwell were rd his third year at Queen's yen".. of faithful service as supper guests with Mr. and University', first year medicine. music director of St. Paul's Mrs. E. Twist of Salem on He is employed for the sum- United Church. Sunday. and atended anni- mer at Dominion Foundries, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ven-j Versary services thcre. Hamilton. iton, Mary and Scott, Weston,1 Miss Elsie Drew, Toronto, Mrs. John Preston, Toronto, Ont., spent the May 24th week- and Mr. and Mrs. Frank spent last wcek with her cos end with lis parents, Mr. and Graham of Vancouver,, Miss Mi]dred Willmott, M rs. Sydney Venton. The have been spending several Church St. On Sunday, Mr. following weekenid Mr. and daYs with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Preston, Mrs. McFadden and Mrs. Sydney Venton spent Roenigk, King St. West. Karcn visited Miss Willmott with their daughter and fami- and Mrs. Preston returned to, Mr. and Mrs. Larrv Mur- Mr. Lance Cooper has 'Ue- Toronto with them. oock, Hamilton, in order that ceslsfullY completed his og Audrey could attend the Re- year at Guelph AgriculturalJudit nnarov o! Bow-union of the 1950 School O! College, obtaining 8.3 per cent;Jdmann wowreceied th Nursing graduation class o! and standing second in lis Aard ertifice "T he o Toronto Western Hospital class of approximately 275. danNreJualfrsca- which was held in Toronto. adin Nrs Jorna fr sc-This week Mr. and Mrs. Syd - Recent guests with Mr. andond highest standing in the ney Vno r visiting her Mrs. Geo. W. Graham, Susanne 'Junior Year. nurses-in-train- cousinM.anrs.ere end Georgeann were Mr. B.1ing, at Oshawa General Hos- Fouind Mr. and Mrsare Furlong, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. ýpital. ec Fligg and r.adms lenar S. Furlong, Atlanta, Georgia, Mrs. Hartley Lewis and lier Meaford. trndMr.G urh f e uîe, Mrs. Robert W. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scottiý troi, Mih. Kerr, spent the weekend in Horsey St., were At Home to Mr. and Mrs. Harve *y Lun- Rochester, N.Y. On Sunday their friends last Friday even- ney have returned from anilhey attended the convocatioinriro avgtisu- en4oyable holiday vîsiting the 0f the University of Rochester mer for Trinidad for a two- 'Nfw England States and when the former's son, Hart-'ertrm ndrheEtra epending much of thcîr vaca- ley, received an MA. in li office program. Mr. Scott, Economics. iwho has been a valued mem- Belated congratulations and ber of Bowmanville High best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Sehool teaching staff, wl Bowman ille Allan Knight o! Dunedin, teach in Port of Spain. A Baptist Cluurch SundaY, May 30tlhL Mr. Knight tece fmsca ori Nelson near Liberty and his wife is the former doubt, carry on activities in anouce seca H1elen Kerr o! Toronto. ithis field. During the delight- anunnce ~peial Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Ashton,ifui evening many called ta Missionary Services Guelphi, visited Mr. and Mrs. extend best wishes to Mr. H. J. Babeock last weekendiand Mrs. Scott and their fa- SUNDAY, JUNE 13th and with them attended thel il'. Jodee, Jim, Barbie and, 2.5th wedding anniversary of TPete in their new venture. 11l Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes,: Thp Be". Wm. PhilIip-N Newcastle, on Saturday even- fromn Sept. Dies, Quebee ing, which was held in the BASE U.NE Odd Fellows Hall, Orono. 7 Miss Shirley Williams, o! On Friday, June 4th, Mrs., The Rev. Wmi. Phillips and Prince Street, left last Thurs- ýH. Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs.'I Mrs. Donald Wunker recent day from Toronto Initernationl-!Fred Wright accompaniedi evacuee from the Dominican ai Airport for a three-wee.k other parents to take thel Republie. vacation in England andI Grade VIII class trip fromi > Walc.s. Miss Williams will be Souil Courtice School. The: The Chureh That Cares stayinp with Miss Christine Igraduating pupils from thîs ____________________.Beckett of Nottingham and iarea are, Miss Esther Cryder- - will also visit friends and man, Miss Susan VanCamp,, relatives. David Metcalf and Leslie Mrs. Irene Roberts, Mrs. Wright. They visited Malton'-1 BoIil Thorras Lennard, Newcast!e,iAirport and then were taken wma and Mrs. W. A. Edger and 'On a conducted tour of Pioneer, ~ U~L&d LU attendcd the University of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson were, ~ re iec sia Torntograuatin eercsesweekend visitors with Mr. andf on Thursday, lune .lrd, vh. r.GronSgra hi m--i 'M,;s..John E. James (nee Lindaho. Cnurc!Roberts) received a Bachelori Mr: aiî&t"'Mrs. 'rred «W'rightl o! Arts degree. aod famîly attended the Osh-1 7.5 Lbert St.8. M. andMrs.Sam lack andwa General Hospital's Schooli 75 Lbery s. ~ Mr an Mr. Sm Backando! Nursing graduation exer- Mrs. C. W. Varcoe were ii cises on Friday, June 4th and, SudySchool 9:55 Oshawa Fridlay evening bO later were guests at a recep-ý Sunayattend the graduation o! their tion nt thie home of Mr. andl "CanWe avecousin, Elizabeth Linscott O! Mrs. Edgar Wright, Enniskillen,' il a.m. Ca eHv Belleville, from the Oshawa in honour of their daughter,1 Revival In Our General Hospital Sehool O! Miss Doris Wright who is one! Geneatin?"Nursing. They also attended o! the graduates. Generaton?"lte reception held following i Miss Lori Van Camp ha%' the graduation execcises. hbeen on the sick list this past, 7 p.m. "Who, Then, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woodson week and Miss Lisa VanCamp' Is Jeus?"and Jim were cecent vîsitors las been in the hospital i IsJeus"with Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns, Toronto the past week for lien PLSLiberty St. North. Mr. and check-up. We hope Lori is feel-1 PLUS Mrs. Johns spent a few days ing mucli better by now andj GUESTSOLOIT AT last week with their daughter this Lisa will soion be in thei GUES SOOIS AT and son-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. midst o!flier family. 13OT11 SERVICES: S. E. Snowden, Shawville, Miss Grace Barnes attendied, Que., and while Ihere visited a diriner in honour o! Mrs.1 Mrs. Doreen HaIliwelI of their grandson, son o! Rev. Harold Ellis, on Thursdayý Brighton, Ontario. and Mrs. Snowden, who is in evening, at lier home in Osh-' hospital recuperating from a awa. Wed.JuneI6th7:30p.m.broken leg suffered in April. Mr. and Mrs. James Cromhie xi L"rel"É%r Young and aid Take Part in Memorial Service on Sunday The Canadian Sttemman, no n»vMUe, iPm* S. 108 Hospitai Bowlers Hold Banquet -Dance 1 Memorial Hospital Bowling sented by Mrs. Bernard HoldA League's banquet and danceiden to the winner, Jim Hioop. on Saturday evening, May 29 'er. in St. Joseph's auditorium was The League Trophy, for a decided success. More than ladies' high single with handiq 120 people enjoyed a wonder- cap, was presented te the wIn. fui evening. President Bryan ner, Mrs. Kay Ormiston, by Gould was in charge of ar- Bernard Holden, the Hospital rangements for the event. Administrator. The League Those at the head table were TrophY, ladies' high triple with President Gould, who presid- handicap, was also presented ed; Bernard Holden, the Hos- by Mr. Holden to the winner, pital Administrator, Mrs. Hol- Miss Carol Sheehan. den; Glenholme Hughes, Hos- Jimi Hooper on behaif of pital Board Chairman, Mrs. the Bowling League thanked Hughe s; Dr. H. B. Rundie, those who had donated the President of the Medîcal Staff, trophies, and who had shown Mrs. Rundie. Dr. W. M. Rudel s much interest in the suc- and Mrs. Rudel], President Of cess of the league's season. the Women's Hospital Aux-1 President Gould stated that iliary. '~~ Grace was said by EddieI ~'Willatts, a member o! the hos- .~pital staff for many years. The ,Toast to the Queen was pro- ___________posed by President Gould. ____-__________________________Thc dclicious banquet was UCW or dopion nd aidthatwe repred and served by the St.Pa I'~ c~ i or dopio an sad hatweCatholic Women's League. St. P ul'scould aIl help by passîng this Mrs. Michael Heenan and Mrs. information along to anyone Stewart Chisholm were the of wo miht e inereted.Recatering convenors. View lansferrng them ta the Chiîdren' they could obtain further par- charge o! thc draw, and the C E.B id n iuars. wînning tickets were drawn by Mrs. H. B. Rundle and C.Th E Bul ng tc.I sdevotional was in Mrs. Glenholme Hughes.Th St. Paul's U.C.W. met for1 charge of Unit 7. Mrs. J. winners of the attractiveI the regular May th, amet 8in esedab leader. She was as- prizes were Glenholme Hughes,î on Tuesdaydan y Mrs. O. Daîrymple Hugli Samis, Mrs. Lillian Con- on Tesdy, ay 8that :00andMrs. D. Kennedy. Eadh ners, Walter Challis andi Mrs., p.m. in the Sunday School reading a verse of scnipture Ivy Covenly. room. Roleal] showed 29 followed by a short reading The Hospital Administrator, members present. on the most important func M.Hlewsteae The president, Mrs. K. Wer- tions o! thc home "The Gifts MCr. odn a the sn able o ry opened the meeting with a of love and Understanding," toMC'. frThe preen tatio fo few worda o! welcome and "Our responsîbîlities to each trophi es ThesMedcal Staf then conducted a brie! busi- other" andi "Let the LiteH.B. Runcile with a short ness perioci. Chilciren corne unto me' speech given with fls inimit- Plans of the ncw Christian1 Bach reading waa followcd' bîe wit ta the winning team: Education building wene onîby an appropriate hymon. Mrs. Hlugh Samîs, captaîn; Tom dîsplay. Welsh closeci the service with ]Byrom, Joe Poirier, George1 The various units reportcd prayer. jotr o oad n et graup activitica, study courses, Mrs. R. Jackman thankePttert o oada. et andi sick and visiting calîs thc speaker on behalf o! the j The League Trophica werc. made during the past month. members for her very intercat- presentcd by Glenholme Hugli-! We wcre privilcged to have ing message and pictunes on1 es, board chairman, to tIe as our gucat speaker, Mrs. a subject so vital tnoaur so- runner-up team: Bryan Gouli Margaret Jones o! the Child- cîety at_ present andi in thc captain; Peter DenBiesen, JTohn ren 's Aid Society from Port future. Siechuis, Carol Sheehan, Ruth Hope. Mrs. Werry also expresseci Cully andi Jim Westhcuser. SIc illustrateci ber talk by: Mrs. Werry alsa expresseci The Rucicîl Trophy for thei sbowing slides, entitîcci "Child- hec thanks and appreciatian ta ladies' high average, was pre-! ren in Neeci," showing liow thelMrs. Jones. isenteci by Mrs. W. M. RudelI,' Society cares for homelessa Next genenal meeting wili president o! the Women's Hos- chilciren and thc care used inIbe held in the Sunday ScIool pital Auxîliary, who had don- I selecting parents andi children'iroom June l5th, 8 p.m. ated it, to Mrs. Anne Colwell, mast suiteci ta cach other. Dainty refreshmenti were the winner. She stressed the need for senveci by Unît 7 at the close The Holden Trophy for the' Fose Hms swll as homeslo! the meeting. men 's hiczh averae ue vnr i manville, Mr. and Mrs. Len TRIIT unuu HUCH Goodmucphy, and agtr TRIN TY U41TE CHU CH shawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Minister - Rev. Wrn. K. Houslander, B.A.,B.DD. avideson, anci sos, Wihte Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.BL.R.S. M. sister an usad Mr. and JUNE 3tb, 965 Nrs. Ron Rogers and daugh- SUNDAY, JN 3h 95 ters; after supper callens, Mn. ý il an. -Moring ~orsxipand Mrs. Arthur Smith, Whit- Sacranient of the Lord's Supper Quite a number fnom this Final Service of Rev. W. K. Houslander communtyatservic the an- v SUNDAYSCHOOLandi Salem on Sunday. SNA COLMr. Don Brown, Ottawa, Mr.'.~ Junior, Intermediate and Senior -9:30 a. rn Tom Jones. Burlington, were' Primary and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.m wecdvstaswt h formen's parents andi brother, Beginners - 11:00 a.rn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown,' ý1and Master Dave Brown. i Master Toddc Russel lbas licen dîascharged fnom the There were hundreds of Scouts, Guides, Brownies Crippleci Children*s Hospîtal,j and Cubs in the big parade and Memorial service Rehoboth ýTarnto, mch irnoved., here on Sundav, but there were also a few oldsters, t hita eom d C ut a.a le!t Satunday by car forl Salvation Army band although considerably over Boy cT*jn . erbugg, AB D Mnîser Ban!!, t10 vîsit bis brotherý Scout age. The Army providcd music for the hymns n C.Verbugg, B.., BD.,Miniter Charlie, and other relativesat elphne62-523Clgnyan.Mos Jw during the service at Memorial Park. The other two !Mn. Bob Brown, Oshawa, is photos shows Rev.Cals ato fHapo ciut i recupenating at the home o!, accepting the standards from the bearers and W. Har- Maran tha is parents, Mn. and Mrs. W.' pur, Boy Scouts Provincial Field Executive from 4 H. Bron. Bob as taken sicki ~ ( .~L wh le visiting bis sister and 1 Cobourg wh addressed the gathering.___ Re rm ahusband,tMn. and Mrs. Barry-HgrsadterndM.M.Bgs, lspt Christian ReBieeks, Otthawa, on tIc 241h oft enta inthe 4- Hoirls anthe and ns.M. BurresaIpet 1-I. enry Van Andel, B.A., B.D., Minister May holiday weekend. 1 mothens. Topie Hm cnIh eknctterrsetv Mr. and Mr&,. Steve Do)yle amies." cottages at Twin Lake. Telephone 623-3492 visiteci lis brother, Mn. Waitec Mr. andi Mrsý. C. P. Swallow Mr. Gary Je!!cry spent the 4 Woshi Se~'ic - l atn.Doyle, in Toronto East Gcncral:ýwene visitors with their cousins weekcnd in Kemptville and Worsip ervie -Il ajn.Hospital on Saturday. and fnieftds, Mr. and Mca.'attendeci the graduation exer- Mrs. Clarence Hockin and Noble Phipps; Mc. andi Mrs.iCiscs at thec Agicultural Col- 4Worsbip serv-ice - 7:30 p.rn. daugîter, Mrs. Kpn Kelly andiBob Griffiths; Mr. L. Rook, lege. 4 two chilciren, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mca. Len Grooms, aIl Mn. and Mca. Leslie Gar- "prclimngthe whole counsel of God" wcre Sunday visitors withio! Toronto. ýwood, Oakvillc, were Satur- "Prclinxngtheir aunt, Mrs. S. Tyler. Mr. and Mca. Cccil Milla andiday visiters with Mr. and 4 Bak toGodHeurBroaeas Don't forget the Institute onjMaster Ralph Milis visited withlMrs. Stepîen Je!!ery. Mr. and Bac toGo Hor Boaras 1Monday evcning. June l4th, atIMc. and Mca. Raîpli Virtue, Mrs. Charles Skipper, Tilbuy CKLB Oshawa- Sunday. June l3th, at 9:15 P.M. 18:00 p.m. in the Christian Edu- Enniskillen. on Sunday. spent the weckend with their cation Centro, convenen Mrs.f Mr. and Mra. S. S. Morton, cousins, Mc. andi Mrs. Stephen IGro ec.Te ile-M.adMs .Wie rJfey MeoraxsHospital iBoWliug Lagu had a really good yçar, which lad been most encour- aging, and ail the member. were looking forward to the next season. During the balance of the evening dancing was enjoyed to thec excellent music of the Monterey's orchestra. The prize winners in the spot dance were Jack Goheen and Mrs. John Sienhuis. 1

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