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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1965, p. 8

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J Thecanadien statesmnan, BE'»anvine, June 9. 105 IPORTOpic "OP SECRET The word hàs Ieaked out that Jerry Kèan has been continUlng to haul speckled traut aut of his secret fishing 'hOle. Jerry doeun't have any probiem catching them bath lIn quantity and quality, but he remains sulent when asked *"4Where do you catch 'em?" -A short tirne back the great fisherman condescended t& take oe of our former insurance associates to the spot,l bit tirst of ail he insisted on blind-folding Sam Black. Sam readily attests to the fine speckles which were *èaught on this outing but how corne Jerry hooked fine 'lfuties witb Sarn pulling in one that was just bordering -.On a "keeper." It seems as though Mr. Kean flot oniy knows where te got the big ones, but has the fish trained only to corne ler hlm. tt 1 *t t 1t Ontario Pee Wee Hockey Finalists Receive Trophies 'Men's Town League Kramp's Edge Ken '510 tc 7 IRay Walbace's thîrd hit, a twa-aut double, drove in Uheic winning run in the seventhà inning ta give Kranip's Fui-ni-1 ttîx-e a 7-6 decision ever Ken's1 Leagua gaeaVinccnt as-w en's e ar t inents-w sey Park, last Tuesday night.i ,Wînning pitcher Han-y Snow-1 dan, who opaned the inningf Iwith a walk, scored the avent-i ual winnar. Kiranmps srored twice in the1 third aftar twa were out on1 doubles by Lloyd Hamilton1 and Bob Marjerrison and Wal-1 ilac's single. Girls' Minor Softball Howevcr, thrce walks along the Mens Wear with a triple witb singles by Don Ba gnll and two singles, while Aex and Larry Piper gave Kan's Wiseman bad a double and a four mai-kers in the same single.- frame. Colin Cooke, Knamp's èprt- Ken's added single tallies in in iceaîbawed ollw the fourth and fiftb, but the'ing itesbfr, oivniywe winners tied it with a big safwetiesnbefoe giving bt four-run fifth. Snowden hem- Snwc i hetid u ercd and Hamilton, Wallace five bases on balls didn't heip. and John Fard singled. Snowdcn albowcd six hits the Hamiltan's two singles gave i-est of the way. him a perfect night at the Ted Hoar went the distance plate te share bitting boners in defeat, giving up eight for the winncrs along with safeties, but thi-ce of the fifth Wallace. inning i-uns ware unaarned an Piper was the big gun for an errai- in tha outfield. MIGA LIFE LIJdU> UI5 IILJ lri During the past couple of weeks, we have passed alongj omnilsaiginaIaeAitr hl readers the Red Cross tips an how nlot ta get into B' bvle soin n ailoetter ta raie irauble In and around the water. This is the final instalmenti but one inning, blasted Picker- bteS t opl »n the series which we hope will neyer ha necessary if ing 12-4 in a Girls Minor Lea- -thevio-sat dhe OIety la practiced, but the following measures could resuîti gue game, played here Friday fourth was the IonE i uaving a lite. h. Pickering. T t t tNancy Goodwin tossed a Jili Danaghue h IRglCUIK RREATHING:- ,4 1. Place victim on back. Tilt head fuiiy back. Ca t a' r e 2. Open mouth, pull chin, pinch nostrils shut. hr ~ .Seal lips around mouth and blaw..Af 4. flemeve mouth, release nostrils and watch for chest by Jlm Clarke field, believing he to fal. bartran's Men's Wear u-tbird out. Before ai e . tforg-a inoforuto. loaded seven runs in thie fi-st ized there were onl ê 5 L at n f r no în - s gn cf obsru ti n nning, last T ursday, as they K ilpatrick raced h 6 . Repeat steps three and four cantinuously, 12 ta 18 went on te crush Ellis Shoethird. tirnes per minuteM k 11-4. Ellis scored a sin Coninu utilnoralbrethig s rstoedThey jumped on starter Bon the hottom of the fii 7. Cifne t ilnotas, ceathroat and mouthd. Lesage in thie openinig fraime livan appeared ta 8. I chet fils e rie, learthrot ad moth.fer three hits, t1bree waIks1 losers picked up thr g. For Infants and children, caver their entire mouth and an error. After Brian'110 bits in the f ifth. and nase with your mouth. Use small puffs up ta SmTith walked, Lucas, Clarkelout, Dennis McFeetE 41 2 ie int.n a ail singled. Lesage, Randeil fannedfo 2 0 t i m e s a m i n u t e . ~i n h i s f i r s t a p p e a r a n c e f o r t e e t u i r s S10. Begin rescue breathing Immediately - don't give Up! ,m ofne aMla u i crn sho metandMaMllnot t crigI RESPIRATION:- ~~and BaIl and appeared t1 Slia loe iRTFIIA ~'~steady away. His controI de-1 bits in the sixtb, bu ~ 1 Strt mmeiatly scons cunt-~ emoe fomserted him bowever, as hellosers scorelcss ovei 14 1.Strtimedatly-seons out emve111 During the Little NHL hockey banquet recently trophies from His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, whlle walked Bruce Smith iand Den-to rms.Cat danger. Start on the spot or the nearest firm fIat al teamn memrbers of the Pee Wees who were defeated holding the big trophy they also won. At the rear, nis Sullivan. their final run in1 paeinteOntario finals by Georgetown received ni from lf to righ, Councillor EdJ. Rnd, Little Ted Lvc took 'Cral te sinth.led and 2. . Ceal aia pssaeir paspantsebakes reo- viualtrphosnromthhton or hei efors nd HLs Bwmavile reiditt.eWeebuth hi pantbu BranSmih vidualtrophes frm thetown or ther effrts ad NHLs Bow anvile PreandntRick WLucaah'afollowedcaswitbowsecondsec on o Sullivve h .any foreign objects fromn mouth. Pull tangue for- the sportsmanship they showed. This photo shows Pee George Cawker and Manager Don Gilhooly. doubles. Clarke fliod te cen- Brian Smith tber ward and leesen any c]thîng around the neck. Wee Captain Tom Simpson accepting one of the !erfield ta finallv end thelscoring Cale. S8. Lay subject prone - bend elbaws - place hands - nning. Leveck threw ade- Araund the Bases: oneupo te ohe - ur fae t sde paceBO I quate bail for thie ret of the Rick Lucas headi nup an tche uot hr- nd faet ie- lc lS( I~%AIsarotfo lsalwnfura' itck a upp r c eek up n h nds 1 i i (I ~ fL D ~ / Y Ye r runs and seveil hits. singles and a dot ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~e s.Kelfcigba.Pac nt4 ro edsihty 5 5 IDenis Sullivan, despite three safeties rais ta one side with other instep at elbaw. Hi. d B n u grantin.g 10 bits. claimed his average ta 294. T'iIIUaDmIIIIrIk "s.ully', eac ah aro belo lie cnnecingarmpits tis o thmbs n Mn 's T o w n L e a u e a m e Over 120 young bowlers at- fa'nned nine and allowed hrce Clarke, Cale and Sul toucing Spead ingrs ownard nd utwrd.tended the annual Youth Bowl- waiks. Chartrans went in plying singles. 0. Rock forward slowly, until arms are vertical, keep- ing Leagues banquet at thefrninteopf ieout, GyPksto lng elbews straight. Exert slow, steady even pressure Tom Pear son walloped a Bill's counted a pair in the single ta left and went ail the Legion hall on Saturday, MaY 1-0 when tAiey added threel evenings, leaves hi downward uontbhhns bases-loaded home run in theifirst and added another in the way around on a tbree-base 29t1î, when the Legion Ladies' more runs. Rick Lucas' thirdlat 445 after five g; 7. elesee ads fial hrst.Rok bcktop haif of t he sixth tof givelthird and fifth, but Stephen's ci-ior. Auxiliary served a deliciaus safety and Guy Parks' single puts him on top oft 7. elesepressure. Avoid afia hutRokbc Bill's Billiards a come-from- 1tre inr eetek slaly Grspsujec'saim jstabve lbwsebein'97 vctryave Sep- Iîcedup wointher aîfof Perso asor ap ed at-ke dîne. eretAe ey los.rac, n Ai 8 . Lift ai-ms. Apply just enough lift ta feel resistance en Fuels at Vincent Massey the third and took the lead double, wbile George Jones Harold Bennett, supervisa-erlMis made it 10-3 in the paign. - a mdtesin t ubec'sshuler. o lo bndPark iast. Wednesday nigh with a four-run splurge in the had a double and a single and of leagues, was chairman and bottom of the fourth. Bill Fer the lasers, Di andbtesi owerarsbet caplet yler. Done bn Trailing 6-4, winning pitch-ififth. Seatapi f Se. head table guests included bis Crossev,Brc AdnsadFtrs Bh C- twO ifce, Insr ctaBobad; rs.h ilagtrc ad ts Kil- BueAasalh 9. Repeat operation steadily 12 times to the minute. harola nie Klatrc at n Gan obet Wrihtpe ned witbat-bson's dtriplerand wo itchlM- ikPtil;ptrc agtCa-rn a baeo nifcdbbbeadadul u henx w a-snls e h aes ihCnaches Mrs. Patfield and Mrs. ping when he .cored Ellis' fk 10. If assistance is available have themn telephone for scored on Ron Stewart's single. ters xvent down in order, be- Wright and Allun each cofl Stan Dunn, Maurice Conway thîrd run. Langlord fanned.I 1 wil blan yo 16tr iedprmn, oie muacec The next two batters walked fore Jim Allun singled. Aftcr tributing a double and single, wba represented the Legion with Kiipatrick on third andi «À dhe bses.hurlr Bo Abbtt rilld a fsigpeslice, Upte Asitns ehne vreer ietotnmn and Pearson's blast emptiedRon Poliard walked, losing and Ted Fairey adding a pair and presented their tropby; Cihatrans beaded off thei utes when passible. If blankets or dry cavering ai-e Lions Club; T. A. Fanning, 000 * available, remove victim's wet lothing and caver L ~ Recreational D irie ct or: Vie f(1 raeai foAIL i-ran& s Henderson, Chairman OntariaoensBet a ~ 12.Don' giv up.Contnue wthou intrrupion ntîl Y IlV ~ ..JO 4PflQ ~ Yuth ommitee:MissAnne I.a.hhl.AMisfsIAenne M 2 o' ieu.Cniuewt'titruto itiWy e s Dw r ns 8 t Myers, Secretary of the YouthNe c ste 4-2ofntrs '4 victim is breathing without help. or is certainly dead, U. Leagues, Toronto; Mrs. Mel 13, When breathing, be rendy to resume respiration if'II Ii i Wiseman, League Secretary, A thi-ei-un homer by Kar- Te censelidate y breathing stops. Carry the persan - do nlot ]et him flJ Vri c u i e anM-. ismnenWitinheitbnig stand. Keep him warm. In Mn d y N î h Ec u n e Brian Colville said Gi-are, gave McQueen's Ramblers a bills er tor anye 14. When conscious, giv__hot___________---_no________ Cynthia Ayre presented gifts 4-2 win over Newcastle in wrhhl up 14. Wben cansciaus, givekbt Boeetcten s'nocalcohol.ta Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. pat- Durham Ladies Softball ac- wrlwlepr * Take ta hospital for constant supervision. Ensure fbyldim cbarke Bodb McManuns s cheCrnteaa m i n gia peso 'a eia x m nto .A C n s on osddrive was grabbed on a fan- until the seventh wben they Bf ettM s. un e a nd Mrsthe on at he eMnra Se hol dia-n y '~If victira Is a cbild, use very ittie pressure, a six bitter on Monday night, tastiC stop by Steve Burns , at stagd a th erun r all. nongseonbbaf f Th nn e ietondtoka 1g-.0 1 - povlbn t t tasWes Uplolstery dw-scn and ihpwa oedville's six-bit àttack with aMi-. Fanning, Mrs. Hender- in the tihird with BowmanviIleý steadily emipieyed ?IHN ORBA d Frank's Varicty 8-5. Os- at second. Don McMuxter pair of thrce-baggers, while:son and Miss Myers spoke coming back ta tie it up in! aegn rd I Is guy thatitesiem twokibuttems borne receîved excellent de- then drove MeManus home, Lenare Smith belted a triple îbriefly, extending grcetings thie fourtb. Errai-s played a1 hv edc Thi gyta isbsdmea okiabuth s fensive support f rom his wtbbsscodbto h adadul.and conigratulations ta the big part in hoth runs. New-î 4vid fisherman you'd ever want taerneet. He recently flew mates in picking Up bis firtlithhsscn i fteadadube ateaddaohri hi vicor ii we ecsinsgaine and an overtbrow. Mc- Thrower collerted hait the leagues and the aduits whocate ded nthritb Telephon 72- fftt. the Missisagi Provincial Foi-est for foui- days of fishing. vlCoy n ' wo d ci o 1Mu rter scoi-ed f rom lîhîrd losers' four-bit total with a isupervise and coach thcm. ina rmet.n the scar-' 2 mat e sow is eneosîy, nd erhps a sop hisreprte frmes iowing hi-coreteýhe Lai-iy Paquett bounccd'home i-un and single. Betty Chairman Bennett announc- ;îng. ____________________ ~cmnee.lng ini te kndb fshemanbrugb bak ono bts endîng the scaring. Therteil picked Up the win c d plans foi- the faîl season in- 'Fw tom eedinghim thekinly ishrmanbroghtbac a, n sx hts.witb defeat going ta Spencer. irluding a new registration Ijively three pound traut for aur eating pîcasure.i Dick Stata xvas nicked fçor!Around the Bases: týý --lee of $1.00O ta he paid by eacb .~AI Skaife made tbe trip ta Kirkpatrîck Lake sound se two i-uns and two bits, _________radly_____________Te______ iil re Franks, in the scvcntb innirg. WBrian Bradlcy h au de __________________ ower.the e gu es wîof Se- ërjybethat altbough we don't profess ta know mucbý Ken Baker suffcred his sne's l-it aditn thsutmber th eon ek fSp boiut fishing, it makes us wish we were there. The party tiird loss for the Vre poiiu onrnbat ILISTE k I1STIesofte eerI 4M nine flew in from Algoma Mills and the whole deal only 1crew, iasting oniy 2-1/3 Inn- 1Weodlck, playing bis first itrophies were announeed in a r ecat them 52 bucks apiece, including a guide, who did i ngs. Wbytý,es ripped Ken for- game of the season, for previaus edition and wîll net qiverythlng for themn, meals, accommodation - the wbole, six i-uns, on seven bits, befare ý Whytes, collected a double- and be repeated bei-e. Harvey Webster took over.itwo singles, for a perfect Works! Harvey, wio toek over with. night. Bill Bates, the 1964 Jr- However, higb-ligbt of the excursion - had nathing toe Wbytes leading 6-1, turncd if Le'ague batting champion, ap- du with fishing. One daring soul chargcd a bear ta witbin a geed relief chore for the pears ta he regaining hi$ bit-H Y O » ee bfaekilig t ih ou sot wtha maîlasers. He aiiowed tbe win- ting eye, stroking out a pair 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE » ee bfoe ilig t it fursht -wih sa f ers just two i-uns on threof hits for the winners. AI rcieSna mornîng at bMovryt is nldn orner b.vl bone and AI Farrow 10:30 o'cîock. Cbhureh serviceCO V R IL When we asked AI bow camne a guy would attcrnpt Brian Bradley, during 3-2/3î roundcd out Wiiytes of'fen- a't 1:30 p.m. éich an incredulous, hair-raising stunt, bie calmly rcpîied iiiigs. sive show. For the lasers, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamb- 8 cyl. engine with automnatic trans- t the affect tbat - "bie scared the bear out of its wits, Franks took a I-0 lead in',Ken Baker conti-nued hi-s im- --- i lyn, Qi-ana, Mrs. J. T. Brown, isson the top of thc third wben Krn pi-e&sive bitting, pickirig up NcslM- vrtnWîc msin power brakes and steering, c SAnd se it just goes ta show - yau neyer know wbati Baker singîrd and went aew'apairafrbits. Don Whitee1 ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~al exetpeai ofsig bte tb ibA uewyo notiî r-r on ibep aDon bad aerTyrone, Miss Sheryl Asltonl many ether extras. Only 9,000 guar- te epec whn yo gofisiWg-yteshe took aihwAete wdionnerotlgud eot.snanonSundayie antee dnnd goriginalnda amiles.ignaBalanceBlanecf $kaife ai- the aforc-meritioned Jerry Kean. 1a adn, aro aetewt ingles of Mi- and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, : ~ Icad ini t'he botto'm of thei going te Deug Mackenzie and Ronald and Ray. New Car warranty. Be sure te see 1'.RECRDSthird. cbasing Baker frorn he' flan McLean. Mi-. L.F. ThomponTor- hy »IOSPOiRT SETSRC S niound. 'onto, Mr. R, D. Thornpson, this beaut! ..Cars, cars and more cars. that was the story bath priai- Ai Farrow. Briaji Bradley,, Gordon Sinclair Hampton, Mi-. D. K. Tharnp-ý tpand following the Player's 200 at Mosport, Satui-day- Bill Bates, Ai Osborne and ý ý ______________..on, Bowmanvilbe, were Sun-: çternoon. The traffic, crcating probabby the woi-t ja-up Vho'es co ild isix i-unes Il..-day cabiers at Mrs. A. Thomp- 1961 VOLKSWAGEN 1962 ~Mosport histary was oniy one of the high-iights cfqut Fra'nks eout the lead te 6-3, sons. K CoDE LandMis i ekn!adding a pair of i-uns i-rn the * Down VVitIb I bh Lily Tahb visited Mrs. MabelJ Equipped with custom radio. Autoi Friday night an estimated cnowd of same 20,000 bcîdi sixth with flan McLeaîî and' EELL Cowling, Salemi, on Wedncs- Mcaiai - n ptes ai tbe largest party if North America. Three persans were KenBae uplin is I MQueei's Matai-s scored day. P Ïkdly burned when gasoline was hurled on a bon-fi-e, and Woodlock cracked ou#.hstwice in the second and fourtb M 'ID E lMi-. a-nd Mrs. John PotLs, Economicai transportation. Only third hit for Whytes, openingý ýerpc orfv ît ii IIIU u Mary and Billie, spent the mie aùmerous other injuries aise marred the spectacle. the bottom of the sixth, andjinning mai-kers ta down Whit- peope ksgre with Mr.aivs Tomngods qéThen on the big day an audience cstimated at 38,000 hoerias thae winonetokq1f,_ - second' G) 13 4".3n7The Cabot Tawer was built!~ ipSe rso 1>yr's M0 record, by a second ai- two. imr Hall was eoar (Ellis) 20 7 e 300 _______________ t St. John's,. Nf1d., ta mai-k Rp "d Toronto& Ludwig Heimrath came in third, iB: MeManus (Frank's> 10 3 3 .300 the 400th anniversary ofJh iCabots Ilanding there i 47 ickering 12»4 fanning 17 of hits to pare the Bowrnan- letely cherk, ville crew, with Alice Chit. aplate. HilItick belting a home run. The able in Vhejwinners scored three tirnes in ne safety for oach of the f irst twa frames. and added a pair in the tbird, had a pairififth and ixth. sh Ellîs 11»4 ie was the Kilpatrick, Wallace and Le. inyone real-iveck adýded singles. nly two aut,ý Jim Coyle and "Dec" Adamit home frami were missing frarn' line- up and their absence left a igle run in!large gap in thie losers' lineup. ifth, as Su1- Iree rof tiheèir EM B R i.Witb one ters singled.' rthie secondi sey punched' MeFeeters. Jtwo more :ut held thie ýr the final trans scored' the top of' one out, AI rnaved. ta ans singl" U E 2 t en singled, led Cbart- ng out two! GIVE HlM.. uble. Thei isd ik':Golf Shoes GyParksý b its, with: ENi N ullivan sup-! SOJI E $I79 LEATHERSOE1 9 ofor four, is average HUjSH pUippIES games and OR.95 1965 cam- OTHERS $11.9 >ennjs Me- Priced fro __$ msey and , ad two hits _______ -i ULLNEOMN in leather and p oin rate mour other pose ou are à and lit. -4631 Luggage for Dad Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King Street West HE TIME TO BUYI< ï/ 0IDSFDqIIIR , 1963 CORVAIR MONZA SPORTS COUPE4 Piutomatic transmission cus- tom radio. Local oea owner 4 car. IvorY with rad interior. A neal sharp car!4 $1695 4 ,2 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 2-DR. HARDTOP4 omatic transmission, custom ,o Power brakes and steering." y25,000 guarantccd original s. Immaculate throughout. $1895 4 SPECIAL' 1 -..$59000 rO CHOOSE FROM Real Good Buys Mare! 1 a-U PHONIE Rey Lathangu. ý 1 É% dm àPf 1 tu p 10% &%% 1% àà "j

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