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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1966, p. 10

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cus Crop Insurance Iaton - Dorrel to Head w',,' ~ ~IM ,rham County Federation Br~ E Don Welub to forrell, Nestieton, . *ia1ectéd preident af Dur-1 10 Quitting lime on Service W, thiink of the job of scrvic- ing oun clients as a nound-thc. d*çk proposition. After al, lossesdo't ilmit gumezsw toua 8-hour workday. M( yo -effe alas... fire iyooe born, aMo accident, businuo ..oh.. . . you want bnlp uigt awuy. YOU'11 getjust thlat If you pluce Yom protection progrm lin our bande STUARTIL JAMES GENERAL INSURANCE OffKicge. Oifloeu 't. Bowmaavllle Residence 623-5493 BUSINESS O! .MAJOR OIL REQUIRES D of: GASOLINE - MOT( FUEL OIL and BQWMANWrite: Advertisr 6 Box 190, Bov BEL by John W. Loi your telephone manager ARMS, 1NSTA!4 If you're good ut r bard ta find tbc answî Wbat can rcach acrossaa Wbat takes you places in itseif? Wbat apeaka ini none o! its own? The answen is o! coi easy-ta-use canvenielice day, belps bbc family in get news and informabia arrange meetings and - com!artable way ta go s days witbout gtting yc only way ta cbeck wi icaving bbc panty. Tbere bbc telephane. bas man3 it - whabeven you neci to alluhon. TELEPHONE CHI FOR THI For tbc benefit of may not have seR a News"', the isaflet which 'd like to sum lb upa thinga that aubomaticall wasn't thoughb of Ion people - purticularly t the four that suddcnj day prevent bhem froni eail for help. The ansm gesbed by the Leasidei Cross, la a 1'beisphonei peop1e who phone eue] arragedl order. That iE oe phone cali and re< a chain member cannc t. Cali, ho notifies the Captain. If the Chain 2menber wlbhin a few 1 chins sponsoring grosi social or womns' club, cibioens) and one of tbe a visit to, mid out the phono. Apart irons the obu ystens bringu, It bas ot the *Iderly People tises another, glvlng themt sibility toe njoy, sud ships eau essili' devolop Information on sus luing a Telephone Chi f in rous the Senior Dvision, Canadian Re t.Tron'. 81, Ont. And fiaahY, in a now in, a fow Word$ fr< "lb'.wlse to takei bjstis wliofl Fou'ne go. ham Counby Federation of mittee on Crop Insunance was Agriculture at a necent direc- discussed and cndorsed by the tan's meeting ln Bowmanville. directors. OFA. is urging Firut, second and third vice- that Provincial Governmenb presidcnts, respcctively, arc aim at subscribing, in addition Don Staples, Orono; Lawrence ta 50% o! Uiecocsts o! admin- Staples, Bebbany, and Douglas istratian, an amount at iat Kemp, Bowmanviile. Bruce equal ta 20% of the premium Taylor, Enniakillen, was clecb- cast and as mucb more as cd member to bbe Ontario wouid bning the total Fedenal- Federation o! Agriculture. Provincial contribution toan Township dinectars clecbed equal paint ta, but not in ex- wcre: Darington, John Knox, cess of, tbc ahane contributed Bruce Taylor; Clarke, Don by participating producers. Staples and Bill Allin; Cart- The brie! aiso stabes that wright, Dalton Dorreil and there should b. cstablisbcd'a Richard Van Camp; Cavan, minimum number o! subscrib- Bric Fallis and Leslie Pritch- crs ta a plan for inauring any ard; Manvers, Harvey Malcolm on. crop in any deignated in- and Ray Robinson. sunance area or subdivision of Directons agreed ta sponsor an arca (c.g. a township), or any quali!ied persan who was a minimum subscnibed insur- applying for a Bank a! Mont- able acreage o! any anc crop real Farm Leadership Award. in such area on subdivision b.- A brie! ta b. submitted by fane an insurance plan can be the Ontario Federation o! put into cffecb in that area Agricultureta bbc SelectCom- on subdivision. - Rem- Elect Mrs. Rudeli Hospital Aux. Head Hear Many Reports Mrs. W. M. Rudeil wau re- son, seconded by Mrs. W. A. -i elected President of the Courtney, Mrs. J. J. Cudda- Women's Hospital Atixiliary hee was appointed ta act asV for a third term by acclama- secretary for the annual meet- ec tion at the annual meeting ing. hl held in the Board Room of Other officers elected for in Memnorial Hospital on Friday 1966 by acclamation were: lst S, afternoon, Jan. 7th. The Past Vice-President Mrs. Lloyd vil President is Mrs. S. G. Mc- Ayre; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. se Murter. Duncan Smith; Recording Sec- t Mrs. Wesley Cawker, a Past retary, Mrs. J. J. Cuddahee; ti Chairman of Region No.. 8 Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. t Hospital Auxiliaries Associa- George Vice, and Treasurer, t tion and a former president Mrs. R. G. Cowie. i of the auxiliary, presided dur- The Executive Committee ing the annual meeting. On a members elected for 1966 are S 1motion by Mrs. A. D. Jack- Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Mrs. Pl Wesley Cawker and Mrs. G. y Stephenson, Newcastle. The tr nI~TULU IVNominating Committee menm- G PPORTUNITYbers for the coming year are:P Chairman, Mrs. S. G. Mc- a] COM A NYM Murter, Mrs. R. G. Cowie anýdG Mrs. J. O'Neill. ci The Committee ConvenorsU I STRUBUTOR fr tBy OR OILS - FURNACE ing, Mrs. O. N. Plummer and STOVE OIL in Mrs. Jesse Van Nest; Gift Iý LE AREAShop, Mrs. A. L. Hooey; Tea, n /ILLE AREAMrs. W. A. Courtney and Mrs.E 72, J. J. Brown; Marathon Bridge, StatenianMrs. J. O'Neill and Mrs. E.5 wt i iv l e Sta es a rV. Hao.e m er h p, M s. S vmavile Onaro.G. MeMurter; Volunteers, Mrs. a Lawrence C. Mason; Special t Favors, Mrs. Earl R. Thomp-. son; Layette, Mrs. Allan B. z Sylvester, and Library Cart,h Mrs. W. Wallis and Mrs& E. J. Rundle. the slate of officers for 1966. Other members of this com- mittee were Mrs. S. G. Mc- Murter and Mrs. L. T . Mc»-h wry Laughlin. Mrs. Rosswell R. Callan, the S Corresponding Secretary, pre-p sented her annual report andd stated that on January 8th, 1965, the balance on and was $21.65, and that the flower collections during the year qTS, and TONGUES amounted to $26.30, while costP of flowers during tha t time riddles, it shouldn't b. very was $17.24. As bank ýinterest er to these three questions: amounted to $1.80, the baàlance continent, yet has no bands? on hand is now $32.51 sheÈ ian instant. yet neyer moyes reported. a thousand tongues, yet has Mrs. Callan also reported that during the year 576 carda .rse your telephone. . that announcing meetings were that takes you plcs every sent out, 13 letters were re- [ s many ways. It'helps you ceived and 14 letters and six n, make dates, invite guests, cards were sent on behaîf of. social activities. It's a verY the auxiliary. 5h. stated that hopping in blustery January six roses in bud vases had rour feet cold . . . and the been sent to members while, ith the baby-sitter without they had been patients in the! 'a certainly no question that hospital, and a bouquet of! ýy uses. Whenever you need flowers was sent when a ment- !d it for - its always there ber of the Board of Directors of Memorial Hospital, died. The Treasurer, Mrs. R.G. Cowie in presenting the *fin- ancial statement for the yeari [AINS - LIFELINES stated that the income was as [E ELDERLY follows: Marathon Bridge, Bowmanvllle realdents who $33402; membership fees, 1recent item in 'Telephone $76;, Birthday Party dona- h accompanies telephone bis, tions, $593.75; other donations, again here. It's one of those $62.50; sale of Hospital Aux- ly make you wonder wv>y it iliary cook books, $277.25; g ago. It concerna elderly food soid, $10.05; cake draw, hose who live alone - and $ 5:30; commission on a pic- illnesa or accident may one ture sold, $4; talent money, 1 even reaching the phone ta $21.95, and Gift Shop, $1,200,ý ver te this problem. as aug- a total of $2,594.82. (Ontario) branch of the Red The dîsbursements were.ý chainl' ot five or six elderiY Donation to Memorial Hos- Il other every day In a j'e- pital, $3,000; Women's Hos- s, each chain member makea pital Auxiliaries Association ceives oRSe all every day. If of Ontario membership fee et reach the member b. In plus exchange, $23.77», stampsi imember who acti as Chain and cards, $23.77; expenses of iCaptain cannêt reach the Membership T e a, $20.14; bours, ho ln tarn notifies the Birthdiy eP ty, $66.26, Tea up (whlch can be a church, for Volunteers, $7.02, two )or any group of Interested delegates to Hospital Conven- esponsors Immediately makes tio n, $19.25; advertiulng, ereason for the unanswered $38.15, artificial flowers for hospital in 1965, $10; fouri Bursaries, $300; Cook Book vens securlty of mind such a publisher and sales tax, her advantageu ae well. Itle $152.23; pins for Past Presi- use4Lvas who check Up oR ofle dents, the President and Teen- a douani. roie and respon- age Volunteers, $34.80; sundry, of courue very close friend- $2.45; a total o! $3,808.22. p irons the <ally coaversations. Mr. Cawie reported that the ggested procedures for organ- balance brought forward from tin la avallable Iu brochure 1964 was $2,808.46. She stat- Citizen. Committee, Ontario ed that the balance at the end d Crois Socety, 460 Jarvis ai 1965 was current account, $1 ,694.06 and savings account, $802.72, a total of $29408.78. * S Mn. McMurter moved that ANON M. L. Roenigk again b. ap- ANON pointed auditor. This wau ulut ta he ew Yar w're seconded b y Mrs. Glenhoime alue t th Ne Yer w're Hughes and carried.* am an anonymous philosopher: Th Sercary M. J J 'h as ob tci an ar da se th th dt hc sa f( th hc th i p. th Io venor, un. A. LU Hooey, showed that the balance from 1964 was .4352.11; sales in 1985. amounted to $6,657.71; pop mchinereturns, $742.30; on. . for flowers, $10; refund on magazspe , $4.80; bank in- terest, $13.09, and flower sales, $97.08- gîving total receipts af $7,à77.99.. The Gift Shop i 1965 gave $1,200 to the Hospital Aux- iliary,ý and expenses amount- cd to $0,328.41. ,The bal.ance to be brought- forward for the coming year is 349.83, Mrs. Hooey, atated. BUYING A HERD SIRE ? Check to make sure ho - nl Isn't a big cuber Il Kccps himself clean Cl Sleeps in an unused corner Il Nover loses his temper 0 Hus a priceless pedi- gree, but cun ho bought cheap CI Wil indicate In ad- vanco how his off - spring will "do". Should you have difficul. ty in finding such an animal, contact CENTRAL, ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDING ASSIN A%£ Pr" a" saSlu" 'You air". - 1 The Finance Committec bairman, Mra. Van Nest, in ier annual report, stabcd that is it bad been impossible ta )btain the Lions Community entre for bbhe annual Art hýow and Bridge in Octaber, Ils event had been postpancd ntil Wednesday- afternoon and cvening, January 19th, ind tue afbcnnoon,,o! Thurs- ay, Januany 2Obh for 'the gecond exhil4ition of the Art Show. 8h. said plans for tis had been complcted at a %doeting held ut bbc residence f M<rs. Vice in December. Mrs. J. J. Brown, tbc Tea Convenor, repartcd on the tre. o! these functions held duning bbe year, bbc annual Birbbday Party Tea, bbe Mcm- bership Tes and bbc Tea in aonar of Volunteers. She said that tbc afternoan tea, folowing bbc monthly meetings were arranged byl th. Dictary Department a! bbc Lspital. Mrs. J. O'Neill, co-convenor witb Mrs. E. V. Hoan o! bbc Marathon Bridge, reported on bhis succcssful projcct in 1965. b.e said that at bbc conclusion of tbc successful Marathon Bridge - -an enjoyabie card party bad been hcld at bbc home o! Mrs. Hoan ta wbicb b.e two hîghesb and bbc bwo lowesb ieacb o! tbe five groups were invited. Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, Tolunteers Convenor, report- ed that 57 valunteers had hclpcd in bbc Gift Sbop dur- ing 1965. As Mrs. Alian B. Sylvester, the Layette Con- venor, was unavoîdably ab- cent, President Rudell told o! the donations from organiza- ions for this purpase during th. ycar,- and reported that bher. arc now seven layettes in readiness. Mns. Eanl R. Thompson, Spccial Favors Convenor, ne- ported that bhc 1965 New Year's Day favors for patients' traya were donated by bbc Girl Guides, thase for St. Parc' Day wene given ananomously, bbc Sunahine Group contributed thc Easter ones, Graup il o! bbe Trinity United Cburcb Womnen gave thase for Thanksgiving, and St. Paul's C.G.I.T. bbc Christ- mas favors. Mrs. W. Wallis, co-canvenar of Uic Library Cant with Mrs. E. J. Rundle, neported on this projcct for 1965. She said that 51 tours o! the hospital bad been made during the ycan, and seven volunteers bad assisted. She also rcpartcd on b.e donations of books, maga- zines and pockct novels. The* adoption a! cach report had been movcd by the per- son prcsenting it. Mns. L. T. MtcLaughlin sccondcd ail these nations and thcy wcrc car- ried. President Rudeli then ne- sumcd the chair for regular rnonthly meeting of auxiliary. She tbanked the members for her re-clection and said that bhe feels it a privilege and pleasure ta acb again as presi- dent. She also thanked the officers wbo had served dur- ing 1965 for their outatand- ing work. Mrs. Cawie, bbc treasurer, presented a aatis!acbory f in- ancial stabemnent. Its adoption was seconded by bbc lat Vice- President, Mrs. Ayre, and car- ried. President Rudeli commend- Mrs. Hooey, the Gift Shop Convenor, reported that sales in December were $627.17, The adoption of this report was seconded by Mrs. Harry Saunders and carried. The Special Favors Con- venor, Mrs. Thompson, report- ed that the Sunshine Group will make the Valentine Day favors. She asked that a let- ter of thanks be sent to St. Paul's C.G.I.T. for the dona- tion of Christnmas tray favors for the patients, and she thanked Mrs. Van Nest for the New Year's Day ones. Mrs. Wallis, co-convenor of the Library Comm ittee, listed the donors of books received in the last month, and thank- ed the volunteers who had helped with the cart's hospital tours. EBENEZER The firat meeting for 1966 a! the Afternoon Unit o! U.C.W. o! Ebenezer was in charge ýof Mrs. Garnet Tubb and Mrs. Allan Down. Mrs. Tubb opened bbc worsbip service witb a poem followed by the hymn, 0 Jesus I Have Promised. The acriptune nead- ing was taken fram Romans. Mrs. Tubb then spoke on "Making New Year's Resolu- ions". Offcning was gathered by Mrs. R. Hawke and dedicubed by Mrs. Tubb. Mrs. Allan Down called on bbe guest speaker, Miss Louiza Mayova, wbo bad beeri a Port Worker for W.M.S. for 32 years. She is now rctired. She gave a vcry intenesting balk o! ber work whicb mneant meeting the ships bringing refugees and immigrants ta Canada. She told o! many humarous situations thut oc- curred as well as the bard- shipa and heurt-break of people cntering a new land. Misas Mayava speaks five languages so she was in- valuable ta officials and eus- toms afficens. Mrs. George Annis thanked Miss Maya on behuif a! tue 'Afbernoon Unit. Mm. Charle Elliobt, bbe new Afternoon Unit leader, took char g so! the business and femaindor of tbe meet- Ing. Lunch w..s sved by Trubb and Mm. A. Down a soCâ ial imeonOyud ATJTORIZD CHIVMOLT DEALB IN EOWHANVILE COURICU Roy NicHOLS MOTroRS LIMITID ur e m "»= onhun G.TV nm«kwui ah sutvUy. WoG u gWw 46 lw çÀ: caw m tooe. foth àtot f.BrockR .i Ig thi e Urid nie hu 'l'awnship Pire Chiel Don setpatlg. They à2s 'Reduce Rates March 6th' Hdoad wmll obserie sme shoonf thm ofythe l t esatn whmo erie ln the uing ue ers wili contrai yt th adis yisr.z wl lnuse the opportunlty In the flno we For- Long D istance Catis for trainin staff from varlous manville wasdefeated 39' B & e SKrawchuk and Gerry BaWe, ln ,,Speci*fic Categories B. H. S. m 10 pJinior caIth 1unpointame B For .the thid j rne ince ample, an Ottiwa-Edmonton have ben made possible by 3 with Bih Morrisan the 1960,, long ditne telephone caîl that coat, $5.25 ini 1935, the incneasing volume o! long I l If ing scoren wlth il poiznta., rates',fçr certain types of calls cast $2.50 ini 1945; $2.40 iidtn c cainteueo R L W InbiSnorae will be neduced, effective 1960; $2.30 in 1962; costs $2.25 dirc istance Dialing s fc N E WU SmInvithe wS er ed 73 March 6. now, and wiil coat $1.95 underlirtDi s tancoeefficint trans-48 aie ws werethein7t33 Tii. Trans-Canada Telephane bbc new plan. Savings ta tels- li.e n oeefcettrn-.8ai oen4, hre wr en h Systcm announced today that phone users under the plan mission methods.By aldGhe top B.H.S. scorer with 20e,ý the rcduced rates wiîî affect are estimated at $750,000 an- xml o h e el.BwavleHg c oolpaba next game lu Jan. O0th night-timc and Sunday sta- nuallly. Canada (Ontario and.Quebec) a defeated by tbree sun iceri ngwhn ilt.e tion-to-station calis over dis- Reduced "long baul" long station-ta-station night-time basketball teama from Court-i ikrn we l he tances of!-more than 600 miles, distance ratés, agaînst a back- and Sunday rates, as well asi ice High School on Thursday" teams play again. Let's hope Rats fr cekday prsa-t- Youn otinresicon ics fr bc 0-mnue conmy aoene no13 paes fr sor -aul" alson ost omadies ndrvices re 1mbonubeieo: y A el tre oaatas eeths perso and"shor-hau" cals Mot comodites ad sevicesareboxcd elintoll the o eswnend and games heorn t h Will b. unchanged. (Trans- b..Minute Ntaht Econ.endand a HeryStFret Scho l t hy Canada ismade up of Canada's -iueNgtEo.Pa when they did geta chance enySre col hty eight major telephone ongani- & Sun. Rate Effe.. Mar. 6 ta score were missin& easy bbth visitons. zations). Now Merch 8 10 Minute lay-up and set shots. &urtice Redctins illrane fOlnTorntwas beating Bowmanville t Reuci nswiI ane ro Trot-Môntréal .95 .90 1.50 the punch throughout thc five ta 55 cents for the first Qee-ido .0 12 .0 gms boigadpse thnee minutes. Thé new maxi- Qee-ido .0 12 .0 gms hoigadpse mum rate for a three-minute Landon-Kingston .90 .85 1.35 by B.H.S. were erratic, pas- caîl between any~ two places Stratfond-Montreal 1.05 .95 1.55 sibly duc ta the pressure ex- ertd y heCoutie eas. 623- 3303 in Canada will be $1.95. At S.S. Marie-Toronto .95 .90 1.50 etdb h Courtice snttams.od present the maximum is $2.50. Montreal-Fort William 1.45 î.0 2.10 urt o ile s t tht od, This means that a night-time gbtutrwanlc iust caln . t or Sunday station-to-station oprsn between pres-istation calîs betweenmao i get u ntrackd. WbniB..S - B caîl between St.. John's, New- Cmprsnmjrddge an potuty a foundland, and Victoria, B.C., ent and new rates for, bbc Canadian cities are shown in1score Courtice players check- or betwcen Halifax and Van- initial three minutes o! night-Ithe follawing table. ed eveny mave .they made. [couver will coat $ 1.95. time and Sunday station-to- Bowmanville's top a c orcr s The Bell Telephorie Com-Prmu e were being stopped and by pany o! Canada also announc- Peet Nw daing this Courtice easily toolc ed today that it wiîî furtiier St. John's-Montreal 1.80 1.75 cane of the secondary sconers. neduce the rates o! its night- Halifax-Vancouver 2.50 1.95 The Bowmanville teama time and Sunday station-ta- Saint John Wnie .519 layed quit. well consider- staioncals ! mre ha 25 Otaw -Wmnnpg2.25 1.95 mtaio als ond oext cpnonn25 t aa oon 2.00 1.95 miles;an its thfor-od mhin t oo rte aplie.-WnnTeor onto-as atoon1.90 1.85 WE CAN SAVE YOU $ $ $ ON A The new Bell Canada rates, Regina-Ottawa 2.00 1.85 for Ontario and Quebec, will Calgary-Toronto 2.25 1.95 cut five to 40 cents fr0mbai nh igh t e nd tiunday csa.they itri-oot 23 .5 E OE n an extund bbcal.tim e frD TN Wad aeavna aking ten-mite ieoof orcrnIc NtWintnr Hou e uidng ogrf call athal thenoral ong yd ro Exp rim ntsthe Federal Government may make a direct distance rate.Ex e m nsgo The 10-minute economy rate IlT payment of $500,00 to the home ownen, Hous is one o! thc lowest on the j" ' i ns o r e to ho completcd by March 31st, 1966. continent. Economy callingu d Tr n f me will be made available week B IDN W . .A DSV nights from eigbt p.m. and el]F economy rates applied only C A 'I NYU afler 9 p.m. cach day. Ontario Hydro will set fire be carnied aven Lake Ontario. DOWN PAYMENT A Company spokesman saidi ta an old transformer at a Actual fires will range from' 5 0 ,0 tbe broadened economy call-1 lakeshone test site in Picken- five minutes ta a maximum o! N.H.A. MORTGAGE AVAILABLE ing plan was cxpected ta' ing Township next week-all an houn. A L NEETRT stimulate "1family telephone in the interests o! safety, Witb land values at * a'A L INE STR E visits" which are becomîng in - m n etnsrie creasingly popular. He added economy andbte evc. pncmum and equipment costs AT BEAUTIFUL that yearly savings ta Bellý Hydro engineers know that always riaing, transformers Canada subacibers would wben tbc ail in a transformer must be placed dloser togethen, amount ta about $1,700 ,001) al- bunns - a rare occurrence - in each installation anoundij ~ together. the equipmenb is a bass. Now the province. One o! the er w y C e c n 1 Under the new Bell rates, a they want ta know the pre- answers sought is bow closel station-to-sation night-time 'or cise effects on neanby cquip- bogether bbey can b. placed SBDVSO Sunday caîl between Toronto ment in a switcbyard. and stili prevent a fine in onceU-IVSO and Montreal, will cost 90 Consultation with the On- unit cndangcning another. Liberty St. S. Bowmanvllle cents for three minutes com- tarin Fine Marsbal's Office and For tbc testa, a second pared ta the aid rate o! 95 National Research Council transformer is an rails, sai it- ENQUIRE TODAY - cents. The economy caîl will pointcd up the need for exact- can b. moyed back and forth. cost $1.50 for 10-minute and ing research. Bath onganiza- Sample pales and wircs will twort mintfes.Achatoaîlb tween sis et s b. eld thna e apach o! asp haîtesha enD tbo A chaddibtionltieon ssndo bs elre a at includcd in h t est and Fart William and Montreai weeks apart. laid to sce wbat cffect a fineBULE will cost $1.30 cents for tbree Hydro officiais say definite would have on a neanby road.1 Phono 623-2263 Lminutes compared ta the pres- dates can't be set because of The surplus transformera, 22 Parkway Crescent Bowmavl cnt rate o! $1.45. The 10 min- the Importance o! ensuning baving othenwise completed utc economy charge wili be that amoke from the tests will thein useful lives, aestu $2.10 and 40 cents for each additional two minutes. The reduLtion in Trans-Can- ada Telephone rates will beI the fifth in 30 yeans. For ex-i ____ ____ ___ a - a -1 cd Mrs. Cowie on bbc wond- erful job she does as treasurer. She also lauded Mrs. Hooey for ber fine wark as canvenan o! bbc Gift Sbop, a great maney making project, and Mrs. Mason fan obtaining vol- unteers. Mrs. Mason statcd that she bad received mucb assistance from Mrs. McMurt- er and Mrs. Tbompsan. Mrs. Callan, bbe correspond- ing Secretary prcscnted ber repart for December, and read a letter o! tbanks from Miss Pat Tbompson for bbc Teenage Volunteer Pin, wbich bad been forwarded ta ber in -1 . l

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