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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1966, p. 11

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1The. Canadian Statman, lOwmnvle, 3U. lot iSU I Personality Profile Phoo 87413Allen A. Martin ha" been imnporan whlch cen uirect- % e% 423 concerned wltb the. education I by influec e iknti of cdu- of children for Uic peut 471 cation aur chibtiren will ne-i vears. _Final teaching in anc- I ve. Ther o-e gra ingboybood, anti later on et Panrt iMi. anti Mms. DotigFallis Mr.Land. JiAI wohn DU okerilvbandwi e et tocrter a school for seve al ycars. Hei iteti the Arnoldi WilliamsWbitby, witb Mn. anti Mrs. cent per annuin. (RAiSED LETTERINO) anti bis wife attendeti New- family. iasThickson, Suntiay. Mrs. De If a worken who bas obtein- Looks and feots ike the. finet band engravini. The letert tonville Cbunch. sang in the 1 Mr-. anti Mrs. George Bowers Koker returneti tram the bas. ed a boan or grant bas ta have an elegance and individuality only the finet hand on- chair, anti were active in lbe anti Mns. Walter Fergusan pital in Tarante an Satuntiay take e medical examination Sympathy is extendedt i s Gray anti Davidi of Ornn as checking Up on soyons heati- ployment, an atiditianal grant Thsrmo-engraving <atSED LtzmtEiNG) witiew anti iamily et Ibis ati supper guests of Mn. anti Mis. aches. may be matie ta caver Uic cost Cao about hj as much as hand esrsagbcause it ecmin. lime. Reg. Sutan, Onona. Mn. and Mrs. C. Mercer en- of tbe exanmlnatian. atuhacopeaplae hatmeea an enraingmcexpnuveMr. andi Mrs. Clarence Hey-ý Miss Ruth Prautt was hast- tertaincd Ma-s. Smith, Mis Thene is a retroertive pro- &tuth cope pltetha mkesnaa eriingenexpnsvewood oai Oublia worm weelcend leus fer the annual meeting of Wallons anti othens, recently. vision fon waa-kers who mev- P ANTI IT'S IIEADY VÎTIUN TRI WEEK visitons et the mens. Nestletan Preshytenian Ladies' Mn. anti Mr&.J. Fajt and cd. on their ovn iInitiative, te Of oure yu cn odermachig eclourecara.Mr. and Mr. Haîy Wade, Aid. A splendid balance ini chilren calleti on Ma. andi assume employment before Selctifom ur gene,îank !Uada t be Mn.atri.T edno fîesfrtecmn er u.H hcsnTe ilb lgbeti!cus o aiodrmthgciou ad.M. anti Mrs. W. Bugeneasnficfo the treaury as ear r. ans. O..ercer on SuT hey.ybi wprgrabcae loto effea *er l it uintctloes of lingl ess dcoret 'are amnong those who attend- are: President Ma-s. Vernon visited Mrs. Lockwoed and lban or grant If It la tound a papcera.du linct'.a s 50oad0fottr $n.50 ci& e d UicShouldice banquet anti Hudson, st Vice-President, Bill Moore, Gardon Hill, aon that, t the tne they werm te itced a ow as50 fo 8.00and 10 fr 1354, os' e-union et the Royal Yorkc Mas. R. Devisan; 2nti Vice- Monday evenlng. vsns po! Uic progrm ti iro lisa wth ouie nvoai,. ed saua.Hotel, Saturday evening. Presitient, Mis. Howard Lee viino thymae pgappatili Miss joyce Campbell o! anti Secretary-Tneasurei Miss h- aeapiainwti 4,iabe a Torante. spent the weekend Ruth Proutt. "Barn ini the purpbe", mean- three months of the date of Aviabe atbre with her parents. Mrs. George Blyth and Mr. bng roya1l ithl deriived froni their arrivai at theae te " Nf r Mis.Ramn andi Mis. Charles Miler have thc tact ta h roomn in the which they moved. T oaise I ~am * w~w* ruce iulte Mr.anti is. sid thir gnea store in Roman Imperial palace where applies te thone who mov. eVA,.NA W¶ ~sa4U4IJon hateto o Hveoc Cese tWM. mmdMrs. Reg- Uic ompress was confined was on their owni initiative after nStda aadHcwson of Toronto who liued wlth purple imperlal thie program taime efeci s______________________________ Clarke Township teelIChes akover the. fnrt of the 7ear. 1 porPbyy. The XMapoww oe owty join in andi be part of it. "ol, n sHe visita in clasarooa nd s acholifipCtr SflC 92. , .encourages teachers, lhe helps in G od hapeThe Leage ahedue Cmmunty oomed ural school i ns atteaded high acIlle ifl them improve their înstruc- i i o d S a eJanuary 23Td: D S Newcaste and Bownianville. tiens when needed. He belpsd 7:00 p.r.-Rockets vs Cornets OW flMratiLn was deeply inter- them ustudy and understand ah ested iyas Jt&n farmîni and uerved a chlld who la having dlfficulty. s r O pening G am es J8:y30 th Nwasl:-Te n.-Royul ppeUalspo teHemet Jettahesan Januery 3Oth:rtranin i Xý7:00 p.m.-Royals vs Cornets arewthe na- ofthe opigfuia ppeilehi n te* Homeswt tihr ýNewcastle:- W h er e was the season under way Vaok 8:30 p.m.-etzvsaRockets nersfth eweknaeeontie to Hehelps hoth furthertrriinnn eryone onwlersafor the weekuendia biHef tookghweteacherFtraining Oth:an "inservice" way. Ho meetsd Weil, wIth tewahra stand, as relenees were ac-7:0 pim.-Jets vs Cornets aur h îhahc ors sxtn CO.oeatlng ,eeroe a adncethe games er d e :3up royalsvu acktsEleanor Perrin 244, Beverley Ontario College of Education. equipment. He is a repre-s gathered at the local arena tae cd we hear that the teams 7:00 P.n.-Rayals vs Jets Lake 240, Kathy Armista'otg Fallawing a %tint of teach- eduatian tn the area, crofe Sunéy NghtHocey arns. uck, sicksandenegyais Feruay 2th:Langotaff 21abtla ats n ed o ornowhere le hoat n ain eot 80, coeout next week adt207, Bettyetln ad7:0p..Rokt3v Jt thefag.thefaa lo o hatd e- ebuar 2th Mn'sLegu - 25an wa Mecedas pa lc publicn ofEdcachooH cun Getig hefis gme o cteet orthirtiean 700p..-es s oret aven - Lloyd Taylor 267, Enarl inspecter for East Northum. sels mnd aids principals wha ______8_0___________sRoket Taylor 239, Francis Tufford berland by the Counties Coun- ar '"trhedstit Th frs gmesa ae:Juniors - 200 andi over -uhm - oretHoar uine;Gary Farget 265, Nancy Gaines Born an a large farmn in. the changes which are valu-t were led by Buck Carlton' Rayals, Earl Foster; thQuin ,ney; 22 nvil d ies. - 17s oDurham Conty, cOntain, his I 95lecle h etn wihtýe olwith JhIeGryand over - Nancy Gaines 264, received in a one-romr schaol. Allan A. Martin wvhich resultcd in the build-i scrig negaleah.Scrý's s OlOq:Lilin Wilims22,Jen e a mve b teDean thee OksScolDe-re Janury 1th, 966ing for the Jets, Albert Green. 1 Atoros, boys âge 10 and un Hall 212, Angela Hallen 178. partment of Educatian te the Part Credit with 135 class. tarded children in Coaksvilie.c Neaar , Ot. 96 sarin o obbl ea Rc.h. coadr- s sfllofMytMo nda ThrsyMixed Lage inspectorate of PelNumber omwe ith dsrc. H was alsa present at thei Necatl, nt Erlobleic, ik icari eraso!Ma ltMody 200 and aven - Ken Whitney Twa in 1951. At that time ali A school inspectar has a job inaugural meeting of thee Demi Editor: and Ken Gray each with one evening ftom 6 to 7 prom., and 296, George Kimnbaîl 263, Rus- af Toronto Township andiwith many facets and much Sauth Peel Board o! Educa- In tuis section a! Iast goal. Wedn'esday from 4:30 p.m. sl oel 21 aiy week's Statesman an ar- until 6. sel owll 26, count af the Inaugural In the second gaine of the Pee Wee, boys 1age 12 and1 Couch 234, Alice Kupery 203.,m ai.~ . mneetin.g of the Newcastle evening, the Rockets deeat-under as of lvay lst, Tuesday iday Meege 00Mnp w r 202.IIl r uia i '1Fhe report stated that "the close 'and exciting gaine, witn 7 pâ.6t and over - Narda Hogkamp :nen a edu vrasoeo e 6. cig for Bnanby g 4ad268, JckHolanes 257, StanTh tC ne no Ef ct D c 2h 3 me w ed uitove the Rockets were Fred AK1- under as o! Mav lat, Wednes- Powell 255. Tracy Embley fon Rev. E. C. Woodland te dread, Gary Cooper, and Buzz day and Friday evening, 6 247bduey P 241, ib elPerc arrive". Mercer with twa goals, each, ta 7 p.m. E237, Ni 1AMaîlb220 GeorgeT aC m e I t fc e 2h I w'ish te state that Rev. and one goal scareti by. Doug Midgets, every 23t7,ay iba dl 220 , u G aeordan W o d an aîe o e a Farrow . The R ya s goals mo ning fro m 8:30 S te 9:30 218, a rry220 Pearc e l oKa express his regrets at ben were scoreti by Stan Cabble- ýa.m. Thev will have one more Pw 21 3, Jim Dear ea 211 Sh uIKnc e s m p o mn temae t elngdick and EarlFotr eaelh hour allotted them in the George Zwer 207, Alice Ne te tlie Council thet his ab- getting two, with anc each very near future. Geitte2fl3. 207,_ Aice_____ sene ws de t th fat f o Jm Bkeile ad -stho, ldr a ___-___-Em playment opportunities public interest. Prograro will be administer- thet hie hat eevdnoJryDsavaid the crowd and canfu--a eevdn o naainwreswr oke ilb lgbefre yteNtoa mly conumunication inviting himn Keep in mind that there sian by coming ta the arena are haldin.g their monthly fr a in akers wihteea lworkerawill bereiîl o db the Naioao-ply t'a take part in the meeting. are twe games played every each Monday and Tusa meeting at Kirby School on gety icesdwt h a rgatudrtepo ment Service, and applications aftenoo Ir Thrsdy Mndayaftrnon, an.17. coming ino effect December gram when: (1) There is littie Reeve Cunningham, Sunday, beginning at seven a~r oon mr. 1:30 ta 3:00 Mna fenoJn 7 28 of the new Manpower Mo- or no chance of his securing a for boans and grants should Newcastle, Ont. p.m. That's where the gang ispin. Parents may skate or Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hend- bility Pragraro, Han. Allan J. suitable job in bis home arem be made ta the local NES walk around the !ce with orson and family, Bowman a -________o ab rina ae loe e i ffcs thein for support, and if the ville, were visitars ,Saturda oMacace Mi nt o!TLab-oein an tarea o t bs fic es____ adults taking their pre-schoal evening, at Mr. F. Hender-ar nane ecnl.Tehm ha h rat hc ch.ldrn rent aleta kat ~prograrn will be implemented hie is maving; (2) there is suit -______________ themselves, this is an ideal Miss Barbara Stapleton, Port in Sudbury, Ont., somewhat able employment in the new i evcast/e 'm alan "hlrn 0tHope, spent the weekend at carlier because o! the needt t area for which he wl ehr tell"' Mr.n Stapleton's.~ Mr. provide assistance ta a nurn- cc and a shortage of okr I hepblie cao skate everyltar there, Sunday. recently moved !iota the area. ment; and (3) there ls a good So L i n i£ e sott ! Saturday night frorn 8 lo 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ted wgtt.s o! This pr:g:am, which pro- Fhance of the new job eut S ( ( n sona p.m. and gi onS daPrtHp were visitors at vides financial assistance for ing in his permanent re-estab- afternaon fromi 2 ta 4 p.m. Mr. Arnold Wadc's, Saturday unemployeti workers who wish lishinent in the new location. With the Artificial Ice As- evening, as was also Mr. Doug ta move ta other areas where The pragrarn will move Congratulatiçins ta rs W. the Eastern Star service, sociation the busy beavers Wade oNecsl.mpo en saaabeisawrrs no furtber than is .Rgewh onWde- Attention lst Newcastle they are, ice will be the word Mr. AI! Graham returnedte t major step forwand in rernov- necessany ta secune suitable day, January Ath, clebrated "B" Cubs. Thase boys attend- in evcry homne. Right now we bis home in Toronto, Sunday, ing existing inequýalities in job employment. The movement hon 9th birthday. Mns. Rog- ing the Cub meeting on Mon- barely have this gooti, cean, after spending a couple o! opportunities, said the Min- o! wonkers and their families ers la well known in the day eveoinig know the diffi- healthy sport for two mon th s weeks here visiting Mr. andi ister. under the prograin will be ca- Newcastile and Bowmaoville culty it proved to be while (i! the year, but with the Mrs. Wilfred Wood and others. As a major part o! the Gov- ondinated with federal and areas, hier husband, the late the kiteihenette is being built1 boom in business and the Mr. anti Mns. Roy Hall andi ernment's total manpower pro- provincial industrial develap- R.ev. W. P. Rogers was once! and the kitchen where the' wonderfui support given te Sharlene were supper gucsts, g ram, the Maopower Mobility ment prograros. mirister of the Newcastle pack meets is being torn the association, it wOn't he Sunday, at Mr. Don Vinkle's. Prograin is designed ta help A worker who Is either un- Unitedi Cburcb. Alter bas re- down. With cupboards off long until we co enjoy ia Mr. Barry Lane was an maintain full employment anti employed or under notice that tirement main. the church, the walls and laying alongside for a much longer periad. Se, over-night visitor in Bow- ensure that Canada's available he will be laid off permanent- they took up residence on the sinks, and with dishes don't wait too long to learn, mnanville with Mt. and Mrs. manpower resources are useti ly within 30 days of bis appli- Centre Street. Bowmanville. stacked high on tables set up get out there now and stay Charles Gray. ta tbe fullest effectiveness. cation is eligible for a loan. ____ Mrs. Rogers now lives at the down the centre of the rooan, up with the best o! thein. Mrs. Boungerie spent Sun- Other governinent pragrains Workers in each o! the fol- Parke.... Puién.0 Lodge Nunsing Home here in the danger of breakage is too The Association r e p o r t s daý a!ternoon anti evcning In wonking toward these saine lowing categories will be V town. She has anc son andi high. There will be no meet- there will be a blitz next Oshawa witb ber sister Mrs. objectives include the dcvcbop- eligible for grants:» P «F two grandchàldren living in ing o! "B" Cubs until furthen week in the sale of advance Spnoule, of England, at themetad xeninovc- (1Tos wohvebn Otaaheard fro>m your Akela, Mrs. tickets for the Big Nigbt, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben tional training, inclutiing tbe unemployeti for at least four N The sympatby a! the vil.' Doreen Nes.itt. In the mean- Febmuary 2nd. Get yolIrs earlY Bracey. ative prograin for upgrading o! the six menths preceding Chowe. Quet Jage lis'btended ta Mns. AI- tiimc, the leaders hope there ta be certain of gettio.g ane at Mr. andi Mrs. Ron Burley af the education and skills o! the their date o! a plication. bert Mitchell and her famlily, ca eohrarneet aIl. And remember, the pro- Part Hope were Sunday after- unemployed, vocational ne- (2) Those w o have comn- A P fonmerly of Newcastle, wbo maode anti very soon. ceetis are for 'Artîficial Ice". noon visitons with Mrs. C. habilitation, incentives for pleteti a provincially approved &29 iow reside in Oshawa, Mrs. Our fiends and nieghbours Newcastle wvas last again in Burley. Lui tpe area developmnt, and the training course or a prograin T aIgeCE% &Vtchell was bereaved of lier in Memloial Hospital this '66 with ice sports and action. My. andi Mns. Lui tpe annual drive ta create more o! vocational rehabilitation and T M M& 1'gest son, Lloyd, age 13, week are: Ma-s. Tryntie Bons- but we won't he last forever. ton andi Beverly, Ajax, wcne winter employment. re-establishinent within tbnee____ thc l4th o! January. mna. Mn, Hiliard Brown, Mns. As well as seeîng the N.H.L. visitons, Sunday, et Mn. George "owalCnieswhr-m tha!hirdeofpp- Sympathy o! the village is Christine Cannif!, M i,; s Oldtimers and the Orono Or- Stapleton's. NwalCndnswhr-m tsofhe aeofpli extendeti aisoe t Mrs. T. G. Shawn Clark, Mn. Joohn Davis, phens play, you'll sec some o! Mn. anti Mis. Clintan Brown ever they may live, will ho cation. Sawde n the o! bf ler Mr. Oscar Dubeau, Mn. Lloyd aur own up anti comang bac- were Sunday supper guests at better able to fulfili their in- (3) Former automobile or SPECIA LOI - SA i' son-in-bmw, Mr. Lionel Hugh- Elis, Miss Tina Ferguson, key stars tram the little lea- Mr. Jin Gilmrer's, Part Hope. Mn. uacEachengstatenti "sarutioar s s iitan e BnefANorUR es, Port Hope. Mr. Hugihes is Ma-s. Mary Foster Sm., miss gue. There is a Gruen wrist IMr. anti Mrs. Cermen Cern- pr.gnaEhn sould misa ibe o! fit inalspect ance eeiry!. JA£RI aise well known ini the area Nancy Gilban.ks, Mns. Violet wetch being drawn for,dtonet- ish anti children, Orona, were pa sstance eoffi in respeogtoe ht c t r ofthteiryoe bs an !a ice Newc e ao i Sh ppardo , M . ELaw rnce mth ed oll ry t ren UtiatsisanctsinPeter anti Canal, wener Sun- BR EAe i as n ctie embr ! bthHarisn, n.L.ancce el cdbytheGrenCompany', Sunday evening ceilers et Mi. lacalized Ila bo ur shortages neceipt o! such benefits. the Masonic Lotige anti the ly, Mr, William Martin, Mn. a ful oiglit's entertaininent. C. M. Joncs'. which can ho a senious bottle- (4) Key skilled workers Emtern Star. Several mcm- Cyril Quinney, Mrs. Grace and al for the pnice of anc Mr. anti Mns. F. Henderson. ncck teoaur economnic growth." who are neetiet by employers Lodge attentied a Masonic ser- 1Mr. Henry Tendain, Mrs. June Dan't miss this action filleti day supper guesta at Mr. Gea. Untier the Manpower Mo. wbo have receiveti develop- RI vice for hlm on Fnide.y even- Wilson. night. Hendersan's. Part Hope. bility Prognam,. bans o r Dt entebaint under the Area Ing, while Newcastlc mem-1 Mr. anti Mrs. Herve Britton Mr-n r.RosBonmY emd eworkcariantieeomn IcnieAt bers of the Bowmenville spent the wceken'd at thec anti family werc visitons, Sun- their familles for the cost o! (A "key skilleti worker" is tic- ChptrtoeterwTh oI hmeofthirsn ei ad ay a M.Tta Bow'sinmoving and resettling wben if fineti as anc whose employ- manilte mtoetherswit Bow- home o! theirlsonlei. ani wOsh.~u* aet. Sanlrwas scleer that such a move mn il eut rain 4 manvlle membns ttetiet familyet ellvill. yO5 aR. is extentieti ta in bth their own anti the job apenings for atiditional Mrs, (Rev.) R. C. White Mrs R. Bruce on thc deatb of! orkers or will prevent the was admittedti t Port Hope ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Ross RPI I LE For ao workerswt. teeni Hospital last Montiay fan X- Chatterton. in Flonide, Mon- ELZ ETH L Entsr awork is oît emn rays anti observation. day momningaaften an ilbnes "--,/The Modern Way dymrig fe nilespomnala rgatwl Mn. and Mrs. Kcitb Burley o! saine length. On Wetinestiay aftornoon wepoy ntabnorgntil anti family o! Cobourg, wene The annual congregational 'helti aur U.C.W. meeting at pay for the actual cost o! To Be Traditionallyt iior tMr.C meeting will be helti in the Mrs. Thicksan's home. Mrs. rasotainfo lse!at Burley's anti Mr. Don Vinkleýs. Sunday Schoob hall, Monday, H. Quantrill conducteti the his depontiants, incbuding Corret abaster Peter Campbell was Jan, 24 at 8 p teirneg- evotionel part o! the mccl- inels anti overnight eccain- Corec laletoreturn home on Mon- U.C.W. will hl hi eu ing. Mrs. Morris. aur new matiation. The actuel cost o 'day froin Memonial Hospital, 1er monthly meeting Wednes- president. conducteti the bus- moving househobti anti persan- u& E but wll flot be beck at sahool day, Jan. 26 et 2:30 p.m. in the 1miess. Mrs. Peacock moveti a ai effects will ho peiti, as well for awhile, as treatinent is ne- SundayScolHl. Ntmtin !aprctinaau as the cost o!fanaving a mobilei OR CUT 1 quireti on bis knce. the time. Past Presîdent Mrs. Whitc. homne if the worker awns one.- Anumben of local ladies -___ Pv. Raijit conducteti the Nm ovg au tombie. by ofrW I L were entertained at afternoon installation o! new officers. n uombls y te H L e1weeenetantia atmnoj orms of uitngte 5h !transport, trailers, 1 e.eé%Wtee, one de lest eek, et Mrs.'We plan aboats, livthstMck or4-pes. 'Esc D fr audus Minet &G.n.t Eud Afb FRESH KLLUD aUP CHICKEN 'Up y ý Ib ÎS ro33c *CHCKEN LIVERS Fo49e GE MEAT )RT1ONS IERS Ol b 59C u>49c 659C iyrs 's ée iup Fsh .It SV.g.toum At AaP tePUFFY,,COOKEN, No, 1 GRADE ATOES 1.69 bWItTOSH, OTRIO GROWN# MACV GRADE LES;-T B»KET7 9c m rnis AD OUG~ Iv ~ BRUSSIL s tU5 tian in 1952. The Martins have four children anti 10 grandcblldren. I'hclr son Arthur la principal of Kcingston Colleglate anmd V-, cational School. deugh- ter Ale. lna a Mgh sehool teacher and ber husband la principal o! a -seeondary school Io Oshawa. Thoir son, Campbell la a docton speclal- Lzing In pýatholagy. Their deughten Louise is a nurse. andi hon hushant isla apublie school inspectai et Sault Ste. Marie. Canryîng an the famlly tra- dition is their eldest gad- daughter, Caroline, whoenla living with the MertIns whlo she attendii Lakeshore Teacb- ors College. Mn. Martin bas seen many changes in education aven the years. Gcttimg away frain memorizetian of facta anti strivlng ta teech chiltiren a fullen untierstandlng o! a sub- ject, is a great stop forwand, ho believes. He thinks that teecher training todmy in mono effect- ive anti realistic than lu the past. Heving teachens preetice io a variety a! schaols whene they sec chibtinen from many different; backgroundi s a vast improvement aven the "mati- el" schoal methoti. Mr. Merlin anti bis wi!e bave been very active in chua-ch work. Two weeks ega Mn. Martin netireti froin teech- iog an Adult Bible Class et First Unitedi Churcb. Ho heti taugbt a Bible Class for 49 years, In Brighton ho was chair-ý man o! the Presbyte-y, pa-ob- abby the only layman ta ever boldti Uis position. Mr. Mertin' still misses bis fanm -boybooti anti loves 'ta garden. He is an evid reader anti is particulanly fond o! history. The community recognizeti Mr. Mamtin's contribution te education in 1958 when the Allen A. Merlin school was nameti in bis bonor. -Pont Credit Weekly AAP Si. M.Ik Poo" msd N, A Pie-han41 PifAS, SLI» or WESOME 1 -un M=zq, 1.1 * TYRONE The. Tanum ymutin$ tl liome and Sehool lub th. aclicol with be#ttor usue attendance. Mms.M"a Vaneyk, preuident, wýa; =hrg and eonducia u Special thanks goos to the cornxnttee, Mn. J. 01bbu, Mis T. Janczyn and MUn. A. Wo who ouh and fllled t bagi ofcaIdy for the sceol. Christmas Party. Mis. J. A. Rosevear was our speaker who gave us. a new siant on the new Mathematics.Metn closed with lunch byComt tee in charge. Saturday eveaing dInbes gests at Mrs. A. Wôod'a wert M. and Mrs. M. Maviri Brent. Oshawa, Mr. and D. Park, Mr. and Mis. Colini Taylor, Bownianville, Mr. Bob Brown, Maple Grove, 1&. anel Mrs. R. Cameron, Raymnd and Ruth Ann, Mr. and Mis. Don Davey, Tyrone. Mr. Bob Brown, Mapla Grave, was a weekend gumi of Ted Wood to help celebrats Ted's blrthday Saturday. Mrs. Marshall Miller and children, also a friend from Aqincourt, visited Mis. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hathor., ly, Toronto, visited his mnother Mrs. Annie Hatberly. Little Bonny Rahm, eIx, returned home after spenUn a week with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mn. W. Rahni. The you2ng people are en«. joying the rink in the park. Little Debbie Roy will rea turn home this week frotq Oshawa Hospital ta recuperats, from mastoid surgery. Mr. and Mis. P. deJong and family, Newcastle, were Fri. îday evening visitais of Mr. andt Mrs. WiII Roy. On Monday evening, Mr. and MIrs. RLoy visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Harper. Seagrave. h 1-AW au ie49c 89C

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