1~S Oui Nrad. C.in.iu.. Ns FImaidal Stuteunut VOLUME 112 J ~ nvll' Sauta Claus Parade Committee, Elm r te S ftklp a t E tend ChaimanGeorge Stephen issued itsfinanciai l e h aft ah qdtateînent through Treasurer James Bell this week. Mshowed that after paying the cost of the 1965 parade >à Io me expenditures that had been held over ~ 1 îïn 94 teConitee stili had a balance on hand ~ ~ . 0f$548.73. This was after donating $100 for Christmas lighting., Thesttmn is published below for the informa- ~ tion of those wh0 contibuted their financial support and assstace f oter ind tothecomniittec. This hel,,said Mr. Stephen in expnessing appreciation, , enbed the committee to maintain the high standard of -the annual Santa Claus Parade that had been set . ... -la previous years. SANTA CLAUS PARADE - 1965 Statement of Incorne and Expenditurei ESeeipte and Donations: Mercilsuts, Industries and Professional Groups - $1,533.00 Service Clubs - _______ 400.00 Mter Çrganizations, Rural Groupa .and~ Special Donations______ 166.90 -Millonaires' Night 739.40 :'Uk Bottles -- 272.64 Sundry Receipta 16.25 3,128.19 Total Receipts- 3,128.19 Bank Balance carnied !orward from 1964 58.98 $3,187.17 LES - EXPENDITURES 0F 1965 PARADE Bands _________________$965.00 - loats ________________ 553.19 ~ AdVetlsing 93.97f Sundry Expenses 103.46 :f Postage 15.00 1,901.37 Net Surplus froni 1965 Parade -$1,285.80 .. LESS - EXPENDITURES M?..........--~ 0F 1964 PARADE '.................. -- Assumed and Paid Unpaid Accounts - $137.07 Ail 21 public schoois in Dalington Township were equîpped Personal Loans Repaid 500.00 637.07 with Elmer the Safety Elephant flags ou Tuesday in special oere- $648.73 monies. The flags*were arranged through Ontario Provincial Police Safety Off icer, Constable H. R. "Pat" Corneli and donated by Bow- LES - Donation toward coul of manville Kinsmen Club. At South Courtice Public School, the entire Town Christrnas Llghts- 100.00 school population gathered around the flag pole to watch Elm.er Net Surplus on Hand $548.73 lbeing raised. Darlington's Area School Board was on hand for the IntrntinalyKn own Sales Analyst Coming Here For CIinîc on ý 'Promotion' r - Norvin vIe-p~eli in this unique progrni a I~II. I~I National ale prmtion firi, Winghaxn, -WlkertoRig 3pIrl wil psent a Dynami town, Harriston, Fort Frances, Eenhiùg i Human Relations Atikokan, Forest, Port Perry, 1n Selling Your Customer" Uxbnidge and Aurora. ata n e etn h arsa . .at iner meetng te Prior to bis association witl Flying Dutchman, 7:00 p.M. sales promotion firms, Mr. The tatesman han been Thursday, January 2th. Allen tauglit public speaking tnformed that sorne contu- The dinner meeting will be at the University of Oklahona, ion existe concernlng the a kick-off to a 10 week town- was vice-president andgeneral etrt tm fr o a-wlde trade promotion deuign- mngro osmr e ville Drama Workshop'i regional shopping centre, and and later was the head of the presentation of Neel Cow- to teach salespeople ways and School of Radio and Televisior, ardu "IBlithe Spirit" on means of increasing sales and Wichita, University, Wichita, , to move merchandise and ser. Kansas. He has been highly Thuruday, Frlday and Sat- vices through increased eus- rccommended by newspapers, urday at the Town Hall, tomer traffic and b e t t e r broadcasters, merchants and The performance will customer contact by sales. Chamber of Commerce man- people. ers. They say that hie haç &;$ar sharp at 8 p.m., NOT pAole. becnuce smla en of tremendous help tc 8:15 p.m. as smre people Alnbscndcc iua their towns and that hie fur- have been informed. Tic- promotions in over 500 com- nisiies1 practical and compre- kets are still avallable. munities throughout the Unted hensive sales material thal Dres rheasalwasheu States and is now con-ducting wiîî fit any retail sales situa- Dreurehersalwas eldretail trade promotions for tion. on Tuesday evening until a merchant groups in Canada late hour, and aide front through Canadian Media Ser- The sponsors of this prog- the asuna pre-production vices, with offices in London, ram will be identified bya confusion, l went qulte Ontario. Axnong the Ontario two-colored poster which readi welL______ towns and cities partcipating (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ibis Spring and Sumzner should see many recreation rooms and other home Ovations taklng place around tis ares, with the work being doue by the *r On Xoîîday evemg Oshawa Wood Producta held the first niglit o! their n=,rs and staff members were kept busy finding additional chairs L__ uftliàfthe1,m apmximnately 150 who crowded into the showrooms. The - *1tii cou~re will be next Monday. Comments frorn several who, at- 'ctdthat they learned a great deal about new products and methods. e pàe4p shows a amali portion of the crowd payîng close attention as an in- o ç,utilue the many uses of his company's products in sealing basements, to ci c ÇLits and C(iec NIARCH 0F DIMES - After considera' Lo obtain someone to head the annual )imes drive for Rehabilitation Foundati /Irs. Clinton Henning, Duke St. agreec on the organizational work. She, wil Captaing ana Çanvassers toassist. wi*1b th l1c Per- is i, arn~ «'~' "" "~ _ ý DvM1iou t! Ui Ontario De- S, person willing to help with the blitz. of the town. partmient o! Education in ,>-Szets New Committees. 7p on January 3lst. Donations may also be left at <oeration witii thc Bowm,,n- the Toronto-Dominionn bauk here. ville Departaient e! Recrea- h tion anxounces a Course for (Stage one) to be held at theCo n lAge st Su p r ýg DURHAM CLUB- The January meeting of the Lions- Community Centre, 26 e E Toronto Durham County Club will take place on Beeali Avenue, Bowmnille, T. Fniday, January 28th at the Women's Art Associa- on Monday, Tuesday and4 a tion Building, 23 Prince Arthur St., Toronto. The Wednesday, FebruaTy 7, 8 .An r t, T c n l g o l g .4 ie fome th, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. fomrDurhamites will hear Allan A. Rowan- The registrJation fée for thisoad a, Legg, Ontario Regiona Director of Expo 67 who three day course is $2.00 Pern ) h w a Ae S, show in 1967. The 'meeting starts at 8:15. The course content will _ d ~~conist of "The job cdf the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t t t t t Choir Or Choral groups lead- At the -meeting o! Bow- members o! council. Dog Can- is ~~~~er." A simple method that man.ville Town Coni edtoCaimx nil .HO0S PI'TAL- ýo PLATES - Only a f ew around town have pur- will enable choir leaders to un the Council Charmber on J. Rjuiidie, Councillor KCen r. chased their new vehicle licence plates so far. teacli their members to read Monday evenmng, on a motion Nicks, Mayor Hobbs. A C T 1 V 1-T I[E S, The deadline has been set for February 28th and musiec, bneathdng and voice by Reeve Sidney IÀttle, sec- Emergeflcy Measures, Chair- t aso production and tone controi; onded by Deputy Reeve Wes- man Counoullor NIcks, Reeve Toinorrow evenlng (Thurîi aofJan. 2nd, almost a million and a hall vehicles conducting techniques. ley pkce, the report of the Little and Mayor Hobbs. Fin- day) at 8:30 o'clock, Uic Me in Ontario were stili carrying the 1965 plates. Every onc participating in Stniking Comimittee settig up ance, Ohairuman Councillor mra optlsana o1, They are availabie at Higgon Electric now. this course will recelve a the Councul Cosnmittees and Glenhalme Hughes, CouncillormailHsia' nulme mianual guving the cornplete making appointments ta Mu- Paul Chiant, Beeve Little, lng will be held lu the gymn' s t t ., t t t sight reading metliod. nicipal Boards as follows, was DePutY Reeve Fice, Catuicil- nasium o! the Ontario Streuit The course will afford niany oarried. lo Jme Bourke, Councillor. Public School, . ta hear reporil - OTTAWA - Canada's 27th Parliament opened opiiortunities for indiividual Ambulance, Chairman Coun- Oke, and Mayor Hobbs. and elect four directors for * yesterday with quite a show of pomp. The Speech Participation. Certificates O! ciller Glenboline H ug hes , Fine, Chairnian Councillor twýo-year period. Also, où fromtheThrne id lot rin may srprses attendance will be given on Councfof Ane k, aor Ruidle, Deputy Reeve Fice, Thursday, Uic Hospital Ladieý1 of astarlin natre.Ther wasa hdge dge com-pletion o!f this course. Ivan Hobbs. Board o! Waorks, CounciUor Nicks, M ay or Auxiliary will hold an t of strtlngnatre.Thee as hogepog Two further stages o! train- Chaim'nan Reeve Little, Vice: Hobbs. P o i c e, Chairman show frorn 10 a.m. ta ý5- pi= j o! items with low key appeal toalal sections of (TURN TO PAGE TWO Carmn Maar obs i TRN TO PAGE Two> 1 at th. Lions Centre.' the country, except the olÏd age pensioners Whlo were hoping for a boost ta $100 a month. No doubt the opposition parties will make the most of this omission as the session warms up to a full head of steani . . . or hot air. One thing for certain,. we need have no fear of an eanly election. The government isn't.going to caîl one and opposition parties may talk big, but want an election even less. t t. t t t VICTIMS - The Fortune famuly Who were burned out recently, have been housed temporarily lu a large heated trailer until Feb. lst when it is understood a home wili be available for them. t t t t t TRAGEDY - Friends and' relatives here were shocked last week to learn of the death of Mrs. Arnold E. Allen, fonmerly Edith Aun Nimigon, and Lionel Hughes, Cobourg public school teach- ers, Who were killed in a train accident at Port Hope. The Nimigon famuly, now o! Millbrook, is well known here and the sympathy of the com- munity goes out ta the bereaved. t t t1 t '*t TRAFFIC - Business has slackened off recently at the Traffic Clinics heid here the first two Tues- days of each month. Anyone who- hopes ta obtain a licence ta drive a vehicle this year would b. weil advised ta register now at the Police Station for clinics that will be held ln February or March. They must have graduated from the clinic to obtain a licence. Oven 2,000 have atteuded clnies ber. since they were started eight years ago and it is understood that the instruction received has resulted in this area having a "better than aver- age" traffic record for new drivers t 't. t t t CONVICTED - Ten juveniles appeared in court on Tuesday and were convicted of breaking and entering the CPR freight sheds on WelIhngton Street. They broke windows and took soap stored there, with total damnage and loss amouxîting to $222, They wiI apzear again later, alter restitu- tion lmasbeen a .. Winners of Canadian Tire Mixed Bonspiel, Close competition featured the Canadlian Tire sponsored mixed- bonspiel at Bowrnanville Curling Club on Saturday when the top wmnners were lu doubt until the last end o! 'the day. The rinks played two 10-end games -with Art Code's team finishig ahead with two wins and 50 points. The champs are shown fromWko-rIgt~-I~p.-Co% Y -;JOunPMU.r ,1 j son, Lead Ida Goddard"ami 2pnd Lr Boyd Ayre's rink wis là secoùd s ptir Roy Couttle's luthird tVlth 46, niïdT' f ourth ,'with 44 An exmcelt va$.éty< been 'presented by Stew ,MtêTavlsb ot ~Tire Associats Store lu Bowmanvllk Balance of- $54873* 16~a~s BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIOe WEDNEDAY, JANUJAEY 19, 1966 'n..'. Inflenc toDarlington Schools A lT ah r lnvited to Heaor.- Two .Experts orý_ Reading Skill Wheth.r citizens generally realize ito. flot, there is a quiet revolution takcing plâc.e in the educational field'in Durham County thai,* is flot only quit. unique, but shouiçi alsohave Most beneficial offets in future. The present development started back in 1962 when Durham District High- SchlG e tS Board was faccd with a coun- e selling prolemi brought on by the itouction o! technical training. Prion to entering high school, pupils in grade eight had to- be advised to take eithen the technical, commer- cial or academic courses. No complete counselling services were available in this area at* that tume so the Board set up Sa Co-ordinating Guidance IT Committee to study the prob- Later, in 1964, one of the......... Steachers at Port Hope Higli became concerned about the poor reading performance of ,~ ~q ! :.pupils inseerlof the cour- and boughtit to the at- M tention of the Gui da nc e .. ..... Committee. A series of recog- ~ '.-* .~,.~ ~nized reading tests were con- .....,,...'i~i ducted with resuits that . .. .. .. .persuaded the Comrniittee to seek outside help. special occasion, whie Lee Penfound and David Edwards were the As a resuit, it was decided officiai flag raisers. Officiais who took part in the ceremony, from that schools throughout the lef t to right, Constable Cornel William Kilpatrick, president of county edengpot jta rn-CpanDulsWll Bowmanville Kinsmen Club, Board members Francis Werry, Sidney edil1 ed; gprgaibta On Thursday, January 27ý Worden and Harry Qylen, Supervising Principal H. Robent Moor- ing program under competent tuh a ian Celubo!WC croft *and B. J. Church, Principal of South Courtioe. A light snow- consultants. The ConimitteeDuhm ilweceCa stor wa in rogessat te tme.bas now enlisted the personal Douglas Wilkinson,, au ________________in_____________________the___________ assistance o! Dr. Margaret film directon, Arctie adve Early and Dr. Harold Herber tuner and top expert on t%9s of Syracuse University,-two of Eskimo. the top experts in this particu- He is the author O!f'là« lar feld.o! the Long Day" andIÎÈ69 R eàcreat'io*n D ept. lar fielde.rtel ad cnt1bý :es ~ ~~~~~~Three two - a eiaso!fh rtc n ot1i~ -.C ourse have been arranged and 450 tor to Macleans and the e UI~ c W m~ Mletters have been sent ta every e. He has appeard frequen ibl efot uuurioeelementary and secondary on the CBC TV and ha.s o abl efort Pla s -Cho al se school teachen in Uic county osdrbetm iin March of -. viting tiiem to attend. Dr. kimro life and huntlng ints ion funds, Early and Dr. Herber will be Higli Arctic Islands. il rquir ~ *U **~U 1>11 *~ êThle first seminar wifl be from, the Canadian Arm j il repioit- W MIon Feb 7 th held iu Port Hope Hlgh Sclioo] 1945, Captaià n Win0On 1* hia i l..Cnaunt r~mn(TURN TO PAGE TWO) -. (TURN Tr PAU Is Wâ)