,Ur., md Mrm Bill Steven à mn4 Barry, Willowdale. and i buDixie GiII, Toronto, wer 1 -Aum guests of Mr. and bWllobert Gill. - a1. A. Wright, Church St.,t SMjust returned homne after qMpding two weeks with heri #Adaughter Joan and lamily i Ste. Therese, Quebec. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Colwell, Suan, Tommy and Heather, Cô. RIB, spent a few days this week with Rev. Coiwell's inother, Mrs. Bert Coiwel mnd brother Irwmn, Calile hve. It smxi that we have only lust gathered up this year's Christmas cards and already we tee Valentines on dfisplay In local shops. Somne are reafly beautii and some very, very funny. Cadet Officer Michael Leddy Of the R.C.A.F. who success- fully completed his Air Crew Basic Course, recenitly, at Cen- Irala, Ont., loi t iast Friday ror Winnipeg, Man., to com- mence flight training. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Auch, Belle River, spent the week- end with Mrs. Auch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Coombes, Rud were Sunday dinner guiest of his parents, Mn. and Mrrs. J. Auch, Oshawa. On Saturday evening Mr. Rnd Mrs. George Webster accompanied by Mn. and Mns. Rtewart McTavish, attended the Canadian Furnitune Mart whlch was held at the Can- adian National Exhibition grounds, Toronto. Rocent guests with Mr. andl Mis. V. G. Snider and Brock, Brown St., wene Mr. Snider's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sulder of Bancroft, and Mr. Eulder's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fen- ton and their daughter Mar- lene, Gananoque,. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith ne- L=red on. Monday evening fromi a mast enjoyable three- wieek holiday in Europe dur- Ing which they visited Paris, Nice, Florence, Home and Capri, then going ta London, ErIgland, whene they baarded the'plane for the flight home. A farewell supper party was held at the home of Mn. and Mrs..T. Hanness, 12 Flett St., on Sunday, January 9th. for Mn. and Ms. Muray Porter B.wmanvifle Pontecostal Church la Llberty St. 9. tW l«1e. A. Kadra, .IL. GUEST SPEAKER EV. R. A. BOMBAY (District Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) 9:55 a.m. (Rev. Bombay teaching the adult Bible Class) ila.m. Worshlp Service 0 :45'p.m. Musical Prelude 7 p.m. Evangeiistic Meeting Wed. Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Family Night Service Bible Study: 1 Timothy ewhere the worl ef God iun nt Deuil" and Frank who wlll b. xuak- igtheir home lu Garden City, Mfh Î' US.A. Foliowing: thé doellcious repast, the famfly pnesented them wlth an elec- t.ric carving knife. acuintnceswillbe orry t learn that Earl Clark is a patient in Memorial Hospital ioilowing the sevenance of sev- eral fingers on his left hand in an accident at his home, Wellington StL., lait week. Mn. Clark was using au electric radiai saw whon Uic un- fortunate accident occurred. Messrs. S. R. James, Jack Gay, Gerry Petenson and Paul Chant attended the Halibur- ton Skyline Men's Bonspiel held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They were success- fulinlx winnlug their firit four games and competed lu the finals of the "A" event, losing to an Oshawa nink. Their prizes as runners-up were wooilen biankets. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox, King St. East, on a brief holiday, recently, visited their son and daughter-in-law and famiiy, Mr. and Mns. Donald K. Cox, Downsview; their daughters and sons-in-iaw, Mn. and Mrs. John E. Wylîe, Bnock and Adrienne, London, Ont.; Mn. and Mns. Thomas E.: Rogers, Ricky and Robbîe, Don Mili; Mr. and Mrs. Lionel P. Baker and family, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mns. J. E. Alan Grevilie, Dawn and Vikki, Oakvilie. The Gre- villes left aften New Year's for a thnee-week vacation in the Barbados. We "oldsters" may not have appreciated the coider climate we have been having, but the youngstens, and somne fot so yaung, have enjoyed skating and piaying "shinny" an the miii ponýd ice. One thing we have missed in the necent .years is the cutting o! the 1pond ice inta "cakes" which -were then loaded on horse- -drawn sieighs and stored in ice-houses. The ice-houses, a 1figure o! speech, wene usually 1 rame buildings and layens ai 1sawdust were placed between the rows of ice blocks for in- ssulatian. The ice would keep jperiectiy for use the next .summen. It was great fun ta rclimb to the top ofi the blocks, rand when the sieigh was un- loaded, to catch a ride ta the pond behind a prancing teani Iof hanses. HAYDON The U.C.W. January meet- ing washeld at Uic home ai Mra. Rosi Ashton on Wedues- day aiternoon. Meeting opened with read- ing o! some verses by the president, Mrs. Patts, aten whlnh al sang the themne hy'rnn.t,. Lloyd Siemn gave the Devotional on "CagsLmepast year, but REHOBOTH Christiai Reformed Church Scugog Street 1ev. j. C. Verbrutgeo pastor 623-5023 MARANATHA Christian Reformed Church 1ev. M. Mecs, suPPIY Pasti 623-3492 il a.m. 'A Farewell Benedictiel 7:30 p.m. Evening WorshiP Prclaiming the WbOeo Conuel of Gol IL in 1 ;o Newly elected officers of Bawmanville's Kiwanis Club were installed ta office on Monday evening while their ladies applauded as guests of the club. Present for this special occasion was Lieut- Governor Ben Rudeil and Mrs. Rudeil of the Dunbarton-Pickering Kiwanis Club. Photo shows, front row, lef t ta right, lst Vice Robent Carruthers, Lieut.-Gov. Rudeli, President Fred C. Tippins being God's word and promise nover changes." Secnetary read the minutes of iast meeting which were approved. Hall cail was answered by a wish or neso- lution for 1966. Card and fiower secretary gave hon report. Program. was in charge af Mirs. A. Garrard and inciuded a solo by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Meeting closed with benedic- tion, and a dainty lunch was served* February meeting wIJl be heid at Mns. J. Potts. Club 21 heid their meeting in the schooi on Fniday even- ing, Jan. l4th, the vice presi- dent, Mrs. Toppie, in charge. Meeting opened with "O Can- ada" foilowed by the Lord's Prayer. It was decided ta dis- pense with the regular meet- ings due to pon attendance. It was aiso decided ta have a box social and card party on the lait Saturday evening in January. Program, oonsisted oi sing- ing ai Auld Lang Syne and each one told o! an unusual expenience t h a t happened during the Christmas holi- dayî. Readings were giver by Mrs. Tappie and Mrs. Cawling. Kennieth Grahamn gave a rvery interesting talk on the >art o! making mapie syup, ; ud aiso ohowed a film n o isanie, as weli s another film. tMn. and Mrs. B. McDonald, Bowqmanville, were receni 6visi 9tons' at Mns. A. Thonnp. Mr. and Mira. R.LD. Thomp. son, Mr. and Mirs. Browul HauWton, wene Saturday ev. ening visitons of Mis. Thomp. The congregêtionai meet- lng wos held on Sunday, Jeu, l.5th, with a good, attendoico, A pot luck supper was served, Rcv. Nortuhey opened the meeting witlh icripture read. ing fron Isaiah, eluapter 40 verses 9-23, fallowed by pnay. or. 'Ite 1965 minutes wer( mead by Mme. Potts, secretar3 for the meeting. The Session report, given by Rev. Northey, showed no baptisms, no dcaths or mar. niages for the year. The Stewards' report was given by Mns. A. Read; the U.C.W. report bcv Mns. C. Garrardc M. & M. Fund report was giv. en by Mrs. L. Grahami. The Sunday Sohoal report waq given by Mrs. Potts; Parson. age Board report, Mns. A Read; Trustee report, Dor Caanoron; chur.ch gave $50.0( to M. & M. Fund; ParsonagE oomimittee, Mrts. L. Sleoxo Mrs. Roy Grahamn. Election or Session was folows: Eiders, Lloyd SiR. mon, W. Blackburn, Roy Gra. hamx; Stewards, A. Millson K. Grahami, L. Graham, Mns A. Read, Mrs. A. Tnewin, Mr H. Ashton, honorary meimber Trustees, D. Cameron, Chas Garrard, J. Potts, A. Garrard Auditors, M. Millson, E. Top. pie; Preparation of Commun ion, Mrs. H. Crossman, Churcl Sect., Mis. H. Crossman; Usi ers, Ian Grahami, Tom Pottç Doug. Blackburn, Deb. Potts Organists, Mrs. A. Read, Mrs L. Siemon, Lyxine Read, Mri Roy Graham,; M. & M. Treas uren, Mns. L. Graham, Rex &oci al [C ersonaI- Phone 623-3303 Some o! us shivened a lot Baiiey, Roy Cordon sud How- Social Action, Mis. Cecil Hili;1 iast week whon the tempera- ard Forder spent the weekend Coxnmunity Friendship and tu're dropped te 200 and 22* in Hilibuniton and competed Visiting, Mns. Ralph Larmen; beiow zeo, but 'it's su 111 in a curling bonspiel Frlday wind 'that blows ne good.' night and Seturday. Co-op iu ML--Iossaory and The anena finally got inta Mn. sud Mmi. Bob Bryans, Christian E duca t ion, Mirs. shape and bath skating and Gordie aud Stevie visited Mn. John Ca.nnoghau; Litereture curling got off ta a good stant. sud Mrs. Jini Bryaus, Cour- and Communications, Mno, Garage mon have beon kept tUeo, Flaay. Stanfooed Van Camp; Repro- extra busy, most of the wNeek, Mn. sud Mrs. Barry Duns- soutatives on Manse Commit- getting numerous cars sts.rted. moon sud family, Branmpton, tee, Mrs. Harold Mantyn, Mn,. Nothing to do with the wea- visited the Ken Dunsmoors Bruce Mountjoy; Membemship, her, but the night school sew- aven the weekend. StewardshtÀp and Recruiting, ing class lu the High Sehool, Miss Joan Brsdburn, Osh- Mr. Dalton Dorreil; Prograni, under the direction o! Mn.s awa, and Mn. Leanard Chami- Mirs. Arnold Taylor, Mis. P. Lawrence Mcbaughlin, Home beniane, Toronto, spent the Bomnenil; Social Functions, Ecanomist, also the night weekend with the Joe Brad- Mirs. Ernest Swaiu, Mrs. Main- schoal weiding class inx the burns. wood McKee; Nominations, townshi'p garage, under the r.Gog olrrtr-MsWiia Mhay, r. direction of Mn. Walter Welts, MD ereFwerntr-M.Wuf l MaIhfor tMn Lgot started Tuesday night. ed home Sunday froni aRoa ui; loes fn t t The O.N.O. Club met at the month's visit in Oshawa. 1home ai Jean .Mahaffy Thurs- Sunday visitons with Mn. day nigO.-t. A letten was read and Mis. John Rahin were -from Scoutimaston H a roi1 d Mn. and M.ns. Bill Keene sud 1Hamiton, thanking the club Brian, Soagrave, Mn. sud Mns. 1for the flag they purchased Bil King, Miss Aima Mitchell, 1for the Scouts. The sewing Oshiawa, Mm. and Mini. Allan class was announoed, aise tthe Rahm and faniiy, Port Penny. St. John's Amnbulance Course Ladies ApPolflted to Session which is ta, be started very et Blackstock United Church soon. Club voted to a iako Mini. Cecil Hil was appoint- Sdonation tao oven costs of any ed as su Honorary Eider sud eScouts or Guides taking this Mis. Rosa Duff, Mini. Noneon )course. The roll call, a New Malcolmi agr4 Mm, I.gwis Swain rYea' resolution, was ans- as active 'nembéns o! the Ses- Lweed by 22llmembers Cand sien for a five year terni, at R C S G shwdpuctures of local in- Meeting heki on g y v thc hostesi and group. The meeting was opened by Pnize winnens et Uic Wo- the minister with a hynin, men's Institute ouchre Wed- reading, anid prayena when P 'nesday night, Mns. Hector the sick menibona were ne- P S -Shortridge, Mirs. Konneth rnmered. « Samelis (playing as a gent), T iue !ti ansu and lucky édmaw, ?Mm-s. Cari DemiEueN T Ahe Is -Wright. nuisi meeting were read by D N A frozn the treesuren, Mr. I va n Consderng te fioze upThonipson, neponted a balance cars sud thc niuu'ber of per- on banid. Theo meeting Tmoved WT sens indisposed with cldtransierneothe bancW ITH e t. hrc evcswere wel SUGGESTED te envaio attended Suntlay. Rev. P. Pond. U GSE 'Rornenil chose as thc text for -his fine sermon, «The Fear o! The Envelope Stewards, Mn. ' the Lord is Uic Beglnning of sud Mini. Roy MelAughlin, LIST Y' ligdonu." Tne.chir ang te rpo ie that giv'ngswere69 anthni, Hea NowMy Pay-siightly lowem- thon last yean, n o". In St. John's Church,buMmJonCraginte ___________ oRev. R. C. Rose gave o fine M. & M. treasurer, announced sermon ou thc duties o! thoee an iucrease o! just aven 10% le ic hedifferent depantmouts ludonations ta Uic Missiou-.I in O! thec hurch. The annuel 517 Pond. ï. election- o! efficers wil ho Mten othen departuxeats of IO d. held soon. the cohurch had made thein a l F. Glad ta report Mis. Ed. TeportsMoisrs. Gardon Pals- te Harris aiso Mn. Roy Turner loy and Ivan Mountjoy we s inprwvu .Uieeahdy pxnted te the Board of FOR SOFTER -MI i. ud rs.Kenneth DunsmoorStad. L. is home froum hospital. Wo The Orgngouxansd Choir n hope ail will continue ta lm- Leader were thanked for their 0 prove eteadiiy. work during the paut yean SUGGESTED le Mn.. and Mns. William Har and asked ta serve again. iOrone, v!slted Mm. and Mis. Mini. Ivan Thonipsan tihank- LIST Ernest Larmen ou Wednesday. cd Uic chureh an behali ai the Guides for the use o!f the75 s Mr. sud Mrs. Brion Hainil- building for thein nmcetings. e. ton, Mn. sud Mina. Jini Mar' A commniittee wos appointed a. law, Mm. aud Mmi. Ivan jor the Fair Suppon, aiton n, Thompson sud Mm. sud Mini. wlmîci the uministen neponted s. Neil Malcom. enjoyed a curl- on thc memberahip. Y. ing beuspiel lu Cobour-g, Sat- Tne ohainnian o! the Board Tr; urday. o! Stewards, Mm. Harold Kyte s. Messns. H.arold Kyte, Neil thanked Rev. Romienil for hus r s; s- LONG SAULT Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Linda, Liffard, were Sun- day guests of their father, Mr. Bert Johnson visiting thein mother, Mrs. Bert Johnson Who is stîli a patient in Mem-. anial Hospital. Summda& Sehool ounittees: Smilth sud Mn. F. G. Smnith Annivcrsary service Sunday, werc bast Wedneuday guosts of June 26th, sud tes July lst. Mns. Ethel Iidd sud Mn. sud Music Conxmittee, W. BJack- Mini. Tod Kidd, Gaodwood. burn, Mrs. b. Sicimon. Mrs. John Payne, Hampton, spent, Chistensen, Mra. Roy Gra- Saturday with Garry Cornish. haini Ministeniai Commttec, Judy Kayacs had hon ton- Rev. Northey, W. Blackburn; ils nemnoved ln Mexnorial Hou- Concert C a mni Itte c, Mini. pitai çn Friday.1 Cowiing, K. Grahami, W. Mn. sud Mn.. George Van- Blackburn. dam, Mr. snd Mini. Audy Mn. sud lins. J. Abbott sud Sutch, Mini. Fait, Pontypool, Stephen. Burketon, were Mon. wene Sunday eveniUm gueula day visitons with Mini. rhM ao the Kayacs. ion.Mr Mn.sd Mrs. G. Baker, Ain, son.Garny sud Ruth, Mrs. Ma y MT. aud Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Johns and Mn. and )Ma. elt tLinda and Janet, Z=uisklll en, Gable wero Sundaysupper wea-c Sunday dinnen guesta e01oests of Mr. sud M rs. ry Mr. and Mr@. Lloyd Ashton, Caken, Oshawa. Ronald and Ray. Mr. and Mrs. George Van- Mn. sud Mis. jack Patts. dam, entypool, were Thuns-. Mary and Bille and Mrs. w' day evening gueul.anadlàMn. Mgrin ereSatrdy eve- and Mn.Allricd lSwer. lui vsators of Mrn.d Mir. Baturday ovenuxg gueuts of L. Cbrstensi sud MrM. and Mss. W. Va»eyk. L. Chistenm and Mary r a m-s.raRobent Camer-' nlon. on and famlY were SatUrda j«.Ma.sd ls. fted Asutoi!4 .veulng gueula of Unt. A. Tonto, caled en M. Henry Wood andI boys, Tyosi. "jtoait lb. Read homne on n dMr.a n. BeGb Sunday. MnI. Ashtonu retunned wmnc neceut visitons of Mn. homne U= mMemerial oupi- and Mrs. Gordon fmroU& Bl ~t4- nom1u hdwIvu stay for another yean. Blackstoek U.C.W. At the inaugural meeting of Biackstack U.C.W. Tues- day aftennoan, Janu-any ilth, 1966, Uic President, Mm-s. Han- aid Kyte opeued Uic meeting by having * ail eea h .U.C.W. Purpose. TeAn Unit geve the worsmip froni the. theme "Beginuluq Again." During Uic business . ~d, when reports frein aU c[c!prt- ments wcne heard, a lettes of thanks iom ruMissMuriel Ste- yens for Uic $125 sent hon, to asait lu hem- work in the Cango, wu reed. Mmm. Lorne Thompwon, chMcr leader, and lins. RSmeril cxpressed thauks for their remenibran- eu at Christmas. The budget tor next year wau presented. Mzn. Roms Dfgave the re- port c athfe nutlng Com- mîtte. Rev. P. Romeril Save a xotaddress, str.suing the vmose sud duties cfi th U W am wordla o! avore- clation for what thu ldies have dlone and arn doig, b.- fore ho instafled. the. foow- Pr.dePmis. loyM - lin:. SemrtarMss. Huroýqlt MeLeahin; Tressurer, Mn. Gor'don PaWaey; AssistSiil TrssnaMms.Koieth L«. l suwclw.jlr a & %wti church, Mis. John Caxnaghan; Shuppiy andS.ohciarnAsisane S.l Lndeotia Ases istaneb Tay lr; R ep. ouI . . Conmit Teeor Mn.odnC.trangomHep. an, s oard on Stwrds, Mne. onrBarsofPSewarsand r- chives, Mrs CPirHis;sanA- tut, Mms. Gordon Strong. George Skeiding; Candace, Mim. Dalton Dorrell; Doncas, Mini. Lloy&d Wmight; Estheor, Mini. Arnold Taylor. The president announced thc Presbyteriai which is ta be held in St. Andrew's, Osh- awa, Feb. 15th. Meeting clos- cd wilxh Uic benediction, ilter whicm a dainty lunch was served by Uic Doroes Unit and a social time ne uoyed byl Uic 25 ladies sud anc gent prosent.1 The Canadian Stateuman, Bowmamm., Ian. 18, 1906 - * I few plana maIe aaoomalE Son visitedI M. sud Mnsrikb Ladies Present to SSe Kiwanis Installation of-Officers A FAUXSc 'lION GRIP TEH98 V O 5 Hait dressini ail cozuitioner. 1%-os. Supe Spay Dodovots 8-s.:Hotliser h$e1re.00 9oc lt SECRET suasg. st 990 79c SChick et aîe se eaes ovaîue - 99 CORICIDIN 251 i oi lst 1.49 -1.33 IXCEDRIN 60'18sM. list 1.99 - 1.69 DITTOL B"Ut t.lW" '".-0-1.19 Smai ilt r 01 1. D. A. Reg. 3% euh- 3 for 1.00 I .A uE 111e~~ ~59 ANACIN 601s8sun. DMW 980 - 89C Bayer Children's Nose Spray l7cc ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e - PHONE 623-5: i OBITUARY DIL M A. 108111 Funeral for Dr. H. A. 1108- km, '5% Cold Springs, was held Moday, January 10, 1966. Dr. Hoskln, a member of the faculty of dentlatry at the University of Toronto and a dentist for 60 yoars, died at his Cold Springs home. It 18 bolievod ho uuffered a hoart attack after retiring Wednesday ulght. He wau found dead in the houso, whore ho livedi alone, Friday. He was a graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons in Toronto in 1904 and practised in Tottenham before movmng to Toronto in 1909. Ho jolned the anxuy medical corps in 1916 and served au officer lu charge of a militaxy dontal clinic in Londoni. Ajter the war ho became the fiIýTfuil-tinie clinical teacher of thc University of Toronto's dentîstry faculty. Ho was staff- resideut at south house for 14 years. Ho was a member of the Mllitary Institute and Cobourg Masonic Lodge. Dr. Hoskin is survived by two sistens, Mrs. Albert Bell, R.R. 4, Cobourg, Edith, New- castebohrWlfdCd BCWMANVILE - DRAMA WORKSHO1" wM !preseat ""BLITHE SPIRIT-E NOEL COWARD CAST: Bob and .Jean Sheridan, Sylvia Ticker, Doreen Kituey, Ken Demnisi Ia Goelwln aMd iris eambeu. la TOWN HALL BOWMA11MLLE THURS. - MI. SAT. Jan. 20U21M-2 8Sp.m. ADMISSION - AIu1W SUS Studluts 500 For tickets phone: 3-3588 or 3-3967 aise availablo ut the. lest BLACKSTOCK OOD UNTUL JAN'. 2 -z DDENT L(REAM IRIUM 54 ,hampoo [ORE BEAUTIFUL HAIE 63C BAN LOTION MODURANT TARS TME WORRY OUT 0F BEING CLOSE SUGGESTED $1 .29 109 SOFTIQUE BATH OIL BATIE YOUR WAY TO BEAUTY, SUGGESTED LIST 5 OZ. 2 2 $2.69s a9 Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 am Morning Worsbip Speaker: REV. K. J. FRAMPTON SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Intermodiate and Senior 11:30 -am. - Primaryamd Kindergarten "iii JOHN'S CHURCH 1ev. K . Y.Frampton. M.A., E.TIi. ECUMENICAL SUNDAY# JANUARY 23ré 9lm a.m. - Holy Communion 11:00 amu. - Monilag Frayer Fj.schor. ey. G. K. Ward, B.A, BD., Minister of Trinity United Church U:0 Boom.. - c<!nUa. ouai 1:0(1 pam. Roi>Commion (every 4th Supday) w» b bsIuuiIii onow te psoy for p.iph Wb htIe> are sd&i ALKA SELTZERsuug. ust 7e -69c . We4s.ui.~r 18:00 s,-. 5.11 Coumlss Lady Patricia ms&g.oo osu 1.33 m M PRESCRIPTIONS 1 . D. A REMEDIE 5 KING ST. W. , q STARK VILLE Mr. Elwood Moore, Mn. Al Gibuis and fniends, Taranto, weno recont visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mns. Cioughciiff, Scarbono, has been a guest with hon daughter Mrs. Gardon Trhn. Miss Norma Hallowell, of Toronto, spent the weekend at Mn. Llow Hallowell's. Mns. J. Moffatt, Enterpnise, is spendlng the wlnten with Mns. G. Etweil. Mn. and Mns. Maurice Hal- iawell, Michele and Scott, Monnish, were Sunday dinnen guests at Mn. Jini Stark's.. Ail friends here bilt veny sorry on hearing about the fatal accident o! Mn. Lionel Hughes, Part Hope, lait week. iaonel is nemembered by many wheu ho lived in this anea lu eanlien years,.attend- iug school aud assistiug wlth eactivities. Wednesday aftennoon lait week the Shiloh U.C.W. meet- ing was held at the home of iMns. Jim Stark wlth an at- tendance of 10. Mns. Stark rhad charge oi the devotional tportion. Vanlous items of lii.. wrra ntleda nd a -l', presented with the gavel by Past President John A. Brownlee,2d Vice Wm. J. Cobban. In the near row are the members of the ex!cýu- tive, including Directors Bruce Colwell, Robent Cook, John Morton, Past Presidents James Coliiss and Ross Jackman, Treasurer Gordon Beech. Secnetary F. C. "Ted" Hutton was unable ta attend. wuh flavouffl ehmews Andrin 01» Vo4se 97c