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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1966, p. 7

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SociaI & £ersonal Phone 623-3303 ' Dr. and Mi'. S. S. Lumb aofpry d et the home et Mrs. anroft viatted hlu sister, j Masonelbrother anid lto-in- 5h'.; M. B. Leask on Sunday. law, Mr. and Mr@. Jlm Bed- ~r.andMrs GergeWhieford, in honor of the 4Mt ý(aden, Man.,erreguesta wedding anniversary of tiieir ,cOV day last week of Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mns. Edgar "klrs. Chas. Johns, Liberty St. Bedford. Rorth. On Frlday evening Mr. and .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks and Mis. Herb Clmer entertained Ur. and Mvrs. Walter Rundie the recent "Florida Tour" returned lest weekend from group at their home en Orch- ani enjoyable three.weekc holu- aid View Blvd. Guests attend. day In I'1ri4ia. ed from Cobourg, Janetvllle, Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Menzies, Hampton, Whitby, Oshawa Robert, Margot and Marianne' and town. The evening was Clinonapot th weken spent renewlng acquaintances with MI. Menzies' mother, and viewing movieg and alides lirs. L. W. Dippdil. of the tour. The evening con- ci uded with a buffet lunch Yi" t"d et the Lloyd srved by the hosteau auited Aýre farm, recently, pertain- by Mrs. C. W. Varce. .19- to the. heep znduotry will Mr.Lyd ynluhee- b. noen on the program "This Mr.LodAelategn 2.And of Ours' on Satudayealn convenor for thîs year's A nyil 2nd et 6 p.m. over TV A tnuali Hospital Blrthday çJianneI 6, Toronto. Party spansored by the Wo- men's Auxiliary, Bowman- SprnigIo Just araund the ville Memorlal Hospital. Thome corner, arriving oduc all a n attending a recent meeting to Mareb 2lat, next Tuesday. finalize plans for the March lisybo Ielth Connel s new 23rd event were Mrs. George ?ypung lealpards will seare off Vice, in charge of decorating; M4arch's "lion" and we will Mis. Rosswell Cuilan, refresh- continue te enjoy fine weather. ments; Mis. Alan Sylvester, Congratulations te Mrs. publicity; Mrs. A. L. Hoaey, Pgusan Welsh of Courtice who tea tables, and Mns. S. G. Mc- celebrated her 86th birt.hday Murter. today <Wedneuday) at the Congratulations ta M i s s Sunset Lod4e, Church Street. Cheryl Ain Luxtan, daugh- Xany friends and relatives ter of Mr. and Mis. Ken Lux- were present ta extend best ton, King St. East, who was wishes. one of two princesses chasen We are sorry ta report that at the "At Home" held by Mns. Gea. W. James, Harsey the Peterborough Teachers' st., l a atient In Western College last Fîiday night at niosptalJ, Taronto. Last Sat- the Club Aragon. This weel< urday evening Mis. James had Miss Luxton and Miss Linda the nilfortune ta slip on the Luther of Peterborough, Snow tee, near her home, fractur- Queen of the Teachers' College, I:ig a hip. are staying with Cheryl Anne's Winneru In the Lions N.H.L. parents while they are "prac- draw are: Wed., March 16 tice teaching" in Port Hope. <Montreal), Dave Gaskell, Dr. Charles A u s t i n; Saturday, March 19 (Rangers), Cliff NESTLETON Trrewln, Floyd Fowleî; Satur- day, March 26 (Detroit), RaY Mr. and Mis. Merwin Falls, Bruce Coombes. Mountjoy of Hampton weîe Mia. M. E. Leauk spent two dinner guests of Mrs. Nelson weeks in Oshawa with ber C. Ma.low. gandehildren, Patti and Shari Marshail. Mr. and Mis. John Recent visitois witih Mr. Mjarshall, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Miairs were Mr. and Mis. Robent Leask, Mark- anid Mrs. Walter Cooper and ham, motored to Florida Mi. Athuri Hall of GoodwoOd, where they spent two weeks MIr. and Mis. George Windsor at Daytona Beach. and Bill of Ballantrae, and Mr. nd rs.Gerad DreyMr. and Mrs. George Sellers of Iroquais Falls weîe week- andCeio ôTavle end guests af their daughter Mii. and Mis. John Proutt, and san-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. John George Hannah and Heather, Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas Lambs Lane, and also visited of Lindsay visited Sunday Mrs. Dorey's sister and broth- with Mr. and 1mir. Ivan Proutt er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. and Miss Ruth PrOutt. Mdarierrison, Flett Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Messrs. Gordon, James and Mullen and Carl of Ballyduff Wilson Abeînethy attended visited Mr. and Mis. Larmen the funeral of their cousin, Ayland. Capt. Harold Ferguson Aber- Mrs. W. H. Johnston and riethy of the Toranto Scottish Mis. J. J. Watson of Toronta Regiment, on Wedniesday, were Sunday visitois with Mr. March Oth, and aeted as paîl- aild Mrs. Grant Thompson and beaners. Mis. James Abernethy family. accaampanied hen husband. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers were Sunday visitors with Miss Jane Lander, who i Mr. and Mis. Reg. Sutton, now ini Toronto as a passenger Orono., agent with Air Canada, visit- Mir. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip ~ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. visited .Mr. and Mis Alvin 'U. H. Lander., Temperance St., Bruce, Seagrave *lst week. M&ss Lander had Mr. and Mis. Balufour Moore just returned from a holiday and Nancy waie Sunday sup- InFlorida. Miss Leslie Land- per guests of Mi. end Mrs. er, who is a research manager Oram Moore. with CTV in Toronto, aise Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gisi recently viited her parents. of peterborough visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Masan, snd Mis. Dick Davison. Gnegg, Tam and Dan of The March meeting of thbe Montreal, Que., recently visit- Piesbyterian Ladies Aid was cd Mrs. Masan's parents, Mr. beld at the manse. Mis. Alex and Mis. Edgar Bedford. While Inglis conducted the devotion- hero they attended a dinner al period. Notice was read of the Port Perry Hospital Aux- Bowmanvifle Pentecostal Church '18 Uberty Ut. 9. l'h.,. 622-5100 I'ds erB. A. RKudra. E.Tb. SUNDAY SERVICES: Sunday School at 9:55 a.m. 11 ar.1 MEMBERSHIP SUNDAY MESSAGE: "Signing the Church Roll" 6:45 p.m. Organ anid Piano prelude with the Kudras 7 p.m. "WILL GOD CLEAR THE GUILTY?" (ladies ensemble will sing) Wed. Mer. 23 at 7:30 p.m. FaMily Nlght Service Tbgme. "THE DUTIES ;WTHE DEACONS" i etboeuud» iliary Spring Fair and o! the Dessert Luncheon. A cash donation w'as mnade to famine relie! in India. Readings wcre given by Mis. Davison aud Mrs. .Thompson and Mis. Iug- lis !avoicd with a piano solo. Miss Ruth Proutt and Murs. Howard Lee served the usual dainty lunch. Symipathy is extendcd to Mis. Wilford Jackson and other members of tube !amily in the death of her brother, Allen Gordon of Oshawa. Tempqoraury inteiment was iu Cadmus Union C em et e ry vàult.,. REHOBOTH Christian Reformed 7Church Seugog Street ' MARANATHA Christian Reformed Church ,Rev. H. Mata, auppI7 pastor 623-3492 Worship Services il .m 7:30 Pi.. Beck To God Rour CKLB Eveîy Sunday, 9:15 P.M. YI '~ TRINITY UNITED (RUR(H Minister - Rey. George K. Ward, B.A, B.D. organist - Mi. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 amn. - Mornlng Worship "FACES ABOUT THE'CROSS" (4) mTUE SOLDIER AT THE CROSS» BUNDAY SCROOL 0:30amU - Junir, Intermedit. md Senir 11:3,s, , numrMsd Kuowm Canadian Missionettos Choir Teuttn, M. flieetona a d O'Brien (2) wora the FtUe markamen. For NgwtonvMel the scoring went as ialloa: Gray frais Murphy, Westuheua- or tram Tris, Gray unassisted, Rogg frais Westheuter, Cour. aux frais Westheuser, Bob Rabinson frais Gilmer, Trim from Gray sud Cauroux, un- assisted. Tht second game will be played uext Suuday et 1:30 p.m. sud Newtonvillt carnies s 3-goal lead into that game. Aise, nextu Sunday evoning t Mercantile League Al-. Star play thbe Pont Hope Blades (Interruediates). Three Newtonvillie players have been selected ta play for tht AlI- Stars. They are: goaltender, Bill Wade: defenceman, Wayne !!ogg, sud centreman, Ken ZION MOU U.C.W. N*wa Nint em«burs, cmeasso- diate meiber aud two child- ion were present at tht March 2ud meeting et ZMon U.C.W. alternoon unit. Mis. Fice opeued the meet- ing with qt pocis' "What Coutita". is. 4rttwr Dent sud Mis. Mark Atkins sup- pliitd a very informative woî- ahlp seivice, ending it witb tht second chapter ou Bra.zil, wb.reinr oui attention was biought te market produce, tieiirumure way ce living, religion, w at er situation, uehoollnug, etc. Mteur minutes ef! previeus meeting were read and ap- proved, coirespondence wss read and dealt with. m Pictuured aboya is tht "Cen- adian Missionettes" greup o! tht Bowumanville Peutecostal Churceh. This la a gnowng group o! young ladies f rom the ages o! 8 ta, 18 that farm s junior missionary society dedicated ta the work o! as.~ sisting uiissionuaiies ou the boisesnd foreigu fields. Tht yuung ladies lesin band-craft, sewing, snd many other skills. Tbey have made sev- crai items that have aiieady been sent ta the misslouaries bore snd abroad. Thty com- bine with their practical werk, Soripture memoniza- tion, prayer, sud Bible read- iug during their short devo- tional worship period held when they meet together. This photo shows a part of tht group. Tht Missionettes uow have 47 young ladies at- tendiug sud is gradually lu- creasiug lu size. Tht guoup is spousoied by Mis. Noiville Sweet. Mis. Sweet is the leader of the ,ML-dàonettes and can be setu in thbe thircl row, teSe»cond Bragg, Bourde Ricard, Malin peron frois the rlght. Her Maishal, Pst McDouald, Lee belpers are Mis. L. Quackeu- Mn ookins, Coleen Des. but, Mas. D. Adams, Mia. J. soueheun, Charane Dersacher, Sturdy sud Mirs. C. Kilpat- Debibie Bromdil, Marcia Ed- ick Mia. Abraham Kudra la niondlsou, Barbara Gibson, Di- their spiritual consultant and ane Westovcr, R ose me ar y advisor. Westov'sn, Christine Westover, Front now, i.-r.--Judy An- GaudI Piper, Bonule Piper, Bev. dicos, Gail Andress, Debble Ferguson, Trudy McDonald, Brown, Katiiy KuIpatr c, Wtiiiy Koniaipseki. Debbie Lois Brown, Judy Michelson. Kouepacki, Chauueil Gibson, Second row - Janet Dia- Cathy Sol, Beroe Bariel, perDebie raha, DaneLilhjon Rewe, Norma Bail, Dobbs, DaiesWlilis, Florette alnBrts Barrel, Flornie Barnel, Diane A specai service wiil be Lac Kilpatnick, Susan Ricard. held lu thbe near future iu Third iow -Mrs. C. Kil.. lAh!lh the Canadien Mission- Patrick, Mra. D. Adanms, Mis. ettues will be honored sud A. Kudra, Fein Banrel, Mis. their werk displayed. Sweet. Mm. Sweet invites ail youug Fourth row - Patty Gis- ladies te partielpate in this bain, Jaiekie Ricard, Jane grouup aud welcomes uew re- Quackenbush, Catherine Ri- cruita euthusiastically. They card, Canule Colis, Ama An- meet lu tube lower auditoium dress, Diane Kilpatrick. of tht Peutuecostal Church Absent frei tube group are: evtry second Tutsday at 7 Lynda Grahai, Karen Au- p.i. TMe nextu service is dress, Rosernary Karp, Canoi slated for Tutsday, Manch Karp, Phyllis Mashal, Debbie 29th, et 7 pa.. BETHANY NMr. sud Mra. Lyail Loweny, Orono, were Sunday guests with Mi. sud Mmr. Walter Neals. Mi. sud Mis. Veine Mulli- gan have ieturued home fËom s moutb's holidays in Flonida. Mi. asud Mis. Creighton Cari sud their children David an'd Lyndua of Picton spent the weekeud witub Mr. and Mns. Ross Cari. Mrs. Murray Logan weut ta' Toronto on Monday ta attend a Haird.esser's Convention held in the Royal York Hotel. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Ryley have retunnedu home from thice weeks' holidays in Florida. Tht Ladies. Gaod Luck Or' ange Lodge held a successful progressive euchre party in the Orange Hall ou Fîiday nigbt with 13 tables of play- ors. Prizes for high scores went ta Roy Stroug sud Charlts McCullough; second prizes ta Mrs. Eail Argue sud Water Neals Carl Porteous won tuhe lucky douer prize. The Betih'any Athletic As- sociation aie holding a St. Patrick's Dance ou Friday, March 18. The Bethauy Girls' 4-H Club, who renonied theis- selves "The Mad Hatters", held their meeting ou Fiiday at the home of Mis. Harry Ryley, with Miss Sheila Wood presidlng. The girls repeated thbe 4-H pledge snd snsweied the roll oeil with "Basic colui themea for, a ward.robe". Thein new omr s a"Accent on Accessooies" sud the girls discussed planning accessonies and colon schemes ta comnpli- ment the individual. Mis. John Néals demonstnated var- Îoua ways af using a square sca.rf. U.C.W. Meeting Rev. Joseph Ramjit af Can- ton was gucat speaker at the meeting o! The United Church Womcu on Monday uight. Rev. Ramjit la a native of Trini- dadu, coming ta Canada in No- vember 1964. Rev. Ramjit bîiefly traced tbe bistory o! the Island o! Tîiuidad since its discoveîy by Christopher Columbus, July 13, 1498. "At first a Spauish calony, littie inteicst was taken lu it except for the seaîrch for gold, until thbe' middle ci!tuhe lBth century. "Before tht coming o! thbe Indian workers, miasionsny work b.d been doue amoug thbe Africans and the Chinese frais Rang Kong by the An- glican, Roman Catbolic sud Methodiat churehes. When Rey. John Morton of EBridge- wateî. Nova Seatis, wcnt ta Trinidsd pnimurily for his healtuh i 1865, ha found the Est Indian warkora on thbe sugar plantations, living in isolation. He returned tô Can- ada very troublad about thee condition.s ad later received peu1lsin ro j hePresby- terian ;20oof ThtMari- times ta retuin as e Mission- ury li 1868. His whufe went with bim as a teacher. lu 1870 a second smlonery couple, teRcv. sud Mrs. Kennetuh Grant, we saent eut trois Canada. "«Afteur 96 years, 90 per cent of thbe peuple are liteate. Thra aie 71.1piimary schools, five secondary achouala, a Tee- chers' Callege, a Doniestlc Science sehool, A H1 e'or Girls mand a Theologioe Col- ,et. Ren fit wua the trott native minuter to graduate tram the Theologioel Callege ta serve In hi. own diurch.i Coatzinug, UteIwr.M ee into beth i a1u3S'ïw work hITrinkldd beeffl Ite remponsbilty muathe bs chk lan Church of Trdda& 31Wa sion ouf The United Churcb'. 1ht continuing Presbyterian Obuicb took tuhe responsibility for missions in British Gui- ana. "'Tiidad la peihaps the most casuiopolitan countiy iu the world. Toduay, racial and poaitical tension la acute. Only the chuinch, as it practises the brotherhoad of man, can give the answers. Yet with all ber problems tubera is a glowicus future for Tiinidad, full o! oppartunuties as the people continue ta rise ta true ideals. "Now almoat conpletely autonomous, the Ohurch in Trindad ils looking foiwand ta its ceutenary in 1968. They houpe by that time te be fujly sel!! kupp&Ving anud able te assist in further mission work. This le their 'Tbank You' ta Canada." The speaker was introduced by Mirs. William Piercy and thanked by Murs. Rosa Cari. Mirs. Carl Porteous chaired the business session aud wel- comed visiting ladies frais Yelveîton, Pontypool, Cavan sud St. Paul's Anglican chuieb in BetJhany. Mis. Gardon Chase read minutes cd pueviôus meeting, Jettera of thansuk frais George Waddell aud Ma-a. C. Porteous, a letter fromi Russell Honeyu, M.P. conceruing the petition sent froin Peterborough Pies- byterial re the abolition of the death penalty, announce-, ment o! a Suuppeur ta be beld in Cavan, Aupnil 7. Mis. Ross Davidsan gave the finaucial report noting a present bal- ance o! $169.59. Mirs. Haurold White, Mis. Robert Ryley sud Mis. Donald Louwes were apçointed as thbe Stewaurdshlp sud Rucruiting' committee.. Mis. Thomas Jackson was lu charge o!,tube worship ser- vice with Mis. Clifford Fallis o! Pontypool reading the scripture lesson and Mis. Ted Spenceley, Yelverton, giving the Meditation. Mis. Bert Visee snd Mis. Ray Stewart of Cavan sang "Pause at His Feet for a Mo- ment o! Prayer" accompauiied bv Mis. Peter Lodewyks. During tbe social heur that follorwed lunch was served by members ouf thbe Bethany U.C.W. I WEDERZIJDS i 50- »Year Holland History1 ON FILM 2.HOIJR SHOW Thursday March 24th, KNOX CHR. SCHOOL AUDITORIUM SCUGOG ST. UN ugAilDow,Qeu WlIeIIuas ime us" go it hapiienel. Dam% 700s«O NE WTON VILLEj Mis. Brysu Caswell and I childien and Miss Beulah Hal lowell were supper guests, Tuesday, with Mi. and Mis. Wilfred Wood.I Mi. and Mis. Earl Walkey, Mis. A. Wade and Mis. F.I Henderson attended the re- ception and banquet for the Grand Officers o! the Grand Chapter o! Ontario,, Eastern Star, held at the Royal York Hotel, Tuesday evening. Mis. C. Farrow accompaniedI Mis. H. Bellamy to Peter- borough, Wednesday, where tbey attençied the PharmnacyI Fair at Civic Hospital and lat-g er, toured the Ethicon Suture Plant. On their retuin home, Mis. Bellamy was a supper guest with Mr. and Mis. Far- row. Mr. and Mis. Spence GardonI o! Kendal, and Mis. A. Bough- en weîe Wednesday nigbt din- ner guests of Mi. and Mis. Wallace Boughen.I Mi. George Laing, Bowman- ville, was a caller during theI week at Mr. Milton Kimball's. A U.C.W. Unit card party was held Friday evening at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. W.I Boughen. Court Whist was played at five tables, high lady being O. Henderson andI high gent, M. Trîm. Mr. and Mis. Don Vinkie, Mr. and Mis. Roy Hall, M.' and Mis. Reid Wood, Mi. and Mis. Harold Wood were among those !îom this district attend- ing the Sportsmeu's Show iiI Toronto, Satuîdsy a!teînoon and evening. Mi. and Mis. RaymxondI Tîim left for a holiday i Florida, Saturday marning. Among the local people at- tending t h e HorticulturalI Show at the O'Keefe Centre on Saturday weîe Mis. C. Far. row, Mis. F. Henderson, Mis.I J. Imlach, Mis. W. Milligan, Miss B. Milligan. Mesdames I Farrow, Heuderson and Imlacb also saw "Pal Joey" at the Royal Alex.I Mr. and Mis. Don Owles of Oshawa weîe feted at Cois munity Hall, Satuîday even- ing. Following a dance the first part of the eveuing, the guests o! honor were present- cd with a set of card table and chairs, cabinet and stp-1I stool, a!teî which lunch was seîved. Mi. and Mis. Jim Caswell were lu Taranto Satunday ev- 1 eniug, attending the Mundock- Conaghan wedding, with re- ception at the Sky Lino Hatel.I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and sans were dinnen guests, Sun-. day nt Mi. Harry Wade's. MW. and Mrs. Clarence Eur- ley wene Sunday visitons withI Mr. sud Mis. Willls Farrow.I Mis. R. C. White returned home Sunday fram Port Hope Hospital. Mn. and Mis. George Peth- ick of Toronto, were Sunday supper guests wlth Mi. andI Mrs. M. Kimbail. Among thoat local fanu at- tendin. the Mercantile LeagueI serni-fînals i Pont Hope, Sun- day afternon, were Mis. Bill Wade and boys, Mns. Phil Gil-I mer and childien, Mi.' and Mr&. Arnold Wade, Mr. and Mia, F. Gilmer. Mr. anid Mia. Frank Reader, Oahawa, were aupper guesta, Sunday, at Mr. C. R. Farrow's. Mn. and Mis.Raid Wood and baya were Cunday aup- par ues awith Mr. and Mia. MlrdWood. A meeting of the Centennial Coemlttee ha being held at the home of lma. C. Eunley on Monday ev aiqoftht. wSk. newtoeavW open" t h é opwuma a in # lnst Nicli- OU" M 1.wu.s au 8 VlqoSv, auds aitercoosaBlEack, MARCH SALE 5 KING ST. W. 1The Canadien Statesman, Bowmanvlfle, Mar. 18, I1M joyed by about 53 people oS the eveniug of Feb. 22nd. A joint meeting la planuti for Tueslday evening, Apri' 10th, and eacb niasube le te bring a friend. Hopes are fou a good attendance. A bake sal sieluta h held lu tht Sùiupson's store, Oshawa Auyone witbout meana o: transportation o! contribu. tions please contact any & tht mambeis sud arrange menets will bo madle tc pick them. up. T7ht evenlnâ card party will be held thi, wcek, also, in the C. E. win« We were reuiinded o! thi Con! erence belng held lu Harmony Church, March 22n4 and 23rd. A n Juno bazaar la li wt0SuL& Cloed lthe meetina wiib d proyer. Ir gz Jr., Tirs. WII 1ia Commtitte., iGlaspeil, Mna. T. C. G . -Min. P. E. G)mqM~L TOUR RED CROSS OAY -Prices Good Until March l9th ANOTHER I.D.A. FABULOUS FIRST S PO0NG ES. BIG (6 x3% xlt1) CELLULOSE HANDY AROUND THE HOUSE J-mCLOTH WORKS LIKE A DUSTER POLISHES LIKIE A CHAMOIS 12 - SUGG. LIST 59e SPECIA.L 53 c TRIS COUPON WORTH 26e ON BEN-GAY 11/2 OZ. TUBE STJGG. LIST $1,25 ONLY 1c EACH YARDLEY SPECIAL OFFER BLUSUTONE ROUGE ($1.50) Moistune Creme Lipstick ($1.25) 99C41 $2.75 VALUE I .2.oo 1i TD.A TOILET TISSUE WRITE OR COLOURED 6 rolis 66C EASY-ON SPRAY STARCH 15 OZ. AEROSOL.- SUGG. LIST 69e EXTRAA SPECIAL 4 cl TRIS COUPON WORTH 69e ON BRONCHID COUGH SYRUP AN CHEST RUB $1.64 VALUE 95) TRIS COUPON WORTH $2.11 THI COUPON WORTH 36e ON TI COUPON WORTH 36e ON Pomamette Syrup HTHISS TRISe 20 OZ. SUGG. 'BRECK MIST IPhosphoLeci LIST $5.50 $33-9 16 OZ. NERVE FOOD AND TONIC AND IS ALSO WORTH 2.41 ONMAUATRRS1OZ Pommette Tablets ISPECIAL I SGG 15.SUGG. ~$225 VALUE$ LIT $.95 THIS COUPON WORTH 18c ON ITHIS COUPON WORTH 99c ON THIS COUPON W0ORTH 12c Ox. VITALIS 7 OUNCES SUGG. LIST $1.07 89C 1- n n n THIS COUPON WORTH 33c ON (EPACOL 1 14 OUNCES iONE-A-DAYi MULTIPLE VITAMINS I AND IRONI I SUGG. g JLLST $4.8 s3.99 THIS COUPON WORTR 40e ON I ORICIDIN DI I 24 TABLETSI ~s 1 fl7 1SUGG. $ f LIST $1.40 1071LIST $1.89 $ I TRIS COUPON WORTH 30c ON TRIS COUPON WORTH 19c ON BUFFERIN i URADi WITH DI-ALMINATE I PLASTIC BANDAGES I WILKINSON-., Sword Stainless Steel Blae.s -Anniversary Special- 75e VALUE FOR 65e3c n1 n5 n -'n TRIS COUPON WORTH 19c LAKESIDE FIuffy BisI COTTON 250 u SUGG. c1 LIST 98c 7 TRIS COUPON WORTR 17e ON Aqua-Velva AFTER SUAVE LOTION g SG. $1 E GG.60CoI SUGG. LIST $1.89 leY9LIST 98c Y79 LIST 90e 73c'] TRI S COUPON WORTH 20e ON TRIS COUPON WORTH 30e ON ITHIS COUPON WORTH 26c ON P RO0DO0N I0C N T A CCe IANTIPHLOGISTINE I' AIR FRESHENER I - îDIS I RUB AU535 I 15 OZ. 25% MORE SUGG. 1.19i I 20OZ. I SUGG. 7O LIST $49 $ * SUGG. L99LAc LIST 99e 79 1LIST $1.25C TRIS COUPON WORTH 30e ON TRIS COUPON WORTH 16,c ON TRIS COUPON WORTH lSe ON BANI VASELINE AIkauSeltzer î ROLL-ON DEODORAN WHITZ PETROLEUM JEL FOR UpSET STOMACH 11/iIz.SPECIAL SUGG. $1.29 VALUE 'c LIST $1.29 59 9c L FOR v»C 83 I -w ý n - - n n. n n n PRESCRI PTIONS -SUGG. LIST 78c 0. . A. REMEDIES e DRUG&S - PHONE 623-5792' THIS COUPON WORTH 46e ON POLYCOLOR WITH 17 EXCITING SHADES -sl.49 ALEX M,,GREGO.R, a# WWJ

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