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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1966, p. 3

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wa-tie bride new reside In an~~~. tn x d Mn~. Robert Tut- The Canadien Statesnn omnile o.3 B Bellmville. ton, Glendene and Virginia, ExcnangeVows i-St. Pu United Curc ,'TronoMs alMrs*M The Maritimes are Weil re- ofTrnoMs au ur presented in thie sevsonal helpofNwGag . with the Christmas tree trade. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cor- EbenezerU uegu r r Ten chaps fram Newfound- ns n aiy rnwt Ied n s- and are boarding et Brown's nCerndn ily Oon, .t Restaurant, w hile several Mr'. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. e rDth a' from Nova Scotia and New AtM.Gog tp't,,C l b t Brunswick are working in were Mr. Cecil Williams of thsae.Sm rwr aePort Hope, Mr. E. J. Symons On October i6th,aSuaycreOntebckadws found demand for trees better of'lone r i'etBddwt eilat this year. af Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Ebenezer United Chc d-wt hecnrgto p Srytreotta r.Bell of Campbellcroft, Mr. brated Its 1OOth birha.Apocig nbgis dti Slinorry in reort eth r .and Mrs. Laurie Stapleton church centennialco itelaesnlng ow asn Alve in O alon vlu con d .t h rand Beverly of Ajax. started to plan esry i h 8 6 he ta t be w s c n homSeerwitH allseee paroiesMr. and Mrs. Clarence Par- year, and with the prvlte ihatrete etn WALKEY - MORRISthe Several Halowe'en partiesrow and Karen, Agincourt, of the whole ccnrgtona akwihwsctb W LE -MORS setting forth ceremony. were held over the weekend. with Mrs. R. Farrow. chose the organ to arthsM.epod ouieaci The marige of Mis iaed anc1J. Frampton off i< Some of the juniors were out Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster historie day. Theceeeyteoes atiem br. ne mrig f Ms itdadthe wedding musicf for Trick or Treat Saturday Were Sunday supper guests board decîded onthsoa- rsA.JGyM.W.R Delores Ann Morris, daughter was played by Mrs.M. Mar-~ evening and we understand with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll sien ta erect P- statlec iklMs .VnoMs of Mr'. Alfred Morris, Bow- chant. The soloist was Mrs.I are repeating the act tanight Nichais and family, Wesley- ta surround the plaeweeCa.'ud r.N ar manville, and Mrs. Dorothy B. Bridges. (Moflda~). ville. sa many of the pioneswranMs.siOkpuedta Tanner, Oshawa, and Mr.i The bride, who was given Mr .and Mrs. Clinton Brown laid ta rest. The pakn loTeewsqituscdin John Howard Walkey, son of;in marriage by her brother, ,TT' were dinner guests on Sunday where the church she rgn hspridb isLus Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey,i Mr. George Henry Parsons of' LN with Mr .and Mrs. Roy Bur- ally stood, was care!ul ia son n r.Ei or Newtonvîlle,wa solemnnizfd Toronto, wore a full-length L NGSA LTi~~srds httegets iecuc r' In St. Paul's United Church, period-style gown o! white The community was sadden- 7- Don'gnîs. he-very-ofcas ve Bowmanville, on Saturday Swiss taffeta with scoop neck- ed last Friday with the pass- ~ . . . . . . . . . .' ogtteRmm ubro asee sebe n a se afn hi aiternoon, September 3, l966,ý lune. Lavish applique of ing of Mrs. Wm. Brown.............'o ; rnce a e rc ext indaNew- aechch o ld ei wt a asg hi aei h at 3:30 'clock. For the cere- Chantilly lace highlighted the Sympathy af the community ~k Nov. fith, at 2 p.m. Port Hope building was houceae, Tegtrigeasmbe rnony the church was prettily bodice, extending down onto goes aut ta Mr'. Brown and ~ ~.~Lgo n adi ted ane n aerayt t23 ..frteatror deoae ihbuut !the 'skirt. A chapel train, edg- family. . ance. There will be no morn- receive aur guests.sevcwtMrHayGa White gladioli and stephanotis.~ ed with scalloped lace, fell Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parkin-a ing service. B 10 'lcoe 0 stevr mal himn Rev. Harold A. Turner Of'-! from the waistline. and her son and family, Courtîce, ~ ~ ~ . Newtonvllle U.C.W. people had assembledfrteH edmsae rmfr ficiated and Mrs, C. Dudley,. bouffant, waist-length veil of were Saturday visitors, Mrs~PeietMs .Saltnmrigsrie h e amrmnsesadohr h Courtice, played the weddinglFrench illusion tulle was Frank Peterson and boys **, opened the meeting with the organ was presne ywr o al aatn.Ms linusic. caught to a headdress crown Oshawa, were Sunday visitors; ~ ~ Ž~;~- .~., hymn 523 and prayer The Mr. Harry Gay. theChimnLisRoegvth Hsor Given in marriage by hier;ai' seed pearis and crystals. Mrs. H. O. Williams and Mr ', devotianal was taken by Mrs. o! the Centennial Cmite !teCuc'(hc p father, the bride wore a ful Her bridai bouquet was o! and Mrs. Len Fisher, Aider: î.... . W. Wood, assisted by Mrs. J. ta the Rev. J. Romilwopeedilat eesisu) length empire, A-uinegwnAein Beauty red roses, wood, were Sunday vîsitors; Kimbali and Mrs. Milligan. i unhne tt isTetiMs .DwMs o! white ligoda crepe. The! white carnations and stepha- Mrs. Norman Davis. Jennîfer Th miueiernedb Louse sbone, h rans .Obon nirs .D bodice and sîeeves were of: natiq. and Terri, Orono, were Mon Mrs. R.- Best, secretary, and for the day. The ognwssn h aort,'h l roepatrndSws lc wt.Mrs. Margaret Mack, Tor- dyeeigvstr !M . the financial repart by the dedicated by the RF.W .Rge rs' h e.W theneklie ! he odce iptatowa mar f o hoorfo anfMs.ryeGisan Ons u. .er teaure, i'. W.Bugen.Smth.Th coirprsmnedC..mihTReveH CcLostar pig a V fontad ac. ersite afrnohensstrannayevnig r ndMr .S rs F Glmr 'eoredontw athms 'BesrTisReand rsot ad ev L pael ain o! wsslcetrhemideh er tir- leavisiPoterr for the 'B biemi.Te ee tion for a layette ta be sent ta offered the marningpae.wr re esgsfo h bordered with ligoda crepe,1 ed in chiffon aver lace with winter months. They also a ~th~e Norway House. Two hun- Our guest speaker a h e.B .Ln !Ohw Which fell from the shoulders back interest created by flow- visited with Mr. and Mrs. ..... .... ..... dred dollars was donated ta Rev. W. Delve, the sno rsyey n r ar and featured a similar V-ý ing panels of matching peau Nelson Williams and Janice ~~- , the church and ten dollars for former minister, wholf sFemn o al rv neklne Afloral hediede soie satin falling from P7ort Perry, on Sunday even prîzsfraHloee at.wt hleg sh e ntdCucPdeSde o! two small roses held her, bows o! the same material. ing. .4 î's . o rs.aW. Staceccapant. i-mideauschaen e bidr abr n .Cra bofat ortir hole-They wore long gloves and ~'.~."-4;~ da h piano by Mrs. F. o! Ebenezer had ehr thAmsrn.TeHmozrs length scalloPed veil, and her mnatching headpieces, and car- . " Gilmer, sang a lovely solo, time nor the money abidami hor ag'rieY bridai bouquet was a cascade ried bouquets of yellaw shasta MORRISH "We ec ieaRvr.antighawsntveyteFhr'ndPecILev honoPneriea ie ntin ha a o! white and deep rose camna- 'muras and Talisman rases. ." A hymn and the benedictian important ta them adte ihYo',ht~ l tions With stephanotis. 1 Jade green was the colour of (Intended for last week) closed this part a! the pro- asked the present.,wî er ar Miss Colleen Bissanette Of' the matron o! honor's gown On Tuesday, Octaber l8th, gram...tini hyha h orgegn h ev .Rmrl Wawa was mnaid oa! no and the bridesmaid was in a joint meeting a! theU..WMisJa lkyhoe \. the bridesmaids were teal blue. Misses Arlene and O! Welcome charge was held and c4oMiss Joa n lesOfed tanmkethe churcthaeî pso h cucsoewt Mrs. Bruce Elliatt and Miss Sandra Parsons, Oshawa, were in Zion United Church at Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Walkey, shown in the above photo, exchanged ber European holiday, whereý years.wt hscucbfr i Joan Walkey, sister ai' the' flower girls in frocks of pink 8 p.m. There was a large mrig osi t alsUie hucBw avle nStra fe-she visited England, France,ji swlkn ntatf-proucdheeeito. They were. attired in full- overskirts embroidered in ta enjay and take part in a noon, September 3, 1966, at 3:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Delores and ather countries. T h iS hand, se a buffet lnho usadn atybcuea length A-line gowns a! pînk white. They wore white vel- well arranged pnagram. The Ann Morris, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morris of Bowmanville, and Mrs. proved ta be veny interesting. was arranged by th Untdhepripaon!tewoe chiffon styled with three-, vet headbands adorned with first part in charge of Morrish Dorothy Tanner, Oshawa, and the bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Church Women, inorethtcgeainndptyb- quarter length sleeves. They'pink rosettes, and carried U.C.W. ht rn htgah vroewud aetm acueo h eln !go wore pink flowered head- bseso in antos Mrs. Carman Irwin, Presi- Walkey, Newtonville. Photo_________ .z HAYDON vsit. Te woCdhianEuawilttpraie. vnt pics cene b hotveland white baby 'mums. dent of Zion U.C.W., after a ___ __ incntewsa euiuldl re ke addm and carried cascade buut'Mr. Bert Pearson of Ux- few words o! welcome, opened St L n lc n r L udysho eso tisenenwthe amnaesadw thr ee ovrwre o! white and deep rase carna- bridge, brother-in-law of the the meeting by prayer. Seti vv as ~fSt.ns ngian iurCh S:4up..and ho ss hny snthemuum !fi oosb hewrfinl to tions. groom, was best man and the Hymn 441 "Guide Me, 0 srvcet4t5!llparage, and a spherrvie that!îledthechuch Mm. Ken Stapleton o! Tor- ushers were Mn. Donald Par- Thou Great Jehovah" was Chuchseric onSudayonbonex edn e-aqane hmevs enta was best moan and thelsons of Oshawa, another bno- followed by seipture reading evening wsrvery welî banr n od ushers were Mm. Roben-t El-! ther o! the bride, and Mr. by Mrs. Milton Brimacombe, ev'ened. R eNrty'se-, O rwetn litt ewovil, n M.Everett Prentice o! Pont also hy another reading by y ' . ..ýmnws TeDfeetKs r Ken Whittacker, Troronto. 1 Perry. Mrs. Stanley Clark. mo a TeDifrn id receptian was held at the: Following the ceremonny a A trio o! Junior Choir mem- iof444hriallw'nswn.ofvey Lions Centre, Bowmanvîlle, reception was held in St. 'bers, Brenda Anderson, June */Ha uely. e chilen ofcalleiU where the bnîde's mather e- John's Parish Hall where the Marvin and Colleen Gatenby qufortry eatand seeral were ceived in a pastel blue lace bride's mother received wean- sang very sweetly the hymn for t<eats ancoîîecting moneyG on dress with matching full- ing a twa-piec'e dress o! Alice "Corne, Let Us Sing o! a olcig mny n their length lace ceat, white acces- ,blue and white !lowened silk Wanderful Love". Prayer by UNICEF boxes, a!ter which Wonderful Whise-otWdwl soris ad crsag ofdeeýwih cosag ofred wee- Ms. arry Becett Th the chîldren gathered at the rsnesand wcors rageotipFt o rsgeas.edswe- LMrs Hary eckett. Th - n andschool house and were treat- Spanish Cotton ros ad hie crntinsIheant rases and white canna- o..sPrye...uisn.n..... .. .. .. .. .. . ............. .... .....dt.coo.t il n To assist in receîving, the: tien. hymn 386 "O Lord o! Life and M. edcoa esiy lub 21. ORDUand graom's mothen wame a teal As the couple le!t on their Love and Pawer" concluded co,'2i' *s,.., Clu.bad 2r . od sta, Sahre-ad e UryRoo blue dress with matching fulI1- wedding trip, the bride was this part o! progmam. ,Mr..and.or42< LloyRonaldtandRay were Sunda length cont, black accessories, weaning a camel wool dness There was a short business Roadine usa and Mrre and corsage o! pastel pink andithmthn akt gold session by each group during d~ivnSrpet o r and Mily En White carnations. !ihmthn akt . Before leaving for theiri and bnown accessories and ývhich we discussed the join- A TnSap n ailE- honymon i Nssa, Teicorsage o! tawny gold rssngnsending with Welcome Ms.Jh Jne hnyoni Nasu hland small bronze 'mum-s. They U.C.W . a bale o! good used M. and Mil vsteJoh Mrs Bahamas, the bride donned alwill be esiding in Bowman- clothing ta Toronto, aur alla- and Sheldon D een, Banrf, PRNED SL three-piece turquoise su It ville on Elgin Street. cation af matemials for a dness whelonw Distig Mi'. acofDe-T S with white accessonies. Ai _________ and pat-holdens ta H{ome Mis- geen and iss ang r aDe-r ahb -CraeR-itn corsage o! yellow carnations' siens and using aur Bibles ge n isCr eer ahbe-C complemented hen travelling1 ll'j1ý'lll in church for respansive rend- . . - on Sunday. ~mble. They will ha nesîd- FU.LTYPII L- ing o! Psalms (by request o!f . Mrs. J. Abbott and Steven, 1 in Newtonville. the Rev. 1. Munro) starting the . r.Hlod ad Dnl,~*AU 1 was not aware a! the fact first Sunday next yean. The Burketon, were Saturday visi- G O C that Mrs. Rennie was home November meeting ta be held tors at Mrs. A. Thompson's. PLEWELL - PARSONS fnom hospital. She has been at Mrs. Morton Henderson's an Mr. and Mrs. E. R. ThompsanFABRICS home now about 10 days and Novemnben 15 at 8 p.m. The and Cynthia, Bowmanville, Red rases adonned the altar, is now doing veny well. regular collection was taken were Sunday callers at Mrs: 28 KN ST o!S. an's Angliche a rch,, The congregation was not up. Thompson's. Dnowmuravl, Ofo te rniage; ,as large as was hoped for at Ms. J. Groeneveld, Presi- Mr. Delbert Martin, Wells- onSaura, ctbe 5,î96, ur Annual Thank-Offeming dent a! Wesleyville U.C.W., . ville, N.Y., spent a few days et 2 'clock in the afternoon Srieo udyeeig aeterpr farcn with his mothen, Mrs. W. of Miss Regina Alice Pansons,» Sevc oe n n a ee ng.gventhieo rto c. Martin, and sisten and bro- dagtro r.Hretheard a veny challenging mes- Mn. Lloyd Kellogg manipu- . then-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. J. 'Henry Augustus Pansons aof sage from the guest preacher, lated the film stary "The Day 0 ot ndfml. ?I an r u?~ u iI ]Pawmnll and Mthe la n.Rev. Stanley Gibson a! St. and Expenience" in the life Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Mary iPrsns nd Mn oula'Andrew's United Church, Pet- o! a student minister. Lunch 4î.~~44 and Bill were Sunday supper Gaordn Abet lewell ono!fPart enbonough. He was assisted was served in the Sunday . t T r. and Ms r GrdnAbr lwlofPrlin the service by a children's School Hall by Zion and Wel- DE]~' aml I'erry and the late Mrs. Flew-, uattt ndo.' so, e. om .CWMn. MrtnthrTan MsndossA ht j. Baskets o! pink and white Muatttr.dau asornevdam UCW.Mr. Motn 'Ro-,ZssAhon, .Creatures who aem n !pet eohsb r a ~'a il !reda atacieW. Piercy. Henderson proposed the vote .. o4 and !amily wene Sunday din- wrpe pntem e oifre anatatv Peterborough District Coun- o! thanks. n* ' .~~fer guests o! Mn. and Mrs. wapd pI ty L.0.B.A. met at Pontypool Worship service was held iriIvanSharp '* is lle*42.4..'....t..o cri Friday evening with a Morrish United Church an mil k.:.j Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn,ý than their minda. Reebrti ubr. good attendance. Wor. Sister Sunday, October Z23rd at 10 m î~4 ale and Neil, and Mns. K irom St. Mark 5, verses 11-17,' O M N IL WE NVIE OU O OME1Nshowing how the ungodlv Mns. Cecil Buley attended ably filled in, in his place, serva'd S tinday morning, whn M 5 W INIEYUT O EI-people, a! the Gadarenes, nt1 the meeting o! Clarke Town- and officIally opened the ba- guest speaker Rev. G. K 1 V wishing ta change their ways, ship Gentennial Committee, zaar with a few well-chasen Stewart, M.A., B.D., o! T f AE OR AND SEE OUR FINE demanded that Jesus, depart held in Orono town hall, last words. onto chose as bis timely tapic,: !rom their country and leave week. On Nov. lst, te same1 Mr. and Mms. Carl Farrow "The Gaunt-down." Two numn- SELECTION 0F them alone. organizatian is sponsoring a.0f Downsview were visitons bers were nendered by the Theywereafrid o Jeus, offe Paty, o b hel atSaturday evening with Mrs male quartet, comprised of!INE He would change their way o! the United Church, Orano, R. Parrow. Messns. Groeneveld, Jally,ý F II nd in erliving. These selfish, unlaw.. open ta everyone interested. stors at Mr. F. Gilmer's~ Manley and Phillips, accam- : alone. So many Christians o! make an effort ta be present. Raymond Gilmer, îslington, Neil Manley, a former teacher: muE tis day are selfish, not want- Mrs. Paul Morrs o! ewan r. and ns. ceal r- o!Taaa !ereGeden tw o ls, ingtogiv u th od wys Glsgw, ov S Nta riewd M dofMlî en iss lnoene utonlo, ta H andel's "Praise be ta Thee"', Ch Janges are not welcome, they fiere Wednesday ta visit hem Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancas- I and "O how lovely is Thv: R A T S & C A T S do nt wish to conforrnta new brother, Rev. RC. and Mns. terattended a party at the Wor1d" by Schue.Aft ' * F R O SE Choose froin aur new styles and ai hiaot !Go r.W .Rb ectedMunday, Bowmanville, Satur-1 those funnishing the music! Hymn 409 "The Son o o home ta Westmount, last day evening, in honar o! the wee served a cup o! tea and THE QUUCKW AY U wid rngeofexctig cloGo lesi F othtaWaad the ric.week. 146th wedding annivensany o! îight lunch, in the Sunday1 W T Sunda Schol ws hed at rs. Ban Jones came homelbis parents, Mr' and Mrs. Xvi.. School hall. The !act that cîr- I I*IA A wid rageof xciin coon.blSunganchldedthelde rvie. MPo t w o re ta nznM a. 'mmrtredhm iitr Rv1.G hte a 6 M11:15 a.m. It was canducted frmPr oeHsia nsnMna.cumstances permîitted aur own, A IVIMX by Mrs.D. Haies, Su en again, Saturday morn-1 !rom Castleton, Satunday. Ibe with us also, on this spe-î EUE R CSIGT IUE n /ie ?rten ul 2 n C W erni A little !amily panty wasicial occasion, was appreciated. TM One birthday was honoured. Weather and attendance held at the home of Mr. and Dne usso udy I V ~ W rI 'DD T~C~PI The were delighted ta were god at the annual Mrs. Sid Brown, Saturdavl SERVEesso una I EPRE CE PR T ~Xt ing "Happy Birthday" ta their U.C.W. Bazani' and Tea, Fr:- evening, on the occasion ofj with Mn. and Mrs. J. Adams T op eSuperintendent. day a!terncon. Proceeds af their 12th wedding anniver-' wene Mn. and Mns, Russell Mm. William McHolm was well aver $200 were reported, sary. Present were Mm. andi Strang a! Part Hope. FOR APPINTM E14T PlO I 6 3 2 1 MAR CNNRSPrp.the guest of Mr'.and Mrs. Mil. with a number af articles 5h11 MiUn. E. Caswell, Mrs W. With Mr. and Mis. C. Far'- M" ONRPo.ton Brimacombe on Sunday, ta be sold. Rev. R. C. White Brunt. Mr. and Mns. C. Mal-1 row were Mr. and Mrs. Ar. FOR YOUR CONVÈNIECE WWL MANOP 48 Kiug St. E. Bowmanvifle October 23rd. After noon a was unable ta be present, an ley, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wlo. hrRdnpa saa AUDY~T~iuq long drive thraugh the lovely account a! a !uneral service The 99th Anriiversary Scr-' At the Manse were Dr, G. ýicounW' waa njoyed. iat .that trne, butMi. White vice ai aour chufrch was-.ob- IK. Stewart, Mm.. Allan Preg-1

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