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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 2

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- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ -77,-- --~. .- ~ ~ -- * .lliecaadà Sttuaa, Eomvmfl, Dec.2%, 157i 'fflâOJ%7 Mr. Eyo pointe Couneiflr ae% secod- (o-a P» ONE be Wou.andthis waucar- ,Md cqomuity> service. My ried. 111a couittee for Mayor Ivaa Hobbs maid b..four divitlous Ibat ha would 11ke 10 empha- w4Wve much -betterix."omi point. "1 hma hein , 11u i we now have feit by oome that a contribu-1 "ftbur memun sof council tion i l ot made by coundil Wth the. Mayor as à f11112 b thc Santa Clus Parad~ iimbeof each o!f112cm. four and it la truc that counà commillees wouId b. effec. canzot mke such a donation tive. 1 move tuat the commit- directly. But 1121, fine parade teei Iyotem b. changed toi does Involvc couts that weu 1Otit commlttees wlth - four ean snd do meet," Mas Wor-C Meimocf council and the ship utated. t MaY«r on each. Thtis was It waa rnoved by Counclilor Scnded by Councillor James Hughes 11281 a recommcnda-t 4*ozrke, nad carried.. tion be made to the- 1968-69E ;A - otion pp .ie by council that the stipend of ,COiMeilo Hughes, econded thie Public Uitilities Commis-c bCouncillor E. J. Rundie sloners b i'aied $400. t ý1ha*t the Arena Board, the They now receive $200 a year.c ncroaticnu Commtte, and Councillor Maurice Prout ~'10,the lvronsCmmte sked how many meetings 0 bouTt togetiier with one are held by 1the PUC. MayorM ttlllaemet b apoinlnsobbs replied that'there are b the saine persoasto each, aIl 1 rgua meetings wt ad- C * -three to b. responsible 10diioa Zone meetings, and *.jbncl and¶ ciao blat thespecial meetings to check t Cenetery Board's functions equlpmentlnl other places fc gemore under th2e management, that might have possible use st "-r of counciL,- was al" ;carried. here. C Parade Cost tb Ton Mayor Hobbs correcllng am Regarding the 1967 Santa statement o! Deputy Reeve SClauis Parade, Clerk..Controî TFice. pointed out that when a n ý- 1er B ron reported: "4that the~ rais. hadt been suggested for ul *~ cestt certain items isno the PUC members early in w 1falwaYS understood due to the 1967 the Mayor had express- w resources of the town being ly aid that lb *hould not in- T Itfn of c! and are aplic t this point, Deputy Reeve a; ~ itms c cos aredispersed cueacfrteMyr l~amoqng ,many accounts such Tice again objected to the Of s dg aares. proposed increase of $200 to rit * An example la the cost to PUC members by comparing th11e municialîty f the 16 it with the. last offer of $150 HI 'SataClUsParade 1967o to tawn police an which h. wl (Works) $39-68; M achine snt consulted. Co 'rime $39; Signa $23.52; Slgns -Deputy Reeve Fice, re- m (dabor 2.0 oieoe adn the complaint you 01 timeo $124-65, and Off Dut - have in made, you most ci] Police hirecl $108, a total of certainly were consull.d Tr.-M Sgardlng the offer of $150 in mi negotiations wlth the. police. You were the chairman of the Negotiations Cammittee. You arc we11 awire that council's representative, T. F. Storey, advisedl and made Ibis offer. ~ ' Yourestatement is exlremelyÀ unJust when you say that yau were not aware of 1the offer," hie the Mayor pointedt out. pu "I know of no ather way Pt for negotiation' than le make G. an offer, which gîves an op- ' portunity f or discussion,"pi Mayor Habbs slated. Deut e Reeve Fic. aid that he O thinks a reasonable offer of' should have been madte and e the police would then have c settled for less than tbey did. of Asked by the Mayor what In: amount he would have liked Sta to offer, Deputy Eceve Tice the à ~sald: "$200 or $250, and we e jwould have gat a settlement h for less. The police got $400 fin and they werc flot happy". m A ~"In addition to the $400 tri they received lbey were e awarded fringe beneflîs in. Pei cludlng cumulative slck leaveRO back toth 1e lime Of hiring, S.t whlch were not under the 1 Jurisdicllon of the arbitration ~ Sboard,e' the Mayor said. th4 Raise Not Rlwtregot1ve tbe *,m, Deputy Reeve Fice replled: ber W*cj dfflm b "Whcn counicil recelved a ai Taise It was not retroactive.We ulIu« il: hapy hllaly. Ours was only for 1967 and ct il sbould have been for 1966 ase Uqurdmdsbip: contlnmg. lao as we had a two year a SUiRispeaking against the ne motion to raise the PUC to na Br.iWn's Farm inedhttii wuP b 4 $400. 'Deputy Reeve ic. as- 1the sete ha tl oua e 4 for eahSTe 1Oflarmeetin, or s--Counilor Hughes stated ltat sisi «. mng West il would not be as muce as iv lte Publie Scitool Bard m .PDI!wanve ernbers 'recelve as the termi- Ne' Asno 623.5,9? u noheld for Councillor Huh' o i r,' u * *1 d I I n Deloitte, Ma.nder, Huekins & Seilis witb w1"oe anc ow merged Mont.ItJi, Riehi, Waters Co. Cbartered Accountants Moatreut - W!aisor Edmonton Winnipeg George Nfamilton Oalgary Vancouver ,coma W. ,tshl -c..R. LLA. Brt &. Waters. C.A Oshaa Oaawa hoping entr 13-I581 m5 .,**.g tion, Counclor Prout moved that nie matter of 1the PUC utlpemid ho referred to nert ~ý j OMCILThiswau sec- liru»M a epIàeeiuwt CoumclIor Rundie, seconid- cd by Couneillor Hughes, moved that Clerk-Controller Byron be -given the authorlty to bring 'the Pire Brigade- up to strength by aoeeptlng one of th2e applications for the present Vacancy. Couneillor Prout sali! Ihat there should be a meeting of the. Tire Conittee. Mayor Hobbs replied that one fire- man's reuignatian was held up for months as th2e Fire Commlttee Chairman wantcd ta talk to, hlm. Councillor Rundle stated that th2e application ef Frank Smilth had beexi held Up. "Tire Commlttee Chairmnan Councillor Nicks and Iý went ta see Mr. Smith, who de- cided that h. wanted his re- signation effective the foi- lowing SaturdaY, and tis was accepted. There has flot been a meeting of the Fire Comyittee ince," he aaid. Mayor Hobbs slated that resignation was held up for six monthu and councii Is SURl waiting for the Tire Cominittee le niake a recom.. mendation. d4How long ince the resig- nation Was accepted?" Dep- ity Reeve Tice lnquired. He wras told that it had been six weeks or two, months ago. The motion authorizing the. Clerk-Controlier ta accept an ipplication for the position Df a fîreman was then car- Led. Before adjournment Mayor [obbs extended his best vishes toalal the members of uncil for a Merry Christ- nas and a Happy New Year. n behaif of council Coun- illor Hughes wished the qayor ail the beat for Christ- Las and 1968. C Logion Auxiliawy g( e( Y( w FuI-Throated Young IChoristers Stopped by Camiera a, - n e Deck the halls with boughs of holly! It's tîme to -wish you a merry Christmas! JURY &LOVELL "'YOUR REXALL STORE" 2 KING ST. E. BOWMANVUIC 00 On Sunday afternoon at Maple Grave United abruptly, long before the carol was finished. After a "hurch hall, an enjoyable Christmias concert was stunned silence, the audience roared with laughter. :oing strong when The Statesmnan photographer enter- There was a brief pause, bef are the group was per- ýd and quietly walked toWard the front where -these suaded to continue. They were really belting out joung members of the Primary Sunday School Class "Jingle Beils" when Ibis photo was laken. They are, rere giving their all on a Christmas carol. Wheén they from lef t ta right, Earl Doyle, Kelly James, Russell îw the camera pointed their way, th2e singing stopped1 Preece, Tod Russell, Brian White and Barry Wood. (FROM PAGE ONE) nounced a speciai guIf Igh star at its summit was Treasurer Knight and ilt in Place by Conirade for Secretary Bat. as hat ýeorge Wnighl cf Branch 178. ariums in recognition af t: ielvely Christmas centre- great amount of extra eces for the dinner tables devoted work for the a ier, donabd by Conirade iliary. ean Burton, and Comnade Santa Claus also presi rna Adair was 112e donor aI the exchange af gifts fan attractive Yuletide dol] the auxiiiary membens, C( entrepiece, rade 'Jean Burton was President Maurice Conway charge of the special dr fBrandi 178. assisted by The prize winners were M~ imrediale P a s t President janie Bat., Elsie Bruton,j tan Dunn, was in charge of gela Sanian, Mary Brai ie 18 Legionnaires who Hilda Humphrey, Tran Brt ýrved the deliciaus dinner. Mildred C on wa y, An he chefs who pnepard the Ciapp, Brenda Cowan, Der ne repast including filet Annaert, Ede Mantie, Hi tgnan, mincemeat puff pas- Simnick, Lorraine Brui îes and othen tasty dishes, Audrey Cooke, Mary Ha: ,re Sengeant-al-Annis Ernie and Pat Anderson. erfect and Comrade Bill The Legion Gle. Club ,cbe, assisted by Comnade by Assistant Director Ji 1h Hunt. Knight with Director Rl President Westover- expres- Cotton at lthe piano, sa Id the auxiliary's thanks la carals memorably. The fi ie Legion officers and inei- orites on the excellent p: >ru wbo pnepared and serv. gram were "While Shephei 1the banquet, On behali Watch", "0 Christmas Tre the auxiliary President ",Hush My Little One",4- estover presented a $1,500 fant Holy", "It Came Upor sque ta President Conway Midnight Clýear", and t, a donation ta 1the branch Polisit carais, alsa the CE id ifs undertakings, includ- tennial sang "Dear Land g1the large addition now Home". tmrig completion. President Westover a1 President Conway thanked Comrade Susie Graham we eauxiliary for Ibis gener- in charge of te games a: donation, and spoke o! its card bingo, Iihwr tinued good work and as- joyed duig the balance tance ta Branch 178. He the, evenîng. vited ail the auxiliary ýmbers ta 1the President's !w Yean's Day Party ta be Id at th2e Legian Hall aI ed l a.m. on January lst. , M .omrde usi Graamthe (FROM PAGE ONE) fit, played "Jingle Belîs" "'Your Worship. you ha, ,1the arrivaI Of Santa been Mayor for six yeams, ai Bus,1 ably portrayed bY have served 10 yeansi nrade Ed. Majer. Gifla counicil, always womking ha: = th2e auxiliary were first for the people of Ibis cor ýsented by Santa ta, the m1unity," Councillor Hugh wial guests, Comrade May- declared. rd a 25 Yean Member ai Councillor Rundie sai *awa Ladies Auxiliary tb 'çMayor Hobbs bas ipent mo: bLegion,' and 10 young lime on work for the tom cis wha have worked In Ihan anyone bas before hini sug the a u x iia ry Councillor Hughes remîndt Ut thebb year. Tbe lat- counicil aof112e 10 yearm Mayi special gueula were Mar- Hobbs had apent as a mer ie and Merridy Bale, Pat ber ai the Board of Directoi del-son, Mary Brown, Carol ai Memorial Hospital, andi le. Brenda Cowan, Jackie bis three tenras as Ils Boa: 1Bey Knight, and Norma Chairman. 1Debble. Bra er. l"His work for the hospiti President Wetover an- was most valuabie and h made rnany changes af benE fil to the people. I think2 years dedicated service1 Bowmanville deserves recol nilion. I move thal May< Hobbs b. nominated for 'LISCanadien Centennial Medal, Councillan Hughes maid. Councilior Oke, seconde tb. motion. Mayor Hobb said that 12e wauld 11k. coii iter._7 -Deputy Reeve Tic. sai 12t e had no objectiom, "n we name anoîhen pez son 10e?" 12e asked. Caundillor Maurice Prou uggesled ltat W. Rosa Strlki Q.C., b. alto propoged fe the edalIf the mover an. seodrwould agnie. Cowi cilon H"Rughes aud Councilo 0k. accepted titis suggetoi sud te motion was passcd. A letter from Uic Ontaric Housing Corporation advocat ed bhe deiirabillty o! nescrv. Ing one bai! o! the land Ir thc propenty an Nelson SIre.l planued to b. usci! for the construction o! Senior Cit! zens' accommodation for the purpome of future expansior, of té undertakng If councill hould agre. h Ontario Housing Corporatioai would acquire the propet for $7,000 sud proceec ith Ils developmcnt aI 1the carili est opportunity, the. letter staled. It explainci! that the tirnt phase wauld b. the building of 14 units and would require approxlmately one bal! of lte total parcel o! land. Councillor Prout, sccouded by Councillor 0k. moved ltat council concur in this requcat that lte land net usci! for construction be re- servcd for expansion o! Sen- ior Citizen unit.. Titis was cared. lan for Clat Corn frair presi spei: nard Oshî th2e ladie throi teri Andf and and Pl 'ir RD LBua um ond Stoff- of STUART salis Manager MacDONLD FORD SALES I-j i ' ' -.ý '0] tE riÎ A Local Electric Rates Lded GIF1 SALE Lower i nan in À%rea for !om- Bowmanvilie PUC bas telUse of 1 KW on demand 250 in lowest ates for electricai ser- boums $2.43. Titis compares for aw. vice in the Centrai Region lte same amount of service In 4ar- according ta lte stalement the following categories: Ajax An- just received by th. Statesman Residential $9.09, Commercial ýwn, from Municipal Electmic Utili- $3.33, Industrial $2,61; George- ,ce, lies and Local Systenis as town Residential $7.29, Caom- nnie approved In July 1967. merciai $3.33, Industriel $3.15; nise The rates for Bowmanvilie King City Residential $8.70, ilda are: Residential Service niel Commercial $3.20, Industrial ton, monthly bill for 750 KWH $3,20; Newcastle Residential yes, $6,66; Commercial net monthly $8.28, Commercial $3.60, In- bill for use ai 1 KW on dem- dustrial $3,06; Orono Residen- led and 200 haurs $3.15; and in- liai $9.20, Commercial $3,80, ýack dustriai net monthly bill for Industrial $3.60; Oshawa Resi- los ON ALL GIFT dential $7.45, Commercial ang $2.80, Industrial $2.80; Toronto lav- MERCHANDISEP o i e Residentiai $9.77, Commercial )ro- $3.28 and Industrial $2.91. rda At te meeting of 1the Bow- '", 1 CaNcfl manvili, Public Utihities Com- 'In- See Our Largo mission ber. on December ra Seleclion of Gifla (FROM PAGE ONE) 12112, a leller fram Ontario two that are different! ersan caugitl a man, wito ad- Hydro advised tat an increase en- mils he was the one who In Interini Power Rates ta of SAVE $$$ HERE L-aused al1the complaints. The municipalities wiil be put Int nd cuiprît la naw receivîng Ireat- effect an Marci Ist, 1968. Ton fl d ment from a local doctor. Bowmanville te increase will ine On Tuesday nîgitt Bowmn be 8.3 per cent. .ndville Police necovered a spot- Local PUC manager, George aiof4 a . . r ligitt, and picked up a beret Va Brd e r p rt d b aI l aten chasing two youngsters mainain woking capital and bhrogh bc nrbhwar . î1.î take cire of pnojected Increase Itoped ltaI the parents aof112e In tbe coul of powen as well as boy wbo losI 1the beret or local operattug and mainten- someone cisc wihl report who ance cosle, an Increase of be- ite la la te police. bween 7 and 10 per cent in th2e - rates ta consumera wlll be Trhere have been five necessilatcd, and will go int ive Instances of stolen ouldoor effect In May or June next ind Christmas tre. Ulght reported as approe yOtroHdo on T E S R duning lte week, and lte local rveby ntraHdo md T E S police are conducling an Bowmanville waler rates m H PInvestigation. now arc 40 cents per 1,000 gal- ,ieslonts a montit, compared ta PortHopeTYte rats . 50 ine LBERTY ST.E S e. cents per 1,000 gallons a id: OW AVIL S n montit. Port Hope ycstcrday Nn announced a 25 per cent in- crease In ils walcr rates ta cd .uwp ul'w s#art on Januany let, 1968. ,or PUC Manager Van Bridger M_(FROM PAGE ONE) predicted sanie Increase lu )rsTite Editor of Tite Canadian local watcm ates wltbin te of Stalesman referred ta lte tate fairiy near future. This wil rd nay of confusion In bis edilorial mesut fron bte cosl af a filtra. published prior la thte vote lion plant, he said. tel Ing laken. Due talite close- "Tite engineera' report con- henesa aofte decision and lte cerning tItis filtration plant ýe_ widespread opinion ltat many will soon be availabie. Procler 20 votera were canfused, In aur and Redfern, Toronto, Engin- ta opinion, la an indication Ibal ocra, and th2e Ontaria Water g- lte resulaof ite voting on t12e Resources Commission bath or by-law la nol a true Indication are studying titis matter. The a ~~~~~o!f1the wishes ai the electors. Waler RsucsCmiso' 19... be thèrefI oetha seem, sensible approvai wiUl have ta 12e ob- ed héefretha te ewCouncil tie.W are looking -for bs should review lte whale mat- th2e ]awesb coul for an effecl- t er In 1968 In order la setle Ive filtration plant, and three -.- lte question o!flt.e soundness pracesses are being looked into r-aif1the argumenta for and tboroughly," Mr. Van Bridger agaînst lte transfer o! author- pointe out. r- Councillor Annie Oke mov- cd ltat titis rýepart 12e accept- il ,* d. Hem, motion was seconded lit by Councllon Mauice Prout. ir Cauncillor Hughes mid thal td altitougit hoewas nual upcaking S. again t e motion ho would Yr Ue tastress lb. tact of 112e higit perceulage ai unmarked ballots. "As t12e PUC was nat TO WN tm ntnioned lu thc question on % lte ballots cvidently a large S number of people did flot ,n know exactly whal was con- M !t ~cemned. Titis was unsatisfac-MU M tory," 12e declared. W 0 ihyou alite mepar willegosa it We ail wishthearCout illgRun Ibomaid tG A R B A G n very MerryCbristMaS yean's council for furtiter GR A sludy, and Mayor Hobbs e agreed. Deputy Reeve Tic. n EsII~ iD could lake action on the mat- H RE WLL8 uwv*m~ter. VIEIl * b~ Mayor Hobbs explaned tiat I AI r wilie a plebiscile eth11e atart OX ING A e FURNITURE o! a terni would b. unusual e If lte 1968-69 couni aften ne- ian viewIng te malter decidcd FRIDAY, DEC. 22nd thatthereutsbave ual given UPHOLSTERY a true picture of lte opinionO DA ,DC.2t UPHOLSTERY of a!the electorale, action olMO D YDE.2t BO(WMANVLLE b. taken. "The By-Law was deleated TUESDAY, DEC. 26th- by 80 ballots whle there were t Mri. &Mnr. lph Wh t.mare than three 'sites ltaI number a! unmsrked ballots and Saff turucdI n," Councillor Hughes said. i The motiojn uc«red, F ii -, . I. Blue Grass Boxwith Flower Miat, Dusting Powder, Hand Lotion, Bath Soap, Atomizer. $10.00 .D usting Powder plus thrui HandSoaps.MémoimgChé- rie, Blue Grass, June Qw- ranium. $8.60 Bath Beauties: Fluffy Milk Bath, Puff-Puff, Hanci Somp. In Mémoire Chérie, Blue Grass. $8,00 Gift Set combines kwo bathing beuty favorites: Perfume -Miat, D ustine Powder. Mémoire Chéie, Blue Grass. $9.150 Flower Mist with Special Atomizer, Bath Mit end Hand Lotion make a wel- corne tria of Blue Grass plessures, 65 Beauty Pimer-Esentiela fors aloveIy ukit, ensing Cream,Vev rae- fection Ciemm, sain Lotion, Moisture FIlm. .5 JURY & LOVELL. 2 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE N 0F BOWMANVILLE JNICIPAL ÏE COLLECTION 3E NO GARBAGE COLLECTION -TUESDAY, DEC. 26th -PICKED Up THURS., DEC. 21sf -PICKED UP FRIDAY, DEC. 22nd -PICKED UPWEDNESDAY, DEC. 27th T. STEWART, Supt. 10 an, for hei an( F ??~y~- (31 r-)6

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