The Canadian Statesman, Rowmianvllle, Jan. 31, 1968 Rotarians Hear A ddress On DistîIIing Indus fry Christian Drama Club Presents First Play in English 1 ment Show In Toronto 1 casion of the fIrst blrthday Dennis McLaugblin, Guelph, ai their son James. and Paul Rahm, Peterboro,: Miss Barbara Brown, Cour- spent the weekend at their tice, was weekend guest, and respective homes. We have: Mr. amd Mrs. Scott Essery not been mcntionimg the sev- mmnd Leanne, Courtice, r eme eral students at different col- Sundai' guests a Mr. Ed leges and places af business Mrs. Robt. Bryans andfy to get home each weckend. Anme Marlow spent es Sundai' guestsofaiMm. mmd weekend with Debbie Me- A brief history of this is under such government con- ý at home. M.adMs le rhr isJnc yr n r country's distilllng Industry, trol concernlng the consump-1 Distillers' agents do theirad Ms aiyWibLsi uhilGueiph and an outline of the tre- tin and distribution of Its i best to see that their com-i and Mr.sDon Fle n g.Ln- s et te w e e d wt r inendaus contrbution ta Cana-I product," he declared. panes products are listed ln' a.adMs uryBes da's economy made by Can- "Gilbey's Is the third largest the Government Liquor Stores, ByMr. and Mrs. Ray amr i h ecigs~a adian distfllers was given byldistiller in Canada. Walker's and also ta see that once list- Pickering, and Hih coo ate l Jim Elrick at the Bowman- Is flrst, and Seagram's Is sec- ed these brands keep movlng Don Chillett, Whitbwr rfsinlDv 0pmn ville Rotary Club on Thurs- o nd. A year's shipments ta as otherwlse they wlll be de- Sundav guests of Ms e.Dyi oot rd day. Mr. Elrlck, a representa-lthe Ontario Liquor Cantral listed, be explalned. The 85IFo].' tive of Gilbey Canada Limited.j Board were: Walker's, $3 1,- per cent of Ontario's popula- olr gave bis- classification talk at 000,000; Seagram's, $26,000,000 tion who drink are potential, Sundav' guests nt M the luncheon meeting of theiand Gil be y 's $ 13,000,000.1customers, he added. Lewis Henry wereMr club held at the Flying Dutch- 1 Liquor sales ln 0 n t a r 1 a1 "We can legafly sample pro- mnan Motor Inn. amount ta $31 a bead for the 1 ducts and are not restricted ily, Mr. and Mrsi ar E Jak Brsnltrdcigentire population," Mr. Elrlck like the brewers. My licence Vesna. ail of Bwmavle ADGTH the speaker, reminded his fel- 1 pointed out. number is 1692. I perf orm and Mr. Clarence Knnr h et fLaadGth low Rotarians that Mr. Elrick "Giljey's distillery in New . two or three other functions Whitby. 7yas cire had jolned the club last April. Tor'onto bas expanded seven- Did you know that you cani Dr. and Mrs. Wan M-sddny tbi oe n He said that Mr. Elrick was fld since 1933. Our firm has1 now have Uiquor delivered ta Sae igtn n r n uktno rdy aur born ln Wnnipeg and was 49 brands Including the your home. A distillers repre- s. a le igtonManin ad19168 educated there. "During World famous Gilbey's London Dry1 sentative can take your order,chdrn Wofrd were1 SnftelaeM.nd r. War II he served three years Gin, but aur Canadian whiskie g a h lqorsorwrt weend gustsodf r. IGog achitedcae ln the Royal Canadian Navy even out-sel aur gin," he' your name and address on the Mrs. Bruce Motinto an wa brn tFeenFal end overseas a year ln H.M.Isaid. form and slgn bis name and boys.adatnedshlter.n C.S. Joliette," Mr. Bryson1 Mr. Elrick spoke of Gilbey's licence number, he explained. 11 emridtefre stated.l warehouses, and the bottling A'nother function that is MradMs.Mr'n raElzbt Saw wo re- rooms wbere four bigh speed very handy if a reception is ham visited Mr. ad Ms esdhm "Mr. Elrick came ta Toronto lmsaeI prto. H en ie tbre hn Clarence Graham. Por er, H a eie nBreo In 155 nd ws asociteddiscussed the forward look a distiller's representatîve If .Sn~.*fr5 er n toetm wih he Calng Brwigwell Into the future necessary you are going ta entertain a Ai.r ypty ise- ie nToot. Sl-m Company for several years, for the manufacturer concern- group of 20 or more. He willlSneesmah then spent five years with Sea- Igbtlnsoaeadhi-ptheiqrinyutended Mrs. Cliffor er lyda eoao n gram's. Now Mr. Elrick Is gbtlnsoaeadsbp u h iurI or borne,(ne La Mcud) aspitrtedcesdhda- terpeettvofGIlbey's ping. Tbe speaker said the see that you have a bartender, Mr. andMsh s McQua dere nti rd o 0yas ln the Peterborough district, mstbegdge a wllaswatba ntoeennedth( end alsa represents Smirnoff mthe a d refee s - hat you anly bae ta pd ayfrdahoM.KernPtr- ntdCuch (Canada) Llmited, tbe Gov- srthebat surffice tauples- wat bas bnusaedt a o On Saturday evening i the Town Hall auditorium, size. Those taking part were, front row, left to right, eborogf tudy Mr. GaKherr urledb ernor General Rum Company, will be available. Gilbey's Mr. Elrick told the meeting the Christian Drama Club after presenting Dutch Ben Kooi, Joyce Groot, Jane Dykstra and Sjerp Mr. and Mrs. AnsonTyotocn.Hwr n aod and John Harvey and Sons of plans for long range develop- that Canadîan distillers bave plays for 10 years, switched ta English for a hillbilly Vander Meer; back row, Jim Bandstra, Minnie Vian Sabruh r n r. h uea evc a mertestolta1En9gland.t a code of etbîcs, and saîd that farce entitled " Look Out Lizzie ". I was well received Oosterom, Andy. edna Edna De Vries and JohnGret eMrrayand gilhedfo teNrbctEiat Mr. Bryson saîd that Mr. El- ed. He added that proof spirits there are a number of other although the audience was flot up to expectatians in Van Oosterom. rick was interested ln foot- are stored for eigbt or nîne aspects af their work that he nold Taylor were Sudyo MnaJnar n, bail, and bad played quarter- years. could discuss If time had per- dinneir and eveningges o r back ln the first East-West "Last week's guest speaker mîtted. He mentloned educa- hie" from the text "Blessed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Talr1r ogbry epr Game at Fort William. "'He at this Rotary Club, C. G. Hill- tion af the public ln how toa~I EJ are the Meek", and Rev. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. LlodBI saVut.Bra n}ap ts a member af the Royal Can- humn, Field Secretary of the drink properly. M W' ' on "The Christian Gospel" okadby ee u a o eeey adanLeloth ObaaFl- NIsaid that he knew ai Wilfred McMechan moved aý from the text "Go and sOn!dinner guests of Mr. adMs mn h oeyfoa Ing Club, and the Naval Club," the specia1 Gilbey's plant ln vote of thanks ta Mr. Elrick The aiinual Congregational formative meeting wbich was were fairly well attendediflo more." 'aci lodadfm],tiueeiec iteete Mr. Bryson said. Toronto where CNIB workers for bis Informative address. meeting of the United Churchj followed with lunch and soc- considering the weather. Rev.' A good number from thisý Port Perry, and suppr get nwihtedcae a Mr. Eirick tald the club that are expîoyed to put affia President AI Witbemspoon also was heid Monday nîght, Jan.1'lai time. Romeril spoke on the theme area attended the Canadian I of Mr and Mrs. Boy hn ed a n rmBreo ln Colonial days ln thîs caun- around rum bottles," Mr. El- congratuiated Mr. Elrick on 22, 1968, with a good attend- Services Sunday morning "The Treasure af the Hum- Farm and Industrial Equip-l nenhour, Ashburn, an h c1Cmuiy ____ tri' distilied spirits had been rick Informed bis listeners. bis interesting classification ance. Rev. P. Romeril con-P one af tbe main commodities Speakîng af a distilier's e- talk. ducted the worship, offered' used ln harter. The heavi' presentative's duties Mr. El- The winners ai the hockey their appreciation of co-op-l o o c u i e pr o fG e d r Import duties were. a factor ick said tbat there are more draw were Tom Rehder, Jack eration and toid ai a coming! ln the start af the Canadian than 1,000 licensed outiets ln Lynn and Ken Hockin. Guests meeting to discussf the needs! distilling Industry, and twO Ontario, and 85,000 banquet present at the iuncbeon meet- af amalgamations in this i q distilleries were founded lni perrnfts are jssued by the ing were F. Brooks, Bob Rich- area. Reports were given bYl n q ality, styling, perform ance and value, take th1h e o. Halfaxin 749 moe tan 00 iqur Cntrl Bard bu arsonand Ken Markle, al af the Secretary, Glenn Larmeri years before Confederation. despite these facts more than Oshawa; Bob Wiltshire, Pet. the Pastor; Treasurer Richardj Bi' 1867 and sbortly after- 85 per cent of the Ilquor soid erborough, and Don Krain, Van Camp;, Envelope Stew- u i q t e nio a wards more than 100 distil- in the province Is consumed Bowmanville. ard, Roy McLaughlin; M.&M. leries were ln operation ln the country, but now there are - John Carnagban; Renovation, eny21, Mm. Elick saId. enlu Mrs. NeilMacl;UCW spoke af the grîst mîlîsinIl Treas. Mrs. Murray Byers;, U. mnany communities ln those C.W. Sec'y. Mrs. Har.old Mc- days end explained that he- Laughlin; Manse, Sun.Sho, cause of tbe strengtb and char- Hi-C, Explorers, and Messen- acter of liquors based on . gers, which showed ail de-MAK0 cereal grains these replaced 3 cIL l lly Fa c atments in good condition. trum, the ealy favorite, in ubrtogup fSew He referred ta the demand "Look Out Lizzie" was the Sarah, bis wif e and Hazel, epiono i Byers in for gin, rum mand vodka, but titie af a rural farce In three their daughter, played hy Jane pacof o McLaughlin who poined ut hat anaianacta hy Walter Richardson, Dykstra and Joyce Groot, es- alng with Marwood McKee whikeyIs espnsile or85 presented hi' the Christian pectiveli', were also ieading were added to the, Eiders. per cent of expert sales and Drama Club ai Bowmanville characters who gave the audi- epresedftaprs. im Ma wr- ts the mainstay ai the do- on Saturdai', Januari' 27th in ence frequent reason for ap- eox rprept r.Jm a-_ rnestic market. The export the Town Hall. piauding, nlot the least hecause munifon:theparation of Com- FECLEC rnarket is double that of the This group bas perfarmed Of the backward ideas of the mthe n;choir Pastor and wife; MR FECLEC domestic market, be added. th corad ail departments "In190 xprt a Cnai-IDuth pimys for over 10 yeams. former and the unconstrained who have worked so faith- "n 195skey amf aund tTe mse fcrmneH-acting of the latter. Edna De îîy an whskey mountd tobert Graot, mentioned that it Vries and Andi' Heidinga were fly $41,000,000. In 1961 they were was a welcome change ta see especiali' comical in their Ahl units of the U.C.W. met $61,000,000. and ln 1965 Can- an Engllsh plai' for this even- raies as two servantte aiths atwek Uniits adian whiskey exports reacb- R OADth 1E ti pstwek Si? t i cd 11,00,00. Caadaning. Lizzie and the butier, Hank. seen how it mai' work out, ed $17,00,00. anaianjust tbree units will be heid. whse i n o h lret The audience, which was Minnie VanOosterom as Ma- ~h onn ntmta whiskey is onedu aheiorthe unatmgtst inoney earners abroad"Mr.smlpoaydu ta the bel succeeded verY weli in the -home af Mrs. Gordon î Elrick declared. weatber conditions, hurst Into canveying the Idea af a neigh- Paisley with 13 members and "Since the end ai World laugbtem several times at the horbood gossip. The well- three children present. FOl- War II excise duti' on Can- idiculous situations in which piayed moles ai Ben Kooi' as iowing "coffee break" the adin iqur xclsie a id-the characters found tbem- a stranger and John Van Oas- leader Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy - emal sales tax bas amouinted selves. terom as an aid miser, made pndtemtigwha ta $1.68 billion dollars. The Highlight ai the evening this plai' compiete.oeedtem tigwt a revenue iram provincial and was Sulas, an aid farmer, In conclusion it mai' be said poemn "The River". The de- votional on "The Earth is the taxation, mt Including federai wbo, with bis Soutbemn drawl, farce about a backwoods Indi- Jobn Crahn osdr sales tax, bas been 8.22 billion managed ver' weil ta partrai' ana farm famili' very much abesn essarnaghan.Co nsr dollars in that period. a ti'iicai aid fashioned rural and this was shown hi 'its frteyaapiteto Mr. Elrick said that iast figure. warm applause at the end. unit the years,dasusoineaiTE VU o t s drv th o lycst atbrt e inontb in regard ta the price Counti' School Board, etc. INTE YU ot s drv th n cs Increase, be bad read ln the uiiRM amteno Toroto pessnhesolloiroW IThe atronunit met i breakdown on taxes on a s i ng C r d t G oth Vestry with the new unit aitl o liquor. Out ofailae, aWatrWrgt Mark of Excellence. See, hear, and feel foryo r lfGs rice ai $4.62 for a battie o w G a ai t if prsdn.Ate ecmn fiquomir t showed that 76 cents F r l iua t Y ail. she read the Jpns version ai the 23rd Psalm, as wauld go ta the distiller and Securities and cash valued the Program. Their leave addî- Japan is ta be the mission ia $3.86 cents ln taxes, he stated. at approximateli' $3.7 million tional Government bonds, studi' for thîs year. Follofw-e io iy v r h o h r .6 "No ather Canadian industri' bave been credited ta 2,931 having a value ai $93,400 in, ing h citr as olw Gemeral Motors salaried em- trust frte pchs aiedtescitepsage, she for he urcase f' eada meditation by Tovo- img in the 1962 Class ai the The total distribution ta b hio Kagawa, an ousad s be li v n !C m n t d y o r t s a ta glit fJapan, mnd of- ýSavigs-Stock r-urchase I-rog-Imade at this time includes: iemed prayer. Officers ap- CO C ram, Edwin H. Walker, Presi-f dent ai Generai Motors ai' - 30,100 shares ai GM pointed were: Secretari', Mrs. Canada, Limited, announced common stock with a market Russel Mountjoy; Treasurer, AND - dyo bhl f h eeva lue ai $2,683,500 (based on Mrs. Murrai' Byers: Kitchen GM campanies In Canada.1 the closing market price on anmd Social Functions. Mrs. Thisamont s euivaent Janary2, 1968 for GM com-I Amnold Taylor; Stewmrdship! $262 for every dollar savedmon stock). mdVoain Mr.S Vni FO U R hi monti eu veadVcton r.S a ý4nur hi' ail participatimg emplayees. - and avns iad Camp; Friendship and Visi.-ý ORONO with a current value ai $749,- xing. Mrs. K. Sameils. Decided1 ORONO immediatePîy eG ihMciv,0 ta hold the monthly meetings in Govemnment bonds mnd Gv sjs e intsadThhvrprc il syus usedtaprchase $15.9 million with Mrs. C. Hill. Pontiac-Buick dealerships we'll prove that the Mark of whicbever car size appeals Io weom atnyC v-dsr more than 466,500 shares ai, Tursdav afternoon,Ja- across Canadla have been turned Excellence is far more than just you, however you like your car PnicBikdae'.Btn GM cammon stock. amy 25thaanTe-sevicettrai- into RadTesa aromise of GnealMotors euipethis iv our chnceto Th . ieafo GM salaried emplovees, tics was held in Cartwrighti marked demonstrators are on engineering leadership. It's your find out what makes the '68 orcastdotealigBu What's new in the world of baatimg? The havimg one yeam or more af' Central Schaol. Spe a kers' the starting line. Corne on in, guarantee that you'll find more General Motors cars so far ifyuwntoaktrdorel fun is in the fimding out. Therc', somne- continuous employment are! were Mr. Wilfred Cunming- pick Vour car and take a drive. of the features you're. looking ahead of the rest. -o'epce h ih ie thinq for everyone. Ouît- eligible ta participate in the ham, Toronto, consultant oný You'il be glad you did! for in any GM car. C3 V*~ boards. Racimg &,at. Hydra Program on a valuntari' basis, Mathematics; Mr. Piper fromi s~a âDbiJL Faits. Yachts. Canoes. House- iwith saving permitted up ta staff ai Hamilton Teachers' boats. SadI Boats. Plus films, 10 per cent ai their salami'. 1 College. who is active in work the .. B ~ fashioma and adventure. Under the Program, GM aof Ontario Mathematies Com- Sec. it ail - the xost cartributes $1 for each $2 ai' mission. spoke ta Primami' NNTIAC *3EVROLET -OID6MOBILE- Mcu M iRD -*CANMO *HEVELLE *-BERMM T* -CAK AN M C W *VV ~Al CDLA cbQo t xci,..g warcrsports ex- employee savimgs. One-hali of' teachers; mnd Mm. Hayes, See your local authorized General Motors dealer whibition you've ever sen. the employee savings is in-1 Master af Mathemnatics at C ia The world of boating vested in Government bonds' Taronto Teachers' College. 5 j ;wîso.and one-haf in GM common, The teachers ai Grand View, EVIson M o DIrs imitedR o Nih o s Fobruar 2nd to llth, Exhibition Park, Toronto !stock. The GM contributions, (new Manvers school) witbi !and ail dividends are invested' their Principal Mm. Johnt lOM to 10:30aUria/.« to 9MOhndaiIA ciass is formed eacb year Mr. John Bates joined with and matures five full years staff ai Cartwright Central, .166 KING ST. . BOWMAN VILLE 728-6206 6325 ater the year ai formation. ïPublic School for this in-!