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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1968, p. 7

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A reminder that we appreci-: Mother Nature. Mixed grain §te receiving the naines of iwth corn and sunflower seeds your guests and of your out- attracts themn and is much af-town visIts. Just dial 3-3303. better than bread crusts which Sunday guests with Mr. become soggy ln wet weather. - InË Mrs. V. Snider and Brock. They also llke suet. Don't BdMwn Street, were Mr. and forget, too. t.n scatter a littie M7S. BI11 Langdon and Laurie on the ground, as some species and Mrs. Wm. Langdon Sr.:! prefer ground feeding ta feed el of Lindsay. stations placed on posts or li The name of St.andard Bear- trees. er Ethel Shackleton was ln- dvertently omnitted from the caption under the picture of OBITUARY the Legion Ladies Auxiliary! whlch appeared ln last week's: EVERETT V. HOAR Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker has, The death of Everett Victor returned from spending a few; Hoar, 158 King St. East, Bow- days with ber son, daughter- 1flmYIville, one of the pioncera . in-law and family, Mr. and;of the automotive transport Mr-,. George Cawker, Michael, business ln this section of the Murray and Maryruth, Eliza-, province, occurrcd on Mon- bethville. day, January 22, 1968, at Mr. nd rs. . Cnli Memorial Hospital, Bowman. Mr. nd rs.C. illams '!aville. Mr. Hoar, who was ln an is 72nd year, had been il1fo Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore, al of ix onth. Oshawa, were Sunday even- ¶ngdiner gucts of r. n A son of the late Mr. n MsG. F. Jamieson, Welling-; Mrs. Silas Victor Hoar, the de- tnStreet. ceased was born ln Darling- SL, Valentine's Day. Feb. ton Township. He foundcd r 14th, is just a couple of wccks b is transport business ln 1923 awyand now is the tîrne, I and entered Into a partncrship while there Is a good selection wth to is oned949wen i ln local shops, to choose ai h w im eondwr card. gft. candy or flowcrs1 amalgamated. The firm wasr for that "special someone". 1 ncorporated in 1953. Mr. Hoar retired in December, r Easter la later than usual 11966.1 this year. Easter Sunday be- r The dcceased was a director ing on April l4th. There Ia an !of the Ontario Transport As- old saying "An carly Eastc r, sociation ln 1927 and 1928, and an rarly Spring; a late Easter, servcd as an advisor ta the a laie Spring",. We certainly R. M. Smith Ca., which was hope this docsn't prove ta be!rî hre0 h oeeto true.freight over the Alaska High- The Chinese New Ycar, way during World War II. 'Year of the Monkey"' corn A member of Trinity Unit-:' mnenced last Monday, January cd Church, Bowmanville, Mr.'.. 29th, at midnight. We cxtend Hoar was a past president of best wishes for a happy, pros- the Bowmanville Lions Club. perous and healthy New Year a member of Jerusalem Lodge. toalal town residents of this 1A.F. & A.M., and the Royal origin. Arch Masons ln Bowmanville.!: Mr. M. Byers, Toronto; Mrs. ard the Rameses Temple af iý J. Guikman and Mrs. G. the Shrine, Toronto. R~eid, Greenfield, Iowa; Mrs. Mr. Hoar is survived by his Marguerite Byers. Newmarket, i wife, the former Luta 'Nor- sister of Mrs. Lillian Alldread, grove Smith; a son, Charles town, spent Friday with Mrs Victor Hoar, and two grand-' Alldread and attended thp children, Barbara and Tom, rý f funeral of the late Harold ail of Toronto. ]Dean ln Peterborough. Also surviving are twor Seed, flower and shrub sisters, Mrs. H. E. Kerr (Ethel catalogu es are already arriv,-'T.) 01 Oshawa and Mrs. Herb. lng. *This Ils a sure sign that1 Farnell (Dorothv Helen) of Spring can't be war away and i Shrewsbury, Mass. He was avid gardeners spend many predeceased by a brother, lhappy bours poring aver the: Harold, a year ago. Pages planning watty The iargely attendcd fun-i wili have In their vegetable eral service was held fromn the, and lowe garens ongNorthcutt Elliott F u n le r a hefore the land Is readày, they HmBwavle nWd are Itchlng ta get started. nesday, January 24th, and, was conductcd by Rev. Gea. Mrs. George Bowers, Mrs.1K. Ward of Trinity United Arnold Williams and Mrs. Church. Interment was ln Wilfred Vine, Nestletan, wereBa anilCetry Friday atternoon visitors and, ooayplbaeswr Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Messs C. E. Rehder. W. Ross! Xerry and Kim, Miss Cheryl Strike, Q.C., L. Mitchell, J. McQuinn, Mr. and Mrs. ONiladJ el Wayne Lee, Mark and Chris, PONellbearers. weleMel. .A oshwa;M.Dvd egsn, Baker, A. D. Jackson, N. B. twwere Sunday dinner! Vanstone, S. Candler, town; ~eta of Mrs. Walter Fer- K. Bloxhamn and D. Harling, f u os n.'bath of Toronto. PMr. and Mrs. Peter Auch The very large number of and Cheryl, Belle River, Ont.,I floral tributes, as well as 1 1spent the weekend with Mrs. donations to, variaus funds, Auch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ýfrom organizations, fraternai, Leslie Coombes, Church St-! societies, transportation coin- AWr. and Mrs. J. Auch, Osha-paesmmbr of the Tras wa, were Sunday visitors and11 alsmebran dinnr gest of r. nd rs.portation Association, friends Coomb ges ttenfMrn d hemrn- an drelatives, attested ta the;r O ody onna Coomesattndig te mrn-high cstccm in which the de-JGOge Bon as orving b lng service at Trinity Unitedi ceased was hcld.GereBonwsding i Cburch Wihen baby Cheryl flamnes pouring fromn the east Anne was christened. I(Tampa Farms Limited). Hei When thie Institute of Elec-S LEthaar butnsaygte trical and Electronic Engin- AL Mthe mantime tn te farm, M eers holds Its winter powertemaie hefr M meeting In New York Cityý Mr. and Mrs. John Darch,; cattie out of the barn. Wher thisweek Robrt H Re *erwho recently moved into their dh eepm et in e ihdtenew home, were pleasantlyl put in a eallfor Orono and1 Canadian- Generai Electrie surprised last Friday evenîngi pictures show the extensive di plant. Peterborough, wiîî gîve wc bot2 riends andbutebrgdsw eabet a paper et the meeting en- J egbusgtee o had just been comp]eted. In tl titled "Measured Losses inb "boupsermng" part. They the new plebarn toa-a lsolated-phase Bus Duct and wr peene ith a cardfrmpl Comparison with Calculated table and a pair of matching~ Values". Mr. Rehder la a son chairs. The evcning was spent' of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder, paying cards after whichD town. lunch was scrved.r a eS Teewere 1l tables at thecaor B Don't torget ta put out food euchre party sponsored by, for the birdis that remain here the Salem Home and Schoolý Congratulations ùo Doris i D. over the winter. Our feather-1 Association on S a t u r d a y! Joli for winning the Zone1 B. ed frienda have had a raugh jnîgbt r!Bowling Roll-offs. Best wish- (S time, with so much sîwow and1 Mr*.and Mrs. Wilbcrt Craig,r es for the Eastern Canada1' lice. finding food provided by 1 Mrs. Ken Miller, Mr. and Mrs.I Championship. L. Doug Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs.1 Hlgh single thjs week gocs 1W. Bob Craig were guests ai the'to 0111e Patfield wlth 300. H. mariae f M. enBin' oisJoi agme f 70 -_L ake, have been recent visi-fspe( tors with Mr. and Mr,;. Bur-Je ney Hnaey and Mr. and MS. "A; Larry Spi res, . Mn. and Mns. H-aroldi Pas-:a coe and Miss Beverley Pascena wpne guests of Mn. and Mrs.1T Lyn Pascoe, Countice, OnI Deb Sunday celebrating little Miss' e Rhonda Pascoe's 5th birth-'Ca day. sh Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yel- ' Ex lowlecs visited Mr. Charles, Will ,Allun. Bowmanville, on Sun-! Boy day evening. sey'l Mrs. Wesley Huis attended TI a luncheon in Toronto re, yeîl cently. and The annual public speaking A. contest, under the auspices of, Enn the Dalington Teac.hers' As- man sociation, was held last week, Tl at Sauina School. The contest1 toc was open ta 'Group B"'. the, frier Grade 4. .5 and 6 pupils of enj< Bethesda. Enniskillen. Tyrone, ccli and Solina schools, and there 1 thesi )ut 10 o'clock, a iBowmanville Insurance Agent east tawards Newcastle when he saw smoke and ;t end of the main barn at Seldan Parker's farm rushed ta the fii'e hall in the village and pushed ýre ta give f iremen directians when they arrived. In r. Parker and his staff were struggling ta bring the ýn the Newcastle brigade arrived, they immediately Bowmnanville assistance under mutual aid. These damage ta the main barn and the milking parla0r, c save the silos and adjoining barns, one af which the lower picture, neighbors are carrying calves anearby shed. iwlig LegueKEDRON w ling Leiag elI The Kedron Hi-C took âd- vantage of their holiday on Joli 7736 6! rdaYta challenge North- Buttonshaw 8305 5!I minster Hi-C ta a hockey game 1 at the North Ostawa -Arena, Davis - 8123 « I followed by a toboggan party.r Crossey --- 7896 51i Mrs. William Rtianak's class Nesbitt ___ 8,30 3jIenjoyed a sieigh ride behind Donoghue 8265 3,h anses on the Hepburn farm' Reynolds . 8071 3: on Saturday. Brooks -- 7746 31r Guest speaker at the morn-! Patfield ---- - 8333 21ing service of Kedron United Average@s Chunch was Rcv. Da vi d Joli 246 Northey of Tyrone. Hazelden------2131 A highly satisfactory first, King- 212 year as a anc-point charge! Etcher 2101 was reviewed by the congrega-. Crossey 209 tion 0f Kedron United Church' Depew ___ 209 ias theîr annual meeting on! Donoghue 20,7 'Friday evcning.r Buttonshaw-_ __ 207, The debt on the new manse King--------- 2071has been rcduccd ta $4,460.1 Cowan _.--- - --- - ---- 206 There is everx' confidence that Bons ------0--3--- -o- it wvill be paid off during this Bruce -------------- 204 'year. and then expansion of' Bond ----- - 204 'Chnistian Education facilities Davis ---203 can be considercd. In vicw of Hooev .. -- 202 these requinements, the grant Brooks 202 from the Home Mission Board Patfeld - 20lI as been renewed this ycan. _-PatieldThis year contributions ta, the M. & M. Fund amounted N A toycn'1,m9 u.8. 9,412.29las to $191687un. e9, las ne two speakers from each: raised for the Gencral Fund. these schools. r t was decidcd ta continue' From Tyrone, Rory Gibhs, the new church organization, )n first place with hisI 0f the Officiai Board withý ech about *'Hippies" and minor adjustments. New ap-, y His came second witil pointments ta the Officiai' p1es"' as his subject. Board are: Worship Commit- r Dale McGiii of Enniakilien rtee, William Hancock; Christ-' ýs rnne-up andhe poklian Education Committcc, Jack' rumnne-u".n h poeFraisFinance Committce,ý Campihr ng". at wr Roy Atkinson and Frank! he oherconestats ereTrull; Property Committce, rý bbie Howe from Enniskil-i Clair Brown, Marvin Hannah,,i iwhose suhject was "Emily Elmer Parka and WilliamI r"; Sharnon Bickle "Dach-ISnowden. inds" and Cindy LeBlanc New membens of the Church'r xpo 67" of Betheada School;' Fiower CommItee are Mns. liam Taylor "Indians" andî Alan ibradMsWlim 'd Knox "Vincent Mas-J Coe Wlu n Ms ila bath of Sauina School. rhe judges were Mrs. H' The rapid growth of the Iowlees, Mns. R. Fraser chuncb program was shown 1Mn. Bert Martin. Mn. E. y reports from youth groupa Crawford,* Principal of with 228 enrolled ln the Sun- niskiiien Schooi, was chair- day School. 70 boys ln the n of the event. Scout and Cub program, with six Qucen Scout badges be- he schoolroom was filled:ing awardied this year, and 32 r.apacity with parents and ln the Messengers Group nds of the speakers, who p______ oyed hearing the very ex- lent speeches prepared by Chimpanzees are the only se young people.. lapes known ta make tools. cSocal & tersona/ Phone 623-3303 M .p ' for theInstallation of observa- L'urnm îvl-' rtion wells in the Bowmanville, 'b u rh a m *i~Saper and W l o r e s 1T1ese wells are in conjunction ýAnnounces ýwith the International Hydro- logicai Program for determin- pn the 110w of streams and ýTwo Contracts'th ga____o_____levls Alex Carruthei s, M.P.P., ýDurham, announced this week O IU R that the Ontario Water Res- O IU R ources Commission has award- ed two significant coniracts«, R. V. GALLAGHER pertaining ta future develop-ý The death of Robert Ver-1 mens n Drhm CunY. Inon Gallagher of Bowmanville International Water Supply!agerd 72 years. accurred& sud- Limited of London has con- r denly from a heart attack an tratedforthe canrying 0u Thursday, Januany 18, 1968, at, of a test drilliing program ton ýHolywood Beach, Florîda. the Village of Millbrook. The! Son of the late Patrick and amnount of this contract isAnna Gallagher, he was born $7,000.00, and formi part of a'at Trenton, Ont., where he 1current program ini that vil- attended Separate School and ilage for the installation of High School. In 1927 he mar- sewers and water facilities. :ried the former Mary McGrath Mr. Raiph Snider of Craig- ýwho survives. hurst has been awarded a' The deceased had resided In contract amounting ta $7,000.iBowmanville for 22 years,l Prices Effective Until Saturday, February 3rd GERITOL Multiple Vitamin1 Tonic 12 OZ. LIQUID, or 40 TABLETS Sugg. Iist 3.09 2 4 M INERAL Oit 40 oz. - Regular 1.29 8 9 C I.D.A. FACIAL TISSUES 400's Regu lar ro 2/65c 2o57c Colgate Dental (ream- Family Size Sugg. list 1.19 99C I I I L w j- AQUA-VELVA After Shave Lotion 8 oz. - Sugg. list 1.50 1.33 ban Roll-on Deodoraint 1 oz. - sugg. list 99c 87c BUFFERIN Tablets FOR PAIN RELIEF EO sgg67 Sugg. DRISTAN Decongestant Tablets îi'; t" 1.1 97c KOTEX Feminine Napkins 48's - Sugg. list .99 1.73 SCOPE Mouthwcash 12 oz - sugg. list 11-- - 99C Lysol Spray Disinfectant ~Sg.99C PRESCRIPTIONS I.D.A. REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING St. W. - PHONE 623-5792 1' Th ree Brigades Keep Newcastle Fire from Wiping Out Large Barn Complex The Canadian Stateammn, Bowmanville, Jan. 31, 1988 7 coming here from Toronto. A Tucsday. January 23rd., Rev. salesman for 32 ycars, he was Father F. K. Malane officiat- an employee of McCormick'sA ng. Interment wvas in Bow- Biscuits & Candy Co. Ltd. Helmanville Cemetcry. retired elght ycars aga. He Honorary palibearers were was a member of St. Joseph*s,ý Mr. Jim Williams. Los Ange-* Roman Catbolic Cburcb, Bow- les, Calif., Dr. P. Ircland, Tor-'- manville, and was a mcniberî onto, Messrs. Bruce Berry, - of the Commercial TraveilerslBiîî Berry, Nelson Osborne, Association. During World1all of BowmanviUle, and Dick War 1 he servcd with theýWalker Sr., Oshawa. artillery. Pallbearers wcre Messrs. Mr. Gallagher ia survived Pat Milosh, Lloyd Sabins, by his wife Mary, a son Rab- Jack Gaiiagher, Bert Walker. ert and four grandchildren.I Dick Walker and Jim Walker. Kelly, Terry, Tracy and! Among the many lovely Patti. floral tributes, attesting to the The dcccased rested at thciesteem In which the deceased Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- ws eld, were those f romn manville, with funeral mas 10F. No. 1248. Oshawa; and in St. Joseph's Roman Catho- Branch 178, Royal Canadian lie Church, Bowmanvile. nn T.eîInn n.Bw,.n,,il, TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Iiev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D SJ3NDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1968 11:00 A.M. "THE TRAGEDY 0F ALMOST" REy. GEORGE K. WARD Sacrement of Baptisa» SCHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.rn. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 amr. - Beginners 11:-20 amn. - Primary and Kindergarten mi m PHONE 623-5792

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