Jack Dunn wss re-elected set at the June meeting for Charman, und Georg Vice the annual Blitz Campaign was aima re.elected Vice- and &rangement wene made' for Chairmnan by acclamation ut the pienle In Oshawa and for the annual meeting af thc those wha were going ta the Bownianvlle - West Durham Lake Joseph Training and Advisory Commlttee ta the Holiday Centre. CNIB, held ut the Lions Com- Mn. Dunn spokc af the Ad- nunity Centre recently. visory Commlttee being the Other executive officiers hast fon the Pine Ridge Club elected ion 1968 are: Treasurer meeting ln September, and oi L. J. C. Langs, Secretay- the dinner and evening's en- Mrs. F. C. Crowe, Weltare and tertainment provided for the Social Charman-Mrs. Ron- membershlp at the Lions Com- ald A. Hawthorne, Publicity munlty Centre. and Public Relations Chair- "In October the Cammittee nian-Mrs. Wa y ne Purdy, was invited ta dinner by the Bowmanville Lions Club Re- Bowmanvilla Lions Club when presentative - Donald Allun, aur campaîgn was offlcîaîîy Blindcmaft Sale Conveno- launched by a donation oi Mmm. George Vice, and Cam- $200 from the Lions Club. The paign Chairman, George Vice. bollowlng week we had a very1 James A. Bell, who bas serv- well organized and successful( ed as Treasuner ai the Bow- campalgn for iunds ta helpt inanville-West Durham Ad- continue aur work wlth the vlsory Commlttee ta the CNIB bllnd persans in aur district. for 10 years did not stand for In November and early De-t re-electian. Mr. Bell has been cember a very successful andE assaclated wlth work for the profitable sale was held afi Canadian National Institute Blinderait Items. The Osha-f for the Blind through Advis- wa Lions Club once more ln-à amy Committees for more than vîted the registered bllndr 22 years. Hlm tirst service was trom aur district ta join with with Uic Owen Sound Advis- them and the Humaresque ory Commlttee ta Uic CNIB. Club for a Christmas dinner Thae owmanvllle-West Dur- at the Genosha Hotel. After ham A dv Is o ry Committee dinnen there was entertain- e xnembers are Mmm. E. Archer, ment and a visit tram Santa v Mmm. D. W. Arniistead, Mmm. W. Claus. AIl blind persans In Cowan, Miss Isabel Davis, the district neceived a gift. Mrs. W. Edmunston, Percy AChques were again dis- Hare, Newcastle; Mi-s. E. S- tributed for Christmas ta Jarvis, Mrs. L. J. C. Langs, smre 23 blind pensons. Onn Mmm. Reg. Liscun,, Courtice; behali ai aur commlttee I Mrs. Walter Reynolds, Mrs. would like ta pay tribute aJ Carman Thompson, Mrs. Juein the Eowmanville Lions Club P. Cale, Mmm. Raiph Fry, Mrs. for not anîy povîdîng s roam ti E. S. Dawson, Mrs. J. Bur- for aur meetings but for their t dett, Mmm. Clive Bramble, sîgiit conservation pmagram TAis. Sidney Mitchell. Miss ln providing eye examina tians nr Betty Flaxman, R.N., a mem- and glasses for those who are P: ber ai the staff ai the North- unable ta provide for them- ls aamberIand - Durham Health selves. Also, a big thanks ta nr Unit, was present ut the meet- the Lions for poviding trans- * Ing, potation ta eya clinics and c( The CNIB Staff for the social funictians af the blind bi Peterborough District ls com- over the past yeam. b posed ai C. G. Hillbonn, Dis- ul trict Field Secretary; Cliii "n closing I would like ta D~awson, Placement Officer; express my sincere thanks for t Miss H. 'Taylor, Low Vision~ the ca-operation afforded meL Specialist; Miss Chistina Daw- by ail mamnbers ai the Com- c Ion, Homne Teacher, and Miss mittee and aur able Field t J. Farthing, Chlldnen'm Wark- Secretary Mn. H iiib or n,' gr. Chaîrman Dunn stated. m Chairman'. Report Treasurer's Report wý Chairman Dunn reparted The Treasumer's Report ai ai that the Eawmanvllle - West incarne and expenses for the ne Durham AMvisory Cammldttee year ended on March 3lst, A'1 ta, the CNIE had a very suc 1967, was presanted by Mn. cx cessfui year duning Canada' Bail, the mtiing treasurer. 11: Centennial. Ha discussed the AExpenses: Local Disburse- wi last annual meeting held in ments - Assistance, $587: 1966 bi Januany, 1967, and other meet- Campalgn expanses, $119.73; vi ings. He sid the date was Eye Service, $537.54; Fild ce Secretary and Staff, $3,145.27; ln Home Teacher and Staff, he $290.09, postage, printlng, sta- jeq tionemy and supplies, $84.89; M. public relations, $5956, Lake thi Joseph Adjustment Training pa and>Holtday Centre, $70; Resi- an dence Service- (direct cash co assistance ta registered nemi- ou dents equivalent ta 30 cents a ne day), 1,005 resident days ut by j7:30 cents, $301,50, total Local mi SDibursements, $5,1i85.58. tic "National and Divisional ] Alocations: Divisional Office ait Staff and expenses, $111. tic Libnary Services - Braille, ln Moon-Type, Tal.kng Baoks, gaý Brailla Courier and Ren- fni dezvous, thrae sarved at $30 sei, Time o REODEL eacb, $90. Employment and Placement Services - Outside ch, 'YU.. NSORANCE tool Industrial Placements, $200; the CNIB Industrial Warkshops, ha, IRemember ' when yau romodel $200, and CNIB Catanlng tar ,Dn bmlid an ta your home, yen Placements, $150. Total cx- P fincease its value. Be sure to penses, $5,386.58. frotect your investment by in. "Incarne: United Appeals, 1 croasng yaun insurance, too. Grants and Genaral Donations cra And even if you've dane noîh.- $4,175.80. Distribution ai tha ing tayour home, rising home Provincial Governent Grant, ena v-alues have prabably maderit 23 servad at $10 per capita, Rui worth more today th vf $230. Total Income $4,405.80. ber beforM To bc sure it's ade- Net deficit, $980.78". 2n c quately insured, eaul us for a Returns frorn the 1967 Blitz free honmeprotection cb.k..np. Campaign held last October $68 amaunted ta $4,603.49. Cam- del paiga expensas weme $5751. $12 at ta ~ anc STUR? . ive..,. JAMES ~5 oewI i.tinc g pe * qp j(__ -1 sen, Net returns were $4,545.98, 1 Bell told the meeting. Secretary's Report Mrm. Crowe, the Secreta reported on the meetings hi durlng 1967. She aiea stal that Mr. Hlllborn, the Distr Field Secretary, uddressed t three High Schools in t! area and the Kendal Unit Church Women, thus bringi ta the public sme Idea af t work dane by the Advisc Committee. AThrough the generosity the Lions Clubs in Ontai the final Indebtedness af t Summer Camp for the Eh:l at Lake Joseph has been m Our thanks ta this organ12 tiai! for their fine contrib tion. Two aduits and o child tram this areà à tended the camp and we greatly enthused. Sccretary Cnowe repart that the Advlsory Committ entertained the membens the Great Pine Ridge Cli for the Blind In September i dinner In the Lions Cor munity Centre, and entertai: ed them after the busine meeting. ACampetitive gam were conducted and the Pli Ridge Promenaders put oni exhibition of square dancir w1th members 0f the cht olnlng In," she said. Visitinir and Welfare Mrs. Ronald Hawtharn Tising and Weltane Chai: man, neported that: "As i anuary 1967 there wene I reglstened blind In the are threc ai whom live outsic the commlttee's territory". Mns. Hawthorne sald! conr mittee members had bee present along Wlth four rej stered blind ladies and on man, at meetings ai the newl fmd Pine Ridge Club. "Ou. mmlittee hosted the Septen'. ber meeting, and there hav cen three others, the Inauî raI at Cobourg, ane at Par rope and at least anc at Grai ;n. Lion C. A. McDonaid an, -ion Fred Morrison were Il ,ange ai transportation ta àese meetings," she sald. Mrs. Hawthorne thanked a] nembers and filends whî vena able to share thelr sigh id ather blessings with th 'gistened blind in the ares 'MaY 1968 brlng about an In ýease In visiting houns, estab lshing regular vislting. Wî vould also like ta set up1 Lrthday schedule, a specla 4ait to each, so I wauldisin ýrely appreclate learnlng a .terested friends wha woulc elp us achieve these ob ctives," she concluded. Mrs. Wayne Purdy repontec hat Mr. Merle Slute, PnInci. al of Ontario Street Schao dn4sI=bers pi his. art classel ontributed many posters foi ur campalgn. The Inventive. .ss of design ai these posteni y Grade 7 and 8 pupis die iuch ta attract public atten. [n. "Mrs.' George Vice laoked ft the pub t y n connec. >n with thc Blinderaft Sale iDecemben. Letters In re- nrd ta suppl ng a speaker mm the CNN wene sent ta ,venal organizations. AtI arncantacting severai urch onganizations ta sec il iey would be intenested In avlng a representative at- id aur meetings," Mrs. urdy maid In conclusion. Blinderait Sale Mrns. George Vice, Blnd- îft Sale Convenar, reported lt thc sale was heid at Ab- iethy's Paint Store, 55 King ing Street West an Novem- r, 30th, December lmt and 'We neallzed a grand total 14-08 as tollows: Total banc 1POsit-3. $658.03; choque 2.55, arder for brooma, six $2.25 each ta be sent direct NichaIs' Garage, Courtice, id ta be paid direct ta the MBE, $13.50. This year prav- that the three-day Instead a two-day sale ta be dis- ,ctly advantageous. Letters ai thanks were nt ta the Principal ai the iox Christian School for it Not ail blind pensons Be totally bllnd. A persanw àlesm than 10% vision is cc î- sidared blind. 'a Business Direcory -AccoUnÎancý RAY J. DILLING Chartared Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 * WM.L J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant s l5LIberty St. S., Eowmanvil r Phono 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HRALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 Ring St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 *BIJRROWS, SELBY & Co Chantered Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmond Burrws, C.A. Chi ropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropracton 15 Elgin St., cor. of Harsey S, Phone 623-5509 Office Hourm: Ey appointmnex DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D,. 75 Ring St. E. Bowmanvilj Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunda: Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phon Newcastle 987-426 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.Dj.-S 75 Ring St. E. Eawmanvilli Office Hours: 9 a.M. ta 6 p.m. daiîy Closed Saturday and Sunda3 Phon 623-7662 DR. E. W. SISSON-t LD.S,, D.D.S. Office ln bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Eowrnanvillî Phone 623-5604 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daill ClosadWednesday - Satu'rday DR. STANLEYVGERTZ 67 King St. E., Eawmanville Office Hou rs : 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. Monday thraugh Thursday 9 a.m. ta 4 parn. Fiday Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-7662 If 0r Ma 0 n I t - e The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Feb. 14, 1968 Hear Reports ;of Activities Re-elect J. Dunn Chairman CNIB Advisory Commit tee Rry, siel ice the this ned lne nhe the in et. za- bu- me as- ie te' of a, les [ne an de Tn- ne ur GENERA.L INSURANCE I 24 King St. E. Bawxnanvilîe, Office Reaidence 623-5681 6359 IDEAL TIME 0F YEAR FOR HOT CHOCOLATE A delicious end nutritious drink for ater school or b.d ime. - DELIVERED DAILY TG YOUR DOOR GLEN RAE DAIRY CHOCOLATE MILK Delivered Cur G len Rae Daiïry PHONE 623-5444 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVJLE 111 Campaitn Chairman - George Vice, Campaign Chairmnan, rcported details of the campalgn that was set up with the Blitz for IBnwman- ville heid on October l6th, and the canvass In the rural aneas on the days immediately fol- "The Treasurer will give a more detalled report oi the amnounts collected from each ames; howeven, the last figure 1 have tan the campalgn lu $4M58.91. Saine difficulties were encountered ln apant- monts wherc no one le allow- ed ta canvass fram doon ta door. In future It mlght be Iwise ta have a hauseholder do ft, or direct mail sent ta, these persans In arder that they wlll not be missed. AAI wlsh ta express my thanks ta aur Field Secretary for hlm wonk, Mn. Jack Dunn, Chair- man of the Cammlttee;, Mr. J. Bell. Treasumen; mrs. W. Purdy, Publicity Chairman; the Tearn Captains, and ail the others who helped to, make the canvass this year the best we ever had," Mn. Vice nild. Liens Representative Dan Agun, Eawmanville Lions Club Bepresmntative, reponted that thc Lake Joseph Camp for the Blind tinanclng bas been cornPletelY Paid tor by the Lions Clubs ai Ontario. The Bowmunvflle Lions Club iultilled lis pledge ai paylng a subÊtatial amount tor this purpose aven five ycars, and this total was matched by penional donations by the local Lions, he nid. -J "W*s Provicded transparta&. ïRn past use Edit sale ed. 1 Field Secretary d Mr. Hlllborn in his nel 9 as CNIB Field Secretary, s e cd that the Children's Dep y ment Is dlvided into two tians; anc bcing cancer ýfwith the counselllng af 1 ensof p re-school bllnd eh readthe ather belng counselllng ai blnd chilc In a achool environment. He discussed cancessi( and explalned that this tg Includes theatre, bus and t: *passes, salesromr service s >as the purchasing ai rawi terlals for blindcraft produ and the use ai a dleani *office whemeln brand name pliances are available for bllnd at discount prices. Eniployment "Placement officers besi looking ton new work opp tunities, aiaovisit reguai locations where the bllnd employcd ln order ta sec tý îthey are functionlng as qulred, and aima ta dlean gnievances. Whan a blind p son Is piaced in autsldo dustry the CNIB advises t or ber concerning lay-ofis termination". Eye Service Eye service cane and pa alogy was discussed by r Hillborn. "If rasidual vIsi can be protected it Im CI' policy ta make funds availal for this", he sald. Heaa spake oi general servii which Include registration histories, prevention ai bUr ness, speclal appliances a home supplies. The Importance ai Hoi Teaching for the Blind m also stressed by Mm. Hilîboi and ho discussed the value the Ubrary and the books Braille and the talklng bac whlch are sent out. Ho a] mentioned supplementaryj sistance. FOR ASSISTANCE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Phone... Mns. M. Syer -t2-3177 Mrs. J. Oegema 623-2318 Insurance ùONALW A. MuOGWREGOR Lite, Auto, Home Insurante 32 King St. w., Bowmanville Phone 623-5962 Morigages iABIE E&MMITON - ORONO Phone 983-5115 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Frarms Busines Properties KEITEA, BmILETTA O.D. Optometrist 143 King St. E. - Bowmanville me ours: By appointmnent Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thuns. - Fri. 9 a.m. tas5p.M. Wed. adSat - 9 - 2 Thunuay evulnlg rit le a. 1. re a Id tion for the. bllnd to and 1 cfinics and functians ln 0 wa. We puy thec cats afi and meuhs for the peoph aur anea for the Oshawa L Christmas Party ut the( osha Hatel. We help ln CNIIB Cunvass, and aur L Club donates $200 ta It "WeV also puy aur shane the Plenie for the Blind gi each summer by the Osh Lions, who work In conji tlon wlth us. Our club Io. for the Bawmanville -' Durham Advluary Comin ta the CNIB ut a dInnen m Ing. The Bowmanvllle L Club also supplies oye tes and glasses for needy pe ln aur ores," Mn. Allun ne; 1- clenrk;" Board ai Managers, ",. ,I"IIg1UIPFGj -Richard Davimon, chairman: LC SB O O I Church Finances and Manuse I sLiCE - sib *1WP l4UUIUSNCH W Account, Mrs. Rien Gllbank, UlDC IW4 L, I D II! MILAT.S ITUAE secnetary - treasurer; Ladies' JII'RTENING 2,&~'ViL URc RANGESJ it 1001bol. US 1 Aid, Miss Ruth Prout, ecre- 1_1ýý -...% I tary-treasurer; Sunday School, LAS E Richard Davison, treasurer. PETROLIUM JiliLY lAi 0TI3c U H O M 9 T e date for annîversary AMPTTis ut ui 1 me EKis- AAAFAC RC Services wam set tor the third M AIS Bec M rr Sunday of September, and a TOOTilpASTE S'il87c ADlot.4c suggested speaker to be con- BRYLCREIM AMEAI67c< . .A P E 5 4 i ota tacted by Rev. Swann.PACTEFA Revisions were made ln the (IIiIihb.hiEuIIRjII i S IeIIIIIIIl ý*A FI4 yFF 7 - A AEPATTU ETorUITA, CAM. I LAliS us&& ~S~ numben, and the members of A fI à[W the followlng schedule adopt- SuOIp rTOMMES T.V. DINNER ed* l968-1971-Cecîî Wilson, T UIAT.Si Mr$. H. Lee, Norman Samnelis; 1986-1969-Mrs. H. Visser, Mn. . plm =111 Chas. Biggs, Grant Thornp- 1*11 PflTOAST AMAS son; 1967-1970 - Richard Da- 1SASSA T A FR(ITpMaA TU A vision, Mrs. Rien Gilbank, RKen- SAUSAGE MÛAT TISSUEWXEPPE O F05fMpMvTWOS*AWTOMAAATIO neth Gllbank. o leuPOSs A AI TUT The acting ushens were ro- ~,,, tated ta assIstlng and Mn. Walter MeGili and Mn. Me) GnIffin voted ta be the ushers. Organlst-Mrs. Chas. Briggs, Assistant, Mrs. R. Davison; Auditors - Grant Thampson Bi/Alll G od l nr,ý tary-Treasurer-Mrs. Rien Gil- bank mm a * maU Trustees - Meurns. Herb. DVVWUMNVIBL Hooey, Ceci) Wilson. Kenneth Gtlank and Richard Davbso; from day, Jan. 2Gth, and another and Mr. Ien Ahby n Sun- Isha- aeti the trames there day afternoon. le nA lthough Sales Increase LI1her e e IhatSuay Fi~llmrsatcewn, Hall a .lon- School on Sna onn dwt r n Mrs. A. the wlth some stili away wlth flu Thorndyke on Monday. Th Ions or lit after effects. White came east for their pare n au odyear's Profit for '6 7 cryntemum boons from glden weig at Omemeî*. e o hrh formrtgsrie eeI W Htbydr the LJ C ea ec b o 9 -' r rfTernan Austin h:as bnce weekend ta help celebrate ýunc- ~the first of ast eekbut 's ather members ofthi Brok hast The cansolidated net profit equivalent to $15.07 per share products reached an ali-time andw ouneheomt eo. eybg. aiy Wes ofTheGoodyear Tire & Rub- af the outstandlng common high, but rlslng wages and 5th. He was suffering-from a Mrs. Ross Carnelius of Part Ittee ber Company of Canada, Llm- stock. Profit for thenep-reced- salaries, plant start-up cosa, severe thraat Infection. Hope spent the weekend * lt-ited, for the year ended Dec. lng year had been $4,533,743 hlgher depreclation and Inter- Rosemary Tisnovsky and her mother Mrs, A. Austin, Ions 31, 1967. amounted to $4,128.- or $16.63 Per common share. est on bans needed ta finance her mother Mrs. S. Tlsnavsky, white her husband Rass, Arn- tlng 522, a decrease of 8.9 per cent In 1967 the company car. expansion caupled wlth lower tll;t the first of last week foraid Austin, John Fraser, were 'opte from the previaus year, it was rled out the second largest selllng prices reduced company a visit ta Germany. ice fishing at Port Boîster witl1 art- annaunced at a meeting ai capital expenditure In Its lt- earnlngs. Heidi Nikiaus is spendinggood success. the Board of Directars. Sales tory, spending $10,484,379 for Goodyear ls the only Can- smre Urne with Penny Web-1 Ron Dinner, his father RKen, were $149.778,895, an lncrease new plants and modernization adian tire manufacturer which ster and her family, white and Archie Ford were also ýport of 9.6 per cent over 1966. The of exlstlng facilities.1 reports the resuits of lts apera- Heldi's mother, Mrs. B. Nik- thlng this weekend at the tat- consolidated net profit lu In 1967, sales of Goodyear Itions ta the public. laus in visiting In Switzer-,same lake. art- land.___________ sec-. I ~E~o Mr. and Mrs. R. Dafoe OU ned Inglewood visited last Thurs-ý Give generausiy ta the Heart par- EL EO day and Friday with Mr. and Fund. It's the beut lnvestment. àlld- Mrs. Hector Darke. lyou can make against heart the (Intended for last week) Purchasing Agents for theicammended on a successful Mr. and Hrs. Hector Hoode disease - your number one. dren Mrs. Lonnie Chapman. Paul Church-Messrs. Richard Day. year, and the many donors who lof Part Hope vsited with M r. 'health enemy. ans, and Jimmy. North Bay, enjay- lson and Cecil Wilson; M anselhad given generous supportl ;erm ed Friday ta Sunday with her Commttee-Messrs. Cecil Wil-1 had made It possible ta finance raln Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George son, Marvin Nesbltt, Richard1 the new ail heatlng. such Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davison; Caretaker - Mrs.1 Lunch and a social half-!1sH p ma- Bowers and Ian, Tyrone, were Howard Lee. hour brought the meeting to a I' ee ctalso Sunday evenlng dinner AI) gvlng reports were1 close. ing- guests.A You CAN Hove ap- Rev. Fred Swann was Sun- - A iay t Sev- the day dinner guest wlth Mr., u ii ry t e v and Mrs. Richard Davison' UFCETM ITR and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elllott, I f David and Kim, Leaskdale, 51 1Dl ?% Ldswere dinner and supper vîsi- ris~El E~ IN YOUR poy, tors. 'HOME!1 are Mr. and Mrs. Norman that Rohrer are spendlng twoAtC n e to e e2 NTLAE re- week's vacation In Florîda. any Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- President Rena Bathgate Euchre Party on Saturday' NTL E er- son vlslted wlth Mrs. 'James preslded at the meeting of afternoon, February lOthý ln- Naylor, Pefferlaw, for Tues- the Bowmanville Ladies Aux- stanting at one o'clock. Treas- H M DFE him day dînner and were supper iliary ta the Royal Canadian urer Bate, the Sports Officer, or visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Legion held In the Legion ts In charge of arrangements They also called on Mr. Plans wère made ta provide After the business meeting e NO MORE COLDS th- Thompaon's mother, Mrs. and serve the lunch f or the a social hour was enjoyed M\'r. James Thompson, Lakevlew Public Speaking Contest for with S ec r et a r y Florence 9 STOP NOSE AND THROAT IRRITATION ion Manor. Elementary and High School Knight, a past president, in q1H Frlends are pleased that students to be heid by Branch charge. A delicious lunch of RELIEVE DRY SKIN AND SCALP ible Mrs. Ivan Robrer who under- 178 of the Royal Canadian Boston baked beans, French 11so went surgery at Port Perry Leglon on Saturday mnorning, bread and tea was provided * REDUCE HEATING COSTS [ces HOSPital, was able ta return February 24th, in theLgo yMs nht of home on Saturday. Hall.Leonb M.Kngte BE COMFORTAILE nd- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rod- Three new members, Con,- and man, Karen and Wilson, Little rade Nancy Calmer, Comrade PT Y TT Pleose Coul Us for Details Britain, were Thursday visi- Mary Gray, Newcastle, and E L Y I E mne tors wlth Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Comnade Alice Gibson, Maple ,as Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grove, were inducted by (lntended for last week) O 5 )rn, Lyons and Lori, Uxbrldge, President Bathgate, who was Milder weather caused con- ONLY 3 4 -93TALE of were Sunday guests. Mr. and assisted by Sergeant-At-Arms sidenable inconvenlence In In Mrs. Stan McNellie, Toronto, Donothy Richard, a past presi- several homes through base- oks who spent the weekend at dent. ment floodlng but cold wea-a Iso their cottage, Williams' Point, Yearly statements were pre- ther, with the help of sump 1 1 ~ R E as Lake Scugog, were Sunday sented by Comrade Georgîna pumps, has the situation back L. MA . P ARKER SON callers. Carter, Canteen Chairman, tai normal. Some water was Mr. Earl Bowers left on Comrade Grace Downey, in the church basement aima, Monday for an extended hall- Cloak Room Convenor and givlng more work to the care- PHONE 623-5651 are day in British Columbia. Treasunen Audrey Bate, a past taken for that weekend. ith Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- president, for Bingo and Cat- A quilt was finished at Miss 152 KING ST. E. EOWMANVILLE on- Miflen, Toronto. spent the ering durlng 1967. 'Clara Darke's last Thursday. weekend with her parents, It was decîded to hold a after beiýng started on Mon-1 -Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McKee. _________________ !On Saturday evenlng, Mrs. _Lamne McKee, Mrs. Calvin Mrs. John McMillen attended about MhwrI ooro iseut suvings. Canolyn Henry at the home af ber aunt, Mrs. Jack Hend- ershot, Oshawa. EÀ IT Sorry to report Mrs. Dave - Frew undenwent an appen- dectormy in the Ross Memorlal P R le Hospital InLitndsay on Tri-R S . U Mrs. Roy Canner, Peterlaw, visited Thursday wlth lt cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompsan. Mr. Weylle McKeown and 6 5CD!I it k Mn. Lianel McKeown, Mono 6 5 c ft I.Road. were Thunsrlay visitons SDEBA O wihMn. and Mns. Bruce ...BACON. Heaslip and Mn. and Mrs. Lamec Galiaugher, Aurora, .T 0FTO were Sunday callers. T~m Ti'[IMATTA!AA«T ltTOA TiTVAlUAATATtU02MiA!,AT CIIIE The Forestens Lodge and votlAt iLAiTAAsing 14TAI à ITASAVOILAT STU'JAA l ffVINBT 0 *DIAA IM A AT TAl&?eiAAA the Ladies (Court Lady Snow- 1k1' 1"Y 1"1RI .1181fl ATA n k ~ bird) wlth Court Charlene oApimATT TMSATA. PEOTI ODW5 _from Oshawa, as guemtm, en- joyed a very pleasant slegh- AYLMERJAMS t 49 .T ~. nldlng party on Satunday ev- tirit- tiLt, enlng. The tractons and WAX PA PER Je~ 29' ;t. sleighs were pnovided by Mn. PNK IMITE ['LAC TM A Kien Minahali, Mn. Alan Jack- SCOTTIES r- nt son and Mn. Oliver Rohrer. SAD2 59 * There was a splendid tunn-out TT ÇI ai jolly Young people and fîve FACIAL TISSUE S 33 sleigh-loads b u mp ed and LADY SCOT skimmed over the cispnonu? 1011 ET TISS t3