In anam i l two Tor a ch &R oa da tA ssciaton te present' nstall tw m additional streetThe Canadien Sta t s a Bo n a lle eb 1 1 68' squoae il e They .h e .a i f erîicate of meit to lights at specified locations c S b c i a l & ~ J ~ e r s o n a I decoun r at i e agov:rnm en . !The M a n v e r s T W p . C o u n c il au rice ndJ. Bof dte t o ad nt e wv plle tof Pontypoolafter this date t a ere it r C un l a d di c s d a n n . Sportoso al s aecmploy nmiship of Manvers, on having' tn installreplacement street ed udrteTxSl r-bro h atr eaiet school There are many Mu- The monthly meeting for' Reeve Wilson Heaslip presid - opee oreoftannýlgtbls cedure, under thi etlfth onhpConi prv Ph n 2 -3 3sic festivals. Germany is famn- Manvers Tow,%nship Counil; ig. sponsored by the Ontario! The United éunties Road' Municipal Affairs . 16n fte adpoet P h o n e 6 2 3 - 3 3 0 3 ~ ~ nus for lis culture - POets. w as held on February th.' A resolution is te be foe ý G ond R oads A ssociation ove r ng e r 15 t be n if d th t nd 9 5 ta a r a s of t , A b - awas i r du d an sng rs" ue t'wih li me bes re en a d e t the Road Comm is-, a three year pe iod. !nes T w shp w ud 1 township of M a v r s a d p se p oni g M u Nih ascmosdb ' Mner onhi oldIieDec 31, 1967 aon orc .Balya odspr ?Ar. and Mrs. Harry DonnerlH. Fraser of the Salvation'ght a in bay a sion of the United Coun ies The Dept. of Highways willi 12,000 cu. yds. of crushed $0815.itnet o h onhpo of -Leamîngton were weekend Army, who is a patient ln Me- values its olead buildingsMr -mofNothmTh 1 tndr German ~~~an arPigrbrgott Suit n-M. Jm otubnadadDr-b euseocaghe' gravel placed on township'>h 2tnesrcevdfrMnes Symons, Ontario Street. heart attack, will be happy to bridge was built in 113.5 and day. tien of road in Manvers town- !the intersection of the 4thlyds. of Sand in stock pile, express truck weeve.RosDvdo s lrtes and Mrs. Byo a-1an hth srcueaig o Debbie Miller who skis for ship in the link betwçy-e eoncession of the township 0f! The Counicil will sponsoraDet ofso ntetn~uetxcletradWl at King SR.dhsteaering ein thTorontol. oni Februth-Oshraltamuppliersthayoanitted tbetakaddaneThe epnextremeeting[ er0fe coun, 2 ed guests of Mr. and hope the genial and popular Ms et pk fteNnyGreeSir ege noe t the next sittigo,'beforwarded to the Roa rhepresntiveroto attnd e erIsreceiedeebse oaeAdiitrtr M s et ok of t e ast e dvin , S ies top g irCu nilin a c rd n e wivC mmsio f th ntearv 3h co c rinih po. e eal a d Pr vnca als cl il 2ed o eb u r Prs. M. S. Jaques, Woodstock. Captain will Solon be dis-vilg of Oberammergani asenbiiso, sto ii od t nacode ithCoumtiessio!nothuer]nd d î' f Pcncrnng theh mnici- l4t t . .mansdsePro Mr. and Mrs. A. L,, Hooey cagdfo hospital. '(population 5,000) which hasi in the League competition. teé prex tous needs suy plai24 onis fNrtublad pose closing of ontypoo, tax. assuming tata,.'~ T were guests at the Needham- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ven-' eoefaosfr h a-The Oshawa team has skied, The caretaker of the Towv.n- and Durham. i station (C.P.R.) and the ne- pality did not hav apy etn ilb edwt Farr wedding ln St. Paul's ton, Scott and Mary, Peter- sonPaywic.s nctdagainst Bethan., Don Valley ship Hall was authorized t) Lewis McGill was appoint-' moving of the Caretaker. .adtxs h atrwsstrpeettv fteDp.a United Church, Orillia, on Sat- borough. and Mrs. Mary Mc- every ten years. There areý and Toronto Summit. In Jan-, keep Township Hall lockn2d, ed as Manvers township ne- All property ownens having ovetr until the nexmetn.M icpl fars howI ra. Faul of Oe nst o u d M r. e 1400 playes in the cast (il uay h sie i t e So th d rng no -b si es oustaxeresnatv oftoraarsktheras f ax s o t e ea he Deehpeeo! Sa d- dvse co cenng th s m Mn. nd rs.Harld weken gustsai M. Vn- maturs. Tey re skeern Ontario Ski Zone D. Classkeep oui loiterers. 'Region Conservation Author- 16 ilb oiidta ton's pare ts, M r. an M rpay- woodcamstahresintthe girlo horm r RmeredLwislopmedtstoneLake John and daughters Lorraine ton's parent, Mn.iandnMSi. one year in advance in onder1 n caetiYi hegrs omr ev ei c-jity. ment o! same will have te be a proposed deveopet n'Sugadth to sipo Sydny Vnton Diisio St tha thir hir nd bard 15years and under. Con-ý GilI called on the Council ()n1 The rural Hydro at Bow-1 made in full on or befone May Lake Scugog, in Mvrs aves ewbidgreu Sud y na, S cano o g , r M r. Jn.M s. D nadHeno will be long. There are no ratulations Debbie. beha f o ! the Ontario G otdl m anville w ill be requested tel 1, 1968. A l unpaid 1965 tax esT w s i , c le n t &l t o s S ue n d a y , g u e s s 0 M . . . a t te n d e d t h e M a s o n i c L a d ie s 1 wi g' g__o r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Th e_ __pla y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e s__ _T o w n s h ip.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Abenety, oncssin Street. Night on Saturday evenîng. Iwg rmk-p h lyi Mr. nd rs. arvy 1performed in aIl kinds o! Mn. nd rs.H ar ve ~ Mn. and Mrs. Zack Adams[ weather and takes one day, Wright, Susan and Patti.ý and Mrs. Mary Olsen, Church commencing let 8:15 a.m. and Ayrora, visited Mrs. Wight's. St.,Mn. and Mnsç. George Shea, ]casting until 6:00 p.m., with rnother, Mrs. F. T. Tighe, King1 Mr. and Mns. Lyle McMahon, two hours for lunch. Sý, East, on Sundav. Mn. and Mrs. Jim McGIII,. Mns. Welts showed many Dr. and Mrs. Kelth Slemon. Queen St., Mn. and Mns. Wil- pictures of beautiful aid citiel Centre Street, and Mn. and lard Skuce, Mn. a nd Mrs. Rod: and buildings and displayed PAns. Neal Ramsay, Trenton, Porter and boys were Satur-'exquisite wood carvîngs. retunned home Sunday even- day evening dinner guests of 1 Mrs. T. C. Graham, who 'l Ing from an enjoyable week's Mn. and Mrs. Clayton Brown was bora in England but has winter holiday la Nassau. and Kathy, Bethany. resided ia Canada for over Mr. and Mns. AI, Elliott, Petty Officen and Mrs. 0. fifty years, spoke about her Steven and Lloyd. Whitby, Holdstock and d a u g h tl e r native land. She and her huj- Mn. and Mrs. Ross Clark. Heather, Dartmouth, Nova band neturned last yean fora t7wnr were Sunday evening l Scotia. were weekend guests visit after an absence of!m i- dinn guests o! Mr. and Mns. of their parents. Mn. and Mrs. thirty years. Quote: 'Englan1 AJ.Clarke, Lambs Lane. J. Holdstock and Mn. and Mrs. is a small country 750 miles1 ersre h ih Mn. Ed. Leslie, town. and O. Plummer. Mrs. Holdstock from south ta north and abouti Mn. AI. Leslie o! Whithv were and Heathen remained for a 170 miles xide with a populR-1 leo2limit Ai ln London, ont., over the month's visit here, while tion o! 50,000,000. The cli-1 unîis weekend attending the Dry Pett'v Officer Holdstock is mate nesembles that in Van-il".,--. Cleaners Convention which taking a course la Mantreal. ýcouver. The country ts veryl was held at the London Hotel. Lions Club hockey draw beautiful with hedges border-, oIT ALONG H*RE ________IC)N ORF\~T ~ Mn. and Mns. Howard winners are as follows: Feb. ing the fields and roadways' Ruadle and Dr. and Mrs.' 17. E. J. (Capt.) FaireY V, Wjf in places o! fences. Englishl .on udl. I o TrntHewitt; Feb. 21. Mike Fair, folk are flower consciaus nd1HE V visited thein parents, Dr. and Clare Mutton; Feb. 24, Bi'li the daffodils in spring are a'à Mrs. H. B. Rundie, Quee, St 'Thieshurger, Ted Bagnell; pictune. Every little village D and Mn. and Mns. D. Rackham,: Feb. 28. "Are'* Richards, Joan 1bas its Women's Institute andi Fett St., ven the weekend. Johnston: Mar. 2, "Hap" Pblp ! their W.I. sng is the ymn EaG N Bob Mathews; Mar. 6, l-ow- "ýJenusaIem." EE G N o ' own, andalus he n ames Elibs ed whicu; .Grhamtol d texteriles Information o! youn visîts Out 'Mar. 9, Lloyd Stainton, E. fram a letten she had neceiv- /G'L' ULIIEU of gts ,an la orthomaes, El whchtd o fatrribe ERTOLLI7WI it eslats ouhmes, Our A surprise, !amily blrthdav toli the "font and mauth" I '4 Itm nti oun upanty was beld ila honnrof disease bas taken. One fair-RAlMltiplen '1 nispi thanks ta the neaders WliMsF.RCoks7dbrt-mr had te shoot and buran~T"~'hRglr heave re m aem be et a o u day at er hom e . K ing St.'200 sheep and 200 ca i e. T hey l T ~A ar .O flIv W e a p r r a e t a s , o n W d e s a , F nay d tg a t r e n c h 1 2 t. d e e p a n d J u vt hiu p r 3 nlylgtaTrot ad Enc st, oened Mrs Cook lth a llndeelal 3oonwEr-DORAT When the lice Falles was 7th, when famllv members 40 yards long and used 2,50 Mrs2oCook M'fSsYvanne Anonlchuk and maay glfts o! money, flowers. O! coal te bura them. AIl cat.- 7Coz LIUID Gargie Miss Lois Walters, hoth mem- chocolates and two hintbday tle must be kept inside and Deoao bers ai the Ice Falles cast. cakes. Those attending were dogs must be tied. This is the aor TALS spent a couple o! days wlth iMn. and Mrs, Frank Cook, worst epidemic since 1923. ug Mes. A. A¶ionichuk, Honsey Si.!i Frank Westlake and Kevia, bann in Canada, but is of Pol- it15 1 19ls3.92 6 s .,9 8 Mr~ ~ ~ ~~~M. and Mrs ereTrs r nMs. George Mutton, ish descent, showed thein na- Mn.aadMns Gorg Thash 'Mrs. John Ovenden. Mn. and1 tivP emblem, the elagie. SEII er lgS.Eat eei'Mns. Reg. Land, Cateie Mrs. Milton Fisher rept'e- aterne ANSO DENT Aiberto V05 N W D W Niagaa Falls, Ont., on Satur- Steven and Chis. Ms. Brucesented the United States and if daY attendlng a reception lan'Coambes, Mrs. Ron Broomne'i bought the gnoup up ta date DENTUR hoo o rsEaKel, i-and Kelly. M. and Mrs. Ed. on the curent events from DLENURE AIR District No.7, Order o! the Smith and family, M. and! in Vietnam, the capture o!C SPRAYta .tasteril Star, Mns Thrasher 'Mns. Mike Zachannwich. Mn. I the intelligence ship Pueblo ytlNI ts DD.G.M o! District No. .'Mn t ltet rshn ,and Ms. George Mariow, Jeffi' U.S.A. econamy, and the as- PCA The many friends of Capt. a nd John. sassination of J. F. Kennèdy.I OO Mrs. Adelbent Beacackj i fe-at 'Speke on the motte. "Hitch 6 oz. -Sugg. 06o.s e 5mnt oml Your Wagon to a Star." and DENTAL CREAM st8c .....7 cancluded ber remarks bv Super Ilaoz. - Sg. 13 .Oau f ul R e o t r msaying ber "Star o! Hope s forS.9li Reports fro m 1 ~~~"May Tby Kingdom Core,'ls .9.....94Ptý-,18 Mns. Wilson tbanked ail the ilaiufactur.,rs ladies fan the fine presenta- 1.4 vuu tion of each country. Be W omen's Insttutes lMrs. Ben De .long's group f@TSheiuj4 A ass~~a isted the hostess, Mrs. Lc d S p lyN r K A N L 1e " flM shihae ra ss LimMedîcatedl NESTLETO W. .I Respiration is set for Wed- Bowens, in senving the usuai !nesday evening, June 19. deliciaus lunch and a social Beihhrp Thengua meinj! e-Mns. Adeibent Beacock, con.: ime was eajoyed. amei ntiuewsvenon of Citizenship a du- Ms.RpbSdnexe-* ACNE PIMPLES h MrsnW George Bowers'l cation, presided fan the pro- ed the appreciatin ta Mrs. ,,Nom 7 thoasWednd a tted d gram.' Febnuany is Interna- Bowers and ail the ladies wbaV o.Sug once x and siendl isttend- tional month and Nestletani were responsibe for such aSAIES eorid 1Mfls98 Thnc e n d en e st ons W omen's Institute is fatun-i fine educational prg am. ST EL BA,,Bo oi2 7 Th reieaMrs. Ceci]' ate in baving several nation-12 sS ugg. Iug Wilson, cheined the meeting' alities repnesented. ' E14 u7ls 14 z 91,,4 l.3,sg.11 and exteaded a welcome taý Mrs. Ben De àang. a native!A AO ail. The roil cali, "Namne ai of Holland, gave some veryl Y O E AO Cabinet Minister of L. B.1 interesting Information about Aignl u uieAberto V05 Pearson"' was well answered. the Netherlands. Quate: "OrteiThe Centeanial Folk Ser-1 iAgntelxtve k~ ~ ' Mns. Richard Davison, sec-. third is below sea level; wavic ne h iCo h:l I the 5*ity rtr-rauerPd th!ffh spoetd y ' wTyrone charge wili be beld et 1fo-Cl the fcsmiuy amo reay-rasrr, n ad te'f!tsispotcedh ikes; Salem United Church Febru-ý Llýt.f,,' CREME mintes "tankyou" cards' pumiping stations keep the,- DLC and sevenal letters from Tbe1 weten pumped out; manv'yi 11h t7:0rEeyoeR lINSEqJLi Department. The Women'E! thousands o! acres bave beeni welcomne. There will bel ADADBAD~Edsal pca lastîtute was advised te con-i ne-ciaimed, in recent years* lr 4o lu tact the Canadien Legion for' 108,000 acres, and 86,000 acres Fidav vi ngteewr me- Sg.lstpatc"j Cniin r il... 1z. size the propen method a! "Toas.t-'a! Ibis land are aow gnow&ing -. NewFaplusPa 7 oz. ing the Queen" and "Flagi excellent cnops. At th~e pre-~ tables a! progressive 1.45 lyawau hair Presentation." The A.C.W.W. sent time 100,000 acres arel ucr. nze s.o1os Cofrnewl ei'e-big r-lie ai Mn . Lloyd Crego, Mrs. S. £0 Assaited 7 163.-u Sae for C o f e e c e w ll b e i S p b i n e - l i m d a n i 1 G b l e . M r s . . G r e t a , . ic h a r d s , 8Xg g lî s t 9t-Elî -I 17A le temben et Lasing, Michigan. must be made and it take- of the5tgrain the ga-ledfor 2.39 Men'sRoll-onSugIt.ce 54ub MakT o or h irs aaai a es. rWalter Park and Mn. ý 300'sA ib irs an d i aps'andi Mrs. Ralph Bo e.saD. A. > 00od l oran CK Btry o! coloun as expressed Bo esal S E I L3aVoufr3 2 ber people o! al nationalit1es.. Ian.RAINBO Ever Suday9:15p.m Mr. WaterWels, anatveiMrs. Loi-ne Phare spent the, 9:5 p. . o! Man a el a nve weekend witb er sister-in- -. D.A. RAI NBID Everynda3' G" ivd era inv, ogave a eny w, Mrs. Melhourne Wight, S RP tex Quote: There are f60,-' . . SRI 000,000 people in Germanv i ng they werp dinner guests iOWE 619 for eacb square mile. and . adM ly .o Mrs. Gannet McCo. -u RUwSENEB 0fn n r.LodHoan, TU I ISugg.ENEMLE sY Mn. Ron Hoar and Miss Con- - ONE'2"x2 neMorris, Toron ta, were _ Choice of White, Pink, YelIow or Aqua Id 3c ac Hoar. BATH TOWEL Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A, B.D. Mrs. A. J. Hoar and er' IEACIAL TISSUES 2 ONEr14"x26 ' Sue visited Mns. D. G. Hooper et Sug A4HND TWLNtwoSadol- it1 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY i8th, 1968 Bowmenville Memonial Hos-i Reg.8 st £ffor1.24.2 for kUi. AUE4 pital. Ra1 ais5or1269. 11:00 am Welcomne is extended ta Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Ovenden whn "THE SEVEN WORDS FROM THE CROSS"i: have bought the property o! (1) Frgivn.ssthe late Mes. S. T. Hoan. (1) F rgiv nossMes. Anale Rivens nd Mes. E. A. Vintue ettended the le REV. GEORGE K. WARD Capedes et Maple Leaf Gar- dens, Toronto, on Saturday. CHURCH SCHOOL ~Mr. and Mes. F. L. Byam, AE c RGR0 CHURCH SCHOO;Mr. andi M s. E. A. V rtue 9:34 m.s. -Junor, ntemedite nd Snio were Sunday evening dianer :3 . -JnoItreitanSeir jguests af Mrs. A. Spicer, PRESCRIPTIONS 1 . D. A. REM EDIES aiLi:00) a.m. - B1eginners Bawmanville. Mr. and Mes. Eric Milhench 11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergartent and family, Newcestle, were5 Sudaydnnen guests of Mn.'# KI NG TREET wESr PHONE6359 8:00 pm. - Home Meetings and Mrs. Gibbs andbos