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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1968, p. 11

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Mms Broc.Tilison, Edtor NÏpwcastIe Bantams Lose O Pictured here are mernbers of the Newcastle Bantams who lost out in their quest for the champion- ship in the Little NHL Tournament in Newcastle on Saturday. They were eliminated by Cannington. eam members are, from lef t to right, front row, MarkJTil- son, David Shearer, Roy Verbeek, Kim Storks, Doug Orono Wins "Walter Rick secretary ci the Newcastle many mothers came forth The Canadlan Statesman, BowmanvMfe, IFeb. 21, 1988 Group Commtttee she prob- qulckly ta aid with baktng aby el I ascleane oi coing, evr& n la in Wee "B" team piayed Port Tournament wilI be held. We them than fight them. Cothy's up that many were neyer ca 11- oc lH ke been with the Newcastle Sea ed on to help as there was afl- Hope on Newcastle ice, and wish themn well and It fa hol Rangers and last year worked ready enough volunteers. IfA beat the visitors 9-2. by coaches and players thata with the children at the Recre- there were some of you nlot AI ivtyIt was a big day of games fad ns utioepaeng ts ande ation Playgrounds, se she will called on this tirne. there will and anxious moments begin- them on. %nofe 99-4213 have some ideas that wjil be be other Urnes when you will Newcastle - The Newcastle ning early Saturday morning new and different and a wel- be asked. It was a good feel- Memorial Arena boasts a new when the Bantam Tournanient In the Newcastle Town cme r Het Vandg tarr that eeoe was ptreaet look to the front of the build- was heid in Newcastle. Taking League on Sunday evening, ut~~~~s HnLtuebertLT ur a e iree honeallrmrne von wa do ered teing. The sign. was covered to the ice first were Newcastle the flrst game was Johnsonu receled atelehone all rom ome ut antho bldjb. a and Orono. in a game whtch and Partners with the game ýu n ite I ou n m ntGda rnonin ta ifrm hear foodto ge ery i osolargeraln e nd sherauldinen as ended 4-2Thegoing ta the Johnson team tin day ornng e ifor he foo tegiv evryoe lrgethe village feit that as it was garne was played between a score of 8-4. Scoring for thé that her father, C. Zwarnbach portions and send thern awa-y buit as a Memoriai Arena, ît Millbrook and Cannington winning tearn were, Ken Gray was very ill. Qutck arrange- fillied. soî ercgie ssc with the garne going te Mill- with three goals, Mike Mac- ments were made te book her Dont forget Pancake Tues- Fînalv 'th thanks ta Jamie brook with a score of 3-1. Get- Gregor and John Cunningham passage on the earliest flight day Is next wcek. and the Wright who did the painting, tmng a rest while two other each with two, and one goal whtch was in the afternoon of Lions Club have their aprons a brand new sign. wîth "New- teams battled on the ice for for Alf Ald-read. the day she had the cali. Just ail washed and starched and castle Memoriai Arena" paint- the C.C. sertes. the fourth In the second game cf the two hours after she left, word anxious te get back into the ed in red on a white back- game wvas played bctween evening, Hoar's teamn were was rcceived that Mr. Zwam- kitchen and serve you somegondlasbncoptd Newcastle an-d Cannington wcii out tI front over Fred's back had passed away. The of the best pancakes ever with Cannington winning the B.A. with a final score of 13 sympathy o! the village is ex- tasted. They're serving In the The Bantarns playcd four Consolation game in a score ta 6. Goals were counted for tended ta ber and ber family. Lions Roorn starting at five games this past week. Thcy Of 3-2. This teamn was present- Hoar's team by Brian Rowe Frtcnds and neighbors In p.m. and they'li be more than rnet Bowmanville at New- cd with a beautiful Memarial with three, Shermian Sheidu Memorial Hospital are: Mrs. happy ta have an endless line- castie a week ago Monday and Trophy donated by the New- and Earl Foster cach wtth two, Elizabeth Lennard. Mrs. Hazel UP of adults and chlldren. the garne vnt ta Bowman- castle Veterans in memory Of and anc each for Wayne Lowry.Mis DnnaNihai Thsefeilows, after many ville 6-5. On Wednesday even- B. E."hn os.Ti r- Pearce, Ron Good. Terry Wai- son, Mrs. Jane Shaw, Everett years of service, are no ama-inthypaeascolta phy was engraved B. E. "Shin" ton, Stanley Cobbiedlck and Vierbout, Mrs. Darothy Whit- teurs in the kitchen, and from Oshawa, losîng badly, Memorial Trophy, Newcastle. Harry Clark. Scoring for ney and in Sick Children's cachya hy-etpotg 0 Little NHL. Southern Sec- Fred's were Buzz Mercer with Hospital, Toronto, Audrey Corne aut and sec for your- Thursday evening the Pee tien Bantam C Consolation, four goals and Bil Wright Sunday. self. The final game of the day for with two. It wauld seemn that sameone The P.U.C. werc kept busy kccp the roadway clear. Then. the Championshîp Trophy, a ididn't quite make it ta the late Manday night and ail they went fromn door ta door beautiful Mernortal Trophy sale before closing lime, and thraugh the evening Into Tues- ta inform the Subdivision ta donated in rnemary af Waltcr o dectded ta try getting Int day. Watcr was pauring fram f111 up ketties and basins with Rickard by nîany of his team- Johnsan's Drug Store whcn he the hydrant on the Emerson watcr as there was nathing mates. The engravîng was the Y bi was least expected and with- Peel Property in Westview further they could do until same as the Consolation except out anyonc on hand ta serve Heights Subdivision. What heip came, so the water was for Walter's name and also In hm Hemade his way inside caused this leak is unknown at finally shut Anoff hrowhotin ace of consolation was Chamn- NEWSMP R tesoeby rangtegasti ie Atfrti a htae.Ayn akgpo. This traphy wvas present- door front. A number o! thaught that the hydrant had or driving, and it was quite ed ta Orono who beat Mill- articles were upset and brok- been hit by a car but certain- something ta try Éither at the brook 3-2. .? en inside when two local lads ly no sign o! this was witness- first bend In the road beyond The C.C. Series was fought ~i~~,~caugbt sight of the goings on cd by anvone in the area. the Dryden properby, would for bebween Keene and Black- PACKS Sand tried ta stop IL. When Public Schooi cbildren have been amazed at how stock who piayed two games s' We're sarry ta learn that headed back ta school bctween quickly the xvater had built againsb each other, bath going '~others in the village have been one and one-thirty p.m. there up along the road. Il was here ta Keene, 7-2 and 5-i. >~~bercaved by ioved ones. Very was no visible sign o! water that Mr. Majer and Mr. Couch recentiv Les Burroughs flew coming from the hydrant, but in bip boots and using flash- On Wedncsday cvcning. the Rickard and Geordie Walton; back row, Coach Bill ta Engiand ta attend the fun- on reburning home around iights, cieared the way se that Tykes played on home ice Wright, Wesley Forget, Greg Gray, Ralph Cobbledick, cral o! fis mother. We extend two-thirty p.m. (scbool was the chiidren would be able te against Tykes irom Bowman- Ron Pearce, Jeff Alldread, Norman Tilîson, Darrelaur sympathy ta Mr. Bur- ]et out eariy because o! a get througb wibhout danger te ville. This game ended ini a WR Baret Rbi Rckrd Gin urhyan Cac Iroughs and his famiiy. teachers' meeting) water was bhem. Ib was higb enaugh score of 3-1 for Bowmanville. Baret, obn icar, le Mrpy ndCoch The execubive of bhe Hockeyrnning int the ditches and that sameone falling and slip- We'vc had no word about ~ ., LaryPareMothers' Association wish ta averfiawing. Edmund Majer ping at this point cauld have the Atoms althaugh we under- express their thanks to every-lo! the P.U.C. assisbed by Har- gotten very wet, or even stand tbey did have a game on anc who pibched in and helped aid Couch, worked with flash- worse. Our bats are off ta Frlday evening. They'i1 ail be 623 -3303 wibh the noon hour during the 1iights long af ter dark clear- these men for such quick hcading out Keene way eariy ir" Tronhv I S ~cial and Bf4 a Tournament. Sao ing the ditches and trying ta action. Stra onn hr hi Saturday marning where their b, do a-vm *aIF Alex I-3endry, an uncle of the late Walter Rickard who died earlier this year, tu diown above holding the new Walter Rickard memorial trophy presented for conipetition by his former teammates. At lef t is Captain Randy Gillis of the Millbrook Bantams who were defeated for the Little NHL Championship in Newcastle, Saturday, by Orono Bantamns, headed by Captain Randy Tennant. Cannington Wins "Shinny Mie'Trophy ~:On Saturday at Newcastle, Cannington Bantams won the Consolation tt*phy for the Little NRL Tournament. The Chairnsan Doug Walton is shown rnak ing the first presentation of the "Shinny Moise" Mernorial trophy to Can- iiington's Captain Don Vernon. Mr. Wallon is a nephew of the late Mr. Moise. Tht: trophy was donated by Newcastle's ex-servicemen as a Iasting tribute ta a rnan who made a tremendous contribution to sports in the village over a great ulany years. Personals Newcastle-The sympathy Iof the village Is extended ta Ben Maugban in the recent ioss of bis wife, Margaret. One lime residents a! bhc vil- lage, the Maughans have made iOshawa their home for a number af years. Ben Is cm- ployed at the J. Anderson Smith Factory, and many frtends from there attended the funcralIin Oshawa on Thursday aflernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper, have returncd ta the villagel afler their wintcr vacation in Florida. Mrs. G. Sunday, ber son Vernon and daughber Ed na, were accompanlccà by Mrs. Sunday's mather, Mrs. G. Pacey ta Toronto wherc they spent the weekcnd at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Offord, and also visited littie' Audrey Sunday who bas beeni In Sick Cbildren's Hospital more than a wcek. Don't forget the Winber Carnival being planned for 1 Saturday, Marcb 2nd. The Recreation Committee have given a great deal of tbougbl ta making this anc o! the wtnter btgbiights. Everyone Is welcome ta came and il is hoped the Arena will be fi- cd. There's somcthing for everyone, even If you just watcb, Including free Ski-doo rides, costume tce skating wilh prizes being offered for tbc best costume. Taste-lempl- lng turkey burgers will be made up right there ta kcep you gaing from ncn exciting moment ta another. Round, *and square dancing on the ice ita the music o! a good orch- estra. Il wiil be a big lime,1 -and fun ail the way. Tickets1 arc now available fram any committce member. and also at Johnson's Drug Store.1 Quinney's Barbersbip, Glan- ville's Variety and Garrods For the first lime in the Newcastle United Church, a nursery has been apcned for cbiidren up ta tliree ycars of age. o!!ering parents o! these yaunger bilîdren an oppor- tunlty ta attend churcb wibb capable supervision for thc cbiidren. Only two litIle ones attended on the firsî Sunday, but il is hoped that word wil] get around that Ibis invitation applies ta everyone who wouldn'l otberwise be able ta attend the service. Il Is aiso hoped that those taking ad-1 vantage o! Ibis oppartunity,! will alsa take their turn in tbbc nursery toalalow others to attend the service. If you are wiiling to help. please contact! bhc minister at 987-4433. Nexb sunday at 10 arn. the United Church Sunday Scbool wil bold a special service.! Children wiil mccl at the usuail time and after bbc attendance is arkdan open session wil be beld. A film will bel shown entitied Aoyama Ga-; kuin. This Is a Japanese film! sbawing everyday life at aý Christian School In Tokyo. Mr. Smith ha.sasme ,Iapanese, costumes that same o! the' cblîdren migbt like to try on,' and they hope to teacb bbem "Jesus Love Me" In Japanese.! The collection faken Ibis wcck Is for a speciai project, anc thal United Churcb cbildreni ail over Canada are takîngl part In. They hope to raise $100.000 for the averaîl pro-' ject. Parents and other aduits are most welcome ta attend tbis special session. Mr. and Ms. Alex Hendry' wcre delighted la have their son Lt. George Hendry, Win-; nipeg, home for tht weekend;, they hadn't expectcd ta sec hlm until June. His fiancee, Miss Patricia Ryan, Ottawa,' was aiso quite pleased ta know she wouid be secing him be- fore June and she too, spent the weekend in Newcastle. A cail for help was quickly1 answered last wcek wben' Cubs needed anather assistant. We do welcome and thank Miss Cathy Baker for bier WHOLE (FLANK, KIDNEY AND SUEr REMOVED) LAMB pot LOINS:;;_lb 4 SX BRAND VAG PAO SLICED BEEF BOLOGNA u481d 8X BRAND PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT -3 9î SCHNEIDER'S VAG PAO COOKED HAM 1-O49ie SHOPSY'S VAG PAG WIENERS ALL BEIF t 5 8 j 9 TO il CHOPS IN A PACKAGE - SMOKED PORK LOIN QUARTERS t89îi THIS WEEK'S BEST FISH DUYS S A&P Brand SOLE FILLETSSV8 bpg9 A&P randFri.d in Battr HADC AVE 10o 1-lb pkg 59< BullPORTION 14 TO 16 POUNDG P55g READY TO SERVE SHANK PORTION 1 SMOKED COOKE D CENTRE CUTS or STEAKS ib79c WHOLE HAMS Dependab e o- Vles! JANE PARKER BLUEBERRY r;PNE FULL 8-INCH 24-OZ Pli .49ý SReg. @»oh 69% - SAVE 10o A&P Fancy Quality FEATURE PRICEI APPLESAUCE 4 19foztins 89<> Boston Style Reg. Price 2 tins 45c - SAVE 60 AYLMER BEANS 2 14 Wloz tins 39< Aylmer Choice Quality FEATURE PRICE! TOMATOES 3 28floz tinslOO0 Billy Boa Reg. Prie* ctn 37e - SAVE 11. HONEY CREAMED 3 î"z platc 100 Amm Page FIATURE PRICG! KETCHUP 21-001o: btls 39< Burns Bakeasy Reg. Prie. lb 30o - SAVE 11@ SHORTENING 2I14 lpkgs 49< ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATUROAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1968 WHEN WE * ADVERTISE A SPECIAL, WE ALWAYS AMPLE SUPPLY BUT.. Sometimes flot offen, but somelimes, the special is more popular thon we imagined. So we do run out. But if we do, please ask the manager for a "RAIN CHECK" An A&P Rain Check entities yau ta buy the item, at the same special price, the followin.g week. We fi-y neyer fa disappoint you. we always want ta be fair. ls this a good reason for shoprirg A&P? lt's one of many. CALIFORNIA Broccol'i Large Original Bunch No. 1 Grade BIJNCI4 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT ^&Pl Jan* Parkcer Spanish Reg. Prie* each 39o - SAVE 28@ BAR CAKE 3-oz caks 89 c Jane Par-ker Danish Shortbrend "Cinnamon or Butter» CRESCENT COOKIES inpkg. 2-lb pkg 88 c New in a New PoIy Wrap cf is nd 12'. PKG OF ô 33# HOT CROSS BUNS Parker pkg of 1263C Jan* Parker R* Poeo. n o - aVu. WHITE SLICED BR EAD DAILY 24-oz DATED 5 loavu y9 7F

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