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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1968, p. 13

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, The Orono News SET GOOD EXAMPLE AND DDflTgrT VnUIUr UEADTC Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chal-!ghen and children recently! Sheer determination eriabled I flWIu0 L% NI 1IIV [U LMft i J l lce and family, Mr. and Mrs.! moved into the Allun Apart-1Orono to defeat a strong Mill-' LoreuBn s werd :L nne: m:::s theformer Post Office. ibrook tem,3-2, and winthe TESE PRECATINS NOW MAY VII NOON trirris off fa J.ests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith' Mr. and Mns. Julien De- "WaIter Rickard Memoriali eegun an aiy oPap Mr Geo. DePaepe at- Trophy", Southern Section'0M N O Tusa.Feb. 2th, on thel tended the funeral of beiý Bantamn "Ci' Champion. ùs na ,âcW~n of the 25th Wedding nephew Mr. Desire Sinnesael' Orono Players - Goal, Don syofM.adMrs. at Langton, near Sirncoe. on 11e~~*ti toli isin l d ti u *.Mr. and Mrs. Julien De-' l3th. Black, Robert Tennant, AI: ,soc ACTIVIT Il a o h n in l d Paepe were Sunday dinnerî Mrs. Viola Smith. who re- ForwkadRlinatro buin Ilaet of Mr. and Mrs. Rene'eently returned froro the WneJn uhnad i - M rs. Geo. M ort n, M . and M r. an M K enz e of W ter r nnan S u th eprlay op a y pr p o un . d Capdorp and family of Osh- Memonial Hospital, Bowman-, Partner, Nico de Jonge. Ste-m awa and formenly of Bow- ville, is staying at the Oronio' Sten BoydleDean CoxpeSteven manvile. est ome.Cox, Randy Eastabrook, Neil Mrs. Morton, Gordon loo is spending this week Orono now enters the sec- ."\ AdwtrmorW slSp lasoth. . a»d Marilyn were Sunday wjth bus parents Dr. and Mrs. ond round tournament at same exactlng speclifications dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie, Little Britain on March 2nd" This is our policy. This le our practice. This is whet makea.à Dominion triat pecial e Lawrence Harris and family. The Teachers of the Clarke when South Eastern Division SAELTS gefluinse niatapecial. Ifyou'ra tnotea Dominion shopperyou mey have noticed how Mr. Francis Hall of Agin-, Township School Area held, (Rural) winners will meet: EATFAT extra fat je aomatimes left on when a meat item goea "on apechal". Notr t DM70,f nin court visited Mr. and Mrs. their February meeting at.the North Eastern Division, 1 WIHA LR AT o io etstme c îeyu js nEh.fns orsrv h aua Wm.RoinononMonayaf Kndl Shol n onay (Rural) winners.WIHCLOE juices and fuli naturel mest flavour. At Dominion exciss fat and bons ia always trimmed teRnso o on y afena ool__on____________awy to guarantea you a full moasur. of meat value for aery mutdollar Vau &pend. rs.ohnLavery a nd r.A A rmnd r. Stop and think about It. Dominion actually trima off fat that othara Includa iln the pOc* Mr.Jh aey ad Ms .A rmod r Vocu pay parpound.Sa, if ou want hornest meat vlue-thop whara Vau can b, sure.. ______________________ children of Montreal have, A. M. Johnston. Mrs. Carl e r ain$S.nîch Ta Dominion and i dscovar the differanca. returned home after visiting Billings. Mrs. Orville Chai- % ce to EV ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.ý lice, Mrs. Sterling Mather, FOOD ECTE .i ESW SEM R E TVL F ]Robt. Gianvilie, and other re- Mrs. E. A. Couvier, Mrs. Reg< $ 0tSAUTE SMOKING IS latives and friends. Sutton, Mrs. Fred Lycett,'ýD n ts$ 0t AUAE BAD FORh Mrs. A. F. McKenzie re- Mrs. Ross Gilbart, Mrs. Perey> __ __ __ _ __ _ OV I-IF! turned homne lest week efter Werrv and Mrs. Orvilie Chat-,____________________________ a- number of weeks in theiterton attended the annualý 1re Pa e s Toronto General Hosital. !meeting of the Oshawa Pres- Necsl-Ataren E Ty.F shGo d 'Mrs. D. G. Hooper is con-i byterial United Church Wo-I ecete-A arcetHL L RSH O TA I P R L I rFresh Gro dIelFrHmugr vaiescing et the home of Mr.i men in Trinity United Church, EmetingNheARIO he New LOIN castie Recreetion Committee, MAINTAIN Xè &À and Mrs. Raymond Clapp et BowmanviIIe. on Wednesdav Mrs. Ken Ruttan took overý NORMAL C SALE Hampton. ;of last week. The Reverend Isecretariel duties of recently, WEIGHT Ke~ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chai-. K. Harriet Christie, B.A.,I eîge Ms TmMesngr lice, Dale, Doretta. Donna B.D., D.D. wes the guesti who bad M.Tom l eav enerstionCEÇKU Tenderloin End Pork 3-4 lb. avg. and Denise, Mr. and Mrs. AI-'speaker. for personal reasons. . ." o nl bert Munneke were Sna atm i ore A motion was made and'AIY 618 l John Killeen and family of. Little N.H.L. South Eastern 1Cpassedo atheeton . utluCop -Qare BOmnil.Division (Rural) tournament; Cola ee oates $5enteto thel ay Mrs Cci Rbiso senlhldatNecatl o Stu-ýEquipment for the play- HELP your cblîdren form good bealth habits early, and f PO R 6 8 1 n c I u dtiswek e dy eb 1th grouncf was dlscussed and will reduce their risk of heart attack later. By setting a good MIeaty Naror - B7 8 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall ait Two divisions inc1ude: e purchased before the open- example, you protect your own heart, too. To help 1n he 0 Nrroh- acs orl Agicout. las CNeweste, annng ing time. fight against heart and blood vessel diseases, give gener. SP RRUB O Y lb Dominlon's Own Bimnd Pr Mr. and Mrs. ,ohn Bailey ton, Milbrook and Orono;, Carnival plans were review- ously to the Heart Fund Campaigu being conducted here i S AE R B 9 of Ohaw spnt Snda wihýCIss C -Cartwright and ed and everything points to a ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Keene. !big time for ail. Something throughout February. Sit rmu Lorne Bowlns and attendedi Game No. 1 - Orono vsI for both the young and the --_____-_______________ _____ SwftaPemu Orono United Church morn-, Newcastle, Orono 4, Newcas- aduIt age has been planned. iiie service. i W ERS P..5te 2. Goals for Orono werei Posters have been placed ýk Mn. and Mrs. Orville Chat-! scored by Rendy Tennant,' truhottevilgntariot Pemu o Lz Mpl Rnles wltsPemmVa acCBlueb m terton, Carol and David werei'Jini Sutherland (2) and B hey eroute iel ge ad hese Upo Lz Mpe idls wit Peiu a Sunday dinner guests of Mi- Moffatt. Game 2-Keene 7, much easier thanks to Rav BlintHold A nnuail M eeting î5iBreakfast BaConr 9l anid Mrs. Ed. Henderson end' Cartwnight 1; Geme 3-Mill-l Goode wholndiy ioaned theml zý-6c C o e daughter Leigh et Oshawa.1 brook 4, Cannington 2; Garme 1 stepier gun and staples. Adj « wfsPeimSo Mn. and Mrs. Grant Moffai, 4-Keene 6, Cartwright 2:1vertisement wîîî now be maeA t GS'ft CmumSoe Maple Leaf Brand PuePr Frank, Bob and Donald of1 Game 5-Newcastie ,Cn hruhu telcl aes G uelph U niversity 1~~~Tr.1 Wm ofe n vstd oslaintrpy. ee6twins" uthaeen uc aed nude adtetqt. lbwi e ligot Pork Shoulders 4 9 lb S u a ee t~ Oekviile spent Sundey with nington 4. (Cennington won! Bookiets on the "Cautious 4 MJrs. Wm. Moffat in the Mp. -Orono 3, Milibrook 2. Orono'and wiii be given to Ron five people attended the an-e trophies for ihgnn l morial Hospital, Bowmanville-, goals were scored by Robin! Munro, Public Schooi Princi- 1fluai meeting and Luncheon ofherds, as ln dairy breeds. j Polish Jagdwurst Chub Mn. nd rs.Edwrd ou.Winter (2) and Jim Partner.1pai. for Kindergarten and Ontario Shorthorn Club, heldj E. H. Stoltz, Guelph, Sec-1 T Beerwurst Germnan Style Chub lo.Sz se aiyPc ýGrades One Children. The rrecently et the University of!retary, Canadien Shorthorn Pls okd aoiCu booklet In story form tells the IGueiph. President Angus M.lAssn., spoke of increased salesý oihCoe aoîCu ec C o e children neyer to tl oWisnofCmelnwso hrhrsitela pti Mortadella Sausage ChubEseMld ued aumPaed- strangers or accept treets or1 Chainman throughout the of 1967; greeter than for anyý se idCrdV rides in til cars. day's events which feetured a :perlod for several years, ln Liver Sausage Fine CIiub 8o.Sz This belng ail the business review of 1967î business in the'most Provinces. 8-z.SzeRo i adjund onlnhoteCu r-tr-raue n ae g -t this time, the meeting was Iforenoon meeting. During the Bill Eiliott, Guelph, Secre- ff Liver Sausage Course Chub___i C ottage c tsented a trophy. through its!ent, pnesented the 1967 Fin- Speckwurst lo Pudn Chb3 Frozen Whole or Cul U SPresident. to Bill Lesby of ancil Statement, showing 5 ~~~Rockwood for wlnning theimore funds spent in edvertis- « Shopsy Genulne Vaeuum Packed -RolswIg16 uesGiescasa n n ulctcniudk E r r f I 9 b Ladies - 200 and Over ithe Royal Winter Fair wlth support of 4-H projects; and I IN EUD EEI N D'7 9leIbue emaldB h lc Jeanlle n g- 9his 4-H Shonthorn steer. Ata successful steer-feeding pro- MStore Sucemeal Marilyn Kent...........2--- 27 head table also were twolject undertaken lest Spring by StreSl d ~EdClCnr u Coileen Pickering ---- -2 , young ladies, Miss Hazel Vas-1Club members as a fund-rals- ii f iO~ Mary Foster _. - __ i,,ey, of Vasey, the 1968 Short-llng plan, lnciuding one steer PR I E 9 b B c a * OUAL SU ORII§MER Kethy Armstrong - - 2 ýhorni Lassie Queen. and berisoid at Expo for $1169.00. IDzCl OyiJ SRIEDoreen Neal -- - 208 alternate, Miss Eleenon Fiett, The annuel Field Day for % FRESH FISH ITEMS * PRICES *.. oEvey Mercdo ----- -- 06, Dr. J. C. Rennie, heed of Ontario Lassie Association was 'e Cut As You Like Them Cohoe Fresh Set.e Parsemaio ui prompt ettemitlot - wo'rme ose s te phoel Joan Ard - -- --- 24 'Animal Science, U. of G., wves announced for the latter part UO *E7 *Fatlslclltrsiby bolpimo te proMo J obs tod Bernice Pantnen 204 Guest Speaker. and discussed of June, et the ferm of Car-I al on lb -- eProote loal uyqwoMinnie Taylor . 0 efficiency as reiated to succes- lan Enterpnises (Mn. Tony .aifl1beSO LEi.FIL L I b IscruseMen - 225 and Over ýsfui production in the future. Cesanoni), Port Penny. ' " ellshoFras Mdiby Cmodlons fer Coldtus' Ron Good - .----------- 2,37 He drew attention to the fact1 Executîve for 1968 of Ont-. FROZEN FOOD FEATURESs " Ne extre l<ast teoyl' George Kimbelli--- ---- I2341thet '"the purebred breedensenio Shonthorn Club includes:' Domlnlon's Own Brand SAVE 17c God Simpson 234 jare the keepers of the Geneti 1Win Smith, Guelph, Presi- Domino Fancy 15-oz. Pkg. r sP od 175 and Oven cens"; and with Shonthorns ist acPanen, WSmt f-d, erries 3 for $1.00 Canada No. 1 Grade ' Newonvile Lades Bnk fobail ivestck Vce-Presnddent; Smith Gnîf- Ann Vogels ----- 212:ing prognanis, thene wiil bce eW. L. Elliott, Guelph, Secre-- Dominion's Own Brand SAVE 10e SMyrtle Hennis -------- - 200 con-tinuing need for punebred tany-Tneasuner and Sales Ag- Domino Fancy 32-oz. Bag P E 1 O A .~Miidred Blngham ------- -188 Sborthorn herds. He stronglylent. Directors are: Allaen Liz Wiliems - 176 'edvocated continued need forjKinley, Blenheini; Joe Mc-ý A L F OE 5 Thursday Mlxed !herd participation in Penfonni- Lean, Kerwood; Maurice Bak-ý Dominion's Own Brand SAVE 14o California Garden Fresh 200 and Over ence Testing pnograms, and en, Uxbrldge; Bert Pepper, LÀ Domino Slender Sliced 16-oz. Bag Tender and Crisp e REGISTER FORMS STANDARD BODY AND CUSTOM Art Dubeau ------ 267,type classification, as practic-INeustadt; Frank Falconer,' rn itte CARBON PAPER IN ROLIS OR SIIEETS M ange Ibbotson----------- 261 'cd by the Shonthonn breed inîçlinton; Gannet Rickand, Bow- r@ rn h Fr.ed ttos3 85cl e CARBON"SNAP-OUT FORMS - PAKSETS " ush Powlles----26ary a220neinahnaoda,:Cmbehen. PstPreîdetPOTABE AO CUNTR MDE REISTRS ChanedGry - .g ..-W2ilCnad.nte!,rstsuc"pWg-'mevile; nd ngu Wison - w' Baterd -12-zAVkg.SAV 4 *FORMS WITH CONTINUOUS CARBON FOR TYPEWRITERS laDu cien-----24i efctteednwbig nd continuing as a i -tr. AND ACCOUNTING MACHINES George Glanville- 206 taken up by other beef bneeds.1 N. D. Hogg, llxbridge. end bpotma R -o. k .. heFuBu ereH e COUNTER CECKBBOtKtheD FESTAURAT-PServe----- DrVnks e TCNRCHEQUEOOSAND.IR.1)TARANTGAS Meureen Powell 202 He said that eh bneeds shouid1W. A. Sutherland, Milliken, Sotmn-1 zPgSV eCalifornia ç~ AN MUTI PLIEKC O SETS Etc.'... NEc. rla Mixed accept A.I. as the Sh',nthorniwere re-elected to serve as CLEANED SM ELTS 29c AND ULTILE CPY STS Ec . Etc 200 and Over breed bas done, to make more jOntanlo Directons for 1968 on ~ ALSV eL m S51 maaHm, on Good .~-------- --- 281 'use of prepotent sires. He'the Canadien Shonthonn Asso- York - 24-oz. PkI ÇAVE O.lite1 r 7~ rm d Nesbitt . 8 suggested the possibility thatciation. Kewo d. we P E E4 9 'aammaaaaruuu.uumTracy Emblev _ 239 the future will nequire thet'the winner of the Shorthorn __________ _______ Albent Pearce- 238 performance records be i ist-lheifer, in the draw conduce i qG nra M rhnds Fat e D m io s C Aalbea Taoedllr2171d;---_________Asn Finest Quality Seamless Mesh Pkg. of 2 Pair RSAVE 3c- 4-z. Jeiab e aiSan Powell - 211 thTpo aMy b 9 8b _ _ _ _ LO V ELY LA D Y N Y LO N SRegular Value 59c99 RC h e o - 2 -o. L a The Canadian Statesmnan Lar 're-- --- 27 $yI c m ra iMnsGo QaiyCto k. oo RU T Judy Powell 20,3 p Q WHITE HANOKERCHIEFS . ........ $1001Ruchmello- 16-oz. SV 0 _______________________________________antMcnakn . -20 _-- ___ ---- 1 - - - - ___________ loronto-L)omînion 'deducted sufficient Canada, This neceipt will show the, PA P PLES A UC E 5 for $1.00 Frs (Pension Plan contributions. 'tio. qaifes tetuition j i-lb. Tîn ubabVPi169e e adiionl fs not ail feerpad -t and manage your __________________________l ee pldto;M AN ED HA S 1.9 hu ar A-No, pleese do not make educationaliInstitutions quel-. addltional payments on youn ify). It does not mater when £L M L REP on ytee s a.return. dlaim only the contri- the fees wene paid but you zr'-, Values Effective Until Closing, SaturdayFb24'6,nBw avil money the easy way. Dom n on ~~~~~butions per T4 slips. If It may not dlaim tuition fees cov- AiMecnds IsGantdToGv 10%Sifcin A ToontoDomiion appears ta you have been ering e peniod longer than 121iAUMrhnseI uatedT TwnAccount Plan give under deducted. check wlth months commenclng ln the'fl WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TC II U NIIS you two accounts-a 4Y, your employer first, thene may. taxation year. For exemple,i f Premium Savings be legitime te reasons for not i1f you have valid neceipts forO e h r.a d Fi 1 Accou nt and a Personal deducting full contributions. i tuition fees coverlng the iasti Chequing Account. Save If you are setlsfied that the! baif of 1966. the first and lest, up in one accounit.Pay i required contributions have 'halves of 1967 and the flrst G out fromnthe other. Open Pot been wlthheld. att.ach a hall of 1968, you .have a cholce T TO ~aTwin Accounit Plan now. note to your neturn stating of cliing for 1967 either 1P that your employer bas failed your tuition fees for the whole to withhoid sufficient Canada! of 1967 or youn fees for the N Pension Plan contributions, 1lest bal of 1967 and the first 'T O R N r O O M I -J Ocie 1 treat the cost of 1half of 1968. You ano ýT O 0 TO 0 1 N 10 clarig an brakig lnd a clirnin 967 uiton eespald an expense? fo 1966. even thougb you flled The bank where people make the difference. î A.-Yes, If you are In the! no netunn for 1966. DOMMNON STORES LIMITED busziness of fenmlnig. See page i.m R R. . AW ON Maagr,î f the Fanmers and Fisher- When your Heent Fund vol- King St and Siempson Avenue (Hignwy N .~ at R.G A TN aaemens Guide for further de-f unteen celis on you greet berà__ 9pIl9Ml9 39 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, On tario tails. alaQu witb a werm welcome and a lIOOW"7q W'WM -o-&M&t Q.-I've heard a lot abu enerous contribut.ion.

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