Th aafa ttsaBwavle rb 1 98ieycnrdthe other tables.1 Irecelved for the supply of aýPollce Governing Authoritiest A 2 The Cana jan Sates an, owman iile Feb.21, 965 a past presil j b @ jS h po ice cruiser, be opened. This to be held in Toronto on Marchii det a eIteToa stitR- is was carried. The tenders were: 6th. The motion was carr: d. iiUiori ii i k v gg Gov nerri atWihnal istrPct 1. Trent Auto Sales, Peterbor- A letter of thanks from the! County Speaking Finals A unie Toast to the Lal O u ion a teBase LnandSta- for the grant recently a ppeGder pe diswsgiven by Keith Jack- l PAE NE erty Sre ee Ti edrby oniwarelviadÀ son. aDeputy-Reeve E. J.iRundie was for a Rambler at $1,403.20 Aled on a motion by Council- p on inimitable witty way. RU av E .RnI,îwt rd-n loac o lrPot eone yRee I-le Ici at ()rono on 1'uesclay ~Rotary Ann Witherspoon, wife seconded by Reeve Oke, mov-IS1,70O atadidnalowancluee,C ruscne yRee ee L of the club's peint ed ht onclcopy h tarjo five per cent sales tax ouncillor Prout, eod n er Y' thi requet andSataxiclay- sponded charmingly on be-tireusan axibs- or license plates, although it by Councillor Coombes, mov-1 Durham Count P u b Il ci Mrs. Touchburn at the piano: Nancy Walker; 2nd place, haîf of the ladies. A beautiful ness license be granted to Mr. Istipulated to transfer police ed that a letter from the Sal-! John GrantJr fUiniles, gictulChmal Speaking Contest finals werel sang two number from The Glenna Clmnt rdpac.boqeto pn r lmn b sse to it free of charge. vation Army concerning finan-1 ville repeated spefr-Ld an Gbon rhad held at Orono United Church Sleeping Beauty, "Fairy Song", Marilyn Knox. gifttof theiclub, wasTses, th thae hecmnetttheerequirement onTuesday, Feb. 2th. and "0 Witch 0 Witch". jPresident Dr. O. B. Dickin- ed to ber by SecretarycaArie.i.MacDonald Ford Sales here a~h iac omte îhi is lc nte Apei h osilws ota~ Thee .alh in n e C m it e wih i is l c 1Oo e oat h s w sc ri d lG o e s o s Chairman Ken Wellar wel Te rono Senior Choir son on behaîf of the Durham Daîrymple.40 rd- oorned ail those present and ' under the direction of Miss County Club of Toronto pre- Vice-President Bill Thies- WM fidCarruthers, a former1$î,823.02 with a $1.40, ae~oe oat hswscridGoes osilhl ttetednr o h rzsac introduced the juciges, Mrs. Scott sang «'Ontario" andi sented the first place winnerý burger was in charge of the Mayor of Bowmanville, was k'n allowance. and it includedi Bowmanville CoutyCu(ncmliettemngmn .Tanet Barrand, Everett May-, "Lora's Love" from Dr. with the Durham County door prizes. The îucky win sopoemanfoR. a Hdelg ati icuson saeoa adlcne pl as SudaypFb. 7.Plin ad safo the BGrmantill cock andi Warren Chase, Pub. Zhivago. Club 0f Toronto Shield. te ners were Rotary Ann Evan- campoei f .L . Bteyadhieciy, After dicsinonaas pnt-erreon, e-attamwr ac onr Cu o terwr lic School teachers from Osh- Eric Barr on behalf of the Eric Barr on behaîf of tegeline Rundie and RotaryAnn SausL utrac i~Cs uigwihi a on-Won, ce-d , Rs Paanoptaiy awa and Dale respectiveîy. Bowmanville Lions Club pre-lBowmanville Lions Club pre-' Eva Hockin. The Hockey self, that came to the council!ed out that the Rambler offer- onle od, a nd Knof te an 118 inch wheeplaelwn-IDawbasers aneDr.andarea. GerryPeronfrm S Thelo ts t yvanLtse, re a r. m West Durham with an n er wiIth the Bowmanville Mrs. E. L. Ewert andi Keith tinuance of farm rebates. jn18ic helbs nierly of R.R. 2.Bo anie, .MysJu s Hawin Shol.Pot opeenrvec u ah hc LionsCu hed ako nihsRtr n "You are aware that I sent an over-ali ]ength of 202.51 (FROM PAGE ONE) and now living inOaaas l'Upper Canada Village"; Ja: they keep. Mr. Bill Rowden These two contestants, Missida.armmuicatis onthegard ingPuinch e d , Coutcil lo Maurice A 're, ainlO- on behaîf of the Port Hope Nancy Walker and Miss j. Dancing was enjoyed dur- far rn eblattoterBoard ofý rt ove that the îowest gn A. 0frienheNatioal FOr-l nweondt amp ad iih rus Dorrell, Cartwright Cen-ILions Club presenteci the five Glenna Clement. will repre-! îng the evening to the excel- orsntelaerptofedrhtoftsfrnbe ganîzerforteC eanaal !ttlins CpaebsdonP y tral, "Expo 67"; Nancy Walk- contestanit, from East Dur- sent Durham County at the' lent music of Dick Valleau's January. I was notifleci by accepted. Counicillor Nichol alnr MPPtro o f the team were aodFl.T : e,North Hope Central, "Citi- ' iha nrvdcpZn iast ehlii'oceta hty h i-Cîerk-Controller Robert L. seconded th motionlkandMarcel PrdhmeM.P.borouc-Rc Ptro, e-S nd ya zenship"; Kathy Vice, M. te ep te Cnta-eno ulc ners of the Spot Dances were Byron that council dici not în-lwas carried. a, n n i Hobbs, "Expo 67"; Marilyn wihevkeeMacck haranthooerlSino W lednsjRtr ayCoe o tend to pass a By-Law to! A communication from the'St. Denis, Montreal; Dr. Pau-o;ac ic odn ei RoayAnMr okR-ie Jewett andi Senator Ar- Teams were also rsn rm S.MaysCretRd Knox, M. J. Hobbs, "Yugo- of the juciges, gave the fol- day, February 28th, at 13 ayAnn Gloria Cooke, Mrs eemtcetan farn lncsBowar nvilled PuihScool Roebuck. Pr er.WibCbug e iloe hi etc siavia"; June Marvin, George - fo3taes Ttaryr nil th ur Haron, "Albr ciet r"; - Douglas Kemp, or 1,900 acres cf farm lIandsjthe estimateci cost of the pro- the Lions Centre the Found- In the early da ih eisSna nNpne Rope Walker"; Larry Lunn, The Bowmen, a talented wîthîn the town lîmîts. posed new Senior Elementary c , * Conveamioaed Wlth AI Garnecarne 5 p.rn. Oalrowo Anb r.SHwinsL riersand popular quaret cf sing- Mr. Carruthers asked if:school building andi equlpment thegPontHenti wmhl o te a s pfy, PaSupeRtons";GD nnaCl-La yV Ce s olrs and entertainers compos- counicil Is aware of all aspects lis $700,000. On a motion by for the evening banquet andi Center, Oshawa, wnigfrt nabsfrsettr !Sprttos;Gen l-ed of Dr. Keitb Slemnon, Keith anid the history cf farm re-iCouncillor Keitb Sbackelton,te ades by he Hnpre.RyCutePalWt-ffstonebi. ment, Cartwright C e n t r al, t i Jackon, Ken Hockin, and bates. He saiciprviin is secne y onilo om Pierre Elliott Trudeau. eneinci andi Ralph us'ni- m «Sir John A. Macdon-ald"; jIJff VD ~ iiln C l~ oga Rackbam, deligbted made for tbem under the Ont- bes, this was referred to the le second cargeofatene whII beed .'1Juhi tus er . Jof son 1 he garnd theira nmsn e nddfrreae r ni bsfv ercptlfr-Founding Convention 0Cmi- team. Second plcwn Th Ooo uno Coi heLdis etin th erved toothe cuî hend upon patter efct n rnost m uniaties cains I a cpta or-mittee is W. E. Williams, Port Garnet Rickard'sta îî audy ac na undr hediecio c Ms. Bowmanville Curling Club! completîng thcmr first dîaw, rs Moe'vantone, with farm land. A letter from Charles ad ane Rckr la s____ Sntap iesa c tiopniedof eldther nnurVlenin bytheBnwanialninsledtdoecod:eo, heli teirannal aletinlbytheBowanvlleCountry whose' husband was president There bave bccn farm re- Smith. nwner of the Golden! Ar. iesi _§tpls ad ccopaiedbyBonspiel on Frîday, Feb. 16th.1 Club. The attractive sur- of the club in 1944-45, was a bates bere in one form or an-iCrisp . s an skip.op For the first time our club roundings in the dining areaispecial guest. Other guests other for 30 years," Mr. Car-'stated that the propnietor cfi The event wasognzd Ti audy h hita bhac a trophy to present at added much te the pleasurewere Dr. and Mrs. Ewert, Mr. ruthers said. He explaineci thatthe fish and chip truck, whIc.h' The Women's Institute held again by Chas. Bcl n rm lbwl o hi this bonspiel, donated by Mr. and fellowship at thîs part and Mrs. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. in the early days it bad been!parks near the Town Hall on'a card party in the Comn- Walter Rutheror. Lclblblvctesaan he ments.1 After hoth draws had cern-,Mrs. Howard Rundle, Toronto tien in this regard, but even-!asked about the possible dis-. with 19 tables. The winners, list were Broodl-ig-peet hi iaiu ac Vistin rîks rom Whtbykpl edther ame a ocil M. nd rs.Pery Cwlng ualy i beam cutomsyoocotinator.f teantte'swer Juy Bownan Edaî'wayNureresCersdaeNFrrseLrkiutszzeC Oshawa, Cobourg, Port Perryý time was enjoyed in the Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kelly, Mr. pass a By-Law each year. business here. He declareci that Milîson. Lucky draws were _____ and Lindsay were welcomed lounge. Mildred Bell was our and Mrs. Jack Lowery , Os-i"This By-Law must be pass-mt seems unfair that the money won by Trueman Henderson, APOLOGY - Orh ls plge ot ai anAi b President Marion James panist and the girls joined in;lawa, Mr. and Mrs. obert eci by March lst. lis counil taken by this truck owner goes Jim Adams, Wallace Bough ~~5 YIEA and the Bonspiel Committee, the singing of jolly familiar, Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Robent aware that such a By-Law isIto Ajax. Marie Couroux, Isabel I'm: Dorrell of Bactok or nerrtat pead 5 !Effa Stainton and Ellen Or- songs. i'Cochrane, Toronto, Mr. andî mandatory under the Assess-j Clerk-Contnoller Byron said1 lach, Bob Henderson, and, under the pire fte Ws hm pbi 7 1 1 mso. u esrrAd Shirley Robson, assisted by' Mrs. Byron Vanstone, Mr. and ment Act? If counicil des nt that a 1968 license priced t Dor MacDonald. speakers lastwek We na etnty amdhr tîe lookings, aerygîta- Adlon pres ntd Mr.eBrown Mrs. J-C ames Cobe, Mr. and pass such a By-Law, our only $50 had been issued for the Mr.àeieOhw spent James Dorrel TeEio spann ohv i tivens ang fterc ri f a on rheand tM resernt i'Mrs. JmD on iey Mr. and recourse is te appeal te a judgeflsh and cbip truck. Since a few days last week withl tions and he scoringof thelwason hand topandctatnotify. then Town Clerkr.nathing tfurtber tcanTbwndoncklberhdaughterrcaMrs. Leslier lthe1near tfuture. 3/c0ga1s trophy.Mr.Gog Wht, r.ade this intention by March,1regarding this truck during the! Peck. 4AC UNTS Hearts and cupicis decoratedý Trophy Winner - Oshawa j Mrs. Lloyd Ayre. Mr. and 2lst. current year Deputy-Reevel Mrs. W. Wade was hostess'ý the lounge andi made a veryl Curling Club rink, Skip Lee, Mrs. William J. Bragg, Mvr. Mr. Carruthers said that in Rundle, seconded by Councillor te an Artex Demeonstrationj CHEQ ING attractive scttingfrrea-refewihbrtaRtan Ms.Jc Mudy M. making this appeal te counicil Coombes, moved that ne action1 Wednesday evening. CHQUNG ing between games, JO Au- 'Green, Joan O'Brien, Normalf and Mrs. J. Carnie, Toronto, the delegation was net asking be taken in this matter. Tis! Mr. and Mis.Frd ener 4% ACCOUNTS thorn WildaBde show- Haire. Mr nd Mrs Douglas Wi' ýfer anything more than therewas carried. !son spent Sunday evening K I SENC U 4% d excellnt aen ritc First Da - 2 M rneH Wightr n r.HryLk, is provision for. Fie aise stateci J.etters from the Durhamlwith Mr. and Mrs. Bey Heri- F'LM PE SN Ltalent in this department. Oshawa Curling Club rink, J Mr. and Mrs. H. R. (Bud) that a sore point among farm- County District High School'derson, Bowmanville. O PERSONALThe pnize cemmittee, Ad Phyl Sturch skip, Bernice Moses. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. ers in the town is that theyýBoàrd, the Township cf Ham- Mr. and Mrs. K. Lane andi LOANS Gobeen andi Shirley RobsonlTerry, Hilda Braden, AgnesjLovekin. have te pay for garbage col- ilton School Boards, and Tav- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Joncs hadj _________________ ac the levely prizes display.- Jackson tieci with Jessie aw-ý lection. ý istock and East Zorra Union dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H.peet ul-Int ed in the lounge. 0f added nence skip, Oshawa Curlingj "We bave te pay on aur'School Section Boards regard- S. Britton, Newcastle. CENTRAL ONTARIO interest was anothen display' Club, Marie Benson, Audrey bhouses, on our eut buildings,!ing the planned re-erganiza- Miss Dorothy Elliatt, a stu-, etuemoi TRUST & SAVINGS by the Case ImpIement 0cm- Sbreve, Carabine Webster. S p c i e o and on our land for thîs. Osh-jtiofl of ahl boards in 1969 wcre dent at Waterloo Univensityl CORPORATION pany. It showed in miniature, i1 Game High - Bowman- f awa does net nequire farmers referned te the next meeting Is spending the week's holi- cN SO IN O L products mnanufactured by ville Curling Club. Ailcen ý te pay on land or eut build-jeof the Board of Works, which days atlber parents' borne, Mn.,,________ 23 iKing st. W., tbem covering a wide scope -'Osborne skip, Lyla Huxtable, ' 0 M p o es hngs. These are some of thelis te be attended by Alex Car- and Mrs. Jack Elliott. BowmeinviU. fnom tays to tractors. ! Effa Stainton, Betty Bnough;j (FROM PAGE ONE) points'we 'iouhd like councilruthers, M.P.P, te receive fur- Glad te hear Mns. Marie'~ 6232527 A deicious dinner wa,; 2 Gamne Low - Loba Bruce1the se developments, the nesult 'te oconsider a nd sec if there isither information and then ne- Trim is progressing favorably, 19 Simco. ~ N.skipPoteryCuCricfteaacsinceceni any possibillty cf us being.tund to council. This was after ber operation in Mcm-, Oshawa CONVENTION DISPLAY Richardsn ShreMr !od yCuclo akl ri Hptlnvl. son,-hirle Baire,: technoîogy, can be used te granted a rebate, M.Car-m edb Coniorhak-onaHspt, Bowmanvillc.jpIÉN I I2.21 Ms nil on-Mary June Smith. I roduce a better bîfe and bring rters said. 'ton, scconded by Reeve Oke. Mrs. A. Wade, Mrs. T. Hien- Mo. O.TUmi, e rvcf t e boneClu - Second Draw - - 2 Gameiabout greater uncrtndn Worship, Mayer Iv'aný On a motion by Councillor1derson, Mrs. i awl n NOUaS beeninvitd Osorne, has~Hgb Osawa urlin Club he satedHobbs, stateci that somne oetDykstra. secendeci by Coun- Ms .Hndenson, attended, to 5:30 benIv tet have a dlsplay skip Lee Tresife, Ruth Green,l In comparing the USSR te these points have been men-'cle ln r, etrta he Annuali Preshytenial atitrrn FONANE» Pri. 9 to 8 and a speaker at the Ontario Joan O'Brien, Norma Haine; Canada Dr. Convey said lt tioneci to counicil before. 1'Ithe Town cf Stoney Creck ne- Tniity Unlted Church inWLLAKM orn s c i t. 9to 4 Agicultural Society conven- 2 Game Low, Whitby, Marlon must be nememnbered that this had a look at the Act and garding its resolution askînglBowmanviîîe on Wednesday. H LE n O A bowmcmvMIe Coied Wedaodays tien this weck In Toronto. The Wbite skip, Reta Smabb, Wyn country bas one tenth the pop whhle I agrec it is mandatory for the amendment cf theý Sunday supper guests at H L E sbeakrwa. _____ Gc ofRicardsnHigb Coourg envî1 eveî' thatsirae How tetake eaction, yet funther Planning Act was referred to Mn. and Mrs. Frank Readien, - - seakrwa. e r.Riec Ricarm n g, CLiougStap l es; euatontha mt si as. f0W- down the Act teils what te Planning Board for a necom- Oshawa, were Mn. and Mrs., Bowrn n ile T wn H l Fawkes skip, Sicîly Plummen,! search, its pregress, and its do wben acion is net taken. jmen dation. Clint Farrow. Joan Bissel, Claire Gray. practical adaptation te Cana- Somne nebates have been madel Dcputy-Rceve Rundle, sec- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, da's mining lndtstry Is being in the past where they shouldeondeci by Councillor Coombes andi Donothy had Saturday! DELQITT , PLEN ER, ota iais~ fore tday, he said TewokM a LeleMinister of Municipal Affairs FoadEl on ot Granby; W E1,LB and the techniques and tools -said that when the questionlTown ef Oillia e amendment Reid Wood and Hary Wade rW HA SKI S & S LLS PROM PAGE ONE) of the Canadian mining In- cf fanm rebates had been dis-lcf the Planning Act be ne- attended the hockey game in: don Beech, bis wife Almc'e, dustry are recognized through- cussed. the total acreage men-eceived andi fileci. This was Toronto Saturday evening. Chartered Accountants Branch 178 of the Royal ea- ut the world, the speaker de- tioneci was net 1,800 on î,9oojcarried. M:ad Ms evle adian Legmon President Abcare. acres. Clerk-Controller Byronl Counciller Prou t, sconded Samis and Mn. and Mns. Wr OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Mavin, bis wife Mabel, Bow- In 50 yeans Russia bas be- said that the list cf farm acres by Councillor Shackelton, Skeldîng attendeci the Safe ADMISSION 1O PARTNERS : GORDON W, RIEHL, C.A., R.I.A. manville Kînsmen Club isti come a world leader In these jwas attacheci as Schedube Aý moveci that the Negotîating Drivers Banquet in Oshawaý Vice President Alex Wiseman' fields while prier ta 1917 it te the 1966 By-Law. ýCommittee andi Clerk-Control- on' Saturday evening. Each cf AL POED O YTC FBOI BURT R, WATERS, C.A. and bis wife Connie. was constdercd a backward He polnted eut that there ber Byron attend the annual the men neccîved their safe LPRC PHONE 728 - 7527 ~~~The heaci table had a beau- country scientifically, Dr. Con- were a numben f discrepan- meeting cf the Association ef dnîving awards._________________________ PHON 72 - 527tiful centrepiece cf golci andf vey said. He tolci the meet- cies. Landi not useci for faim- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE blue cbrysanthemums andl Ing that he baci been sent te ing bad claimed rebate, andi OSHAWA iris. Lighted tapers in multi-I the TJSSR by the Canadian an example was land used for- coloreci crystal globes effcct-j Government tc arrange for the construction on King Street- j excbange between the two West. It was abso mentioned utries. cf experts in scien- that it was necessary te bavelLII tf affairs. five acres of farm land to re-; Ford has a better idea Dr. Convey Indicated that ceive a nebate, and there hadj ED a d UE te W Ford bas a better idea * *1 the success of the USSR been an Instance f a. rebat: OUlA 'T~* * L~ ofol eatrbtt the fo 14 acres when onhy four m A . jnomic Council and Its 1,500 re- other 10weecvriwîh1 .;F D Q UE'searcb establishments with woods. their great empbasis on giv- Mr. Caruthers sai! that UITIing theiir staff acois e aI laci binghelc fo devlop RoIla RO)ce. .Iuat slip your narne into our (shhh !) Ballot Box! f IIULakdM.Carruthers if* bisl inter-relation between prefes- ment as fan d"arm er ~ V R B D ASK AOUT HESEQUIETSALESAVIGS 1sinal science and ndustry," in tawn benefit fromn waten- jEV 1967 CHEVELLE MALIBU 1965 CHEV. BEL AIR 2-DR. Dr. Convey stateci. mains, sewers, sidewalks, and! 2-DR. HARDTOI> Lic. K9001. Le 37.'Telc ffedmi street lighting," he dechared. Ja * REJD TH 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE 1964 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE rhoosing a vocation and the"eswegtombnet 4-D. HRDTP Lc. 8750. Ic.K1568.rmarowSpecialization cf the from seme things In town. Fcw 1966 BUICK WILDCAT 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNEexet nteSRwred-fmrshvsatayees CONVERTIBLE Lic. K1969. CUSTOM SPORT Lic. K15655. 1 plored by Dr. Cenvey. Hie yet we bave te pay for this Follow, and USE the said It is necessary there te j though we provide our own.i 1966 FALCON 4-DR. 1963 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE Idha witb a bureaucracy top Wbene I live I get street light- Want Ads . .. it's where-z. Li.K22.STATION WAGON Lic. 5472X. heavy with cemmittees. The ing. I have more than Mn. 1965 MERCURY MONTEREY 4-DR. 1963 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP j standard cf living In Russia Wannicka on Meanns Avenue. the action is ... . It's Lic. K21317. Lic. K15756. is about on a pan wtb that In lie bas nathîng," Mn. Carnuth- 1965 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE 1963 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE imany European countnies, but ens stated. Mn. Hendry also everybody's " bulletin Lie. K4863. Lic. K11005. that of housing is lower, he spoke in regard ta the garbage b 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 1963 ACADIAN BEAUMONT abeod.clecin ard " of best buys... 2-DR HADTOPLie J8786.The Russians have made Il was pointeci out by the 2-DR.PON IA R T U . 8 3 6.2 DR A DT P Li. .836.great stnîdes In many fields, C erk-Controher that under g o s e vc s 195 ONIA AUENIA -DR. 1962 MERCL'RY METEOR 4-DR. fpatiulnl i sac rsercserveircenaIsytshr Lic. K4488. Lic. J98714. pandtie diyI sevee.buthne spaymentas d ythoshe oprunte 196 MEEO MOTCLM O-aisn. 196 FRD TAIOanWGONthr stib elouch tat eneo ynntedtemthe system. pprunte 195MTETONRWON.ALic X210 - Le. X19620RD SATIOouAGN er r e ssilmc teyest Concl or Come sstmv and aur future lies In scien- that the motion passed by tific co-operation. Dr. Convey icouncil regarding farm rebates' contended. be rescindeci. This was second- President Teeple thankeci cd by Reeve Oke. and carniei. P OE 6 3 3 the speaker for bis thought- Ceuncillon Nichols mcved that MO C ON Lprovoking address. She an- the Cerk-Controller prepare nounced that the annual meet- a Farm Rebate By-Law. Cout-' FORD SALES iinon thcuby Marh 2hldondelr Co ths wmotn wec- ~ ~ t iie ji~ FO RD SA LE ,ing fthcub will be 28hd ler Co hmb o stio hse OIGST.AWA-72-521 19KINVS. E -62-254 . en thenseaTrnt UlesWt. wa cDedy-"e Ruzhe. OSHAW BOWML.ILLorwonfThrspaerntUniesWt.!wa cnepuy-fev. i(le c- '> 52o INGST.W. 723524 21 KIG ST, E - 23-534 His topic will be "Canada, onded bv Col:ncillor Dýkstra.j Olci Patterns, New Trends." imovecl that the two tenders,