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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1968, p. 5

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j onald, at Melrose, Saskat- inda and Brenda. M.r. andl chewan. 1;H W Y U C n 8 C M rs. Herman Haass and fam-I W ater Resources Has ýýMr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp,10 iYu anBeomMAr.nv Lyal Brock, Bow- Linda and Janet, Enniskillen, ýavIe eeSna uss M wcrc Sunday visitors at Mr. pwîth Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc. Wedr toneIy W in fer Vigil adMr. Ld rs Roert Phd- mar CanidateI Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cry- Carl ar nd M Lloyd eAstns.Ln A nr îlan fmly s 'lip, Hgersill. spnt he[derman and girls.,ZMon, wcre clng A lonely wintcr vigil o! ard feature o! the OWRC's lpHgrvhe pn h udyget ihL ti-Hs water quality conditions along: Great Lakes program, design- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. tonda uss ihL t.n op the western shoreline of Lake ed to determine the present Roy Paterson and family. . PHYSICALLY Mrs.Vr.FrytTr o Ontaro s ein kptbyOn an Ingtcm efetswhch Mr. and Mrs. George Ber- INACTIVE ~ CULTIVATE onto, was a weekend visitor Mrs. trfrilo Water Resources Com-, domestic, Industrial and sur- trim and family, Taunton, Mr.1BST hhr brother, Mr. R. on W 1Aâsson staff aboard a 37-foot, face discharges have on the and Mrs. Kenneth Urwjn, ritn twin bull survey vessel. lakes. Oshawa, were Sunday visitors - Mse ShryadDiecoi An extension of the OWRC's With this information, it at Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Avery. Enniskillen, Mr. Mur- Mr. regular Great Lakes survey should be possible both to Ms v reEnsi-,A a asal omniland operations, the program was assess the effectiveness o! pres- len, spent Sunday with Miss * - Mr. Joe Rekker, Maple Grove,I their launched this month to de- ent Ontario pollution control Barbara Ashton. setteweedwt r termine the effects shore waste measures, and to predlct the * n Ms Rcar owTi dlscharges have on the lake future control requirements of M.adMbuRs sho n r. Rihr oeTl-n g under winter conditions. many parts o! the Province. c alled on Mrs. Herb. Me- - Mr d r s. Ji Muh eria The OWRC noted an area The Cato Il has been lcaseddaugln Ohw. nSn and Darryl, Mr. and Mrs. O extending from the Niagara from a St. Catharines firm dy.' Murray Axford and Melanie River as far east as Port Hope and the crew is made up 0f,;' , .Bacbr,!z;dive, was chosen for the project two OWRC field men and the'Dl n el ad Ms 2i Clemens and boys, Hampton, vnite because It is generally lce-frce, vessel's master. who is cm- 1 Cowhing visited Mr. and Mrs.r wcrc with their parents Mr. snte Is densely populated and there- ployed by the boat's owner. WteBakurDn l, . and Mrs. E. Wright. o forehas any ischrges andon Sunday.Mr foeha an ishrgs ad As with the regular pro-Ms Diane Avery and Mr. because a number of icc-frec gram. sampling is carried out: The card party and box Joe Rckker were recent din- ers ei dockîng sites arc available. at prc-detcrmincd points on: social was postponed on SaI nrget t r n r.dne Weather conditions,. how- the lake, and the equipment r urday night on account of Jack Brown's, Tyrone.1 Walte ever, wlll be the deciding fac- used makes it possible to col- 1 weather conditions. The card Plcased to sec Rev. Mary ville. tor ln the distance actually lcct samples at any depth. 'part1y and box social will be i A. Dougberty is home fromiers, covcred during this program, Aayiclrslt rehld this Saturday nigbt i MK EAT TOO MUCH the hospital. wt whlch prcscntly is conccntrat- Aayil eutarbin the school. Auctioneer, Steve CIGARETTES SATURATED FAT Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wcrry, dinnei ed in the arca bctwclen the stoe ncoptr-fYltr ity AND CHOLESTEROIL Mrs. Bud Chambers, Ennis- C Niagara River mouth and the rtivladassmnt _________killen, Mrs. Osborne Keinedy sonl City o! St. Catharines. 1Eo! Lindsay enjoyed Monday old tc The vessel, called the Cato ATPVTE'VTT 'dinner together at Peterbor- 19th). II1, bas a unique area '"back HAYDON "'ri YLLJ.ia. ougb and visited Mr. Ken- ter, aft" whlcb, on the inside. re- nd5 h hsbeen ia patetIP rThe regular meeting of te ,.. the Cvic osptal inPeo sembles a fisherman's ice but. U.C.W. February meeting United Cburcb Woin wtserboroug H spiee -lbsr, a safly nsheirces. WC was held on Wednesday atlheîd at the churcb nWdýsfeed a svr'ro stfflwe hersamPling 2:30 p.m. in the churcb. Pre on Wcd-1 having suerd a evrBoo equlpment tbrough a well eut sident Mrs. J. Jones opened nes a ternoon, Fcb. 4th srk tta ie.M.K;-clb wîtb 16 ladies present. The _____________ ncy as the tmnager o te itlbr ln the vessel's bottorn, and the meeting. Program was in president iMrs. Thos. Wilsond a hemngr'f hýwt this allows thcm to work charge o! Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. 1cLidaylled thormnya o wihot eaig heshlerDeotoalwa tkn y rs1afer ted pergfoorgud- , IHAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND DON'T years, and bas been a very1birtbî anithoutyleaong the'heterDevloti lon as akengby Mrs. and fe e eting to r or uder GIVE YOUR DOCTOR CHANCE 'TO TREAT IT. close friend o! Mr. Werry. lwast abn aft oMh.htd lyd e imo nd rd s, Mrs. ance. The group in charge for' r e nd s a nl ff ml cain. ar Malzd bor Ber; ntrimenad Mrs. Clowd the month, Mrs. E. Barrow-i MIDDLE-AGED man with three adverse rlsk factors (hlgh Mrs. Bud Chambers o! En-,daugh shlp, then sent to Toronto forSlemon. Meeting closed andiclough. Mrs. Geo. Tufford andý blood choiesterol, high blood pressure and excessive nlskillcn. Alvin further testlng in a special luc a ere y MsMrs. Harold Austin led in the! cigarette smoking) has a beart attack risk ten times hlgher Mr. raeBrodeacWit GreatLakessecton oftdevooydionso and introduce!b than the man wlth noue. So don't be a coronary candidate! companied Mr. and Mrs. E. honorE GWreat Lanes sectiofes LodSeo n u. study book "Panorama of the Gv eeosyt h ertFn apiu e o- A. Werry toi Peterborough onand s OWR's ainlaoraoris. Sunda y school and church Bbe. hs eis vt a dced her oug otFer ury. and pent a plasantcLit Witb the shipping season Bbe..hi ein it Monday adsetapesn over, special precautions badsrvewre ihdano study o! the prophets and the j day wîth ber brother, Mr. it to be taken for the wite Sunday. ýscripture was read from the- and Mrs. Harold Hambly. 1Pn survey. Regular marine radio.' Rev. Mrs. Milîs and Cindy, book o! Amos. Mrs. Austin andi * *i 1 -IMs E .SemnwsF iad services are not operatîng, so i Mass., U.S.. Mr. and Mrs.:Mrs. Tuford told o! the author1 I I day M.terno on eagust orecn the Cato II maîntaîns its owniDougberty, Barrie, were Sun- Rev. G. Corston, and the book - -Mrs.T. Muntoy, amptn. rs.en shlp-to-shorc radio communi- j day dinner guests of Mr. and content and Mrs. Tuff ord pre- '-r.T onjy apo.Ms cations system, and soon may Mrs. Ross Ashton and family.1pared a large map clearly Our guest minister at thel accompanist, and Messrs. E. be using Ontario Department: Mr. Lea Wilson, Newcastle, showing the area wbere Amos Sunday morning church ser- Wright, O. C.' Ashton and -s o! Lands and Forests services. and Mr. Tom Potts were Suni- ived and worked. When Amo vice was Rev. J. D. Milîs of!!Ross Ashton sang several .DBROWN1 Also, a 69-foot tug, 1hcdyspe uet !M.adbouh i ann os1 Winchester, Mass.. U.S.A. She b umorous verses and then1 with the Cato II, !ormed part1 Mrs. Roy Graham and familyihe began by telling o! their coefrbr il esn'sotdte usso onor, Rcn vsioswth M. o! the OWRC summer fleet, is' Mrs. A. Tbompson spent ncighbor's sîns and sure pun- Paul's second epistle te Tino-1 Mr. and Mrs. K. Covcrly, to, and Mrs. Douglas Rahmc and standing by at Port Dalhousie, , Tbursday with ber brother ishment, mucb to their delight,, tby with its exhortation toý the stage; Miss Lois Asbton' Kevin wcrc Mr. and Mrs. H. should the survey crew get, and sister-in-law, Mr. and then he turned to their owni constancy and perseverance., and Mr. Keitb Worden pin-: Poste, Mr. and Mrs. W. Beatty Into dlfficulty on the lonelylMrs. B. McDonald, Bowman- wrong doings. Mrs. Tuford Rv iî nile e endapetycraeadbu-adfmial oBwman- lake vile.rea a umoouspoc caledmon, with the query, "Wbaàt's! tonniere on the special cou- ville. Since long term trends are! Sympatby is extended toi "the mlnister's sermon" where Nw"Wt lutaiewr i.Ms ar rfi ed M.adMs osBy belng sought, winter surveysý Mrs. Thompson in the pass- one o! the congregation was. pîctures she answered the a congratulatory address. Mrs. !and Kenncth spent Saturday probably wlll become a stand- ing o! ber brother, J. J. Mc-Ifitting aIl the accusations it' question to point out that' M. Englisb and Mr. Wayne in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. concerned on bis neighbors and î There is nothing new under 1 Beckett presented a deluxe' Ed Brandt. bacb whn tewmnisertohde mEveythngesrew"andutynd opprefomtheiheàeekndwitnMis Jnaceve bi wieanedws tke! te sn" nd et araoxial-estel anrywre et n wl-MissWsny Wlso spnt some to put on the coats tbeyý we are in a transition be- community. Misses Lois Ash- Palmer, Campbcllcroft. !tidto fit on others. Divded tween thse two circuin- ton and Betty Jane Werryý The Brown's lst Cubs and in tbree groups, discussion was, stances. It is unfcigned faihgv h rdtoa ...T cus wt h1 edr held on how wc in Canada like Timotby's and bis grand-igi!t o! a Madiera lace cloth. spent an enjoyable Saturday[ Icould bear the warning con- mother Lois and mother Kathy and Ken expressed a f tcrn o on tobogannîng atý cerning those who dwell i nEunice to wbich we must their appreclation for the Kirby, with lunch a!terwards Thepuli iscodill initd o smmr oms ad incr hold fast and pray. The gifts and party and extended at Mr. Brian Caswell's. palaces while areas of thelcboir's anthem was the intro- an invitation to their many, Mr. and Mrs. Harol.dHughesý attend our worid sufer in want, and if duction o! a new hymn, "Ail local friends to, visit tbem in' and boys with Mr. and Mrs., the warning is for us, bow'Glory, Laud and Honour te their apartment borne in R. Melanson and family, Bow.-1 sbold c rac. I thre asThce, Redeemer King." Oshawa. Ail joined in sîng-1 manville, for Sunday dinner. a specîfic answer, the worldj At a wedding ceremony ing "Fo They Are Joily! lis waiting to bear. ,early this month one o! ourGood Feéllows" and "Step toI Seam l ss by~~ebuinesswas ~du~edlovey young ladies, the for- the Rear and Let Ken and YE V TO mer Miss ~ Sic Kathy n Sl Khy Lead the Way." A de-1 iWismardriage n xcl-Sympaty is extended from letrprWfCoor rsy with Mr. Kenneth L. Coverlv. evening wicb included t a this community to Mrs. Fred r i or~ O ern ilet eprt Cobur Pesy-A party was planncd for Fi-' treat o! ice cream by te Bradburn o! Janetville and Floor Covtringterial hcid in Cobourg lastj day nigbt in the Community- bride's parents. family in the passing o! a week. Ladies wcrc pleased toIt hear that Miss G. IlamiltoniH ail to bonour the happy On Friday evcning. Feb. loving busband and father who spoke there on the won ouple. A committee, conven- 16th, relatives and friendsthis week. Mrs. Bradburn, D en ons raton derf ul work donc in the hos- ed by Mesdames C. Avery and gathered at the home o! AI-,ý was formerly Violet Lawson! pitl ioVlloe, ndanilFbe Stenger and assistance! an and Diane Werry for a1 o! this community.I 1 rom the yo ung people o! our' dessert party, bonoring Mr. i Dcatb o! a ioved one is ai- at our store at Wclcomc for ahl to hear,eryIn pi.Teapoc- ommunity, organized an en-! Ross Lee. A!ter cveryone hadj ways a sad affair, but the 55 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE îng varicty nigbt was rcportcd ýertaining program. The gen- prae !te nmru asn hswc !Ms wellon he ay n pepa ai chairman was Mr. Frank, desserts and iovcly heart-l CIarence Brown o! Fleetwood, on eflon he ay n pepaa-Doriand who interiectedwitty sbaped birtbday cake, the re-1 lcaving nine young children onto.No word bas hcen re-lanecdotes during the pro-Imainder o! the evening was! ibu ohr sa x ceiedcocerin te nmeo!gram. Miss Patti Werry pia.v-j spent playing euchre, Lost, tremcly sad occasion. Deep-ý w e .the second school child's sup- cd a piano solo. Master Dale1 Heir, and chatting. During est sympathy !rom this com- Wed., Feb. 28th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~port,' from last fall's applc-MGlgaehspeh hica-teeeigasrrs og-mnt osott irsr tion. During the business, a eiIgv i pehwihteceigasrrs o uiygc u obrsr 8:00p.m.shar prc wa quitedwas a popular choice in the 1 distance cail from Artbur rowing husband and famiiy. 8:00 pm. shap pratîcal uilt as quited Pbli peaking con te st.iStainton in Florida was re-. isKtyBrso pn when experts in the application of this new whricgb ad esdets inthMesdames 1. Sharp and E.r ceived extending Birtbday a day in hospital in Lindsay seamessfloo coerin wil bepreent o morndn yke esd ae A. Fr.I a Trewin. read vcry appro- Wishes" for Mr. Lee. Those on the weckcnd. Glad to hear show you how to instail " EVER - GLOW complcted by thcm in the priately chosen readings. The present were Mr. and Mrs. she is feeling much better,' eveing A aletin sae o 11choir and director Mrs. Cham- Harry Freeman, Mapie Grove,ý having received the neccssary seamnless floor coverrn.ceing. Ajaetn aeo arilswabeda tecn rs sang two popular chor- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, j medical attention.- aclsn o! heldme eti one- 1 ues.The usual maie quar- Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs.1 - ,era failis ae ejoyn 'tet was reduced to a trio as Harvey Pascoe, Kedron, Mr. eral famiFiesUre cnW: i n the bride's father, Mr. John and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Taun- WIN ER F O R D AWsomeone cisc's J pickles, Slemon, was ailowed to be a ton, Mr. Frank Lee, Mr. and for the Candie -Lite French Carousel jelly and muffins. guest. Mrs. E. Wright, piano' Mrs. Ross Lee, Mr.1 and Mrs. MR.G. ERH NEA colonial lady quiit was _I Brian Lee, Kedron, Mr. and MR.GTER UNEfinisbed at Mrs. H. Darkc's occasion no! Mrs.AuinsMr. Mrviin HobM, Mrs Sets - R dio lbmurns. and a lovely orchid Mrs,. R. Virtue and !amily. year bas been G oe Se s - a iovas oflcrcd by the Ougbtreds.ý Mr. and Mrs. Frank r1 It was a very cold mornlng land spent the weekend with' ogo ahy THESE ITEMSO F F so a lovely foliage was brought Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner, Osh-1 og ahý from there instead. Rev. Ian awa. for the betterm ALL CLEARING AT 3 0J ý7o REGULAR PRICE Munroe's sermon was taken Mr. and Mrs. Joc Brown, f roin the "Sermon on tbelNewcastle, were Sunday sup- Mount," illustrating the won- Iper gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. At this G ROCERY SPECIALS de fui teachîng wbîch filled: Geo. Irwis.Mr.Jh Bel time, and ever since. There land family, Orono, were Sun-or rega ,werc 37 at Sunday school, day calIers ut R. Griffin's. CANADA PACKER5 CANNED POP ýsome stili away with colds,, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jack- SAUSAGE ..........2 Ibs. 89C 6 Flavours ..........12 for 97c ýbut Mrs. Clarence Nichols was son, Markham, were recent To our 3welcomed back a!ter a verylovernight guests with Mr. encouragementj WIENERS ........ Ibs. 99cC HIQ ITAurusual absence. Timm Nlch-IRusseli Ormîston. CANADA PACKERSd Ra Tufford rcceived' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- we say "tbank BC O N ..2Is 9 ANANAS......KIbs 2 ':the ofcring. iton visited on Sunday with BOLO NA ...... _.,2 Is. 9C A flock o! evenlng grosbeaks; Mrs. E. C. Asbtdn at Sunset TN E LA ESILVERWOOD'S brigbtened the feeder at H.iLodge Home, Bowmanville. esa TENDEFLAKEBarrowclough's during thel Miss Eva Brier spent Sun- LR5Ib.9c ICE CREAM .....5 bricks 99c ,very cold wcekend. ýday with Miss Barbara Ash- and continued i LARD......... 5 bs. 9C ýThe Chcmistry teacher atU ton, Haydon. PARCHMENT WIENER ýWaterloo. University promisedi Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick to take four o! i students and Bill. Scarborougb. were MARGARINE ......5 Ibs. 99C BUNS ............2 pkgs. 49c wt h ihs marks out to Sunday ýstr at Mr. and the only girl o! the fortunate' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence quartette Staînton and girls were Sun- Among those who went to day supper guests at Mr. and sec the Ice Capades recently Mrs. Charley Stainton's, Osh- North m End M arket Centre Iwere Mr. and .Mr:. H. Austin,.aw~ assda tOhw 101 LIBERTY ST. N. BOWMANVILLE iMargaret McTavish of Port, the late Mrs. Leslie Pascue Iwith the Browf LCS. Mhr.n r.Re.Bok NESTLETON Th Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Feb. 21, 1968 5 Lrs. Richard Davison spentiand Karen, Little Britain, andiwill be for sale. nesday to Sunday at Lea-ý Mrs. Lloyd MacMillan. ý Mrs. Charles Smith gave ale with her daughter, Mrs.î Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruceýtwo readings - one serlous. 1Elliott. who is convales-iand Mrs. Aylmer Ploughman, one humorous. 1after surgery in Oshawa1Port Perry. were Wednesdayi Mrs. Harry McLaughlin as- pital. ieven ing dinner guests withlsisted the hostess. Mrs. Davi- I.and Mrs. Grant Thomp- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. !1 son, with lunch and a social attended the funeral of! Sympathy of the community Urne was enjoyed. Fred Corner at Suttonâ1s extended to Mrs. Fred Sednesday, February l4thIBradburn and family on thel BOB JOH NSTON Ir and Mrs. Wayne Mal- death of her husband at their1 n(Shelley and Kevin>,ihorne early Tuesday mornrng,1 REALTY LTD. and Mrs. Alwyn HainesýFebruary 13. Sympathy is also ls pleased to announce the (Annette) celebrated extended to Mr. Ehi Mairs andi appointient of r wedding anniversary Z family on the death of hisi Lay and were honored din- wife in Port Perry Hospital,!i guests at the home of theirlWednesday, February 14th .~ z, ~ mts, Mr. and Mrs. Victorl Presbyterian Ladies' Aid olm. Congratulations. ving Io snow-blockedi Mrs. Richard Davison wvas 'ways. there were no ser-ihostess for the Ladies' Aid of sin the Preshyterian or the Presbyterian Church on ed Churches at Nestîcton Wednesday afternoon, Feb- Sunday. ruary l4th.. ....... rand Mrs. George Bow-1 Mrs. Davison. the president, enjoyed Saturday evening chaired the meeting and ex- er at the home of Mrs. tended a welcome to all. Miss ter Ferguson, Bowman: Ruth Proutt. secretary - treas- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bow- urer, read the minutes of the .\Oshawa, visited Sunday prevlous meeting and the cor- ihis parents and were respondence. The Bible read- &r guests. îing and Devotional was given ~ ~ s ngr tu ati ns to Mrs N l- by M rs. D avison from "The Y ' ' Dngatlaton toMr. eveydy. Marlow who is 80 years today (Monday, February Two minutes' silence were *On Saturday her daugh- observed in memory of Mrs. Mrs. Frank Symons and Lewis Fitze who died tin St. .y, Bowmanville, and her Andrew's Hospital, Midland. and daughter-in-law, Mr. For several years. Mrs. Fitze Mrs. Gilbert Marlow,,attended the Presbyterian )lin, visited ber to help Church and was a faithful )rate and honored ber member of the Ladies' Aid. gifts of a cyclamen plant.ý Plans were made for the )uuet of daffodils anid aýWorld's Day of Prayer which MR. HAROLD PECK iay cake. On Sunday shewill be held on March 1, at as Sales Representative. the hcnored guest at a 2 p.m. in the Presbyterîan Hrl' onrlclra ly party with her son and Church. 'Hrl' omrlclra iter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs.ý The ladies presented the estate connections and varled n Marlow and family. at Board of Managers with a business background wiIl by. Therc again she was cheque for the balance o! the continue to prove an asset te *ed wvith a birthday cake! payment on the new oil furn- his many clients and friends several gifts. ace and are commended for in this area. tle Lori Lyons, Uxbridge,;their efforts. . BOB JOHNSTON tTuesday to Thursdayl Mrs. Kenneth Gilbank pîec- ber grandparents, Mr. cd two quilt tops and present- REALTY LTD. VIrs. C'ecil UWilson. Oherled them to the group. Llnings 155 Simncoe St. S. Oshawa it guests were Mr. and have also been promised and Phone 576-1050 Herman Rodman, Wilson1when completed the quilts BLACK'S m Oshawa SPRI[N Jas /s or1968 COME IN AND SEE OUR New Spring Styles ARRIVING DAILY! acSportswear e Ôresses * 8weaters LAY-AWAY NOW FOR EASTER BLACKYS 72 SIMCOE ST. N. (Open Friday Evenings 'til, OSHAWA SP.m,) E R ICK'Sg "ION PHARMACY à BOWMANVILL.KUTUIHD JAUN,10 February, 1968 -derick's Prescription Pharmacy we have just celebrated NNIVERSARY. narks the end of our first ycar of business, and embarks ir way to a second year of community service. Our first one of growth. We hope that our business will continue year, as we strive to provide friendly, professional service mient of community health. stime we would like to, pause for a moment to express litude to, our many friends, patrons, and business associates. rfriends we say " thank you " for your assistance, and many favours. To our patrons and business associates zyou" for your trust and loyal support. aii always endeavour to be worthy of your confidence patronage. Yours very sincerely, 9~d~1iJC. £7i»pi1 FREDEEICK C. TIPPINS, B.Sc.Phni. . a & 0 Coats 0 Suits

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