sions of life in Japan today. f Te Canadian Statesmn oxavle e.2,16 also showng how the ____________________________ jocal (Y U-rsna ter filmsripiseftins wic'fO shawa Presbyterial United Church Women HoId Meeting!T Soilfo(Yj-esn ellwe unh anda Chsialne evA p o a faith. A discussion period eiv Phooe 623-3303 j vilewe;a;Lunc and aveHicToC nsrc GPRm Mrs. Hugh Fleming 61 Co- Masonic Ladies' Night en the eeig e.ltwt or twsrpre tteme-badsol rgeawt bourg vIsited Mr. and Mri. Joe Saturday of that weekend. tce H- in attendance. 4IigoteCareT nhpterbulng rgam asi Levett on Monday. Congratulations to Mrs. 1B. Randv Snowden opened the Pic Scfhel Bare nMn h e oadstu a o Lieut. Michael Lidd',P.E.. J. Tukker on winning a $100 ;Punblihte"Cî t dx eb 1h thBat proa spent the weekend wifen his prize inn Chatelaine magaz- Wo)rship." The minutes of f had been receix edfrmtecmninoefc.Tedd rets. Mr. and Mrs. Jack ine's annual Family Favorites last meeting were read and 11e £eddy and Shawn. recipe eontest. There wereaprvdColcinwstk Department of Educto o oee tt htbad Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MIavin more than 7,000 entries this'en by Sally Preece, Tom Bec- N Purpoe room at h OrnIaestodemneipls and son David, Ste. TIferese, xear in the various categorles., keit. Tom Welsh took theI School. Cost of tiepoctwreftoerapn whr Que.. spent. the weekend with Mrs. Tukker's prize winning: worshîp service. The guest $61,166-00.tharswodbencaed his parents, Mr. and Mr& Ab. recipe xvas for *Mandeltorte ' speaker was introducedb 'TeewKnaScold- A um rInttnneat Mavin. Church Street. a European delicacy. Jo Preece. Dr. Robt. Gýusellie dto pndfrueo e. h etn eerdt h Congratulation.F t .Mrs. In the %write-up of the'spoke on -Boy and Girl Re- l6h th oenfuruebigmv u evc hoeprn Adrian Martin-Hilis, S ugog Masonie Ladies' Night, which lationship." Tom Van Camp dothscolfmSar-camnththerhldam St., who was wlnner of!,a 19" appeared ln last weeks Issue.';thanked the speaker. Every- ie d h ihactada"os Admira] color TV ln Kel logg 's ~It was inadvertently omitted'one enjoyed a social lime vlleh eganatera ideon he us Corn Flakes Color TV con- that' Bro. D. W. WXhlte and after. Iih tes. Mrs. W hite and Bro. F. Os- This being Baden Powell s er etar ol h i- fg tn , s o i g a d s e r Cogauaic n e1 edthevgeskallit îthchuch ser e on Sundayby School was noteda en n nsme0 h ue.Ms wishes to Mr. D, Mor Limer clWdthe Bro. Barrlong whuh ects oCus, uides acceîited by the priniaM.Bro'ttdta h or Xilgannon, Liberty St. Siouth, WM . rGibson.* waswlaware of thcotsconditionde who will celebrate bis 92nd er Juslm "'s- and Brawnies, with their Tnibsto r aishv ee n a neaorn ocr birthday tomorrow, Feli.nuary and Mrs. Cowling. leaders. paraded into church. Tnstrdinohsetnile ette.Lae h or 22nd. On Sunday a luncheon meet- Baden Powell's birthday was I Lockard theOrn chospasda oin ntatt Mr Ge Mrvn -Ig't~ ing of Region 5, Business & Feb. 22nd. This is the Founi- Lbthearad r aOsrh(Dprteto re.enlsent atwo'weeks ig-St., Professional Women's Club's, ders Week o! Scouting and yteBad reetysettowexihwas held in Lindsay and those: Guiding. Miss Kathy James, PTerbuessadota ake ry. board tandtheoKendal schao, Mi tr and brothM. rF.n-law, attending from the Bawman- Guide, toak the respansive the theause a the Enea u-cniin M rnhaad Berc. CM . F. Anelh ville Club were Miss Vema'readin. Ron Holley, Scout, re ort the boardo their Is near Las Angeles. c Gay, Miss Helen Devitt. Mrs. read the passage of scripture. PoSe roam for a car ary Mr. and Mrs. George ];aw- Wright and Mrs. E. Tamlinson., bis sermon on "Preparation The annualmetn of the Oshawa Pebtra and Mrs. Rlh Ellis. Dr. Christie is 1ihe picplof Alte a eevdfo eato the saliri com- ers of Nestieton and Mr. and B. & P. Clubs in Rcgion 5, as for the Race." For his stary United Church Women was he]d in Trinity United1 Covenant Colloe, Toronto, a training centre for layl Association statingththcwsaifctr-Tms Merse.Sutto en o rn o we-Lndas Besawmavi ore antd th chdebe tooanteChurch, Bowmanville, Wednesday, Feb. 4th. The1 workers of the United Churh of Canada. She hasi -____ wiereSturofay e.venn- indsaop yCobaregOawad Prt,ned hustrch Emnleand èReverend K. Harriet Christie, B.A., B.D.. D.D., (third 1 recently returned from sabbatical leave, spent visiting Ferguson, Wellington Striiet- borough. different parts stood for. The from Ieft) the guest speaker, is seen with Mrs. Harold rdian AficadstyngnBrtn.n196D. Gurt 0 D. ndMr. Jhan Congratulations arnd best, choir rendered a beautiftîî Kyte, (lef t) chairman of the meeting and presidentaof C hristie was honored with a Doctor of Divinity ege B. Sylvester at BowmanvIlle wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. G. anthemn. The floweis at the the Oshawa Presbyterial United Chur-ch Women ;Mrs. lb y the United Theological College, Montreal. BPopulr D m n Rotary Club's Ladies' NI'Vgbt Graham o! Willowdale who front of the church were in1. last Saturday evening ivere werp guests of honor at a re- memory of Mrs. Pinch, R.R. Kenneth Summersford, hostess; Miss Millicent Luke Osaa ie -oo Mr. and Mrs. John Carriei o! cepi on the occasion a! 6, who had passed away about THeeEe.A omuia Toantc an M.unday. tawn. olenWdd tion femide f at ee.ýwsratee dubA mmCunty pesen JakMnatw.versarx'. The reception was Sympatby a! this commnun- tInIIl;,the urhamCoun Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ckich- held last Saturday at the ity is extended ta Mrs. All: n ullI District Hlgh School Board àeetnromneo ran a! Wllowdale. formejrly ,-home of Mr.,, and Mrs. Frank Snowden and #,I Dy in th informed the board of a meet-P r o! Bowmanville, were gu?sts MeBride, Scarborough. Mr. :odnln am] n Sthe B o a rdIMi ute s Iing of the Co-ordinating Edtt- passing of ber father, Mr. E. Irto omte ab ed ' o!Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dale at and Mrs. Graham's daughter, H. Wilkins, Part Hope, and cin Clarke îgb Scoob l. "A M Bowmanville Rotary CluA's Mrs. Ernie' Wessells, town, aise ta ail other relatives. At a meeting af the Bow- i Senior Elementaî'y School, Shore School and Track As- l lreHg col Ing Dutcbmnan Motor Inn fast husband Mr. Ralph Fry, R.R. 2, Mr. Harry Pettit bias re- manville Public Schul Board varies according to the cOst cato for prizes at a track Apoa a eevdfa a o Saturday. Orono, were present on the turned home from Memorial: held recently in Vincent Mas- and plans foi' construction 'meet to be beld this spring. the Department a! Education Sunday guests withi Mr. ;4 nd happy occasion and assisted, Hospital, Bowmanville, and, sey School, Howard Sturrock'and other factors. Supervising Principal A. M. Orthopaedir Unit for handi-A Il Ssos' M4rs. A. Marjerrison. Flett F,;t., the hostess.gruayimrvn.wsapntdteor'se- Pnsfraews-disn Thompsan reported an enroîl- capped children. Information, wer Mr an Ms. ack('a- rs.Rub Stphns nd r. Mrs. Arthur Potts and son ýpresentative an the Interim East o! Simpson Avenue wereiment o! 1,458 pupils iln the from the Department af Na-i petro oot n r.1Stephen, Prestonvale Rd. N.,jSbo1ra1zto omt rvee yte or.I a local Public Scbools witb an tional Defence stated that theib penter ero!fToothand rs.-rtre rmahldyi ppoe uirPbi vrg and Ms. Herb Knapphave 'r vstors on Monday withite agreed that If this plan is aeag ttendance of,307. term o! Miss Ruth Gibson. wha' pine. Mrs. Eheler remalid Florida. Mrs. Stephiens and s rc rig. 1Ti e omiteI eng c o! ofat least five roams new aidmissins th n tra vn s wnlloaefcrmpee n uus for a visit witb Mr. and M rs. ber daughter Mrs. Knapp: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bale-: formed ta arganize and Ca- xvavîadmbssidnand th fes rtrm nt re- wSllt. opeedo A Mai-errson (Rbv)bega thir hre-ýman, Sterling, were Wednes-' ordinate all details in con-:board would need approxim- ported that Mrs. Jane Bryantf Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cle-ii- week holidaY by flying ta day last week visitars with nection wîth the setting up o! a teîy five acres o! land framfhsbe ie arpaeM' Instructions were give,ýn for' leand Keitb. Scarborouîyb: iTampa where thev were met, bher sister and husband, Mr.! a new Board of Education frtesu-iin forsco li ais eal id, wo reslgned in f a eterowanvsIoe Rtr Mren Mrs. Laverne Cle«i -'by Mrs. Stephens' brother-mn- and Mrs. Don Brooks and Northumberlaid and Durham î 968FR DA ens, Hampton, and Mr. and law and bis wife. Mr. and ifamily. Mr. and Mrs. Alexl Counties as o! January Ist, oss December from the staff o! Club for lnviting the Schooll Mrs. John Slemon o! EnnIs'- Mrs, Colan Stephens o! Dune- fTanner, Sterling, spent the11969. At that ime all exist- embeci'theanbonatr ibVnetMse co Board members ta a luncheon a :5pm killen were Sunday visitorcv1dia, Florida. where the n weekend with their daugbterî ing school boards, bath Highnsece the hiead contacetor An announicement that the meeting o! the club where' with Mr. and Mrs. A. R-. îjoye thrvaain Teyad ubad Mran Ms.adPbi.wîcestaxitispted the rparsmdetaanucaonetiono te n-tey heard an nteresMrn and Tirckets $ite.OO Phone 987-4284 - 987.4624s by ayor Clemens, Concession Street. were later joined by Mr Don Brooks and family. and the Minister o! Education i met tFientarals re- lan School Trustees and In formativeadesb ao Mrs. George Elliatt. Sle. Knapp w h o accompaniei Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow b las declared ahl education iquieeta etalSho.Municipal Counicillors Associ- Desmond Newman, Whitby, ira h or thern on teir returnflight.1wee STneyyfoundortheselftombeisaLis-tea onGrade- beinheldlineTaroninoTornt a proposedos metro-regionala Therese En Haut, Quebec. thefoathirreur ainhd wreSuday viitrswihw rotKndrgrte t Gad ' farmerly a! Bowmanvilleh bas Wbile ln Florida. Mr. and Mrs. their cousin, Mrs. Anne iXIII will be governed by one ,ctoy adcmpeowtbten Marcb l8tb, 19th and 2th gaveroiment for this area. been visiting !riends for theKapsetson !terCei'oOhw.board for the Lwo caunties. djctepts n o e madnor past tbree weeks ln ]Bowma.rý- holiday at Indian Rock Beach.i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lavigne. Area Superintendent G. A.A was decîded ta hire extra! ville and Oshawa, and be-' Ms eaDdeRR and family. Landon. spent MacLeod informed the board! part tîme help ta assist withl daughtr andson-i-law, Mit. Bawm a Duleved lette the weekend witb her sister that the amount o! grant avail- ýthe (aretaklag ai ibis school. and rs. ackSaml of anand brother-in-law, Mr. and4 able !rom the Government a! The board agreed La make a i an Ms JckSmi o an.last week from ber son Ras' Mrs. Norman Woods and sOn1Ontaria for the prOposed ;danatian of $10 to the Lakei craft. iwho, since last summer and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown'-- -_______ Mr. and Mrq. Ben Thomp-, until January, bas been abroad wr ra inrgeî son of Cornwall were weekend 'glving piano concerts and wirtb r a dirs.TomHard- gests of his parents. Mr. andi studying, and îs now la Lon-' welT r nd ta. o SundyTK dvrs. F. Tbompsan, Church St.) don, -England. Mr. Duîdley is Mr. D o rno.w Sn, Ly he isimetig oN r egAlde On Saturday tbey attended: accompanied by lis wife and'rDo BrwMs ln Tefstmtig fthMs.GreAIda. he hit Roe orml, 'aun so. JhnDavd. heBradley, Toronto, Mr. Bob Spring 4-H Unit wîhl be hl Mrs. John Han- bel b Whipaen' Roes -,a vui o Jh ai.Thhl n inner-dance hedb ira- 1letter dâescî'ibes their motor Brown and Miss Lynda Grey, at the home of Mrq. Murray cock, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bart-, ýernit Sigma Nu. at the trip from Milan. îîaîy, to Oshawa, visited their "rent, Wdedv eray2 eI saa eeSna Par PlzaTornto ~ iani, Fanc.In Italy Mr.'M.adMs .H rw at 7 p.m. Ail girls 12-26 are evening dinner guesis o! Rev.' Mr. nd rs.i.. ;. ustce Dudley,,studled with the great !and brother David. ýwelcome. The unit is featnnn rs .Nrhy ShaonandDaidRlhmoclkIonka Deckers, and is current- MisTmyRgrCi~FruWt leaders, Mrs. Murray' Sympathy ta Mr. Oliver, Hil, were recent weekend ,ly preparing for much work inpe bide'sCnr. T.Yeo and Mrs. Ken Black. :Beckett an the passing o! bisý visitons witb Mrs. Justice" London. He Is veny fond o! anto, spent the weekend witblP ie ff cie U parets. n. nd M's. . ~ the City o! London and nexi 1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs.'1 Friday evening there was a twin sister, Saturday, February P ie fe tv ni a. e . 2 t Allrpa. Otara Sree. M' ta bis 'home tawn, Bowman- Ron Rogers, sisters Nancy andi good attendance at the Euchre '17, Ms lv aitno Alr OnaiStetLonie. :Party with 16 tables. Prizes Edmonton, Alberta. and Mrs.e.Jusratsevarytendb. Mr Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman Iwere as follaws: Mr. Thorne,l Quite a number from here, .' r.Jsie teddt~ Dudle is Head Master o! thej r. re Ca roMs 'Piano Department ai Cincin- were among the invited r.Frd CmroMs attended the Hi-C Folk Ser-: guesis ta spend last Friday'SalY HdsoM.Er vice at Salem, Sunday nigbt.ý ati University'. evening witb their cousinsPrsoiVnaM aonMr Mrs. Ralph Glaspeil recent- LS E I E A ts p i W ORLD DAY Last Saturday the follow- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry1f William Stevens, 50-50 draw'lvvisited Mrs, J. A. Reynolds, AD O Ing IowmanilleHigh chOO Ennikilln, inhono of Ms.,ws wonby Gerge oz.re79iPrtValue ÀforN oz.79e Vlue- students attended a Computer Werry's father, Mr. Ross Lee,,ap itda a ugt, Mrs. Peter Oprica and OF PRAYER !~Science Day ai the UniversitY Kedron. on the occasion a! ýMr. Wilbert Mark who cele-,daugieSliGogtw, o! Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. : bis brha rtdbs7t birthdayF1'ubeSliGogtw, H I wene weekenc guesis o! Mr.PR Yf Dan Lemon, Henry Pokorski, f Mns. C. Russell, Mrs. Ted day, Februarv l6tb. Congratu-1adMs1.Va ap Blake. Jerry Parier.DorotH'. Vas.Do.p'iCURUTY B b0P w e FRI., M AR. lst f Rodney Syer, Mike Oke, Don Whîte, Mrs, C. Greenharnîlations, Wilbert. 11 z lssl tln lp Blak, Jery Prte. Doothyi Mrs. L. hitery and Ms. 'WoodMr. R. Glapil Mrs . REHOBOTH Pittman, Carol Beliman, Garry 1 Foley Jefry, M H.!WR. Mrs. . noloîî.l Mrs.' Van Dorp is able ta be up andý Sugg. list 2.98 2 ,3 121/2OZ- 89C Value o 9 Vandergaast and Barry Kraw- H. G. Freeman attended the IS. E. White, Mrs. D. Northey aotatrtowesh e __________________ CHRISTIAN 1'chuk. Tbey were accompaniedi U.C.W. Preshyterial meeting attended tbe United Churcb ith a piached nerve. REFO MEDC URC Principal L. Lucas and staffî beld in Tinity U n i t e d Women Presbyterial ai Tria- Mr. and Mrs. W. Moone. V REFRME CHU CH embrsJ. Thompson and D., Church, Bowmanville. ity United Church, Bowman- Mrs. John Wallace and grand- AR X Duchesne. About 200 firsi ý Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton ville. last week. ,daughter, Oshawa, were Sun-:A Meetings 2:30 and 7:30 class bonors mathematirs stu- were Monday supper guests: Mrs. Ronald Pbilp and cbild- iday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. D I 1 Irar1 1 .3 3 Speaker: det rmGae 2ad1 o i itr r n r.:ren, Oshawa, spent the week- i'A MISS GLADS JAGERo! aine Ontario bigh scbaolsIjStanley Macrklin, Cahourg.e ad_- h rsEnaPhlp-n M.-ndMr.-owrdBrnt yuze n i Tiw- Oc hutyfrcbwsfle a tsi h ye flh endictisan d O F T IQE g.Fa ia i sus13 111 ..Sna co i "oual me ven by e il stî'ip n the sch'LfeorPul." MisenaryonuFniy or ap-nd' 11 11:1 a.r. SndaySchol nw'asgive bs Mrs- Folk Service conducted by the giliîs training. Ms ayLuMlsna&Bt i ted i teu h aie s eia i- ropo TgneP flM.and the nnthfriend, Leas'de, spent the BeautyBahOlLý Bac ToGodHou (i itc he adig otes ei-H- ru !Trn Psoa n n n.Kneweekend with Mn. and Mrs. 'M B ck T Gd o r rwnsenv nîîm. The worsbin) charge. Lamb, Oakville: Mr'. and Mns. Leslie Gable. 5 oz. (Green) A NIhiA N T N CKs. Musir for the siniglng hy the Cecil Jurikin, Clankson, wene On Sunday mornng the' 9:15 rrvi e N vas led by r' C chair was provlded by guitars Sunday guests o! Mn. and 2 .1y9wnes n gg i ____ TlimeWaS the "Gift a! asssed by Mrs. Ken Shackle- day scbool class attended' -AalecTaet "Everyone IVelcome' Spieech." To introduce the t su pinitefcor andstleon d car'!th pem.wrs;Ea.d hîurcb at Kedran. Following 10s ofid' !Japan. Mrs. W.sucngrgab'thechinad Tenwistaem Mlereng. cE 100'sgservisc1.49tfo 1.25 - SLa mrd showed the filmstnip coageain witgv h Bbenaig people were invited ta watcb' o! i ý- lt_ gave impres- The presentatlon a! a skit Mî's. R".vnolds gave therafailm and listen ta Sergeant E Lî _ weld o xyte"wm embers entary,. Johin Powell o! the Oshawa SCHIC a!ldn b h emeso A bymn was sbtng fallawed Polc eatntlkbo' S UEN BU T INJECTOR BLAES TRINITY UNIT~~~D CHUR(H the group. These boxes rep- by praver by Mrs. F. Black- laiceDan ment. talaot D D EAT HI TINESS reetdteprejudices o! mabrn uc runa.heim, and he1ss, Sugg. lEst 89C TRINITY UN TED CHURCH modern day, race, colon, creed Miss Roberta Craîg favored "Dc donîîs T'led ilm calledSpra Minister - 11ev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. and freedom. Refresbmens with a piano solo. îng marij edna ow smak- Hair Spray were senved tollawing the Ouir guest speaker, Miss Lois taking heroin. the effects each, 16 oz. O E SUNAVIFEBL~R 25h 168close of the service. 'Ashton. Enniskillen, gave a had cnathie brain and body, * L apb n SUNAYFEBUhR 25h, 968Thie first meeting of the very interesting and informa-, and wbat happens when a Sugg. list 1.497 1:0aSalem U.C.W. for ibis year,tive talk on lier work as a pr a' gtaymr.12%., Sugg. list 55,1 xvai held ai the churcb last V.O.N. nurse in Toronto and persanant el ny mre. v Thursday night. The president, lber present position asa hSergsantPwelcancludeh "THE SEVEN WORDS F:IOM THE CROSS": Mrs. L. Welsh, opened the wonken witb the Cbildren'~sboiu acatwîhsm meetng itba nw yar"Aid Pat Hpe.Sheals anples, descriptions and uses o! metigdiha IDA.'sAdPrtHpeREMEDIESIifeet rgs hemrnn (2 ody- r aradse poemn followed by a hymn and swered a number o! questions duffe nt r igs.Th aning, PRESCRIPTIONS- the Lord's Prayer. pertaining ta ber work. The formative for us ail. Installation of New Eiders, Stewards and Trustees During the business, several meeting closed with the bene- Froom Kedron the class wenti cards af tbanks werc rcad. It diction after which we enjov- t h oe ! Mrs. i 2:00 p.m. - Young PeopIges' Mernbersbip Ciass was decided to send 10 blan- ed a Valentine eontest and Arthur Hamilton far a lovely A L E XMG kets to the Arab refugees.'lunch. dinr CHURCH SC HOOL The financial report was given' Mrs. W. Cralg. Mrs. K. dinner.cG hy Mrs. S. Buttery. The Shackleton. Mrs. A. Steplien. 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Intertmediate and Senior World's Day o! Prayer will be Mrs. E. Twist, Mns. S. Buttery Hardening of the arterles: R G held ai Tyrone ehurch on'and Mrs. L. Welsh attended and high bloold pressure causeDRS 11:00 a.m. - Beginners Friday, Marcb 1. the Oshawa Presbytery U.C.W. about 90 per cent o! aIl heart 11:20 &.m. - Priniary and Kindergarten Mrs. E. Twist and ber meeting ai Trinitv United and rlrculatory disease. ac-ý IG S.W group were In charge o! the Church. Bowmanville, last cording to the -Canadian Heart5 KNO S.V --H NE 63 79 r meeting. Mrs. Doug Reynolds iWednesday. i rd