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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1968, p. 14

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The Canadian States. an, Bowmanville, P'eb. 29. 1963 &Three Orono Girl Guides Awarded Their Ail Round Cords was attached to this roi tee's report. Twa specialists were pi sent at the February 131 meeting of the Co-ordinatir 'Education C om m it t ee. ID John Deadman, Ontario Ho 'pitai. Whitby, and Dr. Jo Bawers, Provincial Supervisý for Emotlonally DisturbE Children for the Departmei of Education. Dr. Deadman had describE the counseliing services fi Mental Meaitb availablei Wbtitby, and iridicated that i was attemptîng ta establis direct line communicatic with teachers about problei cases. He said that he ha set up regular monthly mee, ings wîth Guidance teachei eat Whitby using actual casE as exampies for dealing wit certain problems. The psycholagical servicE used in the York South RE gional Education Committet whicb is generaliy knowna YSREC, were discussed at th committee meeting by Di Bowers. She stated that ther are 18,500 students in tha region, and she added that ii her opinion an area of thi size needs one director, fou psycbologists, and two con sultnts tpe pupit.eicos isu26tants tpresenl. t he o .........noted that there wili be 23.00C students in Durham and Nor. thumberland Counties nexi year. A copy of the guide lines recommended by Dr, Bowers was presented to the bard. :tCompany, Oronto Gir Gudes, were honored hen Ms Jh aisowad aughter Shan , M r e nnt P N YP O 1ey were presented with Ail Round Cords, the f irst Tennant and daughter Glenda, Mrs. John Caldwell Another week wlth ver: sch presentations within the company since 1958. and daughter Carol Ann, Captain Neli Snelders and littie news. SJ.1Ottawa had their troubles Those taking part in the ceremo ny are shown above, Lieut. Sandra Lewis. _____ ast week. It was very ap- parent on Frlday night at the Durham High School Board agreed with Mr. Lucas' state- meeting at Grand View School ments. He said that hie is ai- (the one and only publie ways receiving excuses about school In our township) that i.~ ~, ir ,ier î f/1 c I '1 the bus service breaking at least 95 % of those present down. "Lt does flot happen were opposed to the new bil D epartm nt M ind M ade vry often that we get ail disposlng of ail District School busesb in before nine arn.," he Boards. The audience were said. alrnost unanimous in desiring Grade 13 students through- to have the area Include Dur- B c.cvcI 'ec cle f~o /~ijflfjflout Durham will have a pre- ham County only. They also leoa d D cid s N o Poi t i ývously unplanned one day desired at least one represen- holiday when their teachers tative from Our township or S f ljoattend a workshop organized new board. The guest speak- hy the Ontario Secondary er Mr. Alex Carruthers. tried Pursuing Change ofPolSchool Teachers Federatio' hard ta explain some ofth Further action will flot be; and Durham Counties. This imatter stated that when theý 27 workshops with the sup- fidence. We were crlticlzed fiken by the Durham County was declded at a meeting of1 board first heard of the plan port of the Department of for not publiîcy making a XDlstrict High School Board the board held in Bowman- a letter had been sent to the Education. These workshops public stand but there was a inopsiinto the Ontario ville High School last Wed- Minister of Education saying will be heid in strategic loca- weaith of good speakers from eiovernment's plan to create nesday evening. that the board is in favor of tions throughout the province. Cartwright, Cavan and Man - asingle board of educatjon Secretary-Adminjstrator M., larger units of administration Their aim is to bring the vers Township. Lt was ourý srr ai] of Northumberland A. MacLeod reviewing t-hp but hoped that the proposed teachers up ta, date on the first visit to the new schooi board would be confined toi new approach to Grade 13 and congratulations are ex- the ounaris 0fDuramlteaching and ta give coni- tended ta the board on the County. plete understandîng of the very fine building. It was pointed out by lvr. freedom granted in the course Our hockey teani won againl MEacLeod that when thel content and of the underlying on Sunday. They are leading DMeputy-Minister, Dr. Jî. R., philosophy. the ieague and have only one McCarthy, replied to thi's ]et-' The board learned from a game left before piayoffs. À% L ter lie at that time declined~ directive received from Dep- Perhaps they should tell to give details of the boun- uty-Minister of Education Mc- Imiach and his Leafs how It daries. A new letter was sent Carthy that as far as the pro- Is done. asking for this information, vision of additional school We were In Millbrook on @O W A N V ILLE and also bringing to the de- accommodation is concerned Saturday afternoon and paid partment's at te nt i on thatý for this year, At has authority a visit ta Mr. and Mrs. Talbert M ARCH PHONE 623-5589 Durham County had been~ to proceed in 1968 as It would Kellett Talbert wsvr sion while Northumberland changes for next year had not siowly. FR1. - SAT. - SUN., MARCH 1 - 2 - 3 is in the Kingston Division. been announced. Several couples of our young iEmmett Creighton, Part Where the decision is made people attended the Leglon C0LUMLIA PM 1UR!s Hope. the Board Chairman,torcedwhtecntucdae In Mlibrook on Satur- .,.LIABEH ICHRDand Mr. MacLeod presented a tin of as new school the day night. ON YLE DMONS IAY IREW B UTION brief from the board to the scalat stilli applies in SO The Ontario Good ad1 INTE UftONZEPf!W ROUC1ON0F United Counties Coun cil ad- fa1s h ise of debentures Convention will be held in the vocating an individual board y municipal councils inl 1968 Royal York oe oot - for each county. In answer is cancerned, the commurnca- this week and willi be attend- fÇj0FTHE SHREW to this brief Alex Carruthers, tio n expiained. Repayment of e ylclcuelos 4» NO RESERV!OSUT5.POPULu pIC M.P.P., stated hie understoad sc eeine il emd the board's opinion, but feltit future years by the boardi FrL - Sat. nt 7 and 9:15 - Sun. nt 7:30 p.m. that not much could be ac- '0f the larger unit of adminîs- E ST R Aduls $.25compishd a itwould biltration subject ta any adjust-i AT R VILLE Adis$.5 Students 75c Children 50c comiished a prseit cni ment that may be made in , Aduit Entertainnient1 ing evidence of the practicai the report of the arbitratotrs. M ra.and Mrs. Brian Caswell, advantage for the two coun- the Deputy-Minister's letr and famly were recent dinneri ties to be separated for edu - ,painted out. guests in Toronto with Miss cational purposes. rThe board approved the Beulali Halioweli. Special Children's Matinee - Saturday, March 2 A1 etrfomteSyor ommendations in a d e in Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKay, 1I etrfomteSyor local committee reports. L. Bronte, have taken up resi- fir Campbeiiford Area School A Parker, Chairman of the dence on the A. McKay farm. "1h. Man 'auuea Flintstone Board to Counties Council Bowmanville Local Commit- Ms atnMNiiad ""Th M an Calid Flntstlle supported the Durham Coun- tee, presented its report with fa Muy. Osawa, wMereirecent' ty District- High School's the, following: That Donald visitors with Mr. and Mrs. brief, Mr. MacLeod said. He Ausi eapine soit Wre asn FRI. - SAT. SUN.- MARCH 8 - 9- 10 also referred ta a brief pre- ofusinbe afo terAoiodfat Wrs.n arson i lt e sented to Education Minister January lst to June 30th; the sîster, Mrs. R. Lowery, Toron- I Matinee Saturday at 2:00 p.m. William Davis by a delega.. resignation of Marilyn Quan- to. tion of 120 persons represent- trill, Girl's Physical Educa- "T1he Bobo" i n 54 school boards and tion teacher be accepted with been for e scpool. havingi Peter Sellers, Britt Ekland counties of Oxford, Prtthe resgain0 .W c tmI emnni sed IWaterloo, and Elgin. Thisl Mullem, Guidance teacher be and ail the p upils are in Fun-filled entry in Color brief had expressed extremne accepted with regret, effec- attendance at Kendai schooi. dispîcasure regarding iack Of tive June 30th; the appoint- Mrs. Brenton Farrow has Aduit Entertainment consultation about the new ment of Miss Marli Cushing, been in Port Hope owing La educational board system and Girls' Physical E d u c a t ioný the passing of her father, Mr 1 the rapidity of its implemen- teacher, be confirmed, effec-- E. H. Wilkins. Friends fror FR1. SAT. - SUN. - MARCU 15 - 16- 17 tation. tive February lst; and the Starkvlle attended the service. "Deputy Minister of Edu- resignation of Trevor Colla-, Thursday of iast week. caio McCarthy indicated to cuitt, assistant caretaker, be' Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casweil this d~Oelegation that the plans, accepted. effective January attended the pot-luck supper "N alcvajo J e, of the department werei 3lst. at a parent get-together for' finalized, and that efrsbýTerpr fteCak Cubs and Scouts In Newcastie.ý Aduit Color Western them or any interested bodieslLocal Committee, presented Miss Norma Hailoweil, off aloattemptîng to effect changes by the chairman R. M. Pater- Toronto, spent the weekend wouid be futile and in vi, o, had three items. 1. That at Mr. Liew Hallowell's. Mr. MacLeod said hie had: the resignation of Mrs. M. P.~ udyatronRv .J "I<iII a Dragon 'been informed. 'Williams, French tahr e Sna feno e.T . The oard subsquenly cceped wth rgret efe rave gave his messageý JackoardPalsqnce, Fernando Lamasre, efec-under the title, "Tume of Test- JackPalaceFemado Lmaslearned that the new Board tive March 3lst. Mrs. W'il îng" He developed this from Colorful. action and intrigue in Hong Kong of Education for Durham and liams' duties wili cease March the iemptation of aur Lord as ___________________________________ Northumberland Counties will 15th just before the winter it is wrltten In St. Matthew'si be composed of 10 elected recess. 2. The problems con- gaspel, chapter four, It wasE MONAYTOTHRSAY M RC 1 -21mbers from Durhanm and cerning bus transportation a lovely service and a lovely MODA O HUSAY ARH 8- 1 14 f r o in Northumberland.1 haebncerdup y a day wlth music by Mrs. OneCoplee howat7:3 pm.Bath counties will be in the chng o ersonnel. 3. The Lawrence Farrow. Fiowers' OneCoplteShw t :3 pm.saine division as Narthumber-j committee is placing funds. -i for the service were in me-, 99 Iand is being placed withl the budget ta replace existing mory of Mrs. Brenton Far- f "The Roldant Astondi t iDurham County in the Tor- light fixtures at the front en- row's father, Mr. Wilins. Don Knotts, Arthur O'Connell J. T. McCreery. Port Hope. Iighting. Ti ltrswnscm au _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n o v e t h t n f u t h e a c i o n T h e r e p o r t o f t h e C o u r t ic e A s if t h e y w a n t e d t a p la y ; be taken, and commented Local Committee presented They biew In every nook and FR.-SA.-SU.-MARCH 22 - 23- 24 that hie thought the board by Its chairman, W. J. Brown, cranny FR! - AT. SUN -had fia other choice but ta go1 stated that meetings had been And seemed so loathe to go MatineeSaturdy aI 2:0 p.m.a1ang with the changes. The!heldon aury3s ad aa. motion wastcarrîediby a mar-mFebruary l2th 31b t and-~Frtheoeda a o it- "Tax deducted per T4 and 1 formation. 1 4A slips". the total amount Q.-In am ln a farming part. 'e-~ M xof your tax deductions lnciud- nership and some of the de- 3th *Unc Um e T x *ips ilng the amount deducted framn preclable assets are awned ing the lump sum payment as lndlvidualiy and sore jolntly. Dr yAK.M llr Pbi Reain Ofie 'shown on the T4A slip. What la the best way ta ýos- . ~~Q.-My wlfe Is worklng and our captl -t lo ian' DI I 4 earned over $ 1,250 ln 967. 1I daim? aIa sor Bellevllîe Taxaion Ofjficei know 1 can't daim the marrled , A.-The profits of the part- )ed exemption of $1.000 an ber be- nershlp sbauld be allocated to ont This Income tax calumn has, this money cati be taxed at a haif b ut can I clim this $u,000 the partners before a dlaim is been prepared bx' the Belle- reduced rate but I do not know;'on behaîf o! aur chld lnstead? made for capital cost allow. )ed vle District Office. Depart- A.-oNaclaetisrt 0't o . The $1,000 exemp- ance. You sbould list the tax Plaseadvse s t whtitonfor support of a chllIassets owned by the partner- or mnt f Ntioal eveue.Vax Plaseadvse st wh a onîy be claimed by a per- sîip on one sehedule andih ai axatimnon.Teqestions d h oulddo.nywho Is noV marrled or if assets owned by yu 1 hîanre omo ns a nd e A .-When fin your re 'n married, is separated from viduaily an a separate se~t is wad Hoev r nsa i r-' you shouid proceed as follows: and not supportlng bis wlfe. ule. You may dlaim your [on']cunistances sometimes alter a. Attach a note to your re- Q.-If I dlaim the cblldren share of the capital cost ai- Sthe answer. If yaur question turn requestlng that the De- as exemptions on my return. lowance on partnership assets id 'taseeheeorite partment apply the provisions; cani my wife dlaim the medicai! and full ailawance On your e-Income Tax Guide, telephone Of Section 36 of the Incarnei paid on their bebaif on ber' own assets. ers 968-6424 in Belleville, or write Tax Act ta your lump sum1 return? E Q....I gave $50 to the United 3e, NainlRvneTxtomarent and aiso attach the! A.-'riauy h answer Appelai. Canti 1daim this in NionlRvne aain 11'iT4ay riai h th SttoTtre elvil n A slip on w hich that pay- lis fia. Mowever, wbere the buis addition ta the standard de- Vtarla, for free advice. ment Is reported. b. Camplete; for the chlld's medical ex-i duction of $100? 1 yaur return as far as the 'Tax- penses were received prior 1 A.-No. You are entitled Quan eeived and Answers able Incarne" figure but do E Vo 1967, there are same cir- Ita dlaim either the standard t- Q.-I changed jobs last year not include the lump suni 1 cumstances when It would be ldeduction of $100 or yaur eean reeieda lump sum pay- payment in your income. c. possible ta do this. Your Dis- caial oain n ei asI ment from my previaus em I Do noV make any tax calcula- trlct Taxation Office ioud bei chaabl e nabto a ndi- he1 ployer's pension plan. I know 1 Vian, but etro h iegîad t gveyou fureV - h e c al ees nr.ah r n rii ir as Oshawal Wood Products Ltd. CORXCiHORO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Ir Open ilours Mon. Tii Fni. 7.30 a.m. - 6 pm.. Open Hrs. Mon. Tii Thurs. 9 arn. ta 6 p.rn. ýeSat. 7.30 a.m. to 12 Noon *Fni. 9 a.m. bo 9 p.m. Sat. 9 arn. to 6 p.m. m *Invi*te You to I te Ki*tchen Fix-up WeekI DI i _ STLiO.1t JUST YchGNoURETNeAITDDOSYU A ENZ e Your o Styld eLesTa- i If You Would Like 3/" WHITE BIRCH DOORS $ 55.00 Your Cost Would Be Less Than ,--- - -- ----------------- I. 4" WALNUT DOORS Less Than --------------------- ------------ Would Include Cutting Doors To Size and New Hardware If You Would Like Your Cost Would Be Which STYLE NO. $7100m Perhaps a New Contour MOULDED COUNTER TOP Wol d he rick Fr"oM and 6'4O" - 8'40" - li There Are Variaus Ca lors To Choose From ILULUL ii__ü DO YOU FEEL A COMPLETE SET IS YOUR ONLY ANSWER? We Can Build You a New Set! Your Cost Based On a Lineal Ft. of Top and Bottom A 6'-0"d LEndsadthtgExr Wide 10'40" Long $28.80 In Paint Grade Fir .......... $26.00 Installation Extra OUR REPRESENTATIVE WALLACE NORTHEY, WILL MEASURE AND GIVE In Mahogany .............. .......$29.00 YOU A FREE ESTIMATE ANY TIME! 1:o M 1- M I.' King St. (No. 2 Highway) ___ Ici Oshawa Wood Products Highway No. 401 No. 73 Interchange Oshawa COURTICE 728-1611 Woo LIMITED SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK 1 akage LIGHT BULBS 4 - 100 Watt and 2 - 60 Watt 99 G WAT(H FOR THE BIGfiÂ(ataIogue* )d Products f SHOPPING CENTRE 72&-141À 'UALLONT-THE NAME TO DUIWD ON~ y STYLE NO.

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