Olympic Skaters Welcomed Home i neir apring r asnion z>now The Bowmanvjllente be pesent. sociation, Toronto. Club'& Past President's di%'ner? Kinette Pat Rundie was; A letter from the Bowman- meeting was held at the Fly-ý the Mystery Guest of thei ville Kinsmen Club informed ing Dutchmari Motor Inn last, evening. There were 26 Kin-' the Kinettes that Grant Pep- Wedneaday evening w i t h! ettes and three honorary! per, Ron Brock, and Larry President Virginia Fairey 1 Kinettes present at the meet- T aylor have been accepted as presiding. Others at the head ing. a 96 per cent attendance. 1 new members of the localI table were Past Presidents President Fairey inductediKinn Club. A note of Helen Dunn 1956-57, Eleanor a new member, Kinette Mari. thanks fromt former Kinette Larnier 1957-58, Helen Brown lyn Webster, who was intro-1 Freda Kramp for the presen- 1959.60, Jean Wlliams 1961- duced by the Membership tation 0f a gifi to her on her 62, Kay Cain 1962-63, Gladys Cornmittee Chairman. Treas- retirement from the Kinette Stutt 1963-64, Evelyn Werry urer Ruby Woodward, who Club was received. 1964-65, Barbara .Con nelil also presented her with her A communication from the 1965-66, and Mrs. W. R. Bal- Kinette Pin. Canadian Cystic F ib r oss .....s. four, Toronto, the gues5t Plans for the Fashion Show, Fudto omne h speaker. Past Presidents LiI- "An Invitation to Spring" tatriett no. 8 or terf inia lian Hooper 1958-59, and Ulva be held under the auýspices asitNcetafo theirKinsmnis Lathangue 1960-61, and Im- of the local Kinettes in St. asstnet"teKise ' ~ niediate Past President Bar- Joseph's Au d it orilu m iCystie Fibrosis Centre at the î bara Masters were unable to March were discussed.. The' Hospital for Sick Children, latest in the coming season's Toronto, and it also empha- attactve ode inmîîiney.sized the importance and need dresses, coats and suits from of increased personal inters \ . the Mary C Shoppe will be yte irssaferrs dis lay d w th loc l l net es T he letter urged ai th se diplye wthloalKietesinterested in service work ta asth mdes.get in touch with the local Ki.nette Joan Brunt intro- Cystic Fibrosis Chapter or duced the guest speaker, Mrs. write to the Kinsmen Cystic Balfour, who showed an ex- Fibrosis Board of Manage- Hall C r i p p 1 e d Children's Road, W e st on. Discussingi 0/0 School and Treatment Cen- what can be accamplished ;tre, Oshawa. Mrs. BalfoDur through persanal interest the' liawas the commentator for the communication pointed to the ' film, and in ber address af- Rotary Clubs work with SAVINGS terwards discussed the teach- crippled children which in CcOUNTSing methods and the progress addition ~ta, donations for speech therapy, and te equipment includes a Christ- ~ . , MiW Monthly Balance treatment given these handi- mas Party, outlngs, birthday capped chlldren. presents for individual crip- ~:* PERSONAL Secretary Betty Br o wn pied children, and sometimes È 4I %CHEQUING moveda vote o! thanks ta assistance to the families of mS 41/4%ACCOUNTS Mrs. Balfour for hier graphic handicapped children where address and for showing the this is needed. Low service charges interesting work being donc President Fairey announcedý Min, Vi yearly balance 1 ohl afflce children. On that it has been found nec-. Last xveek, Port Perry turned out in large numbers ta welcome home Olym- - 1 behalf o the Kinettes she essary ta change the dates of 7% i f 5 Years 1presented the guest speaker the next two monthly dinner pic skaters Anna Farder and Richard Stephens who had been campeting in 7% G.I.C.'s with a. gift as a souvenir of meetings of the club. The Grenoble, France in the pairs competitions. They were met at Toranto Inter- her visit ta the club. March meeting will be a Pot national Airport by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farder and Mr. and Mrs. PERSONAL LOANS Kinette Audrey Sleep mov Luck Supper at Memorial Wm. Stephens, aiong wîth several carloads of members fram the Port Perry cd that the club donate $200 Pr Clubhouse on Wednes- Figure Skating Club. Miss Forder and Mr. Sehn are shown above. Mrs. Rup- ta, buy a jungle gym and day evening, March 13tb, Sehn CENTRAL ONTARJO ohrnee atce o h when the club's 12th Birth- ers Byers, Church St. is Miss Forder's grandmother and Mrs. Gardon Sturrock, TRUST& SAVNG Smcoe aCrtipcled Coritd- day will be celebrated. The Scugog St., is an aunit. Photo courtesy Part Perry Star CORPORATION ren's School and Treatment meetoing wmone t the Fdin e nwiead eoae Centre. This was seconded bymetnwilbatteFyn ednwhean dcote . Kit aeTetl, Dutchman Motor Inn on dehrwi torts! kMr - 23 xim si.w., 'neeJn Terel an Wednesday evening, April 10. with red frosting bore the . 823-2527 caried. There will be an executive message "Welcome Past Pre- le Simeca . m.~ Treasurer Woodward pre- meeting on Monday, March sidents" in red icing. FI Oshawa sented a satisfactory financial 4th, at the home o! Secretary- 723-5221 ýstatement. She aso thanked Brown, 8 Duke Street., NOR: the Kinettes who had assist- After the business session.0 Moni to.Thurs. cd in the Heart Fund Can- the meeting was turned aver L q o 9 ta 5:30 vass recently. A money bag to the special committee for GA FrFi. to S was passed around at the the evening, Chairman Joan Co wuiAS POUAMRU Sot. 2 ta 4 meeting for donations fromi Brunt. Secretary Brown, and 8wor yn=V I s oned the indivîdual Kinettes whichl Kinette Thertell. Games wex e CB * * 8WOF11 lt Wdedn will be forwarded ta the1 enjoyed then coffee and cake (PROM PAGE ONE)D RÇ T OES Canadian Mental Health As- were served. The special cake teacher, St. Andrew's School, Ami USED CARS 1967 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. V-8, automatie, power steerlng, anid power brakes, white wall1 tires. Less than 20,000 original miles. Lic. K10870.$ 9 MARCH PRICE ý-----.2 9 1966 FORD FALCON 4-DR. Econamical 6 cyl. Spatless white finish. Lic. X2926. iq/7 MARcI PRICE ------ --$17 '63 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4-DR. V-8, automatic. A famlly sedan. Lic. L12322.$ 5 MARCH PRICE - I -.~ M 1966 DODGE POLARA " 440" STATION WAGON Like new! Lic. X12728.*E MARII PRICE ------ --- $99 "65 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR «'990"' 2-DR. HARDTOP Power equipped. Only 32,000 one-owner miles. Lic. K 1868. $ 79 MARCH PRICE -- $1 "61 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 2-DR. HARDTOP Power steerlng, power brakes, power windows, V-8. autQmnatic. Top mnechanical condition. Lic. J8474. $ 9 MARCH PRICE -----$ 9 1964 INTERNATIONAL %-TON PICKUP Li'. 30018B ASK ABOUT MARCH SAVINGS ON THIS SHARP PICKUP! MARCH SAVE -1967"s - '67 FORD GALAXIE "500" XL 2-DR. HARDTOPS Two in choose fromn Lic. K10867 - K10927, '67 CHEVELLE MALIBU 2-DR. HARDTOP Lic. K9001. - 1966"s - '66 MUSTANG 2-DR. HARDTOP Lie. K3541. '66 MERCURY PARK LANE 4-DR. HARDTOP Lic. J87520. '66 BUICK IVILDCAT CONVERTIBLE Lic. K1969. '66 CH EV. CAPRICE 2-DR. HARDTOI' Lie. K5832. '66 MUSTANG 2-DR. HARDTOP Lic. L2271. - 1965"s - '65 MERCIURY MONTEREY 4-DR. Lic. K21317. '65 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE Lic. K4863; 165 FORD XL 2-DR. HARDTOP Lic. 14025E. '65 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. Lic. K20524. '65 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DL. Lic. K4488. - 1964's '64 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE Lic. K15768. '64 CORVAIR MONZA 2-DR. Lic. X16251. '64 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CUSTOM SPORT Lie. K15655. '64 COMET "1202". 4-DR. Lic. L4670. i MORE SPECIALS - 1963's- '63 CHEV, 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON Lic. X13415. '63 FORD GALAXIE 2-DR. Lic. J77453. '63 PONTIAC STRATO CIIIEF 2-DR. Lic. 55133E. '63 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4-DR. HARDTOP Lic. K14975. '63 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DRt. Lic. K7250. '63 CORVAIR MONZA 2-DR. Lic. K17142. '63 FORD 10-PASSENGER STATION WAGON Lic. X15281. '63 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOp Lic. K15756. '63 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Lic. K11005. - 19621s - '62 FORD GALAXIE 2-DR. Lie. J91919. '62 FORD STATION WAGON Lic. X14909. '82 PONTIAC STRLATO CIIIEF Lic. K15043. '62 MERCURY MONTEREy Lic. K 15545. - OLDERMODELS- '61 FORD STATION WAGON Lic.. 87841X. '61 CORVAIR Lie. K16048. '60 FRONTENAC 4-DR. Lie. K71106.* OSHAWA M2 KNG ST. W. - 723-5241 M vand Miss Barbara Ellingham, History and Engllsh teacher,,1 St. Andrew's Public School, Ajax. The contest started at nine a.m. and finished at two a dlock in the afternoon. After- wards the Bawmanvillc Ladies' Auxillary ta the Royal Can- adian Leglan served a de- liclous lunch a! coffee, dough- nuts. and mllk. Secrctary Flrence Knght. a past presl- det;Cmrade Trixie Brown. an_ exectulve mernber, and 2nd Vice-President Lais Spen- cer, asslsted by Comradc Kltty Newman. an executive member. and Camrade Ethel Shackleton were In charge of the lunch. Glfts a! attractive broaches and key cases were presented ta tbe judges on behaîf of the Auxillary by President Rena Bathgate, assisted by 2nd Vice-: President Spencer. President Mavin made the presentation o! trophies and prizes ta tbe winners. He was assisted by Jahn Gibson, an executive member. The win- ners In the contest wlll com- pete in the Zone Public Speak- lng Contest Finals ta be held In Port Perry on March 3rd. Mrs. Fraser was the spokes- man for the Junior Judges and Mr. Goodhand for the Senior. Bath commended al the competitors for the hlgh calibre of the speeches. and said that the decisians ot the judges wcre most difficult as the competitions had been so keenly cantested. They also gave constructive and practical advlce on public speaklng. The winners werc as !ollows: Junior Elementary-1 JaneL Reynolds. Hampton Public School; 2 Barbara McGulrk,1 Maple Grove West School; 3-.. Cheryl Cornlsb, Orono Public Schaol. Dennis Bamber, Maple Grove East School, received a speclal Honorable Mention. Senior Elernentary p r i z e win ners were---i Kathy Vice, M. J. Hlobbs, Senior Elemen- tary Schaol; 2 Glenna bCie- School; 3 Marilyn Knox, M. J. Hobbs Public School. The Junior H-igh School prize win- I ner was Donald Drew, Court- ice Secondary School. The other contestants were: Junior Elementary, Frances Vandergaast, Knox Christian Schoo. Dianne ChristieSauth rie, Shaw's Public School, Margaret Skinner, Tyrone Public School; Dale Barrett.1 Newcastle Public School: Bey- erly Thampson, West Caurtice Public Schoai; Dianne Hend- erson. Mitchell's Coarn er s School: Irene Rietmnuler, St. Joseph,'s Scbaol; Helenl Bridges. Ontario Street School; Dale McGiîl, Ennlskilien Pub- 'lic Sehool; Janice Dorrell, Cartwright Public School;- Jennifer Rehder, Lord Elgin School; Susan Vice, North Courtice Public School; Fras-- er Lorrimer, Vincenit Massey Public School, and Andrew Mackenzie, Central School. The other Senior Elemnentary competitors were Ruth Pater- son, Newcastle Public School, Gloria Chishoini, St. Joseph's School; Fred Kooy, Knox Christian School; D e bbl1e Routt. Alice Langmnald, Dianne Rutkay. Valerle Avery, and Marilyn Knox, ail o! M. j. Hobbs S e nio r Element.ary School, Carol Chatterton, Oro- no Public Sehool; Pearc Wil- cox. Central Sehool. and How- ard Avery, Ontario Street 001. 'a The Canadian Statesmari, Bownianvile, Feb. 28, 1968 Kineffes Make Plans for :board mem bers were spe il--- ( lv PAE NE invited ta attend. Fotindation thanking the Ki-> wanians for their assistance Dr. Sylvester, President of during the recent Heart Fund the Medical Staff, reported Drive. i that the local medical groupý Plans for the Inter-Club lintends to have a summer,- - - - doctor and also an under- graduate student at the has- pital. He lndicated that the DE Nurses Residence had proved E ITTE rmast satlsfactory last 'year, and asked that this be made H IN available again by the board *H g K .., for an office and possibly for living quarters. Ciree Mrs. Rudeli, seconded by Mr. Stutt. moved that the minutes OFFICES IN MAJOR 1 of the Public Relations Com- RTESGRDN . mlittee meeting held in Febru- PRNR ODNW ary be adopted as clrculated. BURT R. WA This was carried. Mr. Kil-,~7 patrick, seconded by Reeve PHONE 7'À i Oke. roved that the minutes OSHAWA SHOPP of the Property and Grounds" SA Committeebe adopted as cîr-1O1A JURY & 2 KING STREET EASI Corner of TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE REXALL DRUGS p i 4 through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone 623-3303 PLENDER,' ESELLS ýccountants CANADIAN CITIEqS RIEHL, C.A., RI.A. kTERS, C.A. 28-7527 ING 7CENTRE WA LOVELL 623-3361 il * M culated, and this was msa BRowling Tournament tô b. *flio Wge a carrled.. held on March 17tb were dis- Dr. Sylvester,seconded by Dr. cussed. It was announced Anfossi, moved that Dr. David that the Inter-Club dinner S chool AI S~tein and Dr. CharlesRu. meeting will be held herarm byfl PAGE ONU l Medical Con-th Lions Community C (FROM PG N) slat oteGoya ieo arch 25th. and the ý by Mr. Cowan, that the and Rubber Company of Cana- bers af the club were a1sa minutes o! the Management' da, Limited, lant h..re, be invited ta attend the Inter- Commlttee held on February aUowed ta refera patients ta Club dinner meeting in Whit- lth be adopted as crculated.the diagnostic services of the by O T usd y e ni g a This~ ~ wa arld ospital. This motion was, this week. M r. Cow an, Chairm an ! rra gemrrled. r rn the Accreditation Cammlttee, Hospital Administrator Hol- Arneet ee rm told the board that a meeting den asked for suggestions of' pleted for a dance ta be e1d o! this commttee will be held topics O! Interest ta board thiq Saturday evening, M . soon ta cnsider 15 recom- members for the District Coun- 2nd, by the local Kiwani~ ns mendations o! the accredîta- cil Meeting to be held on Arl tth e Bowrnanville Golf and tion survey as weîî as Items l8tb. The following subjects1 Curling Club. icoere Inthe AccredItationý were propased: Teenage vol-ý Rolly Coombes won thle Standards and Guides. unteers, public apathy to- Series A Hockey Draw, and wards hospitals. legal liability the winners of the Series B Treasurer Jse, seconded by f hospitals, and bow ta make Hockey Draw were Mr. and Mrs. MeMurter, moved that board meetings more Interest- Mrs. Erie Colwell. Randvr he minutes o! the Finance lng. Dewell, Bowmanville, was a Cammlttee, beld on February The monthly repart pre- guest ah the dinner meeting. l.2th, as circulated be adopted. sented by Hospital Adminis-J President Becch reminded This motion was carried. A trator Holden stated that the 1the Comm ittcc Chairmen that letter of appreclation from admissions to the hospita I In i their reports will be due at Mrs. Lillian Allison, who re- January were: adult 261, pedi- the next meeting o! the club. cently retlred from the X-Ray atrlc 84, and chrontc, anc. Department, after many years The repart stated that 60 major' Afterwards the Kiwanial: service, was received, thank- and 129 minar operatians were visqited the by in Kiwanis lng the board for the gift pre- performed,' and 226 treatments Hos tPne Ridge Sehol. sented ta ber before she left, were given In the EmergencylSkating was enjayed on thp the hospital. Department during January. rink and same hockey %vas President Ayre reported that - played witb these lads. Later the annual Hospital Blrtbday cl n ards and pingpong were en- Party Tea wlll be held by the P joycd and roffee and honey Wamen's Hospital AuxiliaryUf buns were served. at Lions Communlty Centre- on Wednesday afternoon, Mar. Gu(ET CASIR TODAT 27th from three o'clock to five D a nce FOR OLD APPLIANCE8 A BOWIMAIqVIL 219 KING ST. L. - 6=3-2534 m 0 4 ý b= MacDONALD FORD SALES 1