,Coxmng Events1 Auction Sales ICards of Thanll Magistrcate ,s Courtj Sw'alvatlon Armny Fun Fair, NEED AN AÙCTIONEER ? To the nurses and a*fl es ni u ini Dvwmanvmie Saturday. April 6, 2:30 - 4:30. Call Doug Gower, Min Wood, who attended to my comnfortsf duIn y ta t emralMac 2 nd24 96 1pllngot ganonoHolds DîrectorMe tn C.13-2* A uction ers and Liquidators. u i g m t y a e oil M r h 2 n 6 9 8 Ip ll g o t a a n o t the, is car and directed traffi. Dance In Tyrone Hall,Sat., We specialize In household, Hospital. Bowmanville, my Mody MaitteR road when struck by thel Edward Petriahyn, aps Mac Oh OdTm ou-fraand machinery. al icere thanks. O ody aitaeR M ace 0t. Ol Ty728ou -10023097. atesn Rbr hlas. 14B at presided with westbound vehicle. Isenger in the Lazorko ar. A meeting of the Directors Stephen. Chairma.168Mto crld - - ~rituest. Big or small . .. we'_ _ _ _ Crown Attorney G. F. Bon- Cae c t c dae ..w ad h y w n t eir Wy of Bowm nanville Chamber of Md)Me mnbership L tter T ee bin no f t er b s Euch-ére Pairty. T-yr-o-ne Hall, do them ail. lt Mayhnk toD.M nycautle, Tom Jermyn acting Norwod waa found guilty with their familles ta tbe lat- Commerce won held et the solicitlng membersist oie~i ,qmvdb r every Friday night. Admis- ___ i Kenie, nrs e Drsa. s uy Me.lfo glAi;March 5 of obtaining last terýs ctaeat Omemee op- Lions Community Centre, oyt next week.Makni dseoed.b e rilcombine valued at $500 tram Mr. Lazorko' blamed the ac- Present: Meurs. R. Lawton, D. President Lawta acnatIigb do:ea :5pn March 29-30. 8:00 pan. AdultaIE STOCK SALES Hapial Bowmnvyl, udai Brtr lt C onGtrnsy John Nembitt, RHR. 2, Janet- cident on slippery pavement. MaeGregor W. McMechan. A. James PublIshtng adrqet___ $1. no0 katin50.g CanialLIet uhmCu sls who called, sent cardsanmd G.tF.gBetnnuy cteone erville. Me won remanded until Mr. Shore remîinded the Hoaper, G. Stephen, L. Mac- prieste print fold iilrt skater, Kelth Lawrence, Novice Orone - Every Thar@., 7:30rienm. isbe. Bo 3* Leo VenDykOntar!Strethi wpkf r Presenten~ce cutta h cue a oad . Macknzieand.te MAI rt f _______ wHorsf11edP$50 VdRcoaBrwor report. already paid $1300 for Mrs. Mrs Frank. Frank te write Cenrc n Secin'Ch., Cen2ralaOntariSoees. te. . Rêid iceethna eal"our sv edy$50oîoan cone- o M ia counsel. J. S. Muldaver, Unger's car which was a cm- The meeting was called to Racing Carp. and lqiea a Seton 2- ale, hep tc . .Red Sicretatiteal om'n dyf or arles iovieg Peterborough, pointed outpiste write-off. order by Preuident Lewton, futurs plans for Msat e I: MO S E iNGO Fornd gifts during my 'Covctonfr yelu rv-adnhe mHuesootiMalasfo THU SDAT NIGHT, 8 o'clock. HGHYTAIE art Perry Hospital. Special derson sald the car, narth- Magistrate R. B. Baxter gave'ing brought a fine o! $25 and previaus meeting were read. It President Lawtont otc Sponsorei by the Junior and MODERN 'thanki ta Dr. J. Diamond and bound on Waverley Road, ran hlm one year's suspended sen- $28 costs, or five days. Fail- was moved by Mr. Hooper and MaYor Hobbs ta esihecnL Chme fCommerce nurses for their kindneussud Off the treveUled portion te tenas, and remarked that ing te produce proot o! in- seconded by Mr. Stephen that arrange ta have teDrcasn n o ChaTInber 0f cane. the wefft for 51 test, striking there ta only a thin lins surance brought e fine of $50 the minutes be adopted as view the plansan he JUBILEE PAVION 8-1CL lao er. .31eclet nfr6 et separatlng shrewd business and coste, or seven days. read.. exploantion o! t]efrhcm ---- 1strlklng anotiier culvert, on delinga and sharp operators, Lloyd George Morton, 32 Business Arislng trom Minutes (9g)capptng e NoHigOnW nsdMrh A panel of specialists willi STEVE LIPTAY Many sincer. thanks te aur for 105 test and back onto the and suggested that such prac- Monterrey Drive, Rexdale, (a) Christmas Decor a t 1 v g 'pitmn !Cu-th aieo Sln oe Mic "h acrch 2, 8 h on many friendsand nel hbors, rad gain. The explanation tices would ruin is credit pleaded nt guilty of carelesa LightIng. The- Secretary Sec l retBard 28 ..,Senior Citizen., Trinity g urch given the officer was thet the rating. drivingý on Higliway 401 De- R Iettei tram the Clerk-Con- TeSceayt Central Collegiate Instituts,' 1it Friendship Club, and Canadien driver was klsaing his girl "This was a postdated cember 14. He was represent- tt'oller, Mr. Byron, stating thet Town asking If te ol h rr h a Sinicoe South, Oshawa. 'Plan, Order of Foreatera for fruit, friend et the time.Crels cheque for $500," observsd ed. by C. J. Pollack, Toronto. the Town o! Bowmanville Bpoiard o ircrfo198 depfrshl bs. e ta attend. 13-1 Auction sale at Stlrtevant's carda and flowers sent te me Edward Andrew 'Coel Crown Attorney Bonnycastie. Constable, D.- Stuart, Opp, would assume awnerhiand ladiesofrrivcd at AlïisWold aVe-Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., whîîe I waslu hoapItal and et 87 Buckingham Avenue, Oah- "It amazes me the way sone was investigating officer. responsibilIty for the C'hrist- Correspondei lcHl r AiINriwrïWa itPalmas Decoretive Llghting con- (a) Great Pinsge Dl-lt !tm e h upw Night Dinner, Legion Hall at 12:30 p.m. Autamatie de- Aibin H. Clsmens. 13.1 fip*ied driving Fèbruaty 29. cept cheques for laresm e Yr, a eunrdtôa ntetrata heasarge UUYflS NeViywOsaaa,, waa rsturflif30,hgmChember wouîd con tributfs President Lhancesandton ta contact bootsu t and Alrcoesrner Tuesday, April 9 at 6:30' froster refigerator, chest of _____He was represented by John tram perfect atrangers."' home tnomr Mohgwk Racvory Ftirther Information, contact dnawens (new), 7-pce. chromne We wIgh te express our Green. Fred Weinshelmen, R.R. 3, whene one o! his six bone $200 annually towands the Messrs. K. Nicks adK o-eiet Bob Hildltch, 623-3609. 13-2 suite (flSw). space-saver, G.E. sincere thanka.te frienda, reas Constable K., Ruttan, o)Pp, was nsmanded until May 7 had raced thaft eyening. When (b) Painting Long Rangeafs Delegate and lent1 TetbIýwi atfi ________ - ~- - -- vacuum cleanen. 39" smooth tives, neighbours for kindness- was westbound on Highway 2 and ordened to stay away asked if it had won he ne- Van. It was agrsed thet Mr. Delegate respectîvel.dcrtd frS.Ptiks RebËekah and Odd Fellow top mattress, Bendix dnyer, es shown te us et the. time. of about 1 arn. when he saw a trorm the praperty of John plied, "No, he ran lest like me Maurice Preston should be In- (b) Nomination-DrctsGutsfo eydicin Rummage Sale and Home Bak- 42" round coffes t a bl1e ur bertavemnent. Special. car dniven by the accused Ferguson, R.R. 1, Hampton. that night.*" evited ta attend a Directars Ontario C. o! C. Mvdb noe h eiiu ait Ing, Nightingale Centennial (marble), settes set, rocking thenks to Rev. Smilth, New- coriIg toward him aven the Mn. Fenguson said thet He weis eastbound ineer Meigt xli h en- n opradscve yofcseoe copne 5 Temple, Queen St., Friday, chair; aiso Police Commission castle. braw of e hill on the wrong when Mn, Weinsheimer drove Newtonville about midnight Meetio! tis vantpen.- Mn. Stephernda sspotsld oî.Te h April Sth, 10 te 3 p.m., For sala o! unclaimed articles for Stella and Bud Elliott. aide o! the roed. 'A sports car up to his service station and in bis 1965 ]Buick Electra, the le Secnetery -. Treasuren, the Oshawa Chamr o o-wr racdl vr'kn" pik-pPhn 63358 1-* heCtyo Ohwa ers13-1* ahead Of tht cruiser wes ordered sonne gas on Febru- only vehicle on the highway Mrs. Frank, reported e bank merce nomination o n oonu dsc' o Cc SUNNYSIDE PARK- cash. Myles King, auctioneer. - . orced onto the north shoul- ary 12, he subjected the pro- except for. aa tractor trailer balance, Jan. Ist/68 -$l,100.52, George Roberts o! sha. nm. Wc aIhdeer 13-1 l would like ta thank aur der ta avoid a heed-on col- pnietor to e barrage of abuse. ahead loadsd with steel. Mn. total receipts te data $213.20, (c) Greater OshaaCn-terlmt hywr nl4 r - R IN Ofriends. neighbors and rela- lision. The officer turned Two weeks Jeter the youth Tnivilino . signalled ta pesa total expendîtures te date munity Chest. AP ete a Welbstervale Farmn : Holstein tives for thein thoughtfulness around and followed the retunned with some of his pals and just as he did se the huge $798.73, bank balance, March read trom thîs eeganzto x ao' fCnd ne Thursday Night ' Dispensai - 60 Registered Hol- with carda anti visits duning Cnowells vehicle east on and egain began hunling in- vehicle crosÉed itito his lane 14/68. $514.99. It was moved pîaînîng that amala tins siî il it a 7.5'stein cattle, 2 tractors, corn- my recent stey In hospita1. Highway 2, north on Trull's vective. When the proprietor and ino the median. Mn. by Mn. Stephen and seconded belng considsred be RED BARN bine, forage harvester, blower, Special thanks ta Dr. Rundie, Road te Nash Road. lie op- protested, the youth made Tnivilino found hinisel! in his bIt Mr. MeeGregor that the Ajax and Bownvle frorpeie, troducd RE A Nforage wagons, full lins of lm- nurses and staff on Sungical prehended the driver and thneats a! violence which led car upside dawn facing west treasurer's report be adopted. one United Appeaornz-Ms. abaa ucwth O S HA WA plements, hay, grain, straw, Floor. took Im ta the detachment tea the laylng a! this change. in the westbound passuig New Business tien. The Secretaywsi fsho c-odntrSe i. 6-fsome furniture. Property o! Joan Fry. 13-1 office for observation and Mn. Greer pointed out that ]one. Eleven photographa of (a) Dates for Dira cta r structed te neply t u etncusdt1ltstsye .Q Daffodil Tea and Bazaer at Burnseli Webster, Lot 1l. Con. sabriety tests. Constable L. the >'outh bad been in a seri- the vebicles and the scene of Meetings. Followlng a discus- gîvIng Mr. McMechnsnm hssnng seilyacs Memnorial Park on Mench 30 2, Reach, just west o! 7 and I wish te express my sincere R. James, OPP, eanductedi Ous accident and suiffered the accident were entered as sian an thls subjeet, It was and eddness as heha gedsns. iossrvsb4Ls tramn 2:30 ta 4:30. Booths will 12 Highways et Prospect, 12 thenks ta ail those who ne- these tests and the charge o! head injury. He will seek exhibits. moved by Mn. Stephen and ta represent the Cabra uss tcig.sosài Include. candy, sewing, home miles north o! Whitby, on Sat- memnbered me with cards, impaired driving was' laid. psychiatrie help before the Mn. Morton, a transport secanded by Mn. MeeGregor the meetings. baking and genanlurn plants. urday, March 30. Impiement flowers and good wishes dur- Jini Geddes said he was case cornes up again. driver for Cooksville Steel, that the next three DIrectarsjwclr wresesd. a Attendance dnaws et 3:00 and Sale et il arn. Cattie sale at Ing my stay In Memorial Mos- dinking beer In the Cacillac Mervil Lazonko, 49 O'Hana said he hàd slept for three Meetings be held In the foi-m (d) Welcome Sevc. Adm staetstw atr- 3:30. Draw for a quilt ande 2 o'clock. Ternis cash. Robent pital. Speciai thenks ta Dr. Motel In Oshawa when Mn. Avenus, Toronto, e taxi dri- heurs before leaving for Ot- a! a luncheon meeting tramn lefter was read tramtecm otms îh teslal pole iamp at 4 'clock. Every- Flett on pedigrees. Ted Jack- McKenzle, nurses an-d staff on Crowells entered and set ver, pleaded not guilty o! tawa with 13 tons o! steel 12 Daon ta 1:30 p.m. the thIrd pany promotlng th wecm ane welcome. 13-1 son, Ted Spenceiy, Auctioneers. Medicel Floor. down with hini. He affered careless drlving December 26. JOIsts lasheti together, on the Tuesday of each month com- service that the ChI bnme n ------ ---Lunch available, 12-2 Chenils Cooper. 13-1* Geddes a ride home and Ged- He was represented by AI treiler. He stapped twice and menclng In ApnIl. We are hopreIsete ta nwrsdnsftwstaldteda e~ Woodviaw Gommunlty Centre des accepted. He said that on Shore, Tononto, who esked checked his Joad for shifting, Ing by doing tbis we wIhbce or udinc. Tetina nt WedVsTe, AT'r'0 -Co ' To all who sent cards, flow- the way Crowells was oper- for 4exclusion of witnesses. once et Yange Street, Ton- meke It more conivenlent fan lu tawn, withautchre anadns M~'.LNIJJ..LII BINGOs pers i of10he ,V- es and vsIted me durng my ating is two-w2y radia and The investigating officen ws onto, and once just east o! members ta attend tise met- a semoved byMnMMehn atf'piciadcat., N x o d y tarIe Square" herd o! regîster- necent stay In Memonili os- the car mey have swerved a Constable K. Ruttan, OPP. Oshawa. Me saw in bis West Ings. It wauld bs appreciatied kenzîs that tus-b oe his -a 50 N xtIVonay eni Hoîsteins consisting of pital, my incere thenks. bit when the driver. was David Brammer was narth- Coast mînror the ligits o! tie if tie members would advIse Motion cerried.Mr. ain cpcsdou 7:45 P.M. ýMilking, fresh andi springer SpecJel thenks te Drs. Sproufl, changing stations. bound on Higiway 115 about can averteking hlm and sug- the Secnetary et 623-5031 o! ()Slr nr cows, plus brcd and open ici!- Ewent and Anfossi, nurses and Mn. Cnoweils, on stnike 2 p.m. wien a truck pulled gested tiat the suction ereat- their Intentions ta attend. so e ) aayIces e prcainf ao' i R ED BARN ens. Also sorne brood sows, staff and employees Of tram General Matons, sai he Out Of a service station and ed by the treiler had caused tiat we may give the venlous retery - Treesuren. I t~we aef neti-'g feeder and weanîîng îogs,th Specialty Paper Praduets. lied been down ta the plant started slowiy up a long hill the car in pessing ta be dnawn places an Idea of îaw many absence o! the Sceay ahtoeo tg n h OS A A 6-tf pnoperty of Dalton Rumney & Fred Giffin. 13.1* and on is way horne stopped in front o!fui. As Mn. Bramn- inoabis vehicle. He steted ha people ta expeet for lunch. The Treasuner thls subjee a i-fv ein h cns OSHAWA . Sons, at the fanm, bal! mile et the Cedillec. Me edmîtted mer slowed down te 35 miles tunned i hs wheel ta the nigit following are tie dates and cussed. It was mov( yM. W r ur i etafpy Durham ChaptenO.E.S. wlll nati of Victoria Square, on My sincens tienks ta MY aievng four drafts o! beer an bour behind the tnuck, he and put on the hydreulie places wîere tie meetings are MeeGregor and secns yrwrc e aigteef. again hold an Opportunity Don Mile Road, or four miles meny fienda, relatives and and sai he hai been uneble Obsenvcd in bis rear view brakes causing the treiler ta te be ield (12 Noan ta 1:30):* Mn. Stepien thatti slayfrtacneaSoiaa.lI Sale on Fnlday, Maici 29, 9:30 nati o! No. 7 Hlghway and nelghbars for vliîts, cards and ta consume muci since bey- minnon a cen dnîven by Mn. jeck-knife inta the median Tuesdey, Apnil lti, Castle be increaseci tramtcpeetstrydy-bthfrnec~ arn. ta 1 p.m., Trinity Uinitedi Don Mills Road. Givlng up flowers, wiile I was a patient Ing surgery on bis stomech Lazonko caming up behind facing nortieast. Damage ta Motel; Tuesdary, May 2lst, Fiy- $40.00 per monti ta 6.0pnlcoslnho n acnt Churci Sundey School, Bow- mllk business. No reserve. In bospital. Speclal thauka te sanie yeens âe. hlm se quick]y tiet he con- the tractor was on the ie!t Iiz Duteiman; Tuesday, .Ïune monti, effective Janaylt n aho hw mauville. Betten useni loth- Ternis cash. Sale 1:30 p.m.aIl doctons and nurses who The fine was $50 anid oosts, sidened going off on the side and the step off thet aide 18th, Bowmauville Golf& Ing, housèhold articles, a homne Kahn Bros., Sais Mgrs . end cared for me In Oshawa and or seven days, and thene was shoulden bte void b ei ng was foundinlutic median. Curling Club. bktable andi tca table wili Auctioneers. 12-3 Toronto Generel Mospitels. an eutomatic suspension o! stnuck. Just then the driver Tic Cnown celîci Lawrence (b) AppoIntment of Direct- be set upoffeing you the hest Donald Ramsberry. 13-1 license for tince months. Tic O! the can behini eppenently Tnivilino, son a! the Bulck on. It was suggested that Mns. buys at gve-away rices, P Friday.April 12- Importntc1seds askedprform21s days ata slammed fon 21isybrtekes, skionbidriver,, sk andriaetraaer aandiFredandKnamp Kwouldoubdbceanee- m is t g v aa y p n i es . P ro'- -1 - i da. pn le 1f - m I m p r than w s i t a e x r e n s s îrel a i v s p a y b i s f i n e . d d o f o t , t e r g t s o l r v r o a e h r e . H e l n d i i n t h o r ceed ta .S.TA.R 13 autons ale o ay n impIth anstafied, eatvs Walter Ryiorchuk, .12 AI- der, .then acnoss ta the left stateci he hed iniven tractor o! Directons. It was subse- metsan hy ocudngtheeand neigibors wha sent fruit, bert Street, pleaded nlot gullty imta the passing lane, tunning trailens in the United States qucutly rnoved by Mn. Hoop- I' H T itractons, iey baler. cultivator, flowens, cerds, etc.. ani vtsited of careless driviug December conipletely araund. A souti- for il yeers without an ec- en ani secandeti by Mn, Me- WaUî nt WNoot b10 *~ TIME AGAIN1 wagons, 2 manure spnead- me whîîe a patient lu Civie 21. Conviction brougit e fine bound car diven iv Ms iet i xeinemu einta n rm 5 WITHOUT cuttin donnan TI EA AN1 ens, seecidill, hay elevaton, Hospital, Peterborough, and et a 5 n 840css rH l ne ln mei int daed tHitaccpientcouni- eappocitact s amDiret -grain augen, 9,000 bales o! bey, homne wîîîe rscupenatlng frorn o 5 n 84 oto el Ugrsamdit ae httisacdn ol prahdt ete iet fte(leo wet Lepopt ,on W. , eke- sungery. A speclal tha»iks, ta seven deys. tic rear o! it.. - .- not . possibly have -happened or for 1968. Motion -cars-led. o h eilu od ortm w et t 6rprtCo!. Baer h uies f Crig Rik Groeneveld was wsit-. Ser geent Eastwood, OPIP, in tie wey tiat Mr. Morton (c) Conimrittees - President Ily likes beat? Te hpa in Tp. 1mie et ! in tc usnssGilsCullgbound on Mihwa 2 sioti Minden Detacimetsaid he bai detels ed.H deditiat Lawton appointed tic tollow- DYKSTRA'S! I½le south1mie sto! in-hwa ub, ta .i-ny neigubars fandirafter faon. At Countice, op- wasnortibound in bis own if Mn. Morton turued the Ing committees for thls year: an Smiem Rhofani. Trns ash hogtules7iw t yposite Nichais' Garage, he pnivate car followiug tie La- wieeî te th i-ig ut as he testi- Retail Merchants-A. Hooper, onaeenvea farm od s hthhfam lSnerely, temycame uipon a car et ight zonko vehicle and clocked It tied it would have jack- Ciairmn;n H. B. McGee, Frede LEAN - TENEREO RN ýas1 1f M rsy. iey angles acrass e highway neer Kirby at 68 miles an kuifedtheti otier way. Kremp. Membership-D. Mec- D A E C timne ta make your et 1 p.ni. Note-This Is alL1e 1-1am was uneble ta avoi a hour on the slippery roaa. Mn. Pollack requested tiet Gregon, Cheirmen; G. Steph- B T Por: Tor, otldAccomms oda-a lasofimetyt tcos rm.a wsntdxpes i îneecollision with it. Me saw tic slow moving he too migît cenl an expert su, L. MacDonald. Public e ro. ousHoelAcomo a a odcaneny outa nake rm thanks and apprecletion te ail Mn. Ryhorciuk sai bis son truck up ahead and Mn. witness but tuis was refused lotions aiCHObIct -M Agochnefryut aemy neigibours, tniends and was wnitlng examis et Cour- Brammer's can and tie Le- as a violation o! the rudes of Mackenzie, Cheirmen; fi. J.CH PB C N tion, Crulses or Transportation e selection tuis spring. (Be relatives for caris, flowers tics High Sehool ami pionsi zorkjo vehicle splnming out o! eviience. At 6 p.m. the mat- Giliooly. Civie Affaira-W. by Air, Steamship or Rail sure ta attend). R. E. Faulk- ani visita îuring my stey In for bis ftier ta came and contrai aften application o!fter was edjounnec feror nc MeMechan, Chairmnan;: K. 5 Cotat er Cer; o13-3uknr hospital and wîîîe recoverIng pick himn up. He wes just brkes. ,The officier tppediweek for argument. Bickell. Tourisrn-K. Nicks,lbb Cotc1 AuctIaneen. 13 e t home. Special tianka ta ___________New___________B. Rev. Ramenil, Maple Grave D N EMcGee, Chairman; Us-ban and JURY & LOVELL sKn uto aso sdif hniaiWmnsmt-L .I_ Rural-fi. J. GIlhooiy, Chair- FRESH RSLYGON TRAVEL AGENCY tnucke, pnapenty o! Eastwood tute, ta Drs. Witzel sud Ceont IL> - _____Ke n s____5-5_______ Matenlal Handllng Ca., 86 ani tie nurses sud staff o! 3C 19 King St. E., Bowmanville Russett Ave., Oshawa (Off of the Oshawa Hospital. Phone 623-3182 Simcoe St. Nati), Saturdey, James Cooksou and famlly. g S o lBdPI N 13-1 Mrci 30, 1968, et 10:00 a.m.1 I 13-1o'n THE GOLDEN (4,000 ibs.),, Towmotor C.L. We wlsh ta express aur-- hr.TworLt44I Junior Hockey Finals Highetc$oBuBdgPtI CN I3C5 30-24 (3,000 Ibs.), Aut Moisi sincene tianks te the mamy b lCl o i elubh oeflWt ls hnfu iue LEGIONNAIRES No. LP electnie (4,000 lbs.); fienîs, relatives ami nelgh- b i Co o! u net, b te p en!u it eaiefur intes Over$ Milo PRESENT Clark C-20 (2,000 Ib.), Allie- floral tibutes and candi of Seturdey nigit, Bill's faugit the puck out o! thir end, ta tic score on e goal by Leever. A N N U A L 1 Chalmers FB - 20 - 24 (2,000 ympathy uring tic lss a! a ram bsind ta tic Ken's 55elieve tic pressure on thein As thce ThmDrveci aiong- LOID N. lni-) enine L/P gas; Convey- dean wîfe ami motier. Speciel in one of tieclceancst, close- goaltender. At tic 15 minute eci teem tried for the go- TeDuimC ntflt. FLR ANo WHT C0 N CERT electnie; Aut Pallet Truck WP Goodyear Tire & Ruiber Ca., In the tii-st peiai, - Bil; taeamie as Pennes scorec i is and the gamne encici in a tie meighulCak.H g RA E ' C O gon codiion. TberLit IO.OF.,Bamanill Fie umpci ff a tet santassecond goal o! tic nigit. But 5-5. School lest Wednesday even- (go odto) ua itIOOFBwanIl ejme f eafs tr sKensaai le tou ng, anuounced Its 1968 budget 6 8 ~~Stocker TE. L.F 12 volt cieng- Dept., Capt. Msrb Fi-amer ani tiey sconsi et 3:13, goal by Aanteb lefrKen's agein moved twa---- up-- AÉ% m iti Werof! soning or(gai tic (selne an Kens as !llows.Total xpendiures-C1LO--A--Fres C9is Tii. Canadien Stateannan, Bcw anv-il,_Mar 21, 1 8 liewt gn rduto.dicuo o h magm-The tires municipalities ML. Gomme explined tief Muaice. Two teaciens, Mies 20e ~ CIlV (» a a itrc Farm maciinery: Internation- tion ami realigument of the Mn. and Mrs. Morris pal- went tie service. it is no more possible ta pr- Jaeni Mn As. Lîia Ie Li, în lseEt.1 28o ]Real Estate Board a'l11-414 tractor, with îy- churcies wili take place. At lard ami famlly visited Mn. Tic GO lins &long tic Vide instant commuter ser- atacandami EIlinglIil, s-ie i aid, lîke new); International tîves tram tic Haydon church mont, on Suniay. conneets Pickering and Hem- instant higiwaya. HgBeol Teswr 2 U DACREAT 460 tracter, Kvenelands 3 fur- will be appoimiteci ta attend Mrn.diiMns..Lloyd Asi- ilten. "i rge o sa Hls h e cîshoeîglons ere ort Y 12U U 6- MONUMNTS AD irulic oade (dieel - rs. iich ine wo rei-cueta- mi Mn. Ar Polln, Clrc- horeT!hLeepOntnlornw vies tin illa toprovie sîherfrm ti staf o! Canke SUNCPoTrc FINE QIJALITY iraw 12" hydraulie plow, Alies- tie meeting being held on bon, Ronald ami Ray, Mr. Rus- Higiways Minister George iug the Lekeshare service In-. Hope Higi School sud ouei Tins MONUENTSAND Chalmers 15 dise see illîî, April 22tîdc et Enniakilien sell Ormiaton were dimner Gommne seys experts, wio are cluisi, among a great many from Millbrook High Sciiooi. M ýDvdBonmenure spreacî- churci. Hf everyone will guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Boyi cerrying ouItih atudies, ne- other thinga, land acquisition R.M PaeoChi-n _________________________ MARKERS I er, rubber-tirei wagan, New make an 5ef ort t attend fie Werry, Melton. quire et iest a year O! fulliand construction o! station o!.the CatersnCommiere- - " t e &W Hollani bey conditionen, 3,000 meeting ou Suudey, April 7th. Misses Lindeanam Janet openation o! the Lakesiore facilities, construction O! Sig- portai tutht John Sylvester- sumsmil îet hleSle .-.bales choices iy, quantîîy of Mr. andiMirs. E. K. Thom - Sharp, EnniakWie-, ami Bar- service Inpi-avide them witi nal and -tnaek ftdlties ta vici, Clarke MlHi Sho C RA A G RN RA stew 00 b s. otSTia-AsnFuFinyORDan l>, basAshton pent e ew days fe data requied on analysis. dapt tie lin, and construc- teacer, hem bee n vitai ta STAFORD equipmeut: DeLavel bulk tank Mn. Victor Smith sud hlm lest week et Mn, and Mrs. After thet, he nid, time tion o-te eqrc olgatndh e nyiiWrso f 4o.Lae LT. (stainless steel), 2,800 ibs, ce- malien, Mrs. M. Smith, Ton- Lloyd Ashton's. wiil be nequirei ta cars-y ouf stock, aIl in e perlai of juat sponsored byth Ontas-io mat pecity; DeLaval milkers, twa onto, were Fniday visitera nt Msa. M. Bert-im aud Misa the analysis and prepare a aven two yeens," he i. ttCfnSuiou&uato ¾GeL À unite, (magnetie). Note: Omis Mrs. A. Thompaon's. Bu-de Bertnlm werc Sefun-repr.M aias 7ti9A$.3.0 tm l n u a-uoa pi t m ,e of the top herd nie aa. The M. M. Olesen, Bowman- day visitons o! Mn. ami Mrs. 's possible thet funte ieGe.dprtmmtlst-6h n.Sletriuhm Aiat. FlaveursBs owum MiONUENTSproperty of Hans Geissierger, ville, spent tie weekend with Urwin, Oshawe. might be rcquined if Uic cx- mates for fhe purciase o! GO been chosen ta set up the et fie tai-n, Lot 32, Con. 5, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pattsanam Bai-bei-a Ashton spent Fn-. pents fini tiat a yeer's opera- Transît equipment ls car- Grade 13 Science Course for Stafforud Droihers De3rllmgton Township, Durhami !emiy. day with Mangie Skinner, tien bas nat pravidei ufti- merked for improvement of teeciers lun Ms ane on A.pril N n en County, 6 miles north-east of Mn, ami Mrs. L. Thampaon, Tyrans. cieut data ou which f0 base tic lekesiore service. Igth sud 2th. DK nolllâ elliSOshaw.oe0mle ot-Ohwa, were Sunday callens Thc achoal chili-en are, finm conclusions. Anotien 14 oars tieve been Word was received tram fie iwest of Bowmanville. Hait et Mra. A. Thompson's, Shir- back ta achool atter a week's "Every effort is being mais ondes-si for deliveny fis year. Departînant of Education tiiet(OM 0FQAIY LIMITED imile east ami hait mile nati ley Tabb was Satunday sup- holidays. ta conldis fise investiga- Tiers will not be marc trains Sumnmer Scho Instruction(HMC Box 133t Taunton. No reserve. Farm pen gueut tfMs-s. Thompson. Mn. Roy Graham reparte tions as soon as thers is suf- but tiey will be longer. wlll b. offered durlng July Box133sol. Tes-ma cash. Machinasy M. and Mrs. Wayne Black- seeig a rbin In his gaidn. ficet data for anlysi, but lu peation Iessu tien a ni Augut lu both Ohawu FOOD MA KEè 319 Dunda St. E. - WhltbY sellsata Il a.m., cattie seli et burn, Newcastle, were Sun- Thc snowbanks are disep- il must be eppreciated fiat yean, fhe present .Ulne aven- and Peterbor-ough toe amable PloetWhitby 668-3552 2 p.mr. Kahn Bras., Sae Mgrs. day visitons et Mr. and Mrs. pearing but fie noads are the . gaverument must have eges 16.500 passemigers daily. iGrade 12 students ta pick upl and Auctioneers. l,~4'W. Blackbun'& i~qulte muddy in places. tus3 expert evaluation before -Ajax New& Aivertiser. a few aubjsctoi A. am