Donate New Televison Set u b îWAVLLOTR EnESAMH2,16 1 Pa e B O W M A N VIL E, O N T A B , W E D N ES Ay.UMA R C 27. 196 Near]y two years ago, the members of Durham Chapter No. 181, Order of the Eastern Star, embarked on a project that culminated this week in the installa- tion of a new television set at Sunset Lodge Nursing Home, Church St. The rnembers saved their sales slips from the Dominion Store and when they ac- cumulated a total. of $75,000, the Dominion Stores Limited donated the television set to the institution designated by the Chapter. The picture shows Mrs. Margaret Adams from the Sunset Lodge, 'lef t, Mrs. Dorothy Mercer, Worthy Matron of Durham Chapter and Manager Bil Moflatt from the Dominion Store, Bowman- ville. 'Scientists Coming Cdoser to Goal' Ont. Cancer (ampaign Chairmae Praises Work of Local Branch egeneral meeting of the Clarence Bell, who presided, appear in the column headed É t~Fanvi1le Branch of the welcomed the many people "Notices"~. The telephone Canadian Cancer Society held present. numnber to caîl for help froni tI the Lions Community The program wvas opened the organization is 725-9941 Çwitre last Wednesday evening with the singing of 0 Canada for the Canadian Cancer So- ~swelh attended. President land Mrs. A. A. Merkley play- clety, Oshawa, flot it Is llsted In last wée was a story To wn ship's Board about that it took sclool childre to their home A represeri scadden Bus1 exception to il statement. N roads are in the trip takes one hour an min utes. Headl Friday MIes ne'westi i2ner Victor Irvi Skating Carniv ing Canadian fiong with me ed the -piano- accompaùirherýt. lan the telephone directo'ry also Then the Rev. George Ward 1 n the _Bowmanville section of ýek's issue there said a prayer. thc book, lie explained. y from Clarke President Bell informed the L. J. C. Langs introduced Publie Sehool meeting that the advertise- the guest speaker, Josephi ,a complaint ment offering assistance from Whîtmore, Toronto, wlio is the two hours for the Canadian Cancer Society 1968 Ontario Campaign Chair- ,en to be taken publlshed in the Canadian man for the Canadian Cancer es by bus. Statesman in the future will (IURN TO PAGE TWO) Lines as taken the "two hours"ýK n m nL de' ih Normally, wlen good condition flot more than ndfieorlHeId Here on Saturday ------ iThe Bowrnanville Kinsmen f-I. - . 1 -annual Ladies Niglit lin 1k ti. C rno e iDnner and Dance on Satur- day evening in the Lions Community Centre was one of the most enjoyable events of this kind held this season. Ladies Night C ommitte Chairman Bob Fairey was in charge of arrangements. He was assisted by thc other members of this committec, Immediate P a s t President Rahph Whyte, Bill Laskaris, 2nd Vice-President Don Mas- terson, and Byron Brunt, a past president. The large hall w'as beauti- fully decorated. A realistic garden setting had been de- signQd in the north end of the luge room complete wîth a large fountain, and flowcrs and slrubs from Van Belle Gardens. Three effective ar- rangements of green and white 'mums adorncd the hcad table, and ail the other tables lad centrepieces of green and white carnations. President Roy Woodward presided. Others at the hcad table wcre the prcsident's wife, Ruby, Mis Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, lis wife Vera. Bowmaville R o t a r y President Ah Witlerspoon, his TURN TO PAGE TWO) Memorial Park Plans ta Hold Daffodîl Tea < I The Daffodil Tea and Ba zaar te be heid this Sut- urday afternoon in Memorial Park Club Bouse la being looked forward to by many people. This annuai event features a delilus tea and a bazaar with a wonderful array of articles at mont ------reasonable prices, The Memorlal Park Associa- tion under whose auspices this event in held desire the ~ support of everyone for the S great wiork they have done y an Saurdy o nex wek, owmn-,and are continuing la main- and atuday f nxt eekBow an-tainlng the park In tip-tip merchant Mary Jane Oke and her part-ý condition ut ne cost to the îng will be seen in action at the annual munlcipallty, and the fine val here. They are amont the outstand- club boune they bave blit skating stars who will be performing, whc a roie " embers of the local club,. atm~~frpepe. i rilay 'gain baturclay at z:;iU Redmen Defeat Fort Erie ln Second Gamé of Finals Now Leadîng Sertes. 2-O Playground Training Course Starts April ist The Department of Rec- reation Playground Leaders Training Course for High School students interested lu summer employment on Bowmanville Pinygrounds will statt on Monday even- Ing, April lut, 6:30 to- 9:00 p.m. at Bowmanville ie gh School. Students Interested ln tak- int this course may do se by plcklnt up application torses at the Bowmanville Uligh Sehool Office or the Department of Becreation, 26 fleech Ave., Bowmanville. Re-elect Honey John "Smokey"l Hayes stopped 29 shots to earn a well-deserved shutout as Bowmanville St. Mary's Cernent Redmen defeated Fort Erie 4.0, iast niglit (Tuesday) in Fort Erie. The victory gives the Redmen a 2-0 bulge in the best of five Ontario "A" Minor Juvenile championship series. The teams battled through two scoreless periods, before Bowmanville erupted for their four goals in the final 20 minutes of play. St. Mary's Cernent rnarkers were divided among Joe Hircock, Don Forsey, Rick Woolner and Greg Corden. Third and possibly deciding encounter goes in Fort Erie, Saturday afternoon at 2:30. If a fourth game is necessary, it will be played ai the Bowman. ville Mernorial Arena, 8:30 p.m., Sunday night. Should Fort Erie force the Sunday encounter, the local Arena should be the scene for the largest crowd to attend a hockey game here in many years. Fashion Show Draws. E ~ LAL,. UIl ~ The Bowman ville Kinette vlew the Fashion Show had Russe1L C. Honey, M.P* (L- Club's Fashion Show, "Invita- been unable to do so. Despite Durham) was reelected aâ« tion to Spring'" was a tremen- the many tickets sold in ad- mebr f the Executive Cern dous success. Last Wednesday vance a large number of peo- mitteftc Canadian Group evening the spaclous St. Jos- pie bouglit tickets at the door, Inter - Parhiamentary Union' eph's Auditorium was filed to so when the hala was filled the Mr. Honeyhlas served on the capacity by a large audience Kinettes had to turn away E ;cuIve for the last three that enjoyed the parade of rTu RN T AETO yea. lv spring and summer In 1964 he was a Delegate to clothes and becoming inilhin- the 53rd Inter-Pariamentary ery, all from the Mary C Pr m o e hagen and ia 1965 lie was a President Virginia Fairey Dehegate to the 54th Inter- welcomed aIl those hlo t Parllamentary Union Confer- tended, and expressed regret ence la Ottawa. that ahl whe had wanted to BITS M~PIECES I50 Y EARS - On Monday, April lst, Jamieson's Tire Shop, King St. West, w'il celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of its opening way back in 1918. lIt is one of the few businesses aleng King St. that has reached the golden anniversary age. The prescrit downer G. Frank Janiieson's father the Jute Herb eJamieson was the founder. At one time, his shop nwas located where the business office of The States- 1man is. Ail the best te Frank for anether haif century. t t. i i. i WOW - This week's Magistrate's Court news will produce a chuckle for readers if flot for the lad who appeared on a careless driving charge and was flned $50 and costs. Evidence was that bis car lef t the road and bounced back and forth r over several curbs. He is reported te have been kissing bis girl at the time. The only thing we could thînk of was that TV commercial that bits you with "WOW, that sure doesn't taste like tomate juice". *t t . t2i . CHEMISTS - On Tuesday evening, Paul Jackman, 11, Perry Jacknian, 8, and Michael Gillespie, 11, of the Hendry Apartments were experimenting with ione of those pepular chemistry sets that are sold in tmany stores. They were making ink, but decided tof apply heat from a candie althougli this particular t experiment doesn't require it. Then, one of the lads 1 thought some phenoiphthaiien solution might help the cause. It sure did. He spilled some and it hit ' the candie, bursting into flames. Perry Jackman was taken to hospitai by Bewmanville Area ambulance with second degree burris to his lower face andC neck. Neighbors rushed in to put out thé fire that spread to the blankets and box spring on the bcd. Moral : Even thc chiidren's chemistry sets are dan- gerous if flot used properly. Police Cpi. John McGuey is investigating. Y . T SETTLED - A great feeling of relief spread through this entire community this morning when it was announced that an all-night bargain- ing session had resulted in a settlement of the crippling strike at General Motors in Oshawa. No word has been received on when the plant wiIl be re-opened but it probably will be soon. GM backed down on their demandi for a tag relief system and came through wlth retroactive pay increases that should take smornfe the sting out of the lest pay resulting fromn the strike. At Goodyear, conciliation meetings were te, have taken place early this week, but te date ne report of progreus bas been released. t. i. t Î . t t RESCUE - Two nurses, Mrs. E. G. Witherspoon and Mrs. Wayne The¶rteli are being praised for their efforts ut the Kinsmen Ladies Night Saturday at the Lions Centre. At the start of the dinner, a guest, Mrs. W. H. Lewis suffered a seizure cf some kind. As soon as ber condition became obvieus, the two nurses rushed te ber aid and appiied artificial res- piration te restore breathing and pulse. Later, when she came around, she was taken te hospital by Bowmanviile Area Ambulance where she is stili under treatment. Had she been alone ut the time or had the qualified nurses net been present, the stery might have had a more tragic ending. it it I t t i INVESTMENT - Winner of Draw 3 of the Kîm Investment Draw was Mrs. Dorothy Pren- tus, wife of the Assitant Manager of the Toronto-Domninion bank branch here. She won $5 .t t t t. t SPRING - This Sunday evening at the Town Hall, the Bowmanville Golden Legiennaires will sing teî their way through their Spring Concert, always a 01 popular event ini the ana. A good program has been th, arranged. If they can attract as large a Sund*y night La audience as Jim Coylp's Jamborees have beon drgw- ri& ing, they will be doing well. l Kinettes Model Spring Fashions The Fashion Show, "Invitation te Sprîng",' sponsored by the Bowrnanvilie' Kinette Club on Wednesday evening attracted a capacity audience to St. Jos- eph's Auditorium. Four of the models who displayed the latest in 1968 spring and summer clothes, and millinery from the Mary C Shoppe are pictured above. Reading from lef t to right are Kînette Rena Fisk, Kinette Betty Brown, Lillian Hooper, a past president of the local Kinette Club, and Kinette Barbara Chipman. The two other attractive mod els were Kinette Donna Whyte, and Mrs. Myrtle Eade, Port Perry. McRobbie Photography Shareholders Approve Sale 0f Port Hope Telephone Co. To Bell for $1,33O,.OOO of the Port Hope Telephone G.W.Joestineenthovesf Beatty Telephone Company, In Company approved an offer of and Wm. M. Burley at New- 1957. The Welcome area was purchase miade by the Bell tonville Station, a distance of always Included In the Port Telephone Company for the four miles. The system grew H-ope Telephone area. Port Hope System in an in the Newtonvllle area and During the past few years amount of $1,330,000. in 1920 the company purchas- extended service has been C. M. Jones, manager of the ed a systemn operating in New- undertaken by the company system and a principal share- castle from the Bell Telephone wherever possible and the Corporal George Evans holder in the Company, earlier Company. The area was again system lias been updated to OPP, whose promotion to this liad given his approval for the extended when the company the point that ail 'phones are rank was announced yesterday sale to the Bell. Mr. Jones purchased the Bewdley-Gard- now dial. by Sergeant John E. Closs, said that the price was above officer commanding the Bow- expectations and could hardly rnanvllle Detachment of the be turned down. Inte rclub Gathering Ontario Provincial Police, wji] Port Hope Telephone Com- take up his new duties in pany operates a total of 1880 Brechin, Ontario, next Mon- 'phones, all under the dia1 Heaurs World Beat Host day. system. 0f this amount the greater number are In the Vil- The annual Inter-Club Dmn- the Bowmanvllle Kinsmen Corporal Evans, a highly lage of Newcastle with 808 ner held by the Bowmanvllle Club. respected member of the local 'phones. There are 287 'phones Service Clubs at the Lions Grace was said by Lion the )PP detachment, lias been connected with the Newton- Community Centre on Monday Rev. K. J. Frampton. The stationed here since Septem- ville area, 361 with the Bewd- evening was attended by a Toast to the Queen was pro- ber, 1961, and has many ley-Garden Hill area, 421 ia large crowd which filled the posed by President Williams. friends In the area. Me ioined the Welcome area. large hall to capaclty. Bow- Others at the head table were the OPP on February l9th, H.S. Britton is president of manville Lions Club President Mis Worship, Mayor Ivan 1956, and then was posted to the Company, George Finnie, Bob Williams presided. The Mobbs, Bowmanville Rotary Belleville. ln June 1957 he vice-president; Mrs. A, M. other rnembers of the Inter- President AI Wltherspoon, vas transferred to Kaladar, Jones secretary; C. M. Jones, Club Committee were Tom Branch 178 of the Royal Cati- vhere lie was stationed until manaker M. E. Walkey, S. M. Rehder, Bowmanville Rotary adian Legion President Ab ie came to Bowmanvîile. Jones and J. H. Jose, directors. Club, Bob Carruthers, a past Mavin, Bowmanville Kinsmen Duriag his 12 years in the Port Mope Telephone Com- President of the Bowmanville President R oy Woodward, )PP, Corporal Evans was en- pany had its start in 1905 Kiwanis Club, and Bihl Kil- Bowmanville Kiwanis Presi- <TURN TO PAGE TWO) when two telephones were In- patrick, a past President of (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Grand Champions Corne Home Loaded With Trophies Last week in Thoroid, this Little NHL Novice front ro'w, lcft te, right, Joey Burns, Barry Shackeiton, mzn walked threugh ail opposition te win the Ail Mike Hobbs, Deug Leddy, Steven Tamblyn; Bill ua- ntaeio B Division 'charn.pionship .trophy ut lef t, and, mani, Ian Wilcox and Gary Neih1éz; uocpii4row, Gar xe hýuge Grand Chaxnpionship trophy ini the centre. Perfect, Robert Donoghue, Bian Mar*4 ,Deug'EYMAn, arlier they had won the Eastern Ontario trophy at Mark Brown, Brad Alniond, Barry BruiAt'~T~ ght. In addition te winning, they aise had a wonder- Puk. Proud Coach'Don Wilcox SndM aag o i outig during the tournament Team mnembers are, Fowler are at'h rear. vU,LUlVlIli CLAIMS ONLY ON E HOIT, 1 Started in 1905 li, 16 Pages 15d Ppr Cnnv I«TuiRr.p 1 Il 1 11 ÇTÉ'%T