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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1968, p. 12

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- 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 3, 1968! hM~III I ~ 0 B ig Brother and Little Sister NEWTC Recent visitai-s with Mr. 4nd Mrs. George Stapletaz were Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Uatn of Bowrnanville, Mrs. rakBingham, Coleen and Deanne of Weston, Mr. and is. Laurte Stapleton anc bveriy oi Ajax. Mi-. Bill Wade and Gi-eg attended the hockey gaine at Maple Leaf Gardens, Wednes- day night. Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mrs. M. Samis and Mrs. Win. Milligar attended the Farm Safety Conierence meeting and ban- quet, beld at the Welcome Motar Court, last week. Mrs. Samis was the winner of the Iucky draw, a farmn plaque. Word reached here last ,Week' 0f the deatb of Mrs. Xaud Stevenson (nee Ed- wards) of Calgary, aiter a lengthy illness. She was a resident af this district, along 'with ather family members, ln years gone by. Several local ladies attend- ed the "Opportunity Sale", Friday, spansox-ed by the East- ei-n Star, ln Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Mi-. Grant Wade and Miss Xaren Lee wei-e among those attending the "Royal Bank Foi-mal", beld at Toronta's Inn on the Park, Friday evening. Mrs. Cecil Robinson of Ox-ono was a recent dinner guest witb Mi-. and Mi-s. Mel- ville Sais. The Number 2 Unit af the U.C.W. sponsored a card party ln Community Hall, Friday evening when there wcre 25 tables in play, winners as fol- lows: High lady, Mrs. L. Boyd; low lady, Mrs. H. Farrow; bigh gent, Jim Imlach; 10w gent, Paul De Smit; lucky draws, Mrs. E. Hai-court, Phillp Cas- well. Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Marty and Shelly and Brenda :Henderson attended the Skat- Ing Carnival at Orono, Friday evening. Mi-. and'- Mrs. C. H. Lane spent the weckend ln Hamil- ton wlth Mi-. and Mrs. J. C. Moore. Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer ; pent several days at Niagarai Falîls, tbe latter part of the week. Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Staple- ton with Mr'. and Mrs. Cecil Etapletan, were guests at the IXadge-Goheen wedding, Sat- tii-day afternaan, ln United1 Ehili-ch, Port Hope, and thei 1were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams. s Mrs. Raymond Trim, with eMi-. and Mrs. Fred Hendersor cand Carol, visited Mr. anc iMrs. Bey. Henderson and family, Bowmanville, Satur- fday evening. r Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, were supper guests, Sunday. with Mrs. C. Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Far- rrow wei-e Sunday visitars witli rMr. and Mrs. Fr-ank Reader, iOshawa. Mi-. and Mrs. Jim Gardon of Oshawa wei-e Sunday cail- ters with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen. Our local author, Mrs. Agnes Burley. informs us that all expenses Incurred in the pub- llshing of her recent book, "Clar-ke Township Eastern Section, Its Places, People and Events", have now been paid. This was a pi-aiect undertaken as a fitting contribution ta, the Centennial observance af aur local church, the latter pro- viding the necessary financial backing In the absence of any municipal assistance. "Any further copies sold will be clear profit for the church", ta, quate Mrs. Burley, "and these ai-e stili available". Regulas' monthly meeting of Newtonville U.C.W. an Wed- nesday evening, Mai-ch 27, was opened by the President, Mrs. The handsome children in the abov e photo are Bryan, 4 years, and Kim, 14 manths, son and daughter of Mr. and M rs. John Bruce, Parkway Crescent. Their grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roger M eadows, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bruce, Oshawa. Bryan and Kim a re great-grandchildren of Mrs. George Meadows, Newcastle, Mrs. May Wanna maker, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris of Bowmanville.____Pht by Astor Studio J. Caswell, with a hymn, fol- lowed by the Lai-d's Prayer. A repart ai the attendance Rt the World's Day af Prayer was given, also the recent pot- luck supper at the church. Secretary Mrs. Roy Best read the minutes af previaus meet- ing, while finances wei-ei-e- ported by Treasurex- Mrs. Dan Vinkle. The Rail Cail was answered by appxoxirnately 28 members. Memorial Commit- tee had nothing definite as yet, in their search for a fitting giit for the church. The Good Friday Service, April 12 at 2:30 p.m., will have Rev. T. Smith af Newcastle, as guest speaker, and the U.C.W. Sacieties ai that village, as weli as those ai Kendal and Shiloh, bave been Invited ta, attend. It was decided ta send à donation toward the expenses ai a week at Camp Quin-Mo- Lac, for a couple af local girls, who may wish ta attend. An Invitation was read fi-rn Canton U.C.W. ta attend their Easter Thankoffering, April 16, and about 14 members signified their desire ta accept, alsa one fi-rn Kendal for April 4th. Good used clcthing Is i-e- quired for "Street Haven",' a girls' borne in Toronto, and members ai-e asked ta bring samething suitable for bus- iness weai- for girls fi-rn 18-35 years ai age, ta the next meeting. Unit Leader Mrs. T. Hend- erson took charge af the de- vational and pi-agi-arn, assist- ed by Mi-s. B. Stacey, Mrs. S, Lancaster and Mrs. G. Mc- Cullough. Mrs. J. Caswel supplied the vocal solo, "Bless- ed Assurance", The reading, "What Eastex- Means" was New OPP Appointment given by Mrs. Henderson and Ontario Provincial Palice Constable Robert B. in conclusion "Lead Me T,, McManus, 147 King St. E., Bowrnanvi]le, has recently Calvary" was sung by ail present. Mrs. M. Joncs and graduated fi-rnm the Ontario Provincial Police College, Mrs. S. Lancaster agi-ced ta Toranto, after successful completion of the "Recruit, decorate the tables for, the Orientatian Course". Good Friday tea, following the Upon graduation Const. McManus was posted ta ser-vice. Meeting was dis- missed with one verse af "The the Mount Foi-est Detachrnent, No. 6 District, Munt Evening Prayer" aiter which Foi-est. He graduated fi-rn Bowrnanvillle High Schaol pictures were shown by Mrs- in 1963, was ernployed by General Motors until 16. B. Stacey, and lunch was1 Latex' he was with Ontario Hydro until recently. served by the Unit. _______ ___________________ WESLEYVILLE LORD C Con ducts Sprngis ealy n heair,E cs nd an uusuailder lit ai C on test for es an a spax-rows, fk whistling swans brought theA we]came news, and those spiral too. ne wacs ee ona ouse School Pupîls flyi ne wadcsre bnacku lawn on Mai-ch 21 and many The Lake Ontario Regianal twa-fold pux-pase: mare sInce. Devclopment Council Is cur- 1. To encourage the stu- Miss Clara Dai-ke Is stillInj rently sponsoring a "Clean dent In his Englisb studies,ý Port Hope Hospital where Watcr Essay Contest" as part 2. and ta give himn an oppox--1 she is receiving therapv fox- af its appi-oach ta the annuai tunity ta Investigate a sub-: an injurcd knee. and celebrat- "Anti-Water Pollution Cam- ject that will be af benefit ta ed her birthday there last paign". hmefadteai-ai hc week, Wednesday, Max-ch 27th. Mr-. Douglas McMaster, 1be lives. Quilting was done at miss Chairman of the Anti-Water Grades% nine and ten were Stella Bennett's In Port Hope Pollution Coam mi tte e ai singled out by the committee .last week. put In the frames LORDC. has announced the because English composition Is and started on Monday and contest for ahI 9th and lOtb stxessed In these grades and finished an Tuesday and Wed- grade English students In the these students ai-e at an age nesday. following counties: Halibux-tan, wherc formative opinions and Friends here were pleased to Lennox and Addingtan, Peter- ti-ends ai thought are set. hear af Bruce Dinners (Jr.) boraugh. Victoria, Hastings, Letters bave been sent ta some success In bis course at Peter- Northumberland and Durham, 40 high schools In the ai-ca borough. He bas completed Prince Edward. with the appraval af the ai-ca, Grade Il and stai-ted at. Grade The cantest is anc with a Superintendents. We antici-! 12. It t.lkes courage and de- pate a goad return. This con-! terminatian when a persan test Is being caried aut withi goes back to school In adult .FI.LJJNu the ca-aperatian ai the Eng- life and catches up on studies Ilsh dcpartments af tbe vai-ious usually campleted before other Mi- and Mrs. Harold Werry high schools. Each school will have a finahist, selected by xesponsibilities came. have xeturned home aiter the English department. Fi-rn Pearl Austin is 1eaving on spending a week In Phoenix, ah aof these finalists the ultim- Manday by train for Winni- Arizona. as guests ai Mx-s. ate wInner wiil be sclectcd. peg wherc she bas secux-ed a George Dickinson. While I There Is $450.00 available In new position. and Gwen Ford, the soutb-west tbey also visit- rizes. The final judgcs wlil borne from ber nursc's train- cd the Grand Canyon and the 9;rPeettie rr h Ing course In Toronto. for the Pctriiied Foi-est. Ont resotativ es firn theo weekend, says she iinds It vcry 1 This weck about 50 mcmn- mission, the Department ai Interesting. 1 be aio the Ontario CountyI Lands and Fax-ests, Trent Uni- Linda Thaindke Is home Holstein Club toured bai-ns In versity, the Conservation Au- for a week af study fi-arn the area. Visits were paid ta thority and the Englisb e- Waterloo. the fax-ms af Clar-ence Wei-ry, partrments of the sehools. Church service was held Walter Davis, John Sutter and Partly In conjunctionwh hme en Sund.ay rnorning. Glon Glaapel. the Cles» WaWer Camips&*" ai FlIN LLE reception foilowing, ln CronkI Mi-. and Mrs. Don Vinkle visited Mi-. Stan Jones, a patient ln Civic Hospital, Pet- er-borough, on Saturday. Mrs. V. Bourgerie was down firn Oshawa on Saturday, ac-... companied by ber daughter, Mrs. Eva Lakin, and grand- ~ childi-en. Mrs. McAllistex- sufiered a faîl, bei-e ln ber home, Satur- day, and was removed ta Oshawa Hospital by ambu- lance. Mr. and Mrs. Ali. Perrin and Douglas were noon dinner guests, Saturday, with Mr,. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, and family. Mi-. and Mrs. Clarence Far- row and Kai-en af Wilowdale, were visitai-s during the week- end with Mrs. Roy Farrow. With Mi-. and Mrs. Clinton Brown, weekend visitai-s were Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen of Bronte. Mi-. and Mrs. Don Adams, Tina and James ai Maltan. LONG SAULT Mr'. Elmer James, Taunton Rd. E., visited Mi-. Fred G. Smith, Manday aiternoon. Mi-. and Mrs. G. Baker, Ann, Gai-iy and Ruth; Mrs. May Jahns, Mi-. and Mrs. Keith Gable and Brian, Mr-. and Mi-s. John Baker, Ricky and Stev- en attended "The Johns" an- nual supper and social even- ing family party beld in Hampton Community Hall, Saturday evening. Mr-. and Mx-s. Stanley Gable and Bruce, Tyrone, were Sun- day supper guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Keith Gable. Mr. and Mrs. David Owens and family, Brooklu, were Sunday supper guests af Mr-. and Mrs. John Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk visited Mrs. L. Boonstra, Brad- fard, Sunday. Glad ta repart Mrs. W. Vaneyk returned home fi-rn Memorial Hospital last Mon- day, much Impraved in bealth. Miss Mai-go Murphy spent the weekend witb her grand- mother, Mrs. E. Murphy, Tyrone. r FOR 0 the LORD C. the office wIll employ Mr. Paul Elgie as a summer assistant ta aid ln dis- tributing materials and ta, dis- cuss water pollution problems throughout the region. Mr. Elgie did this similar work last year for the Council. He, wlll also calan cammunities to bring up ta date the In- formation regarding industrial buildings and Industrial sites that ai-e available ln the com- munity. This Information is kept ln the head office of the Lake Ontario Regional De- velopment Council ta supply Information ta Business De- velapment Officers and new manufacturing entex-prises. Scout 1 Auxiliary Hears Address By Mrs. H. Fraser The Mai-ch meeting of Bow- manville Boy Scouts Ladies' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Gilles- pie, King St. E. The Pi-es., Mi-s. Dorothy Crago, apened the meeting with the Scout Mothers' Prayei- and Promise. Following a brief business period, aur pi-esident intro- duced the guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. H. Fraser. Mrs. Fraser gave us a very Interesting talk on youth. Bernice Puk thanked Mrs. Fi-asei- foi- taking the time ta corne and share ber challeng- ing thoughts with the moth- ers present. The April meeting wil he held on Monday, A'pril 8th at the home af Mrs. Michael Puk, 273 Liberty St. N. New members will be very wel- came. We are glad to report th t Mr. John Barsketis Is now making satisfactory progress ln hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy of Orono visited bei-e recently and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Kellettý and Mrs. Mabel McKnight of Millbrook. We were glad to find Talbert much better. We extend aur sympathy ta Mrs. Kellett whose sister, Mrs. Sanders passed away recently. Our hockey teain went an a goal-scoring spree on Sunday morning, defeating Port Perry 10-4 in the first game af the finals. A fair turnout was present for the Officiai Board meet- ing of the circuit of the Unit- ed Church includIng Bethany and Pofitypool. The meeting was held in the United Church here with Rev. W. Piercy ln the chair. Relatives and friends of PONTYPOOL Goaheadeny lite ny With a low-eost PERSONAL LOAN from Toronto -Dominion Our boans are easy ta get. In fact, you'Il be surprised how simple it is.We make boans for just about any purpose. Repay over as long as three years. See your local Toronto-Dominion Bank manager. TORONTO-mDOMINION The bank where people make the difference. 39 Temperance St., Bowm anville, R. G. LAWTON, Manager EAUTY AND CON VENIENCE W PROTECTION FOR YOUR TWO CAR GARA'GE 20' x 20' "Sanie Quality Materials as listed for Single Car Garage *Cottage Roof . . . and two Overhead Steel Garage Doors MATERIALS ONLY $691*00 (inci. Tax) PRE-FABRICATED including pre-cut rafters $810.00 (i. Tax) ERECTED - $975.00 (incl. Tax> MAJOR INVESTMENT SINGLE CAR GARAGEI 14' x 20" * Gable Roof - 6" ovcrhang * 2" x 4" Studding - 16" centres * 2" x 4" Raftcrs and Collai- Tics 210 lb. Asphaît ShinglesI * One Economy Exterior Door * 9' x 7' Steel Overhead Garage Door with HardwareI * 44" x 31" Cottage Slidcr Window * Ranchwall Exterior Finish- MATERIALS ONLY $532oOO PRE-FABRICATED indluding pre-cut raftcrs $650.00 (incl. Tax) (incl. Tax) ERECTED -$768.00 (ie. Tax) PHONE OUR STAFF FOR PRICES ON OTHER WIDTHS AND LENGTHS, ALSO FOR CONCRETE SLAB PRICING If: DESIRED BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Oshawa COURTICE 728-1611 LIMIl Wood ProductsI r FD SHOPPING CENTREhI Mi-. and Mrs. Maurice Bradley gathered at the borne ofMi-. and Mi-s. Douglas Logan ai Bethany an Thursday nlght. It was the 25th Wedding An- niversa-y of Mi-. and Mrs. Bradley and a pleasant even- ing was had by alI. We were glad ta learn that' Mi-. Murray (Scatty) McCul- lougb of Toronto is now ln much Impraved health. Scotty is the son of Mr-. and Mrs. Joe McCullaugh ai Ballydufi. Mrs. McCulugh Is now visiting with her son ln Montreal. Winners ln the progressive euchre beld Friday were Mi-s. Delbert Bowins and Donny Brown. Alan Fallis, Albert Bowins. Consolation awards went to Mrs. Kay Beggs and Ronnie Van Wieringen, with door prize ta Mrs. Keith Stin- son. Mi-. and Mrs. Ozzie Whit-1 mee, Ricky and Danny, andl babydaugbter Lisa ai Osha-, f BELL UINES by John W. Lowry your telephone manager Each year about this time 1 ask for your help. Help ln keeping telephone service uninterrupted ta you and your neighborbood. You sec, ta protect oui- telephone cable fi-rn mast hazards, we bury much of it underground. Somne it could be buried an your real estate. With the sprîng months rnany ai us start home Impi-ovemnent pi-ai cts - planting trees or shrubs; erecting fences or patios. Before you swing Into action with any such plans, could I ask yau ta glve us a caîl at Bell Canada ? We'll be happy ta check, fi-e ai charge, ta sec if any cable is located on yaur prapei-ty. Just give us a caîl at 611 and we'll get the information ta you as quickly as possible. All It takes is a hefty thrust ai a shovel or a well- sunk fence post ta damage buricd cable, If by chance, you should choose a spot above that cablè. This damage could disi-upt regular telephone service, long distance, data-scnding facilities or even emergency communications that might be transmitted by tele- phone w1-e. Just ta show you wbat can bappen ta aur carefully buried cable F'm including a pbatagi-aph this month. Although it looks like a piece ai modemn sculpture, there was nothing very artistic about the mangled and toi-n wires Ici t inside when a corn- borer sliced Into it. A shovel or fence post right flot complete as pretty a job - but, it would be just as effectitve ln disrupting communications services. s s 0 effen ln ehatting ta different subseribers ln ibis ares 1 amn asked questions about telephone campan- les other than Bell Canada. Many people seern un- sware that there are many Independent telephane comtpanies whieh serve thausands of subserîbers within Ontario and Quebec, In fact. ai the end ai 1967 there were a total of 241 telephone companies or telephane systems ather than Bell Canada servlng 425,484 telephones in the two provinces. Largest af these ls Quebec Telephone whlch aperates 138 ex- changes and serves 125,625 felepbones. Many of the companies are quite smaîl. Indeed, we refer to thern au systeins. for the:y have their own Unes and tele- phones but theyv terminate on the switchboards of other companies. Includlng ours. Usually these small companies or systema serve fishing camps, gamne clubs, minin enterprises or Iuniberlng camps. In Ontardo there are 113 telephone campanles other than Bell Canada; ln Quebec, 129 sncb campanles. Included ln the figures ln one conipani- ln Labrador, New- feundiand which serves 2.400 telephanes. la aur lm- mediate ares around Bowmanville ther'e are two independent telephone companles. A.s with Bell Can- ada, growth af the number ai telephones served hiy the Independent conipanles bas risen greatir over the years. In 1945 there were 924 Independent corn- panles serving 189,343 telephones ln Ontario and Quebec. At th. end cf laut year tber'e were 241 Inde- pendent COMPanies servlug 425,484 telephones. We work clascU with the companles which pravîde ervice withia bth oi provInces la wblcb we alse operate.. Tbrouth sur association w. ail wark to provide the best ln communications services to aur subcribems UALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ON" wa. were Sunday guesis 'with Mi-. J. Payne. The end of the G.M. strike was welcomed by ail, especial- ly the local eniplayeeL. Mmi. Lily Richardson, 84. was guest at the Mel Sr Dinner. March 17 ln Osb, when she was presented with a 14 kai-at gold i'ecarci. Lily bad a record of hynins and other selectians recorded about two years ago. She was pi-e- sented wlth this record by Hon. Dr. Dyrnond with "Mel" Smith actinxg as Directar f Ceremonies. Hon. Mike StWI and Mayors af Oshawa, Bow- manville and Whitby were present. The honored guest has sold over 200 of these records and has pleased aud- iences for many years with her piano playing. Unfortun- ately, this honor had been pastponed due ta two unfort- unate accidents which occur- i-ed ta her last year. Her many frIends bei-e wIll be very pleased ta beai- that this grand old lady bas been properly recognized. Là-- 0 ýewa 0 4//-. -«/- eý - son m maw

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