VOLUME 114 pbr T4fr tfeîr 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1968 15é Per Conv J4ptn hag BdsFaewl t Zmba ondFail eter Removal YÉ Fo Burley Bus Nestieton Girl Is Cartwright Queen ...........--- Mrý and Mrs. Maurice Bradley and their' wob, from left to rigbt, the Rev. Charles Catto, Bruce children Càthy and Cheryl who soon leave.for-four Tink, Laverne Clemens, Carl Bradley and Harvey years in Zambia are shown above, séated, after they Yellowlees. had been presented with gifts and' farewell tributes The 1968 Rond Estimates recejved and filed on a mo- By-Law was passed by Town tion by Councillor Glenn Fry, Council at the meeting held seconded by. Councillor Shac- in the Cou ncil Chamber on kelton. Monday evening. This By- (TURN TO PAGE TWOY Law includes $22,000 for con- struction and $26,200 for L A Maintenance, the amounits on which the municipality wiîli o Wyord Yet on dlaim subsidies under the'T A letter from the Bowman- w u ax R t ville Chamber of Commerce Thos. cititens who are requeÉted that council ap- anxîously waîtîng to learn point a representative to itsi what their property taxes Board of Directors, Councillor na town wilî be this year Maurice Prout, seconded by will have to wait for a whlle Councillor Leslie Coombes, and there will be littie com- moved that council concur fort in the news from near- in tbis request. by centres. His Worship, Mayor Ivan Port Hope bas already Hobbs, appointed Councillor announced an increase of Keith Shackelton to represent 12.4 mills in residential tax- council on the Board of Dir- ation, over 10 mills of the ectors of the Bowmanville jump caused by school Chamber of Commerce. requisitions. A communication from the The next meeting of flow- Ontario Good Roads Associa- manvllle's Couacil wlll be tion regarding the 1968 Road held April l5th when there School for non-professional should be some Information supervisory personnel of any1 available on the budget municipal road authority wasi requirements and tax rate. Newtonville and Blackstock Award Contracts for idiing Li-.berais to IAttend i>ayiî-gnt lime *1V Iu 1W EUV VIIW> A 8 Contracts have been award- will be constructed on the 1 rt A rofl of new Post Offices in side of No. 2 Highway and Newtonville and Blackstock, the Blackstock building will B ig L ead ersh ip -C o n ven t ion ' Although no officiai an- Durham M.P. Russell C. be located on the site purchas- q nouncement bas been frh Honey announced today. ed from Mr. Fred Trewîn. coming, i would appear Cntasweewrddt Mr. Honey said that tend. . Y A t. ftaa T isheek nd wes;tS b ide nech case ersfor the construction of the Presidet JamesH. Clare end.nate Delegates are J. P. Rih-ls ni 201SnaOt Rollins Construction Limited, partmental Officials and he On Friday night, stude#nts of CartwrightHg colcos hi ue n today ahnounced that there Russell C. Honey, M.P. and ardson of Cobourg, rg 27th. Belleville, and the Blackstock expects to be In a Position te Princesses at the Annual Formai in the Coui tCer.Shisarlote will be 55 Riding Liberals Senator Arthur W. Roebuck MeMahon of Port Hope andl This is in accordance with Post Office contract went to make an announcement re- attedethd LeheeshpeCo-erishhae Deega e voinghEdvae Sauel f Boman-the ecomendaion fSthmLaklSoufg Lmber& Col stcein thi Pos Offce oth-tfeNetfetn, bing rownd hee bylastyears Quen Lnda ray.Prinesse vention in Ottawa this week- status as Members of t he ville. Railway Association oIf Company Limlted, Port Perry. in the next 10 days. were Valerie Frew and Sheila Sharpe. - House of'Commons and Sen- Observers attending fromi Canada to coincide %vith_______________________________________ 21-YR-OLD SON JOINS FIRM ate and in addition the Rid- Northumberland-Durham are:1 their spring and summer The buildings will be aI JD L AE itrain schedules. Standard Post Office plan, Thsie a anwac ng is entitled to six voting, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) biketeor with forced airý tioneer who is following his Delegates. The Riding Dele- I oi heating. -IedtSiSacyfNeo- ,ther's footsteps. d gates were elected at an open The Newtonville Post Office c g s r t lC oi à l sCalsRl2_meeting in Cobouri on Feb- . vlefrrlgnlaacp Jie s ChriesReld 21-ruary 28th. ,I .. asoId who bau Joined bis Voting Delegates elected! P ' or a er-%k J k feld Of OrOno are - resident James H.1 B TS pK**P R ESPC Searchingý» HeId in Bowmanville I a rvddsm n And th future wlll be Con- Clarke, Robin Russell, andCa ' hltrtngedl. ductlng mÙost of the auctions Dr. Ian Wilson of Cobourg, PHARMACIES- Apparently, ' Invle' ru-ri , 98 LbetoSretlde at their sales barn. Harry Wade of Newtonvle omnville's ru F or C ncidate Aprî ,16CietySre.Te ere Hunt's home and sdbhn paewsfod ,ack Reid this year cele- Mr.Ni aol îc ists are finding it economically unrewarding to be MaitaeR.BBxe1stationary at the end of Car- -charge. raalpcueadl ut Mrs. eil alcol, Blck. Magitrat R. Baxtr lile Aenuethoh ghy theMr papesai ârates bis silver annlversary stock, and E. R. Lovekin of open Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock. This week ithNlise Aenu with ony h M.Hutsadhews e-bs une omwatyliw In the a.uctlon sale business. -Newcastle. The three Alter-, the practice will be discontinued. One store will be prhNe a eied w.th. own Attor-E width of a car bctween theirs <TURN TO PAETfl WilI Star in.Skating Carnival- Diane Hall cf the Granite Club The Bowmanville Figure Skating Club, sponsored by the Department of Recreation, will be holding is annual Skating Carnival on Friday and Saturday evening. ai the Bowmanvile Memorial Arena, starting ai eighî o'clock. This year's Cirnival will feature Miss Mary Jane Oke and Victor Irving, the 1967 Junior Pairs Champions of Can - ada. Miss Oke, a former Bowmanville Figure Skating Club' member, ls currently, along with Mr. Irving, one of the topi skaters at the Unionvi.Jle S.C. Other headliners wil1 include Miss Diane'Hall of the' Toronto Granite Club, 1967 Senior Ladies Central Ontario' champion and Keith Lawrence, 1968 Novice Men's Central Ontario Junior Champion, from the Upper Canada Skating Club. ~. The therne of this year's carnival will be the "Four '~Seasons". The pre-schoolers skating class will have their "ance to show what they have learned. wvhiie the junior j and senior members will be deruonstrat.ing their figure skating skills. The Club professionals, Kari Benziqg and Miss Bonnv. Boundy, along with the akaters, and committce members arej cu=tlny bard at work premng fur thia popular event. open until 9 throughout the week, except for Satur- days and Sundays. A druggist will be on duty in case of emergencies. t . t i .t t NO NEWS - There have been no new develop-, ments in the dispute between Goodyear and Local 189 over a contract. Conciliation talks are continuing with ,the next meeting scheduled for April 1Oth, according to reports. Since the GM strike was settled Iast wveek, production has resumed with quite a few employees working overtime. t t t t t CENTENNIAL - Oshawa Library' Board's Centen- niai project, a history of the city, written by M. Mclntyre Hood, wiil be unveiled tonight at a special banquet in the Genosha Hotel when Mr. lHood will be the guest speaker. It is understood copies wiil be available to the public ait book stores throughout the city. t t t t t GRASS - Firemen have begun their annual run around to geass fires that threaten to get out of control. The property on the east side of Simpson Avenue bas been burned off after a couple of trips by the brigade, but there will be other areas that will cause trouble for the next few weeks. There doesn't appear to be much point in reminding young and old that starting grass fires on a windy day is a danger- ous practice. Tbey flot only endanger nearby buildings but also create a dreadful risk of acci- dents as firemen rush to the hall to answer the calls. t t t t t CON MEN - An 81-vear-old widower in the Cobourg area was def rauded of $500 lasi week by two con- fidence men police believe are working west aiong the lakeshore. They posed as bank inspectors. Beware ! t t t t t WINNERS - A curling rink skipped by Norma Gay, with teain mates Viv Cowan, Shirley Rob- son and Ellen Ormis.ton came borne froin a bonspiel in Scarborough on Friday with a beau- tiful trophy. They won ail 10 ends of their first game against Scarborough and then defeated a rink froin Toronto Granite Club. The second Bowmanville rink skipped by Aileen Osborne included Betty Brough, Marj Carswell and Dell Vincent. They won their first gaine but lost out in the second. t ,t t GOLFERS - The warrn weather iast weekend sûir- red quite a few golfers into action ait the driving ranges in Oshawa. This week, Erinli Golf & Coun- try Club announces it wili be open starting on Saturday. A quick look at Erinli by our golfing editor irîdicates that the front nine is dry and ready for action. There are stili quite a f ew wet spots_ at Bowrnanville Golf & Curling and no word has been forthcomning from the Newcastle course. However, it shouidn't be long before those who have been building up paunches for ]ack of exercise ahl winter wi]i be starting to get back in shape again. CARNIVAL - Advance tickets for the Skating th' Club Carnival wvill be on sale at the Arena this ch Thursday fromn 5 to 9 p.m. Rehearsals have been go underway fo some turne and the show is now wi aul set forF day and Saturday.%f 1'uY %-z- x - nyase -om ""and the one ahead. Mr. Hunt, At least one former mem- Jermyn as duty counsel for eastbound on Carlisle, at- wCh i so ber of parliament and one un- Legal Aid. tempted to squeeze his VTolks- m-n successful candidate have been A Toronto -motorist, Rudy wagen between the two vehj T o o s C n Ination as the Northumber- pass an officer at 70 miles of the one ahead of them in land-Durham Riding Progres- an hour immediately after the process. He turned lefi o r s nt t o s o sive Conservative Association being warned for speeding. onr Liberty and drove off1 St . for a candidate in the next seven days. Mrs. Partridge took the l- tI cnUUr s "C u cifîxioU W<i Federal election.1 Monty Ne'al was remanded cense ihumber, wroie it o n ai The combined choirs of St. be in operation for the preseii. Federal Riding Presidention bail until April 30 after Mosport program and gave itP- tin Gane icar ai anmi-ple ading not git fdne-t h rvraedo hm aul's and St. John's Church- ain Garnt Rckad sid noin- e gilt of angr- G te dive ahad f tem.This moving -setting of the ation meeting for the rIdingý ous driving and driving while On receiving the report of es in Bowmanville will present Good Friday story will be Sung could be expected anytime fol- his lcense was under suspen- this occurrence Constable R. special music for the Easter on Palm Sunday, April 7th, at lowing the Liberal leadership Sion. Kouhi checked out the license season on two occasions when St. Paul's United Church 4t convention in Ottawa this Seth Hunt, 23 Liberty Place, number and went to Mr. they will sing "The Cruci- 7 p.m. On Good Frlday at vweekend. was found guilty of careless _ fixion" -by John Stainer, a 1:30 p.m. it will form part of A poli conducted among driving and fined $50 and $24 TOO MANY ACTIVITIES meditation on the sacred pas- the annual three hour service young- Conservatives In the '0tosio seven days. He was Readers will have to wait sion of the Holy Redeemer. at St. John's Anglican Cburch riding Irrdicated strongly the represntIed by, Russell J. ulhtil next week for some of Ross Metcalf of St., Paul's here. SoloIsts Mr. MetcaUI need for a new face with a Murphy. the articles that should appear will conduct and also sing solo and Mr. Cotton are well-known fresh approach not only to Mr. and Mrs. Christopherlin this edition. tec.uor. Ross Cotton will be In this area for their outstand;- local problems but those of Pariridge w e re returningl A veritable flood of news bit the bass soloisi and Clifford ing voices that have thrilled the national taste as well to from a Mosport race Septem-IThe Staiesman on Tuesday, Evans of St. John's will play many audiences in the past, defeat incumbent Russell C. ber 23. Traffic was bumper-1too laie to be lncluded in this the organ* hIt s hoped the and are expected to do &0 Honey.-Port Hope Guide. to-bumper southbound on paper. new organ at St. John's wlll again at these two services.. Goalie Takes a Beating After St. Mary's Cernent Juvs. Win Ontario Titie No sooner had the whistle biown to end the garne on Sundayj hat gave the St. Mary's Cernent Juveniles the Ontario Minor "A" hampionship, than the entire tearn and rnany spectators rushed oalie Doug "Srnokey" Hayes to offer congratulations. Bowmanville, ith the score 3-0 against them, had corne to life in the third period fter being outplayed and outlucked by Fort Erie for two period3s. They scored three ln the third to tie the garne and itretch it into overtime when they racked up foûr more counters to give them a 7-3 win. Players visible in this picture are frorn ieft to right, Larry Devitt, Kirn Rogers, Gary Wilson, Gregg Corden and Capt. John Oyler. More pictures on page eight. 15e Per Copy INUMBER 14 1