Sw w....... 'c , * p'..~wc~- ,' - The Canamdian Stateman, Bewrnavle, ?&y 1, 1 m I SPORTropucs Dy 1màk Ohumn 63723 STêNLET clp 'LUsIWeekl InthiS Colu==aII was admnttcd that titis Pfltlcular sports editor bas oae heck of a Urne maklng Pfllctions. B3ut l »PteOf conteaslg ta What our readers knOW already, we Stlfle bad about thc altuaUlon. Like -. you 'd expect a suppoMedY knowledgcable sports reporter ta get at Icaut somethIng righti. Wanting ta atake up for Uic error of our ways, ibis aoerable scribe bas spared no expease ta brlng you readers & lew Stanley Cup tacts, whlch yau rnght ftnd lntcresting. l'irai Of all - a lttle history lesson. The Stanley Cup, the oldest traphy competed for by profesulonal athictes ln Northt America, was donated by Frederlck Arthur, Lard Stanley of Preston and son of lte Paril af Derby, ln 1893. Lord Stanley purchased thc traphy for 10 pounda (448.67) ai the Ume> for presentation ta Uic aMateur hockey champions of Canada. Since 1910, Uic trophy bas been tUic Mynbol af professionai hockey supremacy. It bas been under the exclusive contrai of Uic N.H.L. ince 1946, since which there have been alterations ta the structure ai the Cup toialllng $6,000. Ia addition, engravlng cote are approxlmnately $150 per year, or a total af $8,250 for naines engraved on the trophy since 1913. This year's champions are la for a big payoff, as Uic quarter and semi-final wlnners collect $2,250 per player, nd the. ftnal wlaners carn 3,000 dollars aplece for a totalaef $7,500 each. Did You realize that la Uic pasi dozen years, only Chicago1 Black Hawks of 1960-01, have broken the Toronta-Montreal domination ? In tact Uic largest crowd cver ta watch a single Stanley1 Cup playoff gaine was Uic followng year - April 8th, 1962d ta b. exact.Saine 19,786 fans packed Chicago Stadium, as the Hawks defeated Montreal 2-0 to win the senti-final lIn sx. I14 In ttc modern era, 1927-67, Montreal Canadiens lead1 Cup tities wlth 12, while Taranto bas 1l, Detroit seven, ai Chticago, 'Boston and New York - ttree apicce. Canadie: aima won lte Cup twIce priar to 1927 - in 1916 and 192 Detroit and Toronto are ttc only clubs ta hald a advantage over tte Habs lu ttc finals, each taving wo thie tintes against two defeats. Did you kuow ltaitte lastt une a Stanley Cup gari was played wihout a ' penalty being called was lu 1951 Wby ai course you didn't - and lu tact there were 't penalty-mrec gaines ttat year. Ttc first was Apnil 71b a Mentreal when Canadiens downcd Detroit 3-2 la ttc sevent: gaine ai ttc semi-final. Thé atter was the very next evenin, lu Boston, wtcn Toronto walloped ttc Brulas 6-0 ta wra] up that seni-final 4-1 with one tic. WatctIng Mautreal humble Chicago 9-2 way backln lu i trit gaine ai ttc Eastern final, wc wcre told thc il goal were stili two short at tce record of 13. Toronto was clobberec bot tintes, losing 9-4 ta Detroit la 1936 and 10-3 ta Montrea lni 1945, wten Leafs went on ta take ttc senles lu six ganci The previaus. year Tarantoe Iso ' ade ttc record books once agalu as vidtims, when thc Canadiens' "Racket" RIch.an' set the record for most. goals lu nc ne game, couniiug al l Iv on March 23rd, 1944~ as Môntreal defeated Toronto 5-1 ai the Forum. One week later, Canadiens scored ttc mast goale by anc team lu a single contest, jolting ttc Leais 11-0. Everyone bas heard ai thc longesi Stanley Cup gaine S record, but juslta refret yaur memary, Detroit dctcaied Montreal Maroons 1-0 ai Montreal on Manch 24tb and 251h, 1936, Mud Bruneteau scorcd ai 16:30 of ttc sixt oventine pcriod, or mter 176 minutes, 30 seconda tram ttc stan a.l lte gaine, wieih endcd at 2:25 a.m. But haw short was the shortesi avenuie on record? Oaly 25 seconds, as Syd Howe gave Detroit a 2-1 wla aver thc New York Anueicana, ai Detroit, Marcit 19, 1940. Montreal Canadiens have only failed ta reachthte play- «Ws twîce la ttc past 40 ycars, wtlle Toronto tas been Involved la post season play 34 ycars and Detroit - 32. The Red Wlags put togethen Uic nost cousecutive playoff appear- ances - 20, tram 1939-'58, with Canadiens next ai 19, tram 1949-'67. Lests lead ttc way in mosi final senies appearances with 19, whi.e Detroit is nexi ait 18. Ttc Canadiens were almost a ftxture lu Oup final play, holding ttc record ai 10 cansecu- tive fron 1951-'60, and as almosl everyoue knows, Montreal itolds ttc record ai five straigtt Stanley Cup vîctanles tram 1956-160. That should b. enough about the. record book to, keep your head spinnlng. After one week ta memorize the fore- golng, we hope you wlll be ready ta digest a tew interestlng Individual marks ln the next column. DARLINGTON SOCCER The soccer season gets underway ln the local area ln a couple of weeks - May lSth to b. exact, when the apening contest ln the Darlington Senior Soccer League wlll b. played. The loop wiJl have all seven teams back froin last year - Maple Grave, Hampton, Tyrane, Courtice, Solina and Salem. A new entry - the Newcastle Raiders, who will play their home gaines ln Bowmanville, has been added for the 1968 campaign. Executive members, elected last week, are: Grahamn )allas, Hampton - president; Gord Lowery, Tyrone - vice- preuident; Jake Banleeuwen, Maple Grove - secretary-treas- tirer, and the referee-in-chlef is Jim Denholm of Oshawa. b 1 Ladies Major BowlingLoqgue1 Apnil 22nd Doris Joli tad thc tigb triple wth 756 sud gamnes ai 300 sud 270. High single was bowled hy Shirley Davis witt 328 aisa 224 for 753. An Bns LAWM*IOY COUNT THE ~~ FIATURES ON YOUR FINGERTI PS IRO(K'S 8p ~'hou NOM. had 253-247-225 for 725, D. Bond had 221-260-221 for a 702 triple. Other high gaines were G. Klekho 301, J. Bragg 279, J. Harness 242-224, K. Stephens 233. C. Bowers 231, O. Etcher 228, M. McKnight 239, O. Patfield 254-249, B. Terry 223, M. Cowan 282. E. Whitehead 241, H. Donoghue 220-224, H. Depew 265-230, G. Ellis 222-222, M. A. Richards 238, C. Brute 250, Dianne Park 225, M. King 226, D. King 258, J. Almond 248. B. Piper 259, H. Reynolds 238. Team Standings pins Pts. S. Davis-- 56637 31 H. Donoghue 45958 30 O. Etcher 45003 29% O. Patfield - 46913 28 M. King 45752 25%k D. Bond 44555 24 B. Buttonshaw- 44602 23 D. Joil -.-___ 44212 23 W. Nesbltt -___ 45170 22 H. Reynolds - 43404 20 L. Crosaey - 42714 20 J. Bragg - 42797 14 A'verages D. Joli 2 49 0. Etcher _____226 I. Reynolds 222 O. Patfieid _____218 S. Davis M1 1- Cromay 211 X. Dooeghu. 211 X_ _ au0 ,D.2ne H. Dew 207 D. Kintg 201 K. Stophena 200 Pyoffs -May 8. Banquet May 13 at me- sioetal Park Ciubbouse, 6:30 em harp. ln ~id ens 24. an ,ne at th ap he Las ed rd ie Rt se ? n c JuniorNHoc Ends Anoti On Saturday, April 27th. the Junior Hockey League camne ta an official close as. they held their annual banquet ai Mie- morial Park Clubhause where the ladies of the Park Aa. put an a great roast beef din- ner as they always have in the past. Following the fine rneal, Stan Stephens gave the presi- dent's address, thanklng evcry- ane concerned for an excellent year. He also gave the treasurer's repart ltai showcd there rwas enaugh money ta continue next year. Head table guests lncluded Bill Cale, coach ci the Legion, representlng Ken's M en' s Wear, Jin Coyle. Chairman of the Recreation' Committee; SId Worden, Vice-Preident; Presi- dent Stephens, Don Oke, man- ager af NIchols Motors; Pat O'Brien, manager of Bills 3illiards and AI Cale, Public- Ity Chairnian. Following a discussion of business, the trophies were presented. The Ken's Mensa Wear trophy ta the Junior League champs was presented by Bill Cale ta Larry Perris, Captain af BIIl's Billiards. The Jamnes Coyle trophy for best it i Pl IN Li Ji 'I Mixed Mai April 22, 198 Averages - Over 200 Maurice Annacrt ____236 Doris Joll 236 Ernie Perfect ----_ 234 Hector Ballentine 232 Doug Carter -.- - 231 Bernice Buday -___ 23() Dave Reynolds ___229 George Bebee 223 Russ H-aîlman ___223 Pete Dobbirts 220 Albert Sanan 219 Ross Wright 218 MIke Murphy ___-216 Pcggy Haynes _____214 Shirley Bickel ..___ 214 Linda Crossey -____214 Barb Bultonshaw 213 Leon Connors 213 Helen Reynolds 210 0111e Patfield -____209 Don Wright 208 Helen Dunu 208 Lucien Annaert ____205 Jim Hauck 205 Vi Coole ____ 204 Rita Samis 202 John Carter ___-201 A.nn Colwell -____201 Fred Thomnson ... 200 Our siater teani ai Doris and Bernice lied for Higb Trniple ai 730 on Monday ev- ening. Doris rolled 227, 249, 254; Bennice 184, 233, 313. Leon Cannons 715*v Russ ?Iallman 709; Alb. Dart Sa- man 707, aIsa captured Hlgt ile 321; Mike Murphy 704. Stbg 300 gaines: "Paddy Leon Céolors .. 25 John Carter .-.. 25 Rita Sautis-- --25 Over 30Gne Albert Samnan 32 Bernice Buday 31: Nori McKeen ____3R Helen Dura_____-30: Liberty Belles Bowling 51 50 21 13 'i . x uummeenryau5 April 23, 1968 Lovell Helen Dunn,(l" 30 1. Hff Reynolds 225 With one more week re- 0. Patfield . 222 xnalning ini ths chedule, L. Martyn -_____210 M. Poster ____198 M- Taylor - -. .195 Legion Ladies M. _______19 R. Mitchell 194 Bowling A___e18 E. Richards _ _--184 Averages W ome ____ 81 P. Bruce 48 194 J. Hutton ----.-..17U M. Blake 45 188 R. Shackelton 174 A. Bate 45 186 M. Cowan 174 R. Vanesse -. 42 179 O. Stack -____ 171 N. Sheehan - 48 178 B. Locke 170 M. Martindale 21 179 E. Clarke ____170 M. Westover. 47 175 M. Gilpin _____ 169 M. Gray - 42 175 D. Paeden ____ 169 H. Simnick . 47 168 E. Coombes 165 J. Burton 48 165 M. McDonald 164 G. Murdloch 41 162 N. Oudshoorn ---- 162 M. McNulty 48 155 V. Gual-.. - ----- 162 A. Nickerson - 44 146 Team Standings M. Williams - 39 145 Martyn 27 G. Dawney - 48 142 Taylor ___18 D. Richards - 48 141 Foster 1 A. Dilling 30 133 Gibson 1 A. Gibson____ 36 127 Patfield ~17 R. Bathgate 45 126 Lobb .. 13 High Tripe-A. Baie 660 Reynolds 10 High Single-M. Blake - 225 Cowan.---------- __ 9 Over 200 Games 200 Garnes M. Blake 255, A. Bate 250- J. Hutton - 266 241. N. Sheehan 245-203. M O. Patfield - .222 Westover 234, M. Martindale M. Poster -222 216, H. Slmnick 216, G. Mur- H. Reynolds -.~ 219 doch 208. E. Clarke -_____ 218 TearntStandings O. Stack----.--217 3-Bate ___ 27 R. Hutchinson20 1-Bruce _______24 R.- Morris...207 4-Sheehan______ 24 A. Bate __.11 200 2-Blake _____22 April 25, 1958 Aveage 'Elect Exocuty. F. Bruce . 51 193 M. Blake. 38 187Fr Da A. Bate ._ _ 48 1861O F r alington M Martindale- 24 182 R. Vanesse 45 179So c L N. Shechan 51 178S«e Loque M. Gray .-___ 45 175 M. stover .-5() 17 The Darilngton Socer League H. Smnic 50 167 held lis organization meeting J. Burton 51__ s 164 for the 16 esnrcnl G. Meuoh 4 1 and elected Graham Dallas of A. Mickesn 47y1,154 Hampton, as their new presi- A. Nlkermo - 47 146 dent.a M. nlas - 4 4 Assisting President Grahami G. DO'wneY - 51 143 will be Gord Lowery 0f Ty- c D. Richards - 51 140 rone, as vice-president, wlth c X. Dlllng - 33 133 "Jake" VanLeeuwen of Maple r R. Bathgate . 48 127 Grove as ecretary.trear-r. 1 A.Gibson 38 127 "'Jimmien Denholm cOf Oshawa 1 Hgb Triple wlI be the lesgue's reterce-la. Mv. Martin"al 632 chlef. R. Vane s agAU ofetlast yearis tes= awllI 1 R. ans 233 b. baCk In action, along wlth Ove tuôïïû- Ont ntw Oflti7, the Newcasle 'A R. 'Vanu 2U3; M. Martin- Raiders. Who wIfl oterat e out C dle 231, '207; A. Baie 219; Of BOwmanyffle. P. Bruce 206;'XL Blake 200.Oterat,lld. Z ion No. 4 Sheeh ing Maple Grove, Hamnpton, Ty- ~o 4Seea -~ 27 pis. rone. COUrtlce, SOlina and t! NO- 3 Bate: , 3 7 pts. Salemt. No. 'l Bruce . 2j pts. The schedule wMl open on .'d là.. , 81Y2Ois a 5 town. He' reconnended that ttc Senior sud Interruediste Lea- gues be graned wo nghts Sunday achool session ai 1:45 and chu'rct service at 3 p.ru. on Sunday.. 1Ui...-May meeting. 'wll be teld at ttc home' af Mis. Ross Aston ou Wcdnesday aiternoon ai 2:30, May 8th; Mrs. Lloyd Siernon ini charge af prograin. Sevenal fathers and thein sans fron Haydon atiendcd thc Fatter and Son Banquet at Tyrane on Salurday even- lng. A number iran Haydon, attended lte Cenlennial Ser- vice ai Salem United Cturch on Suuday uioruing. Miss Margie Skinner, Ty- roue, spent Salurday wilh Barbara Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashtton, Toronto, were Sunday visitons aI Mn. and Mns. Artur Read's. Mn. and Mrs. George Ber- trim and family, Taunton, Mr. sud Mrs. Ken Urwin, Oul'awa, wcnc Sunday visitons ai Mns. M. Bentrim's. Mr. and Mns. Walter Rahin, TYnone, Miss Mary Niddery, Hampton, called on ttc Ray Grahamn tome an Sunday. Mr,. sud Mrs. Earl Thomp- son and Cynthia, Bawman- ville, called on Mrs. A. Ttonipson. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Gar- rard spenl Tuesday with Mn. and Mns. Cccil Wood, Oshswa. Mr. sud Mn. J. Polis viit- cd relatives aI Collingwood on FrldaY sud Salunday. Mn. and Mns. Leslie Gra- ham visiied Mr. sud Mrs. Albert Lock, Part Hope, an Sunday.- Mn. J. Pattsansd Mrs. W. Mantin visited Mn.. sud Mns. C. Myles, Caîborne, on Sun- day. Sorry ta learu. that Mns. E. TaPple sud Mns. K. Cowling are patients lu Memonlal Hos- e 1 Bowmanville. We wist Lng a specdy recovery. Junior Farmers Elect New. Pres. Albert Taylor, 24, ai Galt, a Junior Farmners' member for 10 years, was electcd President of the Junior Fariers- Asso- ciation ai Ontario ait te an- nual couterence beld ai the Uiversity ai Guelph, Marcb 15-17. The retirlug, president, Mn:. Pat Kerr af Acton, presented Mr. Taylor with the Presidents' 'lin t theAssociation banquet, whIàh was eitended by the Ihtario Miuter ai Agnicul- Wre and Food, Hon. Wm. A. Mr. Stewart told 650 fuests hai 1h. Junior Farmersa rg- eizatlon bas pravided many dOntarlo's leaders over thc marS. DurIng the Pontiac V8 Sale you can buy a specially-equipped. V8 Pontiac at a specially-reduced sale price.An you can make extra savings on the options you really wp on your new car ...like power steering and power brakes! OnIy Pontinc bas Wide-Track Now you catisave on Ove Ride aid standard Every Wide-Track Pontiac offers hidc-away windshield wipers, a key buzzer alarm, flush and dry rocker panels and mny more outstanding value features. popular Pootlac iodelsl We pickcd five top-selling Pontiacs; tte luxuriaus Grande Parisienne Sport Sedan, tte Parisienne Sport Coupe and Sport Sedan, and the vaiue-packed Lauren tian and Strato-Chief 4-door sedans. oulside mirror. Steering wteel. e Wide -Track Pontiac V8 Sale Yau get the options you'd chaos. yourself 1 Every Sale car tas a 327 cu. iu. 210 hp V8, pust- button radia with rear speaker, front and rear floor mats, rear window defogger, deluxe seat sud shaulder belts sud rcmote-controlled Enjoy Ê=r savlngs on these upeclai option packages: 1. 275 hp V8, with Pawer- gl ide transmission. 2.275 hp V8, with 3-speed Hydra- Matic. 3. Power stecring sud brakes. 4. Power stecring, power disc [~ brakes sud tilt-type ROBSON lu6 KIng st. F, - Se your local authorized Pontiac dealerw MOTORS LIMITED,.ý Phone 623-3396 BOWMANVKLLE ----i ýr- 1 SPORTOPICS SKATE BOARDS The Bowmanville Kiwanis Club and the Recreatibn DepI. will join forces for a Skate Board competItion an Saturday, May 25th., Anyone Interested la participating should contact Bruce Colwell. GIRLS Bruce Colwelil a miso the man to contact if you are a girl and would like to play softball this summer. Practices are teld Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6:45 ai Central Bowmia nville Business Girls (ey Leagtue Recreat ion R views ýHold Final Night of Curling lecreation Comnrntte cacb mider the llghts ai Me- compressor room ai thc arena, uer ~ea @ fl ~c etl Com mitcmrial Park with Seniors on stould have an electrical dia-'! her , eas il- Receatin CmmiteeTuesdays and Thursdays and grain so that repairs could be1 The closing night for the In the second schedule, Bowmanvile, held their régu- thc Intermediates on Mondays made cfficiently and econa-' Bawmanville Business Girls Gloria MacKenzie's teant had gaa-tndng aaprsened b la mntlymeeting in the and Wednesdays; that the mically. At the present time1 ai the Bowmanville Burling low score, with Diann Vivian eMr. Coyle ta Larry Nemiez and 'Cauncil Chambers ' of Uic local ladies teant in the Dur- there is no diagrain for the Club was held April lOth. vice, Betty Orutistan second, accepted by Grant Mallcy. Ttce Town Hall on Thursday even- ham County League be asked' electrical equipinent setun by Thc girls came early ta have and Dianne McLellan lead. Jack Baker iraphy for leading ing, April 1aUi. ta use Friday or Saturday Vite Creamery Package &M~- supper, they curled gaines ai scorer was prcsenied by AI .Thc following m emnb er s cveniigs. pany ai London, Ontario. On four ends, and then the tro-1 Cale la Mr. Bakera absence were present: ' J. C. Coyle, The reasan for this is that motion ai Hooper and Gil-1 phies and prizes were dis-_ ta Steve Burns, for Uic third chairnian; A. Hoaper, vice thc local ladies teain asked hooly it was approved thatl tributcd. ycar la a row. chairman; D. Allin, treasurer; for Tucsday evenings. How- Canadian Ice Machine instali Winners ai the tirai sche- O The Russell Honey Trapby hMrs. M. Luicas, Deputy Reeve ever, there are 60 players in the elecirical diagram ai a' dule and of the Dow Trophy. for League finalsts was pre- E.- Rund.le, George Mutton, cacit af the two men's leagues cost af $350. was a teain skipped by Jean sented by President Stephens Justin Murray, D. Gilhooly, 9nd orly 18 players involved Mr. Fanning reporîcd a new, Howard, wlth Marlene Pur.- ta Gene Balson, Captaun aofaand T. A. Fanning, Director. inthUi ladies league. O~ nO10 speaker was installed in the vi vice, Rosemary Perris Ken's Men's Wear. The Don On a motion oi Mr. Hooper, tion ai Rundle and Allin il arena during the month of second, and Shirley Kane Oke irophy for thc moi valu- seçonded by Mr. Gilhooly, was approved that the per- April replacing the one that lead. able player was presented by minutes ai thc las eguarmis for ttc hall diamonds be was burni out. He also men- Wlnners ai Uic second sche-PA K Don Oke ta George Leaver. meeting held March t7th,19,gulran srcmedd tioned thai ftte arena manager dule and ai the Doris DeNure The Sid Worden tropby for were adopted as nlncograpt- the Director. is busy clcaning up the out-, Memorial Trophy was a team ttc most gentlemanly p layer cd. Carried. Country & Western Jamboree side area of the building and skipped by Kay Ormiston,~ was presented by Mr. Worden It was. soved by Mr. Allin Mr. Coyle reported that the performing mninor paint and Wiih Phyllis Cruess vice. . ta Bob Cameron. Bâles Man- J 'aitti seconded by Depuiy, Jamborees were very success- repair jobs. He recommendedi Brenda Farrow second. and ager Pât O'Brien, prescnted Reeve Rundlc Uiat the ac-1 fuI during the past season1painting thc hallways, lounge,i Shirley Severn lead.Pf W D ttc Individual tropties tote couns sofithe Recreation De-I and a number af letters were office and dressing roins a' There were prizes for ev. - OI chantplonshup tearn. pannment for ttc monih ai rcceived by ttc Director fromý light brown. He alsa recoin-I eryone, includîng low scores. E baut ttccacsibu a ttc Msadcheaotlng t 292.2people in and oui af Bow- J mended that the dasher1 Ethelda Candy's teamin n !k b- banqet Peidet ehn n t oal exedtresenai manville e x pr ess i ng howl boards be replaced, as theittc first schedule, had low mmd a pecalpreentiln ta tram January 151ta Mrc much ihey enjoycd tem. Mr.' present ones are rotted, and score, with Mary Meldrum #~' j4fP several people who had given 3lst, of $9,093.55. and re- Coyle feu fthe Jamboree cast that a sub-comrnittee investi2 vice, Rut Mitchell second, 623 -3303 tlv yar a sevie u tcceipts for Marct $858.25 and did muchtot add ta the suc aerpist eats,bak ndDiyRdela. i operation ai thc Junior Hockey total reccipts for te ycar 50 cess ai tis annt. estayetc.eandgas hat. League. Each was given a far ai $2,763.6o -be adopted as Lor is vn.Park I GirlsManoraSofîbatl lghter te èxpress ttc lcaguc's pres entcd. Carricd. M o.dFa gin arepredtat RGirsraiorco apen appréciation aiftheirefforts. Rprs r ann eotdtht eitain r o pn Ttey were Jack Baker, John Pagen Rorythc new playground equip- for thc Deparimeni of Re-1 Oàborne, Don Oke, Grant Mal- hyrud oayPark ment and thc aid equipinent! creation Pee Wee and Ban-, ýf f ~ I I A ley, E. Beauprie. Peter Stacey Letter ira . Clerk-Control- ai Frankli.n Park would bei tain Girls Sofibali Leagues. and Alan Cale. 1cr R. L. Byron stated that insialled in Lard Elgin Parki Pee Wees are 7 and under 13, T OKMA ttc Town Council tad no in ttc nexi iew weeks. He, years oi age by January ist objection ta ttc Recreation misa mentioned tat tte as-1 0f ttc current year, snd Bau-' o Com:i:tee cond:ctinga play- phali are: wou:::be startcdi :ars 13 years of age and un- * I . e g u e ground in Rotary Park 'this v ry s ortly. d r 1 ye s o! a e b J u - ntercat in a playground. The Boys Minor Basebail is The registration fee is $1.00' R A C E S Maurice Annaertis a silil Figure Skating' Carniva tnigti aigStra e lyri tylv itu maintaln.ing HIgh Average trigti oig audyprpaeTi hylv ihn wit 23, msaDors Jli 36Th e Directèr repanted that at Memorial Park and Vin- ttc town limitsasnd $2.00 per! wt23,asDos ol26teCarnival was quite suc- cent Massey playground ai plaYer outside ttc town. RE O PE N U (47) for Uich ladies. cesstul, wiîh an audience ai 9 a.m. ta 12 noon. Registrations are available E P NG Teain standings are stili 1,200 for Frlday cvcning and The Girls Safiball League aittce Departu-ict ai Recrea- - onr close 29as pinsnfold 900 on Saturday cvcning. Ttc teld a clinic aittce Higt tion Office, 26 Beecit Avenue. M A Y StI'i i Dfl' on top th2/apitfl ticket receipîs amaunted ta School during ttc month of There will be a practice for awclos ly byH ncad $1,342.90 sud costumes fées Marclu. Ttcy will be starting bot these leagues on Satur- Crseyach wilh 28 points. $130.00 for a total ai $1,472.90. outdoors very shoniiy. day aitte Central SctoolG a ar sk Over. 20 Ga me2, 8Ttc expenditures amaunîed Playground Training Course grounds, May 4th, ai 10 a.m. Hector Balîcrutine - 294 t $1,017.09. Thc Direcior reported that Basebnand PreeW G n r sc Jini Murphy - 283 Minor Hockey Day there wcre 15 applicanis on ael Pcte Kari Blckell ____. 281 Minor Hockey Day was ttc PlaygrouU~ T r a i n g iTtc Deparimeni ai Recrea- p e w L d on AtomBaeedway Ltd.e Bent Payne 275 again a tigtly sflccessful Course and ttc negular Pl1 ion atnseal Leoau S Lucien Aniniert-___ 274 event with a crowd ai aven ground Training Course ayb-Jwilpats i Mmra Mike Murphy 268 1,000 aitending ttc day long jecis have been covcred. TePark on Saiurday morning, i 5MIE i Houck _____ 266 event. Receipts amaounted ta applicauts wnî naow write a' May 4tt, ai 9 O'clock and ttc' 5MIE WEST 0F GARDEN H ILL. Peggy Hayues 260 $225 and expenditures $112.78. test. Pee Wees will practise ai 7 VI____ 25___ Prmt Vincent Massscy ai 9 a.m. Tc' 7 ILES EAST 0F KIRBY VIu rter - . 2587Bil p erisAe eotPee Wecs will be picking' DougCarer _______ 57 r. anning reported that M.r. Fauniung reported tat ithem tesins on 1audyS ERS MN TN 25 E A Re lie-____26an advertîsentent was placed counicil had recammendelb sure yau are tere if you Fred Cowle 25inte._____nreadngta tema dy ntedie t e u n e Doss JoË --- 254 pernits-for hall diamonda in ___________ Pontiac Parisienne Sport Coupe.