- r. Q - * . . New Books Arrive Somne of thc new books that of OntarWo have arrived at the libraryl The Beluctant, Mode,] arec* Airport by Harley; The Egrle Gardner; House of1 Tower of Babel by Morrislby Eilery Queen; The West; rTo' On 014 FI oaGo"d Seretary b; Potra by Radd.l; Me Smug Min- Invegitors by J. J. Eri ority by Berton; Toronto by Canada And Its Leadera Bruce West.1 Crosbld, plus 25 books There are three copies ofladults, nurse, ete.. atories. Civil Rlghts, and 20 cqbies of The Reorganization of Sehool Newcastle Memorial Libi Jurlsdlctions In the. Provincel C. B. Carveth, Chairmai I , flewcast/e Lb, Bras Thi fer ýrary cSociaI and1 £ersonal 1 Newcastle - Sincere syj pathy of the village is exten ed to Mrs. Lorraine Messeng and her fanilly, in the lose her father, Mrs. Peerle CamnPbelford, who pass away on Monday. Mr. Charles Prier has bei enjoying a visit wltli 1 grandson and family, Mr. ai Mrs. Ed Nicsbitt. In his 90 he stili manages to atay $top wlth hlm great-grani children, Kenny, Brenda ar -Darlene when taking the downtown for treats. Cube froni "B" Pack race their cars on Monday evenirs ini an exclting hour mnd a ha of having cars judged both fi speed. and design. The yel and cheering brought sonie & tention of passeru-by who dei Ided, to corne Into the auditei 14M te see just what was ta) Ing place. It was most unfo tunate that the new spectatoi greatlY outnumbered the si parents of the boys whose cai were running. Mgny would b Worldng at that hour. in whlc case it's understandable, bu the boys do look forward t 'nom and dad comling out t root for thern. Seouter Clar Mutton of 5th Bowmanvll took charge of the race, we comlng Uic boys, tic leader and the parents. He was assisi ed by Scouter £rnie Collils3 Sth Bowmanville who was th starter. Judges were Scoute: .Harold Welsh, Assistant Dis trIet Commissioner, Mapii Grove and Harry Bartlett. Tii ladies assistlng were Mns. Clarg Mutton and Isobel Henry Tiiere were four wnners Ir t'wo events. Wnnlng award. iEor design were Ist BUIi Perý rn, 2nd, Harold Couvier, 3rd Kenny DeJong and 4th Brai Frcethy. Taking lst place I K,ipeed, a very proud young lad, %Robble Kidd, 2nd, Donald Till. son, 3rd Gordie Blaker and 4th, Allln Freethy. Next Mon. day evening startlng at hall past six, "A" Pack will run off their cars. Ail parents ane Invited to attend. The last dance until fali! sponsored by the Newcastle Artificlal ice Association,i held lu the Conuunity1 Saturday cvcuing. A g trne was enjoyed by every3 present. Spot dances were b witi tic lucky winuens be Mrs Jack Pruner sud part Fred GlanvIlle sud Mn.à l. Fraudis Tufford. The p ceedsfe!thesc dauces i been golug towards fhe Me ena Areus. Tue dancesv stant up *gain lu thé faitl, it le hojcd YOU will lic il toc. wa, Rau rone iield eing aud pro- iave an& here li. nsd lis. Earl Robinuson, :e Stratiroy, speut a f ew days iu ng Newcastle lait Ueek visitiug al! with relatives,lr. Shirley ,or Enwight sud Buck sud Mn. [Il sud Mns. Douglas Waltcn sud kt. family. c- Mr. sud lira. Bon Lowry >r- and family enjoyed s family k- birfbday panty at wcek lu r- Oshawa lu honon o!flin. Low- i-a ry's giaudmotier, lire. Leab ix licHugi who le 75 yemrs youug. i-s Recelving s lotely corsage, te presede by lier son William eh Platt, a beautiful binfiday ut cake, complete with 75 can- to dies was carrled inte ber by te graudson Bon Lowry. It waa .0 su evening sic wIhl long rem- lt ember sud cienlsi. il- Congratulations are Iudeed rs lu onden teli. nsd Mns. J. J. t-Millier, formerly o! Newcastle, 1)f now of Dundas, wio rccently le celebnated ther 63rd weddlng r anniversary. lMr. sud lins. s- Hillier anc well known te Le rany lu the village sud the i surroundlug arcs wieu ihey cmnade their home witb their dsugbten sud !arnlly, Mn. sud n lins. George Stephenson. SOur frlcnds aud neiglibors lu -Memorial Hospital ai-o: Mn.. Venus Bai-ny, lire. Eleanor d Bourne, lin. Mary Fosten Sr.,i n Master Toi-ny GiIkes, Ottoe 1, Kakdils, WilJls McNaln, Calvin1 Murray, lins. Margaret Peance, Mrlis. Mary Peiner, lins. Floraj -Rainey, lins. Jane Sbaw, lins. 1 SLinda Sutherland sud lins.1 Alice Worsll.1 e Tuer. wene a lot of fiai aton-1 les tossed &round fils paît1 1weekend witb tic opening o! e treut season. One o! tic botter1 Jones came fron mm¶w <ian 1 by t'e Guides Working,, Hard On Compfire Certif icate M Néwcaste:- The regula for their hosteas badges, thc he meeting o! Uic Newcastle niothers wcne iuvitcd te ai- n;Girl Guides 2aid Co. was held tend. oon Tiaesday evenlng, April 23, Capiain lins. S. Enencion ilu tic Cenicunial Boom. An open"dthe Meetng with a iwo o! Uic girls were workung word e! we!eonic te the Dep- uty Arcs Commissioner Mmn. W. ]Ruddil sud District Cern- .Cancer Drive missioner Mn.. .stonks, Brownle Leaders, Min. ,W. Collects $347 the men peut. a Sic explaincd Uiat forj More Needed bas been busy working for a Newcastle:- Citizens o! thc wss bchig presented that cv- village &ain responded en.. cning, with lins. Rudell sud ïerausly te tic Canadian Cn_ Mn. Stonks acting as judges. cen drive ield last week. A Skie then intnoduccd ber ielp- ts total o! $347.56 wss colccted ei-s, hMn. G. Chard sud Janice U wlich is a slight drop from, Eickmrd. d lasi year's sum o! $354.65. 1 As moat mothers are un- ýe Though fie caLmpalgu * aware o! wiat actually takes now oven, tic Cancer Socletys placc evony Tuesday eveuing, 9la ever iu need o! more fonds. lins. Brereten thougit it A.uyoec-who may have been would be Inteeresting if the rnsod ndwishes te mmke a first 30 miutso ite meet- donation may do se by phon- lng wereCcaried out as usual, eiug 087-4235. wlth tic girls working lu thiN Patrol Cornera. Follow- Thei job o! canvassiug ls ne ing roll call sud work period, smail eue sud the arcs cap. tic girls presenteci thein pro- etali wichee te thank thc fol. gi-sm for thc Campfir. Cen- lowlng who, gave s0 willingly tificate.1 o! fhi)- me: Mesdames Jean Begmnniug with '«O Canada" Burrows. Hilda Cail, Rita lu Buglish sud Fresici, tiey Char&. Eva Couci, Coutils De sang two folk mongs (eue te Joug, Jackie De Joug, lia-- be fnorn anothen country), a gery Frcetiy, Vickie Gnay, two part song, a round, a Narda Hoogkamp, Judy Hope, gooci action song, sund ended iDoreen Lake, Beverley Lake, wuî "dTapa"i. Evelyn lieadows, Mangeny lins. Rudell sddnessed the FPattenson, Kay Powell, Peggy cojnpany, complimenting fie rP"runer, Charlotte Rickard, girls on s veny fine peroro- iMarion Shields, Julie Siub- suce. Skie said sic bsd judg- lngtcu, Audrey Wslton, Mari- cd many sucli events but bad lyn Wallon, Jean Wagar, neyer eujoyed eue as mucb Dolores White . as aie dld that evening. Need- less te say, we were ail very pnoud te lean that we would comm nitneceiv'e oun Centificate. y She congratulated Capt. Brereton sud ber assistants for the work beiug done with Bowling twelCopanywonds o!afe Uillc onany sfhad fe Ladies - 200 sud over- for the girls. Then shc thsuk- Kathy Mercen 231, Teresa cd thern for having luvited Langstaf! 224, Kathy Arn- hen sud fan thc veny deligbt- stnong221. Vicki Blight 206, fuI entertalumeut. .rncsWrighit 201. lins. Cliard gave a report lieu - 225 sud ever - Geai-geonoutfli previous weeks' patrel Glanville 261, Merril Henr.y cempetition sud pnescnted 244, EaTIl Taylor 232, Homec Nur-sing Badges te ihe Newtonyille Ladies - 175 folowlug girls: Susan La- sud oven - Maie Vogels 212, combe, Karen Lacombe, Canal Murtie Harris 206, Kimi Han- Hoblis, Joan Cail, Shirley nis 175. Hamnilton, Christena Sclby, Thursday Mixed - 200 aud Debile,. Shearen, Jeun n 1 fe r over - George licNair 263, Gnay, Dale Powell sud Linda lMabe] Lewis 269, Mlarilyn Sleep. Janice Rickai-d aise Couch 233, Art Dubesu 220, pnescnted a 3 year pin te RUsa Powell 217, Ingmar Zu- Carol Hoblis. lau! 213, Jeanne Myles 210. lins. Bi-ereton thauked the flday liixed - 200 snd motiers, for comng, rernai-k- even - Ted Hoar 309, Stan ing tiat ht was very encour- Powell 282, Judy Powell 250, aging te sec se mniay out. Lai-ny Pearce 240, Allient Allen siugiug 'Tapa", tht Pearce 24BnGood 232, reat o! the eveuing wae en- Firancis Wnlght 229, Stan Ai- joyed socially, with oui- twe lin 210, Dave Cnscklo 220, Young hostesses, D ebb le Mcmrii Henry 208, Tracy Vm- Sicarer and Mary livor lu bley 205, Bon Burley 203, charge. Both girls were pas- - I-- -..-...., an- U X1UU5okEIXp -903. 1ueo on this teati by Mrs. Cl. ville, eldest son o! Fred and Marion who boasted proudly of CnurchNe a catch of three and a hall P E R V Newcastle - At last Sun-pondai.nWhl fshg lth At the church service iasat nht, ntroduced by Randy day'Unte Church service, prOperty, Sammy and Burt asked Mr. Harry Fremanmesro tePoinilo- aendu altr loh ad puptd athler adete ah eouilhand Mrs. W. H. Brown to core Ice Detachment who showed a penlumwer delcaed.The a th saie ue.Eac co!dto the front of the church as film called "W he15 o f were presented by the mcm- prove bis claim at the time they had a littie ceremony to Tragedy". A discussion fol. bers o1 Mn.. Wm. Storks Sun, as thec unes wcre brought out perform. Durinjg the week lowed. Constable Chalmena day school class, Miss Mary o!f th. water clearly showed Mr. Freemnan haît recelved a was thanked by Tom Welsh. GraCe Paterson niade thc pre- both hooks were taken hôld ceqefrorn a former resi- Courtice Hi-C attended this VientatlOn whule Miss Jennifer by UiehIsh, and as young Sam'n t, heClueethrgil eeig ttnace h Gra tod hw te mne ha mysay, 'hal afis Isbete"hood days In Maple Grove, go- meeting was 30. Refresh- been raised for this project. tlian none at all," and none is ng to seheol, Sunday School ments were served after the The set iz maroon and ild what the majority got. Nice &nd chUrch and still cornes meeting. The Maple Grove b. used for &Il ordinary church golng Sammy. when she can on special oc- HI-C would Ilke to extend services. It wMl replace the This year, the staff of the casions. Mrs. Brown, on be- thein thanks to Constable present white set, a git frorn Newcastle Public School were hait o1 her liusband Mck, re- Chalmers for an Interesting the saine class four yeans ago, hosts to membens cf the ceived the cheque for $1,000 film and discussion, which and which will now be used school board at the annu.al with grateful thanks, for the made our meeting very mean- OnIY on special occasions such diniien. Teachers and board building fund. The 'cheque lngtul. as Christmas, Easter and for members were accompanied by ws0o r.F .Dvdon h ueaehvn a Tedings a their wvves or husbande and Oshawa (nec Bertie Gimblett). race ln the C.E. basement, Thoe cl as bas a further enjoyed a wonderful dinner Ther. are only a vey few O! Thursday evening (tororrow projeci, ~ to asemnytpur- servcd ln the Lion' Boomn by her sehool chuis lilving ln ngt t8ocok aet chase ptpe et teband eden o flhc unlts of thc United Maple Grove, now. MMm. . G. are nvted te attend, especially durng heLntnamsdvn Church Women. Ame5na thc Freeman being one of her the fathers. Hope a good Sundays. ~~guests were Public Sehooîu> school f-lends. nibnwl ted Sunday, M4ay 5th Is Visita- erintendent aud Ms. G. Mac- ubrwlated tion Day. Plans are made to Leo<I Following the dinner, a The. seveuth meeting of the Next Sunday wlll be Gideon visit ail the homes of tic social hour o! cards was en. girls' 4-H Club "Peachy Pals' Sunday. church menibers. The purpose joyed wli many comîng p-Wms héld at 6:30 p.m. n the C. Miss Carole Greenhani and o! the visitation le threefoid : sage eaten tidnc. E. Hall on Apnil 24. TrudyMnBbWaelTot, to welcomne newcorners and te __________ umenick read the rol cail spent the weekend with the get te, know theni better to and the girls nswercd with former's mother, Mna. C. sclicit contributions to e Aî nmi' "fruit desserte the familY Greenham. psay off Uic church debt that DIlLIWIN likes". Minutes o! last meet- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers lia accumnulated and taen- .. ng were rcad by Nancy Rog- and !amlly and Mrs. Allan courage te give regulmrly week The synipathy of the cern- ers. The girls then received Snowden were Sunday visitons by week to the work of the muuity je extended to Mr. and notes, "Fruits Go F'estive" and church. Mrs. Amoes Langley sud tam- they also helpcd make varlous with the latten's daughter, Mr. St. George's Anglican Churcli ily ln the sudden passing last nick-1tacks w1th fruit. They sns, Wst.BilDv o an on Monday, April 22nd, Open wcek o! a sster-iu-law, Mrn. then divlded into groups aud 'on sa etura Ms.Ala House was held thnoughout Abner Langley, Ncwcastle. werked on their achievemeut Sn audyMsAln the. afterzoon and evening at Mr. Ray Brown, Newcastle, daY which cernes up next Sowden accempmnied by ber thic RectoeY, with Uic Rev. and and Mn.. Ivy Montgomnery, nionth. Meeting closed at sister and husbmnd, Mn. and Mrs. Robert Maync welcoming Toronto, were dinner guests 8:45. Mrs. Reg Taylor, visitcd their mether, Mns. E. H. Wilkins, over 200 gusts. A tour o! Uic Saturday eveulng of Mr. and The Maple Grove HI-C held Port Hope. Rectory was conducted, atter Mrs. Douglas Rahme and thelr meeting In the CE. Hall whlch gues were servecd light Kevin. on Sunday cveulng, Apnil 28th. Mrs. M. Goodmurphy and refreshments by members o! Ken Beyd was ene of the. The meeting opened with The ber mothen, Mrs. Ethel Hlnd- thie churcb. Among the gucats six candidats frorn St. Geo- Lord's Prayer. The minutes man attcnded the Golden viulting were Mn. Nayne'a par- rge's Anglican Chunch, New- Were approved as read. The Weddlng Annivenaary o! their -ente, Mr. and lira. Lester castle, te lie presentcd by Bey. HI-C dcclded te attend Canip cousins, Mn. and Mrs. H. Hayne so! Slmcoe, sud Mns. Robert Hayne te Bishop Snell Quln.Mo-La fr eekn Clark, Scarborough, on Satur- Hyesmother, Mmn. J. Tur. for the onder o! confirmation as a group to do repaira at tie day. nen c! Port Credit. Bev. and whlch was held Iu St. James' camp. Wc wlll also attend a Mn. and Mrs. R. L. Westa- Mrs. D. R. Dewdzney, nw ret- Cathedr&I ln Teronto. Thc>.e dance at Tyront. We dlscuss- waY, were Sunday cvenlng fred froni St. Georges. and attendlng were Mn. and Mns. e showlng a mevie on June visitons with thein daugliter, living lu Port Hope, attended Bob Stephensonandami renda; 2nd callcd "Face the Music Mr. aud Mrs. Cedrlc Russel this occasion. Rev. snd Mma T. Mn. and lins. George Stephen- %0 gUeit speaker for theanfmiy M. Sith Necaste, ev.K. u, M. ad Mr. Rss oydMn. andlMns. John Nonnet J. Frampton, Bowmanville, and snd Jina, ail o! Newcastle- Mn. lansd Cam 'wilson. îow and daughter Susan were Sun- rn1shop and lirs. H. R. Hunt and Mm.. 3h Youn& ,;;.a,- men. Mr. EllswOrth Caswell day visitons with Is grand- o! Toronto aloo attcnded. borough; Mr. and MUn. Ken won fthc luckv door linize and Parents, Mn. snd Mn.. W. Main- On Tuesday momlin& Uic Stephenson, Orono, Mr. StePh- Mn. Cecui Maiîey Ithe îucky mn, Guelph. Andican Church WOMen's enson belng Cenà Godàta r «lp. TesMwr-lzs ee o RadY SnOwden snd Mr. Deaaery meeting was held ai and Mr. and MmILu C. Brandi, gner*Twly do ate by John- my Welsh sttended the St, George's beginnng at 16:30 Termite, Ken#&<i.dparcnf. soei' Drug Store, Newcastle. bridgoeUntiod Chrcln, Camd a.m. Some 80 te 90 ladies wert Following thc service, Mr. snd The. lucky draw obabo ridgyoerUnte he w cnd. nd expectedl. Lunch wams srved l ins. &Brandt enterUalad a rcre wswn abx Ofre. Tii. mhemny fnied. !M. the. Parlait Hall and 1oilowing buffet ln houer of thelr (W.d- crn Bruni, Newcastle, a large Olive Leetooz are sonry te hear the speaker's address ln the son. Part of whlch was douatcd by mie bas undergone surgcry lu àftenn, tes was scrved. Miss Linda Brooks, Bow- Uic uhree stores in thc nelgb- Oshmwa Generml Hospital. W. on Swiday afternoon, Bey. manville, spent Wedne.day borhood: Bnown's, Zulaut's wlsh ber a sPeedy rccovery. irobent Mayne atieuded the sud Thursday wtth Mr. and and Kozub's. Mn. Ken Wright, second son Jonuation et St. James Cathi-lira. RuBoByd sud boys. Miss Jean Perrin and Mn. o! Mr. and Mrs.Fed Wnlght drilu Toronto when at that Brown&, 1st Cube and Scouts BUt Morley atiended abnh Base Line, was lnjured on tlesix members o! hie own Group Comniltee held a suc- day party lu Peterboroughi On Tucsday, April 23nd while at =,-' sbwcre confirmed. They ceseful Icard party at the home Saturday evening in honor O! work nt the cernent plant. H. were Helen aud Ruth Yates, o! Mn. sud liMs T. W. Wilson Mr.. Fal1s. was wonklng in tic qua Keifli Mhhench, Joanne Cani- on Saturday evening. Prizes Nfra Lucy Grcenwood, witi niachinery wheu a ]big eron, Lindsay Waddel audIfor cards went te thec foilow- Brockville, vislted lait week- stone feil, landed on ticenma- Keaneth By4. tt .were lng: MnM Cecil Malley. high enid with fier cou b>hr1sinsalnsd chluery just bchind hlm and condfimdb icRgl r..lMm M.Jn Csel ig lnHarold Hughesand fana- lnjured bis back. Hle now George Boyd SneU. manX La Wencb' Wiison, giow . - la Memorial Hospital, Bow-1 I Il * WHAT'IS Ow foit nomn is "~The Greo Alontic & Pocific Tee Company" sut, hoIo st, we'rc n"&P" for "P And »mpe friende >ke te coht m »T4 .Tou Comrony." Why? WeN, when A&P begon, 0w first product *gos$tC. You leorea alot ebovt teQ i lhot length of time. Todoy, >'ow con f5Oyow 4 m tdF@Is of aN 14,o experience hy iosting one of A&P's Mie Mee rodcts; A&P's own Teu 8egs, for exommib Eoch i>og com*ains op to 10 of tbe worWd!s fk tn.s hos f rom as mony as 5 differens cOumrDes. tt con toke thot mony te de.'dop our dstint b4end. S. now >'ou know why, by some, we're collqd "7T« e C omwpany." Kf you'd 11k. ýo know why we're cabled "Greaf', shop A&P " isweek. 4 1~ » PARE QEPNCED PEANUT BUTTER 348B J" 99i A&P FanY Qu#aty Canad4., APPflESAUCEs A4P Fae.y Q.Salty TOMATO JWC JAVEX Bec KETCHUP fl-)G t4.rnoe (" *4 Vae.#..Except Mt) BABY FOODS 3 ~4 9c *oePffft be 4 A*E M 2 4m639c JANE PARKER FRESH DAKED GSD00 JAME PARKER Buy 2 MIE - l*E 2ne fiEfRUBARB-AMPE 2R&>L 8-INCH 9 PIESJ OR CHERRY' L24-OZ M 8Q 7 JAME PARKER DAI'Y DATEO BUIy 5 - CyauEM HM 4524AZ99 ~I~L~uI S 9 1% PEKOE & ORANGE PEKOE - 2 OUI' SIZEN NATIONAL TEA WEEI( A&P TEA BÂGS sPEIAL KEN SAVE 6c pkgof 6049c APRIL 29th - MAY 4th A&P OUR OWN TEA OflANQE PEKOE 'Ya-M pkg49C WHY NOT TRY ONE 0F Â&P's A&P TEA BAGS NECTAR PEKOE pko989C OWN BRANDS THIS WEIK? A& t RON AAGRNTA %-bi59 SUER-RIGHT QUALITY - CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND STEER bEEF GROUND CHUCK F-REHLT AT AUP WE CONSIDE ONLY TH4E FIRST 4 RISS TO DE PRIME RISS-TIS GIVES YOU THE FINEST' EATING tOAST POSSIBLE PRIME RIB ROASI A GOUfiMET CUT - BOt4£LESI DELMONICO STEAKS m.1*9 BoNt4OIE 01 MEAT PORK LOINS FROZEN FISH FEATURES A&P Urend ran*Piep #-AVS COD FILLETS 6.pg9 A~P Uand Pom.nRe. .P-4 . jkflet - SAVE jEu HADDOCK mSa &«,kzpg 39c A&P - on eaSald Bransd Froz.n Reg, Prie@ pk. 0.- SAVE Se COD FISH 4STICKS ls.z Pk959c ALL PRICES IN THIS AD QUARANTEED THROUC14 NO. i GRADE SATUROAY, MAY 4t1j, 1908 7 INCI< CUT '-75ý LEAN BRAISING RIBS m45ý END CUT tOAST ~69# CENTRE CUT ROM1 ,79ý BANANAS NQNP ~aoe IbiS 14101*R ATÂ&M EC1JADOR, LARGE SIZE, = '4.. speedy rccoveny. il N K LL Sauli Ste. Marie, are visîting Tlira. J. et aSiteth*nollla ni Bie oteuests of l)&. andlMn. IL t' ~ M. ad in l'. ppl DmpLug e hnfi o al ri manville Hospital. We wishHwe moi'i r.and rsadattUic bornee o!anr Werry, Bumas read thc minutes o! ùn a speedy recovery. Mns. N. Coilmctt, Eownm. and aise spending some t Pi 4ifrtereihhli meigeis.Bi e- Mn. Melvile Griffin, Black- ville, visitcd with M.a at their cottage near Leskard. meeting, with ten girls pre- comcd Mma.0- C. Ashton and stock, was Mondmy calter ai Mm. W. Grnfflln on SuAday. su M. .P.Swllwsent and on. visiior. We on behaif o! thc club thanked Bussel Gri!fin's. Mn. sud Mns. J. Beiie li. nd. .C P low pcncd with the 4-H pledge ber Ior gettiug us g m M L LmbPhip sd arnasc. were Sunday visitons wti ber agou.Wc read about fr-uit r. and ns. more mbPip an Kre, roe Amy lddle, ellcailwastake, ~were visitons at Mn. sud Mn. were Sunday caltera at R Toronto. several home, iiospltal andansd frostcd thc nlm o! a glass. Mril and>ns, NesDetid Mr. lid ins. Leslie Colacuttinlstitutional cails. seversl au- Funther plans for Achieve- Mr. sud Mrs. Robent Camp Mtn. d Man. s atteuded the Centennial Serv- neuncements wene given, Iu- nment Day werc discusscd. bell and !amily, Oshawa, les held ai Smlem Church on cluding su Invitation te meet Everyone enjoyed Uic grape were Sunday afterneon ea werc wcckeud guets at Sunday. with Talnlty U.C.W. ou May sparkle drink sud samplcd gutats ef Mn. aud Mn. R. Staintons sud A. Niel=%n Mn. sud lins. James mcli- 21st at 2 pan. The offcring fruit breads t Uich girls had Howe. Mise Joanne and LSl ars d s on, Blackwater, were was recelved sud dedicaied. brought. Miss Elva Onchard sud lMr. da wth'a pent St eSundmy visitons wli hen par- Mn.. Ken TIuk then turned Mn.. Geo. Jnwln was a Sun- Richard Clark, Bowmanville, L. Staiintn'Gr. prn ente, Mn. sud Mns..F. St. the meeting over te Uic pro- day viuitor of Misses IAnsewene Suuday tea guests ai t ait......... Pierre. .. ga commuttce. Mn. Garnet sud lianjore Mintoshi, -Mn. sudlin. C. Stainicn's. he Mats m o eetn nGo yue chose froni Uic Study by. Mn. sud li. Smndy Mooe, IL hld Is mnthl metingon o!o Japsu, thc stony o! Mr. sud lins. Alan Werry e! Shirley, Mn. sud Mn. Wil- 5 ag C o April 1Mnthe i church hall. thc Wheel Chair Apestle, aitended a tes for is yne bur Vance, Prince Aibent, C o Prcsldcnt Win Brown opcncd Yoshlkazu Watauab.Bbc read Bradley sud Don = 2ou t Mise Edna Vance, Toronto, thc meeting wiihapom o is ~struggles te live s Uic home o! Mn. Carl Brad- lira. Gordon licLeau, Bo- 1su rance "Thank God For Hnd": hritian lfe sud bnlng otbe«s ley.o, o udy manville, wene recent ' hsitn Twenty-one members 5fl5wer- te Christ even touho b ad ZGa, n udwith lins. P. Toms. vl _ o A va ilbl ton gave a report on some of oalfoi hc hir lBneMn. H. McGilîi 5lMn.oyWih, o th eia udcuminlThe torture aud tormeut he ielc T.ooto, Mrn.ud lins. Ernest As a rsl fasces wthe mcal ado u cathi dt e ac ronailfloWv W-t dy afernoon vial- HockadayMiss Jean Hocka- i~î !ssecs ha t fcefrmbi fllw il ors with Mn. James A.ay pilot test prograni In two liai- sloukar fud outbyth e i sý lagons sud even bis owu fani- sud . rae day, Soliua, werc visiosîc *a ai cr i .. Chunci. Mna. J. Holtby ne- ~wr ett ucnbe n ihM.sdMs .Wright Insurance Commission of à potd ht o hdbenuntil ho came lu contact wth Mrs. Bantondale had a and Mr. N. Wright.1 tarie announced today thari set t ven boxeas eifsd banDn. Gono Sugibana, an active qullting bec ou Thursday o! Mr. aud lins. Robent Wil-. forage cnop insurance W,,, b. 1othert box e "Stareetfan" n- ember o! tic Christian Medi- lait week. Those attending son, Oshawa, wenc Sundym eaalbe umlonta Th Estn onil srvc cal Society, who travelleci were Mrs. Ted Chant, lins. eveurng callers at C. Avery's. o! Ontario. was epened by lins. P. Flint-tiugutJpntatnti MunjyHa tolr. . li.S Kersey, Hampton, T'h. only areas not Insunblib off. Hymne o! Pi-aise, Cern- III sud spreading Christ's gos- MçGIll, lins. E. A. Wenry sud had Sunday supper with H. under the plan wlll b. ithe mittment, Conflict and Trust pel.,lins. E. Page, Enniskillen. Ashton's. Provisional County o! Halibur.. wene sung. lins. S. Jeffery This brie! Insight Iuto tic li. nsd lins. Fernand Lali- Mrs. F. Toms was a recent ton and the Notieru Ontario gave s meditation on Easten study book bas areused th rien n sd !arily will attend weekend gucst o!flins. G. Districts. sud Mn.. Flintof! closed with interest e! the ladies, who are the wedding o! Yvan Coun- licLean, Bowmanvilîe. Cvng will Include seed- au Easter poem. The study auxicus to read and iiear noi-e noyer ounlMay 18th at La- Ms Elizabeth sud Master ed pastUre, hay, bay sfiage bock on Japan was given by about Japan. chine, Quebec. He is eue o! John Werry, Etobicoke, spent sud coi-n silage for 70 per cent lira. R. Brooks. Lunch sud aà lins. Robent Muir conducted the Canadian hockey players, the weekend with thcir e i average farn field. social visit were enjoyed by thec devotional, dweiliug ou the sud a cousin o! Mrs. Laurion. graudparents, tie E. A. Wer- agauttcpnlso al l evenyone. Easten theme. Shedbegan wiîh Mli nsd Mn.. Floyd Pethick ry's. Dr. and Mrs. Cakdrougît, frost, flood, plant a poini "Palm Sna" Scrlp- sud Bill, Scarborougli, visited Wenny were Suuday guests. disease, lnsect Infestation, ex. turc was read from Mlatthew Ou Sunday wlth Mn. sud lins. Mn.and lin. Grant Herron, cessIve rainfal sud exceselys EBEN ZER28:1-8. Hymu 98 was 81.111f S. Pethick.MRbn Linda sud Peter. Courtice, moisture. !BN ZE ollewed by lins. urm. Mn. sud Ms Elt o inMs. Douglas Cole, Bowman-' Farinons may Inaure ou the tation on "Thcelieanlng e!fflic son sud boys Starkvüle, Mn.. ville, wene Suuday callens 5f basis of $15, $20 or $25 per T'he Evening Unit o! Eben- Cross". A poenm eutitled "Thc Cecil Bcbins>n, Orono, wene E. A. Werny's. ton o! hay (or hay equlvalent>. ezer U.C.W. met lu tht chunci Lost Christ" was nead, tien Sunday evening visitons with Mn. sud lins. Allan Cole, The low rate ciarged for ibis hall ou Tiursday eveuiug, lira. Lloyd Dowu beautifully MT_ sud lins. A. Sharp. Bowmanville, were Sunday compreliensive protection will April 25th at 8:15 with leader reudered "Tie Old Ruggeà Mr-. sud Mrs. Geo. Inwin evening callers at Mr. and mean forage dan be lnsured for Mrs. Ken Tlnk pnesiding. She Cross" accompauied by lirs. were Priday dinner guests o!flins. A. Wenry's. a litie less than $1 per ton pcned the meeting with a Glen Plckell. Tht devotional Mn. snd huis. Jot Brown, Mn. and Mrs. M. Stainton ou tht average fanm. poem called Decorations. The was closcd with prayer. Newcastle. were Suuday callens on Mns. Crop Insurance authoniies minutes o! tht February meet- Lunch was served sud s Very sori-y te report Mr. J. J. D. Brown, Orono. say this Is tic firsi forage lu- [ug read by Secneiary lira. Ro- frIeudly bal! heur o! visltiug R. Knox, who bas been living Mrn.sd lins. Deunia Miler- surauce scieme te lie develop.. bei-t Muir. were appoved. brught tc cveulng te a close. with bis daugbten, Mn. sud sip, Columbus, wene Sunday d iu North AmerIca. BANANAS \/alue-Priced! b- il LL.- m m m j -,