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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1968, p. 12

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w',>.. 12 The. C&aia-I tsý Bw-v- a y 1, 19181T RN Jack and Jili Club Again Scores Great Hit With Cornz A Poppin Production at Town Hall Mayoite ~M~C~~nBeo and Troe pthdl atadcideM.SotR Satiirdayevening to ev no ndfinWloe deliclous turkey ape ttewr Sna usso r annual Tyro, Sim- a-ad r.W ak quet ithe Tyroner mnn-M nMs .Flaon 4 BuHalingtonl fathers and sons wr i t atltn r.C hw s tendance. Rev. ArhrCe-aaWeegst !M.n eIl of ClaremontwsgetMs.i.A ite speaker. Rev. Cresllgv a tihree point addrs h r.AneRvr iie 4 . !~~~orm. of three quios ManMr.PuVaek ected to the boys Wo8~M, n r.Mra e you? Where do yoliad What ore you îon od tedd h ytu e with Your life? te ewednatHponApl Cresswell had pknth2O. Tyros and Signi-sthm r eog eHmtn selves took overthporaad .Wae anya- for the next hal! orf hntne h ahrSnTr several llvely snswr aqe au<a vnn heard and many bde n ihtergados attendance awarclswr r.W o n sented. Mr. ClarecWo-DebewrSuayisor ley gave the whoeeeigohepaetM.ndrs showing slides poyfte Moosonee on JameBy.ADebeRyeldtoee. hoped, Clarencehegtedbaehrouhbfhdyn interesting slides wt e audy humorous anecaote.M adMs.LnePan Mr. and Mrs. ArnoidOoo iie nSna Mooney, Oshawa, wr u-wt r.W ilr day guests of Mr. ad ~ M.adMs rodWl Cavers.lansadamyeset, - ~~~ » . .., ~~~~~~Mr. and M rs. J lv r n r. R o es a d In t. -.... ~~~~~~Fenelon Falls, calle nhrM.adMs .Rh mother, Mrs. P. Mbo. wr udydne usso Mrs. Russell VIrevstdMS ar idrHmtn on Sunday with Ms .s Anme rmhr t Staples, Bowmanvi.teedteCnnnaChr. Mrs. Reta Rodman saaSrie tSlmSna was Friday guesto!M.ndR.anMr.avdN- Saturday eveningM.adtehmo!r.adM. Mrs. W. Rahmn visiel r n oetCag aeflo- OBITUARY UftdhrhCnena b »~~~~~~~orothy Morris and AI Strike in another skit.OR N ECHUESomMy8tat8p. In faillng health frsm o h hrhAcinSl time, Norman PercyHgeMyih alayoeo h Charlie Trim, Terry Black, Lyn Lowry and Jeanette Lynn take part in a zaney skit. 1pI267Pin19St, Witbde tw rPu ae ville. He was In his7syerMuilGiinOhaaMr foness en e si oand locabs- Born at Fenelon Fls u evleGifn lcsok Local (hamber of Commercebededeha hso:aSoo!t liM.anr. eS Membershlp Committee, re- >,~ >s*~ was marrIed ta DortyIaco ot n r.RyGa C ar a a G e o of t ebelle Sm th at L fndsa a 1 2 . h n, Ha d n ee M n a W elcom e Two Ne Delega bere 28 me> n- A was n mPofe 'V e n.Pieseea~~~ o W e c m s Tw e elg t sabout 25 years, MnI uhsVd i.W am ber firms utoff aupssebler20 At R cent Dir ctor Mee ingC. member could do more tobais retirement I 96 e aonfar rsoiMs o Increase membership, M . Mac- forMr. Wood, ye At Recent Directors M eetingGnegor stated, and he unged irermntn19 everyone present to do every- a member of AIl SainsAgi ai i.Atu ihrs thing possible in this regard. President Robent Lawton Chamber of Commerce ta the George Forsey be contacted ta He tld the meeting that an- former member o!fh oa n ar ibet 05 welcomed two new directors, Great Pine Ridge Tounist see if he cauld make some oOhraltgeeslictin mebe Mrs. Fred Kramp, an ap- Council Mn. Murray who was sketches of what might be shîp will be sent out soon. H ~ ..> .j»~ rne ILodgve. rww o i.Jh poinlee, and Councîllor Keith present at the meeting accept- paînted on a long range van - Mge is, si. ytoOedn Ebackelton, the nepresentative ed this appoîniment. He is ta, promote Bawmanville as Public Relations and Publice-%~-. ...dagtrMs .Asi Mn yoefinsws of the local Municipal Council, also a member of the G.P.R. this would be of assistance Ja itY were discussed, and ar -~'- (Robinelte) of Osbaan o peyrcvr o to the directors meeting of the Tourist Councîl. obtaining an accurate estimate rangements have been com ,Ms.W Ruwanier Nra.fMs dî upy ain 13owmanville Chamber af Com- Jack Bryson, who was also of the costs. pleted to have bookiets is--\ Geera.Mo. merce held in the Castle Hotel present at the C. o!C. direct- This motion was seconded tnihuted ta 1-1gh School gradu As uvvn r w i-ptl r.R ugs n recently. ors meeting, was appoinled a by Mn. McGee, and carried. aies. These have been order- >. ters, Mns. Bruce OliefAl>Mf.K olngfo a. Others present were Don member o! the Retail Mench- Presideni Lawton stated ihat ed. It was decided ta have Ch fRoalme(Edt.> a etn aia apt MacGnegar rhu apr, anis Committee, and agreed ta Ithis methad of promoîîng Mr. Mackenzie investigate the two roers, Enet and Ai Les MacDonald, Malcolm Mac- serve in this capacity. Bowmanville would bring the possibility o! having "Welcome tw hAhr, re kenzie, H. B. McGee and the The painting of a long range town ta the attention -of to Bowmanville" signs with Recording Secretany, Mrs. R. van was discussed. Maurice people throughout a wide- service clubs' emblems attach- grandchildren and togra-Mmrl opta Preston of Preston Tasotsra ra dptu i h onsgrandcildren. Me wspo .A. Fnank.Trnprspedae.dpuupttetonsdcaebyasseadto Don Murray was appointed Limited, who atlended the Mn. Hoopen, Chairman of the entrances. dcae yasse ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___brothers. the delegate o! he local meeting, showed the directors Retail Menchants Commuttee, A report from ImmediateTefnrasrvcwshldWelyRpt a picture o! the van painted in the nean future will have past President Wilfned Mc- for the promotion of Whiz a calendar schedule a! stone Mechan. who was unable to  ai the W. C. Towne uea orth eko pI products. bouns set up for the nemain- be present, informed the meet- Chapel, Whitby, ai ..o 2-8icuie Get Cash Today Mr. Preston told the meet- Ing holiday weeks of the year. ing that he had represented Api29IneetaslAmio . . 4 Fo l plaCSing that he hsse asimulan He emphasized tefc htteBawmanville Chamber o H c asconducmted y By its mi,4fml FoOdAplaesvan Painled to promote a bis cammitlee, which is o COT-Cmerea h retnc-.»e&s4 HaptonduCeteyd ev through twbt be nbet oe !Mn. McGee, Mns. Oshawa Community Chest ne- AIl Saints Cburcb.Maoopatns .1 oTT S AN db a hotogan au o i He Kapeand Mn. Brysove n, oudardn rpsdaagm- Doug Rackham, foreground, receives an application of make-up from Bille The pallbearers weeakMnooertns .0 C L A S S 1 JF 1 E D S pressive as well as being ef- ideas or suggestions frai the tKingKmp hTomin helshkroudoDneprri Kil-th Emergency trealments 49an Wilia Jo Phono 623-3303 fective frm an advertising netail menchanis. AIl mem- President Lawton stated that Ki hli h akrud o orsgl h aeteietfo rt en, TmWlam JonsLe point of view. bers of the commîîîee are an estimate frai the James Bradley- paick and Cal Redpab Vstighu 38pmday Mr. Hooper moved tha keen ta, work constructively Publishing Company for print-- ing an information folder bad ers spent the weekend with been received. He said thai Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Wright, be Is attempling ta, make an- Peterborough. rangements to have the town's Mis Barbana Buni, Raglan,U Farti a place ~~~~~ Indutinal Commission help to and M. and Mrs. Maurice Bin-EA Dnd U Ehe W IT AS finance ibis folden. stead, Claremont, were visit- Em a place in ~~M. MeGee remlnded the ors wilh Mn. and Mns. Jas. EDadUEteW dinectors that BowmanvIlle bas McClurg and family ai the two hockey teanis ibat have weekend.e som eone s heart ~ ~~~won &ntario Charnplonships Mis. Robent Wright, Janet- O U T C N T BE T T E ~ A S F E son o esh a hsya.Te r h -vle, s istein-lw p r- Y U J S A T B A H eNoie Hockey Team.adth Me ns er ealip. ad NnVii-P WnFOR FASTn R9ESULTS alC. o! C. members wîîî be Womnen's Institute is always get the most for your J -welcome and that h las hoped veîy grateful for the plants many wlll attend. thai Mns. GIst donales each buying or selling dollar, year for the May Auction. The Ladies' Aid o! Nesileton NESTLETONPresbyterian Church sponsored supper on Tuesday, April 23rd. Recent visiiors wilh Mn. and Those who allended enj oyed a Mrs. Lamne McKee were Mr. neal1 banquet and Mns. Moward and Mns. Eldon Thompson, Lee, and Mns. Kenneth Gil- Peterbonough; Mn. and Mns. bank, the commutte. in charge Jack Griffeon and Margaret, are ta be congratulated. The unwanted children, the aged. a cailfor help. 1lo provide Frnk rip, shaa;Mns. rthbaeenLae actiavé oIwadU h the destitute, the alcoholics, the the homes, haspitals, clinios, and Mrs. Jack McMiUlen,' Scarbor. Board o! Managers. The churclî Want Ads. it's wher. ough; Mn. mnd Mr$. Bert bha as beep palnted, a new oil patential suicides, ail the thousands other services necessary and boys; Janetvlle and"' Mr. boating- unit, lnstalled >and a the action is... It'sF in distress turn ta The Army. for the dignity of humari:y, Calvin McKee and famiîly, piano for tue Sunday school Cadmus. was îecently puîcbased. The Salvatian Army neyer refuse5 The Salvatian Army needs your help. Missý Gail, Sellers,. CollIng- Mrs. Richard Davison was everybody's " bulletin . ' Objecive $4o00.0 visibed Friday witb ber hostes for a committee meet- board " of best buys .. Objetive- $4500-0fr andfabher, Mr. Eli Mais. ing o! Nesileton Wornen's In- Treasrer M. McKenîe unday visitais were Mns. Bud stitute last week. Tickets for goods, services, Trenasu Dre tr - LTZDATES Virtue, Brenda and Donna, bbe W.I. draw were mnade into1 Captain H. L. Fraser Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. books and numbered. Those opportunities Charma - . M Jaes RON------AY thDouglas Fry, Scarborough. attending were Mis. Cecil Wil- Charma -J. . ame ORNO--- - AY thMr. and Mis. Delton Fisher son, Mrs. Miton Fisher, Mrs. Business & Industrial NEWCASTLE - MAY 7th and Scott, West Hill, enjoyed Grant Thompson and Ms, Chroesina&so - Do o thrrriusie ur the weekend Wtth his parents, Bruce Heaslip. prfsinl&S«& te omnte uigMr. and Mrs. Milton Fishier' Miss Lucille Beacock Who P OE6 3 30 W. Roms Strike Month of May Other recnt vWt s w M1 has graduated from bher Sec- and Mrs. Morley Fisber and retial Course, verY kindlY Dontios ay . orwrdd t: Rd hied ppelgranddaughter Lori Dufty, tyPed the tickets. c/o Canadian Imperial Bank of Commnerce, Bowmanville Sabnuh was a weekend visitor with or 20 Centre St., Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeVriesi Mr. sud Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. êaîn tzem Margaret, Louise sud EUza-Saturday evening visitors were - 1 beth, VhIbby, vlited Sunday Mis. Fred Bradburn, Jmnet- with N% Norman Sameius. ville and Mr. Maurice Brad- SMi. and Mrs. George Bow. burn, Scarborough.

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