The Canadian ftatamman, Bes mmle, May ft 98 iEL-PET-SWAP i su inin nos mim ui In Memoniam Cards of Thanka Cards of Thanks Coming Events Notice to Creditors ^Notices Held in BowmnleI BOTWET ....n ovig e- My lneretinkntothse- Myhto xpes myceRO E T URtNOIC T CRDIOR BO MA VIL E prlI3 wi6sanhwa rmade expoereons!slqorwa sin-aw morY of mother, who passed who sent me cards, fruit and cere appreclation to ail my ROWE OURS EScTO RTE 0F' OLIVE EApf 0,Î68adweek brt.heCrown aWaY May 2, 1964. treats, also thanka to Dr. Me- relatives and frlends for their WIieelint, Wust Virginla andINM.E OUST O ALIE-P B CMgsrt rwforwGeek.Si ~n.EnrGy,41Vcoi Tho gh her smlle lu gone Kenzle, nurses and staff, dur- glfts, flowers and cards *hil1e Grand Ohe 0>wy m BS O N a Ng ams PER- PUBLIC SCH OLS Mgsrt aodGet Wallace olH ~forever lng nmy stay In Memorlal Hos- I was In the hospital. Speclal Weekend of Ma~¶y 17 - 20 SONthe sae o!liveM . aaE. eitrt preslded with Crown Attorney ford, pleaded gufltyo!mar.StePrt ery care Anher hand we cannot pital. thanks to Drs. Slemon, Grant Hotel and Tours Arranged the nstn ate o!Otie M ETR gstato G. F. Bonnycastie, T. Jermyn ed driving April 27.Cni.Aga 4wt aiga touch, Tom Philpott. 18-1 and MiIlos, the staff of the Boston, Norfolk, Washln tohnsponClaktVae oNew-. acting as duty counsel for tion brought a fine o!$2(n uooiewtottecn Stili we have so many medical floor, Mrs. Gray, Rev. SPEoINGhME TOU Clnv rke, illged ofNer - ofGI Beglfn&s Legal Aid. Magistrate R.* B. costs, or seven days, adat-sn !teonr lae memorles My sincere thanks to frlends, Northey, Rev. Kudra, Salem May 23 - 31 - 9 Daim the 24 February, 1968, are Children whorac tlerB trwsstionaatn.atcusnon! ons.guty Of the one we loved 5 egbus relaieandogc.CW n theiBwavilr James Ralph, Wiflowdale, Constable H. Cooi iec !CntM much.0nizators frlierad, g-tsAreaAmbanc te. Ao a n- lCALGARY STAMPEDE TOUR required to file proof thereof fifth blrtbday durlng 3968, was fined $25 and costs, or five observeci a vehicle wingal ~ ~ e >Pwst .-.Sadly mlssed by Albert, messages and visits I receivedà cere thanks to ail who helped JIY 2 - 17 - 16 Days wlth the undersigned Solic- who> are chlldren of Public days for speeding 85 miles an over 1-ighway 401 na a-teaosccrvn i ik Bernice and famlly. 18-.1* durlng my stay In St. Mlchael's Farewell and Brian In so many Canadian Rockies, Paciflo Coast Itor, for the Executor, on or School Supporters and who hour on Highway 401 March erley Road and chagdtel rcr ato lha A Hospital In Toronto, and also ways. Alaska Crulse before the lGth day of May, live wihi the t<>wr limita, 16 (Constable D. Stuart, driver, a member i!11 i BOTHWEL-In loving me- at home. Many thanks to all. Lela Blackburn. 18-1* Jul,' 22 - Aug. 15 - 25 Dayu 1968, after whlch date the are eligible for M~ndergarten Opp) Fre are ihfu hl- a u fgsadwsual ____of_______________RaySwan_18__ -New Entland, Cape Cod, assets o h saewl lsssoelg1 etme Michael Karpin pleaded not ren. He requestedtowestarcedfth.Hewkd and ranmoter ho assd C min EvntsAtlantic (City Tour dlstrlbuted, havlng regard Al such parents who wish gult<>f falin to> av haf topayhisfine,.aafrhue n foeO andwa a nd, 196. I ouldliketo tank mo- 9Day:- Auuat -i only to the cdaims of whlch to have their children attend the road clear December 301 A charge o! illegl pse-fu RiNsitn awyMy2d 94 ol iet hn y9Dy uut3the Solicitor shall then have these classes are required te oe Lovlng and kInd In al ber frlends, relatives and nelgh- Reserve May 29 for U.C.W. Maritime and had notice. f111 cut a registration formn for aaH a retdna ida Upright and just t h n flowers, gifts, cards sent te uhePrtTrn Hall, Aux. 31 - Sept. 18 - 19 Days D A pril, 1968.te th s acol,lgwthpof !G and charged.t th o! erdas; e he I asa atintinevey rlay lgt.Admis- Travel afreendit1onedERihLoen, age of the child, durlng the ta atfi h cue a Sincere and kind In heart and Oshawa Hospital and also sion,_lunch and pri7es. 52-tf Waahroom Motorcoach Box. , ch a st Le, n, we !My6t 0 mind when I returned home. Bx9 ecslOt, we fMy6t 0 What a beautiful memory John Hooey. 18-1 Chartered bus ta Niagara to For information . te above Solicitor for the Executor. A cerificate (blrth sertifi- NratesTCort fo pasing she left behind.____ see Blossoms, Sunday, May~ 5. tours Phone 18-3 cate, PasSPort, etc.) showln oningchuefrwiho .-Lovlngly rerbered and 1 would like to thank Ladies' Phone Port Hope 885-2527. 385-2527 PORT HOPE -______________ the ebild's date of blrth luwssntne osi ots ____________onavd,________f___nh 78Royl 8- required of ail beginners. The Ontario Department of rnost Identical te thsehteHe asresdlst hu- sadl rnsse bysonDavd, uxilar o! ranh 18 Ryalin olia l-1~RQWE Notices Make plans now te acquire one Transport's decision te adopt U.S.," says Turner. ,dyadinndaeypce fmiie. 8-*Canadian Legion, Rebekah DanceInSla CommunityL Berice ad fmiles 181wLodge, St. John's W.A. Even- Hall, Saturday, May 4th with TRAVEL AGENCY SO that It will be available the a new set of standards for ail Referring te t]e CA~u flIi hre BOTHWELL-In lovîng me. lng Branch and Maple Leaf Earl Brown's Or ch e st ra. 1- Piano teaching for begin- day you register. (Bfrtb cer- passenger tires manufactured recommendation thattire~Teacsdbae I i mory of a dear wieand_______Clubor_______and_____plants___eners. Phonee.623-3726.2n18-1 Phoncates-for. c8-1dren born for afterrJulyon1IbasfbeenJwelcom-s shouldehave-molded haneembote inoryEo!zae h ar wlea rntb lbeorcarsua-n nie pants Eeyn ecm. 1- ______________Ontario may be obtained from ed by G. F. Turner, vice-presi- sidewails: sîze, maimu n.tobeo lola erEliabehwbopasedawa whlebeig sutin.Thaks Bake Sale, Sbaw's School Auction Sales Open Bowling at Liberty the Regstrar-General o! On- dent, tire sales, Goodyear- flation, maximum iodrtn(gvn2 asi al Ma n,16.te alI. and Comnt Cu,-i Bowl Lanes, Base Line, Bow- tarlo, 70 Lombard St., Toron- Canada. manufacturer's IdenicaoRgnninedte Four weary long years bave Mrs. A. Wright. 18-1 crest Cleaners, on May 4thÊ, Auction sale o! furniture, manvrnle, durlng month o! to, cost $2.00).b f smnalqo prl2.H passed away 1 'lc 2 'lc 72Petbick's Auction Shed aI En- May. PoeS3t6 frrs bire bi aaanadr d eaomostnmrorqese ta h ig lis Since fate decided te take I wish ta tbank ah frlends, 1 'ikil 2 'lok 1- wholnonStudyren-Pon 23563fr e-Associaorec ter aada Sadadppsci-rov-,nmbrofpi eighosAyo _ _isig t_ go - nsln o audyee-ervations. AI Osborne, Man- t -alsboapic you away. negbr and rçlatives for Anoewsigt ot ng, May 4. Sale tne aer sixth birtbday during 1968, lion, reatng a minimum per-a'smo and, wber 1,11 be glad wben my turne owers, gits and cars while TlpFsia nOtwMy'cloc. Cif! Pethick, auction- ______18_4_____have__________ ed Knd- franele sand aig tubleshesI aia,Tueiasfotrtnn cornes In haspital. Many thanks to 19 , Phone 885-2527, Rowe eer. 1- ,Jh .Mcel ergarten In Bowrnanvllle, and on car tires bave been incor- tbls rrda D MKi d Rd , Travel Agency, Port Hope. wo18s-1 ntr rde1,ortdJohnoyars rgnC.oite uttht i tisin reerckP439Clvn To be laid down beside you, Drs. Mcenzie and une, AsinCur, saw, wiî formationGrawa1 already in ven Pontypool, cbarged wioutb thefa For there is litIle lefI for me aise nurses and staff on Ma- 18-2 Asi orOhwwl classes in September, are also equlpinent and popular lines foton oody airems oua !a uooieArl on this green earth. ternity Floor. Band Concert by Orono NEED AN AUCTIONEER? nol be resionsible for any required te register as out- for some lime, says Turner. ones.eletedtril b maistale _d debîs contracted In my narne lined above. "Udrte ..Cndaat ner de ht hie Eiec asta ewe -Sdy missed by Dad and Hilda Cochrane. 18-1 Junior Band, Orono Town Cal Doug Gower, Jimn Wood, by anyone on or afler Ibis date Udrte.S-ad uo Trnr de t Family. 18-1* Hall, Sunday, May 51h, 2:30 Auctioneers and Liquldators. April 17, 1968. 16-3 Registration formasbould be pact, aur lires bave met, and the CSA standardswee e-10ad1:0pm b'soea ______ I1 would like te tbank ail p.m. Good selection of rmusic. We specialize In bousehold, obtained from, and returned in mýany cases surpassed, tbe comed, tbey did notreivteCerotsainwgnb- GRFI-nlvn eoymy frlends, neighbours, rela- 18-1 farms and macbinery. Cal '. ,- ~tai the school whicb the cbild standards laid down in the driver o! bis responsitlaoniglToasBduc o! a dear husband and father, etie me flwil ndMemoria Bowmanville Higb Scbool 728-1005 - 723-0976. Rates on Fo sita c Il ted Registration Is U.S. I understand the new take the best possibl aeo olpol n rv lt Lamne Erle, wbo passed away HooopiNal,", Tbursday, and rqet Big or smal .. we CANADIAN t ecmltdb a 0 Canadian standards are ai- bis tires.Jaevlew re ernof May 7th, 1965. HsiaBwnnil n Friday, May 2 and 3, 8 p.m. do them ail. il-If Please pass Ibis notice aîong tera n badtb Three years since the sad day Oshawa General Hospital. Aduits 49c, children 24c. CANCER SOCIETY to any parent who requires ue mTm er n satd ht The one we loved was called Special tbanks te Dr. Rowsell, E ron ecoe 6-3 Te nes *dautoee hs nomain away; yan r.Fegso - will seIl by public auction for Phone Mrs. M. Syer - 623-3177 A. M. THOMPI flSOagiNi-,ovi' roli Gdto i hoe twsand nurses. Entertainment tCa the estate a! the late Charle Mn . . Ocema - 623-2318 M any N e~w ws rikig ndsugele God oak lm one l a Charles Burns. 18-1* Hotel in Bowmanville. Bob Allun at 55 Churcb St., Bow- 10-If 17-3clamaion Cntreiorcipatl. But in aur hearîs be iveth Wews b exrsau Adams and The Blue River manville on Saturday, May il met silîl. W lht xrs u Boys, Saturday, May 4, 8:30- ail his housebold effecîs. List 0~e jl fjl agsrl us elne -Ever rernerbered by wlie sincere thanks to al aur 11:30 and every Saîurday o! articles next week's paper. ~P 246 i l aoeya ihIi Ethel, Jean, Al! and children. neighbors and !riends for floral nigh t. 18-4* Sale at 1:30. Clif! Peîhick, P.eco4-8mendation.tO pe 18_1* tributes and kindnesses sbown Plan now to attend Red auclioneer. 18-1 W _______us in our recent turne o! soi-- Cross Volunteer Blood Donor -___ raw. Clinie, Wednesday, May 81h, I{ILDERLY-In lovlng me Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kilpatrick, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 WEEKLY mary o! a dear moîber-ln-law Mr: and Mrs. Roy Woodward. ta 900p.m Lon LIESOC Bowmanvielle M umseumMNMNS~ end grandinoîher Helen, who9:0pm Lin Centre, 18_________ 7- LVE TO K SALES T EO T ROM NCP LB A D Bowmanville Museum will roarn, early bedroom;tegn passed away September 23rd, 18HE BNTAanvOlMU_____________D re-open for the 1968 seasan eral store, doîl and tyran 1961. 1 would like to thank my Kendal-Penny Sale, May at Durham Çounty Sales Arena I H ATRO eto 1 ae hsmnh ln n adcattos PeacfueyfslepigsrleepiaIreltivesf-tens, eigrerlatlivesndaScboleudi-Oroon-ivgrhTous.,7:30.1m iN HE ATTEa0FSecton (1)lAtedIbs moth.Plan-an hanicrftstoos, dcumnts,4 '.m- last trium. eautifl applqued SllingHorses Cattl, Swin, reportsuncwere orpordioaI apomtsl-repbolo arapmeet andtmanyhsondhir has, ocaLocal ureson8i9IfoouorsesBealounappiqedseitn Hese, CtteSingo!ofeMuncialCorortioeungo!BhoausumBord el aricesrticles.AFOR The world's wcary troubles Dr. K. Slemon, for cards, fruit quilt and many worthwbile Valves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid Quletint Orders Act (R.S.O. April 24, Chairman A. M. Date and lime o!fh 98iI BO.LD and trials are past; and visits while I was a patient articles. Scbool age and over, & Son, Sales Managers, 52,tf 1960, c. 251) and Thampson presiding. opening will be anone In silence she suffcrcd, In In Memorial Hospital, and te 25c. Lunch. 18-2 Sections 6(l) and Il o! The There will be several new shortly. patience she bore, Ihose who supplied rides for -Annuaàl-Spring Buffet aI SI. Friday Nile - 6:30 p.m. - TrioIlDvso dadatatv isly.Rprs Peeta b etn ce ~ J~ 'Tii God called her home la my wife te the hospilal. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb, May 3 - 136 King St. West - oertra ivso c ndartrangeentislyf or ts se nt C ham et. .M suffer no mare. Alfred Grace. 18-1* Thursday, May 9; sittings, 5:30 Oshawa Au c t Ion Rooms. (R.S.O. 1960, c. 395) onaranemns oriiiàtei.mrmnM -Mueadfml. 18-1____' were given by Mrs. Melville Tbompson; TreasurerM. or -Maue an famly.and 7 p.m. Adulîs $2.25; Slaves, fiidges, cbesterficld, - and - Wiseman, the curator. At the i-est Dilling; Mrs. IV:snMn HILDERL-In lovng me- I would like te thank aIl my children $ 1.50. For tickets beds, springs, mattresses, c- f-Imeig o b 98dyadM- ibr epe HIDRYI oig m-relatives, !riends and neigh- Phone 623-5203. 18-1 casional chairs, dishes, chrome ffl THE MATTER 0F an application Bordbl aury e meebens of the Board Ibis N. Wlbe mo-yo!a ea bsbndan brsfo tei vsisflwes, Plan now toattîend th suites, gular, old fashioned by The Corporation o! the Townlship Wsmnwsapitdt h year; Mrs. Roy Lunyîr.ou el fathr, Chuc", ho asse giîs ad crdsdurlg iy sty Frsyhia ea nd Bke aleorgan, new 54" rnattress, o! Darlington for a quieling order position o! curator o! the Keiîh Sbackelton, aco h IIE away May 6th, 1963. in Memorial Hospital. Special in Trinity Church Hall, Friday, dlocks, clecîrie dryer, ail burn- t sals t ea xsecMsuadas oata w ersnaie You bave gone across bbe thanks te al the nurses on May 101h, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. ci-, clecbric portable sewlngta sabihlseglxsenMuum an aso a storpeentvef-rnTwBxîz rieIulclForas aD.AsicsUic rhW- machine. Many mare i1ms corporate status and proper secretary ta the Board. As Council, Mr-. Roy NIchLs h iTothe shore of evergi-den, Hubbard and Dr. Spi-aule for men. Baby sitting pravided no reserve. Tei-ms cash. Doug ai-ca and boundaries curalor, Mrs. Wiseman w te ersnaiebiga-38Dna t .*WIb AÏ w on t 'e ou ter ontntcrean in-be in charge o! articles ac- sent; and Curator andSce lu J.ty6835 amid elong fa eeyutrcosataranknd 18:.2 Gower, auctioneer, 728-1005, - end - quired by the Museum, their lai-y, Mi-s. M. Wlscman faiia-faeness la me. 723-9241. 18-i1aaouncaeaddsly But the river flows between. Clarence Edmondson. 18-1 Hard Times Dance, Tyrone, IN THE MATTER 0F By-law 2370 or Se waalsoact as uie and sly So lthn ar ears w'h Saurdy, ay 41h Clra Bowmanville Auction Bai-n - the applicant corporation attendant during the months always keep We wauld like ta express Nesbitl Band. Guest piano Wed. Nite - May 8 - 7:30 MuemIopnote A special place for you, ouîr sincere lhanks la i-cia- player, Dorothy Bristaw. Mac Marnoîh aucîlon, stoves, NOTI CE 0F APPLICATION AND thp usblic.oenb h $ d try ta do oui- best ta ive tives, frienda and neigbbors Ransber-y ta caîl. Last dance frîdges, dryers, chesterfîeîdpulc As you would want us ta. for their messages o! sympalhy a! the season. Welcome ahl. suites, beds, mat-cas, 9 pîcce APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING Arnong the new displays for .-Sadly misscd and forever during the losa o! a loving 18-. tdnnhomsie hnacb AENTC htTh oprto !te-Iis season, Mrs. Wiseman remcmbcred, Maude and fam- husband, father and grand- To'e>, bîp reprted, wîl be ealy Cana ily. 18-i. father, Oscar John Luxten. MONSTER BINGO cme sotatile, il burner o!o Darlington has applied bo The Ontario Municipal Board dian pine furnilure, on loan MAPLE LEAFBNLS Thanks te Marris Funeral THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 e'clock desks, garden teals, piano, odd for a- quieting order under the said Acts for the purpose o! fi-rn Mi-. and Mrs. Rober LEDDY - In memory o! Lea Chapel and Reverend Basil Sponsored by the Junior chairs, tables, venclian blinds, establisbing ils ai-ca and boundaries i accardance with Lambert, R.R. 1, o anle, CT A 1967. wh passed away May Lngfrs O Luxtiang d of Commerce many other items. Plan t Schedule 44A" aîtachcd bereto. whieb wiil furnlsb a kitchen 4e, wh96ong fr s cafobing d s. chamberroam; a number o! pieces o!f I 4okn akwt eois1- JUBILEE PAVILION attend Ibis auclion, Wednes- Looln bckwib emris 1O S H A WA 8-b! day nile, 7:30 p.rn. Daug AND TAKE NOTICE Ibat The Ontario Municipal Board glass, an ban fi-arn the coilec- RO L Upon the path wc trod, Gi-v olby --Gwer, im Wood, auctioneers. bas appointed Tuesday, the 2lst day o! May, 1968, at bbc lion o! Mrs. Kenncth Cavcnly, Whole or Ea 1bless the hours I lhdwih I was a pleasure la mccl Maple rvMotl Euchre 728-1005. Headdptosnesand othei ems you Ihd ihsa many friends and relatives Party, Saturday, May 4, 8 p.m.____ 18'l hour o! cleven o'clock In the forenoon (local time) at bbec Hampban;e and Indeian mss And leave bbceiest wilh God. aI, our Golden Wedding An- Seasonal prizes donaled for 1 have rcccived Instructions oni Chambers, Municipal Hall, in the Tawn o! Cobourg, from the collection of Mi-. __ -Ee mmere d by 18-1 kind wisbes. For lovely carda total bighest score. Monîbly fi-rn Mr-. and Mrs. Frank for tbe hearing o! ail persons Interesled In support o! or In BWanlePud, rgeSI.,th _____and gif lu received and te ahl prizes and lunch. Admission Harris o! R.R. Nortb, Orono, apposition ta bbc said application. subjeccl o! an article In Th LEDDY-In îoving memory who assisted in any way ta 75c. 18-1 on the 8Ib Canc. Clar-ke, 1 mile îA of a dar fater andgrand-_____te________a____-antnarbh of Kirby. aI their resi- AND FURTHER TAXE NOTICE that a plan and Canadian Statesman. Other FRESHLY GR(UN and emoabl Rotai-y Ftreworks, dence just off 115, at 1:30, on description o! the boundaries In question In the said applica- special loans for this season faîber, Lea, who passed away îan k occasion, we Monday evening, May 2. the foui-lb o! May te scîl by lion may be inspcclcd aI bbc office o! bhc Clerk a! bbc appear through the summer8 9 May 4. 1967. say takyu Music by outstanding group. public auction the following Townsi fDrigo taytm uigrglrbsns esn ON Just lhinking o! the lbought- Mi-. and Mrs. Samn Powell. Gymnastic display frorn Clai-ke articles: 2 dressers, chest and nbpo a-igo iaylm uigrglrbsns esn fui thinga 18-1 High School. Tickets 50c cach table, floor iamp,' 1 day bied, hours prior b bbce date appointed for the said hcaring. In addition ta these wili be hal you hd a idand onc, I wbuîcd lke ta thank ail teorn p rkly ingifo d ancomb. radio and record player, DATED ai Toronto Ibis Sth day o! Mai-ch, 1968 displays fi-rn the Museum's Hain yu lllemo-c reatve find an iu begrudapakig orbad- 5 kitchen chairs, 2 washers, 3 .SOT ERTR own large and varied collcc- a rMaNTS ~ cchan brsfo tei fowrs fui, esrvd pae.623-3581. machine, 3 woodcn lawn 18-2 VicIai-ian parlor, Victerian bced:- I AB l BA E ' -Ever remembcred by Joan, gifts, carda and visita wbile cppd8eron3olycCh aifrvs, 3pll ouiabcd, kscwîng in;alobcpro oraD Ted and gi-andohildi-en. 18-1 In -Memorial Hospital. Special 1- his is rps ice _______D._udl, ure cuphoards, kitchen table, elec- _____ thnk t Dr Rnde, ures SUNNYSIDE PARK trie Iron, co!!ee table, 6 scat- ,e LEDDY-In laving memory a! aei kndfonesurgicae loor for MONSTER BINGO Ici- ruga, pals and pans, whcel- A0e ow -b a dear father and grand!atbcr, fher k iendss andTh e ihb-. barrow, garden tools. Terins _II R funes-!fr-ns-n-nig- Thuirsdau ±r M rrht c as-h.1 James F.1Wood-Auc-2vvl3u Magi*strate"s CourtI Togetherwilh mebers af .tiOCiaetOr N. . agai s at e of JSmuel TAXE NOTICE that The Corporation O! the Township Sco0uîtingtoskillidfeld sats, _______________________ WO!adear ant an unle, te afl grat IudesorcChar-les Allin, late o! the o! Clar-ke bas appîied ta The Ontarioa uicplBoard f- or b1bicsp orsndrnanîhrn Of a ear ant ad unce, hartfet graiFor fInfhermation 20Countyf o uranilln, e a aquieting order under the said Acîs for bbc purpase o! boy-centred acliviticu. away May th, 1966, and Rus- and for the acta a! kindness C l 2-25 wbo died on or about the 22nd cstablishlng ls ai-ca and boundarles ln adcoi-dance wlth A bighiight o! the Jamboree B R EA IDM A G R N scîl L. Woi-dcn, October 41h, in ouir behal!fallowlng my r- cl 2336 day o! February, 1968, ai-e Schedule '«A" attached bei-do. will be "Youtb and His Woild" oEE 1948. burn from Errningten, N.S.W., C L E hereby notifled te send ln to an Expo approach to Interesi 4-, VYour love, smilcs and guidance Australia. Il was at Erming- tiikCOSnieLSliierRfr A.ND TAXE NOTICE Ihat Thc Ontario Municipal Board boys. They will be able te ifU . VJbs 1 Wil nvc b frgltn. ton that my wlfe, Gertrudc TRAVEL SERVICE tbe Estate, Box 7, Bowman- bas appoinbed Tuesday, bbc 21st day o! May, 1968, aI the explore Ibeir many hiterestsCI -Always remembcred by Winnifred, passed away on BOWMANVILLE ville, Ontario, on or before the hour o! eleven o'clock ln the forenoon (local lime) at the and concci-ns. "Youth and His Beylan Gron 1CoAr l n19 . Tyo - 16-4 29th day o! May, 1968, full par- Coundil Chambers, Municipal Hall, in the Tawn of Cobour& Ambitions" wiil feature voca- Coliicu.arsloo!ftheir cdaim, tions o! the future. "Youth AaaT FLA-OAS IRESULTS COUNT! and relatives. 18-i *ljAttention Traveller! î%Immedîateîy after bhe said for bbc bearing o! aà persons Interestcd ln support o! or in and His Dreains" wlll depict SM I Conulta Mmbr e 1h IWiS taexres mysicer Anon wlhin t trvelby29th day of May, 1968, teas- opposition ta the said application. caon.nth ex- pavasectsonfwil j cosuta eme o he I ih oexresmysicreAyoe ihigtotrvl ysets a! the deceaaed will be caon.e ther aectso!n du 1(E EM Gi9 thanks te Dr. A. F. McKcnzie, rail ta Western or Eastern disîributed aniangal the parties AND FURTRER TAXE NOTICE that a plan and des- feature "Youlh and HisI CE CR Dr. H. B. Rundle, Dr. I. K. Canada will need reservalions entitled Iberelo, having re- cription o! bbc boundaries ln question in bbc said application Leisure"l. "The Brolherhood Ugray, operating i-oom staff on the Transcontinental Trains. gard only to cdaims o! which may be lnspectcd aI bbe office o! thc Clcrk o! the Township o! Man" centre will ailow the and[ nursingstfofMmra Make Your Reservation N Mi te said soîiis for-the Scout te explore bis faith and Hospital, Bowmanville. I cx- Estale shall Iben have notice. o! Clai-ke aI any lime duiing regulai- business hours prior pi-avide an opportunity far en lbs te Rev. Basil Long at DATED at Bowmanville Ibis ta bbe date appoinled for the said hearing. him te mix wiîh saineo aziuw te dctos ad saffCanada's interesling cthnie Y K S TA ndt0 b otrsadsafr 301h day o! April. A.D. 1968. DATED aet Taronto Ibis 51h day o! Mai-ch, 1968ciznu Xuh an Hi e TPELISTIKS SEl VC fo!Princes Mai-gai-et Hos- JR O E LSTRIKE & STRIKE, (ind . CTS crt M s "Y e ai-a ngigHMEO pial, Toronto, for thc care yrL,~ Solicitors for tbc Estate Sge)RSCTectayMs"wilbara wnig Osharwa & Distrct and consideralion given tome R V L G N o! Samue1 Chai-les Allun, TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE corner. 1 I n my recent confine-1 19 Rint Street East Box 7, Thc Jamboree wiil be openo F ON ]Ra EtieBeid mnta te both hospitals. Bownianville - Phone 623-31821 Bowmanville, Ontario. ROY A. POSTER, Reeve H. E. MILLSON, Clerk to visitora !rom 2:0 ..1 Maian A. Kilpatrick. 18.1*1 18-1 18-3 18-2 9:30 p.m. daily. I 4 1? i