* - -~-- - w,~r-~#--' yr-~-~'~~ 7 -. - - -. . . - -,. 10 The Cmnadian Statesrmaj, Bowmanvine, May 8, 1988 and Wynth eur cormuni the 'Ivory Little' farm. 'W lwere pleased to see them ot MiIk Producers Welcome Tels uhepryo h auditorium Friday evening with fifteen tables in play. New rodu t Le isiaion The high winners were Gis- "The federal governmen t':I rug directorate. concerned a the past ten years. The Jersey went to Valerie White and Kflfounoement, that no produr tter sent to ail food mnanu- and Guernsey farmers have Bob Winn Jr. Arvilla Part- znay be labelled as a milk su; icturers stating that serious oaid for this campaign through ridge and Reg Elliott received atitute or replacement unless ý tIional deficiencies rnay a voluntary checkoff of 10the door prizes. ls nutrItionally the equivalci celjr unless a food (presum- cents a hundredweight from' Church was heid Sunday of mldlk ts hearfily welcomer, bly synthetic milk made from their milk cheques. morning at 11:15 with Rev. by Jersey and Guernsey dair- egetable ois) used as a rep- "In this connection we great- iSnelgrove in charge. Wewere farmers," Robert Wade, presi icement or substitute for ly regret the current 'milk-is- very pleased to have as guests dent of the Channel Island alIk supplies equivalent milk' attitude of the Ontario about 30 members of the Breeds Milk Producers Asso mounts of protein, calcium, Milk Marketing Board that,1 Durham Chapter of the Eas- ciation stated today. 'ifAmin A, riboflavin. thiamine since March Ist, has put our' tern Star, led by the Worthy The Ott.awa annouincemeni mnd acbie acid. tarodiuct into a common milk Matron, Mrs. Dorothy Mercer by Dr. R. A. Chapman, <irec- "Our mIlk has the highest pool. Wle will continue our and the Worthy Patron. Mr tor-general of the food anc* 'rotein and non-fat food val- efforts to produce and offer w. Pring. We have heard es.rhi.. fact has been est.ab- our milk to consumers under niuch concerning them ' andc 11lished hv scientific studies the tradernarked naines of were glad to have the privi- Farmers Able iade byGuelph University. To Guernsey Gold and Ail Jersey. lege of meeting them. Rev. .nfom th pubic aoutthe "It appears to us that in this Snelgrove told the children ;pecial mitritional values of matter of protecting the rnilk the storv of the 'Singing OP \li JerseY and Guernsey Gold cnu Ier nterests, the Poli- Birds' before they went out To Insure Crops milk we have tradernarked ourj ciés of the federal an~dprovin- to the Sunday school room. Against Loss dollars -,on adxertising -over ly ai odds."_____ text "What Christianjty A e Um g Uquestioning of Peter, askingt "Farmers are now able to Àn& ur.i'u urcuu aiendur him 'Lovest thou Me, and friure more crops against ha7 - Peter answering 'Thou know- ards such as hall. drought and est that I love Thee.' The wet weather", stated A. G. Thîirsday, May 9th, 7:45 Ontario Department of Agri- foundation of the Gospel is Treskey, econonist, Kemptviile P.m,--->urhani County Junior!culture and Food, 14 Frank based on the love of Christ. College of Agricultural Tech- Far twrs Executive Meeting,!St., Bownanville. Ahl young The choir sang 'Living forr nology. In addition to thr BQid Boom of Ontario De-! people will be w e 1 c 0 ime. Jesus', and Mrs. Judy Fonk t spring grain and winter M, *t martment of Agriculture and' whether present members or sang very pleasingly the solo,D plans, the Crop 15, 4lence Food. not. TeHl City. Commission of c)",trlo will MVay 12th - l4th Annual Fridav, May 24th, 1:30 P in. ' The U.C.W. met WednesdayC flow insure graWi corn, forage Meeting, Ontario Institute of * Ontarlio Department of A gri-! evening at the home of Mrs. r,- gii soyïeans. Agrologist.s, Bruce MacDonald culture and Food, Extension 1BihIr lo with iss C. W. Mfr.meskeshocnta ot, theiMonay a;3th -Doreen rmanville. l rove gave us a fine talk on 1 local crop insurance agent Hamill, Hoe Economlst. will Jtiiingl7th - Julch 3rd folh well in advance of the final be at the Ontario Department ard Spencer, Engiish Overseas oed ngqesim twiohnadsfo- date for application. These of Agriculture and Food, 14!I)elegate will be visitin'g Junior joerweid.yaTqestionl andas-s final dates for applying are Frank Sre.Bwmnii.Fra i-ersb uan Co-unt.r eid Terl cî a l ae o oag rpMx Please ('ail 623-3348 for ap- FiaJn lt-Dra ways which we could use tov M15 for oringe rain and aoutv pointments. CounîtY'Junior Farrners Annual keep our church from being Ma1 5 for piggrain an anoi tuedv a 4t-iti Field Dav. Pine Ridge School. closed. None seemed too sat- e soybeans." If a farmer doeslATnual-Durham East Wo-'Bown le . is-f7t---n a ctr -ecptt e h flot know his local crop Insur- mens Institutes, Mount Pleas- Jn 41 2t.Ana people to corne out ta church. I eneagent, he can contact an ant. ;Extension Branch Conference. Miss Stewart read an amus- 1Ontario Department of Agri- ing article on bazaars and i 'gcutrirepresentative .As; Wednesýday\,,May lSth _ IueadFo ndArC- udrisn rjcs h *-well as applying hefore thefDistrict Annual-Durham West: culueadFoanArcu-un rasn pret.Th farner mut aso omn's Insitues, Blak-tural Institute of Canada An- ladies were each given a $1,00 .dealin, tnuai Convention, Hamilton. talent money to see how we lhave their crops planted bysoc.Tobacco Growers Please Note can make it grow during the ýça certain date tn qualifo for Thursday, May I 6th. 7:45i The tobacco specialists from year. We are to serve lunch 1, i .suac oerg. pm-Dra - PoultrY!Deihi will again be visiting at Mr. Laverne Patterson's 1ýCrop varieties whirh thel Club, Ontario Department of1 the area on a regular basis. If1saeoMy25 tw dc- ,ýConimisslon 'viii insure are Ariculture and Food. 14iyou wish to sec thcmn cail these o fnaMaye25sLt wa decid :$ollTally those recommendedj Frank Street, Bowmanvlle. OnaoDertntoAr-ed ofinc sedgtw d:n the Departmnent of Agricul-' Wed eday, May 22nd, 8:00! culture and Food, 14 Frank ghirls t u in-Mo-Lt ac Camps :ture and Fond bulletin. "19681 p.-eDurham County Junior!Street, Bowmanvillc, e lephone ti umr twssget '~Piei Crp Rcomenatins~ Frynrs ontlyMeeting, 623-3348. Cail by 9:00 a.m. at ed xve bring flowers for the 1. the latest on the specific day. nfîow er e in a t th chrchas 'Please note that this Is al-l enx etigbti a ways a Monday. May 13-27, decided that any time now a Il I E Jun 1024,Jui 8-2, ug.5..would be better ta mnove EU g 10pt -16.ul -2,Au. perennials, so if you have Prepared by the Ontarlo inet eaa otc B OM AV I L E 1 is ter. w sarlterly yetH.For- D U W M A V L .Departmen of Agriculture and trM tis tearltt orlrs.H.fos- i vll. 8301200 1151,900 anuas.Also if you have A U O62-34. ____1 soe ood used ltigth ý...wouid like to send it A UTYB DY1 o the Street Haven in Tor- KENDALonto for girls who are trying KENDALto get jobs but are very poor- ly dressed. Mrs. Hoy served BODY & F NDER REP IRSWe werc pleascd to sce Mr. us her tasty fruit loaf for j! ?~!~ G EN:R EPARS and Mrs. Charles Gay. Bow- lunch. H an EXPRT AINTNG anville, out to church Sun- Sunday afternoon was very R E F I I S H N G n d X P E T P A N T I G t d a y T - e y w r e at e g u st s q u ie t in th e v illa g e a s M o st îEfM.adMs .Gah of the folks went to watch PH O N E 2 3 7411iM.adMs o ite the stock car races over on ;DaeadLn eedne the boundary. Sunday was guests Sunday evening with their opening day. Somne' of T'H. DUTYF, Proprietor Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, the racing cars left here Orne about 9 a.ni. The stock cars King E. at st. George We wish to welcomne our have to be towed over as they ____________________________....__.flen____________and__ sons,__________the roads. Gordon Langstaf.f I t. 'I I I 1 I I I I I I SE VIN insecticide us on your side, SEVIN Carbaryl Insecticide protecled the apple on the right from the Red Banded Leafrolier. SEVIN provides a similar outstanding control of many other tree fruit insects including apple mag- got, codling moth, oriental fruit moth, pear psylla plum curculio and grape berry rnoth. SEVIN is also effective for thinning apples when used 10 to 25 days after full bloom. SE VINCarbaiyl Insecticide gives you a combi- nation of advantages unmatched by other insec- ticides - lt's economical, safe, effective and dependable. When it cornes to safety, SEVIN really takes your side. Not only is it safe to handie and use, but in normal application, spray drift onto forage and feed crops isflot a roblem because the residues of SEVIN Insecticide do flot show up In rnilk or meat. In addition, MEIN breaks down qulckly and loes flot leave persistent residues inthe soif. Seeyour local qericultural chemical supplier Mid lnsist on SE VIN Carbaryl Insecticide. 1 nrjo' AGRICULTURAI. PRODUCTS UNIO CARJOcANADA LiMITZD:Ch.nkals 4 Ris ems *F.*O&sPIW&rA@ A a f0. I 1tefnd Judith Wood. presr- a~E RUE RUR U~~ WUU UWU UWU~ porter.i e L V E D D I <Durhamn Junior t'O Artific al n e ia niThe Peietcle h ' tmeeting to order and each C e member repeated the -Caf lu Re ceDaIi T m i the minutes of the last meet-Hetn y- i andsigned. Phiip then turn- Breeding cattie artificially1 Kemptville Coliege of Agricul- Leader' and "Seiling Rock- ed the meeting over to John ,The Snuth Durham Junior, has reached the ail t ime high . tural Technology. man", both rated "Extra", I Murph.y. ouir summer Agri-Caif Club meeting was hel)d !s ln 1967 of 148023 services in, Mr. Gordon Parki of Bloom- serviced 50,462 coxv during i utltural Representative. Mr. at the Ontario Department o!' d Eastern Ontario and Western'field, Ontario in Prince Ed- 1967. This was 47Z 0f the Muirphy, introduced our Fruit Agriculture and Food, B&-. t- Quebec. the service area Of t ward County was appointed total 107,257 Holsteins bred. 'and Vegetable Speçialist, Mr,,imanv'ille. on Monday. ApDl d Eastern Breeders Incorporated!iPresident for 1968. If one of those outstandingtBey. Ells who outlined some'29th at 7:45 p.m. at Kemptville. This was an* hbreed improve rs had been used 0f the topics %%e would be! The meeting started with: y Increase of 13,293 cows over! Secretary-Treasurer Mr. W. inn ed epoal ol ocre ih nti ore'h - ldeadtemn the~~~ peiuyer16. G. Thomas, reported the bus- i n ed epoai ol ocre ihi hsc us thepcdgeand athe min-t -.tepeou er16.hav e produced 25 or 30 caves, t lie also taked on sol prepara- .ue fteognzta et Tw hnded an less ln excellent ifinancial'an thousand' of breeders1ttion. seed treatment and .ing. correct as read. bd attnded thd fîfty: standing with revenue of would be deprived of the prix'- cutting. The members each The meeting was then turn- eeenegAonuth. 1,088.212.58 ilege ta have heifers in their paid $3.00 for their Netted ed over to Mr. John Murphy - Metig f te mmbr on- Past President, Mr. Raymnond herd f rom him. Gem potatoes. Our club lead- .our new assistant agriculture Ennerongaild ina the Kemp noted in his address Percentage of services to er Mr. Mcl Wood explained 'representative by Gary Cor. EgneigBidn athethat "with the exceptional bat-prvnsesneahbedxa some of the essential informa- nish out rsdn h iti tery of proven sires now own as foilows: Holstein - 84%, tion about this variety. Each'buted the books for the sum- won the feature race, aned we cno help butT- Guernsey 17,Arhr'_'.me lorcie a free mer's work. Mr. Murphy then Gorgeercncor'svrandso'rve the quality of cattle in 557, Jersey - 35%. 50 pound bag of fertilizer from ýbroke up the Junior and Sen. cam seondin rae. our service area". Progeny proven heef sireslAgrico Chemicals. Books and ioîr members Into two grotips. The herd of Mr. John West- \viil be in better supply to pamphlets were also distrih- : Francis Jose, our leader. Guest with Mrs. W. Mercer. ervclt of Picton,' Ontario ii EB.I. breeders, due W& aniuted. The meeting was ad- ;closed nur first regular meet- Wednesday was Mr. Melvin ýPrince Edward County, xvasiagreement with Central-Wat- .îourned by Philip Olan. igairw fcse u hte !Lnda.Ms.Vn recognized for having 100%1 erloo Units to amalgamate An important meeting com-: books. Alln aso isied er othr~fertility rate in a 16-coAr herd;ltheir beef hulas with Eastern.Iling up for the Potato Club Ws This report was submitted in the evcning.l this was the top herd ln a1 The brceding fee that the August 20 - a Soil Judgingjhby Grant Milîson, press re. 7 Mr. J. Hoy accompaniedivoluntary competition betxveencustomer pays for slire service Tour, porter for' the club. ;his daughter Mrs. J. Sarchuk herds in the total EBI. service does not cover the cost, in fact, - '- to Toronto iast weekend for area. la loss of .77 cents xvas incur-! a Visit. i Mr. Lamne Simms of Hoxv-L red on each cow Inseminated.1 NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, lck. Quebec, was rccognized for Rev'enue from semen sales out- Scarborough, and Mr. and the top fertility herd in the 26 side the service area. to West- PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Mrs. Alec Little, Toronto, cows and over with 9311,; out cmn Canada. U.S.A. and many1 spent the weekcnd at theirlof 31 cows, only two had to countries o! the world. pro-' respective bomnes -nere. ! be inseminated the second vides the revenue to balance! aMrs. George Mercer and time. He was presented with the budget.N O M iA T I ~ Mrs. Eddie Couroux attcnded! an inscrihed plaque by Mr. Art NMNT O anEastern Star meeting at Rankin. Ormstown _Branch Georgetow-n last week. Supervisofor EBI. l h Mrs. Eddie Couroux and'Howick area. Int p1o II o C lub'sE T Lynn were in Oshawa Sun-! h future o . in F thMMe' *I dy afternoon attending aicattie industrx' is very en-' E T N baton twirling recital for couraging. Brecdeî's ln both Frs eeting LYnn. î dair 'y and beef cattle must Mr. anstff Iouos,ý aitanand expand on eco- 1 The Durham 4-H Pogtalo, T E D Y M Y 1 , 8 pm spent the wcekend with ber nomic units. A.I. elimimates Club held bts first meetingo' T E D Y M Y 1 , 8 pm daughter Mrs. Jack Neal, and the cost of purchasing, fced- tThu rsdav,, April 25th at theý visited ailiers of her family. , lng and housing a sire, a.4 -well Marslî Hall, wcst of Millhrook. Mrs. Vivian Quantrili vi*sit,- as providing the shortest The meeting was schcduled, PORT HOPE HIGH SCHOOL cd Sunday evening with her course yet known to more herd for 8:20 p.m. Our executive. aunits. Mrs. Mary Luxon and revenue through more product- elected at the Organîzatlona1 Mrs. W. Mercer. ive cattle, from the very few Meeting at Cavan Communit. ,Remenmber our Penny Sale'progn proven sires ax'ail-ilHall, are Philip Olan,mpresýi-i Guest Speaker - ELDON WOOLLIAMS, M.P. in the publie sr'hool auditor-table. dceni.; Jim Walker. xicc-presi-i ium Saturlay evening. Two Holstein sires, 'Lassie dent; Mary Scwaid. secretary,L Some things in life Canacians con take for granted ... Like ail the dairy products yQu want, when you want them-which is always. lt'shar tathik o clirvmilk. i~ n~m înHmif an whcm the mro-t produots not being in plen- others. Part cf the jobof t dhtehihth are other is manufactured dairy products-butter, cheese, evaporated milk, powdered ducers the income they need ta stay in business. And without federal hef p supplies would drop and prices wauld increase. So we supplement their market incarne by he!p-out payments (flot hand-outs)' but only for the amount of, tiful supply,(how would you explain that to the family?). people see ta it that you have ail you need. That in- cludes Canada's 200,000 milk and creamn producers, the firmswhich process and merchandise dairy pro- duots, and the Canadian Dairy Commission. ta the dairy industry. One is producerand the consumer. Daity Commission'is to help assure that dairy farmers, whose milk and cream goes into manufactured prod- ucts, get an incarne which permits them ta serve con- sumers with a steady, reli- able supply. How do we do it? First,we support the mar- ket prices of dairy produots. ned We cian-t encourage the production of costly surpluses). Our aim is a stable, profit- able dairy industry-and a cantinuing supply of high quaility dairy praducts on the Canadian market. So by ail means go on taking dairy produots for granted. You can afford ta-. because we don't. bottled milk and cream. The It gives the producer a0 steady incarne fram his LCanaaian milk and cream, which he0 needs like everybody else. Dairy Ando itasures he caum er of csed rcs o a Market prices, though, oTrAWA aren't enough to give pro- HON. J. J. GREENE, MINISTER i . - - . . - . - - - - - . . y a à a a 9 1%, & %0 ý-4 %-, 1 %.é F-4 1 1 1 Ul JU 11 JUI IV mission