-- -~- -~-.- T z Grade 12 Student Crowned Courtice Sc ,The CM Foundation (Com- that is often the very opposite't discrimination and intoler- ttcfrJustice and Liber- of their own. l ance that now prevent scores ) is odelghted that. on ApriIj Even when christian work-~ of workers from exercising ,Leonard M. Rellly, Pro- ers offer to pay double the their s o c i ai1 responsibility ive- Conservative M.P.P. amount of union dues to through the union of their on) and Chief Govern- charlty as proof that thpir own choice. re:t Whip, had the political unwillingness to support sec-t age to introduce in the ular unions is not a matter, toLegisiative Assembly 0 ahbt0 ovcinI NE WTON VILLE resolution stating thati union agents insist that the gisiation should be enacted dissenters faîl in line or else., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadei garantee to employees~ The secular unions' intoler-lwere recent dinner guests~ ~Wo are members of trade, ance of dissent is a blot on with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wan- ~iions, the right to choose a our nations life. This blatant namaker at Seagrave. f ltical party to which con-' disrespect for Canadians' civil Some 30 local ladies.attend- butions from their dues rights and liberties spelis the ed a plastic demonstration. at yents would be directed." end of freedom and the be- Mrs. R. Farrow's home, Tues- Uc no vote was taken, the ginning of tyranny. Freedorn day nlght. POs and the Lîberals appear- of association has really be- Mrs. M. McAlhster and Mrs. Çd- to support the resolution. corne a farce. F. Overîs have both returned 4U. can be expected, the Canadians' right to work home fromn hospital. li.D.P. vehemently opposed it and freedom of political ex- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nlch- even to the point of trying pression should be safeguard- ols visited Mr. and Mrs. S. 0oshout Mr. Reilly down! ed. Workers should not bc Lancaster for a few days last tt is high time that legisia- herded into unions which week enroute homne to Port tive steps be taken to protect promote policies conflicting Carling after spending the the Canadian workers' civil with their own, cherighed be- winter months In Florida. rights. Obviously, they have liefs. This is a modern form Mr.C Waeyad r. ,,Prdly any. The secular trade of slavery. Abraham Lincoln Carlus Smith attended a show-! M.ions abuse freedom ofa s- as dead right when he de- er for bride-elect Miss Annel dèy o ple they daim st he! fleo to the slv es" Wh W ate y om anof vill e s e..... toiation to deny that samej clared: Those who deny Foley on Thursday evenng at d o plt e rethe h im t ei ofe dor e thems , es erve it h e yh o m of M rs. B s iberating from the yoke of should employees of General Miss Dorothy Elliott has; jamployers. Ironically, they, Motors, Ford and Chrysier he taken a position at Hope Hax'-1 :ractise the reverse of the' conipelled to help finance the en Rest Home for the sumrmer. « t'yellow dog" contract they so0 UAW, whose international i Mrs. J. Caswell. Mrs. F.:ý ViUdly condemn. They dic- treasurer annually m a ke sHenderson. Mrs. W. Boughen Ptorially disregard the work- large donations to the social-land Mrs. D. Vinkie attended ~ #;s' civil rights of freedom of ist New Democratic Party? the U.C.W. Training School at ..... essociatlon and of religion by From 1961 to 1965 the Unite- ron eraioa ete lpmpelling men to pay tri- Automobile Workers' Unitedilast Thursday. ,pte to themn in order to work, States head office alone con- Mr.P.Echer and Miss pomnewbere. AUl this high- tributed $120,400.00 to the Marilyýn -Ether were in thef lhanded action is piously jus- NDP coffers-dollars forcibly village Wednesday evening. -W.ied by invoking the am- extracted from workers tolvlsitlng frlends. ineuous slogan "the majority whomn the Canadian Bill of The annual cemeterv meet- ifles." If a unionized ma- Rights and our anti-discrimi-, ing was held Monday night in lôrity does what it pleases, nation legislation do not seem the Sunday School Hall andf Without honouring the funda- to apply. that of the Community Hall in mental freedoms of a minor- Tt is of interest to note that, ta uligTedyngt jty, civil rights have been according to Gallup Polis e-, the latter with nine in attend-i 'perverted and liberty has leased by the Canadian Isi ance. been turned into license. tute of Public Opinion in Mrs. Wrn. Stapleton tinder- That many workers have July 1967, a solid majority weIt a ma.ior operation in jdeep differences of conviction (711%) believe in the open Memorlal Hospital. Bowman- wvith the socialist, New Demno- shop-67% of union members ville, last week, whlle Mr. cratic Party-supporting trade reject compuîsory unionism-,Stapleton, In Oshawa General, Ecnis, appears to make no and 58% of the people do not Ihad eye surgery. Both are' ~ifceneto the labour es- approve cf political activityprogressing favourably, ac-' ttismn. "B e i o n g or on the part cf unions. In e- cording to reports. 4tarve" -is the rude retomt sponse te the Gallup polîsters' Mrs. L. Hoy of Kendal, has' out of one side of their mouth question, "Do you think un-f been %upplying here at the while out cf the other side ions should orshudote-lclchl nteaenef they condemn discrimination, gage in political activîties?"! Mrs. E. Rowe, due te llness. ý Vnion officialdorn convenient- 60% of those affiliated with Mr. and Mms. Harry Wade' ly overlooks the fact that the unions said, "No"! lwere Friday nlght dinner organizations over whlch they The CJL Founda tion hop~~e-s oe sawaM.anMs.Jc lord, perpetuate one cf theî that the Ontario Government GMvr.anOs rankGlmr worst discriminatory prac-1 will soon begin takîng îl1 Mm ant rdaMIs.Trntole tices imaginable, foricng men christian duty seriously; thati pn rdy nTrnoand t6~ embrace a view and waylit will soan begin te 'vine outi were dinner guests of Mrs. A.' life and labour and politics the sizeabie peekets cfu i Rowe-Sleenman. . Mrs. S. J. Lancaster Is under the doctor's came for a week oMrw. and Mrs. Raymond . Trlm were et their cottage at Dalmymple Lake over the weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Consider ters t h onfo h Mrs. C. Walkey was a guest, Saturday afternoon, at the this Vlae-ritnwdigI manvîlle, andI reception which followed, at the Golf and CurI- carefufly. . gClb lng Club. oseatenin the Sprlng Thaw" podue. Stiff succession duties Can take a big to in Toronto, Satumday bte out of the poorty arranged estate evenIng. On April 24 at the final ...draining away assets buit Up game cf the Newtonville Wo- over many years, es well as creatin men'ls Bowling League. In ~ * rtedles poblms or he amiy ~Newcastle, the Pee Wee B3 neeles prblerisforthefarilyyou Hockey Team Draw was made, lemv behind. resultlng as follcws: lst, Ro- f bert Kennedy, a round coffee ý ESTA E PL N NIN Gtable; 2nd, Mrs. Velda Brown, 1 ESTATE LANNINGa credenza. The team al e-1ý ... by competerit Sterling Trusts pro- celved their jackets at their. banquet on Fmîdey nlght. after! fessional counsel can quickly put your whlch they rounded out thel affairs in good order. Advice without eelgb tedn hw The two coaches, Boyd Harris obligation. Investigate this valuable cf Newtonville. and John Cur- service today. nlngham cof Newcastle, cer-1 talnly deserve to be congrat- Prompt Conf idential Service ulated for theIr untrlng ef-1.... forts on the boys' behaîf. On Friday evening at Bowmanville Country Club, students of Courtice THIC banquet and dedicatbon cf the 1 Secondary School held their annual Prom with a large attendance. At midnight, USSnew Odd Fellows and Re- the Queen and her two Princesses were chosen. Top photo shows Principal and STERLING TRU bekahs Centennial Hall In1 Mrs, James Speers, lef t, and Mr. and Mrs. Garth Gilpin, enjoying a rest between CORORTIN owanileSauraàevnng lncluded Mr. and Mrs., dances. In the lower photo the riew Que en, Doreen Bryant is seated, after last Reid Wood, Mm. and Mrs. Year's Queen Janet Down, centre, had placed the crown upon her head. Princes- 372 Bey St.. 35 Dunlop St., 73 Misaissaga E. Harry Wade. Mm. and Mrs. W. 1 ses are Anne Skinner, left, and Grace Moore, right. The new Queen is the Grade TorontorBarrisMmr. .JlmouCursor1 2 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Bryant of H-ampton. Miss Skinner's parents were Saturday evening vîsit- are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone and Miss Moore is the daughter of Mr. cluaeci Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. prayer,-af-ter-reading -a-poeém I o-operation drigthe ps A Wde Mr. . enderson, "To-mnorrow." fwyasand an expression Mrs. E. Waikey and Mrs. M. o appreciation for hem own Jones. Report of last meeting and fservices was voiced, on be- Miss Audrey Monk of Toron- finances was given by Mrs.1 haif of the members, by Mrs., F RU DA Y i:O t ta spent the weekend wlth Henderson. The date for the G. Stapleton. M A Y 10 t hhem stster. Mrs. Jini Caswell suggested trip ta Port Credit and famlly. has been tentatively set for Mrs. Munday then decla.red I Mm. and Mrs. Robert Mac- early in September. as there1 ail offices vacant and pro- Murchy and sons, cf Bramalea, are ne available dates in ceeded to instaîl the new a. . TO 9 p.m . were Sunday dinner guests e.Mi-s. W. Milligan re- slate of officers, duly prepar-1 Messrs. Clinton Farrow, Fred ing heid at Mrs. Munday's in mittee, as followýs: Past Pme-1 Henderson, Roy Hall and March. District Annual Con-Isident, Mms. M. Samis; Presi-j DON'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW 1 Trueman Henderson were vention wiil be held et Black-Ident, Mrs. A. Wade; lst Vice' amcng those attending the stock, May-15, and two vet-; President. Miss B. Milligan;f VISI YO R LO AL TORETOD Y AN SA E 1Masonlc Church Service at îng delegates are te be ap-!2nd Vice President. Mrs. M.ý VISI VO R LOAL TORETOD Y AN SA E ~Morrish, Sunday mornng.at pointed as weli as the new Gartshore; Secretary-Treasur-1 Mrs. George Stapleton t President and District Direc- er, Mrs. T. Henderson; Assîst- , A ~Etended a trousseau tea In tor. Car ecpenses are te be ant Secretary-Tmeasurer, Mrs.i 26 KING ST. F. D V W A M U III honor cf Miss Gwen Cuddahee pald to the convention. A W. Paeden; District Dîrector,i BW VU MUV ILLEb at the home cf ber parents In collection was taken for Pen- Mrs. M. Samis. Aternate Dis-r Bowmanville, Sunday after- nies for Frlendahip, and a trict Director, Mrs. M. Jones*" Mr.eonached nün donation toward the church Auditors, Mrs. F. Gilmer, Mrs.ý 6 2 m3 0 8Wordrhd here Suriday and caretaker was voted. H. Wade; Sunshine Commit- night of the death cf Miss District Preaident Mrs. 1. tee. Mrs. H. Dennis, Mrs. W. Anne Nesbltt. In Clermont Munday spoke on the making Paeden, Mrs. W. Milligan; Hospital, Fhorda, out ai Annual Reports, and Piani.st, Mrs. F. Gilmer; Pub- 12- The Canadian Statesmam, B&wmanvM@l, MaY 8, 109 SIntolerance of DissentI let your fingersdoFe walking through the YELLQW PAGES mEaraacin someones heart This man had nothing 10o do but wait for the end of a long life. He didnt want to wait alone. NoN he won't have to. The Salvation Arrny w;iI provide h;m with a home, friends, comfort, and security. Objective - $4,500.04 Treasurer - M. MacKenzle Campaign Dircor - Captain H. 1. Fraser Chairman - J. M. James Business & Industrial Chairman - Don Morris Professional & Speelal - W. Ross Strike The Salvation Army neyer refuses assistance to those in need. To provîde the homes, hospîtals, chinics, and other services necessary for the dignity of humanity, The Army needs your heJp. BLITZ DATES: BOWMANVI LLE MON., MAY 13th Other Commun ities During Month of May Donations may ho forwarded to: lRed Shield Appeal, c/o Canadian Imperial Bank of Comimerce, Bowmanville or 20 Centre St., Bowmanville hool Queen PONTYPOOL Mr. Mel Bowlns of Bethany doctor services. Botb Mii. clebrted his 81st birthdayj brook doctors are nôt aveul ceerunay hs 'sfmlyable. Dm. Hcbbs is in hosplta on Sundy whenhis fa iwth sarne broken bones and, jolnd wth hm l thehapy .other trouble. whlle Dr. Wright event. He was born on the has been In Florlda for a few Bowlns homestead east of this' weeks, convaiesclng froni a villa ge and had fammed In thebOtihopa. Mars h end Cerscadden's area. Mr. and Mms. Freeman Eddy. We join w1th others In wish- OmOno, vlslted friends here, ing hlm many happy returns. Sunday. s Mrs. St. Clair Darmoch en- Our June Church An temtained hem mother for a versay will have a new sýï few days who was vlsltlng this nîficance this year. We under- area frein Halleybumy. stand It is the 5Oth Anal. Several couples fmom here versamy fer the present bulld. attended the dance sponsored lng whlch was built te replace by CanadIen Legion 402 In the one destroyed by a big Mllbmok o Saumdy nghtfîre, United and Methodlst Some couples aIse tock In the Churches date back here for MaMmoth bowling banquet ameund the 100-year mark and dance beld at the Lions i wlth the original one being Centre in Peterborough, Sat- 1 on the new cemetery prcperty. umday. ! At the regular meeting cf We were giad te learn that 'LO0'L.* 82 on Wednesday even- the 3-year-old daughter cf Mr. lng the local lodges wem-e hosts l and Mms. Ray Emmorey wasite an officiai vîsit cf East eut cf hospîtal. She is the Durham County Master Wor. granddaughter cf Mr. and Mrs.~ Bro. Garth Harding, Port Earl Emmorey.i Hope, .and Deputy Countv Most everyone is fed u f Master Wor. Bre. Bill Bate- bakwr man cf Baillieboro. Lunch was with the celd, bakwr served at the conclusion. weather w 1 t h considerable __________ frost at nlght. The rains were very welcome and pesslbly 1he! heat cf the electlon mlght help la Bou!t wamm up thngs. Nucea Station lic Relations, Mrs. W. Dir-ý We are gled te welcome Don 1e u ghen. Porter home again after a Be i s S ite Bu few weeks In hospital. We Convenors and Branch Dr understand Mr. Jim TurrellT us Ma ET ectors: Citizenship and Edu-; will be able te go back T us M y 1 t cation, Mrs. G. Stapleton;1'work, Monday. Mr. JohnY Agriculture and Canadia n In-i asei a hwd smjT dutres ms G MCllug;improvement recentîy. Mr. Te Information Centre at Home Economics and Health, Walter Fallis Sm. has been un- 'Ontario Hydro's Nuclear Pow- Mrs. C. Brown; Histoii able te womk for a week. with er Station wili have bus tours Research and Current Events,; undefined aliment. This amea of the construction site aftem- Mrs. C. Ferguson. is feeling the pnchregamding jnoons cf Saturdays, Sundays The new president Mrs. and Holidays beginning Sun- Wade spoke briefly and in- ]y fees. Mrs S. Lancaster in- day May 12, 1968 te Sunday, vited the executive to mee't vited tihe group te, hem home September 15, 1968. et her home next week to for the next meeting which Casuel vîsitors are welcome prepame the new pograms. will be beid May 8, instead at the Centre seven days a A motion was made, empow- of the regular third Wednes- week 9.00 a.in. te 5:30 p.m. ering the conveners te act as day, due te the date cf the and groups may arrange tours Branch Directors, the same as District Annuel. AI] joined any tîme. inciuding evenings, l1t1 a.Rîlcî a ns eetn the Mizpah Bene- by calling Toronto 282-5781 or wei-ed hy the paying cf year- diction. ciosing the meeting. Dunherton 839-1151. __ 0- M -01; èilmléýý ego - du