-. - '~-,--r-----.-- --------------- - - - -: - .. ............~ ~ -~ - ~ 14 The Canadian Statesrnan, BowynanvWle, May 8. 19688r -- Six Gold Cords Presented to Girl Guides at Blackstock, Most Canadian Are Hon est Tax Payers ý"MOst Canadians don't cheat pretty well fWlld out. Would L their Income tax. That's you cara ta check It over?" yOur systerm works so hnd then there was the sweet WeU." says the Honourable yongthlng wbo 'pboncd and J*knChretien, Ministar of Na- askedg "'va taken off ail I tillRevenue, lni a just-rc- can. What do I do now Stelavision film cailed Many funny things bave nere Here To Help". 1 happencd on thxe way to the 0pnoed by the tax men,'form tax form. that Is!j hs aif-hour show tells ail And Doug talks about 'cm aiot taxation. Or as much about thc man who wrote hi; 0~ai as Most of us nead everI cheque on a pound ofiver 1101 W! and the anc who pcnned bis t.u For nstncedldyou nawcheque on bis shirt claiming Fo UIcstaxce drten u ns' the govcrnment bad takan jl he a ic stff t dld 15everytbing cîse! hgof-taensthug the1 Man - on - the - street Inter- n*znibr of r tursba oublctheinterviews make up a good and Uicf rnunt hs of mon third of the pragram. Yes, coe»tetd has tripled?1 Mr. and Mrs. Canada bave the last word about chcating The host of the show Is ex-i on tax rcturns ("it's okay as CTV'a Wà interviewer, Doug long as you don't get caught") Jbôhnson. Ha tells the sor and whethcr the govarnment &bout the sbapehy young lad should f111 ln the forms for arrlvlng at'tha tex couniter and i them and then send a bill May pwirngly asking, "My farm ts 1 lst ("No! No! No!"). YELVERTON Congratulations ta Mr. Ken! Bristow and Kathy and the *ilson who received word I Howard Philips of Toronto. this week tbat he had passed Belated sympathy to Mr. and his final exams with an aver- Mrs. Wilson Heaslip ln the fge of 70% to complete bis recent passing of their sister- torzryear Agricultural Course i-a.Ms udHalpo at Guelph, speciaîîzing ln Trno poultry. As previously Intim- Congratulations t o M r s. ated ln this colunin Ken is Mabel Rowan who celebrated %Mrntly employed as Assist- ber 87th birthday this week. ' tA-'-iculturl Representa-, Ylverton U.C.W. ato xrie ilb edo* etonUCW a edov Ontario Countv Gradu- !The May meeting of the .a. May 24 in Guelpb. Yletn ...wa edo Congatultion als ~ M Tbursday afternoon at the als t Misbome of Mr. and Mrs. Ted A special service of I4nda Rowan who bas cOm- Spenceley witb a larger turn- Blackstock's United Churc Vieted ber nursing course and out of members present thansi Grl ude wohd will graduate also. on May 24. usual.siGrl ude h ha ford bilr er N. in agust. Mrs. Howard Malcolm chair- They are, fromn lef t to rig1i , fo he R.. lnAugst. ed the meeting ln ber custom. Of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton D( 1The Murray Malcolms re- ery efficient manner with Lawrence, daughter of Mr dently hosted their immediate Mrs. Art Rowan serving as family. the Wlbert and How- Secretary ln tbe absence of meeting was opened with the &rd Malcolms, Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. Fred Stacey. pledge foliowed by the roll Ruth Wilson cbaired the caîl and secretary's report rcad devotional and Mrs. Murray by Judy Robinson. The Malcolm was ln charge of the treasurer's report was read by Mlssionary portion. Mitzi Malcolm with the col- During the business session, lection amounting to $1.20. plans were laid for numerous The discussion was' based on functions: Catering to a grad- fruits - drinks, combinations, ibear Sir: uation function on May 24th, etc. Mrs. Page discussed witl Canada's wartime bomber providing lunch at the imple- the club, Achievement Day. 1.ý, ment sale at the Art Rowans, Mrs. M. Malcoim demonstrat- :,imit, RCAF 408 Goose Squad- our annual garden party and ed how ta make "rhubard-mint -Ton. Is planning a relinion a wedding reception ln late cocktail" and "grapesparkle". cef aIl its former members August. The members sampled differ- _Ïn Halifax, Nova Scotia, A deliclous lunch was pro- ent fruit breads. Marleai August 23-26, 1968. We have vîded and served by Mrs. Malcolm. president, was ln been trying ta locate bath Fl oyd Stinson and Mrs. Ted charge with 10 members pres- ,;.aircrews and groundcrews of Spcnceîey. cnt. *11l rank, but tbey are scat- A teen-age party, spansored tered across the country. fThe programn was ln charge!no doubt to boister the good We oul bemos grte-ofMrs. Wilson Heaslip and niho poîîcy currently ex- We f o would emsdra te- consisted of a reading and isting between Yelverton and tful if ou o uld draw at- you contest by Mrs. Norman Wil. Pontypool was held locally to tgaetiondaskGis eet n aur sonfoiiowed by a sing-song observe the birthdate ofa ron veterans if thcy wouldldy ovnr ogfeowhigracd contact the undersigned for Yelverton 4-H the "age of discretion" - w details. The eighth and final meet- hope. Giien Hancock, ing of the Yelvèrton "Tutti- Fruiters" was held on May 4 It's ahl right to vote for the 19 Wedgewood Ave., at the home of Mrs. Murray ibest man, but chances are Rockingbam, N.S. Malcolm from 9:00 - 12:00. The 1Iyou 're not running. Ask for this, It tells how you may obtain an 1DB lban to help start,, modernize or expand uour business. booki et. M~INDUSTRIAL DE VELOPMENT BANK TERM FINANCINQ FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES lORONTO, ONT.: 250 Iiniverity Avenue - Tleplioms 368-1145 Texaco gives your f urnace a FREE ANNUAL CHECK-mUP During the sm m ontin, This free, emmal vervce is we like to take a good long juirt one way you can take Iook at your furnace. Th in i- our home heat conifort for spection includes checking granted every winter-when operation, cleaning and con- it reafly counts! ditioning tbe comiplete fur- Ifyou'renota]readytalang zace and heating *ntfain advantage of Texaco's reas- with ail the work carnied out suring, complete Home Heat by experts. And it doesn't Service, we can do something " eyou a penuy!about i&Giwvu acal A@ L WEARN FUELS VfNNmaKiLE, ONT. TeL : 263-2201 Yjua coamunty Toxco Distributer c. Lt 'c presentatian was heid in [h on Sunday evening for earned their Gald Cords. tLeanne Dorreil, daughter orreli of Nestieton; Martha ýand Mrs. J. K. Lawrence of Nestieton; Linda Mountjoy, daughter of Mr. and IMrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon; Kay Porrili, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Parrili of Burketon; Lorraine Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner af Blackstock and Carol Werry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry of Nestieton. think that we tend somnetimeslter as two men and two wo- bearanee, lip tppei uand baek- to accept these rights and' men talking over a garden banc stiffening. The measure- oftcn te neglect aur duties? fence, witb <one man leaning ments needed are the width What duties does citizen- on a lawn mower. Is this of your understanding, the sbip involve? Does it mnean what makes a community? length of your patience and the memorization of ail the what people talk about? What the depth of Yeur love.*I1- laws of the lana and adber-1were the men in the picture structions for cutting are ence to thcm? If so. tenItalk ing about? thc ast bingo cut out al unknd criii there are no citizens worthy' game? the last sermon they gossip and fault finding, a n of the naine in our whoie. heard? tbe recent football for seamn allowance give dominion. Obviously, citizen-1 game one of tbem saw? others the benefit of the ship involves aur motivesý1wherc tbey could buy boot- doubt. Join ini laughter so more than our memory, be-leg liquor? or maybe just Uic that tragic thinga will flot cause aur motives iead us in-Ihast T.V. show they had vicw- weigh you down. Now we ta actions, which when car- cd. By using aur imagination came to the lip zipper. The ried out, wili cither strength-,we can sec that they might advice bere is "Lord filq1y en or weaken our country. have been talking about ai- mouth witb proper stuff M A great number of you ,mast anything; but we can be nudge me when I'vc sa1M peopilik mysef he e t- sure that much of what pea- cnough." The finishing de.. night, will wc hope, be enter-' pie talk about over garden tais arc the pressings ofex ing High Schoi next fajli,'fences makes the character perience. The st a r tii ng and while aur parents stili1!of a community and mirrors tbought is that, in the fashion think of us as mere chihdren,iits citizenship. parade of 1968 and the on. I think we are at a stage!. The rights and duties of a comnifg years, wc wiil be whcre we shouhd begin ta citimen give us thc privilege wearing the citizenship we take life seriausiy, and do- and responsibility of makinci are fashioning today. If we somcthing worthwhihe aboutldecisions that wili affect ourI take time ta read a bit we making this a better worlilives and the lives of athers. will sec that ail the great ip which to live. 1 What wouid you think of a paintings, ahl the beautiful As citizens of this iand fellow ike Joe wha dccidcd musie, and the lasting poetry wbat do we owe the gavern-ito become a parachute jump- are ours, because some people ment? Have wc a right ta' cr just because of a plane ycars and ycars ago. dccided criticize it? Ta denounce it.with three dead engines. As to fashion by putting their whenever it embarks on a! wc graw up wc hearn ta fol- very best efforts into their programn that wc feel might iow many patterns of good work. Each work of art is lcad ta disaster? We dlaimicitizenship from aur parents, the result of a citizen of de- the right of the freedom of:and this is fine unîcss wc termination anddcso.W speech and the right of the,1twist these truths ta suit aur should have a determinatian frcedomn of conscience abovelowfl selfish aims, as anc girl to make the most of aur time loyaity ta the gavernment, did when she said ta another. and not be guilty of wasting but what about aur actions? "0Of course I wouldn't sav it to the extent of teiiing a Let us suppose that some daylanything about ber unicss ft hair-raising story ta a bahd. the federal gaov e r n m ent , was good. but oh boy isis headed man. should demand military ser- good!"1 Summing this up, wc necd vice, and suppose thousancis Speaking of patternis Il citizens who are endowcd of men and boys refused ta, wouhd like ta tell you about with a conscience and intelli- participate. Wbat would youla pattern for gaad citizenship. gence, who learn the tricks think of that kind of dis- This follows the line of alof the trade by foilowing an loyalty? The principle of put- scamstress' pattern and is No. individual pattern with a de- ting conscience before gov- 1968 for ail sizes. The ma- termination ta make warth- crnment seems sound, but!terial requircd is Joy, Peace, whiie decisions and put time is it? Longsuffering. Gent 1 e n c s s, ta usefuhness. We can truth- Let us now look at citizen-iGoodness, Faitb and Meek- fully say that the PRIVI- ship as wc sec it in aur awn ncss. The notions necded are1 LEGES, RIGHTS and DUTIES community. Comnmunity life i elasticity, variety, sense of of such a citizen is "CITI- was once picturcd on a pas- humour, intcrfacing of for-I ZENSHIP". -- Y' Hapton United Church awa, were Sunday cvening Sam Keane arnd boys, ahi of Women hehd their April meet- supper guests with Mr. Syd-1Oshawa. Sing in the C. E Wing. Routine, ney Kersey. Hampton Hikers' March ' P.ins D wian dizus Mrs. Mr. ann Mrs. Lawrencri for Missions wcr.cDprograndm cnvEn~. Lk rayKinsalevisited at the! H a mp toanCharge Young1 i. wre rogam onveors Th Prscot hoe o Sudaypeaple have made plans forl > warsbip periad was centrediavening. a Victoria Day March ta tby a tastefully arranged Eas- Mran Ms.AW.Ps' raise funds for: (a) United *ter lily and cross with lightcdicMt* noyd a stiî A.yW after brhMs-M ud b candie and world globe, re- drvac pnidb Maurice ad Carol Bradley. l ating ta aur mission study of Mrs. drv, acEddyvan of Oron Unitcd Church missianaries n Japan. Mrs. Artymn read the' in Zambia; (c) Operation -scripturc, I Carinthians. chap.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter, Beaver; (d) Hampton Charge 1, vs. 17-24. and led in prayer. 1 Candy and Cindy, Toronto, Hi-C graup. d Mrs. Deweli gave the medi-I spant the wcekend with Mr. The Young people hope ta tation which was lnterspcirsedland Mrs. Ted Chant. be sponsored by merchants -with singing of verses oil Mr. and Mrs. Raymond fromn Bowmanvilc and the 1¶ hymn 87. A musical sciectioni Clapp visited with Mr. and surrounding area. 0was sung by Messrs. Bur-i Mrs. Harold Skinner, Bow- The march is ta start from agess, Caveriy and Short. The mnanville. Hampton United Churcb at d guest speaker, Mrs. A. Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruik- 9:30 ar..an Monday, May 20. etan, Public Health nurse, shanks, Peterborough, visîtcd ih will proceed from Hamp- spoke an the . topic "Geriat- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell ton ta Zion, ta Ehdad and rics". She recommended the on Saturday before attending back ta 1Hampton. eC.B.C. film "o' Count the Uic wedding.MrA.Decîn Anyone iswelcorne ta join etffose who had contributed ta visitcd with Mr. and Mrs. wbo would ha willing ta -the pragram, and refrcsh- Pcrcy Dewell and-al visited sponsor anc. of -the marches, ments endcd the cvening. Mrs. Olive Wilson, Lindsay, is asked ta contact Miss Tt Is uncanny; but this cor- and Mrs. Wm. Rowan, Beth- Charlene Macnab by callirrg respondlent bas noticed that any. 1263-2215 after school hours, wbcn there is an interment Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Lcask - at Hampton cemetery the visitad Mr. and Mrs. Elmer first of the week, there is Wiibur an Sunday. PTAPTUTTt always one the last of the Miss Lynette Hoirayd, Baw- ELZ B TH IL wcek. Last week Mr, Norman manvilie, visitcd ber grand-, Hughes fram Wbitby was parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fredi On Wednesday aftcrnoon buricd at Hampton. On Sat- Holrayd. I the Womcn's Institute was urday Mr. Gordon Richard Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb held at Mrs. G. Marris' home. Janezyn of Tyrone was burîed and farnily, Enniskilhcn, visit- About fiftcen attcnded. Mrs. at Hampton. He was the un- cd at the Hohroyd home on H. Quantrili, the president, fortunate victim of a tractor Saturday evening, whihc Mr. presidcd. The rail cahi was ta accident on a farm near and Mrs. Lionci Hickey and bring an item for Uic Penny Betbany. He was just 20 famiiy, Bowmanville, were Sale, May 25. Mrs. C. Mer- years of agc, sa a Young life Sunday visitors with the Hol- car rcad the minutes of the is aver. Deepast sympathy is royds. last meeting. Several corm- extcnded ta bis famiiy. OnE Mrs. N. Hunt, Sumnmerset, mittees were put in for the Tuesday, Mrs. Breck, a for- Engiand, is spcnding a month sale. It was decided ta pay mer resîdant of Burkcton, with ber son, Mr. and Mrs. rmembers who drove ta the was laid ta rest at Hampton. Hunt and family. District Annual and other Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Luke, necessary trips, ta be paid Thase of us wha kncw Mrs. Rabbi, Terri, Lori and Kath-iat the rate of 10 cents a mile Sykes, when she lived in thc icen, visitpd on Sundlay with each way, it being 10 cents Hampton community, sympa- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, a mile anc way before. Two thize witb bar daughter and Fenclan Falls.l car loads signed up ta go to son in their ioss of a wonder- Mr. R. G. Geen and Mr,, .Mount Pleasant on the h4th. fui mother. She was anc Of Fleming, Oshawa, and Miss' A number of articles came in Nature's gentie ladies, loved Marjoi pragg.!c~for the sale. Lunch was by ail who knew ber. Sound. spent Tucsday evcn-lscrved by Mrs. H. Thickson's His Hampton friends are ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ray group and a contcst was hchd. -pleascd ta learn that Mr. ROY Metcahf and Mr. Ross Metcalf.i Other programming was heft Knox is improving stcadily in Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Bal-' UP flext time. Bowmanvilic Hospital, and, son- Jr. and ncw son, Bow-1 Mr. and Mrs. V. Pcacock hopes ta be home in a few manville, visited Mrs. Stella wcnt ta Mr. and Mrs. W. days, at the home of bis dau- Baison on Sunday. iHaney's, Milligan, on Sunday. ghtcr, Mrs. John Siemon, En- Mrs. Jas. Hogarth was al On Suilday the first stock niskillen. Sunday evaning supper gucst car -races wcre held at the A group of the Brownies with 'Miss Madiyn Wiicox,iGanaraska Spacdway. An ex-1 spent Uic weekend at Camp Bowmanviile. !ceilent crowd attended. About1 Samac with their leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fer-180 cars were entared in the Mrs. Guest and Mrs. Hind- gusan, Patti and Lori, Osb-jraces. One driver. Pat Toms, man. awa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence1 Garden Hill. had an accidentý Last weekend Mrs. Keith Bradley, Bowmanvilie, callcd!and was taken Ia Bowman- Branton, Mark and Melanie, an Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont-1 ville Hospita.l but was able toi and Mrs. Phillips, Kingston, gomery on Sunday. return ta the track again af-ý visitad with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith ter having a gash stitcbed. Burrows. centcrtaincd their famiy oniAnother race is ta ha hahd Mr. and Mrs. Erie PhilIips, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. ncxt Sunday. Oshawa, ahso Mr. and Mrs.' Smith and family, Milton;, Church services werc at' Rudy Jammer, Clint and Mr. Russell Ormiston, Ennis- Garden Hill on Sunday. Next Kurt. Part Perry, visited at killen; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sunday thcy will be here andi the Burrows home. Prescott and famiiy, Enfield; the Sunday school is baving Cailers at the A. W. Pres- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith a special service previaus ta cott home were Mr. and Mrs and famiiy, Hampton; Mr. the rhurch services. Herbert Prescott, Rager, Eriný and Mrs. Allun Tayvlor and Misses Karen and Helen and Anita from Maple Grava.- daughtcrs, Bowmanvilc 'Stec were ta Ottawa avar the Mrs. Frank Wîlbur, Brad- Mr. Pearse of Stouffvillce weekcnd on the bus trip from ieyWaye ad Shrri Os-,called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Port Hope High School. awa, visted Mr. and Mrs.I Smalas on Saturday. [Mn. and Mrs. Mac Walkar, Harry Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig, David and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Allun, Toronto, ra- Salem, caiied on Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. Wilson, Rossmount, ccntly spent several days with Bert Stevens hast Tucsday spent Sunday in Haliburton Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard. evening. and visited Mrs. Hendarson, a Miss Melanie Axiord, Osh-' On Friday evening Mrs. sisten of Mr. Wahker and Mrs. awa, spent a few days wîth Gertrude Stephens and Mrs.ý Wilson. han aunt, Mrs. Ron Clemens. T. S. Mauntiay visitcd withl Miss Nancy Wahker gave Mn. and Mrs. Bob MeQueen,' Mrs. Bcrt Stevens while Mr.jber prize winning speech at Tammy and Shannon, Stoney Bert Stevens attended thethe Durham Club In Tdronto, Creek. spent a recent wcek- concert at Enniskillen put on'Ont., Apnil 26Ui, whicb was end with Mrs. Eileen Smala. by the Barbershop graup. Ion Citizcnship. Her brother Mn. and Mrs. Bill Widdc- On Sunday Mr. Gardon James Waiker won it four combe, Bilhy and Karen, Osh- Stevens, Enniskillen, called1 years ago, and Miss. Nancy awa, wcre Sundav evcning an Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens.I Fowler won it last year, a dinner guests with Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Hoskan Smith1 recard for aur school, thnee Niddery. wene supper guests last Wcd- wins in four years. Mr. Was- Mn. and Mrs. R. Widde- nesday with Mr. and Mrs. tan Banister, Reeve of the combe spent the weekend AlUin Taylor, Bowmanvilia, township, accompanied Miss with Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jas. Wid- on the occasion of Mrs. Walker and gave a short talk. decombe in their new home Smith's birtbday. The following is her speech: at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Caunoux, CITIZENSHIP Miss Charlotte Annis spent, Oshawa, visited on Sunday What is "Citizenship"? By the weekend with ber friandj with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon jrcferring to aur dictionary, Miss Lynda Sharp at Belle-' Wilbur. we find that it means. the ville. We are sorry ta iearn that pnivileges, rigbts and duties Mr. Murray Axford and Mrs. Harold Salter basn't of a citizen. The limits of Miss Mehanie Axford visitcd been too well, but are plcascd citlzcnship In this country Mr. and MITS. Wmn. Axford on ta know that she is Improv-. bave gradually been extend- Sunday. ing. cd, until now almost every Master Tcrry Lyons, Cour- The weekend callerÈ with resident is a citizen. Wa ive N I