,feport from Queen's Park by Alex CARRA VILLA NURSING HOME ISSUE The Ontario Legisiature iast wee proyided the stage for a performanc W h had ail the aspects of a real lif draina, including mystery, suspense an pathos. The scene was the Carra Vil] Nursing Home in Collingwood and tih Plot centred around the removal o: March 8th of 20 special care patient by the staff of the Ontario Departrn of Health. The Member for High Park, Di Morton Shulman, provided the pro logue for the drama by making a serie of statements describing in dramatii terms the persecution of the proprieto: of the Home by the Department o. Hfealth. Dr. Shulman's statements mia be surnmarized as follows: Dr. Shulman 1. In its four years of operation th( Home had neyer received complaint. froin any of the Ontario Hospitais, fronr any doctor comîng to the Home, oi fro in anyone as to the care of thE patients. 2. In 1966 an attempt was made to re. voke the licence of the Home by thE Assistant Medical Officer of Health foi the County of Simcoe. The proprietor, Mrs. J'anet Gurman, took the issue to court and won. 3. In December 1967, the Home was examined by the head o! the Homes for Special Care Branch, and no com- plaint was made. The regular $5.00 lic- ence fée for such a home was paid ai that fume. 4 In mid-1967, the Department of Health requested many physical chang- es in the Home, practically ail these have been completed. 5. In January 1968, an assistant inspec. for from the Department visited the Home and found nothing wrong. 6. On March 5th, 1968, Dr. Paul, at the request of the proprietor who was going on holidays, examined every patient in the Home, ail were 0K. 7. For some weeks before this, off ic- ils of the Department had been asking Mrs. Gurman when she was taking her annual holiday. 8. On March 7th, at 4:45 p.m., Mr. Quinsey phoned the proprietor and made an appointinent to meet with her the next morning at il o'ciock. P. On the morning of March 8th, a bus and five cars with 10 people sent by.the Departinent of Health arrived to remove ail 20 special care patients. 10. Mm. Gurmaan, very disturbed by the action, uought thec help of Mr. Cal- lender, President of the Nursing Home Association, who came fe the Home. The 20 patients, four of whom were bed patients, were wrapped in blankets, some taken rlght ouf of tubs. One, an 87 year old mental defective, was walk.. ed in 45 degree temperature one block In slippers te another nursing home. ">~ A 91 year old patient was faken ïut of bathtub, and wearing a nightie and a housecoat, was wheeled one block in a wheelchair to a neighboring nursing home with snow on fhe-ground in 45 degree femperafure. She had not been outside for four years. 13. A day or two later Mrs. Gurman Ieft for Florida where she had a ner- vous breakdown and was confined to hospifal. 14. On April l9th, 1968, the proprietor, her iawyer, and Mr. Cailender visited Queen's Park to discuss the matter with Department officiais, no reason was given she said, for removal o! the patients. 15. The pollcy of the Departinent, is to pounce, te seize, no notice, no ex- pianation. This is an evil Department and this Minister should be dismissed. Dr. Dymond, Minister o! Heaith, dleclined to expa nd on the reasons for the action taken, stating that people who shouid fnot be hurt wou id be af fected. the Minist r ageWis opinion.And Carruthers, MP. and the report o! a departmental offi- ciai following an inspection, the depart- ýk ment was convinced that patients in ce Carra Villa Nursing Home were being fe abused physically, and as guardian o! d these patients, the deparfment had no alternative but to remove thein. la 2 The patients were renioved on ie March 7th, and shortly thereaffer, the )n proprietor's solicitor discussed the mat- fs er with solicitors of the Department t o! Health. Mrs. Gurman's solicitor at that time stated that he did flot quarrel r. with the deparfment's decision. These ). discussions are continuing. s 3. Foliowing a report o! the associate c officer o! Heaith of Simcoe Counfy f0 )r her Board o! Health on Juiy 27th, 1966, f Mrs. Gurman was notified that ber lic- y ence fo operate a nursing home was being revoked for four reasons : (a) Refusai fo aliow the Medicai Off i- ýe cer of Heaith to inspect the home. -s (b) Having more patients in the home n than authorized. ýr (c) Nof having sufficient staff. as re- e quired in the by-law. (d) The staff empioyed were not 4 qualified as de! ined in the e by-law. r By agreement the licence was renewed .9on a femporary basis. c)4, On January l7th, 1968, the Simcoe Heaith Unit reported that the licence so! Carra Villa couid not be recommend- sed for renewal, because of cruelty fo *patients. 5. On March 8th, 1968, Heaif h depart- tmental staff arrived at Carra Villa to remove the patients. They were ini- ftially refused entrance bo the Home. 6. Patients were wrapped in blankets and transported by car and bus f0 seven nursing homes in the area. (Mrs. Gurman stated that every consideration was extended to the patients during the remo val). 7. One patient was fransferred by wheelchair because it would be less disturbing to her than by car. The temperafure at the time was 65 degrees it was a sunny day, and the sidewyalks were bare. The f irst report of abuse to pat- ients, came to the Deparfment in June, 1967. On November 6th, 1967, a report was receîved by the Department from the senior nurse in the home in which she outiined a series o! incidents from August 7th, to November 3rd, 1967. These inciuded, (a) Screaming and cursing at patients, by flie proprietor. (b) A patient was knocked down by the proprietor and suffered a frac- tured shoulder. This patient died. (c) Another patient su!!ered confusion to her fore-arm and a lump behind the car. (d) Another patient struck with closed - fists, and glasses knocked off. (e) Nurses aids had to protect patients from the proprietor at differentj (f) A 91 year old patient who helped in the kitchen was abused and pushed around physicaily. (g) Arias and faces of patients were seen fo be bruised on numerous occasions. (h) A patient was forced ta drink the washings of her soiled garinents. (i) A patient was forced fo cat ber meais sitting on the toilet for punishment. ()A patient was hit on the wrist with a ruler and later his face was observed f0 be bruised. These abuses were ail stated by staff members and attested to before witnesses. Foliowing the statemertc by Dr. Dymond, leaders o! the opposition at- tacked the Minister immeciateiy forI not taking eariier action to correct the situation, aithougli later Mr. MacDon- aid stated that the Minister had neg- ]ected to get ail the !acfs before taking this drastic action. Mr. acDoaldN.D..-Leder Tour Lommunity Hos pitai I Gg Even tI'ough the birth rate ibecomne an occasion to locus continued. "Now babies under- * has been on the decline in attention on the vital role hos- go a whole series of tests, in- j recent years, maternity cars pitais 1111lin provld.ing hi gh1cluding one for PRU (phenyl-m * accounted for 15.5 per cent of1 quality health cire around the 1ktonurla), a Senetlc disease1 &Il haspital days ln Ontarlo's1cloclc in the community. which can cause severe mnentalý public hospitals lest year. To mark the day, Memaorlalirefardation if nat detectedi Mr. B. Holden, ths Adaila- Hospital has arranged te dis- eariy." Because a baby receiv- M strator of Memorial Hospital, tributesonm 2,000 place mats e5s uch attentive cire during U suid his hospital was under in local restaurants for use on the firet week of his Ille these this provincial average. Births May 12. days his 111e expectancy wl*l in 1967 represented 8.1 per "'The birth of a child là be considsrably longer thîn iti cent of ail our hospitai id-I pretty well taken for granted ouid have been three or four. missions, ho sald. t.hese days". said Mr. Holden generattons &go, Mr. Holden- Because childbirth plays "and because of this we rîrely cndluded. such an important role in the get an opportunity to Say overail hospit.al function, It la somnethlng about the work of fittlng that hoapitals through- our maternlty departinent." KEDRO out Canada have chosen Mr. Holden said there were «tWhere Life Begins" as their 330 blrtha at Memorlîl Hospi- On Sunday Rev. Kenneth I theme for National Hospital tal lat year. "This represents Deer preuched nt two special Day next Sunday. May 12. This a nine per cent decrease from n nnlversiry services ut Co',t gince, through a rare coinci- born here." Dermot Arscott of Courtice descpa tursy p tins e r.66 wen 362 babe hspiawere tce mUnitedspehuerh.md d ellonther'saeDay.hppnfor. old n s lahei, 5edo ned spekr if asWhlle Mother's Day is fixed Ille begins. "All but fwo Per Next Sunda t.here will b xýa3th scodSunday inMay, cent ofth estiated 127,946 a pca amily Sunday hosoitals alwuys observe May bbies born ln Ontario iîst Service at ICedron, with no IiM their speciail day to honor yeir began lns haspitil delivery meeting of thse Sunday Sehool. the birthday ln 1820 cf Fier- racinaand spent the first cri- To raine maney for à new @nce Nlghtingale, the nursing ticil days under constant Christian Educîtion Building pioneer whose innovations led wîtch and cire in a hospital, the Kedron Doubles' Club ts ta the improvement of houpi- nursery." jputting on a payand variety taloairound thse worid. And, "Today the newborn infant Ingt in thse lower hall of the tliroi* h ie Yeu% the. dau bugetsa abottra MtaluW . ha churcis On Saturdow, May 25,1 I I I I I I Il Thé Canadian Statemman, eowmanvllkMar S. 1%8 - -- - - m -M- --m --m 'I Il I I FL OUR MODERN ~kl I e. eNEW SHOWROOM DEPARIMENT *A QUALITY SUPERIOR CASH 'N CARRY SERVICE DESIGNEDI TO %SAVE YOU MONEY'1 AT OUR (OURTICE SHOWROOM' 30-Day Charge Account With No Inberest Charges. This service we are renowned for! Plus * . Guaranteed Next Day FREE Delivery. There are 8 phones to serve you ! $300 Revolving (redit This can be tailored to suit your budget. For larger amounts ($500.00O b $5,000.00) for Home Building, Cottages, etc. Financing can be yours for bbc asking. of coffee with our compliments. * We Can HeIp You? Tes, we can help you plan your neit home project. Whether It be big or smîll, visit our Home Planning Library for new and exciting Ideas . . . and while you browse around, enjoy' cup SCa n Be iaranteed Allite Fibre Glass Panels 26"ý x 96" Panels Wiil flot warp, rot, rust or mildew. Ideal for fences, screens, garden sheds, sunporch roofs, patio top and walls, carports, etc. O.W.P. Allont Special O.W.P. ALLONT SPF('AL. 1 ------TF panei i I I I I I I I I I I I I I %t a 1V11 re-u115. . e.VVDit Dacron Finish Aluminum Combination Door A Regulmr $42.95 Value O.W.P. Allant Special While Stock Lasts IILUKE IKAMtS Beauti.fui walnut grain finish with antique border. Hundreds of size combinations. " Select 2 Packages * Apply any quality glue *Insert pegs, press together 5" to 36" Lengths 71/i' ELECTRUC SKIL SAW A big, powerful, good-looking saw at a down to earth price. ony299 AI] Il You Will Need to Start 'ltivating! ere's Your Basic üarden Tool Set 8" Garden Shears L4-Tooth Garden Rake l-Prong Cultivator A.Il-Purpose Garden Ho. O.W.P. 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