.- r .~. *, ... ..-.- - - - -................... ...............................................................................................---~..--..-..--. E L inhe Canadien Statesman, Eowmanvlle, May 8, 1988 MI .1 4 In Memoriaz In loving memnory o! inather, brothera and si Thae's an open gateà ;« ond e! the road. Throug wich oach go clone, And there lu a Iight we i sec, Our Fether dlaims Hia -Remembered by Annie BERTRIM-In loving -me of a deer husbend and fi Melville G., who passed May 9, 1964. Thé werld changes frein ta year And Mrendis. from da day, But nover wiîI tie one loved Prom mernory pss aai -Ever remembered by Ruth and tamlly. 1 - FIRTH-In loving miemor a dear mother and gr niotier, Margaret Frth, pe.sed away May 12, 1967 Just as you wero you always be, Treasurod forever In memory. a..Sdly mlssed by deu, Winnle, graddaughter Fi and f!eily. HiENNING--In Ioving men of Elmer Henning wie cd away May 12, 1964. -Sadîy rnlssed by wife fernlly. }iOFFMANN-In leving nicry of a dear iusband fatier, Hugo Hoffmann,, passed away May Oti, 196 There Is a link deati cer Se Ver, Love and remembranco fore vor. .-WIfe Alberta and famlly MARCHANT-In lovIngi rnory o! a dear son, Rici James Marchant, who pas away May 15, 1952. Ticse whom we love go et sigit But nover out et mInd, Tiey are cierished ln hearts Of liose tiey lit behin .-.L'ingiy remembered lsotier. 19 MvcKEE-In ieving mernt o! a dear son and brol] Orma MeKee who passed a% May Sti, 1946. W. often thInk of hlm When we are aIl alone, I1er momomy la tie only thl Thet grief can cali lits cv .-Remembered always mnther, brother. and sister PITTMAN-In îoving mcmn ~<Angus J. Pittman, wio pi au awmy May 6th, 1966. We allen think of days go by Wien we were ail togethi A siadow 'er our lîvea h cast, 4Oui loved one's gene forevi -Wife and farnily. 19- tdad, nt tho muet cannot s own. oe and 'cther, away iyear ay ta ýe we ray. wife )ry ofi ,rnd- e whe P 7. . wil aur C ýghter 'eggy 19-1 If a] ýmory c pesa- e. and el 19-1 T, m-a] and fe who l66. mnot last ai] il sc me- sp rard J. tsscd GI te eut pr the st: sir ýnd. ce1 1'bei eory tie: ther U.( way Ha ingi wn. by sin .-1 nel, a nc tory the Ras-Ou Syl era: er. MI) has Noç ver Chi -1'* Wo Ti SMITH-In loving memery of our dear mother, Matilda Woodward Smith who passec .way on May 7th, 1960. There la always a face before us, A voice we would love ko hear, A smile we wif l aways remember Of a mother we loved so dear. -Lovingly remembered and aadly missed by the famiiy. 19-1* SPlROULE-ln loving memnory of our dear brother Norman who passed away May lth, 1985. Though absent you are very near, Stilil ioved, still ilmied and very dear. -Sadly missed by sisters Ethel and Florence. 19-1' TRIGG-In loving memory cf à dear husband, Robert Clar- ence Trigg who pasaed away May 7th, 1965. Softiy the leaves of memory taul, Gently we gather and treasuer theni ail, Unsoon, unheard, he la always near, Stili loved. stilîl missed and very dear; Though sunshie passes and shadows fali Love's remembrance outlasts ail. .-'Ever rerniembered and sadly misod bY hlm w1fe Berniece. WKBBIt-In Iovlng mcmory of a dear mnother and grand- inother, Mary Jane Webber, who passed away May Oth, 19M3. Paui lier stfcring, past her pain, Cesse te weep for tears are vain: She who suffered lu et rest, Gone to. heaven wlth the best. _-Sadiy mIssed by daughterq.i sons and grandchldren. 19-1*1 ,Cards of Thcnks My sincere thankiato lioee who sent me cardis and visited me. also lhenks te Dr. Hub- bard, nurses and staff during sny stay la Memorla Hospital. Mrs. Wesley Heard. 19-1* Bruce and Elva Montgom- ery would Ilke le thanli Solina commnunity and neigibora for the bov~ey gift we received lest FPriday nîgit and for tie wondertul evening. 19-1 I would like le, thank rle- e"-yev.e. friendsamnd nelgibers f>cardsanid gifle sent te, me &tIa patient in Osawai Ginral Hospital. Specl thanka le Dr. Glchitt, Dr.j Menlkiewim rses cf 2P,ad ,au thon who hlped look efter MY sldes al t home. Rosa Raid. là-1e CrsOf Thari 1 would lMm te thank tivea, fienduad nolj for flowera, carda and sages e! sympahy durir sad losa o! my husband, Rete F. Hebbs. Sineere thanks for fIie gifle and carda te St. J Martha Group and friendi nolgibors for assistance a tineocf my accident. Mrs. Hugh McDoa 1 would like te tien] frienda, neighbors and fa for carda. !iowers, gifle visita whlle I was a patie hospital. Special thank ýDr. MikIos and Westl and nurses on Medical Fb Mrs. Gladys Ovens. 1 A werm and simcere. I te my'doar !amiy and fi, for their letters, carda,f ers and visita whiîo I wi atent ln Merral Hos; A, special thanks te Dr. Cenzie, Rey. Long, Mrs. Ho] and lie Florence Ntghtini on tie Second Floor. Irens Brandt. 1 wish te express my he .11t gratitude ta lie frit and neigibors o! "Westrne for theu acta o! kindaas expressions ef sympetiy. substentiel smnof! rnneyj en by them as a "Mmn 'oken" te my laIei Iertrude Winnifred, ha. applied te tic Rotary f mr Crlppied Children. Colin K. Taylor. il The tamily of the1 eordon Janczyn weuld 11ke ncemely lhank triends, r vos and nelgibors for tt telp and kindness to us i ng Our sudden loas of ad mn and brother. A v >eciai tianka te Mm. and b %Gibbs. Mm. and Mrs. lbbs, Mm. Fred Robertsa 0 ail lhe ladies who kin 'ovidod the. lunch. 1 Thc femlly of tie labo He tinson wlsi 1e expressc Icere appreciallen for1 mrd., floral tributes anda fkindneas duming our re<i ereavement. Speclailitar )Rev. Dougierly, tie1 ild Communiby, lie En!l .C.W. and tic EnniskiJl mll Bard. Tho Stinson-Sterkl Fmili il We would like te say ô ndoms lianka and apprec n to friends, relatives i: ,Ighbours for their klndni id for carda received durt erecent Illneas and deeti ir deer mother, Margei ikes. Our sIncere tian go te Northcutt EllialI Fu al Home, Dr. Slemon,E lklos, nurses o! Memoi ispîtal and tie Rev. Dav )rhey o! Tyrone Uniti iurci for is coniforti, Torm and Bemniece Sykes, Elinor and Gordyn Brent. and ing mret iks un- Dr. 'li ted ng 9-1 L )f i i- Seed for Sale WARWICK, United and Pride Hybrid Seed Corn for grain or ensilage. J. A. Rosevear, 263-2095. Bishop Seeds Ltd., Pfizer Producta, Western On- tarie Livestock Supplements. SEED CORN Brint out the Sest lu your corufield. Buy UNITED HYBRID SERD. Supply of Popular varieties lhited. Cal SNEWTON SELBY Newcastle 987-4594 18-2 SEED GRAIN Top Quality In Ail Popular Verietiem Oats * STORMONT * KELSEY * GARRY * RODNEY Herta Bcrley Seed Corn FUNKS G-HYBRIDS Rigliest Yleld lu Corn Competltlnu The Hozme et lPedlrc.d Seed CERESMORE FARMS Bowmanville 623-7150 12-tf f 1oie to Creitors NOTICE TO CREKDlTORS In the Estate ef SAMUEL CHARLES ALLIN, deceased. Ail porsons having laims ugainst the estate of Sarnuel Charles Alun, late of the Town o! BOwmanville, In the County o! Durhamn, deceased, ivhe died on or about tic 22nd day ef February, 1968, are hereby notified ta send la 10 Strlke & Strike, Solleltors for tho Estte, Box 7, Bowmaa- ville, Ontario, on or before the 2M1 day of May. 1968, full par- ticulars o! their daim. Irnmodetely etter the said 2Ith day of May, 1968 the as- sets of the decoased will ho dstributed enion.pt the parties entltled thereto, hevlng re- gard oniy to daims of wbich th sald solicitors for the Esatee ail then have notice. DATED ent Bowrnsnville titis Otb day o! April, AMl. 1968. STRIKE & STRIXE, Solicitors for th. Estate o! Semuel Charles AllUn, Box 7. Eowmanvilll., Ontario. l 18-3 1 a i s ti 21 se M th ID 30 cIIIuiiioABEI Rf UIT 1Cominq Event Tyrone United Church Home Bake Sale and Comunity Auc- tion. Many useful articles ln- cluding fridge, record player, chest of drawers, television, antiques, stove, etc., Friday, May 10 at 6:30 at the church. Clif! Pethick, auctioneer. Clarke High School is spon- soring a Spring Formai at the Bowmanviîle Golf and Country Club, May 17, featuring the the Markatos. Tickets, $5 per couple. Available throughi Clarke students. Ail graduates are particuiarly weicome. 1 9-2 BckstockUnted Church School Anniversary, Sunday May 19. 11 a.m. Rev. William Patterson, B.A.. of Garden- view United Church, Whitby, and Children's Choir. 7:30- Special Anniversary Famuly Night, Hi-C Choir. Social hour and lunch. Everyone welco.me. 19-2 COLMER TOURS East Coast July 6 - 20 Atlantic City August 10 - 17 Calif ornia September 7 - 29 For Information Phon 623-3265 or 623-3093 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Orchardview Blvd. _BOWMANVILLE__19-3 Woodview Community Centre MONSTER BINGO Next Monday 7:45 PM. RED BARN OSHAWA 6-tf COLMER TOUR LilaC Tour Rochester N.Y. May 18 -20 For Information Call 623-3265 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOWMAN VILLE 16-4 M<onday evenlng, May 20. MIusic by outstanding group. Gymnastic dlsplay from Clarke Hligh School. Tickets 50c each or $2 per family. Liniited on he grounds parking for handi- capped persons only. Call for rescrved space. 623-3587. IV IV G ti ci re ___________19-2 ENNISKIILLEN BUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVRSARY SUNDAY, MAY 19 nt 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: REV. K. DEER, Kedron Spelai Music by SUNDAY SCHOOL CHOIR MONDAY, MAY 26 SPORTS AT 3 P.M. BUFFET SUPPER Beglalm nt 4.30 pmn - ADMSSION - ýAd«lte 1 ..ChlMrea 75e 12-21 Coming Event MY MUSICAL Courtice Secondary Scho, Presented by SENIOR and JUNIOR BA? wlth M. J. HODBS CHO Dlreeted by ROSS METCA Thurs., May 16 ADMISION - 50 an ADISIO195. u ghbors mes- mg the 19-1 mecrs, John's in and al the id. 19-1' k my s nd ks te ,garth loer. hanks lends fiew- as a ipital. Me- lmes igales cari- ends iand glv- 1, anral t wlfeE beend fund 6 late te te rela- F, heu r dur- delar verY T MIrs. R. and ndly te elon at aur p, tie sgo ent Cg nks E, En-- ield Ile.. 19-1 n'Ir 01K DI rd . Euchre Party, Tyrone Hall, severy fflday nigit. Admis- sion, lunch and pres. 52-tf Anyone wlhing to go te TuIlp Festival ln Ottawa, May 19, Phono 885-2527. Roe Travel Agency, Port Hope. Nestîcton United Church Women's Spring Supper and Bazuar, Friday, May 17 frorn 5 p.m. Adulta $1.50 - studenle $1. 19-2' Plan new te attend 1h. Oriental Dinnor te b. heîd ln the Great Hall cf St. John's Anglican Churci next October 23rd. 19-1 endail-Ponny -Sal--e, -Ma-y Il In Kendal School Audi- torium. Beautiful appliqued qult and many worliwile articles. 19-1 Plan now te attend tie Forsythia Tee and Bake Sale ln Trinity Churci Hall, Frlday, May lOti, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Auspices United Churci Wo- men. Baby sitting provided. _______________18 -2 Long Seul Club 50 Penny Sale and Bake Sale will be held Wodnesdey ettemnoon, May 15, ln Tyrone Hall. Atter- noon tea wiîll h served. Tick- ets are availeble tram mem- bers. 19-1'* ic Oa-6hawe Chýapler cof Parents without Partners are hoding lhe Ememald Bail et the Cerousel Inn, Oshawa, on Saturday. May Il. Buffet dinner and dance. For tickets, 623-5419. 19-1 Whïybeýke for tic holiday wreekend? Instead, buy your home-made goodies et lie Hliday Bake Sale le be ield ln St. John's Anglican Churci Hiall, Thursday afbemnoon, t tMy 16 et 2 p.m._ 19-I1 MONSIb'.TER BINGO 'HURSDAY NIGRT, 8 o'clock Sponsored by the ,Junior Chamber o! Commerce JUBILEE PAVILION OSHAWA_ 8-tf Tyri one Sunday ci oolC-e-n- Lennial Annlvorsary, May 19 Rt 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. A. W. Merci. Guest ilolat Mr. R. Ceombos. Specimi nusic. Folk service et 7:30. onducted by tie Hi-C Group. ,voryone welcome. 19-1 Sïi*NYSIDE PARÏK - MONSTER BINGO Thursday Nigliht 7:45 RED BARN OS HAWA BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL WED., MAY 15 THURS., MAY 16 # * 0 Wednesday FA BRION SHOW DISPLAY OF ART sud INDUSTRIAL ARTS PROJEOTS Thursday CONCERT BAND DISPLAY 0F ART aud INDUJSTRIAL ARTS PROJECTS DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 P.N. Silver Collectionà- ROWE TOURS Wheelint, West Virginia, and Grand Oie Opry Weekend of May 17 - 20 Motel and Tours Arranted Boston, Norfolk, Washington SPRINGTIE TOUR May 23 - 31 - 9 Days CALGARY STAMPEDE TOUR July 2 - 17 - 16 Days Canadian Rockies, Pacifie Cost Alaska Crulse July 22 - Aug. 15 - 25 Days Atlantic City Tour 9 Days - August 3 - il Maritime and Newfoundland Tour Aug. 31 - Sept. 18 - 19 Dayu Travel aircondltioned, Washroom Motorcoach For Information to above tours Phone 885-2527 PORT HOPE ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY __________18-2 CANADIAN FARMERS TOUR n. ENI 9GLAND - SCOTLAND WALES Personaily conductedl by Mr. Alfred Allun of Bowrnanville. This ls oae of the nicest and Most complets tours of Britain and Includes fascinatlng and unusual slghtseeing feature. blhhilghted by a visit te the famsous "Royal Show". Under the. leadership of Mr.1 Allin the group wili leave1 Toronto op June 13th aud re- turu ,Iuly l7th.1 Anyone Interested ilaie "Dit fereat" Tour of Britaini wlth special emphaaia ou the rural countryuide and it. activities can mecure full de- tai, frein: A. H. Creighton TRAVEL AGENCY P.O. Box 149 - Phone 889-5643 THORNHILL, ONTARJO 19-1 Opportunity SPARE TE INCOME Refilng and collocling money fron g E TYPE higi quallly coin operated dispensera ln your area. No selling. To quallfy you must have car, references. $600 to $2.900 cash. Soven te 12 heurs weekly can net excellent monthly Inceme. More ful Urne. For personel Interview write Cavieax Dlsbatbag Limitei 302 Ouelette Avenue, Windsor. Ontario. Include 'phone numn- ber. 19-20 P. 5254-68 opNTsqo THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL, BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F Section 2(l) of The Municipal Corporations Quleting Ord.esAet (R.S.O. 1960, c, 251) and Sections 6(l) and Il e!t Ibo Territorial Diviuion Ast (R.S.O. 1960, «. 395) - and - IN THE MATTER 0F' an application by Tic Corporation ot tie Township of Darlington fer a quleling orden te establishItis legal existence, coupoate status and proper - and - IN THE MATTER 0F By-law 2370 of the applicant corporation NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND APPOIN'1VENT FOR HEARING TAXE NOTICE that The Corporation of the Townshi o! Darlington has applied ta The Ontario Municipal Boar fer a quieting order under the said Acta for the purposec establishing its area and boundaries in accordance wit Schedule "A" attached hereto. AND TAKE NOTICE that The Ontario Municipal Boari has appointed Tuesday, the 2lst day of May, 1968, ai th, heur of eleven o'clock In the forenoon (local trne) at 1hi Council Chambers. Municipal Hall, in the Town cf Cobourg for the hearing of aIl persens Interested ln support of or li AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a plan an( description of the boundaries ln question ln the said applica tien may be inspected at the office cf the Clerk cf 1hi Township of Darlington et any timne during regular busines. heurs prior te the date appointed for the said hearing. DATED at Toronto this 5th day cf March, 1968 R. SCOTT, SECRETARY ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F Section 2(l) of The Municipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act, (R.S.0. 1960, c. 251) and Sections 6(l) and Il of The Territorial Division Act (R.SO. -960 nc.395 IN HEMAT- O a apdcaio by The Corporation cf the Township o! Clarke for a quieting order te esteblishI 11..legai existence, corporate status and proper and IN THE MATTER 0FP By-law 1562 cf the applicant corporation NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING TAKE NOTICE that Tie Corporation of the Township o! Clarke has applied te The Ontario Municipal Board for a quieting order undor the said Acta for the purposè of establishing its area and boundarles ln eccordance with Sciedule «A" attached hereto. AND TAXE NOTICE that The Ontario Municipal Board ha. appointed Tuesday, tie 21st day 'of May, 1968, et the heur o! doyven o'éock ln the forenoon (local Urne) et the Council Chambers, Municipal Hall, in the Town of Cobourg, for the hearing o! aIl poisons interested ln support o! or in opposition toe i. aid application. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a plan and des- cription of the boundaries in question in the said applicationi may be Inspected at the office e! the Clerk o! the Township o! Clarke et any lime durlng regular business heurs prieri te thc date appointcd for the said bearing. DATED et Torento this Sth day ef Mardi, 1968 (Signed> R. SCOTT, Secretary TOWNSHIP 01P CLAIKE Roy A. FOÉT" lrné"d H. n. MILLSON, Clerkj WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES' ut Durham County Sales Amena Oreno - Every Thurs., 7:30 Pmn. Seliing Herses, Catlle, Swiue, Valves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid' & Bon, Sales Managers. 52-tf Kinsmen Club of Bowman- ville will hold an auction saie at Il a=n. sharp at Bowman- ville Badmlnton Hall, King Street East, on Saturday, May llth. Proceeds for Cystic Fibrosis research. Items ln- clude furniture, appliances, a cernent mixer, cigarette mia- chines and many other articles. Harvey Webster, auctioneer. Terms cash. 19-1 Bowmanville Auction Barn, Wedriesday NIte, May lSth, 7:30 p.m. Large assortment of household furnishings from Allied Van and Storage (Pres- ton's), stove. washers, fridges, TV, comb. record and radio, dresser, drawers, large glass- ware selection. chesterfield, ichlldren's garden swing set, [power mower, bueket chairs, d antique china, rocking chairs, of brass jardinieres, milk glass th coal o11 lamps, girl's bike, chrome suite, odd chairs, dish- es. sllverware. Wednesday nite, ,d 7:30, Bowmanville Auction Barn. Doug Gower, Jim Wood, e Auctioneers, 728-1005. 19-1 ie,-- 91 Auction sale of used furn- 1iture at Stirtevarit's Auction ýn Hall. 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Thursday, May 9 at 7 p.m.: ýd Frigidaire range, washing ma- chine, Frçnch Provincial elles- -terfield, office desk and chair. ýe chests of drawers, chrome ;s suite, studio couch, antique 39" spool bed, Teco Master power iawn mower, television sets, trunks. rugs, antique chairs, vacuum cleaner, sewing mia- 2 chine, floor lamps, Victorian -dresser, electric carving kn.ife, sewing cabinet, record player, tables, jig saw and motor, rocking chairs, o11 lamps, many other articles. Terms cash. Myles King, Auctioneer, 723-0501 or 725-5751. 19-1 The undersigned auctioneer will seli by public auction for the estate of the late S. Charles Allin, 55 Church St., Bow- manville on Saturday. May 11, ail his household effects, ln- cluding chesterfield and chair. floor lamps, walnut haif roundi end table, radio, piano lamp, leather arm 'chair, studio couch, writing desk, floor pol-! isher, quantity of books, large quantity of pictures, some ln antique frames, 3 wooden kitchen chairs, 6 smaîl lamps, number of vases, needlepoint footstool, b a k i n g utensils, kitchen utensils, bathroom scales, quantity of glassware, several cushions, bcd. springs and mattress, dressers, four- drawer chest and night table, dresser lamps, electric dlocks, G.E. automnatie refrigerator, eiectric stove, antique dish1 cupboard, drop-leaf table and 4 chakYs, 4-door cupboard, Singer sewing machine, three' chambers, three-quarter bed, spring and mattress, dresser, vanity table and cane seat bench, pIllows, 9 boxes meal- ers. washing machine, pots and pans, Dutch oven, two coal 011 lamps, wash tubs camp cot, quantity of linen and quilts, 60-plece set of dishes (semit-porcelain), fern-i ery, antique claw and bal square table, 10w cheat of drawers, two Cape Cod chairs, two deck chairs, Morris chair, large trunk, step-ladder, lawn mower, garden tools, many useful, articles. There should be a lot of small antique art- icles ln this oId home. Sale at 1:30. ClIff Pethick, auction- eer. 19-1 GET CASH TODAT I'OR OLD APPLIANCES tbreugb ETAT3ESMAN CLASSVIEI8 Phone s62-3303 t 7. re OBITUÂRY jG. R. JANCZYN Ile death af Gordon Rich, ard Janczyn, resulting wher a tracter -overturned, occurred suddenly in Manvers Town- ship on Thursday, May 2nd, 1968. He was in is 21st year. Son of Tony and May (Gibbs) Janczyn, lie deceas- cd was born ini Saskatchewan. Fifteen years age, lie fam.ily mnoved from Saskatciewnt -1. Drops in April Thore were 243 wellare re- c1pients home during AMUi. Thia was 18 less tien duriig the previeus nionli. Welfwrs oximenditures for Apnil amounted te $14,702.38. but as provincial and toderal subsi- dies and chargebucks w1j,. JIN HoNoqor.O%~h16dcIq. GRADE A No. 1 PURE HOME-MlADE CHICKES S APORK, CICKENS SUSAGE' 3A4-lb lbC _____ 59b FRESH No. '.0 Strawberries 3 pts $10 FRESH No. 1 FRESH - CRIS? Green Beans Lettuce 29, 2 ý37~ FRESH A E NABOB (OFFEE 751 bL STOKELY'S FANCY 1-sSV WAX BEANS 2 Tins, 7C12 Orange Crystals 2 BAVE RED CIRCLE FANCY TSV SOCKEYE SALMON49c BN CLARK'S Vegetable Soup l0;:-25 c AVE DEMPSTER TOASTMASTER Crusty Fresi Apple or Raisin Mixed RoIIs PIES dzvE9 SAVE 13e WAGSTAFFE ASSORTEDSV Jamns or Juies £ 1eir, ( 4 ci15 MIRACLE WIP Salad Dressn 7 DUVETTE WHITE - SLICED MARGARINE BREAD 4IbS.$COO 424-oz.85 2001 DISCOUNT ON FANCY BOXES 0F FINE QUALITY CHOCOLATES IDEAL GIFTS FOR MOTHER'S DAY SUMMIT AS'T. FLAVOURS ICE CREAM 7 9c% Ge YKSTRAI Business la Welfare Roll -1 I.OIMMMIlhl ýýý lodommbib. Notice to Creditors Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS BOWMANVILLE IN THE ESTATE 0F OLIVE M. E. JOHNSTON, A"L PER- PUBLIC SCHOOLS SONS havlng dlaims ainal tie estate e! Olive M. E. Registration Johnston. laIe e! the Town- ship e! Clarke, Village cf New- of Beain r s tenville, who dled on or about- n er the 24 February, 1968, are Children wha mecc their required to file proof tiereof !ifth bithdey during 1968, Switi lie underslgned Solic- wie are children ef Public 1tor, for tie Executer, on or Scicol Supporters and wio before tie l6ti day et May, live wltiin the- town limita, 1968, afler wich date lie are eligible ton Kindergartea assoIs of tie estait will ho Classes openlng ln September. dIstrlbuted, iaving regard Ail suci parents who wlsi only le lie dlaims e! whlch te have lhiu children attend the Solicitor shall tien have ticse classes are requlred te iad notice. tii eout a registration torm for DATED et Newcastle bila 23 oaci chiid, and relurn It te lie day o! April, 1968. sciooi, alcng witi preof ef E. Richard Lovekin. age cf lie chiid, durlng thie Box 9, Newcastle, Ont., wsek o! May 6 ta 10. Solicitar fon tie Executor. A cecîtficate (birth certift- 18-.3 cale, PasePort, etc.) showint 1 the ehiid'a date o! birth lIs Notices required of ail beginners. L. . Mso, QC.,La Make plans now te acquireoe L. C.Mason Q.C. Lawsethat il will ho availablo tiec Office cîosed deys until July day you register. (Birti cci-1 2nd. In office ovenings oetificabes for cildren hem nln' Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9 - 10:30 Ontario may heobetained trom î lie Registrar-General of On-r Open Bowling et Liberty tario, 70 Lombard St., Toron-r Bowl Lanea. Base Lino, Bow- to, cost $2.00). manvIlle, duîing menti of hlunwi oc e May. Phono 623-5663 for res- Cide h ec hi ervalions. AI Osborne, Man- sixti birbiday during 1968, ager.___ 18-4 who have nol altended Kind- t - . ergaîlen ln Bowmanville, anda To ail Churches - Tic Ex- who wisi te enter Grade 1 celsior Choir will provide classes ln Soptember, are aise music for your spoclal services. requlred le register as out- s Please contact Mrs. J. A. Tuma- llned ahove.0 bull et leest two weeks ahead. Rogistralion forma ahould beo Addresa R.R. 1, Bewmanviîle I Phono 263-2529. 19- obtalned froni, and returnedp - te, lie sciool wiich tie chiîd t For Assistance will attend. Registration lsA CAN.ADIANPleaso pessa bilanotice elong CANCER SOCIETYi to any parent wio requîmes- tis nformation. Phone Mrq. M. Syer - 623-3177 A. M. THOMPSON, A Mi,, J. Oegema - 623-2318 SupemvIsIng Principal. M 10-tf 17-3 fa CALGARY STAMPEDE CANADIAN ROCKIES 23 Day, JULY lut te JULY 23r For Rent GARAGE for ront. 12 Jane St., Phono 623-5940. 19-1 BiEAUTIFUÙL 2-bedrooni apt., $125, ail services supplled; July I or June 1. Telephone 623-5888. _______19-ti APARTMENT, heated, mod- ern. Adults only. Fridg, steve, TV aerial, parking. Appîy Statesman Office, King St. W. 17-tf LfOVELY-,modem 2-bedroom luxury aparlnients; alî services supplied, broadloom, Interconi. Phone 623-5888, 63 Lambs Lane. 15-tf HO(USE, six roornsheavy duty wiring, near Orono. Write Advertiser 889, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manvîlle. 19-1' ýAARTMET, hateéd, avai-_ able now. Modern 4 rooms and bath. Apply Caretaker, Apt. 3, 16 Division St. S, Bowmanville ___18-5* WE have a limited number of units available on a month- ly rentaI basis froni October 'tii June. Facîlitios includeï indoor and outdoor swimming pools, sauna bath, exerciso moom. Appiy Flying Dutch- man Motor Inn, Bowmanvjlle.1 Phono 623-3373. 36-tf HOUSE, 88 Queen St., rented te Ukmainian moving May l6th, aIse apartmonl, upper 88 ýQueen St. for rent, availablei May 15, outside verandai,r special for baby, $45.50 te end of May (4 rooma), also 51 roomed apartment ao v e Viaher Shoe Store, 7 King St. Possession I6th May, $45.501 to end of May. Apply Beatrice Annis, 105 King E. 19-1' Auction Sales NEED AN AUCTIONEER? Cail Deug Gower, Jim Wood, A.uctioneers and Liquidators, WJe specialize ln household, farma and machlnery. Caîl 728-1005 - 723-0976. Rates on request. Big or small . . . we Tyro e awhere hey ew eo 2,1.2 P ubl c a d C o rti e Hi h am entr eo $12.388e,96, Ii~ Scicels. A termi workor, lie Administreter R. J. Welsh,- was employed by Adamis whici was submllted te hi;1 Famms nt lie lime e!is meeting o! Town Council on death. He was a Jehovai Mondey evening aise showed Wilness. biet durlng April 12 now ap-, Surviving, besideq his Par- plicalions were flled, 10 worê. onts, are two sistoma, Mer- accepted, empîcyment was ob-t garot and Fay, and a brother, talned for five porsons, and Donald. nine cases weme diacontinued, Tic funoral service wes Wolfere recipients durtnC, held frorn lie Morris Funeral tic menthilncIuded 37 heudu.- Chapel, Bowmanviîlo, on Set- o! familles with 109 depend- umday, May 4th, and was con- ont., 24 ingle persons, 12- ducted by M. Fred Rebert. peuple -wio roceived O.A.A"; Interment was ln Hampton and O.A.S., Supplernentarry Cemeteryv AId, 10 deserted and seperat- Paîbeemera wcre Mesrs. cd cases with 23 dependenta, Bob Copping, Danny Moroz, and 30 patients lu nuîaing Doug Park, Ted Wod, S. homes. Reyenga and Paul M eoue. Th x e dt r du ng- iFîowcr bearers were Mesrs. ATh e epeDitrectdulng.,, Saim Rcycnga, John Wood, Apr1052,nwre: sDiret wehome- John Vivian, Bill Peeling,$49 675,n ngim~ g, .ï0.67, spocial assistance-. Gcmry Hardy and Ted Ski- $3269, supplementaîy ald-' nem. _____$240. and nen-subsidize a>-, Personal cunt, $20. Building Inspecter R. Heth.- HYGENIC Suppieoa-.(Rubber orînglon repemted liaI lhe - goods) nmaiied pastpeid ln total cost of construction dur- plain sealed envelope with lpg April was $107395. Thora pnice Eist. Six samples 25c, weme il building permuta and- 24 semples $1,00. Mail Order two plumbîng permuts Issued.. Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber C.. lest menth. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 Tic Building Inapectem's re- I i port siowed liat'thleue were. I FINE QUALITY 17 building Inspections nd' M ONUMENTS AND elght trench Inspections mnade-i MARKERS I in April. Theme were 23 în,?' M 4tm me Mi % .1wero cempeted. DeNURE CONDUCTED MOTORCOACI' TOURS GASPE TOUR 9 Day. AUG. 25 te SEPT. 2 MARITIME CIRCLE TOUR 15 Days AUG. 10 te AUG. 24 OLD FASHIONED EXCURSION TO MOOSONEE FR1., AUG. 2 te MON. AUG. 5 For Reservatlons Contact JURY & LOVELL TRAVEL AGENCY 19 King Street East Bownvllbe - Phone 623-3182 19-1 -ESTIVAL 0F ARTS, ihil -- - - imaz -Il m - ..i 1 t g 1 r .-I 1 - -- 1- RESULTS COUNTL- Consuit a Momber of tke-, MULTIPLE LISTINCS ERI«m Oshaxwa & District Real Estate Bord, il 1 1 1 - 1- 1 .1ý -- 1 I~BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers monuments LIMED Box 133 319 Dundas St. E. - Whltby Phono Whitby 868-3552 i