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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1968, p. 18

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~v-a; The Canadim man StaeuaEwmanvie, May 8, 198 Coun fies Ado pis Report Gro uping Mun icîp alities For School Board Pur poses, eWith the exception of ont Munildpality, United Countiei Ç9uncHln h Cobourg at week, ý4opted a report grouping Inember munidipalitles for assesament udrtenew 00unty-wide school board. SLater I the one-day session ee S. J. P. McMllan ol Alnwlck Township asked to bave the matter re-opened foi discussion. H. said he lntended ta ob- jec tothegroplg of Alnwick *ltt Camellfod, Seymour, Perey and Hastings Townships. -The township, he said, has iJwaYs been assoclated wlth eh municipalities to the South (partlculariy ln the 4~1nwck, Haldimand Town- uhip School Area Board). Mr. McMilian and his sec- tinder were the only ones ta vote lni favor of reopening the subjeet and the motion was defeated. The former warden sald lie Riad misunderstood the dis- position of the school commit- tee report and pianned to Present arguments when It earne up at the committee otage. .Council had, however. al- ready approved the report i fts entlrety. >Clerk Kenneth Symons i- formed Reeve McMUllan an appeal could be filed with the county judge. .Based on the 1967 pro- výincIally-equalIzed assessment the total approximate assess- ment for public school purpos- es la $353,648,000. Separate Schooi assessment is $22.983,- don. The Counties of Northum- berland and Durham with 'ai ie population of slightly leua th! ,s 89,000 are entitled toaa1- rnember board - 15 public g schooi trustees and one sep- ir arate schooi trustee. One public school trustee wIl represent approxixnately ri $23.000,000 assessment. I The ponsultative commlttee Dunder Hope Township Reeve rWeston Banser spent con- siderabie time trylng ta group member municIpalities f o r equltable representation. boundaries were respected to facilitate nominations and eiec- tions. "By dividing municipalities Into portions and redistribut- Ing themn here and there ln groups, the assessment could be brought dloser to the base of approximately $23,000,000 per trustee," Mr. Banister stat- ed. "However, we sincerely feel the arrangement as presented wI11 be a wonkable arrange- ment and will be casier to lm- plement." The grouping of Cavan, South Monaghan and MIII- brook resuited ln the oniy group failing short of the base assessment figure. It Is the only instance where three muntcipalities were grouped ta have only one representative. They have a combined as- sessment of $16,395,649. Other groupings are: Cartwright and Manvena, with a combined assessment of $23,767,311, represented by one trustee. Darlington and Bowman- ville, $76,998,595 assessment, three trustees. Hope, Clarke and Newcastle, $54,024,972. two representa-1 e1tives. Murray, Brighton Town- ship, Brighton Village. Cram- ahe. Coîborne, $46,322,601, wlth two trustees. Campbellford, S e ym o ur Percy, Ai1 n w i c k. Hastings, $41.933,293, combined assess- ment, two nepresentatives. .Cobourg, Hamilton, Haldi- mand, $65,475,634, wlth three trustees. Port Hope, remaining sep- arate wlth $28,729,669 asseas- ment and a single trustee. Thege figures will be used for the election of truste«s. .Where municipalities are grouped together ta eiect two or more trustees> (Cobourg, Hamilton, Haldirnand) each electar may vote for two or more trustees (in this case, tbree) but he cannot vote more than once for each position. Nominations will be held ln the municipallty wlth the largest assessment (Cobourg) and the clerk will act as chief returning officer. It Is understood the system will be reviewed every four years ta ensure representatIon adheres ta the original- base of $23.000,000 per trustee.-Ex- amne,r. 22 Nurses' Aides Receive Certificates After On Thursday evening at Memorial Park a special ceremony was held to present certificates to 22 nurses' aides who had completed a six week course of films and lectures. The course, believed to have been the first in Ontario was obtained through the Ontario Hospital Association and conducted by Mrs. O. M. Cobban, R.N., and Mrs. D. L. Childs, R.N. The certificates were presented by Miss Betty Flaxman, R.N., Dept. of Health and flowers were presented to Miss Flaxmnan by Miss F. Myles. The evening concluded with luncheon. Six Weeks Course Those taking part in the ceremony were : front row, left to right, Mrs. H. -Park, Mrs. K. Kooy, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Mrs. D. L. Childs, Miss B. Flaxman, Mrs. O. M. Cobban, Mrs. R. Truil, Miss P. Elliott and Mrs. F. Verbeek; middle row, Mrs. B. Wilson, Miss M. McCul- lock, Mrs. D. Wallace, Mrs. P. Noble, Mrs. I. Forbes, Miss E. Van Belle, Mrs. P. Kilpatrick, Mrs. V. Perrin; back row, Mrs. D. Veitch, Mrs. H. Mallette, Mrs. 1. Tomlinson, Mrs. W. Bird, Mrs. J. Kamminga, Mrs. S. Mantie, Miss S. Myles, Mrs. H. Artelt and Miss F. Myles. BUEKTON Mr. and ?m . Cooper, Mrs. W. Bryant. Burktn Mrs. J. Peeling an Oshawa, were Sundayvitos of Mrs. T. Bailey. SYMPathy Of tec mnt. Breck and familles of Kings:- ton and Ottawa in the sudden. passlng of Mrs. Tom B Wo (former merchant and office attendant of Burke) Bürlal was in Hampton Ceife. tery, Tuesday. 230 pan. from the Northcutt Efloti Funeral Home. Bowmanville. Glad to report Mr. H. Larm., er able to be home miter spend- Ing some trne in Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanville.; Mr. Ornile Hyland 1&tutfIr patient In Port Perry, Corn, munlty Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylot' and June motored to Cooks. town on Sunday to vIsili her sister Mr. and Mns. B. Powerq and farnlly. Mr. Mumphrey Hewltt oi Toronto vislted during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabb attended the-Durhami Central Agricultural Society banquet at Orono United Church on Tuesday evenlng of last week and others report an enjoyable evening. Business uses advertlsing tô maintain and increase its out- lets for goods. Unies. such outiets are rnaintained and increased, the income on whicb taxes are based will flot bu fnrthnnLi- 50 LINA The Eldad U.C.W. group Baker, Misses Jean and Cath- heid their May meeting ln the arine Baker, Solina; Miss Mary Sunday School Room wlth Lou Flynn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice, President, Mu.. Barry Cowling and Mr. lni the chair. The Explorer Larry Welsh, Salem, attended and C.G.L.T. girls were our the Whalen-Ormiston wedding gu ests. Mn.. Wesley Yellow- ln Trlnity United Church on résread letters of thanks Saturday aftennn. Little ftra Streethaven Girls' Home, Miss Catharine Baker was a ln Toronto, and the Overseas flowen girl for her cousin. elief Depot for bales of cloth- Misses Dianna and Teresa ing reoentiy sent by the group. Bittner, Oshawa, were week- The devotional service was end guests wlth their grand- given by the Explorer group parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett and the C.G.LT. girls favored Cryderman. es wlth a Japanese sang. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice Mns. Donald Taylor showed visited Mn. and Mn.. Harold 4 very Interesting and educa- Jebson, Beavertan, on Sunday. tional film on Japan, assisteci Mns. F. H. Westlake, Gar- by Miss Ann HiUls. The meet- don, Shirley and KevIn accom- Ing closed wlth the Mizpab panied Mrs. R. Broome and tenediction. A tasty lunch Kelly. Bowmanvllle, ta visit end social haîf hour followed. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Fleet- Frlends and neighbors o1 wood, on Sunday. Xr. nd rs.Bruce Mountjoy Mrs. Bruce Tink recently 1 anrd Mn visited wth Mr. and Ms.. gatere intheComunty Doug Ferguson, Newcastle. Ilall on Friday evenIng for a fanewell panty, as they have Miss Jean Baker and Mr. sold their fanm and will be Larry Welsh wene guests at ÈvIng ln Hampton. Mr. John the Young - Barron wedding Kçnox, chaIrman for the even- n Hampton United Church on ing, calied on Mrs. Francis Sauryafternoan. johnston, who nead an address, SeVeral ana Yourng people end r. MrrayViceandattended the Courtice RIgh and . Muve ayel Vie an -School "Prom" that was held sented a veny lovely set of at the Bowmanville Golf and 1,wn funniture, consîstîng of Curling Club on Friday even- i chaise lounge and two chairs, Ing.eoln"epyeahs th a brlght floral. pattern.TeSln Ppyeahs Bruce and Elva both thanked 4-H Club held their eighth the nelghbors for t he ir meeting April 22 at 7 p.m. ln thoughtfulness and good wish- the Community Hall, We es. A slng-song. led by Mrs. opened wlth the 4-H Pledge. Prindis Johnston and accom- President Karen Yellowlees p!ined o thepian by rs.calied on Iris Koczulab ta read Murray Vice, was enjoyed b yth miueofhepvos aIL. Lost Hein rounded ou t meeting. The 20 membens an enjoyabie evening, follow- jrsn, nsee h ri al Cd by a bountiful lunch serv-"A fruit dessert that I enjoy ed by the ladies. Bruce andi making". Fiya will be greatiy missed ln The skit committee read us oun ommnityactvitis bthte skit they had pnepared for ourcomuit a friteq ut "Achievement a"adw we hope ta sec them rqettDa" ndw y a thy wllnotbe ocfan found it very amusing. For ly as y wl otb lunch we had a variety of 'w. r.GogKnxatne foods bnought by the members the Women's Institute Pro- admd rmrcpsl u výincal Officers' Conference 4-H course, Including the date bel% ln Guelph on April 3th. squares,, fruit cookies, fruit Zda Is ad 2das dlegtebread and other delicious May olstandW.Ia elgt fruit desserts. We made fruit Mn. and Mrs. Grant Hennon juice, which was senved with and amiy, Curtce, erefruit Ice cubes, t0 complete our .Sunday suoper guests with Mr.n. ch. ______ and Mrs. Francis Johnston. .saa as a ween 'fMiss Brenda Anderson, of ire rv P est with Miss Nancy Knox. is e rv ir. and Mrs. John Knox and Nancy were Sunday onpe guests with Mn. and Ms.Tom To C nquer ftndenson. .Mn.. Howard Brown, Ked- ron, was a weekend guest with stc Fb o i1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarnrce Vice. Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. Is More than 1,700 coin col- back home with Mn. and Mn.. lectors have been placed In Frunt Westlake Jr. and on stores, restaurants and othen S5unday was a suppen guest business establishments as part with Mn. and Mrs. Percy West- of the annual fund naising R.ake. drive 0f the Kinsmen Clubs of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yellow- this district. They have plac- Sees attended the Annivensany ed thein collectons, now they Services at Courtes United hope that people will be kind Chunch on Sunday and later enough to f111 each oesSo that %vere suppen guests wlth Mn. the fight agairist Cystlc Fib- and Mn.. Walter Short, rosis can move ahead. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink One baby ln appnoxîmateîyý %vre Sunday visitors wlth ber eveny thousand Is born with41 fi'other, Mn.. W. A. Ormiston, Cystic Fibrosis. The basicl Brooklin. chemnical defert ln this disease Mn. and Mn.. Joe Snowden, ls not yet understood, but the Bruce and Sheryl were Sun- nesuit is that the body pro- day supper guests with Mn. duces abnornmaly salty sweat and Mn.. Charles Langmaid and a thick, gluey mucus. The!I end family. abnonmal mucus interfenes i Mrs. Norman Leach was Ri with digestion, clogs ail pass- Sunday guest wlth Mn. andiages and lodges In the lungs.' Zýrs. Doug Flett. In untreated patients, fre- X~M. ad M.. rnest Hocka- quent respiratony Infections ffand Miss Elleen Hockaday often lead ta Jung collapse. ïttended the Poste - Quinton Onlgtnafly, C.F. was thought, prd ding i St. Peter's Church, &0 be rare and always fatal ln »,ronta. on Saturday. the first mentira or years of 'Recent gueats wth Mn. and ilife. It la now known ta b. Urs. R. Fraser were hi.s iter, one of the mnost serlous chrorle, -Mn. ad Mrs. Mennell, Toron- diseases Of childhood. More- to. and Mr". and Mrs. Ami>' over, with sari>' diagnosisanad' lgtrkness, Wbtby. expert trealmot, many CF. Mn?4. Elgin lTaylorand Mr,yuntasrelvs1oni pd Mis. atmrry Jo eNw-.hi en. en e caste* wne SUrda>' sulpr oaerch eek a amethod c emt. lipest witlr M. a" 19n.. x- tol Wh" hWinl eapmte for Crydmm .tii, rM n Iitii.body. fuuc- are uour<~huta blg. Mton. mmi- T1 1» aim fet owMUa. érô In th* avkViletr POWtobea t II14~

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