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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1968, p. 2

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2The Canadian Statesmian, Rowynanvllle, May 8, 1968 I MagistraesCor I HeId in Bowmanville Water Molsner, 503 Br Ing Street, Oshawa,.pli Not Guiity ta a ehari kiLga dog, Uic propera Mlvii.Maore, 9 Jane SI when 'ho appeared i Muigistrute R. B. Buxter on Tuesday. Russell J. phy, Ouhawa, was Uic la, for the defence, and Ci Attorney Geaiffrey Bonn, tîs pro.cuted. Durnngtheiccase Uic dence dloclosed that aiti the dog bad been shot by Molnrit bad actualiy1 Lloyd Moore who with permission ai bis father ad klled the dog. Crown Attorney Banny tl. made a motion toaiar theic nformation "the son tually flnIs.hcd off the fatt dog that had been previol wiounded by the deienda lhe suid, and quoted ther Vant autbonity ton amendn of Information that is ln eaydefective in substa: Te lawyer ion the doli stated that ho was ln ai ment wlth this maya of Cnown. "I amend Uic motion au quln.d," siae Magisi Baxter, so Uic change beci one ai wounding a dog. Melville Moore was finit witness ta testify. said that on thec mornini Mardih Mho witb hisa Lloyd, snd Ralph Colo, 0 awa with bis daog, a bou and a hound owned by1 Colo had gane bunting w on Uic th Concession oaiDi linpton Township. 'About 1:30 p.m. I bad1 two dogs on leailies and I them Icase. They went ai a hili and started ta gi tonue (bark) indicating th had stnuck scent. "I heard a abat fromn a fii anm. In about balf a mint 1 hoard another. Then hoà rny dag squeal, and thon about unother half mint hourd anathen, the third, ahi Mn. Moone toid the cat that ho rusbed aven Uic of Uic bii, saw nmre buil Ings. Only bis son was 5¼v/àCy SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Min. Monthly Balance 4 PERSONAL 41/4 %CHEQTJING ACCOUNTS Loir service charges Min. %' yeariy balance 7 % 1 ta 5 Years G.I.C.'S PERSONAL LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 823-2327 7235221 oe UZiVoeU«t9 te a eowmeume flci..d W.da..deun Irown- vlow. "My dog was struggllng Constable L. R. Jamn eaded on thie ground.. He had been evidence that he had ge oi shot twice, once in the shoul- panied Lloyd Moore oi rty af der and once in the neck. and Cole. Me stated that àtreet, was bleeding profusely,'" he seen the two dcad di bfone said. The other dol was dead. side a pionie table ai here' Mesid he went and knock- feet fnom a building Mur- cd atsthe door ai a building. was full of rabbit pens rwyer Thon. was no answer but ho that Mr. Molaner showi .nown heard a band'saw warking. a .22 rifle. ycas. A men told hlmn to corne in, Taking the stand, t! and wben asked admitted fendant said iliat ho ha evi- that ho had shot the doga. operating his comnmercfi îaough Tthls man, who Uic witness bit abusiness for two yMr. identiied as Uic deiendant, and that ho b.d sui been showed him a box wltb smre serious lasses due ta ithe young dead rabbits. Hoarîng a dog bark, aj who Mr. Maoro said that ho rabbit ta protect ber could nat otite tic worth af will jump on the ne. lycas- his dagi cash as he b.d inadvertently squash ti rnenci neyer Intendèd tao eil hirn. ter, which run betweer H sth e d that he had soid and 12. 1hen th $0oher do# ta Mr. Cale for M.Mlnrsi lers 10 teUicnght befaro, and M.Mlnrsi Ouly Uiat bis was a more valuable bunting season was ove tant," animal. He also said that he that aisa because he rene, told his son to get Uic police knew Uiat there is no metand walted In Uic yard oi Mr. season on wolves, he any Molsner's rabbltery until hi thougiit Uie two dogs ac.r:turnel with an p o ffoi- strays. Bxe e gree' "I have known hounds for judgiiient ta June 4th 1Uth 4() years. To my knowiedge a. 9r my dog nover barked et or Michael Karpyn, To taechased a rabblt," Mr. Moore wbo pleaded not guilty mrae "id. convicted an a charge of ae Lloyd Moone's testlmony Ing taiied ta louve bal the was simulan ta that ai bis noad froc for atheri Me aUier. In addition be told vebicles coming from tih He th court that he had seon pasite direction. The ai ofa two woivea, ans at a trne, took place on December son, about a hall haur spart Me was fined $10 and $7 Dah- around soyen ani. that day or in dciauit three und, wlthln a mile of the Malaner Magistrate Baxter gave Mn. wolf praporty. two weeks ta puy. :)ar- tBrownie, Guide Bazac lte ver ,Col orful Occasion bie Ir-At -St. Andrews Churg *rd The 2nd Bowmaivillo apen flowers made by In BrownIe and Guide Mothens ?ay Buttery. The m= tutc heidthil second old-iashion- assisting on the banc hot. cd Bazaan at St. Andrew's were Mrs. Florence Mi unt Churo.h an Saturday, May 4. Mrs. Helen .HoveY, Mrs. tpMrs. Barbara Macdonald, con- niece Knight, and Mrs. Ild- venor ai Uic bazaar, intra.. Stocker. in dueed Mm, Majorie Stout, The Guides also had ac Sthe District Commissionen ai ton filled with bandcraft Uic Brownies. Mrs. Stoutlthey made, with t he ir openeci the bazasir by cam- a efotenuig on bow muci Urne rn efrhad been spont by the mothers sud girls on this event. Stie thon proceeded by cuttlng flic wide yeliow satin nlbbon beld by two dalis, anc outfifted In a Brownîe uniiorm and anc ln a Guide unIionni, which oiii-j ciaily opened the bazaur. 1 Te homo-baking cauntor,1 whiclx was weil supplied with pies, cakes, tarts, and cookies, was capably handled by Mns.1 Mary-Lau Towusley (Browni Owi), Mrs. Vivian Corbett, Mrs. BiUbon Noble (Tawny1 Owl), Mns. Betty Bail (Snowy1 Owl), Mira. Venu ChIldsansd Mrs. Mary Groteluars. Tic feu roomtfils yean was very capably rnunaged by fie Guides under fthe direction ai their leaders. Captain Mns. Irene Mornîson, Lieutenants Mrs. Donna Hourd, Mira. Mur- loue Jarvis, aud Mrs. Thelma Phayne. Tic ceutrepces on fthc tables wene cuf-out doils dressed i Guide unifonms tram around the wonld. The Guides served tes and miik along wifh dulnty turfs and cookies fa fthe gucats. The heud table wus enhunced witi a beautiful floral arrange- ment sud Barbie dolls ouf- fiffed in Guide uniiorrms. Pouring tes from two elogant silver tes services were han- arod guests Mra. Maiante.- Stout and Mns. Mary-Lau Townsley (Brown Owl). The handcraft counten with ifs Iut erost iug display ai items caugh.f fie oye ai eveny- onc. Cenfred an Uils caunten was a beautiful bouquet #)i cSunclaysTfayf21 eielrigt'ovMLOd cnde raake fresh and delicious gifia for Mom os Motber' Day choo a buo f herfauowsa ata JURY & LOVELL 2 KJNG ST. E. goig tahelp oaci girl hon way ta camp. Tic Rumnmage court overflowing witi buys handled by Mrs. Joan N day, Mn. Gloria Grant,1 lEaKing, Mira. Alice Hepc sud Mira. Joyce Hogg. A new Countotieti and a-nc aifite prettiesf Genuniums. Behind this cc fer was Mrs. Barbara 1Y donald. At eaci counten m Brownies ta help witi ning ernanda. A big goos Brookdale » Kîngsway Nua, les, Henb Gibson, aud Cal Cooke ior thein donations. Down fthe centre ai roorn staad s long table gifts donated by thxe mati as a penny draw. This ta and the Door Pnize w hundled hy Mns. Edith ditci, Mns. Kay Rehder IV Edna Frazer, and Mrs. !Mt ()atjers. There was an exc lent selection ai gifts w) drew a crowd utthfe end th bazuar ior fie draw. The winners tram fthe'Pi ny Druw wero as talloa Mrs. Marjonie Stout, a basl fd apples; Mrs. Doris Pal & baby quilt; Mira. Racl Sxackeitonitrfrificial fit anne Pa ttrfhrow cushii Mrs. Janeen' Prout, paoo aven; Mrs. Jini Finu, ba twel; Mrs. Gloria Col rhird Game of Amazing Serie' Goes Thursday - r Third game of the NHB jfinals will go Thursday nigh ln Montreal with the Cana diens two gaines aheado their St. Louis Blues rivalm For those who haven' been watching the series the St. Louis team befori the finale started wasn'i given a snowbali's chance oi givlng the Canadiens a bat. tie. But the gaines have beer rough, with the underdogi completely confusint the Canadiens by worklng llke Beavers, supported by ovei 16,000 rabid fans Iast nlghl and an organlst that la the best cheerleader anywhere. ý.its anr SILOS - Construction w~ have been working round bank of storage silos gra When completed, it is uý about 180 fret high. At t a sight for motorists with quite visible from Highm t. t MOVING -Th new er Lumber, being completec store wiII be ready for( few days. It is understooE vacated their present bi start tearing it down t( Changes are coming thici main street. t t1 PARADOX - What cc oddity is thse fact that why Goodyear bufit t] Colflngwood instend of federsi goverumeut's 1 plled fuuads te help isd, nated" area. Last we a new industry becaus ernment's Equalization« program. Maybe the t, get together on th.sý t cm gave accam- knd Mn. ho had bout 25 s. AIso, cd him tho de- d been ial rab- yeara, istalned )dogs. motion Young ift and a ight a the r, and never clased ehad Icrocheted dolly: Sis con- way, stuffed dog; Mrs. DonThe cast: Linde Tonnant, Barb BurgessoA ahe rsa , stunn ed dagbo; M. D E.Jj~, Vanstone, Cornie Hoistede, Cooper 10F, Pat Bate 10F; McDoybab swate se; ~EPdI i i v~ E ~~,J ~ >J IfISusan Burgess, Debbie Walker, Pmrogam Girls. Margie Phillipi McDry,'bab swate se;E n m e r fo r S t rt o rkDon Sylvester, Mary Parker, ùE, Sheryl Davis 9F; Ilocr Mrs. L. A. Parker, ash tray; A S *g5Bannie Curi and Terry Broiek. Openers, Rlck Morrison___ Mns. Marie Laverge, giasos j;', j ~ "Alphee Bites" was preseit- Terry Russell 9C; ReMh. .a t r y ca r sdog; aun 1Ab r ut. N U U W M andtra; M. Saro Bu- d by Christine Biggs, Bonnie monta. Rosemary Cascagnette ýter, cr do; Luri Abe-L i ti* g A i V o e rs fo r urlandHeidi Higgan. The 10F, Cathy Anger 10F, Paul nethy. weekday handkerchief; cast ai "Clents": Maniene Gib- Martin PA; Sound, Bob Dustarn ! Carol Johnston, swan centre- IMIIhkL son, Roy Anger and Rick Mon- 12B and Cali Boy, Paul pickile tank set; Kea. Gaham,F e e a l c i n J n e . t er rcJmsRbnoSeil apeito a estationery; Mrs. SandraGayCrean enadBUepse tR.OriMs OiePatfield, a basket af in Northumberland - Durham Maurice Pedwell. bot o anville. Lawrence McDonald, Brenda and D. Duchesne.e - ak Îs;Joanne Ptetovse door-to-doon by enu- Mercer, Kendal; 5. Carlos Bertha Fisher, 2, Mrs. .iun David Ormiston took part In pitecoe; Mrs. Mary ARashott os n xtwe cJIL I, C rIOn ,f s lar AIred 3 rs abl c-Exd: Sbopoa naheScdby New : Fa ctonw 1 ta.Tupperware; V 1 v i a n voters in the rural areus wjll ence Martin, Leskard; 7, Mrs.1 bledick, al oi Newcastle. To Me Girl was Peggy Clark. bowls, iMrn. Meta lWoffat, pil- various municipalities in hi ville; 9, Mrs. Carmen White,, 2, Doris Joli and Alyce Yeo; Symons, Carol Wight, Paul N Bo lparlnePtePlarsarasflws rn.3MaiMoe an E.HMatJyBtonie eladEnm to e;Miro. PylsBr:KnLe uktn ,Ms te Gobol, Tyrone; 2, Mrs. Grace Taylor; 5, Rose Dickin- Dan Sylvester. For Huge Sg glvsHector Shortridge, B l a c k - Sam Turner, 3, Mrs. Rass son and Ross Grant; 6 .Tepouto tt nld and seanf; Mrs. T. Eby, pillow stock; 3, Ivan Thompson, and Lane, 4, Edward Foiey. 5, Mrs. Morrisan r.V &oe - Ushers, Jh Westover, Jim Buk fTeFyn slips; Elaine Carter, alumi- 4, Mrs. Murray Malcolm, bath Charles Greenbam, 6, Mrs. 7. Elsie Mantgomery and Nel- 9D and Gary Carter PA; Usher- Dutchman must have mixe num candy disb; Rose Con- of Nestieton. John Nornis, ail of Bawman- lie McFeeters; 8, Mrs. Kay ettes, Wendi Stephens 12C and feelings about the new Haney- way, floral centrepiece; Mrs. Manvers - Poil 1, John ville; 7. Mrs. Carrai Clemens, Cain and Mrs. Marion Hon-iJoanne Munneke 12C; Stage weîî plant coming here. Borniece Knight, flannelette Mangan, and 2, William AI- 8, Mrs. Edith Clemens, bath ning; 9. Vera Bate and Mrs. Crew, John Hendry 12D, Bill He's ail for new industry tu biankets, Mns. Dorothy Allun, lin, batil ai Pontypoal; 3, Carl ai Hampton; 9, Mrs. Gladys Clarence Bradley; 10, Ethel' DeM ilie 1 1D, Dan Cook PA, boost the town's population bat caver; Mn.. Sweet, toy Smiith, Betbany; 4. Newton Ashton, Enniakillen; 10, Wal- Lymer and Mrs. Win Bird; Fred Brawn 12C and Jack but this anc has given him a boan. Armstrong, Janetvilo. lace Pascoe, Burketon; i1, 1l, Mrs. Kay Dodds and Ha- Vundcnberg 12C; Parking Lot large-sIzod headache. Door Prize, a Chaisette, Hope - Poli 1, Mrs. Eiwin Mrs. Alex McMaster, and 12, zel Code; 12, Shirley Severn Attendants, David Ormiston, The plant will1 be buit on Marg. Tabb. Dundas, 2, Mrs. Lloyd Kel- Mrs. Albert Eddy, bath of and Mns. Peg Hearle; 13, Mrs. 9A and Reg Bull PA; Curtain the land where his huge elec. Wouid the haider oi ticket logg, 3, Mont Bickle, 4, Mirs. Hampton; 13, Mrs. Dorothy Cecil Mutton and Charlotte Boy, Brandon Lander PA-, tricai sign la located. Sa, on No. 26,a pair ai bud vases, Mac. Irwin, al ai Port Hope; McFarland, 14, Mrs. Ruas Clarke; 14, Marie Stainton House Lights, Ron ShackeitonlWedncsday morning, it watt pl ase poe 8330 5, Màrs. Barbara Mercer, and Harrison, 15, Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Floyd Muttion; ,!D;BcSptLhtKihbig om dw. odub wer U4441 tu i. £6. r. tviercert oo. .ll----c, al..of Bo C rnbeUcoft.16, Mrs. DorothyC ý.servedCiarke - Poil 1, Mrs. Violet 17: Mrs. Ron Bowi serv10 D uivhauim Gilmer, Newtonville; 2, Mrs. lawa; 18, Mrs. Jes m ent l. ly, research and 7. was CollglfBu ment programs fhav- ed wt If the (RMPGON)p q te ih Keyta matar MMPAEO) other devicesf e op- iu advisony committees bave (FROM PAGE ONE) trnc da p ffense been sont copies and tbe rest Trnedaap 3th. will be sent out on noquest. he Joan will be forgiven wilI be carried oi costs, Thrèe tbousand copies wene by the ODC providing new plant. days. produced. cran cniin r buhi When asked whether foreign cran cniin r Mayor Hobbs students ane showing any In. Met over a six-year per-.dtec tcrost in Durham Colle go, Mn. e h o m Kinkconnell said ho b.d a let- id. thanks to thec i r tiram a Trinidad student an Frtpoduet to be for locating here questing application iorms and manufactured in the new the Ontario govE a copy ai the calendar. plati l edt nu n r adl Consideirable interesttla h-at iib dt nutadM. adî Ling shawn by students fromn units for computers for vital part they chHng Kong and from the West which substantial export He assured Mr Mira doesn't expeet a large îoneign orders are on hand. and his staff of ei )thons student ennolment yot because Hoe ls ' '- [cruit the college ls too new ta be L. F. ywel' President operaLion LUat c( ,antie, aih n the list af students L .Wills made the an- extended by cour Ber- proierences. pat The calendur, which la lîlua- nounicement at a recep- the citizens of th trated with pictures of students tion sponsored by the The mayor su at work, outitnes the nature aicmayFia fer httenwpa coWi- courses anmpstanyrnc thtrequirements. noon at The Flyingmenta thr pay Dutchman Motor Inn and also be an expai itier lnr arrangements were con- residential buildir was fîrmed by Trade and had been curtaile, Mun- M «yogt Development M i n 1 ster number of yas mw.7wm Stnley J. Randail. Both quate housing wc year (Floo PAGE otE) speakers congratulated available for Hot yeld the buildings ta be completed HiS W o r s h i p Mayor employees. >u-withxn anc year or the prop-HobCe_______ Mac- erty neverts ta the town at Hbs lrk-Controller ________ the price.ion which it was sold, Robert L. Byron and Wee$11,342. Il. During the nxtthermeber f on ru-six years the buyer ta have thxe o0 me rsOcon H oot firt efuaiet$1,000 an acre cil for having the fore- gta plus costa ion any adjacent rsen- land the town decides ta oei. sight to prepare servîceci'lt denSuch option ta expire at the industrial sites and other - N itMPAE O end o ai 0dys.(IOMPGOl thxe Couneillor Robent Dykatru facilities so the town l6th the ententainment aio maved that cauncîl apprave could accept new indus- by the Concert Band. eentihs inas heagree- .. Moevenings hrewl abe ndtionasenteddby try wîth a minimum f an Art Ehiiio vere Reeve Annie Oke, and carried. problems. Industnial Ants Displau Hil- By-Law 68-14 rogunding the will open ut 7 panx. Mrs suie by the Corporation ai Uic At the reception- Presi- The Girls' Gymnast f.n Town ai Bawmanville ta Hon- dentWls ulie thPayw mpsiv ,,,I- eywell Cantrols Limited a tetoflsolnd thwe 9F.Wa5IreasDa, hicb 11.342 acres. and authorizing background of the US Nola Ruby 9F and Maiý aio the Mayor and Cierk-Controll- based company whose 9B ably penionmed In or tao xecute the conveyance t music. They ware 'c-and affadi* the corpanate seul, sales last year totalled tîtgbts with colonfully )w:wsgiven three readings and 1 billion, 45 million dol- Iveoverue san w ket pussed. CnyAr agt ley, Announcement was mado lars. Total employment Richard Roger's "I Eni hel thut Uic tQwn bud recoivod in December ofls ear Ing A, Girl", and "De ern notice thaf a Municipal BoardoflsY Donegai" exceptianal ion Hearlng on the application ai by the firm was 69,248 Hon paise, contrai, and dle Durlingtan Township for an wthwere remunkable. David )ati onder concerning legul status wt wages and salaries 13A pluyed hon piano kand tatoment ai boundanies totalling $480 Millions. puniment. -' wili ho held on May 21,st ~ "I dean, poor dcaý il a.m. in the Cobourg M uni- Honeywell now makes mn landiord wants the ner cia Hall. excess of 35,000 produets I'm not fiat bad" was a f "n case anything sbould in- e a ~ ntertaining sketch roi valve the Town ai Bowman- an a ,500O employees îng un aid time silent ville if would ho wiso agieinCnada. Lights flickered and the teClenk-Contnoller authorlty the jumpy action so typ ta fillow it up," Mayor Hobbs The company is ane- fhe cinemu's oariy dayý stuted. This was moved bY ceedingly good Canadian was created and enuct CouncIllor Dykstra, soconded formebrso the te by Councillor Leslie Coobs, citizen, plowing profits staff: D. Duchesne, Mi IL and canied. back it t aaia sP .O'Brien anÈ it Councillon Maurice Prout ino ts andia M se,. aseconded by Councillon Dyk- plants instead of sending "Mother Goose Jump of stru. moved that Building Ina- themn back to the parent Chiarelli, a modern a: a. poctor R. Hethonington look mont af truditional n 1t over Clifi Pethick's junk-yund company, he continued. tale meladies was play, a, on Scugog Street, and repart d thticHigi School Band ,e back ta council. This was car-ý The new Keytape dt directed by Mr. Shontt. 't nied. A letton ai comiplaint preparation devîces that Young musicians wext )f rogarding fils property iad wl *4 warded with much appl L- been sent ta council by G . W. Le"Th.ier O Anece snatic n Plinski. A letton inom Oshawa away with the normal ai"hOfssiui i Municipal Councilidouling with- Jullus Cuesar was e) ýe a Comprebensive Planning and intermediary step of pre- îngly popular. R. W.' e rprtcatdond fedy an a otio parîng punched cards on dan, the Ltin teacheî, ýr clvedandfile ona moionthe dinector. The cusf:E 4by Councilion Prout, socondod conventional keypu n c lh -Paul Slemon, Dine<i eby Councillor Siackelton. machines. The plant here s rhonKnuhtsn Councîl concurred ta fe wth e syrAnCtirso iwilb fully equipped thony-Ian Peter, Julius I with the sophisticated ar-Ralph ouwneester, (fi. Imachinery required for Prompter-Mary TIghe, thI mauacue of K dlleus--David Waftson. Ci t, e eceos temauatue f e -Gary Murphy,Cina- rorkrs t S. MrysCerenttape including a wire id Passant. Casca - I ther oclate.layas Canteramachine. Eventual- Gough, Trebonlua - CI dwh lc atl saoh rapStevens and Lopidus-- dually grows inch by inch. request af Memorial Park As- The playlng oifthe t nderstood the silos will be sociation fa iaold a Tag Day on fnom "Exodus" as a1 he mnoment, if makes quite Safurdlay, June Iat. This was duet by Rita Vundemeent i aIl the lights burning and novd by Reove Oko, second-land Hildu Fenbeek 101) lwmunville;l'vrs. .sie Fi1e and Mrs. 'Jean lSwa-n 9A and Cornie Kuipersi another location will be found Castle, and Lintan; 16, Eleanor Parker IOD; Coat Roan, Diane Cowle where It can be seen from mrman, Osh- und Alma Powell, ailio Bow-19A, Susan Brown 9C. Susan Highway 401. DELOITTE, PLENDER,» HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., RJ.A. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728 -7527 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA DON-ALD D SL'ES PRESENTS1 1develop- part wr: Bob Cutbertson1 asscit-Novak I ID, Doug Slee 1I2D,! ;pe and Jack Vandenberg 12C7 andi for eleC- There were aiso a number mocessingof ai larlously funfly flllers' 6presented between the mainý ut in the numbers on the 'program.' well known TV commercials. express- lwTheefirstj had a 9A cast, andl s nti edt air Color." company ter, Mary Parker and Suzanneý ~~~ua "The :a;~~ Glen Rae Dairy"ý iernment salut. of a Ieading brewer~y.l 1for the played. r. Wills uggestei FO R ,d for a ould be FORD15 )neywell 1ho )oth be the ors Dis- ghe ck Ict- os, Be- )Id ell. ,vc the iy rt- de. ras of ils M4. r.. 'y y I) ~ok Special Fonds sud Mustango Fond LTD'x, XL's, Tornnas specially equipped aud [ 1 and Fairlanes equipped specially priced! [ the wuy you want them! ___w1~- 1966 PLYMOUTH Economîcal 6 cyl. Lic. 546345. 1965 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE V-8, 4-speed transmission, radio. Boney Gold with white top. Lic. L2064.$ 1 9 TOP DOWN PRICE $1 95 1964 FORD GALAXIE 9150010 CON VERTIBLE V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steenlng, radio. Candy Apple Red with white top. Lic. L6300. $ 6 TOP DOWNPRICE $16- 95 1963 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4-DR. SEDAN V-8 engine, automnatie transmission. Shiminenlng Red with matchint interlor. Lie. X98434. MacDONALD FORD SALES - 2 LOCATIONS- OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE 520 King St. W. - 723-5241 219 King St. E. - 623-2534 -A' CA5 HUDRS 4 1965R THUNERDO Power steerlng and brakes piu windows, custoso radio and air condltionlng. Lic. K92616. 1964 CORVAIR 2-DR. Lic. K98440. nq SALE PRUCE - ----- --$ 2 1963 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl.. automatie transmission, cutoso radio. Lic. K93382.83 SALE PICE 1963 CHEVY Il 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., standarshoif t. Lic. K74091. SALE PRICE ------ 1962 PONTIAC STRATOCH IE P 4-DR. SEDAN S yl., automatie trasmission, lus power le -0à Il ,U-ý .1 ÀWJ- - $16 7 7

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