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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1968, p. 5

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-. J- OMB'S Decision Slows b rono Road Pro gram Aithough the Ontario Muni- the road prajett, It aniy slows; left aver until Mr. Nicholson cipal Board has withheid its; it.,, "Let's face it, we are not!1 returns from bis holiday. aPProval of the $108,700 road. warking for two years and1intemaie gner project in Orono it does natî paying engineers and then let!Inae eatimte cengineers aPp$ ntly mean that the'it drap," he said. "We bave'aeetraig h ato o sc~eIs ta be shelved. This, gone ta a lot af expense. It ng Individual sections. Bath became quite evîdent at an 'wiil be done." he stated. Mr. Woodyard and Mr. Simp- Orano Police Trustee meet-. Mr. Woodyard said that! o ttdtattewr ol Ing when It was said that th-e there were oniy a few abject- naw cast the Orono taxpayer work wili be done but spread ors te the proposai. The two Imore rnaney under a plan ta over a period af time. imembers briefiy dlscussed the;do the work over the next The Inspecting Trustee, Mr.inext mave in which they in- five years. Douglas Simpson, said that the tend te proceed this year. Mr. Mr. Woodyard stated that he People didn9t need te think the Waodyard favared storm sew- beiieved the caunty wauid go plan was out, "It is gaing ers for Church Street whiie, ahead with their portion ni thraugh one way or anather."! Mr. Simpson stated that the the praject even though the lie said. Mr. Simpson said jwork should start an Park!0MB had turned the project "'the 0MB refusai doesn't stop 1Street. The matter Is being down.-Times. 1~ Dollars and Good Sense by William J. Martin ýTherefore, I would recor-are not subject ta the sai This caîumn is a regular 'rnend, ln the very first Instance,'rIsk potential as individu weekly feature prenared by that your savings pragrarnu belstocks which are influenc the Famiiy Financial Coun- Ibuldt upon adequate 111e in-lby factors tao nurneraus seiling Service ai the Avca Surance coverage, the bestIllist. Delta Corporation, P.O. Box 'form ai savings and protectioný The next step would be1 2820, London, Ontario. Al cornbined « vestment in the sa-called "bl questions submitted ta the Another carnerstone af yaurj chip" stocks which traditi< above address wil.I be an- ýsavîngs programr shouid be ani ally have enjoyed a relat: swered, in print or by return adequate cash reserve, in aýrsk-free grawth with, mail. Names will not be used ýsavings account, that will ai- course, a canservative retui in print. However, ail ques- ford you the ability ta live at Fina1ljy, if aiter ail th, tians should be accompanied ileast three months without in- bases have been tauched, y, by a complete name and 1came shauld that become may want ta invest same address. ýnecessary. your money in speculati iIf, having cared for these stocks where you can ma' Dear Sir: My financial sit-1 tw areas, yau stili have funds a lot - and lose just as mu< Uation is a littie differenti for savings, I wauld recarn- This ix the framework ai fro smeyo'v benwrt-mend a sale mutual fund. balanced savings progra fng abot.Ma y'ebe I have -0Mutual funds fluctuate with which I would recarnmend problemout ab ailv e' neÂ~he total economy and thusthose who can develop iA. ested in getting the rnost for' rny money, too. I have almost ail my savings in liue insur-Durham County Clul ance which has accumulated a cansiderable cash value. inawever, with Inflation andi the decline in the purchasingiN w i t 0 h Y a power af the dollar, I wander If I shouldn't cash in my in- This year, 1968, marks the during the depression year surance policies and use thati 70th Anniversary af this Club. in 1932 reduced ta writlng bu rnoney ta "«play" the stock Hearsay gives the Impression nti rn osiui mnarket where there's a better that 70 years is a longerfotaprtacnttui chance ai greater return on period ai existence, than most adopted by the members, Ir my lnvestment. What do you If not ail, clubs ai this kind. cluding the adoption af th think ? This fact suggests the ques- present name "The Durhar Lucky tion. why Is this sa, as n1o CunyCb"Hedfe t 1 think two things. Fîrst, actual constitution seerns ta unt Club".the delibedsta kew people have enaugh money have been cammitted tai print. orpose ainth eclufasr ta "play" the stock market. Any arganization ta survive ranatnta etfo That is a very dangerous and prasper must have samne 1) Renewlng aid acquaint business where the chances ai aimn and fulfili some purpase anceships and forming ne' losing yaur savîngs are at least and in this the Club ix noa1anes; 2) General entertair as great as your chances ai exception. ment and eniightenment: .3 lnaking money. Buying andl Sixteen gentlemen from Dur- Furtherance ai good citizer selling stocks is a highly tech- ham, among them Messrs. ship. nicai profession which requir- James L. Hughes, Thomasý Since the iaunding ai th es cantinuing study and know- Yellowlees and J. D. Keachie,lClub, scientific advances hav ledge oi the market, econamnic arganized the 'Durham Oid outpaced by iar aur intellectu eonditions-and business growth Boys' Association' on June 4th, ai betterment. Computers cal potential. I ar nont opposed ta 1898, "To become better ac: be built ta suppiy certail Investments In the stock mar- quainted and ta renew former answers, but nat ideas. Henci ket. 1 caution against "play-, acquaintances". it Is reasanable ta think tha Ing" the market unless you The 2th Anniversary min- 1 strivlng ta attain the aims anc have money ta ]ose. utes make mention oaia&consti- principies ai Mr. Ciemes anc Second, *we have always. tution, and the adoption by Dr. Hughes will have as greaý recammended a balanced sav-, the mýembers af a resalution or greater scope than ln th( Ings pragram, designed firstoai changing the name ta "The past In qualifying us ta becom( -ij~ ta pratect the saver fromý Durhamn County Old Boy< better nationalinson.rh 4.ffture emergency situations Club". ctzn.0 .Dcisn !demanding available cash.1 Walter Clemes, President! e Dta HAIRD4 lue-" We have styles for aul Ivue ai ~ tian ever! A permane: 7se On Sunday evening, a large congregation attend- a delicious lunch was served in the Sunday School! ta lIfatr"o" aua ed the reception for Trinity United Church's new room when thase present had an appartunîty ta meet! FOR APPOINTMEN ve Organist and Choir Director William M. Findlay, B.A., the Findlay family. The above picture shows, fram PO E6379 ,ke A.C.C.0., A.T.C.M. and his family. Following an enter- lef t ta right, Douglas Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. William ý PO E6379 eh. taining organ recital provided by Mr. Findia and A. Findlay Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fnlyad ajnîdn ei eetos ya ny ida n r incuipaceosl ecwih his so Wm. A. Findlay, Donald Findlay. The two younger sons are attending Open Evenings ta rnia cellist wt the National Ballet orchestra, collegiate in Scarbarough. by appolntment section of the electrical ln-* -- )Instantaneously after the smailest amaunt ai current Don't forget ta attend thelidaughter and children return- Centennial quilt of Tyrone leakage occurs. A number ai AuctinSSleltoyroeofiteBe makes have been approved by Church Friday evening, Mardi wihhe mterfo vsi.United Church at the home aioalnffB theCandia StndrdsAs-~oisSorry ta hear Mr. W. VivianjMrs. G. Alidread. 57 KING ST. W. rs, sociation aiter rigorous test- H-' r pnaig aMmra optlfrasr!Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Pharei O M NIL uing and are naw available in danc sardasponsigfrmat-ion Hopta.or s were Sunday supper guests afiBO M NIL utOntario. Casts will vary fo ac atra ih famro1:3 a mîty'Mr ErPrscttin r. and Mrs. Don Alîman andi Dn pool ta pool. depending an te83 t 13 theComniy Mali rsct adMrs.,- ý n~- number ai lights invoived and Hl. George Alldread called ani' he other particulars af the Instai- Symipatiy is extended ta Mr.;Mrs. Edith Murphy at the' lation. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent and home of lier daugiter, Mr. and, Onai Hyr bandtefam ily on the passing ai her Mrs. RyMLaghin Nestie- hagremn Ho ote the rvnilmotier and grandmother, Mrs. 'ton.Ro cugin Committee on the OntariL. D Syes Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtueý Electrical Code before making Sympathy ta Mrs. Gardon visited Mr. and Mms. Eaml t- the changes. The Comnmittee White an the recent death af Masters, Bowmanviile. wincludes among its members her sister Mrs. Abner Langley , Ms Kathy Hoar, Toronto;' WE HAVE THE RIGFHTGIFTI1 n- representatives ai the Consuit- Newcastle.. Mr. John Hoar, Ottawa; Mrs.1 ) ing Engineers Association. Mrs. F. Phillip eturnr'd!Leiha Wer and family, Orono;ý rl Underwriters' Labomatomies, the home last week after spendingifMr. and Mrs. Mervin Smith! Association ai Municipal Elec- a time witli her daugiter Ehaine, Part Hope; Mm.! O U D IDk TID e trical Utîlities. the Electrical and Mmx. Gene Roberts andland Mrs. Ken McQuaid andF WWUOR FU NIUM e Cantractors Association and chldren, Chattanooga, Tenn.jDanny, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrx» IADsIA T BE SN LU G ithe Ontario Fire Mashal's We weme pleased ta learnlierjL. S. Hoar, Toronto, werel "" LL, ABL, UN-"U GE ýn Office. weekend visitors ai Mr. and 2 CHAIRS AND GROUND ANCHOR ýn Tic Ontario Swimming Pool TTr Mrs. A. J. Hoar and Louise. ,e Association also recclved a STARK VIL Mrs. A. J. Hoar and lierî COMPLETE SET 7 9 Icopy ai the proposais. mother, Mrs. F. A. Werry ai' Reg. $119.00 - SPECIAL - 7 . , ýd Hydro considercd making Mmx. Dobson was a weekend Bowmanville visited Mrs. D. .1.1 d extra low voltage wiring (301 guest witli Miss Stewart, Hooper, Orono, and Mrx. W.ý LAWN CHAIRS - - - - - $4.59ea ivolts or less) mandatary for Sixth Line. J. S. Rundie, Bowmanville, on' ________________________ ýe pool ligits, but thi.5 was ruled Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cs e itdy ýe ut wel ndfamily were dinner Sunday aiternoon callers of! SEE OUR SELECTION 0F SKLAR LOUNGERS d In swimmîng pools,", ex- guests witi Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and! plains Hydro Ciairman George Harold Best, Wesleyville, Sun- Doug were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gathercole, "we are concernied day. Park and baby, Oshawa, and' not only about potential shock Mrs. John Stark attended a Mr. and Mrs. J. Murdochi and' M cON'S FR hazards irom conventianai shower for Miss amle M-family, Bowmanville.SperQN N SF R voltage levels, but also very Cullocli at the home af Mrs.iguests were Mm. and Mrs. Jimý low electrical currents tiat by John Logan, Bawmanvilie. jPark, Peterborough; Mr. and' C tlicmselves are not necessamily Mr. R. Pearce, Makamn, Mrs alph Boesan I& U P H O LST E I fatal ta a swmmr but can cailed at Mm. Llew Hallowell's, f Cilifford Byamn. 71 KING ST. E. be ai sufficient magnitude ta Saturday afternoon. Club 49 are quilting thelrii cause shoèk and elther Im- mobilize or panic tic vîctîm. Wlth lier daughters. Nancy! « and Mmx. A. Gray, Mrs. Sid1 5 tTic equipmcnt ta be In- Haliowell was iostess for ai ~ i salled is designcd tai meet sîower Saturday evening for (< " ithese strIngent safety require- Miss Darlien McCulioch, a'à,1D~>1) ~ IIu >J (l -ments." June bride-clcct. , '-e-~iIIj'Jc7I N'L i on a ai e c Each device ix equipped Mr. and Mmx. Brian Caswell cihckd tery o dayb mesthe attended an Odd Feliows ban-' wh ae te butaand musthe utl omnie aury tpool lighting is used tai ensure eveni Bwnav.le atra fit Is in opeating condition. A ng iwarning sign bearing this Mr. and Mmx. Bruce Don-, advice must be locatcd nea; nelley and Darmeli, Port Hope,: the contrai switch for the were dinner guests witi Mrs. 1 Silgits. L. Tadd, Sunday. Witi this system and the IMm. and Mmx. E. Shuer. aof additional requirements ai Toronto, at Mr. Lloyd alia- [double grounding, says Mr. Wells and Mrs. Suier attend-' Gathercole. "the maximum. cd the shawer for Miss Mc-îSUND Y M A12t safety afforded by present-day Cuiloch at Mmx. Sid Hailo- electrical teclinoiogy will be well's. available." Mr. and Mrs, Harold Little,: E NY LN M L S ' Ontario Hydro administers Campiellford, were dinner the electricai code ln the prov-i guests at Mr. Llew Haliowell's, SUMMER CANDIES ASSORTMENT CELEBRITY CIH Inmce and lias been tic electrîcalJ Friday, last week. xe 1-b14O.B in.spection authomity since 191,5.- Bo d1lb Its 200 electrical inspectars are vle~Dvle~ " ciarged with protecting lîves WESLEY VILLE Reg. v le$1,50 Specia. $139 eg.vau $10 and prapemty in Ontario by ___________________________ making sure ahi electrical Thex smeit finaliy came and emyisald uniy tsawyequipment ix sale and prop- i ~~F N Y T N / eryintlad wnder when so many are F N Y T N I taken from tiecrceeks that cÂ,.%r. daA F..i:l. n I... :.1 r.L.... 'U E Compulsory Safety Device.c For Swim Pools 'Ontario swimming Pol with underwater lighting will smon be subject ta a new regulation making It manda- tory ta Instail an automatic safety device, Ontario Hydrc annaunced taday. As af May 1, new pools mnust Include the equipment and by November 1, al Pools with underground lighting will be required ta have It. The device, cailed a graund fault pratectar, Is mandatory under recent changes made by Hydro ln the Ontario Electrical Code and appraved by a cross- Cet Cash Today For GId AppliancesI .9 T A T E 8 M A N Ph 6 23-3303 Tri nity's Organist, Choir Director Performs at Recital IeCanadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May:B. adM .snDrew, Oshawa. 'is extended rs Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Haines Toni Janczyn, Margaret, Don- and children were Sunday sup- aid, and Faye on the sudden per guests of his parents, Mr. tragie death of their son and and Mrs. R. Haines, Caesarea.1brother, Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, son Russell, Bowmanville, were Burketon; Mrs. Roy Grahami, Sunday callers af Mr. and Gall and Sybil, were Monday Mrs. G. Alidread. ýevening caflers af Mr. and Mrs Len Thornett, Halibur-' Mrs. Walter Rahm. ton; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mort-! Friday evening there were aock, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. T.11 tables af Euchre. Prizes Janczyn and famiiy wereIwere awvarded ta Messrs. Carl guests of Mr. and Mrs. R-iGimbett, Clarence Waodley, Gibbs. i Bil Cox, Lloyd Crago, Mrs. Miss Margaret Janczyn, Tor-!Annie Drinkie, Mrs. Ceci] onto, is spending this week atiMalle.% 50-50 draw was won ber borne. Heartfelt sympathy iby Mrs. Joe Crawford. Make MotFier Queen for Her UfIT..UARtY enaugi survive ta propagate! the species but another year; MRS. HELEN M. STINSON lias always brouglit them back, at least sa far. Big Aiter a pmolonged Ilness, fihlts af wild geese wentý tie deati ai Mmx. Helen Mamg- nortih ast week, too. aret Stinson occurred A pri 18, 1968, at tic Falmvlewý Linda Thamndyke lias been Lodge, Whîtby.1 home for the past week, a Theeldst augterofEiza- break between schoal and lier. The ldes dagite ai work ln Kingston at Queen's beti and tic late James wîcre sic went this past Thomas Stark, tie deceased wcekend. xvas bomn in En-field, Dec. 7, 1915. Sic had ]ivcd tiere near- ,Saron Tiamndyke was ln- ]y al hem life witî tic excep- i temviewed last week regard-' tion ai 10 years ln the Colum- Ing a teaching position for bus reaandtwo nd nc ah'next yeam and has been accept- years aithti Fairview Ladge.c1 ytcSabaogiSio She attended Enfield PublcI Board. t School, O'Neil Coîhegiate and lara Darke was able t Vncational institute and the brmaveraver'ome rom ler, Brnoklin Higli Schnal. Sic wa rter Hngcta atweek a liiclong member of En,-.-Jie le on ty wy United Churcli and tic Enfleld; Churci service was at Wel- U.C.W.came on Sunday mamningi Mm, tisa x urivd nd at Sunday Schooi heme tic lirs iusn Nora H. SUn afferlng wai rcceived by Timn son, wiom she NomanmHri NichaIs and Wesley Best. Mrs.! Mardi 1942, he mathie wlo J.Fraser played tic opening! lives 19n2,tic rColumbus ar ymn in tic absence of; twve dithers olmsa e, Marylin Nichais; Margo Payne! ten (Annhe of shata Wot-1 piayed tic concluding hymn te An)o saaand a1coigpayrwsldb Miss Marion Stinson ai Tom- tidc in raterboys Sadra onto, a sister Mrs. Fred Tay- tPayntedsinargeoy. andtic lor (Grace) ai Toronto, a bro. an a ncag fte ter James Stark ai R.R. f iPrimary Class.: Oshawa, and two grandsons' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nichi Glenn and Grant Wotten. ' ais ai Part Carling were wcek-! The memarial service at 2' end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.! p.m. April 20th, was conduct-! Carroll Nichais. cd by Rev. Mary Alice Dough- Thc quarterly Sunday Sciooh erty at the Armstrong Funeral meeting was held in the Sun-' Home, Oshiawa. Burial took! day Schaol raom, Mondayi! place in Hampton Cemetery. 1 cvening, April 3th. with Gea., Thc palîbeamers wcre friends Tufford in charge. SuppliesJ and former neigbbors, C. neefo!r thc comlng mantbsi Avery. F. Bray, W. Bowman,lwere discussed and changes in F. Griffin, H. Grills and w.! classes for the next term. Pascoe. i The Thorndyke family ccee Ticernanv beautilul floral! brated Lewis' birtiday et Rock tributes showed the higi es-1 aven on the evening o! the'i cern ini wilch se was held. thrd ofMay. i Dauty RING 50 WMAN VI LLE CHUCKLES HOCOLATES )XED 41% 88 SAVE 45c ON SAVE $1.00 Yordey erfued oupYardley Perfuined Yardey erfued oap TalCUM& Cologne Gift Set $1.95 Value - Special $150 $3.50 Value- Special $2.50 Boxed French BUBBLING BATH OIL COLD CREAM SOAP Assorted Fragrances a Special at $1.25 $1.0 Vale Spcial69cFor Mother's Day OnIy $1.O Vaue pecil 6c ~4 CAKES FOR 99C CX 16 .%aUaUi -FIL Reg. $1,72 - ----------OnIy $149 CX 127 CX 120 CX620 FREE FILM - FREE FILM- FREE FILM - FREE FILM - FREE FILM REMEMBER MOM- ON FILM - ON MOTHER'S DAY ' wi A NEW ROLL 0F FILM FREEm ww WITH EVERY BLACK and WHITE or KODACOLOR FILM I LEFT FOR DEVELOPING and PRINTING FREE FILM - FREE FILM- FREE FILM - FREE FI-LM - FREE I'm PRESCRIPTION FREDERICK'S PAMC KODACHROME Smm MOVIE FILM F.ON C. 23-2546Schm 67 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-2546 80 WMAN VI LIE I bat ant ent 4T 1 Reg. $5 1 &.11 1 0 j ui mbburiea rngiisn Diue mira i ortee e i.t,> to :bz.-UC) 67 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE

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